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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1771613 No.1771613 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, I thought being a NEET would be great, but I'm fucking depressed all the time and have nothing to do.
Why did you lie?

>> No.1771623

Well, I'm living a NEET life now and I think I'm having the greatest time of my life.
To each his own, I believe.

>> No.1771626

Would you rather be in school?

>> No.1771627

I didnt lie, thats why I got back to college. Too much free time = boring as fuck.

>> No.1771624

Would you rather be working?

>> No.1771631

Sometimes, yes, since then I might be forced to socialize and I might have a friend.
All I have now is the internet and a few game consoles...
Thing is I can't go find a friend on my own.
This sucks.

>> No.1771632

If I win the lottery I will become a NEET

>> No.1771633

I didn't lie. Find yourself something to occupy your time. I have a list 10 miles long of anime and VNs I still need to watch and play. Play a free MMO like Trickster, Mabinogi, or RO.

>> No.1771637

Who told you being a NEET would be great?

>> No.1771638

Do you not have any interest in anime/manga/VNs? There's mountains of those to work through. Alternatively, thousands of video games. Pick up a hobby, like drawing, or playing an instrument.

>> No.1771639

Don't look at me. I'm one of the people who probably told you to take a shower, go to college, get a job, get a significant other.

>> No.1771643


>> No.1771642
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oh hai I upgraded your Yuno.

>> No.1771650

Becoming a NEET knowing that you won't and/or can't do shit due to a myriad of reasons=Bad idea.

>> No.1771651

I wish I was NEET. I remember back in high school, when each summer came around, I wouldn't leave the house for the whole two months. Shit was so cash.

>> No.1771649
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Hell no. Yuno is superior to Reimu.

>> No.1771662
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the only thing that even comes close to being superior than my waifu is her previous versions, therefore your statement is false.

>> No.1771667

I've tried, but I feel I'm just forcing myself instead of enjoying it.

>> No.1771669

I hate being a NEET but I'm too scared to go out and do anything because it's been so long since I've had normal human interaction.

I wish I had a friend.

>> No.1771673

Get a job.

>> No.1771676

I want be a NEET so I can pursue my hobbies.

>> No.1771678

It's a choice between the dull pain of boredom or the piercing suffocation of work/school for me. I chose boredom.

>> No.1771682

Only thing keeping me from enjoying being a NEET is knowing it won't last long.

>> No.1771684

OP, I'll be your friend.

>> No.1771685

If you feel lonely then you shouldn't be a NEET if you are like me and you hate people then go ahead and be a NEET.

>> No.1771703

or if you're like me and are lonely but hate yourself you should kill yourself / bitch on /jp/

>> No.1771714

I'm a NEET, but not so much by choice. Regardless, I'm making the best of it. I've been catching up with my gaming, watching anime, and well that's about it.

>> No.1771727


Sorry I can't help you there.

>> No.1771730

I'm a borderline hikikomori and fucking hate it, but I don;t want to change.

>> No.1771731

I wish I was a NEET. I would have time to practice and be good at everything I've ever wanted to be good at.

>> No.1771734


While being NEET is amusing for awhile, I'd rather work for a living after that.

>> No.1771737

How do you guys afford all your weaboo junk (Figs, waifu pillows, etc) when you have no source of income? Well to do, indifferent parents?

>> No.1771748


Stocks, investments, left over college funds, money saved up from normal life, and sometimes lottery tickets and gambling (if you are lucky)

>> No.1771754

I like being lonely~

Other people are a bit of a bore. I have no real need of dakimakura or figures. Suppose I'm easily entertained. Even so, I don't think the life of a NEET is for me. There are some things I need to learn in other people.

>> No.1771751

I've never bought anything except for a few manga volumes...

>> No.1771761

Being a NEET is not an option. Most people here (including me) are NEET because of problems with society, job, emotions or whatever. You should stay away from this lifestyle as long as you can. Because we can't even if we try.

>> No.1771771

Most of the people who buy figs and whatnot are the ones with jobs.

>> No.1771776

I'm a recovering NEET .. I have a job now and plan to start school this January. My time as a full fledged NEET wasn't that bad but I was depressed sometimes at how low I had fallen.

>> No.1771786

I would love to be a NEET, but my parents wouldn't have it (and I'd be depending on them to let me be a NEET).

Why spend 40 hours a week at a place you don't want to be doing shit you don't care about for/with people you can't stand?
(Money, obviously. Give me room/board/internet and I'll be happy with a 10-hour-a-week part-time job for a little spending money.)

Think of it this way: any bad feeling you experience at home can and will be experienced at work, but so much worse.

>> No.1771796

That's funny. I am sitting here wearing a jacket inside my freezing dorm at a school in the middle of nowhere where I have no friends, hunched over in the dark with a pile of books on my desk, writing twelve to fifteen pages of bullshit about Han Dynasty expansion into Central Asia in 12 point Times New Roman font. My heart is beating irregularly from excessive energy drink consumption and I am sweating nervously at the prospect of all the work that still lies ahead of me, which is just making me colder. All of this is for a lousy bachelor's degree in history which will never net me a job that pays more than 40k a year.

With all of that on my mind, I was thinking how nice it'd be to be a NEET. If I'm going to mediocre in everything I do, why not be mediocre in doing nothing? I'd like to be you, OP.

>> No.1771815

The NEET life is much more comfortable, as I hate having to deal with the most basic human interactions at work.

One positive side to this is that I get to buy all of the things I never could, but of course I barely have the time I need to enjoy them fully.

Where is the mansion you promised me, /jp/?

>> No.1771822

Should have went for archeology.

>> No.1771830

My fear of snakes and Nazis was too strong.

>> No.1771842


Aw, you're so cute. You think your history degree with get you a job beyond minimum wage.

>> No.1771839


Even though I want to be a NEET, I don't want to be unhealthy I usually go out for exercise early in the morning when there is nobody around.


Try Economics, professors are always trying to impress others for no reason not to mention they do not do anything the smart way, everything has to be unnecessarily complex.

>> No.1771844

OP here.
What is the line between being a lonely NEET who is very anti-social and a Hikikomori?

>> No.1771856

Not much. Guess it depends how much you are dependent on the indoors.

>> No.1771860

Depends on how he applies himself.

I'm going for a Masters and then a PhD...

Hopefully I'll make some money as a Prof...

>> No.1771864

>with get you

Here, I'll just let you feel stupid for awhile.

>> No.1771868

I haven't gone outside in at least 4 months.

>> No.1771870

Easy, I'm a NEET, I don't work or go to school, although that will change Jan 5th. My roommate is full on Hikkikomori, he goes outside about 3 times a week to Taco Bell or Little Ceasar's Pizza and the grocery store. He has done this the 5 years I have known him.

NEET: you still have friends and family you visit and see.
Hikki: you only go outside to buy food when you don't want to die of starvation.

>> No.1771871

Hikki's generally have an unexplainable fear of the real world. It's like a NEET with severe anxiety of public places.

NEETs are generally lazy / unmotivated people who consciously choose to bum off of others.

>> No.1771872

Hikki never leaves the house, anti-social NEET still interacts but does so sparingly and unwillingly.

>> No.1771874

Little Caesar's is great. Especially the crazybread.

>> No.1771879

Being a NEET is quite great, but unlike OP, I have so many things to do, I just can't find time for doing everything I want.

OP should try to discover things he is interested in, things he has aptitudes/talents for, or simply things which entertain him greatly, and pursue those. Most of all, being a NEET does not constrain you except in the ways you chose to be constrained by your own will.

>> No.1771882

>My roommate is full on Hikkikomori,
>he goes outside

ITT: we don't know the definition of Hikikomori.

>> No.1771884

I am shitting my pants with the idea of returning to school and a job. Seriously I don't know how to live anymore. How did you get by the first few weeks?

>> No.1771890


I can help your life.

In fact, I can help lots of people's lives. I can't say I'm living an amazing life or anything, but I can always help steer people in the right direction.

Here's the downside: I'm a tripfag on another board. Hurr

>> No.1771893

Try exercising regularly. That should get rid of the usual depression that accompanies the NEET lifestyle, and it will motivate you to start spending more time on your hobbies.

Fuck yeah, spending 10+ hours a day on your hobbies is the best. This is a luxury normal bros will never have. so take advantage of it.

>> No.1771899

I enjoyed being a NEET while it lasted. I actually had time to raid on WoW (first person on the server with a Cataclysm's Edge, the Warrior tears were amazing!), I was having a blast.

Now I have college to go to and a part-time job to work at. Obviously I quit WoW (it's no fun unless you have enough time to be on top of the game), and I figured when I quit, my social life would improve, but it didn't.

I work, immediately come home, browse 4chan. I go to class, immediately come home, and browse 4chan. I wish I could just go back to MMO playing. Oh well.

>> No.1771900

hikkis do go outside for food. Or do you honestly believe food magically spawns in their rooms?

>> No.1771901

I was thinking about going into law. Lots of history majors tend to do that. But doing this has pretty much killed my love of history and learning in general, and I'm not sure if I want to do another three years of school in order to make decent wages.

>> No.1771910

I'm interested as long as you are not a cult leader.

>> No.1771906


If they live in their parents' houses, this need is eliminated.

>> No.1771915


>> No.1771921

Order pizza online.
Leave note on door telling them to look down, grab the money, and put down the pizza.
Get the pizza, no human interaction.
Water is easy to get as well if you live by an atesian well.

>> No.1771922

So only people who live with their parents are hikki? I don't think that's a good definition of the word.

I'm certain that the hikkikomori phenomenon allows an individual to be considered truly hikkikomori if all they do is purchase food once in awhile.

>> No.1771929


I ment to do that.

>> No.1771930

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defines hikikomori as individuals who refuse to leave their parents' house, and isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months.

>> No.1771936

By the way, where do you get the money for paying the bills (electricity, water, and especially internet) from?

>> No.1771937

Well ok then, only people who live with their parents are hikkikomori.

>> No.1771943

>decent wages

Your wages wouldn't be too bad if you became a teacher instead, and you wouldn't be shouldering massive amounts of debt or working 12-16 hours a day. Law school is a fucking horrible idea, don't even think about it unless you're getting into a top tier school or have someone paying your way through it. Lawyers have some of the highest job dissatisfaction rates behind only roofers. Fucking roofers.

>> No.1771957

Hikkimori=NEVER leaves the house

learn the definition

Also, I'm not sure where I fall here. I don't leave the house much...I went last week out to get a newspaper in shorts, I was in a rush...

Also, I just took out the trash, but otherwise, I dont go out, yet I still have social skills and such. I'm not fat either, I work out, recentl started running (in place;shut up) as well.

Fuck year, not a complete waste, also trying to get my life sorted out somewhat.

>> No.1771961

So the main character in Welcome to the NHK is not Hikkikomori. Doesn't make sense why they call him that then.

>> No.1771966

The word hikkikomori has a pretty flexible set of definitions, based on symptoms of social withdrawal and fear of going outside. That beings said, there are several different levels of this, from a full-out shut-in who forces his parents to serve him to just a regular failure who only goes outside to buy food.

>> No.1771964


Lol, trust me. I'm no cult leader.

But I am liked and hated deeply. There is no in betweens. Am I speaking to the guy who's stuck working towards a history degree?

>> No.1771976

No, you're just arguing with retards that don't realize that hikkikomori is a set of symptoms that can be of varying degrees.

>> No.1771988

I failed the spring 2008 semester and got into a giant fight with all my friends. I was supposed to move out with them but they fucked me over so I had to go back to my parents' house. I had already moved all my shit into the apartment, and then I had to move all of it back to my parents'.

I'd just sit in bed, surrounded by the boxes of my broken life, and stare at the ceiling. My parents didn't know what the fuck was wrong with me and after a while they stopped caring. I'd sneak down when nobody was awake and eat whatever I could grab and then retreat back to my room and curl myself up in bed again.

I tried to register for classes again in fall 2008 but just going outside every day for the first two weeks was complete hell. Eventually three weeks in I started crying in the parking lot at school and went straight home and shut myself in my room again.

I flit around from project to project, but deep down I know they're all worthless attempts to fill my time up. Get good at Melty Blood, watch all the animu I missed out on, learn Japanese.

>> No.1771990

protip: none of you are hikkikomoris, because the definition entails that the person in question is an eleven, in addition to all the other symptoms

>> No.1771991

What does it matter if I accomplish any of this? In the end I'll lose everything I've managed to gain and be back here again. Surrounded by boxes and staring at my ceiling, until my parents finally get tired of my leech-ass and kick me out on the streets.

The few friends I do have have slowly stopped calling me. I'm too afraid to call them to apologize for being too fucked up and afraid to even pick up the phone. By now I think it's too late, and part of me feels good. I want the outside world to forget about me, I want all those obligations to go away, I want to do nothing but play grindan jRPGs or click through mediocre visual novels.

Nobody to betray me. Nobody to worry about.

Every now and again I remember just how pathetic I am and the panic starts to fill my chest again. But I hurry and watch more anime and try to ignore how bored I feel as I sit through something that's mildly interesting, but no where near as fulfilling as when I was truly working towards a goal that I felt had meaning, before I lost it all.

>> No.1771999

The funny thing is that I might be able to get into a top school if I tried. With the exception of one C+ in my obligatory earth science class, I've been getting nothing but As/A-s since I started school. And I've never had a problem with standardized tests, so I am not too worried about LSAT scores. It would be a lot more work and require a lot more investment though, that's for sure.

As far as teaching goes. I lack charisma. There's no way I could control a class. I'd be like that guy in Kodomo no Jikan.

Basically shitsux no matter what. That's why I'd rather do nothing, but my parents would never accept that.

>> No.1772000


Yeah. I can help you too. Lol.

>> No.1772003

Yes. Are you going to guide me/help me/teach me or what?

>> No.1772007
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>but deep down I know they're all worthless attempts to fill my time up




>> No.1772006

Their quote of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare IS pretty convicing.

>> No.1772020

The only advice I can give you is to cease with your self-indulgent emo whining and man up - either set a goal for yourself and work towards it, no matter how silly, insignificant or foolish it is, or shoot yourself in the head. Seriously - if you can't live with dignity, then you can die with dignity, can't you?

>> No.1772022

Holy fuck this is sad, but now I realize I'm not the only one at all. I wonder why weak asses like us were born in such a harsh world lol.

>> No.1772038

I'm an introvert.
I can count on one hand how many friends I've had in my entire life time.
I never stayed at one school all the way through, I was abused as a child, and durning my highschool years I skipped well over a month of school before being fined and charged with truency just to be shipped off to an alternative highschool.

Despite all this I have an inferiority-complex of sorts. I cannot socialize at all. The only people I get along with are my superiors (Teachers, Managers, Bosses, Grandparents, etc) and even then I have trouble speaking to them or even looking them in the eye (except for my Grandparents and sister, but even the rest of the family I have problems communicating with)
I'm in a constant state of depression, I'm bipolar, I have social anxiety disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress.

Despite all this, I am going to be going to college in early January, and I am one test short of getting my HSED.

Why can't you guys get jobs or go to school?

>> No.1772046

It's a consequence of industrialization. Thanks to technology the world today has more people than it ever needed. You and me are byproducts.

>> No.1772041


You don't choose the world you're born into.

And blame science and medicine for letting the weaklings survive.

Also overpopulation for letting the weaklings survive and not get any benefits.

As well as civilization for letting weaklings survive but needing money which is a resource mostly for the capable only.

>> No.1772045

>>1771991before I lost it all....

Summer 2009
Select theaters onry

>> No.1772059


Yeah. I can help you.

What is it that you'd like out of life? I'm pretty good especially at making yourself look a bit more attractive to the opposite sex. Even with hikki tendencies. (yes, I know that by shortening the term, I'd be referring to a J-pop bitch, but whatever)

>> No.1772055

I want to change but how can I? Like most, I hate interacting with people and for that matter I never went to college or worked a day in my life. In a few more years I'll be thirty for christs sake. Can I really get away with this for the rest of my life? That would be extremely unlikely unless I lead a short life... which I don't want to. But the older you are the less opportunitys open themselves up to you. I'm so fucked.

>> No.1772064


>Why can't you guys get jobs

You ARE aware that the world just entered a state of economic collapse, right?

College won't even help you.

Welcome to the Greater Depression.

>> No.1772065

>Why can't you guys get jobs or go to school?
School gives you the feeling of some sort of purpose to your life. But after a while you'll realize that it does nothing but suck the life out of you. Work is like school, only worse.

Don't worry, you'll soon become disillusioned. Fortunately /jp/ will still be here.

>> No.1772074

Easy answer, women. I couldn't stand putting up with their shit anymore. Slowly just withdrew, gave up, stopped caring.

There's a great freedom that comes when you turn the care switch in your brain to OFF

>> No.1772076

I'm the opposite

I had PLENTY of friends when I was young, I lived in a nice house in a neighborhood where I knew everybody and waved/smiled at people who passed by. I was over my friends house regularly.

Then I moved, lost the house. Basement living now, then I moved again to East NY. I was teased when I was younger, but I was still not a fuck up. I still made friends, but got bullied a bit.

Then I got into high school and just dropped out. I dont know if it was lost motivation, not wantin to go anymore or the depression I felt and isolation. I just stopped going.

Now, HERE I AM, trying to get a GED but not knowing where to head exactly.

>> No.1772086

Unlike most people, I like with my Grandparents, and they don't work.
If I became a NEET I'd be able to live off them for another 5-10 years tops.

That's not my point.
The fact is that all the NEETs here don't want to even try. And then some of them complain that being a NEET is boring like the OP.

>> No.1772087

I've been a NEET for a total of three days now. It's fucking awesome. I've watched two animu series, beaten two vidya gaems, and gotten a ton of "work" done. (organizing my animu pics, finding/romanizing/publishing lyrics for my jpop collection, making progress on several personal programming projects, configuring my computer to optimal performance, etc.)

>> No.1772092
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pic related

>> No.1772090


Cool story, bro. Saved for future pasta.

>> No.1772091


>Now, HERE I AM, trying to get a GED but not knowing where to head exactly

Community Colleges.

Go to a nearby one's website and look it up.

Takes about 2 weeks.

>> No.1772096

I've been a NEET since Summer '08 and it feels wonderful. Nothing to worry about all day. All the time in the world to fap and play games etc. You are just doing it wrong OP.

>> No.1772102


Narcissu anime?

>> No.1772106

>I've been a NEET for a total of three days now
Fuck off. Probably just some kiddy who's school let out for the holidays or snow days. Oh wait, three days including satuday and sunday? 6/10 I fell for it but saw through it before hitting submit.

>> No.1772108
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>> No.1772111

>>1772091Community college

does that really give you anything at all?

>> No.1772114

>three days
Come back after you've been one for 9 years.

>> No.1772118

I'd ideally like to do honest, low-stress work, get a space of my own, and maybe do normal things later in life like raise a family.
Reality is very different though and these things seem out of reach. So I just don't feel like putting effort into anything any more. At this point I'd rather be content than successful. Just crawl into a hole and fall asleep. The problem is that's impossible for me as well.

>> No.1772119



Did you not read the quote text?

>> No.1772128

NEET, living with my parents and loving every day. I help my parents out with rent / expenses using the money I make online.

Now I need to decide on what eroge to play

>> No.1772131

A cheap alternative to real college, gives you an opportunity to experiment with different interests. I'm going there now because I have no idea what else to do, and my parents want me in school (as long as I live with them, I'd better listen)

>> No.1772136


What is an honest, low stress kind of work for you? Name some examples. Let's start off with that first.

And for identification purposes, I'll namefag.

>> No.1772137

No, I meant not knowing where to go WITH MY LIFE

I can't picture myself working minimum wage at mcdonalds, I'd rather kill myself before I settle into that lifestyle.

I don't want to work a 9 to 5 job hour and come home late only to surf 4chan. I always pictured myself going to college and meeting a girl or something, enjoying the nightlife in manhattan and such. Realitys much harsher.

Maybe I am too idealistic.

Also, didn't know Community colleges offered GED's.

>> No.1772145

>enjoying the nightlife


>> No.1772178

Don't you want a career and a life? A family? Where's your pride? It's fine playing eroges and beating off now, but what will you become in ten years? A 30-something loser. That's no good.

>> No.1772171

OK then, at least having sex

>> No.1772181

I don't know. There's no such thing as good work, but it seems like some people can just flow with their job. They find something that matches their temperament and they have no major issues with doing that every single day for the rest of their life. I can't be specifc, but I'd probably want a position that gives me a certain degree of independence and assigns me tasks to work upon by myself. I don't know how a history degree factors into a job like that, but history and writing are all that I'm good at.

>> No.1772190


In about 30 years I expect to be a computer.

>> No.1772191

I work out regularly

I'll at least be a somewhat healthy and not stereotypical looking loser

for some reason, that makes me feel really really good.

"Hey, look at that guy, he's pretty good looking"


Oh fuck I think I'm narcissistic

>> No.1772202


Well, this might sound slightly depressing since it involves some type of forward motion in terms of your life, but since you have a vague idea of what kind of job you're looking for, my suggestion based on your kinds of needs out of a job, is to go out and try for office jobs.

Do you live in a big city? You should try applying at some basic office jobs. If not, try other jobs that sound that would interest you. The point isn't to make a career out of it, but to go and experiment to see what triggers a spark inside of you to want to be more active.

>> No.1772221

But an office job doing what? Do I just go into the first big square building I can find and ask if I can push pencils for them? I mean, lots of people have office jobs, but I have no idea what you're actually supposed to do inside of one.

>> No.1772233


Does it matter? You wear a tie and sit at a desk doing something. You can't go wrong.

>> No.1772271

I know. I just thought you'd need specific experience to get hired, depending upon the job you're doing. I guess that's not the case for most office work?

>> No.1772307


Sometimes it just helps to look for internships first maybe, I know its volunteer work but it makes hiring you a lot easier later on.

Often times office work means organizing stuff, taking phone calls, data entry.

>> No.1772313

I have a college degree, but don't have many connections. I can't even get a job interview. A lot of my college friends are in the same boat. My best friend is a blue collar factory worker, but I'm not really cut out for that kind of work, and his plant's been laying a lot of people off anyway. The only somewhat successful people I know got their job because of a friend or relative. So despite having a pretty good work history and an education, I can't get a halfway decent job. So fuck it, I guess I'll play games and watch animu until I can wrangle something up.

>> No.1772326

Sometimes I kind of wish some random rich chick (not famous or anything, just comes from a wealthy family) would notice me on the street and take me as a trophy husband.

But then... I'd have to interact with her and do shit. And that would suck. Frankly I'm uninterested in sex. Fapping a few times a day to various 2d girls is more than satisfying with the added benefit of not having an other half to please.

>> No.1772347

My perfect "waifu" would be a wealthy (cause god knows I'm not) NEET female. Could save money by sharing each others shit and would have no need for sex. And she'd like to keep to herself as much as possible as would I.

>> No.1772363

Christ. I don't know about you people, but I want a job and sex. And eventually some other things. God damned economy and rampant deregulation keeping me from getting a job.
