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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1763091 No.1763091 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/.Im living the dream in Japan....Rather I live out in some puissant villiage where nobody seems to want to associate with gaijin. Im forced to give mind numbing lessons to high school kids who dont give a shit and work with teachers who resent me being here.
Its now my weekend but I am drinking sake by myself in my apartment listening to Electric President and browsing image boards. Fuck you, I should never have listened to you, it sucks ass here.
pic related, its my shitty room.

>> No.1763095

I've noticed people here warm up quickly if they notice you can speak Japanese.

>> No.1763098

Is that Siren? That game sucked.

>> No.1763104

If you had actually listened to us, you would have never gone in the first place. Didn't we tell you that Japan is a shitty place to live and is only good for its porn and cartoons?

>> No.1763105

Do you live in some shitty town where its fashionable to get around in tracksuit and talk about decaying japanese morales? oh I speak decent jap, none of the pricks give me the time of day to use it.

>> No.1763109

Op probably can't, which is probably the reason he isn't liked.

>I should never have listened to you

Actually, most of the people on /jp/ agree that living in Japan in general and being a JET-bitch in particular sucks ass because of the reasons you've already listed.
On top of that, if you take life altering advice from Anonymous, you don't deserve anything better than what you've got

>> No.1763114

they smell the stink of otaku all over you

and who the hell said that being a JET was a good idea? teaching English in Europe is a way, way better bet if you want to have fun, although it's harder to get into because you have to do more legwork

>> No.1763118

basically Japan's export culture is ok, but the real deal blows

>> No.1763119

Where are you exactly, OP?

>> No.1763123

I though most people on here were just being negative losers. A few thought it was great here so I took their advice. Why do they even bother asking for preferences? Toukyou my ass

>> No.1763130


They were trolling you. Japan is a nice place to visit but a terrible place to live in for a gaijin.

>> No.1763131

I'm in Shimotsuma. I heard they made a movie about how much it sucked or something. We got a big statue, thats it.

>> No.1763137

Has anyone in /jp/ ever endorsed going to live in Japan?

>> No.1763142

also crabs

>> No.1763141


everyone wants to go to tokyo, so they ignore that if you ask. somewhere in hokkaido is a better bet, especially sapporo, of course. there you get god-tier ramen, beer, hot springs, and lots of other shit, but nobody wants to go there as a jET because they're pussies about the cold

>> No.1763152

Fuck you. Good game, who cares if sightjack is useless except in one level.

>> No.1763153

that sucks, i don't even know where you live. where i live is alright, lots of colleges around here. living here in kyoto is pretty sweet if i do say so myself. shijo is the shit on friday and saterday nights.

>> No.1763154

Silly faggot, serves you right for thinking that there's any merit in coming here to be yet another worthless dime-a-dozen English teacher.

Should've gotten a real job.

>> No.1763159

Yes, whenever it seems like some dumbass might go ahead and live there.

>> No.1763162


blah, you should spend your 20s doing stupid jobs in weird places. having a career is bullshit that should be delayed until you're old and broken.

>> No.1763167

>>Toukyou my ass
Tokyo or Tōkyō if your want to transliterate instead of using the English word. Never Toukyou. Never.

It's OK really, as long as you don't reek of ヲタ, speak fairly decent Japanese and don't make the mistake of living in a place where normal young Japanese don't want to live either. Rural isn't bad per se, but choose wisely.

>> No.1763168

hey, at least you're reasonably close to Tokyo. just an hour or so on the jouban-sen and you're set.

>> No.1763176

Or getting an edumacation so you can do nice jobs in weird places. On top of that, being a student is actually pretty nice.

>> No.1763178

>It's OK really, as long as you don't reek of ヲタ

How do I know whether or not I reek of ヲタ?

>> No.1763179

So I guess you have a "real job"? What is it exactly? Sucking ugly dudes dicks in the alleys of Kabukichou? Licking your ugly Japanese wife's web infested mank? Fuck off loser, anyone that can assimilate themselves into Japanese culture is a slimy piece of dick cheese that should have been chewed up and spat out of their mother long ago...fucking balding wanker,

>> No.1763191

living here as a student >>>>>>> living here as worker

japanese college is as easy as fuck.

>> No.1763194


If you have to ask, you'll never know.

And it's probably got a lot to do with where you are. There's shitty places and there's good places in every country. Sucks for you, I guess. I don't know how JET or whatever works, but can't you take a bit to time off and go visit somewhere cool? Stay there for a week or something? At least then it wont be a total waste of time.

>> No.1763202

pardon my ignorance, but i have never heard this word before, though i can figure it out though context.

>> No.1763216

Probably misspelling of 男子.

>> No.1763224

>>If you have to ask, you'll never know.

If you have figurines on your TV, that's a strong indicator.

OP is a bitch. I didn't have problems talking to anyone even with my halfass year and a half Japanese and making friends. Mind you I went from Tokyo, to Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, and Nara and all surrounding areas.

If you're an interesting person, it transcends borders. If you're not, you're damned to be a social outcast anywhere.

Then again most "teach abroad" programs are for people who barely passed their English degree and couldn't find a way in life, so I guess it's to be expected.

>> No.1763231

oh you

>> No.1763234

In my home country, this is Nara of japan, american JET
1.stealing stuff everything
2.lyingto policeman
3.spit to face when talking, mouth is bad smell
4.dont have money, many american JET, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes
5.raping? jap gal because jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
6.very smell of food eating by american
7.very smell body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?
american=monkey same

>> No.1763245

You don't belong here.

>> No.1763248

Is it bad that i used google translator on this bad boy and laughed my sweaty ballsacks off? Incredible literature indeed, theres so much content the subject barely manages to hold it all in.

>> No.1763254

French fag detected.

>> No.1763255

But I do. He's slandering the lifestyle of Japanese foreigners when he's never experienced it. People who have sex play touhou too. I just don't play life on Easy Mo-do.

>> No.1763256

come on anon. Interesting person? Who are we trying to convince here? If you were interesting to normal people you wouldn't be posting on this board. Hell I`m a freak and even I don't like you very much from one post.

>> No.1763258

He belongs here.

Faggots who can't separate anime-Japan from real life modern Japan can go the fuck back to Gaia, Megatokyo and Animesuki.

>> No.1763275

Just go away or stop posting.

Either is fine, really.

>> No.1763277

I for one welcome our more outgoing members. Sometimes we just need to be told these kinds of things.

People say I'm interesting, I'm just too painfully shy/not-confident to go out and be social. Not everyone's a recluse for the same reasons.

>> No.1763279

Normal people are sleeping. I'm rolling but can't drive you could say or I'd probably be getting food instead.

>> No.1763282


Even though there's a lot of faggotry regarding this post, the man actually has a point. Even a small percentage of people on 4chan do things with their lives, despite the odds.

>> No.1763286

default reasoning 101. Its not that I`m a freak really, I just have some crippling social anxiety that makes me unable to relate to humans...but my mum says I`m cool.

>> No.1763288

Thanks for another shitty thread, guys! Mission accomplished, you can all go back to /r9k/ now and be posturing faggots there!

>> No.1763307

OP here. Damn my thread only reached 42 before dying.
Japan is actually pretty cool, ya`ll should come.
Im off to hit up the local shouchu bar and see what I come home with. Take it easy /jp/

>> No.1763320

> Even though there's a lot of faggotry regarding this post, the man actually has a point. Even a small percentage of people on 4chan do things with their lives, despite the odds.
A small percentage of 4chan is into fursuits, what do we think about them? Minorities can go fuck themselves, Anonymous is legion.

>> No.1763329

lol, so much repressed impotent anger in one post. projecting your own failure much?

I'm 25 and work in the tokyo office of a us company, get paid well, and have foreign and japanese friends

and I post on /jp/

>> No.1763337

>anonymous is legion xD epick lulz

>> No.1763343

>Anonymous is legion.

>> No.1763344

Maybe the normal folk on /jp/ should start some sort of "Hikkis Anonymous" club or something.

My name is SephCloud34. And I'm so afraid of the outside world I can't even play xbox live without muting everyone.

I've been there myself, shit sucks when you WANT to change.

>> No.1763362

and you use lol in sentences.

>> No.1763377

It's funny how the same people that claim such disgust of wapanese in japan, and who like to make out how cultured they are usually just spend their evenings getting hammered in some shitty bar trying to hit up chicks.

women are evil.

>> No.1763374

yeah, I use an internet acronym on the internet, how preposterous

>> No.1763378

Internet tough guy

>> No.1763384
File: 33 KB, 300x320, 1229256699596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, its like I am working back at NOVA again

>> No.1763389

There are over THREE BILLION women in the world.

Think about that for a minute. THREE BILLION WOMEN.

And NONE of them wants to sleep with you or I, not a single one.

>> No.1763392


shitty topic is now even shittier

>> No.1763395

Fuck you, I hoped you had died in the riots.
Please, go out in the streets and start throwing rocks at cops.

>> No.1763398

>And NONE of them wants to sleep with you or I, not a single one.


>> No.1763400

isn't athens a fascist? I remember him saying he supports LAOS.

>> No.1763404



>> No.1763407

Athens is basically anything that will piss anyone off.

>> No.1763408

Didn't you just get banned AGAIN?

Nobody wants you here.

>> No.1763411

Thats the best part of athens, not only does he contradict himself more often than not, hes also the biggest and baddest ronery out of us all. Hes da man, yo!

>> No.1763414
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>> No.1763416

lets all chill out with a few beers and watch トラに入る

>> No.1763420

The country?

>> No.1763421

lets all chill out with a few beers and watch ドラゴンに入る

>> No.1763422

I didn't get banned.

Lots of girls in this thread.

>> No.1763428

Where were you?

>> No.1763445

OP's mistake wasn't to move to Japan, it was to get a job.

>> No.1763447

I bet he was outside having a total failure of a social life, so he can come back to /jp/ and bitch and moan about WYMMYNZ. Hes that badass, theres practically nothing he wouldnt do for us

>> No.1763448

lol you are a girl.

>> No.1763449


>> No.1763461

but there are no girls on the internet

>> No.1763467

there are girls on wow who have sex with men on there.

>> No.1763471

>My lack of social skills and my inability to recognize and adapt to foreign cultures means I've made everyone hate me. Because I validate my existence on the opinions of other people, my life sucks and I bawwww at whoever will listen to me on the internets. But since I happen to be in Japan, I can just pretend it's a race issue and blame the society instead of taking the responsibility for alienating all my colleagues and would-be friends.

>> No.1763477

Stop feeding athens.

>> No.1763486

girl off the port bow.

>> No.1763488
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>> No.1763487

you don't know what this "sex" thing actually is, do you

>> No.1763491

i do too!

anyway, why are there so many girls on /jp/?

>> No.1763495

Girls on /jp/ is one of those illusions that seems more realistic when you start believing it's real.

>> No.1763499

what the hell are you on about OP?
sounds like a great weekend to me; you obviously rely on other people way too much

>> No.1763513

Anonymous, hyper-social?!

>> No.1763519

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1763532

It sounds like the OP is the equivalent of an antisocial Jap who only cares about America for its porn coming over to the Deep South and expecting to be to unanimously accepted in spite of all his glaring flaws. When his dream is shattered he then turns around and judges the nation as a whole based upon his shitty experience, and then directs his malice back at fellow Ameriboo Futaba users despite the situation being 87% his fault.

>> No.1763538

oh god shut up. not every situation is a result of internal perspective, sometimes shit just sucks regardless.

>> No.1763540

I`m with you buddy. Drinking by yourself is better because nobody can interrupt the momentum.

>> No.1763543

>only cares about America for its porn
Who the hell would want anything to do with American porn?

>> No.1763545

K, then it's his fault for not researching the program and area he was signing up for eh?

>> No.1763549

Honestly I think he is probably new and just going through a rough patch. See a lot of it here. Sometimes dudes pack up and go home but usually they just suck it up and come out the other side laughing.

>> No.1763552

Well, to me it sounds like OP is an american that moved to Japan end expected it to be some sort of magical anime land with no worries. Or something like that. I cannot claim that I could be bothered to read the OP, but hey.

Anyhow, as for this "america", USA is pig disgusting. Really, it's the fucking worst "civilised" nation on earth. And yankee tourist are obnoxious retard. Stay in america, scum.

Why there are so many retarded cops in athens? Protesting a lot lately?

>> No.1763554

nothing admirable about left wing scum youths burning things. There is an old right wing marching song from the civil war era about how left wing women sleep with many men and do not know who fathers their children.

Sex should be banned except for people in marriage with high IQs.

>> No.1763555

I love how whenever people read about a bad Japanese experience they have to try to justify it as the westerners fault. "Oh they were a weaboo, they thought it was animeland" etc. Heaven forbid anybody insult the master race.

>> No.1763556

In all fairness. Aussies are WAY bigger tourist scum in Japan specifically. Get a few beers in them and it's no holds barred for making an ass of themselves.

>> No.1763557

This is a self defense mechanism. They must maintain true faith or their illusion is shattered.

>> No.1763559

All tourists are stupid. No exceptions.

>> No.1763560

IRL, quite a few people.

>> No.1763561

Well, such odd statesment to make from you. Never thought one would cherish their virginity to such ridiculous extent.

Anyhow, don't you wish that the crazy mob lynches the corrupt officials and rich people in general? I think it's great because the current power-elite in that petty country is profoundly leftbehind.

>> No.1763563

yeah thats just the white aussies.
other coloured aussies arent as bad. just the white ones.

>> No.1763564

Doing JET in a shitty corner of the country, yes? First mistake. Get a real job.

>> No.1763568

go sniff some petrol

>> No.1763569

left behind? czech republic is poorer than greece.

and as for virginity in girls, it is appealing.

>> No.1763570

I met so many English teachers last time I went to Japan I'm wondering how many they need.

>> No.1763574

I bet you're from Tasmania.

>> No.1763579

This threads been athens'd. There's nothing to see here.

>> No.1763583

Only marginally in terms of GDP.

>> No.1763594

Doesn't he have a point though? Aren't a majority of aboriginals drunks themselves? I watched a show about this one who raped a woman the other day.

>> No.1763599

By coloured I'm sure he meant Asians, because everyone who isn't Asian is probably a drunk fuck Asians still have the ability to think properly even when drunk.

Aboriginal Australians are disgusting.

>> No.1763613

yeah abbos are usually constantly pissed faced, but they do it in the deserts of australia.

at least they dont go overseas and get wasted just to be fucktards like the above mentioned ones.

no im not from tasmania

>> No.1763614

By coloured I'm sure he meant Asians, because everyone who isn't Asian is probably a drunk fuck. Asians still have the ability to think properly even when drunk.

Aboriginal Australians are disgusting. People who aren't from Sydney are barbaric.

>> No.1763615

Well, at least he got laid. You really should try sex out sometimes.

>> No.1763631

Protip: do something fun. Go to Roppongi, meet some friendly women, make your own H-scene with them.

Find stuff to do. Order books from amazon.com with info about the parts of Japan you're in. Look online for places to explore on the weekend.

The more you sit around your apartment, the more depressed you will become.

>> No.1763641

Is that an offer?

>> No.1763646

stupid foreigner get out of our Japan

>> No.1763648

Well, I probably could get some of my old druggie friends to turn a trick for you.

Honestly, it's silly but why not? You get laid and I get 20% of the deal. Sounds like win-win situation to me.

>> No.1763651

I'd rather not, I'm not big on druggies, they are ugly and have all manner of disease.

>> No.1763661

OP follow this mans advice >>1763631
alternatively, ive met many JET and Interac guys and they all hate their jobs.
my advice: quit them, find other companies.
theres lots of jobs out there where you work less than that and pays the same.
my last job there had me working around 3 hours a week day. usually from 5 to 8.30.
but not even 3 lessons sometimes, usually i was teaching an average of two lessons a day.
saturday however will be more classes, but if you tally it up, its about 21 hours work a week for the same pay as JET offers.

tip: find jobs where the students come to you. not you go to them. that way you are sure to get only students that want to be there and learn and thus will make it less harder for yourself.

>> No.1763671

Well, don't be such hypocrite. You think people who engage in such things are not druggies by default? They are.

Now that I think of it, it's bizarre but I used to know many people who would turn tricks. I could seriously fix you a girlfriend pretty easily.

>> No.1763691

No, I don't think so. How you and these other people could engage in such things is ridiculous. It's empty sex.

>> No.1763701

Never did such thing myself. I've never been a serious addict, you see. I do not think that such thing is too terrible morally decadence, even though it's pretty dangerous, I hear.

Anyhow, as for you, beggars really can't be choosers. You'd be lucky to have any sex, wholesome or empty on your own.

Honestly, let us say 300€ and you can pop your cherry.

>> No.1763702

Do you also love how the people doing that in this thread have lived/currently live in Japan and actually know what they're talking about?

>> No.1763703

>make your own H-scene with them.
I can imagine the gaijin inviting some sluts to his room, and they think they're finally getting some white cock, when the gaijin pulls out his drawing equipment and asks them to draw hentai with him.

>> No.1763706

I would not stoop to such lows ever. I would rather die alone with the moral high ground. I know that for that money you can get a professional escort anyway because I know investment bankers who do that manner of thing.

And all of such entanglements are quid pro quo. I have no doubts you have done such things for money/items.

>> No.1763708


>> No.1763711

I would say another thread ruined by a tripfag, but this thread was already pretty shitty to begin with.

>> No.1763712

Everyone on /jp/ knows about that guy.

>> No.1763715

oh god i shat my pants LOL'ing

>> No.1763727

Aww, so cute. I guess, your papa must be quite educated in these things as an "investment banker". Greek is the Mecca of all prostitution, after all. You should be the expert here, as somekind of depraved upperclass kid.

This latent homosexuality of yours. Well, better not to say anything about such pitiful sad stage of being.

>> No.1763736


>> No.1763734

Don't be so presumptuous.

I think you should behave in a more moral manner anyway, it's not right for women to sleep with more than 4 men.

>> No.1763741

Rule 1: If you're a loser in your own country, you'll be a loser in any country.

The loser status of OP is proven by his animu figures.

Stupid, poor, OP. When will you learn: you'll never get any friends and never be happy. Suicide is the only way out :(

>> No.1763743


At the same time or separately? Cos 4 on 1 at the same time is gang-rapalicious.

>> No.1763750

I see you've lowered your standards one more time.

>> No.1763755

Its not right? Come on brah, do you seriously expect every singls human being to follow your set of rural, stuck in the dar-ages, morals? I like how you figure yourself an authority in these things, but you got your aim too high. You got a dangerous fundie christian-vibe to you man, i wouldnt be surprised at all if every human being youve ever met has treated you as a freak. Because quite honestly, you just might be one.

>> No.1763756

t..h...iis.ss. thread

>> No.1763759


What about other women? Is there a limit for lesbian encounters?

>> No.1763764

Expecting everyone to follow your own personal moral views and having standards for a partner are two entire different things. Regardless of how annoying Athens is, I wouldn't date a whore either.

>> No.1763766

Why purposely get on my nerves?

Anyhow, objectively speaking I prolly have way higher moral standards than average person. I just do not coat mine with virginal biggotry like you. I mean, in all seriousness, how old are you?

>> No.1763769

the fact you assume sexual morality is implicitly religious rather than the reserve of ethical philosophy makes me a sad panda.

but what do i expect? It's pure black and white dichotomies as much for you ('progressive' and 'old fashioned' as it is for me - the difference between you and me though, is that you pretend to be open minded, when you aren't, your idea of progressive is excess).

>> No.1763774

>die alone with the moral high ground
That's the one thing I don't like with you. I admire you for standing by your principles to death, but do you really have to do it to feel morally superior? From prosecutors who think they are heroes of justice because they try getting any defendant as harsh punishments as possible, to dictators who think they are God's right hand because they kill thousands of people they can't agree with, people who think they're morally superior are fucking douchebags. Instead of acting like a moral crusader, act like a gentleman. Judge people by their character, leave judgment of morality for religious people.

>> No.1763780

I've been to Japan for a total of half a year, I can't speak Japanese at all but I know a few guys in Akihabara who can speak English really well, and It was a blast hanging out with them. Oh well, now back to my NEET life.

>> No.1763783

I wouldnt exactly call that "having standards" brosef. But whatever, i guess athens has the right, because he is the only hope left for humanity, an Adam of sorts, if you will.
And this is exactly my point; You have way too high expectacions for everything, thus you only end up with broken dreams and misogynistic posts on /jp/. Perhaps there is a chance that you were the one in the wrong, all along? Its not easy to accept being wrong, but it sure as hell beats being athens, dont you think?


>> No.1763786

Not athens, but I consider homosexual relations to be on the same level as heterosexual ones. Possibly worse. I'd rather not be involved with a woman if she had slept with any other women. It just seems dirtier to me. For me all of that is only for porn.

>> No.1763787 [SPOILER] 
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Oh Japan.

>> No.1763790

too tired to respond.

need sleep, you all know my email, fire away and i'll reply this evening.

>> No.1763798


I don't. I want to know it!

>> No.1763794


Make more sense.

>> No.1763795

>you all know my email
I don't.

Now I feel left out ;_;

>> No.1763800

If your going to go anywhere in East Asia, it should be Corea. They fucking love Amerikkkans. Eurofags... eh, not so much.

>> No.1763802

hey guise whats going on here?

>> No.1763804

>If your going to go anywhere in East Asia, it should be Corea. They fucking love Amerikkkans.
I lold

>> No.1763805

Well, having such principles is kind of doltish in my opinion. I mean, I understand that this type of people need to protect their fragile precious egos by idiotic made-up rules but in such process they just miss all of the real things. I mean, this "moral high ground" will be abandoned the instant that such vice comes reasonable within the reach of this holier than thou person. It happens every time, no exceptions. Then again, some people are just too weak to take what they want and need to find comformity in something such as moral high ground.

>> No.1763813

exactly man. like the friend that says "I`ll never be like that" but the moment he gets a girl he fucking is man.

>> No.1763817
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right OP here, this thread is getting deleted the only way i know how

>> No.1763818

I personally have no desire to have sex with anyone. The whole idea of it puts me off. I'd very much like to have a relationship with someone, though, but I doubt I could handle it emotionally. I've tried before and it was awful. For me to be able to handle it she would have to be a virgin. I would rather be alone than compromise on this issue because compromising would only make me miserable.

>> No.1763819

not your man, buddy

>> No.1763826

there, in the email field.

>> No.1763834
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>> No.1763835

moar or source

>> No.1763837
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>> No.1763838
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>> No.1763839
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>> No.1763840
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>> No.1763842

There's a difference between morals and principles. Morals is an emotional thing, and something which is quite easy to program into people. People who think pedophilia is wrong is a good example, as most of the time they cannot really provide a good reason why it should be considered wrong, but they feel a strong inner opposition to it, which has been built into them from living in our society for so long. Since morals is just an emotional thing, they can easily be affected by opposing emotional stimuli, making them easy to breach. Principles, however, is mainly an intellectual thing. It's hard to convince someone to adopt a random principle, as they have to make sense to the person adopting them. Although it depends on the person and the individual case, principles are usually much harder to betray. Since most people, especially men, give their intellect more power than their emotions, only an intellectual decision should be powerful enough to change them.

>> No.1763844

considering the above posts, this post wins.

>> No.1763845

oh that's right, OP is an Amerikkan. Than he has no chance outside his country.

>> No.1763846
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Is that some CP?

>> No.1763847

Goddamn it i love Japan. Junior Idols are the best thing that happened to children, ever!

>> No.1763854
File: 74 KB, 578x800, 1229268875207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want candy

>> No.1763866

Mods on /jp/?!

>> No.1763869

Delete the just the images and leave the shitfest thread alone? I lol'd

>> No.1763870

crap, everything good about this thread just got bawleted.

>> No.1763871

Considering the gay/furry porn raid this morning? Not that odd.

>> No.1763875

where does it ever say is an amerikan?

>> No.1763880


that burger in your picture in quiet obvious.

>> No.1763881

i see somebody likes Mirrors Edge

>> No.1763884

ha ha, fat american fucks

>> No.1764012

ITT: disillusionment.

>> No.1764042

- disillusioned weeaboos
- tripfaggots
- emoticons
- shitty jokes
- general ignorance of a world outside your shitty neighborhood

>> No.1764050

/jp/ part of a complete nutritious breakfast.

>> No.1764073


This thread's got it all. Everything you could ever find on /jp/.

>> No.1764077

But i LOVE my neighbourhood! Its the best neighbourhood ever to get shot at, mugged, raped or all of the above! You just dont get that shit in NIPPON!

>> No.1764082

it even had cp but it got modded

>> No.1764094

And now that i think about it, i have an legimite question that i would like to be answered, by someone with atleast a minimal amount of knowledge about the subject.

How the fuck does Japan remain its overall tidyness and scheme of formality? The smoking laws are outrageous in Tokyo, atleast to a dirty gaijin like me whos used to smoking just about everywhere, yet people obscurely follow the rules. Same with littering, everything is fucking shiny and still you dont see cleaners roaming around the streets.

And from what i understand, the Yakuza are pretty much an inept part of society, that everyone just kind of lives with, accepting organized crime as a moderator of sorts. Shit trips me off, because there is practically no petty crime in the Japanes, ultra sterilized society as a whole. And goddamn, they have a million different types of formal speech to begin with, WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK

>> No.1764101

Japan - Never mind the petty crime, we will head straight to the main course of child rape and mass murder please.

>> No.1764111

They're simply used to having it that way. How is that hard to understand?

>> No.1764143

Kind of hard, actually. And i see this in the asian mentality as a whole, even capital corruption are things of no matter over there, and thats really fucking weird. I dont know, maybe its just the western culture and glorification of anarchy and shit alike as a whole thats fucking my head up.

>> No.1764151


Cool story bro

>> No.1764202

OP, what kind of Camels are those?

>> No.1764203

Its a different mindset that causes this

You will see that americans are demanding and aggresive. Compare.

>> No.1764231


Boy, you need a dictionary. Bad.

>> No.1764228

To be honest, the only American i ever saw was one of those backpacking revolutionaryhippie types, but in this part of the world its no wonder, no one in their right mind would want to visit here. But percepting through experiences within the internet, i could say youre right on point with that.

So, in conclusion, we can put it all on general culture, old traditions, respect of said traditions and basically the way they are raised towards the world community as a whole?

>> No.1764239
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Regarding littering, get out from the city centre. Ditches, rivers and roadsides are cluttered with shit that no one bothers to clean up. Granted, there isn't much actual littering going on, but when it happens, there's no one to clean up the mess and it looks fucking disgusting at times.

Pic sort of related. Some of the areas around where I lived were just filthy. There was even a large couch sitting in the middle of a nearby river for a long time, and loads of empty PET bottles and wrappers on riverbanks and fields.

>> No.1764244

I was more peeved by "legimite" and "remain".

>> No.1764287

Excuse me, sir. I most humbly apologize on behalf of my most humiliating mistakes. Please try to bare with me, for i am quite drunk during this time of the night.
I never experienced this outside of the quite large freeways and such between prefectures, but the areas were mainly covered with graffiti so that kind of comes with the deal. Is this how largely spread in large suburbs such as the eastern part of Tokyo, for example? Because i honestly saw nothing outside of the odd alleys you sometime get lost in.

>> No.1764357

Never been to Tokyo except on vacation so I wouldn't know about that. I think litter was a pretty common sight in the sub-urban backstreets where I lived, but obviously I didn't go wandering in such areas elsewhere. I don't really know how rich or poor my area was: there were some really run down old houses and depressing Soviet style apartment blocks, but also extremely clean and well-maintained gardens and Japanese style mansions.

>> No.1764375


why are you complaining?

it's a free scooter!

>> No.1764382

By looking at it, from what it would cost to repair, it might be cheaper to buy a used one in good condition.

>> No.1764390

After this, I don't want to go anymore, just for only a small vacation.

>> No.1764396

Thats quite odd, even for another traveller such as myself. I spent most of my days in the easter and north-eastern part of the "city center" and quite honestly littering didnt seem as everyday in there as it is in my city. Tokyo is another thing of course, but even the end stations of various trainlines seemed oddly clean compared to those in my city, and as far as i know these can be concidered "ghettos" in the Japanese society. Funny thing is, there was no homeless people, drug addicts, alcoholics, none of that. I only managed to find homeless people once, and they even offered tea to me. Strange shit i say

>> No.1764397

Why is your subwoofer not on the floor? And get a HDTV for that triple.

>> No.1764446


Please refer to this.

>> No.1764451


Where the hell do you live? That is not MY Tokyo.

>> No.1764460
File: 12 KB, 200x210, 1229281236358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> depressing Soviet style apartment blocks

>> Soviet style apartment blocks are depressing

>> No.1764464


Jeffery is that you?

>> No.1764530
File: 55 KB, 500x324, 1229282473078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? While they indeed are surprisingly awesome and attractive upon the first view, living in such a hellhole will change that view. Its not funny when you can hear the guy three stories above and three blocks away watching porno, i tell you. That is, if you even have such things as sound mufflers installed, for a lot of these bitches were built in the early 70's and havent been touched since. I wouldnt be surprised if they would be falling apart any time soon.

Now imagine this done in the Japanese view, looks great from the subway but honestly i wouldnt want to live there, shit must suck balls

>> No.1764553
File: 111 KB, 700x466, 1229282796116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to live in "such a hellhole". There is nothing bad about such apartments. They are pretty quiet, I don't know about Japan's apartments but they do look very similar. Picture related, the backyard looked like this. BTW I live in a house now.

>> No.1764597

Seeing how your name suggests that your roots would be in "Neo-Russia", i can only believe your words. Now, ive seen some east European shithole suburbs, and can say that living there could be nothing else but hell, unless you like minimal quality-control for minimal price. Still, even if this is done the "western" or Japanese way, it sucks regardless. Im not going to go into the whole social part of it, but just the Japanese way of taking every last centimeter into use makes these buildings an somewhat absurd equation. Sure, they fit the Japanese mindset about completely, but that doesnt still make these shits anymore enjoyable than they are.

I dont know what the fuck im rambling about, so please just ignore my shit-rants. Being drunk is okay on /jp/, right?

>> No.1764606

If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, whine about it on /jp/...
You gotta go out and make your own fun...
I dunno, the Tokyo Damage Report guy seems to be doing pretty well...

>> No.1764614
File: 978 KB, 3648x2736, 1229283688359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No homeless? I think Ueno park is the main hub for them in Tokyo, but this is second hand knowledge. In Osaka (and Kyoto) I have a hard time imagining how you could walk the streets without noticing them, even if you just stay in the fashionable/tourist areas.

Osaka prefecture.

I didn't go around photographing litter, of course, but you can see quite a bit of shit there on the right bank of the river.

>> No.1764622

Well, yes I think there is something very depressing about living in building B-36, right between the exactly identical buildings B-35 and B-37. Not to mention the rust and and peeled off paint and crowdedness. Feel free to disagree, though.

>> No.1764654

Ive heard that Ueno Park has been purified from the tent rocking smellers, i even saw signs strictly prohibitting "homeless" activities, whatever they might be. They do still gather under large bridges and such, but i did not find them in as large numbers as i can at home. And this is the thing that really intriqued me, because ive read of large demonstrations that consist of nothing but homeless people with their tents, but i never saw one tent city, even though i went and rocked through under every bridge i could find and such.

You see, im amazed at the amount of shit thats NOT happening to a drunken gaijin in this country, even finding homeless people seemed to be an impossible task for me, and lord knows i practically roamed through every gutter i could find. I dont know, maybe the homeless in Japan are more intergrated in the society than in the western world, and maybe not.

>> No.1764720

There's plenty of them pushing carts around in shinsaibashi and nipponbashi in osaka, and you'll see them sleeping in doorways along northern shinsaibashi-suji at dark. I didn't try going into the so-called slums or "dangerous areas". Saw some tents from a train when we were crossing river, can't remember which one exactly.

But yeah, Japan is a safe country.

>> No.1764740

Shit, that almost sounds worth seeing. You wouldnt happen to have any photos of them rockers, would you? I know id love to have some pose photos with a couple of hardluckers, theyre almost always the nicest people you can find.

>> No.1764777

We don't have any homeless where I live, so I didn't really know how to react to the homeless people in Japan. I felt too ashamed of being (relatively) rich and couldn't even think of talking to them. For some reason it felt a lot worse in Japan than in Thailand, for example.

Here's some pics, though. The first looks so generic I might've even seen the same guy. They had bicycles or carts where they were carrying their cardboard homes. Some I saw getting new boxes from the shopkeepers on shinsaibashi-suji when they were closing for the night.



The Guardian's pictures are from the "slum" I mentioned earlier.

>> No.1765085

That aint shit man, youre tripping off the usual "white mans guilt". It comes with you, regardless, so dont put weight on it. Once youve seen the wonders of South Africa(They claim to be the most non-corrupted and overall efficient of Africa), Kongo, Kenia and perhaps some Somalian coast with some Madagasgar, youre set to go. Seriously, after this the magical "Far East" sounded like a dream, but far away was it from that.

Nepal, India, very much all of China trying to fuck you up, and last but not least the ex/present Khmer-countries. While many people might not say this, but i personally found the Khmer-countries very dangerous, the only gun prohibittion they have is enforced by ex-Khmer officers. Some very scary shit when the busdriver exhanges words with an semi-auto in hand. But well worth it.

>> No.1765108

And imma bump just because. Cant someone e-mail moot about this thread and be all important like a mod and shit? Wouldnt that be enough to give this power over the usual 200-posts-limit? Damn it

>> No.1765400
File: 39 KB, 480x480, english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you start a new thread?

>> No.1766529

i laugh at most of you.
You should have gone to college and gotten a comp. sci. degree like me. There are so many fucking computer related jobs here in Japan. I've been here for about a year. Nice, nice, nice.
