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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1764904 No.1764904 [Reply] [Original]

Creator of the Touhou doujin shooting game series and notorious hat fetishist ZUN has expressed his discontent at the possibility of Touhou transcending the doujin sphere and becoming a fully developed commercial franchise; he expressly enjoins doujin publishers to restrict the availability of their works and not to promote them to the general public (apparently defined as people who don’t play his games).

In fact, in laying down a long and detailed set of regulations he has issued what many interpret as strong criticism of the much anticipated unofficial anime, due at C75.

After excusing himself from actually attending C75, he leaves this lengthy postscript:

“Also, word of the Touhou anime on which a certain circle is working on has reached me. As Touhou is game without voicing, the prospect of big name seiyuu voicing the characters and this being mistaken for an official arrangement worries me.”

“Certainly, as it’s a doujin project basically you can make anything, but if you make too big a splash I think it it’s troubling to me and the other circles. I’m especially concerned about the prospect of fans who are mainly into the anime becoming a class of Touhou fans who do not play the games, as it seems highly likely this will result in it being mistaken as official.”

“The same goes for other Touhou doujin works:

Make sure everyone who comes into possession of them realises they are fan made.

Don’t overstep the mark in promoting your works (especially by promoting to people who aren’t already familiar with Touhou).

Restrict distribution of your works.

If you heed these points, I believe we can avoid any confusion. I would like you to continue creating in that vein.”

>> No.1764908

Bawww people who are more talented than me will get popular using my characters.

>> No.1764914

>No sauce or webpage

>> No.1764915
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He also issues a long and onerous set of regulations over how he would like to see Touhou products handled; a few points stand out:

“All distribution must be limited … to only venues which distribute our games.”

“Also, even for circles which are not commercial operations, distribution and promotion of products in a fashion which exceeds the extent of doujinshi (for example selling the products in a normal book or game shop) should not be undertaken.”

“Resistance to commercialising these works is lessening… there are still no clear guidelines as to what is acceptable.”

“… but should you wish to distribute a doujin product in a commercial fashion, that is basically something we cannot allow.”

All this has caused quite a stormily mixed reaction, especially since it practically singles out the anime as an undesirable (or very nearly so) project; many fans actually agree, seeing it as an assault on ZUN’s authority and a gateway to (full as opposed to small scale) commercialisation.

>> No.1764917

Cool story, bro.

>> No.1764920
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A wide variety of opinions seem to be in evidence, but most notable are those who decry the upstarts who ignore ZUN’s wishes, and who spread confusion about the nature of Touhou, and those who view his statements as little more than diktat; these more sceptical voices tend to be less than appreciative of what they see as the pompous and arrogant way the orders have been handed down.

One of the more convincing arguments on offer is that this is indeed a case of ZUN starting to get delusions of grandeur, or possibly simply becoming upset that his games, and thus his influence, have been eclipsed.

Touhou in this view is seen less as stemming from a single author (who it must be remembered only created a series of shooting games with minimally elaborated characters and mediocre production values; the great bulk of the works are elaborated on by fans), than as being a collaborative project with thousands of participants.

Since it does indeed seem that without such vibrant fan participation ZUN’s shooting games would have been consigned to obscurity, this explanation seems to carry no small weight.

Whatever the case, it seems Touhou is at a crossroads, where it can either transform into a fully realised pseudo-commercial franchise, with pro-seiyuu already staking their claims, whilst still being intimately tied to the doujin world, or attempt to curtail the growth in its popularity by consolidating the fanbase around ZUN’s shooting games, which are of limited appeal to many who otherwise express interest in the world of Touhou.

Source : Sankaku Complex and ZUN's blog


>> No.1764925

>Source : Sankaku Complex

Uh oh.

>> No.1764926

>>1764920 Source : Sankaku Complex

>> No.1764929

The anime is probably going to suck and everyone will look back on this and feel stupid.

>> No.1764936

How come you guys are so butthurt over Sankaku?

>> No.1764938
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>>ZUN starting to get delusions of grandeur
I don't see any evidence of that at all. He just wants to make sure he has money to pay bills and buy a beer at the end of the day.

>> No.1764937


>> No.1764939

Kind of like that other Touhou anime?

>> No.1764940

There is link to probably-original source..

>> No.1764942

Thats why he goes to work. He is not living from Touhou. Its only for fun.. his and fans..

>> No.1764945

I wonder why ZUN is whining about it. He has never seemed like the kind of guy to do it for the popularity, but I might have misjudged him.

>> No.1764948

His concerns are unfounded:

1. They'll sell maybe 23 copies.
2. You'll never be able to buy this in a real store.
3. It'll never be broadcast on TV.

>> No.1764951

Oh and it'll be a single episode like 20 minutes long.

>> No.1764956

While I agree with ZUN, there isn't much he can do about the project.

I think as long as the fans don't start adding their own characters and radically changing anything, it'll be fine.

Can you see it, /jp/? In the cold, heartless future where ZUN was assassinated for control of his creation, the Touhou series has gained an equal number of male characters as its female cast (and the female characters are all token weaklings who can't do anything), it's anime series has been licensed and dubbed in America, and kids are wearing Cirno shirts with their Naruto headbands.

>> No.1764953

Most likely he didn't write what he meant, and then people didn't read what he wrote. I'm guessing this is all just a series of stupid misunderstandings.

>> No.1764955

Sounds like the touhou game series and that's also not popular at a-oh wai

>> No.1764957

hahah, I knew that ZUN would fuck this up by resisting a clear signal to sell the fuck out, killing Touhou in the process

>> No.1764958

- It gets uploaded to Youtube/Nicovideo
- Newfags get a hold of it
- ???

>> No.1764962

I see a solution .. Make an official anime. If you cant stop it .. take control of it...

>> No.1764963


I can't wait for the first post to say 'How many of you guys have played the games based on that Touhou anime? It's shit, right?'

>> No.1764964

But selling out would kill Touhou too. Really, there's no way to avoid the inevitable.

>> No.1764968

lol, in after a couple of idol seiyuu trying to get otaku street cred by endorsing a Touhou doujin project and ZUN getting pissed about it. Lovely.

>> No.1764965
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>> No.1764967

> I think as long as the fans don't start adding their own characters and radically changing anything, it'll be fine.
wat, original characters is the essence of Touhou.

Furthermore, changing things is obviously fine.

>> No.1764972

ZUN should just be like "welp, game over" ::sells franchise to SquareEnix::

>> No.1764970

Oh. Good thing we're already at that stage.

Really though, the animu is never going to gain a strong foothold in the Touhou doujin scene.

>> No.1764975

ZUN should just be the one who commercializes it
If he had control over what goes in, it should work out, right?

Like iamp and swr? He didnt make those but he oversaw it.

>> No.1764976

ZUN should sell all rights to some Korean chaebol and drink himself to death with the profits.

>> No.1764977


You know what that would mean?

Touhou MMO

>> No.1764985


I don't think that teh rie needs any more otaku street cred


selling out would at least give him some control over how it dies, and extra beer money. this way, it'll just die with drama and butthurt as ZUN realizes that nobody gives a shit about his games or SSiB or anything else that he does

>> No.1764980

Would play. The world and races are already set up.

Joining Human - Marisa faction asap.

>> No.1764981

XxYukariNxXXx Level 4 Youkai


>> No.1764982

Gensokyo's primary resource is now vespene gas.

Reimu vs. Zerg invaders.

>> No.1764984


>> No.1764987


>> No.1764988


There will be at least a few thousand of these troll posts within days of the release of the anime.

>> No.1764990
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>> No.1764991
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>> No.1764994

If I was ZUN's personal advisor, I'd tell him that he has two choices:
-Watch his creation get destroyed by his own fans
-Sell out and buy beer

Seriously, even a monkey could do the right choice.

>> No.1764992


Enjoy your grindan' and Youkai exterminatin'.

>> No.1764995

Can we get touhou oldfag badges to prove that we liked it before the anime?

>> No.1764997

Well, you can see ZUN is as concerned about newfags as we are.

>> No.1764998


>> No.1765002

Where can I buy a Cirno shirt?

>> No.1765003

Something like "I played the games before knowing the anime"?

>> No.1765004


I've liked it since I first played IN. ;_;

>> No.1765005

What other random genre has a ton of classes and such.

Touhou RTS?

>> No.1765007


2010, LET'S GO

>> No.1765008



>> No.1765010

Shocking, all this time I thought that those seiyuus were in it because they were dyed-in-the-wool hardcore shmuppers.

>> No.1765011


and as powerless to do anything about it as we are

>> No.1765012

ZUN doesn't need riches, only his pride and a barrel of beer a day.

It will be manly tears if he sinks his own franchise to prevent it from becoming something he doesn't want it to be.

>> No.1765015


joining SDM fraction

>> No.1765017
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Replace this shirt with a Cirno shirt ;_;

>> No.1765016




>> No.1765021

While I love the games and that's my main reason for liking Touhou, I see no reason to shun people who became interested through other sources, be it doujins or anime. After all, who's to say all the good doujin music groups and fanartists (with much superior art) all play the games?

Also, I read that the all-star seiyuu cast is doing it for little or no money because they're fans. Sure, they may be trying to pick up a few more fans for themselves, but what's wrong with that? Honestly, famous seiyuu are people too. If they hold Touhou in high enough regards to work on a doujin anime of it, why complain about it? I think we should at least appreciate their contribution. In the end, it's still just a short doujin anime by Maikaze, whether it turns out to be good or not. The fact that it'll probably have superior voice acting should be a good thing; the anime is still a fan project mainly for the fans.

>> No.1765019

I have a confession. I do not play the games very much anymore, but I very much enjoy the official works such as SSiB, CiLR, and CoLA.

I am conflicted.

>> No.1765024

I'm not sure what I'd hate more, faggots who had never heard of it before the animu, or faggots who think they're special because they played the games before the animu.

>> No.1765025

At this point, I don't think he CAN sink the franchise, even if he tries.

>> No.1765026

Need tank and healer for Makai

Send tell with stats

>> No.1765027

> I don’t understand what he is being so uppity about. I’m interested in the Touhou world and characters, I’ve never been a huge fan of bullet hell type games, and by extension, the Touhou games sit on my external HD. Why exactly do I have to play a game I don’t particularly enjoy to get to the story I DO enjoy? Seems he’s a bit low on booze funds and is angry other circles are cashing in on his success.

>> No.1765028


that's actually the right decision in this case...not the ZOMG RATIONAL ACTOR randroid one, but the MANLY ARTIST one

what would suck is if he goes the extra mile and kills himself

>> No.1765032


>> No.1765029

>because they're fans

More like because they want to appeal to the big mass of otaku who follows the series.

>> No.1765030

ITT we see the folly of spamming moe shit all day until even the stupidest dA fag feels like he has to get on the boat. Globally.

>> No.1765031


>> No.1765034

I usually just sage a sankaku thread but I really like the irony of that site posting this when they are the the epitome of the problem.

>> No.1765036

Not a bad idea. But Japan doesn't make RTS games (other than Grim Grimoire?)

>> No.1765037

I have reason to believe that the animu won't become a second Voices of a Distant Star.

>> No.1765039

ZUN = living, breathing, two-legged mindfuck.
He's the sort of guy with who you never really know if they're just another overworked alcoholic failure at life or if it's all JUST AS PLANNED the whole time.

Also, internet, nothing can be trusted.

>> No.1765042

I'm not sure, when it will get ruined either way, but one of the ways will provide him with more beer, is there really anything to be proud about?

>> No.1765044



>> No.1765045

I like how we're all complaining about the faggots that will join the boat, but then we have a roleplay topic on the first page of /jp/.

>> No.1765046

Also, whoever wrote that article, goddamn what a opinionated and uninformed idiot. I've seen his bias all over other articles too. No wonder their users are only a bunch of retards.

>> No.1765048


ZUN is the new Anno. In 10 years he'll be doing nothing aside from swimming in royalties and raping middle school girls

>> No.1765050

Google touhou and one of the following:
- fanfiction
- deviantart
- gaiaonline
- gamefaqs
- 4chan
- sankakucomplex
- youtube

>> No.1765052

>I don't think that teh rie needs any more otaku street cred

I don't think you realize how fickle the idol business is.

>> No.1765055

Easier: Google ``Touhou xD''

>> No.1765056

If you sell out, you can't cry manly tears into your drink. Beer is best served with righteous sorrows.

>> No.1765058

Honestly, ZUN is just being a dick. He doesn't deserve that much credit for the fucking huge doujin community that surrounds his works, and considering that they are doujin, he doesn't deserve the profit either. If he really wants to completely "own" touhou, he should be advancing the franchise himself by doing things such as negotiating for an animu series himself.

>> No.1765060

So can you translate that article from ZUN's blog and post it here? I would like to read your version...

>> No.1765062

So im not the only one that is not happy that there will be the touhou anime?I imagine how much will i fucking rage about fanboys.I'm raging now all time because of the doujinstyle community but now this will be lunatic mode...

>> No.1765065

ZUN is not being a dick, he's just offering some opinions. Don't listen to the filthy Sankaku lies.

>> No.1765066

He wishes to give the Touhou artists freedom, but he doesn't want the roots to be forgotten underneath the mass of doujin material.

It's a manly internal conflict.

>> No.1765071


You sound like the sankaku article.

He's stating the obvious and saying that this is getting retarded. A couple of years late imo.

>> No.1765068

This is obviously the first step in his master plan to develop stringent copyright laws and screw over the true fans.

>> No.1765070
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ZUN wants you to play the games.

>> No.1765069

>I'm raging now all time because of the doujinstyle community
More like /jp/.

>> No.1765082

First, three-dimensional objects on the copyright on the day of the event.
Here, one of the organizers of the event, the rights of the applicants need a lot of inquiries whether, how and if I were consulted.
Those who apply and are not the best way to a mix of things and not in accordance with the rules of fashion events, I think it is cumbersome to apply for a copyright on the day I would like to ask.
In particular, such as double PINKISUTORITO If you have a copyright on there, without application to be a source of trouble.
However, unless the余程things, and do not reject the application, so as to apply only to the ceremony, without waiting for an answer now is OK to make. In addition, the system does not have a copyright on the day of the event (for example, or Living Festival, etc.), you usually secondary to the creation of the goods handled the same way is quite limited.

Secondly, companies for goods.
Recently, the company EASTERN creation of the secondary to make a lot of things.
In this regard, basically to report to the crown in advance, only available in limited distribution is like a permit.
Limited distribution and a coterie of stock sale, is a little shop and mail order. That is, of the original game will be only sold in the range handle that.
As for content, the freedom of each company.
Collectibles are now allowed to think out the policy in such a fashion.

In addition, the company's second circle is created, the coterie over the distribution of location (for example, bookstores and game stores, such as the general public) in handling the publicity that we would like before.

>> No.1765078

So it is fans-gone-too-far after all?

>> No.1765080

I don't care about fanboys/girls

I've been with Touhou longer than many of you

I am addicted and obsessed with it. I will enjoy the worst doujin, fanfic, crayon art, webcomic, pig shit as long as it has my favorite touhoes in it

I can't wait till Touhou becomes more commercialized

>> No.1765081

>>1765068 This is obviously the first step in his master plan to develop stringent copyright laws and screw over the true fans.
Oh ho, using a massive community founded on Japan's notoriously loose copyright laws to push for stricter fines and enforcement? Delicious.

>> No.1765084

There is one thing nobody has taken in consideration but which is probably very clear in ZUN's mind.
Doujin works are only tolerated by manga publishers and anime studio as lonas they remain more or less non-commercial.
ZUN is working for Taito a game publisher which among other things publishes shmups.
By law an employee has to give all the intellectual property he creates to its employer as long as it is related to its field of work and including if it's created out of working hours. The only exception is for intellectual property used i non-commercial ventures (hence the success of open source softwares). I believe that Japanese copyright laws follow this patern which is pretty much universal.
The consequence is that if Touhou were to become a full fledged commercial venture Taito could legitimately claim ownership of the IP.

>> No.1765090
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>a class of Touhou fans who do not play the games

Sit down, ZUN, I have some bad news for you...

>> No.1765088

Thirdly, on the secondary market of Creation.
Recently, the secondary creations can be incorporated into commercial work less resistance. Creation of the recent change of style quickly, even on the east where the creative to secondary OK she does not have clear standards.
For example, to arrange songs on the CD I want a non-fan, you live and you want to play, basically and we express the source if the source is a problem.
As a motif stories parodies and also incorporate the work, especially not the problem.
But again, little work is in tune with the commercial distribution would be very undesirable, so basically does not allow.

Was discussed at a gallop, but say it like this.
P. P. S. S.
After editing, animation from the coterie of certain circles, what of personal contact with either.
In a game in the Eastern dare not rely on character, so to speak, a prominent voice actors are used to be mistaken for an official and worried, she said.

Certainly, if I basically create a coterie of問題無I, but they have bigger fuss about it as a circle of her as a bad thing.
In particular, the animation is playing the game and the main layer to layer is not so deluded and the OFFICIAL will be more likely to be a concern.
Like other secondary is also a creative,

>> No.1765089

The translation from ZUN's blog is somewhat accurate, what I cannot stand is his opinions all over the article, and that in the end the people that read it takes both facts and opinions as the truth. And he, whoever he is, is not really in a position to make such bold opinions when he doesn't even know all the girls names. But this is the internet, anyone can say what they want.

>> No.1765093

>I’m especially concerned about the prospect of fans who are mainly into the anime becoming a class of Touhou fans who do not play the games, as it seems highly likely this will result in it being mistaken as official

this. He makes those games because that's how he likes them, not because he has illusions of making popular characters. All the doujin stuff takes the attention away from the games, and while I guess he respects that he is troubled by the prospect of people liking "touhou" as something different from games. But in his original idea, touhou IS the games. Just games.

Imagine you invented the spork. It's awesome, and you created it because you disliked having to change between spoon and fork. Recently a group of people started putting your spork up their asses to great amusement of all. To each his own, I guess, but can someone blame you if you, who spent many a night thinking about how to unite spoon and fork, tell them "that's not how I wanted to be used, if you continue that way I'm troubled."?

>> No.1765094

I don't think so, the anime won't be very popular after all.

>> No.1765100
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>> No.1765101

The funny thing is that at this point, ZUN himself is turning into just as much of a shallow LOL MEME XD blob with a random hat as his characters are. Just count the mentions of "beer" in this very thread.

>> No.1765105

>All the doujin stuff takes the attention away from the games
Only at its extremes. Don't forget that ZUN himself endorses and is responsible for writing doujinshi and other material.

>> No.1765113

Are you suggesting he just post the information and leave it at that? What use is the internet if we can’t force our own uninformed, idiotic opinions onto people and hope they stick?

>> No.1765107

ZUN was always an adorable alcoholic in a silly hat.

>> No.1765109

Thing is, the whole "beer" deal is actually justified, unlike most Touhou memes which only rely on a single doujin or some other outrageous claim. He talks about beer quite a bit and frequently mentions his love and obsession for the stuff.

>> No.1765114

What is all of your main concerns with this happening, though? If I think about what I enjoy most about Touhou it's the games and the fan art. The only thing I would feel bad about is if ZUN stopped making games for whatever reason. If a shitty anime comes out then yes the touhou "community" gets a lot worse because of XD etc but as long as the other things continue then it isn't so bad, right?

I mean people like talking in /jp/ about touhou and it would suck if the conversation got a lot shittier, but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the series and things related to it. I'm sure a lot of us watch enjoy anime without posting in /a/

>> No.1765111

>long as it is related to its field of work and including if it's created out of working hours
So this means that even if he created Touhou for fun .. it is property of his employee .. LOL WAT???

>> No.1765120

I only play the games. I don't read any doujins (other than the official ones), listen to any remixes, or have any pictures saved on my computer. I guess this doesn't apply to me.

>> No.1765116

If you are aware of that general Japanese mindset of "be polite no matter what, commit suicide before doing anything that might be construed as a rash action", it's easy to see that anything he says regarding the matter of overexposure, no matter how tactful, basically boils down to "YOU FUCKING RETARDS, STOP DOING STUPID SHIT, ESPECIALLY YOU, ANIMU MAKERS" if translated.

>> No.1765117

It's not doujinshi any longer if it's published in a real magazine.

>> No.1765119

>Just games.
Except the stuff he's written?

>> No.1765122

This is what ZUN gets for encouraging a doujin community with absolutely no guidelines and borders. The doujin community surpassed the games themselves years ago; to see this one merely has to look at how much touhou is at comiket. ~30% of comiket is just touhou. If ZUN thinks he has (or should have) any real influence over such a monster, he's just delusional.

>> No.1765124
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>> No.1765125


1). The unofficial Touhou animu is going to scare away ZUN's fanbase.
2). Then Touhou will finally die. /jp/ will become a visual novel board.
3). I shall use the tears of the touhoufags as lubrication for whenever I feel the need to masturbate.

You heard it here first. Once the fan-made Touhou animu comes out it will kill the franchise.

This whole time, Touhou has been a competition. But now that the high profile Touhou animu project has come out it cant be topped. A lame 3 minute flash and/or 2D doijin game cant compete against a full fledged animu. The e-penis, circlejerk, competition is finally over. Whoever the hell is creating that animu is the victor.

>> No.1765133

You are right. Sometimes I forget it is not a news website, even though people insist on posting "articles" here as if they were such.

>> No.1765130

Just a reminder that the person who is pretending to speak with authority in that article also writes crap like this.


>> No.1765131

You all apparently constructed too many pylons.

I'm inwardly laughing my ass off.

>> No.1765138

Except people are going to say "this animu sucks" and go back to watching Walfas shorts, so yeah!

>> No.1765140

Just so you know, this is inaccurate.

>> No.1765135


yeah, ZUN's blog is about beer 99% of the time. honestly, he should just sell out and use the proceeds to become a craft brewer. he'd probably be really good at it with some inventive ideas, like Kiuchi (makers of Hitachino Nest line)

>> No.1765137

But it's still aimed at fans of the games. A whole anime is quite a different thing.

>> No.1765144

>full fledged animu

1 episode counts as a full animu?

>> No.1765142


You are utterly clueless on how IP law works.

>> No.1765150

slowpoke.jpg on the TL of ZUN's blog.

On a more serious note, I agree with parts of what ZUN mentioned.

The main problem I have with Maikaze's project is that it looks too official. ZUN is not actively participating in this, and given the seiyuu participating in it, and one of the few or only Touhou anime projects, it has a lot of weight... potentially more than those IOSYS flashes, since Touhou would be conveyed in such a medium for the first time.

Either way, as long as it doesn't get aired on TV or anything, there shouldn't be much significant problems...

>> No.1765147

Riiiight. And you visit /jp/ for the constant discussion on how to get a highscore, not for the latest gossip on Yukkuri or which hat likes to eat out which other hat or anything, amirite?

>> No.1765149

Some like both Touhou and VNs.

>> No.1765154

Well, he could be here for the VNs.

>> No.1765156

Shitty dubs.
Violet Yakumo

>> No.1765157

ITT we all get our panties in a bunch over nothing

The anime will come out, it will be shit, it will be forgotten in a month, and nothing will change.

>> No.1765159

It's not necessarily accurate. Some employment contracts actually do specify this.

Taito does not, however, so the post is at least ill-informed.

>> No.1765161

It does for porn OVAs. Which will happen before long if this goes on.

>> No.1765164

I'm only here to mention Cave.

>> No.1765168

Imagine sheer volume of rage and sadness that those true fans would feel should such a event occur. And he would be at the center of it all, drawing the vast quantities of spirit energy so as to summon and bind a god from beyond the stars, one powerful enough to control all fate. Yes, he would make his own official world a reality by removing all traces of this corrupt and twisted world.

>> No.1765169


there is no law, anywhere, that states that what an employee creates on company time is property of the company. many employment contracts have that clause, although that is much more common in the US than anywhere else. that's besides the point, as the Touhou games are done in ZUN's spare time.

>> No.1765170

Some threads like those are amusing but I don't actively pursue any of the non official material. It's not that I have some superiority thing for official shit, it's just that I'm not interested in the other stuff and I have other things that I'd like to do instead.

>> No.1765175

Would ZUN be more or less butthurt if this were a hentai anime? (Assuming same voice actors, production values, etc)

>> No.1765176

None of us care. Everybody hates sankaku, we're just using it since it's the first place that reported the news. HURR YOU AGREE WITH SANKAKUCOMPLEX SO UR WRONG DURR is a shitty argument.

>> No.1765177


Ha ha ha .... No.

>> No.1765178

Legislation is not considerate for everyone.

>> No.1765179


>> No.1765186

As long as it was yuri (or futa, at least), this would actually be awesome.

>> No.1765187

Is English not your first language?

>> No.1765189


>> No.1765190

Take this to /a/ where it belongs.

That's right.

>> No.1765191
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so if ZUN gets his way I can be a cute girl in a frilly dress and a silly hat?

>> No.1765196

I kind of hate artifact now.

>> No.1765199

90% have at least two episodes, and they are most of the time OVA-length, i.e. 30 minutes.

>> No.1765204


Yes BUT its completely idiot to say the company OWNS you ... using that logic if I help someone moving their furniture outside my work hours the company I work can slap that someone with a bill.

Also it would mean if I write a novel in my spare time the company I work for suddenly owns the manuscript.

And yes, there are laws ... if I work in a company and then use their trade secrets for my own use that is covered by law but its only on specific cases ... in case you have not heard, feudalism and slavery is over.

>> No.1765202

Yes. Provided that you are a believer of the one official path.

Everybody else goes kablooey.

>> No.1765206


No it's a pretty good argument because sankaku writer(s) know shit all. I would literally regard someone's opinions less if they agree with an sankaku opinion article, and this is back up by what I just linked.

Sankaku hasn't been hated enough yet because people still think it's ok to link to it.


Those contracts are not IP law, nor what he appears to be referring to (The Berne Convention).

>> No.1765212


No, it isn't.

It is extremely rare for an employment contract to own what you create when not on company time, even if it's in the same vein as what you do for them as your job.

The only time conflicts generally happen are when someone creates something on their own time but is suspected of having invented a significant portion of it on company time--this is rarely the case for creative works, and usually occurs in cases where a patentable device/product has been developed.

>> No.1765215

Sorry but this really is the law in the US and most of the world (specifically WTO members).

>> No.1765218

The post at ZUN's blog does have something in common with sankaku's article.
I don't care if a blog, newspaper or whatever it is sucks, as long as the information it gives is true.

>> No.1765223

> It is extremely rare for an employment contract to own what you create when not on company time, even if it's in the same vein as what you do for them as your job.
I'd say 90% of all programming jobs in the US have that clause in the employment contracts.

>> No.1765228

No. Sorry.

>> No.1765229

And then, after C75 is over and the world hasn't ended yet, everyone will say "TOLD YOU SOME SHITTY ANIME WOULDN'T MAKE DIFFERENCE"

Of course this won't kill the community overnight (at this point, it is highly debatable whether it is actually killable, no matter what anyone does), but ZUN actually stepping up and saying "stop it you guys seriously" is an indication that something huge is going on. For starters, it tells us that he actually cares about what anyone does with the series (understandable) and that he really intends to keep it underground (for which he is like 4 years too late).

tl;dr as someone else said, see Anno ca. 1997, except Touhou is as shallow as a puddle to begin with and nobody pretends otherwise.

>> No.1765234


As a programmer who's seen quite a few employment contracts and has made a few patentable inventions on and off company time, I can confidently say I have never seen such a clause.

Now, in some cases, there are *non-compete clauses* that can have similar effects by simply declaring any work you to on the side to be "competition." However, at least in California, those are explicitly illegal.

>> No.1765237


If that were true, it would be illegal for a programmer to work on an open source software project in his free time because he would not own the copyright to his own code.

PROTIP: You're wrong.

>> No.1765243


Fair enough but I thought I made it obvious that I am not referring to what ZUN had wrote, rather the opinionated monologue that the writer added.

This article was only posted little more then a hour ago and I have been linked to it 3 times already in 3 seperate places. Who are these people who seem to have this site as their homepage or something?

>> No.1765244


No, they typically have a clause that says that work you do on company time, with company equipment, is owned by the company. It's rarely invoked to take copyright away from employees who create stuff in their spare time, although it has been done, and in some cases, was effectively legal bullying.

Also, employment laws in the US are heavily biased towards corporations, because the country is a corrupt shithole. That's why they can get away with horrible clauses in employment contracts.

>> No.1765245

Copyright Legality / General

>> No.1765247

Personally I completely agree with Zun. He created Touhou and he should have the final say in what people do with his works. Certainly it's true that fans have added alot to the world of Touhou, but they're still his characters and his games should always come first.

>> No.1765253

I hate sankaku complex for portraying Japan as LOL SO RANDUM XD JPN PPL R SO HENTAI and having people actually eat it up.

>> No.1765256
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>they're still his characters


>> No.1765257

Probably some Sankaku employee spreaing the AIDS.

>> No.1765258

To be fair, that was the general perception long before they came around...

>> No.1765264

Not to mention reading /jp/ would not leave a different impression at all. Sankaku just has less self-loathing.

>> No.1765265
File: 432 KB, 1563x631, 1229295477468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god no oh god no they would ruin the shit out of it by faging it up and making you fight angels with belts see picture

>> No.1765268

Except they haven't come first for a couple of years now.

>> No.1765269

Fuck off you faggot. Zun actually makes things that are worth a damn. That DA stereotype you're invoking only has to do with 14 year olds who make shitty drawings of retarded characters and couldn't ever dream of making anything worthwhile. You can't just take somebody's creations and use it however the hell you want without repercussion. In Japan that seems to be tolerated for the most part, but with Zun's works it's getting to such a massive extent that he really does need to lay down some guidelines.

>> No.1765272

That perception is entirely the problem, and it's something that Zun should have addressed earlier.

>> No.1765273


Obviously. ZUN's character designs tend to be really neat and unique, even though he can't draw for shit. Having new characters designed by anyone else would be awful, which is why he should not sell out. Even though he could create another universe, it would not be the same, and would suffer for it. While the creations that other people make based on his work are often great, he is the heart of it, and so his wishes should be absolutely followed.

>> No.1765275

True, but the kicker is: What will (or even can) ZUN do if people don't respect his guidelines?

>> No.1765279
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Anger Zun and he'll take his hat off. You don't want to see him with his hat off.

>> No.1765277


That is stealing company resources and is a sackable offense in any workplace. It is also something that is punishable by law.

You know because stealing is illegal. That is not a violation of copyright law.

>> No.1765285


Withdrawl from the doujin scene. It's a labor of love and if they kill the love for him this isn't a problem to do.

>> No.1765286

>>1765125 2). Then Touhou will finally die. /jp/ will become a visual novel board.
But visual novels are video games.

>> No.1765287

Well, sankaku is the first website I've seen that is totally based around that idea.

The thing is, /jp/ hates Japan. The fags on sankaku worship Japan for supposedly being a lawless land of animu and sexual crime.

>> No.1765291

The problem is that the doujin community that has sprung up has not only been allowed by him, but also encouraged. Usually you'd be right, but the moment touhou became more about the doujin community than the games, he gave up the rights to any of it.

>> No.1765292

I agree with ZUN one hundred percent. I've always understood the way he wanted his creation to go and I see nothing wrong with it. I think this is the way old guard fans feel about the whole situation as well.

>> No.1765294


"Sarchasm": the gap between the joke and you.

>> No.1765306

Really, if any fanwork becomes popular in the public eye, one would assume they'd look for the source. I don't really think his concerns are applicable, especially seeing as he could badger for royalties if it actually becomes a commercial success.

Touhou already has already met most of its fanbase and I highly doubt very many people would be swayed by a single 20-minute episode that may not even be any good. Its ZUN's decision though, and simply posting here won't change that at all.

>> No.1765307



>> No.1765313


Name one case in which someone who has created original IP using a company's equipment has been punished under criminal code. Theft of company assets is restricted to physical assets and IP that is assigned to the company, not to use of time and equipment. That is why some employment contracts say that IP created on company time is automatically assigned to the company, but many companies are much more lenient about that sort of thing.

>> No.1765314

I work in "the biz" and I can tell you any games company with that line in the contract will not be hiring anyone decent. In work hours is common, but the media outrage of stealing someones IP would be so giant I doubt any publisher would have the guts.

>> No.1765318

I highly, HIGHLY doubt he ever wanted the doujin community to overtake his games. Probably he didn't know what to do about it once it had happened. To say that he gave up his rights to his own creation that he puts his heart and soul into is just fucking stupid. No matter what, Touhou is his creation and as far as I'm concerned alot of the doujin artists have been stepping over the line with their works. Zun knows this and that's why he's speaking out against it now.

>> No.1765324

LFM Hakugyokurou Heroic need 2healers/1CC

>> No.1765336


I don't get it, don't you believe that you might get sacked if you use company time to make your own product, or that you might get charged with theft if you steal company resources doing it?

This has nothing to do with IP anyway.

>> No.1765338

>one would assume they'd look for the source.

And they'd find out that the source hardly has anything to do with the things that made them interested in the whole thing in the first place. Face it, at this point the games are merely, well... well-made doujin games to a fandom universe that has most of its content originated elsewhere.

>> No.1765340
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He's probably been struggling with this problem for a long time, but the OVA forced him to finally make a statement. I have high hopes that the fanbase will respond positively.

>> No.1765344


You would assume that but the problem is that they don't look for the source.

fig.1: The bulk of the western anime fanbase.

>> No.1765347

If so, he's about four years late. I never said that he actually wanted to give up the rights to his characters; I'm merely saying that's what happened when he allowed the doujin community overtake his games. Whether he intended to or not, Touhou is now a completed decentralized franchise in which his opinion only matters so much, and it is all because HE allowed it, whether or not he intended the consequences.

>> No.1765350


The Touhou universe has a lot more canon material than just the games.

>> No.1765354

> Touhou anime
mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

>> No.1765362

And now he's taking action against it. What's your fucking point?

>> No.1765365

Said canon material is, for the most part, just codifying stuff that has been fanon before. As for the actual plot, nobody gives a shit, especially since even a random futa H doujn has better plot.

>> No.1765377

Protip: If ZUN withdraws from the scene, this will have next to no impact on the phenomenon itself.

>> No.1765379

You're doing it wrong.
ORIGINAL CHARACTER DONOT STEAL applies when a person takes a character, changes their color or adds a tail or something, changes the name to something like "Emerald Saphire" and then acts as if anyone gives two shits.

Meanwhile, ZUN actually created these characters. They are in fact his original creations. Would you call ORIGINAL CHARACTER DONOT STEAL on any other character created for a medium in a truely original sense? Fuck no.

tl;dr You are a faggot and you're doing it wrong.

>> No.1765380


That's not the point of a withdrawl.

>> No.1765382


Fan works have been the main event for some time now, with ZUN simply pushing out new characters and music. At this stage its hard to find established personalities for most of the characters, due to the convoluted nature of the fans, and by extension their works. It'd be difficult to actually add depth to the characters in a proper Touhou title, I think that this is the root of ZUN's problem. If there were more developed personalities for the characters fanworks exploring possible ones wouldn't have to exist.

The canonical comics and the two books that have been released do make a move to fix this, however the characters can't personally reach out in these circumstances, well in the case of the books, certainly due to them simply being recounts from either Akyu or Aya.


Its a shame that communities have devolved into simply thinking IOSYS is a group who creates original tracks, etc.

>> No.1765385

I actually thought about that earlier today. My conclusion was that the Touhou scene would fade away; sure, it wouldn't drop dead just like that, and even then it'd continue, but there's only that many ways you can make a remix of a song.

>> No.1765392

My point is that his opinion on the matter has been already marginalized due to his own decisions. He's not "taking action against it" because there's no action he can really take. Well, besides whining, which he is doing here. "Commercializing"? Groups like IOSYS have been doing that for years.

>> No.1765391

It'd be kind of lame to hear the fifth rearrange of the same song by the same group, right?

>> No.1765394

>It'd be difficult to actually add depth to the characters in a proper Touhou title, I think that this is the root of ZUN's problem. If there were more developed personalities for the characters fanworks exploring possible ones wouldn't have to exist.

Yes, the thing that makes Touhou a runaway success to begin with (them basically being a free-for-all make your own moeblob kit, with anyone able to make a story out of these barely defined characters while still adhering to some known framework) is also the thing that bites ZUN in the ass now, because of course he now doesn't get to do it himself, and it's be really jarring if he suddenly started doing it.

>> No.1765429

But that's a bad point and you should feel bad.

>> No.1765455

Your point is retarded. Just because he may have waited a little long to take action against the fan community doesn't give the fans the right do whatever the hell they want. They're still his games and his characters, nothing else can change that.

>> No.1765513


"Characters" is a bit of a stretch. They're just stupid little girls in silly little hats.

>> No.1765533

even if they weren't characters, they're still his designs

>> No.1767429

What's the autosage limit?
