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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1769143 No.1769143 [Reply] [Original]

>You don't know otaku anime until you've known Lyrical Nanoha. Not in the biblical sense of the term of course (though one bathing scene comes awfully close), but in the sense that until you've seen Lyrical Nanoha, you haven't seen otaku-targeted entertainment taken to its logical extreme. There is nothing, not one scene, line of dialogue, image or plot development in the series that isn't aimed with laser accuracy at the hardest of hardcore anime fans. Moe character types, fan-favorite genre tropes and cheesecake service shots are just the beginning, and crammed doesn't even begin to describe the neutron-star density with which the series packs in the otaku obsessions.

this better be some epic trolling.

>> No.1769147

sounds pretty accurate. That is why 4chan likes it.

>> No.1769149

Missed /a/ by a long shot.

>> No.1769150
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>> No.1769151

Don't worry, it is.

>> No.1769153

Go back to /a/, nigglet.

>> No.1769154

Nanoha started sucking after the first few episodes.

>> No.1769156

Nanoha goes in both /a/ and /jp/

>> No.1769157

Looks like the kind of rubbish someone from /a/ would spout.

>> No.1769159
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>> No.1769158

>I haven't seen A's

>> No.1769165

lol, what.

>> No.1769173

Too bad this is an ANN review. Hell, I'm going full paranoid and say that this is a thinly veiled personal army request because even /a/ saw through your bullshit, bro.

>> No.1769170

I did watch it because it's popular shit, I didn't watch more than the first episode of StrikerS though.

Nanoha A was OK for what it was: a powerlevel shounen fighting series.

>> No.1769172

>Nanoha stopped sucking after the first few episodes.
There, I fixed it for you.

>> No.1769177

>I didn't actually watch Nanoha A's

Why didn't you?

>> No.1769179

>this better be some epic trolling.

Well, what do you think?

>> No.1769186



>> No.1769194


How is it trolling when it's quite accurate? It's a show filled with magical lolis acting like super robots, made by a known Super Robot Wars fanboy, based loosely on a spinoff of an erogame. It's quite possibly one of THE most audience targeted shows ever.

>> No.1769196

>Add to that his skin-crawling lolicon fan-service—which includes a brutal whipping in which eight-year-old Fate's clothes are flayed from her body as she hangs trussed from a rope—and the series is pretty grim going.

He makes that scene sound so much more interesting than it is. In reality you don't get to see anything much. I did not find that scene in any way arousing, and I've read and fapped to many a Nanoha doujin in my time.

Whoever wrote this review needs to stop putting on such an act of hating loli, and admit that deep down he secretly loves it.

>> No.1769205

nigga please

>> No.1769215

I just realised this is on /jp/, not /a/.

I can't fucking tell them apart any more.

>> No.1769223

Yeah it's both: shounen and pedo.

>> No.1769224

If the thread hasn't gone through the 50+ posts barrier in less than 15 minutes you're on /jp/.
