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File: 1.57 MB, 3840x2160, maruchan_touhou_hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_girl_hat_dress_emotion_31950_3840x2160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17578010 No.17578010 [Reply] [Original]

A)What playable character do you like the most?
B)What playable character do you hate the most?
C)Which 2hu do you want to see as playable character in a 2hu game?

>> No.17578044
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A) Youmu.
B) None.
C) Shou.

>> No.17578060

sakuya / youmu
reimu / marisa
see line 1

>> No.17578065
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>> No.17578096 [SPOILER] 
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A) Marisa.
B) None, maybe Reisen if I really had to pick.
C) Kogasa.

>> No.17578097

A. Marisa
B. Meido
C. Futo
I want ZUN to give futo a bit more character

>> No.17578157

A) Reisen
B) Sanae
C) Mononobe no Futo and Ichirin

>> No.17579580
File: 465 KB, 800x800, 37989667_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A. Youmu. I find her amusing.
B. Hate is too strong a word, but I think Sakuya is boring and uninspired. I don't understand why people like her unless it's because of nostalgia, her playstyle, fan works, or haha Jojo reference.
C. Shinmyoumaru, but I would also be pleased with >>17578096 or >>17578097

>> No.17579672

C.Kaguya, just put her in a game that deals with Lunarian bullshit again or Mokou.

>> No.17579790

1) Reimu. ReimuA is a familiar, comfortable way of exploring each new game. She's like an old, reliable friend.

2) Sakuya. Not only is she a bona-fide race traitor and a mongrel dog of an undead abomination, her only cool part - her power - rarely sees creative use in the games.

3) Sekibanki and Kogasa. I'd love to see a spinoff game starring the Human Village girls attempting to solve a minor incident on their own. It could star Marisa and Keine as the two "primary" heroines, and then Kogasa and the Banc as secondary/gag characters. Bankister's shot types could be quite entertaining - like a head on a long neck that needs to be physically steered, but causes big damage, or head cluster bombs.

>> No.17581626

A) Medicine.
B) Yuuka, I think she's overhyped as fuck and I don't find he that appealing or interesting of a character.
C) I'm kinda interested in seeing Medicine again so Medi.

>> No.17581631
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A) Reimu
B) None
C) Kaguya

>> No.17581700


>> No.17581738
File: 129 KB, 900x1280, DHvL5__UAAM5RdO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Seija
B) Seija
C) Seija

>> No.17581774

A) Reimu. She's usually my first option and I'm most comfortable playing her, like >>17579790
B) I don't really have any I hate. I'm not a fan of Marisa though. People say that she's good because she's fast, but I find her movement in the game to be too jerky.
C) Rumia. No reason really other than because she's my favorite.

>> No.17581797

A. Raymoo
B. None, but if I had to choose, it'd be Marisa.
C. Eirin

>> No.17581818

1. Sanae
2. Sakuyuck
3. Futo, Ichirin

>> No.17581826

A) Sakuya and Marisa
B) Green Reimu. Never understood why people like her so much.
C) Clownpiece and Medicine

>> No.17581861

I think Marisa's speed makes her good only in the first few games, up until about 7. I only found it useful for collecting power before POC was introduced, but that helps out a lot. After that, though, her hitbox was enlarged and there were other shot types with similar damage outputs and not as jerky focus speeds, making her kind of useless.
I'm sure just about everyone here only chose their favorites for the third question, but I'm curious as to why you like Rumia so much. I always thought she was forgettable.

I think Yuuka's funny and has one of my favorite designs and character themes. It's probably also because of nostalgia since she was in the first couple of games I played, which happen to be two of my personal favorites. But yeah, for her few appearances I can see why you say she's overrated.

I like that idea, but I wouldn't call Marisa a human village character, and outside of those three I don't see anybody else who would fit for the role.

I used to hate Sanae since I thought two shrine maiden characters was redundant, but I began to like her when I saw her more as a foil to Reimu. I can agree that she's overused in playable roles, though, and mostly like her because of how she's depicted in WaHH.

>> No.17581865
File: 1.51 MB, 3000x2606, Mizuhashi Parsee 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Mima
B) Reimu
C) Parsee

>> No.17581881
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>What playable character do you like the most?

>What playable character do you hate the most?
Kokoro. If we're only counting the standard shmups, then either Reisen or Youmu.

>Which 2hu do you want to see as playable character in a 2hu game?
I don't really have a strong opinion on this. Mima comeback so people will shut up about it, I guess?

>> No.17581887

Sakuya has a character arc, going from a cold maido to a bit warmer and more sociable. Not a huge change like Sanae has gone through, but more development than we see from the likes of Youmu.

>> No.17581894

>I don't see anybody else who would fit for the role.
Could be Mokou chipping in at Keine's request. Could be Yuuka passing by (which she does, according to PMiSS) and casually throwing her lot in. Could be the 'Suzer.

Mostly I want to see the Banki, though.

>> No.17581898

>After that, though, her hitbox was enlarged
No it wasn't.

>> No.17581962
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A) I'm pretty new but I like playing as Youmu in IN and TD (and that's not because she would be my favorite) because I like the idea of ghosts following you. I also like Aya in HSiFS. Then again I don't have any huge preferences because I haven't tried everybody yet and not explored their playstyle.
B) No preferences
C) I would like to see more character development from Shou, Futo and Shinmyoumaru. They could also have some unique shot types such as Futo throwing her plates and using boat as a bomb.

>> No.17581966

1) Meido. First character I played PCB with, so I guess she left an impact.
2) I wouldn't say hate, but I generally avoid picking Reimu. I'm a hipster who generally picks someone not the advertised main character.
3) I want to see more of the SA crew in general. I liked them and legit wish they'd show up more.

>> No.17581989

A) Sanae
B) Youmu
C) Okuu, or what >>17581966 said
SA. Almost any of them would be fine.

>> No.17582000

I was remembering wrong, Reimu got a smaller hitbox and other characters have other things that made them more useful in my eyes than Marisa. Without going into specifics, there isn't a game past 6 in which I would rather use a Marisa shot type over anyone else.

>> No.17582015

That's a fine opinion to have, but let's not pretend that there aren't some games where Marisa is objectively "better", such as DDC and MoF.

>> No.17582032
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>I'm curious as to why you like Rumia so much
Honestly, I think she's the cutest.

>> No.17582045

I'll give you DDC, but I can't see what you mean about MoF. Yeah there's the power bug and C having potentially better damage than Reimu B, but I think the smaller hitbox and not having to deal with locking the familiars or a faster focused speed makes it a lot more intuitive in my eyes.

>> No.17582046
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She's a cute murderer.

>> No.17582055

Marisa makes Nue a cakewalk at least since her lasers pierce through both her and the UFOs she uses.

>> No.17582078

a)reimu because small hitbox and homing bullets in pofv komachi because i can sit in one place even more
b)id say sanae just because reimu exist and her character development in soku and manga dont make me change my mind . i also say new marisa is literally pointless in older games marisa was more like rival of reimu and was going to accidents to not solve them and just steal some thing using help of alice and patchy that spilled their spaghetti to marisa charm . nowadays she is like blank image
c)i would like to see doremy playable but probably it would be isc like game when she is visiting each character dream and stealing it via danmaku battle

>> No.17582109

All of any SA cast except Koishit would be fine.

>> No.17582341
File: 281 KB, 1400x1000, srZWYQ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Sanae easily. My first Normal 1cc was in UFO and I used SanaeB, and we've had some pretty great times throughout the games since.

B) Not sure. I like all the playables to some degree (assuming bullet hells), but I guess my least favorite would be Remilia. Just don't care about her too much.

C) I'd be willing to see Kosuzu shine, since she wants to solve an incident one day. As for stage 5 bosses, gimme playable Futo (non-fighter) or Clownpiece.

>> No.17582368
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Even the bucket?

>> No.17582451
File: 180 KB, 900x1400, __kurodani_yamame_touhou_drawn_by_usotsuki_penta__ba19e1c5e38e3bd4f1c8fd63d3be15e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of SA cast
Unfortunately that would, in most cases, mean the Chireiden crew and hardly anybody else. It's a pity. Yamame is grossly underappreciated for being one of the canonically friendliest, amiable youkai around. And she's so cute! Seriously, is there anyone who dislikes the Yamams?

>> No.17583671
File: 238 KB, 727x296, 1296545625773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Reimu. Always well rounded, always good lines, easy to play, great character and character design

B) Marisa. She is the opposite of everything I said about Reimu and it makes me doubly PO'd that because she has high speed and damage she's the more "skill intensive" of the two.

C) No one in particular for a mainline game. For a fighting game though I wish Kaguya would finally get her chance. But for a spin-off like ISC or STB I think Flan would be great, just for her to finally get a little more canon material.

>> No.17583850
File: 81 KB, 650x650, 61054490_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Reimu
B) Marisa or Aya. Though it's "like the least" rather than "hate"
C) Sumi!

>> No.17583892
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>Playable Kisume
This actually sounds like a great idea.
>Playable Yamame
This also sounds like a great idea.
Seriously, can we get a new co-op shooter like IN? Those two would make a great team for something like that.

>> No.17583976

>A)What playable character do you like the most?
Seija. Not counting spin offs, Reisen as a character and Reimu to play as.
>B)What playable character do you hate the most?
I guess Sakuya. Counting side games Byakuren.
>C)Which 2hu do you want to see as playable character in a 2hu game?
I'm pretty satisfied as is. Seija in a fighter would be nice.

>> No.17583996

I don't need Youmu to develop, she's already perfect.

>> No.17584076

>alice and patchy that spilled their spaghetti to marisa charm .
That never happened, at least not with Patchy.

>> No.17584093

Why would you respond to a shitpost?

>> No.17584105

Yes it did, how else would you think that Marisa is able to "steal" books from her library on the regular?

>> No.17584114

Because she's anemic.

>> No.17584122

>What playable character do you like the most?
Reimu, she is the number one.
>What playable character do you hate the most?
Sanae, I don't hate her, I just find her really boring.
>Which 2hu do you want to see as playable character in a 2hu game?
I'd like to see Alice featured in another of the main games, but it's unlikely to happen.

>> No.17584135

I suppose that makes sense, but I think other characters either have more engaging arcs or are more interesting or entertaining overall. Even considering her "learning how to be kind to others" arc, I think Sakuya is a boring character of which I don't find anything interesting or entertaining, like say, Mokou's back story and her growth as a person, or someone like Youmu or Star just being funny.

>> No.17584262

Because of Sakuya, have you seen Marisa's ending in EoSD?

>> No.17584267

Admittedly I had only finished Reimu's scenarios in EOSD.

>> No.17584280

Anything but the garbage that is marisa and reimu

>> No.17584359

1) Marisa. High speed and focused damage is the most fun way to play for me, and I love her upbeat and hardworking personality.

2) Reimu. I don't like people who got to where they are through bloodline (read talent) instead of self betterment, yet are astronomically good at what they do. Plus she's the obvious best character in my favourite game, forcing me to play as her when I don't want to.

3) I don't know. I feel like all the most fitting potential playable characters have had their turn. Futo would make sense though, so her.

>> No.17584952
File: 1.30 MB, 900x1440, __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_yukanomokume__e90bac0f40ff8b8324ff36f0596138c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Sakuya/ Yuuka
B) Sanae
C) It sounds dumb but I want Ran to get some more love

>> No.17585067
File: 256 KB, 1100x1604, __kisume_and_kurodani_yamame_touhou_drawn_by_maremay0513__405f827f1f6b7d39d2fb3eb7e8dab863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me Yamame (charged shot stops bullets in an area with a spider web) with Kisume as a bomb (Chiaotzu-style) and I'll cry a river of joy.

>> No.17585146

Sakuya deliberately lets Marisa in and hides her because Sakuya is an asshole.

>> No.17585709
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A. Seija for playstyle, Reisen as character.
B. Sanae. Would probably work better as a one-off instead of being miko-Luigi.
C. I want a Keine spin-off with gameplay focusing on her switching between her "History devouring" and "History creating" forms.

>> No.17585839

It's not so much Sakuya is an asshole as Sakuya in the canon just likes trolling Remi in really subtle ways throughout the series. They're always really minor throwaway moments most people either forget about or don't notice at first.

>> No.17585951

I never understood this Sanae being player 2 Reimu meme. She's one of the few characters who gets clear character development, and has more than enough material in games and official written works to showcase her personality, which is very different from Reimu.

>> No.17586087

Why does she do that? Second thoughts about her servitude? Is that why she insists on remaining a human - so she may one day be free of this waking hell?

>> No.17586244

a) GFW cirno
b) IN youmu
a) MS mima

>> No.17586950

Or Sakuya is simply an idiot.

>> No.17586953

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to imply that Sakuya is connecting more with humans but whatever you say anon.

>> No.17586962

>forcing me to play as her when I don't want to.
Then don't play as her?

>> No.17586963
File: 285 KB, 1000x800, BSGP0jiLzFo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Yuyuko
B) Sumireko
C) Kaguya

>> No.17587123

A) GFW Cirno
One of the funnest characters to play ever and I feel slightly disappointed ZUN didn't adopt some aspect of GFW's game mechanics into her TH16 appearance.

B) Hate, none. Dislike, Sanae.

C) Pretty much impossible but Seiga Kaku & Yoshika or equally impossible Rinnosuke.

Hardly, Sakuya's raison d'etre always has been and still is 'muh mistress'.

When you consider that it's simply for amusement, kind of like how you'd tease someone you are really close with to show affection it makes a lot more sense.

Pretty sure you're 100% right.

Post EoSD Sakuya is meant to be actually friendly but slightly socially awkward and she really does consider Marisa/Reimu as friends. Post-PoFV Sakuya is a lot more human to the point Patchy/Remi get kind of weirded out by the change.

ZUN even said as much really recently to re-confirm it.

"Because of her special power, she is avoided by the humans around her. She'd reached the point where "She's already given up on befriending normal humans.", but after meeting Reimu and Marisa who didn't care whether someone was human or youkai, her ever-so-slightly irritated heart must have softened. Ever since "Perfect Cherry Blossom", you can see how much friendlier she is, both in her words and her facial expressions"

>> No.17599445
File: 814 KB, 849x1200, Yuyuko (1594).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A) Yuyuko!
B) Lunasa.
C) Clowpy!

>> No.17599646

I don't think that's even slightly the case, not in Marisa's ending. ZUN probably just thought it was funny, to be honest.

>> No.17599657

Ever since pcb she's changed, but we're taking about EoSD so how's that 100% right

>> No.17600516

EoSD is where ZUN really started to care about proper world building, considering what other small establishing details the game has, I think that assuming that ZUN didn't put thought into things isn't doing the game justice.

>> No.17602711

That's not what I'm saying. The endings of EoSD, hell of MOST games are comedic. Or do you deny that? What's serious about Sakuya letting Marisa steal books and Patchouli making cat metaphors?

>> No.17603000

They have comedic, light hearted elements, yes, but that doesn't make them complete jokes. You can have an ending convey serious information or legitimate character development, while also keeping the tone light and keeping with a fairly slice of life atmosphere. That's part of what I enjoy about Touhou's writing, actually.

For example, in the ending we've been discussing. Yes, Sakuya allows Marisa to sneak into the library, while implying that she's a rat in a joking manner, and it's treated in a light hearted way. But it serves a duel purpose of allowing the audience to see Marisa and Sakuya interact in a positive light. Considering Sakuya's behavior in EoSD, this could be seen as a positive shift in Sakuya's character, especially if one were to take Marisa as a metaphor for human interaction in general.

>> No.17603593

Please enlighten me on the small establishing details you see in EoSD itself. I always thought the game had as little thought put into its lore as PC98 and that most of its world building was established in the later games and print works.

>> No.17603734

>EoSD is where ZUN really started to care about proper world building
He started to care more, but didn't have a consistent vision or world to build on yet. EoSD on its own is visibly isolated, and he kind of "levels up" his direction each with PCB and then IN, but even then only after IN through the print works bringing out the important bits of the previous works does everything start becoming solidified and coherent.

>> No.17603864 [DELETED] 

A) Sakuya
B) I would not say hate, but probably Sanae or Reisen if I had to pick one.
C) If I could not choose Sakuya or anyone that has not been playable yet, I would probably say Sagume.

>> No.17603891

>>17578010 (OP)
A) Sakuya
B) I would not say hate, but probably Sanae or Reisen if I had to pick one.
C) If I could not choose Sakuya or anyone that has been playable , I would probably say Sagume.

>> No.17605231

Cute picture, whom did this?

>> No.17605480

This guy, apparently
Also don't be afraid of using that iqdb button!

>> No.17606206

Yeah i thought of doing it like 2 minutes after posting, maybe i was just unconsciously looking for conversation

>> No.17615872

Medicine Melancholy
