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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 640x480, gothic-lolita-girls-122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1773831 No.1773831 [Reply] [Original]

It is over, lolicon is finished.

>> No.1773848

The world ends in 20XX

>> No.1773851

This is never going to pass anyway

>> No.1773864

Haha yes those statistics on rapes per 100,000 people are very accurate.

>> No.1773866


>> No.1773878

They go by convictions, so the only alternative is that the police just got really sloppy lately.

>> No.1773882
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>> No.1773881


>> No.1773892


>> No.1773893

Same idiot.

>> No.1773916

There's that argument that crimes aren't reported as frequently in Japan. But the rest of the countries still stand.

>> No.1773917


Or it could be that not all rapes are reported! :O

Also I hope sankaku realizes that it's correlation = causation argument is exactly what groups lobbying for these laws use to pass off their logical fallacies.

Wait what am I doing reading this far into a sankaku article.

>> No.1773930

Looks like shame was introduced into Japan during the 80s. That's why there's a decrease in reported crime!

>> No.1773942

>>Also I hope sankaku realizes that it's correlation = causation argument is exactly what groups lobbying for these laws use to pass off their logical fallacies.

What Sankaku does is show that not even the correlation exists. It's an excellent way to shoot down their false arguments.

>> No.1773947


Sexual assault is a crime that's under-reported across the world. Any data based on convictions alone is flawed to the point of being useless.

>> No.1773957

>>Or it could be that not all rapes are reported! :O

It's stupid to assume that explains the statistical phenomenon, especially in light of the charts that show that the number of reported rapes went DOWN in Japan from the moment that porn became available. What, did they just suddenly become more reserved?

>> No.1773963

The point is the fact that rapes are unreported has no affect on the overall data, because it is always unreported and always has been. So the average number should remain the same.

>> No.1773968

Nobody has explained why Japanese rapes are so vastly under-reported per capita than every other country's rapes.

>> No.1773979

The only "rational" argument the ban enthusiasts have is their assertion that sexual crimes on paper cause sexual crimes in real life, but statistical data simply does not support that claim. I don't see why there's any controversy about this, it's plain as day.

The only reason people try to ban lolicon is because it makes them, the grown-ups, feel icky. That's all there is to it. "I don't like it, therefore it must be forbidden."

>> No.1773993

Japanese penises are so minute that most women barely class it as rape.
It's more of a minor inconvenience to them, compared to the mentally scaring horror it is considered to be in the Western world.

>> No.1774023

>People should care why Japanese rapes are so vastly under-reported per capita than every other country's rapes.

>> No.1774030

Cigarettes harm more people than lolicon does.
Literally, how many INJURIES does lolicon cause compared to DEATHS cigarettes cause?

In fact, I would argue second hand smoke from smokers harm more children's body parts than all the naked loli figurines, pillows, and rape impregnation bondage mangas combined. No, fuck that, throw in ALL animu porn in. All animu porn in the entire world. I would fucking bet UNICEF a billion dollars cigarettes in Japan alone harm more children than all the anime porn in all the world combined.

No. Fuck THAT. SHARKS hurt more children than animu porn does.

>> No.1774031


Suggesting coorelation does not exist is as big of a logical fallacy, since you're still stating a relationship (or the implied lack of one) simply by juxtaposing the data. In essence it's the same sort of shit that religious lobby groups do when trying to tie violent video games with anti-social behaviour.

It makes me mad because there are legitimate arguments against these laws and misrepresenting data is not necessary.


How do you know they're under-reported evenly per country? Why do we even need to defend data with so many holes in it?

>> No.1774027


Suggesting coorelation does not exist is as big of a logical fallacy, since you're still stating a relationship (or the implied lack of one) simply by juxtaposing the data. In essence it's the same sort of shit that religious lobby groups do when trying to tie violent video games with anti-social behaviour.

It makes me mad because there are legitimate arguments against these laws and misrepresenting data is not necessary.


How do you know they're under-reported evenly per country? Why do we never need to defend data with so many holes in it?

>> No.1774135

>Haha yes those statistics on rapes per 100,000 people are very accurate.
When you factor in anecdotal evidence that ~90% of rapes in Japan go unreported (and it is anecdotal at best, because it's unreported), that brings the UN survey to ~18 rapes per 100,000 in Japan, still half of that of America -- and that's still before adjusting America's numbers due to unreported rapes.

>> No.1774153


Don't worry, they're working on banning smoking too.

If the moralfags have their way, the only vice the human race will have 50 years from now is fucking lip balm.

>> No.1774155

Statistics: Real life plot device.
What the fuck? Sankakufags Tuesday or something?

>> No.1774157

ITT: We pull numbers out of our ass.

>> No.1774160

What is wrong about Sankaku ?

>> No.1774166

It is just like 2chan/4chan, and as you know 4channers hate everything, especially themselves.

>> No.1774186

So you're comparing roughly the equivalent to a retarded british tabloid to retarded Anonymous imageboards? Cool story, sankakufag.

>> No.1774198

many people started reading it because it has one good thing: quantity of content. It's a great time sink with lots of useless "news".
With many people reading it came posts about it on 4chan and subsequent hating on eveything popular.

>> No.1774217

I guess so.
Yeah, typical from low tier Anons.
Very sad.

>> No.1774219

So yellow journalism is now quality content?

>> No.1774237

Sensationalist articles + porn to raise hits, quality stuff right there.

>> No.1774240

>It's a great time sink
You're scum among NEETs.

>> No.1774259

>You're scum among NEETs.
I chuckled.

>> No.1774264

>Sensationalist articles + porn to raise hits
It is like I am really on 4chan!
I dont think you know what yellow journalism means. Enjoy your sage.

>> No.1774276

Oh, don't worry, I do.

>> No.1774279

Since when 4chan is a "news" website? Are you really trying to compare an imageboard with a blog?

>> No.1774294

Both websites share the same userbase, even if you dont like that.

>> No.1774296

Bump for rage,

>> No.1774306


>> No.1774314

True story: I stuck a stick of lip balm up my ass when I was like 6.
I am not sure what I was trying to accomplish at all.

>> No.1774317

Even though what you say it's true, it has nothing to do with the content of both websites.

>> No.1774325
File: 84 KB, 448x424, 26325__448x_lolicon-haet-raep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good thing about this site is how casual they are with topics surrounding loli.

Also, what the fuck happened in '65?

>> No.1774432

>ITT: We pull numbers out of our ass.

Statistics are not ass pulls, I'm afraid. But nice try.

>> No.1774442

That's what you think.

>> No.1774447

I was referring to the amount of unreported rapes.

>> No.1774453

I sure as fuck wouldn't delete a single picture from my hard drive in case some kind of anti-lolicon law got passed. I don't even like lolicon in particular, but that sort of shit is just retarded. It's like that recent law that, effectively, declared mp3 players illegal because they can be used to play DRM-protected files.

I've seen a worrisome trend that looks like the nannies are trying to get so many things banned that everybody on Earth is guilty of something. After that, you can get anybody you dislike convicted just by digging deep enough.

>> No.1774458

Who is girl in OP?

>> No.1774470

OP here.
It is just a random Goth Loli.

>> No.1774473

>After that, you can get anybody you dislike convicted just by digging deep enough.

Just as keikaku.

My dad got convicted for flicking his cigarette ashes out of his car window. Charged with "throwing burning material out of a moving vehicle".
He was in an empty parking lot when some cop pulled up out of nowhere to charge him with that.

>> No.1774480


they and their USRBS defended the author of Kannagi and raged about the 2D adoring group of people.
Pretentious low leven scum, many filthy females and white knights.

>> No.1774503

Here's a new idea for a law: a global ban for any censorship forever, and any attempts to restrict an artist from expressing himself. How's that sound, faggets?

>> No.1774508

As long as there is religion, there will be censorship.

>> No.1774512


Religion's fine, as long as you don't let the churchfags be the ones that design the laws.

>> No.1774518


I vote this man for the president of the universe.

>> No.1774522

>As long as there are humans, there will be oppression.


>> No.1774537

>As long as there are humans, there will be oppression.

Why do people have to get in each other's face over whether someone is whacking off to something or not? They waste all their time caring about whether I'm jerking off to crudely drawn little children, instead of actually saving the millions of starving and dying children around the world. Hell, I'd rather these assholes be animal rights activists pissing themselves over lab rat experiments. At least rats actually fucking exist, as opposed to FICTIONAL CHILDREN.

>> No.1774544

where did I write about quality content? I said sankaku has ONLY ONE positive aspect: the quantity of shit.
I never stated it's a great time sink FOR ME. I think sankaku sucks shit. But in the week or so I had its RSS there was not a day in which 5-6+ articles popped up. By all standards, that's great (sites like heisei and such update once every year), but when I realized most of those 'news' where just LOLZ FUNNEY comments of pics you can find everywhere I said fuck this shit.

>> No.1774553

>many people started reading it because it has one good thing: quantity of content.
>quality of content

>> No.1774555

They act out of emotions. Their actions aren't sensible and intellectual, they do not start by thinking to themselves "I want to make the world a better place, who needs my help the most?". They act out of having been told their whole lives that attraction to children is wrong. For this reason, all they know is that it feels wrong for them. From that they have the option of learning whether there's any sound argument to establish that it is wrong, but by default it's only an emotion.

>> No.1774575


notice anything different between the two words fuckwit?

>> No.1774592

How does I shot dyslexia?

>> No.1774595


Earlier in the week I was in a chat with some guy talking about how I was into loli and it started off by him calling me a sick fuck etc., but then I go on to explain how I agree that child rapists should all be shot and that there's a difference between fapping to 3D lolis having sex, 3D lolis just walking around naked, and 2D loli in general. In the end he told me he didn't want to talk anymore because he wasn't comfortable chatting with a pedo.

>> No.1774627
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>> No.1774713

People would prefer to lock children inside cages, never touch them, comfort them, hug them or kiss them than to accept the fact that children are humans too, with same feelings as them and equally smart just with less experience in things.
People are hypocrites. They consider a drawing will hurt children and not environmental pollution, strict upbringing, lack of family contact and abuse in school.
Well done humanity. Well done.

>> No.1774743

I assumed you just misspelled it.

>> No.1774744
File: 22 KB, 280x390, Josef_Fritzl_280_477364a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>People would prefer to lock children inside cages, never touch them, comfort them, hug them or kiss them than to accept the fact that children are humans too, with same feelings as them and equally smart just with less experience in things
what's wrong with that

>> No.1774751

You didn't get the "never touch them" part down, I'm afraid.

>> No.1775367

Unicef should focus on how many students kill themselves and notice that we should ban schools to save children.

After all, if there is ANY connection, we need to get rid of the cause.

>> No.1775403

Right UNICEF, and banning lolis will do much more to stopping child abuse than going after some of the sick brothels in places like bangkok will ever do.

Fucking idiots. I'm surprised that an organization which has done some good for the world could fail so hard.

>> No.1775402


I hope I'm not the only one who recognized the image as being from the game "Rape! Rape! Rape!", which is humorously relevant to the topic at hand. Also, it was a very good game.

>> No.1775406

Do you get to rape her?

>> No.1775437

This is the same U.N. whose peacekeepers were running child prostitution brothels in Africa.

The U.N. is tsundere for child porn.

>> No.1775456


Short answer: yes

Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssss

>> No.1775469
File: 118 KB, 540x751, 1229459248070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the same U.N. whose peacekeepers were running child prostitution brothels in Africa.
Oh shi-, is there an article or something I could read about this?

>> No.1775483

I can never unsee the mutant arm in this picture.

>> No.1775488


Damn, now I see it.

>> No.1775497

>>child prostitution
LOL not even pedophiles want that shit, I'm sure. Fucking disgusting african lolis...

>> No.1775500

Just listen to the ALI project while imagining ZUN raping you through your penis hole.

>> No.1775517

What are you talking about? Little brown girls are the best after all.

>> No.1775538

>children are humans too, with same feelings as them and equally smart just with less experience in things.

And I'm sure with that line of thought, you can justify having sex with a kid if they say "ok you can put your pee pee in since you say it's alright."

children aren't as intelligent as adults and they sure as fuck don't have the same feelings. while you're worrying about fucking job interviews and university she's probably stressed over spilling her lunch and asking mommy for a new doll, pedo

>> No.1775611
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>> No.1775612

On average, a human's brain doesn't completely mature until age 26.

However, I really disagree with age-based laws. People mature at different rates, as their experiences based on environment can also shape them. Some very mature 13 year olds have enough knowledge and intelligence to make major decisions for themselves, while some ditzes really shouldn't be making serious decisions even at age 18, be it about sex or cigarettes. There are geniuses who attend universities at age 10, and there are also 20 year olds who basically behave like children and act irresponsibly and immaturely. Children should indeed be protected, but what constitutes "children" shouldn't solely be based on how old they are.

>> No.1775617

Yeah I was talking about fucking hypocrites like you.
Feelings aren't only for sex. A child doesn't even have the hormones for that. But a child understands when there are problems inside the family, even unconsciously.
A child suffers when its parents divorce, when they lose their job, when they are sick even if they don't understand exactly what's going on.
You don't need to talk like a retarded to a child. The children understand. You don't have to talk about bees and flowers to explain how sex works to them. You don't need to talk about going on a trip to explain them what death is.
Moralfags like you, who label with pedo so easily anyone who tries to tell what the real dangers for those children are, are those who make them suffer.
There are pedos out there. There are people who kill their children and who rape them. But those people are 1% of the society. The majority of the people threat their children equally as animals or complete shit and they label their actions as morality, legitimacy and model citizenship.
Just because they had fucked up childhood, doesn't give them the right to threat their children like shit. Children need someone to listen to them, love them. They need both physical and psychological contact. But I doubt someone with your pervert and corrupted mind would ever understand that.

>> No.1775618
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>> No.1775627

i lol'd

>> No.1775637

the butthurt is strong with this pedo

>> No.1775642

More like you are a "lol internet" 15 years old and he is a parent.

>> No.1775670


>> No.1775696

>well thought out post that uses logic and disproves other people
>calls him a pedo to try and save face, and falls into his logic trap anyway

Yup, I'm in 4chan.

>> No.1775726
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>and falls into his logic trap anyway

>> No.1775736

Oh no!

>> No.1775799

oh yes!

>> No.1777133

This thread is precisely why I give ridiculous amounts of money to the CBLDF, ACLU, and EFF.

>> No.1778419
File: 198 KB, 3000x4001, 1229506595536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guise whats going on?

>> No.1778434

WHAT?? No loli?? Fuuuuuuuuuuck.....

>> No.1778435

can't they just say that there 18 or over

>> No.1778631


>children aren't as intelligent as adults and they sure as fuck don't have the same feelings. while you're worrying about fucking job interviews and university she's probably stressed over spilling her lunch and asking mommy for a new doll, pedo

because i'm sure you worry about where you are going to find food each day or that if you get sick there will not be any medicine for you.
just because their worries are different does not make someone else less intelligent. the only difference between an adult and a child is the amount of knowledge, experience and understanding they have obtained. the child will always have the intelligence to know to put two and two together, the only question is do they have the relevant knowledge to do so.

>> No.1778637

here is a stupidity we can find in some countries
someone who is "young" is not smart enough to decide that he likes someone but he's smart enough to be recognize as a killer if he stabs someone.

>> No.1778654

Hurr durr. Did you bother reading what you just wrote?

>> No.1778656

>everybody on Earth is guilty of something


>> No.1778661

You obviously don't know very much about psychology or physiology.

>> No.1778678

and you did?

>> No.1778679

This is an incredibly stupid argument for many many reasons.

>> No.1778690

I don't read it for news, I read it for humour

As in I DON'T humour its "real" news

>> No.1778718

i don't know if i rambled or not. let me summarize what my block of text was supposed to get across.

1. children are just as smart as an adult.
2. children lack experience, knowledge and understanding.
3. the argument i quoted was invalid due to comparing things that would worry a child to that which would worry an adult. i proposed a counter point that could come from a child in a third world country.
