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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1772173 No.1772173 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything wrong with preferring Onee-sama characters that you feel can protect you or take care of you? Or is that kinda gay?

>> No.1772184

You secretly desire a mother-type figure and wish to return to the womb.

>> No.1772188

This is because you are a pussy in real life. So you naturally want a strong willed woman to take charge of your life.

>> No.1772194

Only if it ends in wincest.

>> No.1772195

Personally I'd perter a strong woman to stand equal with.

>> No.1772200

because if it was a big brother type figure, it would be gay.

>> No.1772206
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But she'll help improve my life, too ;_;

>> No.1772230

It's not. You have the advantage of a more mature, intelligent partner with a larger cup size and greater skill in fellatio. Also, excellent choice of an Onee-sama there, OP.

>> No.1772291

I prefer to have the woman more timid than me. I think we would clash if I had an Onee-sama character with me.

>> No.1772308

I'd prefer a shy, small, petite girl that wants to be protected and is very clingy. The younger the better.

>> No.1772335

I'd rather have a Nee-san. Is there really a difference?

>> No.1772361

So you want someone you can control? There isn't a problem with that, of course, but wouldn't it be more satisfying to create dependency in someone older than you?

>> No.1772366

I have a Nee-san and she sees me as a little bro, but I don't want her to see me that way. I want to show her that I can be a man. And when I do, I will finally have the courage to say my true feelings for her.
How do I become a man? I love her and I want to prove to her that I am.

>> No.1772396


I don't think you have a Nee-san. Enjoy your hand.

>> No.1772411

you think i'm lying?
at least pretend you do believe me

>> No.1772625


This anon agrees with you.

>> No.1772628

No, that wouldn't be gay you fucking imbecile. That would be unmanly and pathetic maybe, but not gay.

>> No.1772636

I want a ojou-sama loli tsundere who treats me like her personal slave. I'd protect her and she'd take care of me.

>> No.1772652

THAT kind of NEESAN? No thanks,,,, i suffered enough>.>""

>> No.1772659

No one in /jp/ is manly. Because unless you're on a quest for the Holy Grail, being a virgin is anti-manly.

>> No.1772700

so everyone is a pussy here? no wonder you guys got exiled in this shitty board

>> No.1772715

I like both.

>> No.1772757


Its gay.

>> No.1772787
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I'm partial to that sort of thing myself, easily.

>> No.1772803

I would like someone else's older sister. then I could mooch off the sisterly aspect and still have her depend on me for things.

>> No.1772809
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>> No.1772820

I should have played Tsuyokiss before.

>> No.1772825

shit fuck

>> No.1772826

A picture of you and your sister? How cute.

>> No.1772828
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>> No.1772859

noriko and yumi?

>> No.1772976


Indeed it is.

>> No.1773009

It's not gay, but it is weak and un-manly, and no woman is ever going to want you. You should change for your own good.

>> No.1773014

It's a man's job to do the protecting and the providing. If you can't do that, then you don't deserve to call yourself a man and you don't deserve a beautiful woman like Signum.

>> No.1773021

It'd be fine to want this, if you were a woman. However, you're not. I can't believe the proper gender roles have been so distorted .that there are men out there that think it's acceptable to act this pathetically.

>> No.1773023

You actually think Signum would have any affection for a weakling like you? Hell, Hayate is manlier than you, anon. Go kill yourself

>> No.1773025
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Agreed, Onee-sama are the best.
Also, lol at pedophiles telling someone who likes grown-up women he's a pussy.

>> No.1773026

i like onee-sama characters, they're very appealing.
but i like the opposite as well.
i should have one of each; one to protect me, and one to protect

>> No.1773031

It's not the liking grown up women that I have a problem with. It's wanting to depend to accommodate the fact they don't want to grow up and be men. Besides, a woman can only truly feel like a woman when she has a strong man in charge of her, and this anon obviously can't fulfill that role.

>> No.1773032

It's not the liking grown up women that I have a problem with. It's wanting to depend on a "strong woman" to accommodate the fact they don't want to grow up and be men. Besides, a woman can only truly feel like a woman when she has a strong man in charge of her, and this anon obviously can't fulfill that role.

>> No.1773033

I also want a strong girl, but if I ever got one, I'd see it as my responsibility to become as strong as her. I wouldn't be able to live with being the weaker one, both out of respect for myself and her.

The truth is, women don't want weak men or men who needs to be protected. In fact, those are oxymorons, there are only weak boys and boys who needs to be protected. Strong women will want a man at least as strong as themselves. And I say that if you're a man, you should make it your responsibility to give it to her.

>> No.1773034

I have no problem with your opinion but at the very least make it less blatantly obvious that you're sameposting.

>> No.1773038

This. I don't think you have any real "respect" for Signum as a woman, you just want to leach off her so you don't have to grow up.

>> No.1773039

A real man could never stand a life of servitude. It's simply not in a man's nature to tolerate something like that

>> No.1773044

I want an ojou-sama loli tsundere who treats me as her own personal court musician, allowing me to follow my dream of becoming a good composer without having to waste my time with a lousy job.

That's not being a leech ...right? ;_;

>> No.1773045

Feudal system. Many ancient civilisations. Hell, America pre-Lincoln.

>> No.1773049

That's pretty much being a housewife.

Which is okay for one gender but not another, it seems.

>> No.1773050

Well, servitude to a little girl, at least. Anyway, it'd be impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone who treats you like a slave. She'd have no respect for you.

>> No.1773052

I have no idea what you're talking about. It would be a dream come true if I became as strong as I possibly could, then found a master with values that I respect to serve till the end of my days.

>> No.1773055

Yes, being a wife is only acceptable if you're female. Doesn't the word "wife" kind of suggest that? Women are men are different, and should be held to different standards. Such a backwards relationship would never work out.

>> No.1773060

I didn't realize housewives were court musicians. Don't be fucking retarded.

>> No.1773057

Well, in these trying times, it's revealed who the true men are. Anyone can pretend to be strong when everything is okay for them, but in these days every man has to decide for himself whether to have principles against acting pathetic or not. Simply making the right choice there deserves a little respect.

>> No.1773066

Uh huh, what does this have to do with wanting a woman to protect you because you're too weak to be a proper man? Sounds like you're just trying to change the subject

>> No.1773065

Housewives usually don't compose music, as far as I know.

It's pretty much like being an old famous composer, like Haydn, just with the added bonus of the situation having romantic and sexual appeal.

>> No.1773070

>Yes, being a wife is only acceptable if you're female.
YES. If only more people realized this.

>> No.1773073

It's possible if she's tsundere. Which means it's only possible in animu.

>> No.1773074

You mean as in dying of fright when Napoleon attacks your city?

>> No.1773078

I'm just making a comment that is not directly related to the subject. I'm not trying to make a point or anything.

>> No.1773079

Yes, real women aren't Tsundere. They're either completely tsun-tsun or completely dere-dere depending on whether you've tamed them, but they're never tsundere

>> No.1773080
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No. You should learn to love younger sister characters, who will obediently follow your orders.

>> No.1773081
File: 81 KB, 413x427, 1229424234927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any eroge where you're a butler, bodyguard or servant to an oujosama preferably loli? I know Littlewitch has one, though I've never played it. Is it any good?

>> No.1773083


Doesn't that mean 99.9999% of women are pussies who want someone to take charge of their life though? Given how much they like to be dominated, men to be confident etc.

>> No.1773085

Fuck you, he lived on like a man for many years, even though he was getting old as fuck, and by the time Napoleon attacked he had gone to bed, probably realizing he wouldn't be getting up again.

>> No.1773087

Are real women really tsuntsuns? Because I like tsuntsuns, but hate real women.

>> No.1773089

Men are women shouldn't be held to same standards. What's fine for women isn't always fine for men. Is that really such a hard concept for you people to understand?

>> No.1773092

They're tsun-tsun with no dere-dere, if that's what you mean

>> No.1773097

Your city sucks.

>> No.1773098

Fine by me, means I can rip on women for being sluts more.

>> No.1773105

Hm, like career women and stuff? Okay, I guess they do exist, just that they have no charm.

>> No.1773106

You can't hate women for being feminine. It's just how they are. Men on the other hand, have a duty to act manly. Don't be butthurt just because you're too weak to act like a man.

>> No.1773110

So are you saying that it's feminine to be a slut?

>> No.1773111

Feminine != Slutty.

>> No.1773113

No, I'm saying it's feminine for a woman to want to be provided for and taken care of. It's a man's duty to be the protector and the provider, and you're just trying to avoid that.

>> No.1773116

Being slutty is not being provided and taken care of. It's giving away.

>> No.1773124

No, I'm just a lethargic fuck who has serious shit like college deadlines to worry about.

I agree with you though. That is a man's duty. But if you want to promote traditional gender roles you should promote it in both sexes.

>> No.1773127

Yeah, that's the point I was trying to make. >>1773098 was calling women sluts for wanting to be taken care of, and I was making a point against that.

>> No.1773131

> >>1773098 was calling women sluts for wanting to be taken care of

No... I wasn't... I was calling women sluts for sleeping around.

>> No.1773132

>But if you want to promote traditional gender roles you should promote it in both sexes.
Correct. Only show opposition (men shouldn't complain) to indecent behavior in women if you act like a proper gentleman.

>> No.1773135

Women aren't made to carry principals and values like men are. Women can only have virtues if they've been instilled in them since birth, and have men keeping them in line. However, feminism did away with this, so we can't expect women to act with any virtues or values nowadays. It's time for men to step and and reinforce those traditional values, and hopefully destroy the evil of feminism once and for all.

>> No.1773136


>> No.1773137

I want a strong woman I can be equal with.

>> No.1773138

Are you a girl.

NB: There was a 'femanon' on /a/ tonight, a serious one too as she posted a pic. Who wanted to meet up with any anons in PA to give head to them. She said she'd slept with 12 guys and was 21. Shows you the kind of women who browse this site.

>> No.1773140


>> No.1773146

This is a man who knows what is going on. Listen to him.

>> No.1773152

Nope. I don't mean any hostility towards fellow men, but the principles of a gentleman are good to follow. Education, fashion sense, general politeness, generally proper behavior, even thought these are things 99% of our populations rebels against, that's no reason to feel disheartened from adopting them yourself.

>> No.1773156
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>> No.1773160

I wonder how realistic it really is. Surely the people on this board cannot be the only ones who feel this way, but we're still a minority and would have a hard time actually making a difference.

>> No.1773163

Broseph, I have taken it upon myself to procure a new tweed blazer. I have always had a love of fine blazers and cashmere sweaters with shirts underneath. It's a fine thing to have a well fitting suit too.

We need to declare a moral war against those who seek to make the two genders become one great malaise of amorality.

>> No.1773166

Not a moral war, my good man, morals are a tool of politicians and religious leaders to manipulate the masses. A war of principles!

>> No.1773167



>> No.1773168

Agreed, we must put religion to one side. Our argument is secular, one of ethical philosophy.

What does the parasite wish to do with society? For us all to become gluttonous, hypersexual monsters such as him or her? The parasite is a slave to his most base desires. Nothing more than a creeping cancer in the land, a wretched agony rotting every fiber of life.

>> No.1773172

athens, what do you think about the Arabs-Jews conflict?

>> No.1773178

Don't know enough about it to comment, read a couple of books though. It seems that they'll never break the cycle of violence though. That much is obvious.

>> No.1773179

There is truth to this, for some reason hedonists like to spread their ways, and the way the world is going now, there's nothing to stop their influence from rotting the hearts of every man and woman on earth.

>> No.1773181

Wow... the latter half of this thread makes me sick. I can only hope it's sophisticated trolling.

>> No.1773188

Female or disgusting feminist male detected. Go back to the kitchen, whatever you are.

>> No.1773195
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Onee-san thread

>> No.1773197
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Ippo's large penis thread

>> No.1773198
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what artist is this?

>> No.1773199

what artist is this?

>> No.1773200

What about it makes you sick? I'm just trying to figure out why normal people are so disgusted by traditional beliefs.

>> No.1773201


>> No.1773206

I know enough to know that women secretly want the traditional gender roles back, even if they have been brainwashed by feminist propaganda

>> No.1773207
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 1229426968060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Marimite for giving me this fetish fuck fuck fuck.

I was to be la grande soeur

>> No.1773208

Bullet Butler, though the ojou-sama isn't loli. You can hit your master, a fellow butler-woman or said woman's master (a loli elf witch)

>> No.1773209

>I wish to be

>> No.1773214
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I wish to be the Touko.

>> No.1773221

that's the one some anons were talking about the main character being awesome. I'm sold. What's the relation between the two games? sequels?

>> No.1773224

Why don't you try reading truedadconfessions and see how many men are happy with traditional gender roles.
Then again, you may enjoy being a walking wallet and sperm donator while your wife gets fat and refuses to fuck you.

>> No.1773225

ITT Feminists. All feminism has done is create weak men and unruly women. Don't you people see we need to return to the old values if our society is going to have any chance of surviving?

>> No.1773230

>loli elf witch

>> No.1773234


>> No.1773236

No, I want to wallow in my self-pity and have a woman do all the work. Fuck off.

>> No.1773240

By having been convinced that traditional gender roles means women are treated as slaves, they've been conditioned to respond with disgust to anyone suggesting that there was anything good about the traditional gender roles. It's strictly an emotional thing, which is why it has been easy to program in it, with the only downside being that if someone argues against the relevance of their emotional response, they rarely know what to do. These are the kind of people who keeps you from saying anything good about Hitler, not because you know they could provide arguments about why there wasn't anything good about Hitler, but because they're completely convinced that everything about Hitler was pure evil.

>> No.1773238

Uh, no, I think you got that wrong. It's feminism that has caused women to see men as nothing other than walking ATM machines.

>> No.1773239

I'm don't like signs of support for rigid gender roles. Yes, traditional gender roles have some value. I think that women who want to be traditionally feminine should not be shunned like they sometimes are in modern North American society. However, I do not think that traditional femininity should be *expected* of all women. The same goes for men. I certainly don't think either gender should be encouraged to conform to a gender-specific behavioral standard.

>> No.1773243

So men can only be strong if women are forced into a weaker role. No wonder you're butthurt about feminism since it exposes you for the worthless,weak piece of shit you are.

>> No.1773251
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Well, this looks kind of awesome.

>> No.1773252

There's nothing wrong with women that want traditional gender roles. The key is 'want' if mary wants that with her husband but joe and susan next door like being equals thats fine too.

>> No.1773256

Haha, no. I just don't like to see women and men be treated the same despite obvious differences. Nice emotional attack though. It really proves what >>1773240 was saying.

>> No.1773260

>Pookey Fookey

>> No.1773259

Sure, more freedom is better, right? If people are given complete choice over how they want to be, they'll develop good personalities on their own, right?

Wrong. Taking away gender roles hasn't made us free to become what we want, it has made us free to be manipulated by other things instead. Marketing, for example. Marketers have made us their bitch. Without principles, marketers are free to make us dedicate our lives to working so we can buy their products instead of doing what we want, marketers are free to make us buy their lousy clothes instead of dressing in something that would actually make us look good.

>> No.1773263

>I certainly don't think either gender should be encouraged to conform to a gender-specific behavioral standard.
But you agree that there are limits to this, right? I mean, you know the concept of "a male-wife" is taking things to far, right?

>> No.1773267

>I certainly don't think either gender should be encouraged to conform to a gender-specific behavioral standard.
But you agree that there are limits to this, right? I mean, you know the concept of "a male-wife" is taking things too far, right?

>> No.1773269

You fucking whore, just how many men have you had sex with?

>> No.1773273

If you can be manipulated by marketing you're a weak minded faggot.

>> No.1773274

Because we lost traditional masculinity, now women have retreated to perverse kinds of masculinity, being degraded and so on. A lot of women, perhaps a majority, enjoy being beaten up by abusive husbands, why do you think so many of them go back to other abusive men?

>> No.1773277

>weak minded

Weak minded? Weak minded like all the women who have sex with many different men as a substitute for love? Weak minded like the women who think they are being empowered by screwing a different dude every friday night?

Weak minded like that?

>> No.1773279

In traditional gender roles a woman would have no choice but to remain with her husband even if she's being horribly beaten and abused.

>> No.1773280

I certainly don't think people will develop good personalities on their own. I think that a large majority of the people who comprise our society are brainless shits, actually. I do think that re-establishing traditional gender roles is a silly and roundabout solution to that.

Marketing? That's only because people love to be told what to do, and they love to do things in harmony with a group. Don't fault the marketers, fault the people who allow the marketers to tell them what to do. I certainly don't allow fashion trends to take prevalence over comfort or what suits my tastes/body type. Nobody else has to either, but they choose to.

Nope. What's wrong with a male wife? Who does that kind of behavior hurt?

>> No.1773289

I love Spacey's serial killer diatribe in se7en, he was right to kill all those people (except Pitt's wife):

"Innocent? A fat man, a disgusting man. A man who you'd point out to your friends so they could join you in mocking him. A man that if you saw walking down the street you wouldn't even be able to finish your meal. A drug dealer... a drug dealing pederast, actually. After him, I chose the lawyer, and you both must've been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who lied with every breath that he took to keep murderers and rapists off the streets. A woman, so ugly on the inside that she couldn't go on living if she could't be beautiful on the outside. And let's not forget the disease spreading whore. Only in a world this shitty can you say these people were innocent and keep a straight face. We see a deadly sin on every corner and we accept it."

>> No.1773294

No, women CHOOSE to remain with those men anyway. Like yourself. You are attracted to violent men because the wholesome masculine element in society has been removed.

>> No.1773295

If you can be manipulated by marketing you're a completely average person.

Seriously, do you think people spend billions on marketing because there's a law saying you have to? The reason marketing is popular is because it fucking works. They have made a science out of making people eat out of your hands like dogs, and it works so fucking well it's scary.

>> No.1773296

you can tell when it's peak eurofag hours in /jp/

>> No.1773299

Women have bitten the hand that feeds them for too long.

>> No.1773304

Weak minded like all the MEN who have sex with many different women as a substitute for love?

Weak minded like the MEN who think they are being empowered by screwing a different woman every friday night?

Weak minded like that?
Following silly memes about how a man should act like: Fucking lots of bitches makes you a man.

>> No.1773306

That analogy doesn't really work, since women are perfectly capable of performing the same tasks as men. The question is whether they want to or not.

>> No.1773310


lol tu quoque argument.

>> No.1773311

you just described absolutely no one on /jp/, cunt

>> No.1773318

>Nope. What's wrong with a male wife? Who does that kind of behavior hurt?
Men weren't meant for this kind of role, and will only take this kind of role because they're too weak to be manly. If a "man" becomes satisfied with this, he'll never become a real man.

>> No.1773320

No, weak-minded like people who have swallowed the lie of true love as presented in shitty movies, dramas and books, and who have been brainwashed by religion and society into thinking sexual pleasure is wrong.

And weak-minded by those who think pointing the finger at others for being "weak-minded", whether they are or not, as somehow excusing there own pathetic short-comings.

I think that's pretty much what he meant.

>> No.1773321

>Don't fault the marketers, fault the people who allow the marketers to tell them what to do.
Just like no one should fault a murderer, but the person who was so lousy at defending themselves that they got murdered? You might think that you're too strong willed to get manipulated, but thinking that it won't happen just means that it's more likely that it'll happen without you being aware of it. The only way to escape from manipulation is isolation, that's the only reason many people here will be able to say marketing doesn't affect them much.

>> No.1773324

What is man?
A miserable pile of secrets.

>> No.1773325

Thats right because /jp/ faggots are such huge failures at life they can't even manage to have sex with several women or even one.

>> No.1773327

Ah yes. A 'real man'. Good thing you aren't the final arbiter of what men should always act like, even when it doesn't affect you.

>> No.1773331


You think you are strong willed for sleeping around or something? You must be a girl.

>> No.1773334

Wait, how can you decry the notion of sexual conquest as a yardstick for worth and then call /jp/ losers for not having sex?

Fucking whore.

how many guys have you slept with? answer the fucking question!

>> No.1773335

>men are weak-minded for needing to have sex with many women to feel manly
>/jp/-ers are weak because they don't have sex with many women

>> No.1773337

True love is a lie, but sleeping around being immoral has nothing to do with that. It has to do with inheritance and making sure than your bloodline is genuine. Otherwise you may have bastards for children, and nobody wants that.

>> No.1773339

It's so funny how there are slutty girls on /jp/ even. I thought maybe this was the one place where girls would understand what it's like to be roner...

...Oh wait, bitches idea of ronery is 2 weeks without a cock in one of their orifices.

>> No.1773340

Reading comprehension- F
It is neither strong-minded or weak-minded in general. There can be weak-minded reasons for doing it, such as a pathetic dependence on the praise or acceptance of others, but in itself pursuit of pleasure is a worthy goal.

>> No.1773342
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Okay people, this train wreck of a thread has gone on long enough. Follow my lead here people.

>> No.1773343

Lolz none since I have a penis

>> No.1773344
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>> No.1773346
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>> No.1773350
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>> No.1773349

>but in itself pursuit of pleasure is a worthy goal.

No it isn't, not to the point of dependency.

The only response you have to this are hypothecated ideals, namely some theoretical girl who sleeps around, makes millions of dollars, can handle herself with no emotional problems and still bags mr. right.


How many men have you slept with?

>> No.1773355
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>> No.1773358
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>> No.1773357

Trollin ever heard of it?

>> No.1773359

You do realize that you didn't answer my question at all?
>Who does that kind of behavior hurt?

Your analogy is ridiculous. I said that people want to be told what to do. If a murder victim wanted to be murdered, then your analogy might work.

I was responding to this:
>Without principles, marketers are free to make us dedicate our lives to working so we can buy their products instead of doing what we want, marketers are free to make us buy their lousy clothes instead of dressing in something that would actually make us look good.
I will not try to argue that marketing is not effective on me in some ways, but I think it'd be pretty tough for someone to argue that marketing keeps me from dressing in a way which makes me look good. Or that it keeps me from doing what I want to do in life.

>> No.1773363
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>> No.1773365

People who argue in support of 'traditional' gender roles are stupid and should take the time to educate themselves about human history (despite what the church says, its longer than 5000 years) before they open their goddamn mouths. Your 'traditions' are not very traditional at all. They are actually pretty modern.

People who argue against those values are also stupid, since most of them seem dead set on ignoring the obvious results of thousands of years of selective breeding and evolution to insist that both genders are equally capable of roles that one or the other is clearly not. Case in point: Fire Departments in many major cities decided to give some of their many female applicants a shot and ran them through the usual training course. Results were fairly hilarious. I'm sure the videos are on youtube or someplace.

TLDR: No one is right. Everyone is wrong.

>> No.1773373
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>> No.1773374

Ah, how magnificent it'd be to live in a world where everyone are fat because no one should keep them from the pleasure of eating, where no one works, because work isn't pleasurable, and most of the day is spent making up a disgusting puddle of fat with another human, only to try to get more pleasure.

>> No.1773376
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>> No.1773378

I think when you refer to promiscuity as 'harmless' it's only harmless on a totally atomized level. In other words, as one anonymous said, a hypothecated ideal of man and woman with no emotional attachment, baggage and so on.

In reality, this isn't the case. It's only 'harmless' insofar as you consider society to be a redundant concept with no macrosocial causes and effects and accompanying negative externalities.

>> No.1773382

non-existent concept sorry.

>> No.1773386
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>> No.1773389
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>> No.1773391
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>> No.1773395
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>> No.1773407

>Case in point: Fire Departments in many major cities decided to give some of their many female applicants a shot and ran them through the usual training course. Results were fairly hilarious. I'm sure the videos are on youtube or someplace.
Except that there are many women who pass the training courses for their respective cities, and go on to become firefighters...?

>> No.1773401
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>> No.1773404
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>> No.1773406

That people like being told what to do is a shitty excuse. More like killing someone who is a bit suicidal because he seemed like he wanted to die. If people like to be told what to do, there are much more healthy ways to fulfill this need than to let marketers go loose on them.

>> No.1773410
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>> No.1773409

>seek to make the two genders become one great malaise of amorality

What's wrong with both genders being held to the same codes of morality?

Don't sleep around, be strong, take care of yourself. Is it really so difficult for both men and women to do this? I don't want to leech off the salary of some woman. I don't want a woman doing the same off of me.

Spineless men don't need spineless women in order to grow a spine.

>> No.1773411

Exceptions to a rule do not a general trend make.

>> No.1773413
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>> No.1773414

>Don't sleep around, be strong, take care of yourself. Is it really so difficult for both men and women to do this?

Fair enough, nobody was arguing against that though.

>> No.1773418
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>> No.1773421

>Taking away gender roles hasn't made us free to become what we want, it has made us free to be manipulated by other things instead. Marketing, for example.
>taking away gender roles

What the hell do these two things have to do with each other

>> No.1773419

>People who argue in support of 'traditional' gender roles are stupid and should take the time to educate themselves about human history (despite what the church says, its longer than 5000 years) before they open their goddamn mouths. Your 'traditions' are not very traditional at all. They are actually pretty modern.
They're called traditional because it's practical to call them that. Whether or not they're modern changes nothing, except that it's much less valid to say that people who appreciate traditional values cannot think progressively.

>> No.1773422

Well then who gets to tell them what to do?
Who decides who gets to tell them what to do?
And so on.
The 'marketers' as you call them, are in the positions they are in because they simultaneously have a talent for manipulation and a nose for what people want. The people have put them there. What kind of alternative are you suggesting?

>> No.1773432
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Gender-role faggots. Have you ever thought that you might just sound like the older generation complaining that this generations music is all awful, and that everyone should go back to the style of their generation, which was really the best for everyone?

In any case, enjoy harking back to a rose-tinted vision of the past.

>> No.1773436

Actually they're not modern and have nothing to do with the church. Confucianism is similarly traditional in gender role approach, as is Buddhism, as is Hindu scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, as was the predominant Greco-Roman morality of stoicism.

It's amazing how some people think that pre-christian societies were 'sex positive', lust is a fucking debilitating feeling that destroys rationality, it's dangerous - for both genders, THAT is why there is sexual taboo. It has nothing to do with fucking religion.

>> No.1773434

When we have abandoned old principles in order to become more free, we no longer have principles to prevent us from being so easy to manipulate.

>> No.1773435


>> No.1773438

Alright athens, let me clarify it for you.
>People who argue against those values are also stupid, since most of them seem dead set on ignoring the obvious results of thousands of years of selective breeding and evolution to insist that both genders are equally capable of roles that one or the other is clearly not.
Exceptions would indicate that females are capable of a role. How common it is for a female to be capable is a different matter.

>> No.1773442

You don't know anything about marketing, do you?
How many "BE A MAN, GET TONS OF CHICKS, USE AXE BODY SOAP" commercials are there?

>> No.1773446

In a world without shame culture, there is nothing to hold somebody to account except their own conscience. For 99% of people, this is not enough. Humans display a staggering capacity for rationalizing their transgressions and misdeeds. They need to be held to account by something higher: The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese had it right with shame culture. SOCIETY should be this lynchpin. Otherwise all boundaries will be broken and people will be free to indulge their whimsical subjective fancies however they see fit, regardless of the social, economic and cultural side-effects.

>> No.1773447

The thing is, a marketer cares only about one thing: Money. And they're willing to sacrifice any value we have in our society to get it. If people really need someone to tell them what to do, it should be people who care about other people (yes, they do exist).

>> No.1773450

But this generation's music IS awful and older music would be much better for everyone if they could learn to appreciate it.

>> No.1773456

You didn't answer my questions. Who picks these 'nice' people? Who decides who is nice enough? Who decides who is smart enough? Who has the right vision for where humanity should be headed?

>> No.1773457

>Exceptions would indicate that females are capable of a role.

No, exceptions would indicate that SOME females are capable of a role. But that the generall correlation indicates most cannot.

Having said that, I don't have a problem with the most excellent of women doing things like becoming firewomen, professors and so on. But there is a bias for promoting women and minorities unfortunately,, in all countries.

>> No.1773465

The whole shame culture/ guilt culture idea has very little acceptance in the sphere of Sociology, though it has managed to end up on wikipedia, which is where I guess you pulled this up from?

>> No.1773461

I don't quite see how that contradicts my point.

>> No.1773471

In _all_ countries?

More like in a tiny minority of countries.

>> No.1773472

>has very little acceptance in the sphere of Sociology

LOL! You think this means it is invalidated as a rational process of maintaining harmony in society? If anything, if it's rejected by sociologists it means it has more credence. Sociology is infested with feminists and 'progressives' like a sewer is with rats.

>> No.1773473

in all developed countries sorry, my female friend. :)

>> No.1773475

Just because I can say with certainty that there is a problem doesn't mean I can say with certainty what the best solution would be.

>> No.1773483

One thing I'm curious about though, if there are any girls in this thread.

What is the attraction in violent men? I can understand the attraction in a man who say... uses violence to defend the state, society and family. But why a man who uses violence to hurt those who are weaker than him, like his own girlfriend/wife?

>> No.1773487
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As far as I'm aware, being pedantic is generally considered a male trait?
Well, either way I don't really care.

Does anyone in here know the name of that doujin with the really weak guy who has his penis pulled off by three girls bullying him, but it magically still works and transmits the sensations back into him, and anyone who wears it?

>> No.1773494

I was joking.

>> No.1773498

athens, please read the post I was replying to thoroughly. I am merely objecting to the statement that people of the female gender are 'clearly not' capable of being firefighters. I don't like people saying that women are not capable of doing something, since that is obviously not the case. If stupid ideas like that didn't exist in the first place, societies would never have had to implement the minority quotas that you so dislike (and which I do not approve of either, by the way). If there was just a fucking test (to eliminate the men AND women who cannot perform to the required standard), and every participant's performance was evaluated equally with no preconceptions to get in the way, then we could just all go on about our business. Sadly that isn't going to happen any time soon, so we have to have stupid countermeasures like minority quotas.

>> No.1773500

Only the most stupid are attracted to anything of the sort. That's like asking why all men are attracted to vain sluts.

>> No.1773510

Seisou suidansha.

>> No.1773514

>But there is a bias for promoting women and minorities unfortunately,, in all countries.

ITT people don't know anything about women/minority issues.

I agree that men are being emasculated a little too much, but HA HA HA if you think discrimination against women/minorities is the exception to the rule yet. This thread should be proof enough that misogyny and bigotry are still alive and well.

Case in point: the second anyone disagrees with ALL WOMEN ARE SLUTS, the first question asked is "are you a woman? or some sort of faggot feminist man?" ...because only a woman can possibly believe that women aren't sluts.

>> No.1773519

It looks top me like you have yet to realize how deep the root of the problem is.

>> No.1773521

There are tests, there are objective standards to which an applicant must pass. These already exist, there is no need for said quotas, Governments already have such examinations and that kind of thing for the civil service. Private businesses are interested in profit, so their motivation has nothing to do with discrimination, but if they want to discriminate then they should be allowed to do so as they see fit.

>> No.1773531
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One thing I'm curious about though, if there are any males in this thread.

What is the attraction in big-breasted women? I can understand the attraction in a woman who say... has breasts large enough to hold and squeeze. But why a woman who has breasts so over sized they get in the way of everyday life, or cause back pain?

>> No.1773530

>if they want to discriminate then they should be allowed to do so as they see fit.

Oh, wow.

>> No.1773532

>you think discrimination against women/minorities is the exception to the rule yet. This thread should be proof enough that misogyny and bigotry are still alive and well.

An anonymous imageboard is proof enough that minority quotas should be in place? I think women have a decent case, but niggers are just pandhandling fucktards who like to blame others for their problems. Strange how every place they live, colonial power or not, is a shitty place to live.

....Must be some sort of conspiracy perpetrated by whites.

>> No.1773534

>but if they want to discriminate then they should be allowed to do so as they see fit.
Yeah, if that's the stance you represent I have nothing more to say to you.

>> No.1773537

Private property owners should be allowed to discriminate as they see fit. If they don't want to hire blacks, or asians, or whites, or whatever, then they shouldn't have to and the business will live or die on it's own merits.

>> No.1773540

lawl go asuka

random yet funny

wasn't quite sure where this post was going.
obedience with or without respect.

>> No.1773541

But we don't. Anyone who really cares THAT much about breast size as it to be a clinching issue in any prospective relationship is a fucking moron.

>> No.1773545

>This thread should be proof enough that misogyny and bigotry are still alive and well.
>An anonymous imageboard is proof enough that minority quotas should be in place?
>proof that bigotry [is] still alive
>proof that minority quotas should be in place

Good job with your reading comprehension there.

>> No.1773551

And if you don't respect private property rights then I have nothing more to say to you either.

>> No.1773555

What do you mean by 'alive and well'? Do you mean that /jp/ represents the zeitgeist, or merely that such views exist? If it's the latter then I'm curious as to what your proposed solution is, armed bands of thought police patrolling the streets looking for 'racists' and 'misogynists' to round up and send to prison?

>> No.1773582

The fact that someone can use a word like that in this situation is proves >>1773240's point. Misogyny means "hate of females", and only a person who has gone through this kind of emotional programming can think that if you don't support feminist values, you hate women.

>> No.1773632

I'm not the person you're replying to, but there is a lot of outright hate for women in this thread.

>> No.1773641

Not for women in themselves, but for the way they've been told to act.

>> No.1773645

Pick on them then.

Women have a point with regards to discrimination in the workplace, though some do claim the attention for insidious means. However, minority rights are fucking bullshit.

>> No.1773654



>> No.1773659

No, there's a lot of hate for women themselves as well. It's just been expressed more implicitly.

>> No.1773720
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Even me?

>> No.1773719

I don't hate women at all. I just can't stand the way they act.

>> No.1773785


>> No.1773913


>> No.1773989

I think it's just random fanart. I found it in http://fetish.iiichan.net/res/3450.html if you want to try asking there.
