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17690505 No.17690505 [Reply] [Original]

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Current Version: Elona+ 1.71 (9/10/2017)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.71.1

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>> No.17690545
File: 249 KB, 248x459, easy on the carrots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traded a portable cooker for a platinum katana
Did I do good?

>> No.17690549

We'd need more details famalampai, though the best way to get adventurer gear is duel gloving them to the face

>> No.17690580

>duel glove
How do I get these? Wiki says Manticore but I'm nowhere near being able to fight them.

>> No.17690600
File: 20 KB, 640x424, 17-09-26 03_53_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect socks to wear to work.

Behind every step is a potential surprise.

>> No.17690609

Save and stack scrolls of oracle and get extra cure corruption potions from the casino. You'll be able to trade them for the best artifact gear from adventurers. Mind that you don't give them too many, seperate the stack by dropping some to see if they'll accept fewer

>> No.17690645

You can find them as random drops, at least that's how I find them, used them on the top adventurers before shooting them with a time stop bullet and then going to town on them. Best part is that the duel glove ensures there is no bad blood afterwards and you get ALL their artifact level items

>> No.17690649

And by random drops, I mean random dungeon loot on the floor, about as rare as cure corrupts though, keep the ones you find, they don't even sell for much.

>> No.17690683

Portable cooking tool? It's a pretty weak and common tool, it's not like you lost something valuable.

Other than random dungeon loot, I think Moyer in Noyel sells them every now and then.
Manticore is a level 72 creature, try to explore dungeons with similar level and hopefully you will find it.

The problem with this method is that they will never "improve" as adventurers (level and fame) and find better artifacts (sometimes precious items) if you keep killing them, and eventually they will just leave the game permanently, being replaced by a new level 1 adventurer.

>> No.17690703

That's why you only do it once every year, doing it too often may result in that, but doing it rare enough that they still explore and get good gear. I can see why it's not advisable to do it too often, but rare enough that they still keep at it is good enough.

Then again, some adventurers wear #####+ blodd sucking gear and keep dying anyway, so no helping there.

>> No.17690717
File: 12 KB, 480x322, what does this mean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried using the sprites off this http://scrapiuna.blogspot.nl/2013/11/blog-post.html and getting this error. Where did I go wrong?

>> No.17690756

>Ensure there is no bad blood afterwards
This is not true, all it does is prevent the karma penalty. They will still attack you.

>> No.17690767

Have you saved the images as 24-bit bmp files and, if you are using Gimp, used the "do not write color space" option?

>> No.17690768

Unless that was updated recently, I used a duel glove on two adventurers and in both the case where I managed to kill one and died to them they were still pissed until I killed them repeatedly until they gave up or incognitod and increased my relationship with them.

And that was 1.68

>> No.17690773

What exactly did you do? It's a simple matter of putting ones you like in user/graphic as face(number) e.g. face3. The downloads on that site give you ready to use .bmps so you didn't even need to convert them.

>> No.17690789

Can you use cursed bottles of water to curse items by mixing them?
And if so can that bypass the exorcism feat?

>> No.17690795

Yes and yes.

>> No.17690852

I'm still playing 1.69 and adventurers seem to behave a bit differently, namely now they probably have a 3 strikes thing where if you kill them thrice, they won't actively try to kill you when you're in the same town, but also duel gloving means no bad blood.

>> No.17690868

Can you get a God Heart with the "Another evolution" (pot for fusion).

>> No.17690879

Nope, just "another heart" (hence the recipe's name). Gotta kill that doggod if you want an easy heart.

>> No.17690902

I didn't do anything to the files other than save them as .bmp files. I still get the same issue even after redownloading them

>> No.17690910

Are you trying to use individual portraits or trying to use the face.bmp with all NPCs?

>> No.17690915

I just download them off the site and renamed it face11.bmp and shit like that

>> No.17690972

Early game (lvl 26) here. I am planning to build a party to do the main story and go dungeon diving.
What should I look for in equipment?

>> No.17691003


>> No.17691005

Resists, immunities, rare enchants (+crit, proxy assist, etc.).
The material of equipment is the easiest thing to change.

>> No.17691014

magic resistance, customized AI to make your party non-suicidal, a decent stocked-up magic attack in my opinion

>> No.17691035
File: 34 KB, 581x398, complete shaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic resistance
So I assume something like picture is decent.

> customized AI to make your party non-suicidal, a decent stocked-up magic attack in my opinion
Already did both of that, but I only have one ally for fights (exile) and she is 10 levels lower than me.

>> No.17691043

That's a good enough piece for now, but as you get to higher levels you'll want to trade it for something with more resists and fewer stat boosts.
Your stats will get higher on their own, but resists are hard to come by.

>> No.17691049

See invis. Immunity to paralyze and confus since those are what mainly get spammed that you are able to be immune to without being a golem. Rsistances. Getting the final reward from the money goddess covers see invis if I remember right
The game was incredibly easy for me up to the end of part 2 with no pets at all equipping like this. With pets it will probably have absolutely no difficulty anywhere unless fighting set areas like the Dog God place more than 50 levels early

>> No.17691059

The Sage's Helm is arguably easier to get, you can pretty much earn it just by sucking up all the static small medals in each North Tyris locale.

>> No.17691060

Try to cover every element with pieces like that. Save pieces ''of (element)'' if they've got a high resist value, so you can mix and match on your party later and fill in weaknesses. I like putting a weapon ''of defender'' in the shoot slot, but with my Exile I put two ''it enhances your spells'' weapons in the hands and one in the ranged slot.

>> No.17691076

I already have the see invis from Yacatec, I played as a merchant so far and the bonus plat was too tempting.

>> No.17691080

Even if a pet have less levels than you, it can easily be way stronger than you thanks to the pets' increased growth rates. My Black Angel is 15 levels below me but she can easily destroy enemies +30 levels above her before they even react while I have to hope for extra attack procs to kill similar enemies before they eat all my mana barrier.

>> No.17691084

Yea probably. I think I used the coin thing because I could simply dump it in throw slot, and as my character was melee only other than shining wave, there was no downside to doing so even if I found a stronger throwing wep
Also, to add on to my post, consider getting a shift core from wishing. Specifically Gamma. At the low cost of 1 gauge 1 time, you get a massive speed boost and immunity to speed losses (this appears to even include being burdened, which you will be all the time for a very long time) and has 100% uptime if you just recast it before going down stairs since you will lose that meter otherwise. Although as you get faster you pretty much need 2 of them for this as you get so fast it takes goddamn ages for 1 hour to pass.
More turns is more exp, more healing, more damage

>> No.17691102

Good choice getting her late was a big regret on my guy. I only got her once it started to cost a ton of plat to upgrade anything, wasted potential.

>> No.17691124

Also how does the pet potential work? I heard you can give them gold(evochat) and they will go to the trainer.
There is also the Doujou and you can feed them potential potions.
What is the best to keep their potentia(skills and attributes)l up?

>> No.17691164

When your pet have enough cash, they will automatically spend it on potential training while you are spending some time in any town with a trainer NPC (I heard that the training price is based on their base INI, but I don't know the formula). No need to do anything other than walking/resting/wasting-turns inside a town, so just do your usual stuff and they will do their usual stuff.
The best method is gold, definitively. Any other method is a waste of time and resources (especially potential potions).
Give them ore/gold/magic-stones and they will sell it a few turns after entering any town (they will get more cash from this than you, shopkeepers either really love pets or really hate adventurers). Teach them Pickpocket with gene machine and eventually they will earn so much cash just from murdering things that you don't have to worry about giving them cash anymore.

>> No.17691199

Thank you. Did give her gold and the potentials were almost instantly maxed

.> (they will get more cash from this than you, shopkeepers either really love pets or really hate adventurers
It's a conspiracy.

> Teach them Pickpocket with gene machine
I'm morally opposed to use genetic enginering on my waifu. I'm doing it the hard way with blessed scrolls of gain attribute.

>> No.17691211

It's going to take you a LONG time my dude, maybe you should aim to become able to cast wish reliably to get those scrolls.

>> No.17691214

that seems like a total waste of those scrolls but do what you gotta do

>> No.17691233

That's my plan. Already have 400 wish stock.
The issue is the casting I think it was something around 1300 to reliably cast wish, and since I am lvl 26 with 65 casting it's a long way.

>> No.17691256

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

>> No.17691297

So I realized I wasn't supposed to do that and I found the onedrive link, where do I paste them to use all these sweet faces?

>> No.17691298

Is your pets casting chance affected by the type of armor they wear?

>> No.17691302

No, it's always 95% unless they're warmages.

>> No.17691304


>> No.17691313

No pets get to ignore rules like that on top of their absurd growth and massive buff + mana regen special and spell stock so they make better mages than you will ever be

>> No.17691327

You finally found out that site's big face.bmp isn't compatible with plus because it's missing all the new faces. What you want to do is grab face1.bmp in the elona/graphic folder (NOT user/graphic) and open it in an image editing program, then paste in the faces you want. But that's just if you want non-pet NPCs to be using them. For pets and yourself, you just drop individual portraits in user then select from appearance menu as explained earlier.

>> No.17691329

Downside of the Sage's Helm is that you aren't wearing a fairy hat. You can just swap them out before going to bed I guess, but for me the risk of forgetting is too high.
Also, another source of see invis is the Lucky Dagger. It's arguably better than the Kaneituuhou as a utility throwing weapon, since it also gives thief immunity.

>> No.17691341

>fairy hat
Who even cares?
Quit drinking from wells.

>> No.17691388

Also, keep drinking from wells because pots of mute cure can just be bought

>> No.17691399

Or you could just let your pets drink from wells because they can't mutate or get sick from it.

>> No.17691401

Should i wait until i'll get all skills before reading blessed scrolls of growth?

>> No.17691475

Oh hey. My lewding of Urcaguary made it to the OP.

At least I can be proud of something in my life.

>> No.17691512

>living weapon
>it brings an end
That must be REALLY easy to grind levels for.

>> No.17691531

Should I be concerned about leveling too fast? Given that I'm between 14 and 15 now I'm not exactly worried about it yet but I remember growth disturbing gear and potions of descent being popular, a while back.

>> No.17691540


>> No.17691560

No need to worry about it, except if you are a min-max mutant.

>> No.17691566

Level used to affect difficulty much more, but now it is based on fame. Also even if you did try to stay low level it is now very difficult due to exp changes, disturb growth based on level and descent no longer dropping from zombies.

>> No.17691619

Neat, time to dive into every dungeon I see.

Also, I just got two lucky days in one sleep. I'm not sure how lucky this actually is given that they don't stack and I'm out of chips.

>> No.17691836

you probably don't have any decent crafting skills at your level but it might still be worth a shot to try crafting some stuff. that's more useful once you've got a shop and you can unload all of the crap you make tho

>> No.17691909

Ok you gotta tell me who is the artist who did that girl with the bunny on her head.

>> No.17691945

I've only got alchemy and not alot of materials, but it's worth taking the time to make more potions, at least.

>> No.17692017

how fast does it seem your pets level pickpocket compared to other skills? my little girl's pickpocket is like 170 whereas most of her other skills are hovering around 100

>> No.17692057

My min-max mutant love to reach new levels. With his abysmal life he desperately need those extra hp from level ups...

>> No.17692077

Y'know, level up HP is determined by life.

>> No.17692137

Life is retroactive, so there is nothing bad in gaining levels first, and increasing life somewhen later.

>> No.17692158

I know, I'm just saying that HP gain from leveling isn't going to be very life-saving hah until you get the Life to back it up.

>> No.17692186

if a pet has a breeding power of 0 does that mean it won't breed at all? I really wanted to use this cupid of love I got to give greater evasion to my pets

>> No.17692190

Well, running around with disturbing growth equipment until i'll get a lot of life will give nothing but extra frustration, due to low hp caused by low life *and* low level.
Even just a bit of hp from new level it's much better than nothing at all.

>> No.17692203

Bats have greater evasion too.

>> No.17692216

ooh, all of them do? I can just knock one out in the puppy cave and use a shitty monster ball I have? that makes things a lot easier.

although I'd still like to know if 0 breeding power means they can't breed at all or if it just takes forever

>> No.17692289

>0 breeding power means they can't breed

>> No.17692328
File: 152 KB, 900x1271, __elin_tera_online_drawn_by_asanagi__2cbf9246cf6661180fa281d0a3154635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I managed to grab an Evolution Heart off of a random creep. What the fuck do I do with it? My only pets are the minute is a Gold and Platina bell.

>> No.17692343

Get normal pet, and evolve him.
Like... fire dragon child. With shadow step he'll be much better than bells.

>> No.17692345
File: 78 KB, 600x500, ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My only pets are the minute is a Gold and Platina bell.

>> No.17692357

Indeed. If you're going for bells get bell of termination!

>> No.17692367

I haven't seen one yet.

I was wondering if there were any specifically good ones. Fire Dragon Child has a whole evolution tree, so I might see how hard the other ones are to get.

>> No.17692448

Bells are noob trap pets. They're really good at first but basically won't gain AP and will get one shot before they can act at all later on

>> No.17692451

How good are mounts in long term? Won't he cripple me once i'll get good speed from ap? And how are they comparing to isolation feat(i don't want any combat pets for sure, so either i'll have horse or go alone)?
It's nice to have someone under my butt who cast touch of sleep on my enemies, and i'm planning to give him cheer, and so on.

>> No.17692460

Beating the Fort of Chaos' bosses in North Tyris will give you all the hearts you need to get dragon child's final evolution.
A fire dragon will become a lot stronger than your bells eventually, and it have megid flame as a bonus.

>> No.17692470

mounting is really only worth it if you're a mutie

>> No.17692495

I am, that's why i'm using my mount now. But i'm just not sure should i put my efforts in training him, or maybe eventually i'll kick him out.

>> No.17692533

Do fruit trees bear fruit while inside a static dungeon?

>> No.17692557

Do ranches reset furniture? I'm thinking of moving my gene machine there, but I don't want to risk losing it

>> No.17692568

Nonmutant: Worthless. Actively detrimental with no real upside.
Mutant: Good, but if you have a gamma or omega shift core, you don't need them. I have I think -45% speed (-25% in effect because solo trait) right now and I still don't use a mount.
For combat this is fine, as I can simply use my cores to negate the mutey racial entirely, then recast it before going down stairs. Kinda finnicky, but it works.
A mount would be very good for harvesting/escort quests but I'm doing harvesting succesfully most of the time anyways and it will only get easier as I go up in levels and raise my speed more via AP. For escort quests, I simply don't do them unless its like Palmia to Yowen, as even with speed ring and boots of 7 leagues, I just can't travel any further in time. This too will get easier as I dump more AP in speed, but even on my non-muties I rarely bothered with these anyways. Combat/farming/performing quests are all doable and are faster or pay better.

I'd say a mount is def worth using on a Gavela mutant, but only if you really don't want to use cores.
On a standard mutey I wouldn't bother at all even then

>> No.17692644

Rabbit was my doing, I like to put things on top of heads

>> No.17692660

Thanks anon, also good job with the rabbit thing, things on heads is a good meme.

>> No.17692686

How do I eat snow. Wiki says its a cure for anorexia

>> No.17692698
File: 1.37 MB, 430x360, 1497195064208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiki says that Synchro Hearts is unlocked at 100 CHA, but I still haven't unlocked it even though I have way more CHA than that. It is available on AP shop, though.
Then it says that Charge Attack is unlocked by buying it from Leold with AP, but also says that I can learn it automatically with 120 CON if I have completed enough main quests (like armor skills, I guess?).
So, can I really unlock these skills naturally? I guess this is just a case of outdated info, but some confirmation would be nice.

>> No.17692701

0 or g to pick it up, then drink it with q.

>> No.17692706

My game keeps crashing whenever certain monsters use their gauge attack. Has anyone else encountered this bug? Using the latest version of elona+ with custom.

>> No.17692736

No. I use figurines as decoration and they never disappeared.

You don't eat, you drink it.
But if you want to get fat fast, use the "mix feed" recipe (pot of fusion). Eating this will always give 1kg plus enchantment level (the crafted item will keep the ingredient's enchantment level).

>> No.17692759

oh i see the issue. i needed to go to town and grab its snow. random battle snow doesnt count. i dont even have pot of fusion

>> No.17692768

I meant to reply to >>17692557

>> No.17692789

Thanks, guess now I can use those shades with less effort of going all the way to vernis

>> No.17692946

Got Mad Scientist and Winged Snail in the same dungeon.

>> No.17693010

Is there anyway to change the color of my characters skin past the starting creation point?

>> No.17693020
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 1498604658926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to get Elochat working, both just changing the text inside the file and replacing it entirely like >>17678232 suggests doesn't seem to get it functional, it will still completely change the server.txt file, and if I set it to read-only, it shits the bed and refuses to start.

>> No.17693054

What are the rich doing now in 1.71 to make gold?

>> No.17693057

press c to open char menu, press p to edit appearence.

>> No.17693092

>What are the rich doing now in 1.71
Building palaces all around, to serve as mere return point. With their countless billions earned before cataclysm.

>> No.17693101

But that won't work anon, you can only ever own one actual House.

>> No.17693104
File: 220 KB, 500x1249, 61473820_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Endgame players have already made their riches to last the rest of their lives, and thus don't care about the nerfs.

Everyone else from here on out is fucked though

>> No.17693112

Yeah, that's the point. It works only until you place another palace somewhere else...

>> No.17693167

I dunno why you guys updated from 1.68. There has been nothing added worth updating for since then.

>> No.17693185

There's the act 3 final boss and Garok's hammer being buffed. But yeah, I'm staying in 1.68 too.

>> No.17693260
File: 530 KB, 806x626, shops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in Act 3 and have more than enough charisma to qualify but I don't have Synchro Hearts either. I know for a fact that I had to buy Charge off of Leold since I bought it to help me deal with godslaying crabs. I suspect you have to buy Synchro Hearts off Leold as well. The getting of Charge and Synchro Hearts outside of Leold I suspect is very old information that may have worked in the past but has been changed. Have to go through Leold now it seems.

In config.txt did you change serverlist to 1? If you didn't the game will try to connect to the old server and overwrite your server.txt file. Try editing the config.txt entry, save config.txt, delete server.txt, and then create a new server.txt with the link to the working server.

I've returned to older gold strategies while adopting some of the new crafting features 1.71 to supplement what I'm making. The bulk of my gold I'm making is through selling almost everything I come across on void/dungeon floors or from killing monsters. Spellbooks, rods, scrolls, armors, weapons, corpses, etc. I cook the corpses and put it in my food shop/restaurant. I put everything else in their respective shops. Weapons and armor go to my blacksmith shop. Scrolls, spellbooks, and rods in my magic shop and potions in my inn.

The biggest shop earner for me at the moment is my restaurant/food shop. 3-5 million a day from just selling the cooked corpses of dungeon/void monsters is pretty common for me. Next up is my blacksmith but I'm experiencing a bottleneck there which I'll get to in a bit. My magic shop and inn are my lowest gold earners but the trade ins can be valuable. Speed upper potions, gain attribute scrolls, rods of wish, spellbooks of wish, etc.

Normally I have my companion Saya accompany me in void clearing but when I get back home to sleep I put her in my restaurant. She doesn't have as high a negotiation skill as my other shopkeepers but since her charisma is 2000 she creates one hell of a line outside of the restaurant of people wanting to get in. She moves my food inventory very quickly and in huge amounts. The pic shows 2002 customers came and she sold 691 of my food items which is pretty much all of my food inventory for the in game day. Her total was around 4 million this time around.

Meanwhile, Yacatect who has higher negotiation is struggling to clear her inventory. I normally have at least 300 items in her shop for sale yet she struggles to clear 100 in a given day. I get so many weapons and armor from my dungeon and void runs that I have to put some in storage for sale later due to not moving inventory as quick as I would like. Yacatect only got 192 customers through the door. I suspect if I raise her charisma she'd have an easier time clearing her inventory and will in turn make me more gold for the day. My other shopkeepers would probably improve their sales through the raise of charisma as well however the amount of rods, scrolls, potions, and spellbooks I find in dungeons are slightly less than corpses, weapons, and armor. Normally I have to craft beer and scrolls to help out the inventory of those shops.

Speaking of crafting, the new crafts I like are log cabin and fur rug. Those can sell for a nice bit of gold to a normal vendor especially if you sell in bulk. Unfortunately, those items can't be sold in pet run shops. Other crafts I like to sell for gold when the materials are available are waste art, stone craft, and wood craft.

I'm still able to buy growth scrolls for my character Kai so I'm happy about that. It certainly isn't as easy as it was before though and you really need to work for that gold.

>> No.17693344

How much do you expect to make if you improve yacatect?

>> No.17693386

Hard to tell. Problem is I better understand the pricing of food than I do of equipment now that both material and enchants play less of a role in equipment price. Due to that, I can't exactly forecast an amount but it should be higher than what I'm currently making. I suspect that if I raise her charisma more people will come through the blacksmith door and in turn lead to more sales.

>> No.17693526
File: 888 KB, 1601x993, Elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just entered last level of danger 2 dungeon and then this happens, killing the boss apparently.

>> No.17693534

Nobody likes bomb rocks. Not even bosses. Even bomb rocks hate being bomb rocks. If you have a bomb rock as a boss it will explode for an easy victory assuming the explosion doesn't kill you.

>> No.17693536

Oh, nvm. it wasn't the last level. But still strange.

>> No.17693548
File: 90 KB, 1764x387, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I did any editing or replacing of the server.txt I did set the value on serverlist to 1 on config.

This is what it changes to whenever I run elochat, what the fug

>> No.17693622
File: 71 KB, 371x334, ...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking around town
>little girl drinks from a well
>falls down it and dies
Also are Archers really weak or something early on? Level 2 Yerles and without my pet I barely could kill anything. I actually ended up dying on the first floor of Lesimas I always play on Loss mode too

>> No.17693643
File: 1.98 MB, 1288x2264, chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah you're using Elochat the program. Yeah don't do that. That program doesn't work with what we have now. Get rid of your server.txt and put in the right address again. You chat inside the game. In the game press / to expand the log and then tab to chat to see a log of chat. To actually talk to people you press tab and enter in whatever you want to say.

>> No.17693670

Is there a way to change your alias?

>> No.17693674

Everything is weak in the beginning. Don't do Lesimas when you're only lv 2.

>> No.17693684

Mutation spell.

>> No.17693691

Right, I completely forgot about it. Thanks.

>> No.17693693
File: 46 KB, 747x744, 1506391658477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw on a hunting quest my magic dart hits little girl on auto-attack, minces her in one hit and now i have -100 karma.

>> No.17693699

Mutation spell

>> No.17693739

I'm really new to the game but not roguelikes. Apparently gaining levels in this is mostly through skills but I'm pretty clueless as to what's good for power-leveling. In the two runs I've played I always try to do quests early to get starting gold and upgrade my equipment but I have no sense of direction past that. I play stuff like PCB and DCSS so I'm not used to structuring my own playthrough. Should I take Travelling as my skill and run around the map?

>> No.17693751


>> No.17693761

Oh yeah, on my first playthrough I actually got level 5 which was from training but I wasn't even aware it was that good. Ended up dying because I attacked the king of Palmia and he one-shot me with his Hope Scorpion. Didn't expect him to be so powerful.

>> No.17693762

Make gold and get enough to invest in magic vendors. You need those vendors invested in so your stat potentials stop being shit. Get potions of potential off of invested magic vendors so you can continue leveling your attributes. Level up whatever you're doing for damage whether that be skills or spells. Get to around level 25 and start doing the story. You should be able to complete at least act 1 by level 30-50.

>> No.17693782

Isn't -100 karma the savescum penalty?

>> No.17693805

Oh, that's right, i am playing on natural.
I thought that i was at Essential for some reason.

>> No.17693809

Yeah, that damages your Life and Mana totals too.
Personally I'd just play on Essential because the game has crashed on me before.

>> No.17693901

The game has fairly amount of freedom of how you decide to do in the early portion of the game, you can get levels and make decent money by doing things like traveling, performing, preaching and cooking/harvesting. So it's not rare for people to play merchant, farmer or musician while using their PP to get stuff like weight-lifting, negotiation, performing, traveling up with PP as you can practically ignore dungeon crawling without being heavily punished. Cooking and sleeping play a huge part before being able to buy Potions of potential. As is the only way to train stats (str,dex,con,perc,magic,will) at a decent pace. Don't sleep on the inn, sleeping in a quality the bed will raise your potential by more so carrying an eastern bed is recommended and cooking good meals is really important in this game. Also getting a couple of pets from the slave markets will help you in your first few levels of the game.

>> No.17693911

>carrying an eastern bed is recommended
Don't you mean a happy bed?

>> No.17693928

A happy bed weights 31 and require you to farm cupids while an eastern bed weights 2,0 and can be bought in the general store, Having a happy bed is nice but during the first few levels of the game you just can't carry it and you may not be able to walk back home everytime you are sleepy.

>> No.17693944
File: 384 KB, 586x367, parent of the year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17693957
File: 5 KB, 771x99, arrgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My negro

>> No.17693981

All you need it's a couple of cheap scrolls of inferior material , and your happy bed will weight 3s.

>> No.17694155

Ranged attackers deal tons of damage but can take no punishment. Pets are important to counteract this, especially on Inferno, so never do anything you're not absolutely comfortable with without them. Just target the important mooks using * and sit back. Though I've heard you can build an "evasion tank" where you're able to get into the midst of combat without getting swamped because you're impossible to hit but I've never tried it myself.

>> No.17694202

little girl is overpowering me
what do

>> No.17694233
File: 880 KB, 1596x989, Elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's a nice random drop.

>> No.17694239

Accept your place as her sidekick.

>> No.17694246

Become her wife.

>> No.17694267

this is depressing
the twenty level gap is making me sad

>> No.17694271

It's a good feeling watching your daughter/wife/daughter-wife become godlike thanks to your effort and money.

>> No.17694272

That's the reason why i'm plying solo in my last game.
Pets too fast becomes stronger that "main" character.

>> No.17694296
File: 354 KB, 588x369, Don't worry, I'll take good care of her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let Raphael borrow her for a bit.

>> No.17694328
File: 857 KB, 1598x988, Elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this happening? I'm pretty sure that his sprite is NOT where the chicken sprite is.

>> No.17694336

It is. You're using beautify, right?
They misplaced a sprite.

>> No.17694347

Then where is it? i can't find him on the character spritesheet

>> No.17694355

Down at the bottom, I think? Beneath the user graphic 22.

>> No.17694359

Is that Aqua?
Can you share the sprite please?

>> No.17694384
File: 1.11 MB, 1597x991, Elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it is. Thanks!
Here you go. Just delete _
For some reason i can't upload .bmp

>> No.17694398

So is anyone fixing the beautify pack?
I want to work with it but I want to know if someone is doing it.
Don't really want to work on it only for someone to have already fix it

>> No.17694439

Is there a new music pack that doesn't squeak when the track changes?

>> No.17694440

Is it possible to select alias manually somehow?
I saw wonderful alias once, during chargen, which would fit my current character perfectly. And i'd like to get it without spending hours on rerolling.

>> No.17694459

I mean, I am working on making sure everything is updated since I like the style of it and want it for myself.
But since I am going through making a composite character spritesheet of things I like, even leaving some of the original sprites I can't find a good match for, the characters might look like garbage to everyone else.

>> No.17694497
File: 162 KB, 1441x280, ss+(2017-09-28+at+10.54.16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17694517

The changelog states that with the trait aesthetic sense items are worth 33% more plus 300 gp. My pet has it and sold an item for 7 gold. Is that not working?

>> No.17694547
File: 18 KB, 465x226, popup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the chat server linked in the OP still work for other people?
I put it in my server.txt and I get a little popup when the game starts up with the content of server.txt in it, but I don't seem to see others' death messages or wishes...

>> No.17694559

It works differently. You're getting more expensive items when your shopkeeper buying something.

>> No.17694647
File: 23 KB, 628x46, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17694652

Epic dude

>> No.17694655

"How llama!"

>> No.17694736
File: 735 KB, 791x1100, 3a9ca862c23c913a53b8858f9ceeee42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting a useless goddess on your team

If you don't make her cast exclusively Water Beam/Ball only, then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.17694737

I found a living weapon in adventurer inventory, but a it's a staff. Is it worth buying and leveling?

>> No.17694750

Figures that no matter what version you play you end up doing well. Keep up the good work and thanks for the tips.

>> No.17694756

Yes. Go into your save folder for whatever character you want to change the alias for and open cdatan.s1 with any text editor (Notepad works fine), then change your alias to what you want it to be.

>> No.17694769

Please don't change your alias to something presumptuous that you can't fulfill. We already have the Superb God Maximus that couldn't play a piano to save his life and restored to terrorism to get back at the people in Vernis. Didn't even kill the people he want dead and ended up as the casualty of his own nuke. Everybody ended up hating him and when the etherwind blew he couldn't find a place to stay and mutated. Now he lives in some dark alley in Derphy probably lamenting. "We waz gods" or some crap.

>> No.17694779

What changed with the ability to get gold in 1.71? I'm not seeing anything jumping out especially in the change log.

>> No.17694792

Crafting system got reworked and a bunch of people used it as their main source of income. The crafting system may be more flexible now but the stuff needed to make things got a lot harder to come by so people can't really craft a lot of stuff at one time and sell in shops. Also most of the stuff you can craft now seems like you can only sell to other NPCs.

>> No.17694804

Well, the alias i'm thinking about it's "God of Slaughter"... But hey! I'm 20-handed freak named Shiva - i deserve such alias!

>> No.17694809

You better live up to that title. I better be seeing a bunch of powerful enemy heads roll and I better not see you die in chat from some unworthy enemy like a yeek.

>> No.17694815

I once died to a whale inside a stone fortress. My alias was surprise adventure.That alias was a self fulfilling prophecy from character generation. I never thought I'd end up fighting a whale in a stony fortress and dying to it.

>> No.17694820

is the ammo in this game infinite?

>> No.17694824

Normal ammo is infinite. Special ammo is not.

>> No.17694846

Is the Noyel Festival really the only place I can buy an upstairs/downstairs for my house?

I just missed it and it'll take ages...

>> No.17694854


you have to reload special ammo types at the blacksmith/use ammo box.

normal ammo is infinite

>> No.17694865


13th step ghost drops an upstairs (if you can run into the damn thing)

Festival of Jure and Rain Festival for stairs


>> No.17694868

That's a little sooner at least, then. Thanks.

>> No.17694871
File: 60 KB, 547x306, NUCLEAR_DEAD_LION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I should probably just get rid of this.

>> No.17694880

My first char was so absurly rich I got bored from nothing to do and will likely never run out of money unless I specifically try to make him.
My second isn't far enough to see how bad the nerfs are

>> No.17694935


>> No.17695020

>kill atlas
>get EVOLUTION heart

>> No.17695042

What does that comic imply? Seems interesting

>> No.17695054

It's been a while since I played Elona/+ and that time, Custom didn't even exist. What were the changes? At a glance there doesn't seem to be any nerfs in the changelog.

>> No.17695079

Lmao, just kill the speedy dogger.

And when you kill it, keep diving in the void until you find another speedy dogger as a level boss.

>> No.17695197
File: 339 KB, 697x462, 1500815760926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i offer stuff to my god

>> No.17695199

Find an altar and "t"use it

>> No.17695203


Find an altar.

>> No.17695207
File: 15 KB, 596x32, rip grandma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17695339

This guy here. Did they nerf quest rewards? I used to just spam escort missions to earn some starting cash.

>> No.17695507

can someone fucking add in the OP that the tight fucking rope does nothing but kill yourself

motherfucker, been playing loss mode and was level 35v and a fucking tight rope killed

fuck this shit its not fucking fair

>> No.17695509
File: 449 KB, 900x500, laughingholemaidens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17695519

As a guy who died 3 times trying to steal a guillotine, what did you expect the tight rope to do?

>> No.17695524

i thought it would act like some fucking lasso
but instead it lassoed my neck!

>> No.17695579
File: 888 KB, 450x252, 1399440602768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking klutz

>> No.17695592

"Smoke Up Johnny"

>> No.17695599

Doesn't it ask if you're sure? I'd be cautious if something was asking if I'm sure I want to use it.

>> No.17695605

>use tight rope
>"Are you sure?"
>"You hang yourself."

>> No.17695617

Today, you have learned two important lessons:
1. Don't use a thing unless you know what it does.
2. Exact meaning is often lost in translation.
Knowledge of these two facts may save your life at some point in the future. Your many hours of gameplay were not sacrificed in vain.

>> No.17695733

You don't need to kill speed dog to make him appear in the void.

Source: me

>> No.17695833

So my shopkeeper uses it to trade for higher quality items? Good. It means I can still be an ass and rip people off by selling them mix feed made with terrible ingredients.

>> No.17695974

does anyone know the damage of the blade strings?

I got the feat by accident and I can't count the number of times it has saved my ass

>> No.17696005
File: 40 KB, 350x418, good one, take a bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best fucking TAS I've ever seen

>> No.17696076

Nah my Mutey ran over everything with no issue straight after I finished getting its Gavela parts and started levelling, despite being largely naked and having the crappy start stats of mutant. You are really only weak until you buy a single decent weapon and wear some armor. And even before then you can do what I did and just spam sleep touch on everything because it wins all fights in low levels for free. No need for pets or avoiding dungeons.
Its actually harder for me to kill some lower level enemies now I'm in my 20's than it was naked at 1 because they get 2 turns per my one unless I used a shift core. They just run and run and I'm too stubborn to use anything other than melee.

>> No.17696084

This is why all my characters except my first have been solo and why he also switched to solo. I envisioned fighting side by side with a single well loved pet, struggling through the dungeons and quests together. What I got was something that starts stronger than me, ignores most limitations, grows stronger than me, gets more out of basically everything than I do and in general just completely sucked the fun out of the game. Using a pet didn't even feel like I was playing the game, I was watching it play it.

>> No.17696100

>see attribute screen
>almost all my atttributes are "hopeless" now

what the fuck did I do?

>> No.17696109
File: 614 KB, 697x399, abcdefg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rose your stats and neglected your potential. Just, like, eat food, sleep, and drink potions of potential (preferrably blessed) and you'll be superb in no time, mate.

>> No.17696114

Leveled them up and used up potential without balancing it out by doing stuff. The main way people here suggest fixing this is making a farm, planting herb seeds and mixing 2 curaria and a stormfillia (or is it 2 storm and a cura?). This is okay. What I did was hire a bunch of mage type shopkeepers, force feed them money and regularly buy any pots of potential they have, bless them en masse and drink them. This is less effort and keeps potential higher for longer, but I'm not sure if its viable since they nerfed money gain and you likely don't have as much money as I do left over from before they did that.

>> No.17696125

>drink potions of potential
are those hard to find?

I don't have much money, will probably have to o the farm thing

>> No.17696139

They start to show up at like 50 - 100 level in a magic shop. I've invested mine into studidly high levels and they don't seem more common. I can't remember how expensive the actual pots are, since I was mainly buying them on a char with functionally infinite money for buying anything other than sourvenier shop items.

>> No.17696140

Just save yourself about 100,000 gold and go invest in the magic/potion shop in palmia 50 times, that'll make him start selling them occasionally.

>> No.17696142

>The main way people here suggest fixing this is making a farm, planting herb seeds and mixing 2 curaria and a stormfillia (or is it 2 storm and a cura?).
I believe you are talking about Herbed food (using pot of fusion, mix curaria, stormfilia, and any rare herb with a food item of your choice, preferentially a rank 5 or above cooked food or a blessed curaria). That is used to increase your attributes, not potential.

Potions can be found in dungeons but they are quite rare. Magic shops with +100 rank are the easiest way to get them.
Other ways to increase potential are breakfasts made by pets (teach your pet Cooking, always go to sleep between 8PM~11PM to wake up in the morning), and picnics made by maids from Maid Mansion after you buy it (also created with pot of fusion).

>> No.17696144

Potential is a multiplier towards gained exp. If it is 400% (superb), exp you gain for the attribute or skill is multiplied by that. The more you train a skill or attribute, the more you ''use up'' its potential, and you need training to be able to learn or improve fast again.

It seems to me like a representation of being able to improve on what you were taught up to a point, but you eventually hit a wall and need to be taught some concept in order to start improving again at a decent pace instead of having to spend years reinventing the wheel

>> No.17696157
File: 53 KB, 720x720, plataNO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just save yourself 100k gold

how the fuck do I tell him that I got into this situation by being a fucking casual that started in easy modo because he didn't want to grind

>> No.17696165

Current Elona+ Custom chat server AFAIK is severely limited and you'll only get to read/send messages and some death messages out in the chat log.
Essentially you'll never actively see peoples death messages or wishes or the like as before.

>> No.17696166

I think I'm getting something wrong
what are trainers for?
I went and joined the fighters guild thinking that paying the trainer there would allow me to recover the potential for the tactics skill or level it up but it seems they only serve to teach you the skill in the first place?

>> No.17696204

Go drink from a bunch of wells and hope to god you get a wish. Use that wish for Seven League Boots and begin your journey to become the North Tyris equivalent of FedEx, and an ambulance simultaneously.

>> No.17696209

one step ahead of you
see the OP pic?
>"Gedan the little girl draws water from a well. What do you wish for?"
that's me, I got my seven league boots

>> No.17696243

Well, then you've just gotta run missions until you get yourself some cash. And I don't think it's actually 100k to invest 50 times( should be less), but that's a fairly safe number.

>> No.17696302

one of my cooler boxes just became a general store for some reason. It's filled to the brim with shit the gen goods stores carry

>> No.17696324
File: 684 KB, 1595x1199, General Cooler Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is wrong with my cooler box. how do I fix this? It replenishes every time I empty it out.

>> No.17696348
File: 687 KB, 1597x1195, Cooler Box of Surprises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can carry it around, and it still generate new items which would spawn new items every time I move to a new map. Have I discovered the equivalent to Schrodinger's Cooler Box? or a Cooler Box of Holding?

>> No.17696351

what have you doneeee

>> No.17696368
File: 43 KB, 428x300, 1462075365245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yacatect sure gives the weirdest blessings.

>> No.17696378

This was supposed to be my cooler box for basic herbs. I've lost 100+ of each basic herb. I just harvested shit recently and got another 100 herb to store but this is what greeted me when I opened the cooler box.

>> No.17696385

technically this isn't cheating, right?

>> No.17696404

In times of drought for money making schemes in the world of Nefia, Yacatect bestows upon you a gift of eternal bounty. Treasure it well anon. She may have stolen all your herbs, but it's sort of a fair trade.

>> No.17696410

>drink from a well
>"you feel gooey", fire res-
>drink again
>your eardrums get thinner
>drink again
>your joints creek

>> No.17696411

Save corruption soon, fellow stalker.

>> No.17696413

I have elonaextender on anon

>> No.17696421

Would be surprised if that was the responsible party.

>> No.17696425


>> No.17696458

Why are you shoving your cloaks inside a cooler? Coolers are for foods and drinks.

>> No.17696461

generally if you keep drinking it just keeps turning on and off the same mutations. i drink from them every time i can for funzies and the worst thing i got is anorexia from all the vomitting

>> No.17696490

Is there a way to replicate this?

>> No.17696505

Figure out what made Yacatect fall in love with that anon and maybe she will bless your cooler box too.

>> No.17696522

it was his massive stack of coins in his pocket

>> No.17696555

How bad ether equipments is? Will it screw me if i'll try to use it?

>> No.17696566

If you are paranoid about it, don't use them until you have a hefty source of cure corruption.
Otherwise unequip them whenever there is etherwind and you should be fine.

>> No.17696583

Has extender ever corrupted saves before?
I do not want to lose my long time game to something that dumb since I was JUST convinced by the thread that extender is amazing.

>> No.17696599

Well, i have enough of cure corruption, but if thing will force me to drink them daily... it won't make happy.

>> No.17696600

Its not generally that bad, but the equipment isn't good enough to justify the hassle

>> No.17696603

I don't know about corrupting, but I know I've heard of people getting more frequent crashes with it. Possibly due to having it back up too frequently.
I couldn't honestly tell you though, as this is based entirely on what other people have posted; I've never used extender myself.

>> No.17696625

Well certainly not everyone in these threads uses it. Problem with adding mods upon mods is always the risk of compatibility problems and bugs.

>> No.17696641

I don't know but the strongest players don't seem to be using anything beyond Elona plus and custom. One of them is playing loss mode and doesn't use extender.

>> No.17696668

You tend to get comfortable with what you have, though. And I, personally, don't like the idea of trying to apply more than one mod at a time.

>> No.17696694

I don't use it and never will. I'd rather do backups manually than use some outdated mod that causes issues

>> No.17696705

>Has extender ever corrupted saves before?
Never happened to me, at least. It's not like Extender is messing around with the game's files or your save data. It only puts its stuff on top of the game so it's easier to look at things. This and backups, a simple copy-paste process.

It's not like Extender will improve your powerleveling potential or make your pets less stupid (like Custom). It just lets me highlight potions of potentials and other items, so I can go straight to it instead of looking at my stupid inventory (than I unfortunately can't manually organize) because I'm addicted to hoarding loot (so memorizing letter shortcuts won't work either).

>> No.17696730

Man being able to actually organize your inventory would be great, you could put your most used items at the top and shit, or make some categories appear last

>> No.17696733

Think someone corrupted their save using elosnack but nothing with extender yet. I have seen a couple of people with buggy games and they coincidentally have been using extender from what I can tell. Don't know if extender is the cause of their bugs though but I can understand why people would be wary of it.

>> No.17696737

The only reason I ask is I heard about that besides a couple non serious,unless on loss of course, crashes extender just added nice quality of life things.

But if >>17696324
Only used extender then there must be something happening.

>> No.17696772

Yeah, I would fucking love that. Or at least smaller icons on the inventory, I keep missing certain items while checking my inventory because other ones have fucking massive icons.
Extender's label and CTRL+F features are life-savers for a blindfuck like me.

Extender only crashes my game when I used the "incremental backup" feature (backup on every save, instead of just on save&exit), but I decided to turn it off after it crashed like 30 times in different moments. No corruptions ever happened in all those times. The only time my save got corrupted was before using Extender, and lost +30hrs of progression because of my lack of backups.
I find hard to believe that Extender is actually able to turn cooler boxes into shopkeepers, the program isn't messing your inventory's files. Fuck, if there is some button/feature on Extender that will make Yacatect completely fall in love with me I would press it all day long.

>> No.17696793

What version is your game?

>> No.17696843

1.71, my cooler box hasn't transformed since yesterday and it just happened when I checked it today but the closest I did involving a general goods shopkeeper was that I recently fired a wizard then replaced it with a general good shopkeeper, then invested it in 50 once, and just 5 normal investments afterwards. Also, I had two cooler boxes, one for basic herbs and the other for rare herbs.

>> No.17696912

Dont tell me that everything in that cooler is free.

>> No.17696914

Herbs never go bad.
Also upload your save somewhere

>> No.17696922

Herbs never go bad.
That super hungry sea lion over there will be delighted at these news.

>> No.17696926

As of 1.71, "protects from thieves" equipment stops that.

>> No.17696943

Time to equip that palmia ring.

>> No.17697142

This is never gonna happen, and would likely be impossible to implement or it would just break the game, but I would love if you made a golem then evolved them into a castle golem you could have a 4th dimensional room inside them.
Say you go up and interact with them, you can choose enter and then you are in a static room you could store stuff.
Maybe have it so that if you are in an area with hostile mobs it rigs a counter when you enter so that if you stay too long the golem dies and you are either ejected back into the dungeon or die with it.

>> No.17697148

>Kill <Sian>, go to continue with story
>Doesn't work
>Go back to Lesimas, he respawned, kill again for more gear
he seems to be farmable for easy stuffs. not worth farming but neat

>> No.17697370

Any word yet on best shops?

>> No.17697393

>find altar
>"you don't believe in god"
I know you fucking retard, that's why I'm praying

what do I have to do?

>> No.17697401

Find divine altar, silly. Not just nameless piece of stone.

>> No.17697406
File: 95 KB, 887x588, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using the altar in noyel, it didn't say in the wiki that it had to be a special altar

>> No.17697408

You need to find a claimed altar, unclaimed ones will just send you back to atheism mode.
The first few altars you will find are unclaimed. Dungeon ones usually are claimed, but there are random.
The easiest way to do it is to go to Truce Ground, unique-looking area north of Palmia (keep walking until you find some unique-looking stones). You will find all gods in this area.
Also, as a tip, avoid using the altars in this area for offerings. One mistake and you may lock a god/goddess behind a terrible RNG wall (or until act 2, for a few gods).

>> No.17697462

Any tips for Egelveil? I have been destroying the last couple bosses, but all of a sudden this one has such a disgusting amount of hp and a gauge release that almost erases me, not to mention the immobilized stuff. And I thought the Nine Head Dragon's gimmick was bad.

>> No.17697470

Unaligned altars technically are Eyth of Infidel's altars. Since you start as a Eyth's "follower", praying to these altars will just follow the normal praying process (the normal pray command, where your god bless you and sometimes drops a gift). Since "following" Eyth basically means that you don't have a god, you get that message.
If you pray to a god on top of a unaligned altar, you will be able to go back to Eyth. If you pray to a god on to of his altar, the command will ignore the altar and give you the normal benefits of praying.

>> No.17697514
File: 1.47 MB, 1599x992, Elona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit. I got a werewolf in Palmia.

>> No.17697540
File: 785 KB, 600x313, 33dwn42.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17697543
File: 405 KB, 803x627, shops2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best for what I'm doing with Kai seems to be the food shop if I'm only interested in gold. Next is the blacksmith. I took out Yacatect and put in my companion Akeno, who has 2000 charisma, to test how much of a difference higher charisma would help. My earnings definitely increased however it's still not on par with my food shop. Brought in around 1.6 million with my blacksmith and around 4.1 million with my food shop.

Even if I had the stardust to craft tons of weapons or armor to sell I'm not sure that would be the best use of your in game time. Crafting those weapons and armor takes 3 in game hours. At best, you'd be able to create 24 items in that time. Meanwhile, I could raid the void or dungeons and amass far more than 24 items for sale or be doing something else.

>> No.17697575

>At best, you'd be able to create 24 items in that time

By this I'm meaning that if you started crafting at midnight you would only end up with 24 items by day end in the game.

In the span of a day I could accumulate more than 24 items if I raided dungeons and void. Using 24 hours as a span of time for action due to the fact that pet run shops operate on 24 hours and at the end of 24 hours they report their sales.

>> No.17697613

Time to vote and constantly leave Palmia.

>> No.17697657

>werewolf is a monster
He's a smart guy!

>> No.17697665

How do I get the Panzerfaust X?
Also is it like a gun or one use item?

>> No.17697679

Luck, I guess. It works like a rod, usually it comes with one charge but it can be recharged (with ammo packs, I think? Never used one).
I think Moyer sells it every now and then, after you give a few +50 investments to him. I'm sure I saw either Panzerfaust or M202 a couple of times in his shop.

>> No.17697689

Ah sweet thanks

>> No.17697766
File: 10 KB, 1132x30, ss+(2017-09-29+at+06.39.16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks guys

>> No.17697787
File: 687 KB, 1590x984, ss+(2017-09-29+at+06.42.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17697835

So these werewolves are heathens!

>> No.17697982
File: 282 KB, 801x599, Muwahahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, found wishing rod in farm. Good riddance.

>> No.17697998

Congrats Opatos. You have passed the trial of being strong since you beat the boss. You're the strongest and the main character of the story.

>> No.17698106
File: 378 KB, 750x750, Opatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17698180
File: 293 KB, 1138x371, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want multiple lulwy statues so I can manipulate the weather to whatever I want
>oh, I know i'll just steal the ones from Lumiest
>water tiles inaccessible
>remember that meteor can replace any tile with burnt tiles
>it still can't be stolen
Well, shit. I just murdered an entire city for no reason.

>> No.17698211

You know, MP breath can accomplish the same thing with less mass destruction.

>> No.17698215

And that is why supporting these nefia-addicted murderhobos was a mistake. Every adventurer should be considered a criminal and banned from cities permanently!

>> No.17698225

'Updating' is just deleting the old games files, getting the new ones and throwing your old saves back in right?

>> No.17698238

However, you should save in a permanent location when transferring saves. If your character is in some temporary location that no longer exists after upgrading for one reason or another, the file will be effectively broken for the new version.

>> No.17698239
File: 87 KB, 319x387, irenicus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many people have actually won with a Snail Tourist on Loss

>> No.17698248


>> No.17698250

If you aren't using modded files, yeah.
If you are, you have to check each modded file, compare it with the new one and add the new stuff to the old modded file.

>> No.17698266

Or you could have just Houzanha

>> No.17698278

>completed main quests
it's a win in everything but name.

>> No.17698283

I just realized speed upper potions increase your speed and its potential. For some reason I thought they just gave you a buff to speed.

>> No.17698292

Hey! Don't blame all adventurers for those assholes from the mages guild.
Wizards are the cause of at least 85% of your problems.
The rest is the rampant use of cursed gear by the average citizen. Seriously would it kill you people to identify your freaking equipment before you endanger the entire town by summoning monsters?

>> No.17698300

There is a speed buff potion, but it is just called speed potion.

>> No.17698324


plus one to speed and reset the potential back to 400% for both pets and MC

>> No.17698730

I got one from general store... just saying (shop rank 60). Pity rare.

>> No.17699020
File: 629 KB, 798x595, randart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really lucked out. Got this awesome randart early on from an easy Hunting quest. Regularly hitting 30s so everything is dropping like flies.

>> No.17699076

Time to get the sweet furniture

>> No.17699087

If I use shields, do I still get martial arts damage?

>> No.17699106

as a warrior that wants to branch into ranged combat with guns, what God do you reccomend?

I'm considering Mani for the shotgun weapon, Opatos for the extra defense or Jure to get extra survivality

>> No.17699410

Do Mani > Opatos > Jure. Most gods are only worth it for the rewards, I'd say that the only gods you should stick to once you have all the rewards you want are Jure, Lulwy and Kuromimi

>> No.17699415

You can switch gods if you want.
I would recommend getting Mani's shotgun early since getting lucky with drops or good crafted items is not that reliable early in the game. You should also work to get music tickets to buy the an unique sniper rifle with them on Act 2, and check adventurers every now and then for their weapons (sometimes they carry pretty good weapons, even unique artifacts).

>> No.17699432

Yes, it will use martial arts for damage and train it too. Tonfas and claws are considered shields, after all (but their enchantment bonus works like a typical weapon, giving bonus damage, unlike actual shields).

>> No.17699438
File: 2.07 MB, 280x211, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never knew i'd be so afraid of little girls and fallen soldiers
>hit for 70 damage in the fucking puppy cave

>> No.17699495

Are the treasure maps drops affected by level or only by luck?

>> No.17699624

im level 36 and im slowly runing out of the things to do in this game.

>> No.17699723


>> No.17699728

That's highly unlikely

>> No.17699841

Jesus, I wish I had such luck at the beginning. Starting as a Wizard was extremely painful.

>> No.17699935

can you lewd NPCs with squeeze now, or did someone astral pen her?

>> No.17699951

You can do that if you want to rape them, possibly murder them if you fuck up, but I'm not sure if lovey-dovey cuddling action works if they aren't your pets. You need high relationship level to do it with pets, so I guess NPCs have similar requirements.

>> No.17700038

I keep saying that just like you.
Also, no one called me out for it before... ever...

>> No.17700074
File: 120 KB, 600x392, it alive fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOOOO first laser gun crafting attempt

>> No.17700103

its mediocre desu

>> No.17700105

>It increases your perception by 5.
Man you could've gotten something much better then that.

>> No.17700107

Are you saying that crafting always results in alive weapons?

>> No.17700109

True, true, but living is living. Like what were the odds of getting a living laser gun before 1.71

>> No.17700120

They are saying that living weapons can get far better enchantments.

>> No.17700195

You can craft weapons and armor? Which skill is that?

>> No.17700215

Alchemy plus one of these 3: carpentry, jeweler, tailoring, also you need a pot for fusion for it.

>> No.17700239

It does work on NPCs other than pets as long as the usual requirements are met. Soul mate relationship and you being sleepy and over a bed when you squeeze them. Jure does it willingly whenever I initiate it.

>> No.17700264

im not sure why you think a wep can only be mediocre or alive

>> No.17700269

Does that train charisma and give SDT's or is booze a magical on switch for those?

>> No.17700295

Prostitution and sleep sharing are completely different mechanics.

>> No.17700304

That's a shame I want to hump my waifu until we're both performing gods. And hump her with love, not booze

>> No.17700370
File: 190 KB, 598x530, ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus I just got this as a shop trade-in

>> No.17700373
File: 1.80 MB, 374x254, 1490753901780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that name

>> No.17700379

Alright, so besides lucky day what can I do to craft really good living weapons?
Also fuck, I keep getting alive crossbows with "It Brings an End"

>> No.17700399

I think it really is just up to luck what enchantment you get. But even the shittiest Lwep is still better than almost anything else after you level it. I have steadily replaced all my pets' weapons with living ones

>> No.17700413

Wait for a lucky day (+777 luck, blessed food's buff is just +100), get a good stock of stardusts and materium so you don't waste turns crafting more of them.

>> No.17700417

I just can't get over how rare a lucky day is. I'm level 100 and haven't seen one since roughly level 50~

>> No.17700423

Man one time I didn't have a lucky day in 50 hours of gameplay. Then I started getting them so often I could barely make use of them. And then I stopped getting them for a long time.

>> No.17700427
File: 479 KB, 793x607, lulwyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invokes lulwy's trick
>i'm a disgusting mutie who rides all

>> No.17700453

Does favor affect Yacatecs "all collection" passive?

>> No.17700460
File: 3.54 MB, 1600x2400, Merchandise Theft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, yeah it seems that my cooler box's inventory is directly linked to my General Store manager's inventory

>> No.17700469
File: 32 KB, 317x317, 1422981190336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's where those shopkeepers keep all their shit

>> No.17700518

a bag of colding, to keep all their wares fresh

>> No.17700555

So basically, it wasn't a separate store of its own but rather it was actually linked to your general goods store servant? Now the big question is, how?

>> No.17700576
File: 717 KB, 1600x1201, 9 PALACES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NICE TRIPS. Also, yes

>> No.17700686

Yacatect gave you a ridiculously good blessing and I would be disappointed if you didn't convert to her right this instant.
Time to invest in your new RNG inventory.

>> No.17700959

Have you ever sat down with your general vendor and asked him if he's ever thought that he's actually a cooler box instead of a human being?

>> No.17701072

If you actually want to fix it i can point you where to start.
Get EloSnack, open your save, and find an item with item type(offset 12) - 641. That's your cooler.
Check the value of this item with offset 36(elosnack names it as "charges on rod"). That's corresponding inventory,
If you'll see there something like "1234", then its inventory is stored in "shop1234.s2" in your save folder.
After that... Well, it depends of what you'll see. Maybe you can simply remove that file(so game could recreate it) and that will be enough. Or change that value to something else, so it will sote inventory in different file.
And don't forget about backup, of course.

>> No.17701104

Thanks. Also, can you tell what could've led to this happening?

>> No.17701123

Well, apparently cdata(153, tc) of your shopkeeper have same value as inv(9, ci) of your cooler. Looks like it may probuce such effect. But no idea what caused that. (That also means that simple remove of file probably won't help you, and you will need to change it to something else after all)

>> No.17701158

And btw, just getting rid of that shopkeeper also might help, since they won't share same inventory after that. If that(same values) is your case.

>> No.17701315

What limbs should I add to the floating torso that is Renai?

>> No.17701367

My game crashed and now it wont load the save file, is there a remedy?

>> No.17701404

What combat style do you want for her? She could have lots of hands for Dual Wield, although you might want some arm slots for Cesti of Meteors...

>> No.17701429

Details, anon.
Have you tried to use your save file on a "fresh install" folder? If not, download and extract the game again, and give it a try.

>> No.17701528

I was thinking about putting her magic to use since I need some spell damage and training the exile will take long. She is well above my character and pet in STR, CON and MAG, but those two are pretty much solely focused on melee.
I never added a body part to anything so I am a bit worried about the life cut. She could eventually be good like you say, but her Tactics is pretty low in comparison and she doesn't even know Dual Wield.

>> No.17701589

Keep in mind, Renai's three defining traits are Distant Attack, Super Regene, and the lack of starting limbs. There are other monsters that have two of those (mushroom, ouroboros, etc.), but only Renai and Meshera Alpha have all three.

>> No.17701663

If you simply want to add limbs you can at least gene engineer some onto it.
Not sure the limit that you can use GE for repeat limbs, but it is easy enough to use asura like enemies for extra hands or horses for an extra leg slot.

>> No.17701782

Whats the most effective way of leveling a underleveled exile?

>> No.17701789

Catching a 20 meter tall indigo lobster and using its crustacean DNA to give her 50 levels

>> No.17701816

The best way of leveling anything up to the low hundreds is genengineering. Past that, just let them kill a bunch of shit in the void or panic/challenge quests.

>> No.17702234
File: 394 KB, 806x625, Zap gun fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man some one needs update pet evolution stuff.

missing skill the zap gun fish gets

>> No.17702261

how important is cooking? why or why not? should i be starting out with it?

>> No.17702276

Food is pretty easily the most profitable thing you can spend your time on if your cooking is at all decent. Its worth bothering with jut for that.

>> No.17702281

Oh and you can just learn it without joining any guild so don't worry about starting with it. The only skills that's maybe worth caring about are mage/theif guild trainer exclusive ones since those are dicks to join

>> No.17702297

Cooking corpses is one of the best, if not the best way to make money in the game.

>> No.17702298

For skills gained by evolution to show up in custom ai, you have to reinitialize their skills.

>> No.17702302


i know why i updated the missing info for gun fish evo.

>> No.17702304

thanks, you guys are really helpful. /rlg/ crossposters?

>> No.17702306


on top of this looking back at old version info to see if any pet evos are missing (how i found about the pumpkin one)

>> No.17702314

Okay, i'm not getting it. Can someone explain me why gravity accel makes me slower? And even more slower with each recast...

>> No.17702344

Are you riding a mount?

>> No.17702359

Yes. But i tried to unmount, and it still slows me down. Besides, sohuldn't it increase speed of my mount?

>> No.17702375

>If the pet's speed is too high compared to the limit allowed by your riding skill and its own strength, your mounted speed will receive a penalty of a couple speed points for every speed point above the limit. Give your pet strength-enhancing items or take away speed-enhancing ones in this case. Keeping your pet's speed at or below the limit is recommended even if it means taking away a speed ring and leaving the ring slot empty, as increasing its speed past the limit can slow your riding speed considerably.

>> No.17702384
File: 1.55 MB, 640x360, NANI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest into magic shop 4 times
>STILL no potions of potential

>> No.17702401

4 times? what level is the shop?

>> No.17702416

I hope you mean four "Invest 50".

>> No.17702421

I don't even know, I died shortly after posting that and I'm a lossfag so RIP that run. I spent like 9k on the shop and it left me feeling cheated.
>In Elona+ there is also the option to spend more money at once to increase the shop's rank by exactly 50; this not only saves time, but is also cheaper in terms of gold per rank than investing the smaller amount of money over and over again.
Didn't even know you could do this.
Nope, just asking the shopkeep if they needed money and then giving it to them.

>> No.17702439

Yeah, only investing 4 times won't do it, but a single invest 50 (which is LOADS cheaper than investing 50 times separately) will make them start showing up occasionally

>> No.17702443

Rank needs to be around 100 to even have a chance to spawn it, and 150-200 for becoming somewhat uncommon.

>> No.17702525

my pets don't get mutations if I give them potions of evolution right?

>> No.17702551


mutations is a PC thing only

>> No.17702558

So I have two questions. Is there any way to get the dumbbell of Opatos on a new character? My main character can get any items necessary.

Also how do the traits get inherited when breeding animals on a ranch? Do you have to keep the offspring with the desired traits alive or do you have to replace the breeder with the one with the trait?

>> No.17702600

You can't inherit precious items.

>> No.17702602


replace the breeder with the one with the traits

Dumbell is a precious item cant pass that on.

>> No.17702805

Thanks for the breeding advice. That should help with the dairy production.

I was aware it couldn't be passed on directly. I was just hoping for some clever trick that'd allow me to get it earlier. Oh well. It's probably for the best. It's kind of game breaking at level 110, let alone 1.

>> No.17702891
File: 14 KB, 642x36, slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, whatever. You can call me "Grandmaster of Slowness" now.

>> No.17702897
File: 591 KB, 1446x801, long night ahead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still at it, and doing it the right way
visual feedback however will be very slow
limiting factor in doing this is that I have no idea what some of these sprites are for so it's hard to name them

>> No.17702907

>I have no idea what some of these sprites are for
You can check it in game source, you know...

>> No.17702922

Holy moly, anon.

>> No.17702982
File: 473 KB, 1090x818, 4c367941b18eaea5f5f496fbaf27f26d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing little girls
you brought this pain upon yourself

>> No.17703004

>check it in game source
Aside from the legal issues of getting things directly from source, it is very difficult to read. Most things in source have no meaningful name. Like that orange rectangle, the blue "for card", those gradients at the bottom, what the fuck would they be named in the source if the compiler (and decompiler) conserved variable names? I don't plan on using them since I can't tell what it is for and I've never seen it in the game. I suspect a significant amount of these sprites aren't used. I didn't even know basic could draw images to the screen until I played this game.

>> No.17703146

O tempora, o mores. There is nothing bad, or even illegal, in investigating how something works by diving in source.
And you don't need to guess the names of variables - you already know name of file, and offsets of sprites.
That's enough to find something like this:
buffer 3, 1440, 800
picload exedir + "\\graphic\\interface" + devfile + ".bmp", 1
3rd buffer for interface. Gothca. Now... Let's search for its usage "gcopy 3"
gcopy 3, 0, 392, 24, 24
Buffer, offset, offset, size... Hey! There a gold coin in the file by those offsets! Pretty simple, isn't?
And now you can easily guess how exactly game will refer to another platinum coin next to it. Right. "gcopy 3, 24, 392, 24, 24". And now you can read context where it used...

Or, okay. In fact it will be a bit harder than i'm talking - since one file contains sprites of different sizes, and it might be hard to find "anchor". But it's not a big deal - you can use regexp to seach with aproximate coordinates. So, it's very doable task for someone with some determination.

>> No.17703212

And, btw - since that orange rectangle is... well, rectangular - it's very easy to find where it used in code. It somehow related with los drawing. Technical image.
And those gradients at the bottom probably used for drawing light. But i'm too lazy to check, so for gradients it's a pure guess.

>> No.17703224

>There is nothing bad, or even illegal, in investigating how something works by diving in source.
My understanding is that source diving to reproduce an application could get me copycried. I know that when organizations reverse engineer software, they have one group of engineers read the source code and come up with specifications of how it should behave, and another group implements it.

>gcopy 3, 24, 392, 24, 24
This doesn't tell me what the image represents without first taking in the context it is being draw in. The sub is named *label_1791, which also doesn't help. I'd need to look at everything happening around it and try to infer where this exists in the game, which requires me to know all the things that can happen in the game.

>> No.17703252

>My understanding is that source diving to reproduce an application could get me copycried. I know that when organizations reverse engineer software, they have one group of engineers read the source code and come up with specifications of how it should behave, and another group implements it.
They're doing so to make sure that developer won't copy original implementation even unintentionally. But it's definitly not your case, since you don't need to re-write such things. And who you're going to sue with? With Ano? Seriously?

>This doesn't tell me what the image represents without first taking in the context it is being draw in.
True. Get the source from Elona Custom. They're much more readable, and that sub is called *screen_drawStatus there. Like many other subs, and some vars, and so on.

>> No.17703507

Toward the madman rewriting elona, implementing png as a usable source would be great.

>> No.17703539

Complete act 1

>> No.17703566
File: 9 KB, 400x206, mystery icons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled an all nighter and got all the parchment tiles and most of the 48x48 icons defined in my xml document. I can't recall every seeing these two, and there is no reference to their offsets (1008,48 and 1056,48) in the source. Maybe they are unused?

Funny thing I learned about reading xml documents in.NET at work yesterday, the guy who wrote the System.Data.DataTable class didn't know what the fuck he was doing or what a valid xml document looks like. DataTable.readxml can't actually read an xml doc that represents a table of data. I'll try to use XMLSerializer with a TextureRegion2D factory and avoid using the System.Data namespace entirely.

>> No.17703617

Currently I loop through the graphic and sound directories and put everything into dictionaries indexed by name on startup.
I could snip out the file extension and then it could load, say, character.png as the character sprite sheet. It would need to crash if character.png and character.bmp were both present though.

>> No.17703638

raises the question as to whether copying a formula, say how much exp I get for reading a book, would be copying an implementation

>> No.17703641

I want a healer pet other than my defender.
Who should I get? Evolving a cloud twice seems appealing

>> No.17703658

>100 hour into my 22 hand mutant
>suddenly feel like creating a 22 arm 1 hand mutant
I really don't wanna grind this all back again(and FUCK getting a 20+ slotter on the newest updated)
Should I just clone and elosnack my current mutant or just play on an older version?

>> No.17703737

so how do I convert altars to my god?

>> No.17703738

Offer their favorite item on it.

>> No.17703739

so just drop an item?

>> No.17703747

No, dropping and offering are different methods. Use the 't' command on top of the altar for offering, drop bottles of water to get blessed water.

>> No.17703749

I have a nurse (male) and young lady that both cast healing rain

>> No.17703757

you should play the objectively best setup of
1 ring
2 hands
rest arms
like i do. you still 1 shot everything you bump, get to use the asura necklace, get to use 7 leagues boots and actually do escort quests (at the very start of the game before you penalty gets too high and once you spend enough ap anyways; between those its pretty undoable even with them), get to wear, actually hit things and may aswell use that one ring that slows you but has really nice effects since gamma core also cancels it out

>> No.17703763

nice, thanks

>> No.17703767

space also works

>> No.17703811

I'm not looking for the best possible set up as much as I'm looking for a really crazy buzzword one, but thanks.
I think I'll add feet only because fetter of earth is way more convenient than it has any right to be

>> No.17703849

Why are arms considered the best equipment slot?

>> No.17703859

Hit and attack bonus?

>> No.17703864

Arms and necks can equip gear which raise hit rate. Arms add far more than necks. Given accuracy decreases with each arm compared to the last, having arms slots allows you to actually hit stuff with enough of your weps to make it worth bothering with mutey without being absurdly high leveled and having already killed everything with a gimped char.
I assume in that list of slots it was supposed to be 2 arms, rest hands.
I'm not sure what the point of 1 hand, 22 arms is when two handing already has the best accuracy of any melee playstyle

>> No.17703890

What would you good people of /jp/ fuse on a fire centipede to make it the hardest hitter possible as a martial artist?

>> No.17703893

Each plate gaunlet is +10 to damage.
Twohand adds a multiplier like tactics.
Basically, accuracy is completely irrelevant and 22 arms mutant is potentially the single most damaging attack you can manage, especially if you use the blood rod and its 200damage bonus, mana-allowing.

Note, and this is important, that the huge damage you can dish out is independant of critical hits, even normal attack will be huge since all the damage bonus are flat bonus.
So, it would synergise extremely well with attack hitting multiple opponent, each attack being like a localised meteor attack.

>> No.17703897

Whether it's a strong martial artist doesn't depend on what you gene engineer with, but how you train it. Gene will at most add a couple missing skills, boost levels and stats. You'll want to give every skill to every pet this way anyway

>> No.17703901

It's 'o'ffering.

>> No.17703909

I was referring to the body part considering how few it start with..

>> No.17703916

My bad. I'd say enough armor slots to give it full resists, and some arms. More hands will not give you more attacks if martial artist iirc

>> No.17703920

that's open

>> No.17703921

Any body part I not bother adding?

>> No.17703936

capital o, so O

>> No.17703950

>its case sensitive
fucking kill me

>> No.17703955

It's easier to memorize

>> No.17703972

More hands don't give more unarmed attacks. I tested this in wiz mode before starting on making my mutant, to see what playstyle and body part combo did the most damage.

>> No.17703973

Never played a RL before?

>> No.17703980

>nether breath invoking living claymore
Is this good?
Nether heals you right

>> No.17703981

I found breath as a weapon invoke is really weak

>> No.17704008
File: 1.20 MB, 1598x1196, loss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing on loss, wish me luck

>> No.17704035

SLB for mutant kinda overrated. You will have a good pet on such mutant from the start, that's essential for any build. And if you can and catch something to guide to Gavela, you can also catch some really good mount. Like... Dark horse. With his stats you'll have something like 300 speed even with underleveler riding That's more than enough for escorts.

>> No.17704036

If you're familiar enough with the game you should be able to make it after a couple dead characters. Go to Yowyn first

>> No.17704069

My mutant is using no pets because they play the game for me and I find that extremely unfun. No mounts either.

>> No.17704091

You can disallow him to fight. No drawbacks at all, no stealing exp and ap, or becoming stronger than you. Just extra speed, and nothing more.

>> No.17704108

mostI played is SSDC and I fucking loathed it
I enjoy Elona much more

>> No.17704111
File: 1.16 MB, 500x269, 1480952580305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i pickpocket ragnarok off of that hooded guy in vernis?

>> No.17704122

You can't pickpocket precious items.

>> No.17704131

that sucks, i really want it. guess i'll just throw cursed alcohol at him while teleporting around so he'll vomit to death.

>> No.17704139

Oh I didnt realize that. May get a mount if my -gigantic speed becoems too much of an issue

Just kick him in the dick

>> No.17704161

If you mean stone soup, it's relatively simple and easy compared to others. The problem with it is in recent years the devteam's goal has been to obsessively remove features and remove all fun from the game

>> No.17704203
File: 1.06 MB, 2006x352, elonatests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I've been running some tests, damage is of course much lower as of now but that's because I haven't optimized my set up as much as my mutant yet. Initial thoughts:
way more PV/DV
way, way SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWER attribute/skill leveling
misses matter way more obviously

>> No.17704223

>as much as my mutant yet.
*hand mutant

>> No.17704329

You need to use craft repair kits.
And while ether would be best, and adamantium second best, personally i'd go for rubynus because you can never have too much pv, and you don't really lose much damage/pv potential.

Man, craft repair kits and material scrolls giving garanteed materials already changed the game so much, but now withmaterium shenanigans, the game is just that much more comfy.
RNG is great and all, but the heart of Elona is grinding, and being able to grind your best gear instead of relying on the RNG is so great.

>> No.17704359

>You need to use craft repair kits.
I feel like they've vanished out of my save file. Haven't seen one in dungeons in multiple hours, Moyer hasn't stocked them in weeks, and nor has my good vendor or palmia's.

Also, do you mean for gloves or the claymore? I only really went for emerald because I accidentally cancelled after using adamantium and lost my kit, and I only had an emerald one laying around after that.

>> No.17704364
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Looks pretty handy

>> No.17704509

I believe those are chat and log icons, press / in game.

>> No.17704645

General vendors, not goods vendors, seems to be the ones stocking them relatively often. Every three-five restock.
It's worth it putting the rank of them all at 100-300, when you go on a journey for platinum, you can bring one-three kits back home.
Well, every vendor is worth putting at 100-300 really.

>> No.17704729
File: 20 KB, 659x62, cool adventurer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knight, princess, evil fort. What a badass, I am going to recruit them.

>> No.17704744

I wonder when Ano will make it worthwhile to farm little sisters without making a few dozen genes. It wouldn't even be difficult, just have the reduced spawn chance gradually return to normal.

>> No.17704934

What kind of monster eats little sisters?

>> No.17705010

The kind of monster that does things like nuking a town so murdering cleaners wouldn't give as much of a penalty. Or keeping a creature trapped for a few years so I can abuse drain blood for mountains of cooked fish, or mixing poison into chestnuts before cooking because Halloween children irritate me, or using the item from sleep sharing for mix feed to sell at my food shop.

Oh and by the way, you can make 15 aphrodisiac jerky with one love potion if you are good enough at cooking. I sell those too.

>> No.17705044

>>so I can abuse drain blood for mountains of cooked fish
explain please
>>Oh and by the way, you can make 15 aphrodisiac jerky with one love potion if you are good enough at cooking. I sell those too.
its that really posible?

>> No.17705053

>explain please
Drain Blood leaches stamina as well as health.

>> No.17705057

Drain blood gives stamina no matter who you use it on. The super lure makes fishing take a single turn at the cost of 20 stamina. Cooking 100+ makes 2 food items for the price of 1 and cooking 200+ makes 3. I used to make millions per night from it.

And yes. Mix a love potion with raw meat and then cook it with 200+ cooking. You'll get 3 aphrodisiac meat. Make those into jerky and you'll have 15 aphrodisiac jerky.

>> No.17705065

Well good on you. But murdering and eating little sisters still makes all big daddies hide in fear, which all in all is about the only thing in this game you can do that has lasting consequences.

>> No.17705129

>Or keeping a creature trapped for a few years so I can abuse drain blood for mountains of cooked fish
oh thats a good idea sempai

>> No.17705150

What's the strongest monster in the game and who here has killed it?

>> No.17705159

Apparently the void monsters eventually max stats and Kai kills them.

>> No.17705208

What and where is the void? Are all the monsters bad news in there or is there one big bad dude in there?

>> No.17705217


>> No.17705317

If you're at the point where you don't know what the void is, you really shouldn't be thinking about taking on the hardest challenges. It takes a fuck-ton of time, patience, grinding and knowledge to get strong.
Not to try and scare/deter you, but this is a game about progressing slowly at your own rate and enjoying the unmatched amount of comfyness, sandboxyness and RP this game as to offer. If you don't mind that, this game can be an amazing experience that very few other games can compare. But if you expect this game to be just jumping into dungeons and slaying bosses, you're going to be disappointed.

>> No.17705328

I wish eyth existed in the game as a hidden god to kill. Not so much for me as I never got far enough to kill the gods myself but for the ones that pulled it off and became godslayers. I would hope eyth would be the slayer of godslayers and be so strong as to answer why even the other gods see him as an infidel. Have him as the last boss of the void or some interesting story arc.

>> No.17705332


void is endless.

to bad custom monsters dont rank up with the void but with wakeup gem stone they do

>> No.17705341
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>> No.17705350

out of all the ammo gauge attack energy cell hits the hardest

bolt is good for killing off low hp (about 15% hp or less) targets and it bypasses Paralyzed res that gear has/most high level monsters have so you get two free turns beat on a target.

others are just meh

>> No.17705366

Isn't killing gods the opposite of fedora? You would be acknowledging their existence.

>> No.17705381


killing a god is the opposite of fedora

killing a god = they existence

>> No.17705388

eyth = atheist, eyth being a physical entity killing gods would make eyth the opposite of eyth

>> No.17705395

Yes we need to kill Fedora god Eyth. God of the delusional atheists.

>> No.17705403
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wait so am not the only one who does that?

i made a little nest under my home to hold stuff and to get fish for my food shop

>> No.17705438
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>> No.17705479

if only we could put water tile in shop. and actually get the damned fast fishing item wtf

>> No.17705506

You can put water tiles on shop maps.

>> No.17705650

That would be great. Not a godslayer either but I'd like to hear the stories from them if they could fight Eyth.

>> No.17705653

Sounds good. Don't mind a slow burn to eventually get strong. So it's possible to kill the gods in this game. Fascinating. Well maybe I'll be one of them someday.

>> No.17705719 [DELETED] 

>shotgun that doubles as an electric flamethrower

I'm bout to disintegrate sum shit

>> No.17705724

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.17705729
File: 21 KB, 640x424, 17-09-30 17_58_58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shotgun that doubles as an electric flamethrower

I'm bout to disintegrate sum shit

>> No.17705734

That's pretty badass.

>> No.17705740
File: 23 KB, 868x50, something is crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change helm
>positive indicator sound
>see this

>> No.17705763

is there a way to see all resists beyond checking every item in this? i feel like there was but cant find it

>> No.17705781

I have a question about investing.
The general idea is to get magic shops up to 200 for potions of potential, weapon/blacksmith up as high as you can for chances at high quality equipment, and everything else to 100 so it is high enough for rare items to start showing up but not enough that useful common items are completely replaced right?
Or am I wrong?

>> No.17705784

A monster used fascination dance somewhere on the floor, completely unrelated to you changing equipment.

>> No.17705785

Scroll further down on your character sheet.

>> No.17705808

you cant scroll down but it turns out its in feats

>> No.17705820

Down, sideways; same thing.

>> No.17705951
File: 190 KB, 564x330, ALIVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At long last!

Unfortunately I have a marksman skill of like 1, shit.

>> No.17706026

But how are you grinding for all those lightsabers? I always seeing them on pics. Sometimes - dozen at once. But i never had any in my game, so they seems to be really rare.

>> No.17706060

Before the most recent update you could craft them in huge quantities.

>> No.17706062
File: 488 KB, 800x626, first wishing spellbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't kno these show up in shops
haven't even found a wishing rod yet

>> No.17706100

You only need to find one lightsaber to generate as much as you want now with materium.
Or any other item aside from soxes.

Now Elona would only need spellmaking for max control on your gameplay. I'd love to be able to cast all buffs at the same time, especially.

>> No.17706104

Well custom NPCs are possible. Might be possible to make Eyth. That would be pretty cool to see if the godslayers could kill whatever crazy god creation an anon makes.

>> No.17706187

>linking the wiki in reply to a question
I know this is a 5 hour old post but that crumbled my Jonathans.

>> No.17706208

Everything you asked is answered by the first three paragraphs.

>> No.17706213

If I turn down a god pet because of lacking faith or whatever, can I get it again later by going back to that god, or is gone forever?

>> No.17706221

The former.

>> No.17706301

So I'm getting level 30-40 monster extermination quests, but my performer quests are from level 5 to the low 10s. Does anyone know what they scale off of if anything? Maybe performer level? I'm tired of getting so few tickets.

>> No.17706430
File: 87 KB, 208x246, 101001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blessed Herbs
>Chronicled by Dr. Schmidt, PhDM
there is no K in Latin, suspension of disbelief broken

>> No.17706441

kyu-わいい image nii-san

>> No.17706445

Are you on drugs? Irva is our world, of course.

>> No.17706513

Is there a way to fix sound? All those squeaks hurt my ears, literally.

>> No.17706524

I have no clue what you're referring to.

>> No.17706536

I often hear some... high frequency noises during play.
Something like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwQ19Gy7f40

>> No.17706543

That sounds like an issue with your computer, because I've never heard anything akin to that while playing.

>> No.17706620

so is the lute that causes death song rare?

>> No.17706762
File: 8 KB, 600x99, Mustache_Swindler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep your facial hair safe.

>> No.17706998

Does the audience in party quests throw rocks? My Performer level is at 20 but I'm scared to do them because I don't want to die (especially since I'm on loss) from some noble checking me.

>> No.17707013

No, go ahead.

>> No.17707021

Yes, but try anyways since you have nothing to lose.

>> No.17707030
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>> No.17707150

use a recorder to perform
oddly they don't throw rocks at you unlike when you a piano or a lute

>> No.17707161

Train that performer up to 30, grab a few pets which I assume you already have and level up, to get the Ensemble wide special action. After that party times are getting only hard if there's no audience to listen to your song.

>> No.17707171

How good is that ensemble compared to preaching?

>> No.17707189

Good question, I kinda got used to NEVER use preaching since it used to crash the game.

My perform about ten levels higher than my faith.
Performing trains charisma and that is also higher by ~20.
I can not really give you an accurate answer.
I can tell you thins however: Ensemble gets better, the more pets you have and the better their skill in performing is. It does take longer than preaching or sexy dance.

>> No.17707225
File: 486 KB, 799x600, dumb luck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get a Stradivarius? Going for a performer-centered build.

>> No.17707232

The only thing i'm interested in party quests it's music tickets and platinum.
Right now i don't have performing at all, i'm fine with only preaching. But i'm curious - will i collect tickets faster if i'll start to train performing an play in ensemble. (Which i don't want to do - i don't need charisma at all, and like to train faith)
So, with your 10 level gap how drastical is difference between performing, and preaching?

>> No.17707239

>that speed
Get seven league boots.

>> No.17707249
File: 597 KB, 796x595, boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I guess I could get the Stradivarius from bards anyway.

>> No.17707263

>performer-centered build

Try playing the game for more than 20 seconds.

>> No.17707485

short answer: yes.

TLDR; Ensemble counts in your pets performance level as well, and it will eventually yield more tickets. Preaching only uses your stats in the formula.

>> No.17707489

not like it is possible to wish for unique items outside wizard mode...

>> No.17707493

also, i don't really use preaching
with my speed it is possible to do 2 full ensembles with a drain blood break between the two to replenish stamina enough not to get tired in the middle of performing.

>> No.17707512


>> No.17707517

use fascination dance if thats your goal. both ensemble and preach suck in comparison

>> No.17707519

That's... very short answer. Thanks for that, but more additional details would be appreciated.
LIke: what if i not use pet? Right now i have only mount, and eventually i'll get rid from him too. And also when i'm preaching my mount train his faith, so i always thought it somehow affects. Isnt' it same?

>> No.17707538

How long does the average playthrough take? Basically I mean beating the main quest. I kind of want to do a Loss mode Youtube series. It sounds fun.

>> No.17707546

I think one guy has been doing a let's play for several years and several hundred hours. Really though, it depends on how much time you want to take.
It took me maybe 40-50 hours on my first char to get to the end of part two and all translated content, but on my current mutey I'm so strong despite my low speed I have been simply walking through everything and could probably do the same thing in like 10. The fact I'm too slow to do escorts or performing and use 0 pets for anything means my hit dude powers are growing very fast and that's really all you actually need

>> No.17707563
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>> No.17707577

Better drink some poison

>> No.17707585


>> No.17707596

that's actually how you get rid of parasites

>> No.17707602

Wow rude my baby is not a parasite he will live a good life in Palmia

>> No.17707605

new >>17707600
