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17564628 No.17564628 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are these so expensive?

Are they worth it?

>> No.17564961
File: 131 KB, 1012x509, 20170804_143747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they worth it?

Gee I don't know Einstein.

>> No.17565318

Absolutely. They're cute and good for your sleep posture.

>> No.17565337

they are worth it
can''t sleep anymore without dakko
buy chinese and save
i regret not buying a rare one

>> No.17565802
File: 498 KB, 1632x1224, IMG_0064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely worth it
i have had mine for almost two years
they might seem expensive when you first buy one, but if you think of how much use you will get out of it, they don't really cost that much at all

>> No.17565860

Are you the same type of person who thinks spending $200 on a pair of well constructed jeans is expensive?

>> No.17566005

Almost 3 years with mine now, though the browning around the face is impossible to wash off.

>> No.17566071

Yes. Even if you don't feel like buying one of the covers with a character on it, body pillows are amazing and really comfortable to sleep with. The fact that you can put cute girls on them is a bonus.

>> No.17566077
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>> No.17566097

No, you have to buy them gifts, require a lot of attention and you need to develop socializing skills to get one, and they don't anything an onahole can't do

>> No.17566106
File: 785 KB, 1400x1400, Minase.Iori.full.1766025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$200 on a pair of well constructed jeans
What's the difference?

>> No.17566113

I want my own pair of Saki-chan Nonoka-chan.

>> No.17566363
File: 618 KB, 1620x2160, 1472086017587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board used to have daki generals all the time but i haven't seen one in a while

>> No.17566406

What are you, a kappa?

>> No.17566502

They're only worth it if you think they are.

They certainly make sleeping easier, and they feel nice.

>> No.17568620

W-why is there browning around the face anon

>> No.17568627

I get terrible projectile farting at night sometimes when I am drunk or not and mistakenly use my daki or sheets to wipe when I am half asleep.

>> No.17568634

I just love the photo of Kojima on the wall, surrounded by lewd posters and dakis. Great wall decoration mate.

>> No.17568642

Difference between them and what?

Generals can fuck off

>> No.17568852
File: 135 KB, 422x750, dakimakura .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they worth it?
Depends on what you do with it.

>> No.17569004


>> No.17569047

Yes. Difficult to find ones with really good art though.

>> No.17569118 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 486x511, 20170901_185212 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic for the thread because i'm such a camera whore.

>> No.17569207

most likely drool or oils building up
it is important to develop good cleaning habits if you don't want to replace your daki after a few months
a clean daki is a happy daki and a happy daki is a happy (you)

>> No.17569551
File: 510 KB, 1456x2592, UqCgcTe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Generals can fuck off
meh. the daki general had a lot of good information in the pastebin and good tips for proper daki maintenance

>> No.17569629

EXTREMELY. I got a small one because I'm a poorfag, and it does wonders for my sleep. I can only imagine how amazing it would be with a properly sized one.

>> No.17569639
File: 160 KB, 280x359, miyazawa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that photo of Kojima wasn't put there just for this image. No one could really be such a madman.

>> No.17569887

This. I'm quite the sweaty mofo, and living in the hot, humid tropics doesn't help out one bit.

>> No.17570098
File: 114 KB, 1207x747, remember.the.lube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I don't think those are the oils he means...

>> No.17571151

No, they're not. Might as well buy 100$ hentai tapestry.

>> No.17571294

That photo of Kojima really got me.

>> No.17573335

How is sleeping with a dakimakura comfortable? Serious question, any way I imagine sleeping with them seems uncomfortable.

>> No.17573434
File: 52 KB, 640x480, keralites01-745598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleeping on your side is much more comfortable with a daki between your legs. particularly between your knees.
in colder months, nothing will keep you warm like a daki. she will be a little cold when you first hug her, but will quickly warm up.
pic included is traditional daki hugging technique

>> No.17573621

I always find sleeping on my side very uncomfortable due to how my arm gets squished between my body and my bed...

>> No.17573651

I couldn't sleep lying down flat on my front or back, my whole body gets squished, it's harder to breathe etc.

>> No.17573728

How do you guys get the damn hair out of your daki? My hair is black, so it's so fucking visible and it pisses me off. I've been getting them one by one out with my hands but i'm getting tired of doing that.

>> No.17573745

Why don't you just get a regular pillow?

>> No.17573801

Because I can't masturbate with it

>> No.17573804

I have a half size one but I don't want to hug it because it makes me feel bad. She just sits on my bed with my other pillows.

>> No.17573867

wouldn't a regular lint roller do the trick

>> No.17573886

Well it's a two way tricot so the body hair gets weaved into the fabric so I doubt any lint roller would do that.

>> No.17573923

i think i heard somewhere that a lint roller will actually damage the delicate tricot material. i wouldn't try it if i was you.

>> No.17574032

>buy chinese and save
is there any downside?

>> No.17574238

not who you were asking, but no there isn't really a downside
unless you want to get some sort of collectible item that you want to sell a few years from now (you would have to leave it unused and the package sealed), there is no reason to not buy chinese

>> No.17574744

I got some body pillows from a good American pillow company, and they make sleeping a real joy. I don't have any special cover but I just say the white cover is Youmu. I like to hug it when I fall asleep but I wish it would hug me back.

>> No.17575794

Why the fuck was my picture deleted?

>> No.17575895

I just moved away from home to uni, should i fulfill my life long dream of buying a daki? no one knows i'm a weeaboo

is it difficult to hide a daki in your room if other people open your door when you aren't home

>> No.17575987

You tell me. Where will you hide the human sized pillow?

>> No.17576220

in the black human sized bag of course

>> No.17576367

>black human sized bag
Dead nigger storage?

>> No.17576534

Just buy the pillow and put the anime gril cover on when your alone. Then take it off and hide it when you leave.

That's what I do. No one must know my secret.

>> No.17577297

Anon I have news for you, when people see the body pillow they sure as fuck know what cover goes along with it. Nobody else would spend hundreds on dollars on one if it didn't.

It's like buying a sex toy and having the package marked paradiso~ or eggshell express. You aren't fooling anyone.

Best thing to do is buy an opaque storage bag for it, you just pop it in and zip it up then put it either under your bed or in the cupboard. People will think it's just extra linen.

>> No.17577321

normies don't even know what a body pillow anime cover is, their first instinct seeing a pillow isn't "lol anime tiddays" like you and me
at least i hope so

>> No.17577344

I have possesed pillows that looked a bit like dakis a long time ago and no one ever had any problems with them

>> No.17577448
File: 81 KB, 1024x717, N1Yv9DM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my family has seen my daki. even her lewd side. it was embarrassing at first, but you realize that it doesn't really matter much.
i've had my daki for two years now, and keep her in my bed under the covers all the time. my friend who sometimes will come over has never inquired about what the person sized lump in my bed is. maybe they never noticed or is just too weirded out by it to bring it up?
someone will notice eventually... but you kinda just gotta accept that. as long as it isn't some loli that will make normies think you are a pervert, you probably shouldn't let it bother you.

>> No.17577485

A girlfriend that's also a weeb?

>> No.17577517
File: 277 KB, 2048x746, DHpO8POUMAA5F6X.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very worth it. I got a custom one made from hobbyheart for 80 dollars and it feels just as good as my three other 10,000-12,000 yen covers.

>> No.17577562

I thought about buying one "ironically". I did a lot of fucked up stuff, maybe I could convince people it is ironic. I am not sure though, it's a big chunk of money for a gag

>> No.17577599

I just imagine someone buying a used one.

>> No.17577603

> I always find sleeping on my side very uncomfortable due to how my arm gets squished between my body and my bed...

That shit is no joke. Be careful. I used to sleep on the side until my ulnar nerve got jammed. Not bad enough to need an operation, but shit still sucks.

>> No.17577605

>1/3 of 2017 gone
>People are still pussies to show normies that they own a Dakimakura

Grow some fucking balls already.

>> No.17577611

I live in a 3rd world shithole and even here a body pillow is the equivalent of around 45 dollars, how is that "something you wouldn't buy it not for the anime cover"?

I have one with no anime cover and I know other people who have never seen a fucking anime in their lives who have one as well, simply because they help you sleep. My normalfag brother also had one because it helps with his snoring (laying on your side is what helps, the pillow is to make that more confortable). Anime covers definitely aren't the only reason to buy body pillows.

>> No.17577680

congratulations. you now have a legitimate medical excuse to purchase a daki.
if you hug your daki when you go to sleep, your arm closest to the bed will have very little to no pressure being applied to it.

>> No.17577686
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>> No.17577713
File: 317 KB, 416x316, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, that guy is such a legend.
we could all learn a thing from him.

>> No.17577744

Unfortunately that's not you. I doubt a wealthy German has time to waste on a board full of pussies. And mind you, I have known about Melon Pan since 2007 before you're stupid ass found out about him on Facebook recently after you saw you're counterparts bitching about how they hate him because they can never be him.

Too bad they can't. The problem with this generation is that everything is a fucking fad and a meme to them. That's why I rarely post in here or anywhere millennial weeaboo's congregate. They are fucking everything up. They are the ones that make their own feel that this is bad, that it's shameful to show people what you look like on Facebook and that they don't plan to make it a lifetime thing to like anime.

>> No.17577792

Ok dude.

>> No.17577817

Dude. Drink a beer and get off of your high horse.

>> No.17577820

I've been sober since New Year's day. I'm retired from drinking for the rest of my life.

>> No.17577827
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>> No.17577855

Usually the Chinese ones will wear out faster, but for the price of the chinese ones you could buy 3 before you purchase a "high quality" japanese one. There are also some other small differences such as fabric choice usually.

>> No.17577897

>no there isn't really a downside
You have never felt A&J fabric.

>> No.17577900

At least I can read and type words. You're autism shows by posting repetitive boring memes.

>> No.17577909


>> No.17577918


>> No.17578396

I've found that people tend to be pretty accepting of eccentricities as long as you project the right amount of confidence. Unless you actually think it'll be a problem, I'd say just get one. I can tell you the response will be worse if you're caught hiding something than just being open from the get go.

>> No.17579925

buy high quality pillow, but go cheap with the case
the case can easily be the more expensive of the two if you get some limited edition print

>> No.17587504

We all tell this to friends anon, but here you can speak freely. You want your waifu by your side, and you are right.

>> No.17587978

>be him

I'd literally kill myself.

>> No.17588718

I have 3 covers but only one pillow so it's hard to decide which to use and when. I even wanted to buy a 4th. If it's a character you love then of course it's worth it. It's also a slippery slope in my case. Only you can judge its worth anon. Also Chinese covers are cheap and good if you're not concerned with it being "official" or whatever and just want to hug your waifu in bed. Quality wise they're not that far from the official stuff and the gap is only getting smaller.

>> No.17589545

non-lewd/non-lewd, non-lewd/lewd or lewd/lewd?

>> No.17589599
File: 665 KB, 1024x724, 747e694fef3e25997375e653b336ad29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second one.

>> No.17589712

Reminder to boycott A&J until they actually stop taking their customers for shit and start using back the old cotton.

>> No.17590144

I started with non-lewd/non-lewd and now I exclusively buy lewd/lewd if possible. I even went as far as having one custom made with two different characters just to save money from buying two that would otherwise have non-lewd sides.

>> No.17590926

I used to talk to him on fakku. He was a chill dude.

>> No.17591145

I always go for lewd/lewd. No point in dipping your toe in the water if you know you're gonna get all the way in eventually.

>> No.17591161

non-lewd/non-lewd here

if you feel the need to go lewd, you're not nearly perverted enough to enjoy dakimakuras to their fullest, imo.

>> No.17591300

ahoy, a friend of mine went to japan and came back with some daki and waifu stuff. i never really had an interest in that kind of stuff but i slept on his sofa and he gave me a waifu pillow and a blanket.
im not sure why but it was comfy as fuck. the pillow was really hard foam i liked it because it wasnt wobly like others pillows.

are dakis in general like this? were can i find one with good quality for a reasonable price? it was so comfy, love it. if i buy one, do i have to choose a waifu?

>> No.17591307

You know you can just buy the pillow by itself, right? You don't need the anime cover

>> No.17591344

That's like buying alcohol free beer.

>> No.17591347

nice body pillows are just shy of 100 usd on amazon. you'd be hard pressed to find high quality ones for less than that elsewhere unless you buy directly from japan, which after all the fees you'd be paying you'd end up shelling out 140. go with the 99 dollaryroo knockoffs imo, they're still high quality.

>> No.17591350

But you can't see it in the dark anyways, and don't have to suffer social stigma. You can use your imagination just fine.

>> No.17591415

>you can't see it in the dark anyways
Speak for yourself.

>> No.17591659

i know but i had the feeling its so comfy because of the bright colours and waifus. i didnt want to say that i like them

>> No.17591679

I got one of those cheap chinese ebay covers of waifu and a high grade pillow from local bedfurnish shop
Was only meant to be a novelty item, but I sleep so much better now

>> No.17592176
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x1836, 20170906_170947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17592212

Who the fuck sleeps in the dark?

>> No.17592220

Alright im sold, how do I get one like this?

>> No.17592248

Scissors and stitches

>> No.17592256

Welp, should have know; so how about the pillow?

>> No.17592366

I'd never actually sleep with a dakimakura. I'd rather hang it up on the wall as decoration.

>> No.17592456

do you put your onahole in between her legs?

>> No.17592543

nope, I don't have an onahole.

>> No.17592665

how the fuck do you clean that? I think I'm retarded because I'm sure there's a way, but I just don't see it.

>> No.17592734

Don't say that when you've never tried it. I've had mine for 5 years. While it's true that I don't sleep with her most of the nights anymore (just like a real marriage, eh?), there are nights when I just wouldn't fall asleep without holding her.

>> No.17592771

It's just that I sweat a lot while sleeping and it would get pretty dirty. I don't wanna deal with trying to figure out how to wash it without the picture fading or something.

>> No.17592800

I have never washed her. The top part is slightly dirty and smelly, but whatever. So am I.

>> No.17592955

That's nasty, my man.

>> No.17593669
File: 127 KB, 561x1536, alone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to cuddle

>> No.17594286

the colors will be more likely to fade from sweat than washing it. That said, I've had mine for 4 years and I sweat a lot when I sleep as well. colors have not faded at all and i sleep with her every night.

>> No.17594302

Tastefully lewd on but cuddly on one side, and then just tastefully lewd on the other.

I don't want my pillow to be straight up porn.

>> No.17594621
File: 52 KB, 640x360, river's.edge.waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they worth it?

Not to me anymore. Sometimes you just got to move on.

>> No.17596168

Think I'm about to bite the bullet, but do I get a 150 or 160cm pillow?

>> No.17597347

160cm is the traditional daki size, but nowadays with people all around the world ordering dakis 150cm is either as popular, or even more so.
150cm only exists in order to keep your shipping weight lower.
shipping can get pretty expensive with heavy packages, and a 150cm pillow keeps the package just below 2 kilograms.
so look at how much shipping is going to cost you, and see if the savings you get from a 150 are worth it.

>> No.17597376

I get 160cm tall dakis for characters that are typically tall or average height and 150cm for characters that are typically short or loli.

>> No.17597573


>1/3 of 2017 gone

Whew lad

>> No.17597618
File: 38 KB, 592x315, hug-pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish it would hug me back

>> No.17597646

I have the strongest urge to put a fumo where the head should be.

>> No.17597788


>> No.17598556

What troglodyte sleeps with his fucking lights on?

>> No.17598570

people who like staying alive
have fun getting eaten

>> No.17598573

I literally live in the middle in the fucking woods and I don't get eaten by anything mate. Do you live in a treehouse in the middle of the Amazon jungle or something?

>> No.17599865

I just hug my blanket instead of spending my life savings on another pillow

>> No.17600991

Surely having your lights on is more likely to attract predators

>> No.17600992

It's a world of difference, mate.

>> No.17602234

Can't turn off the sun.

>> No.17602610

Is animedakimakurapillow.com legit shit ?

>> No.17602630

it is frowned upon in the daki community, and considered very low quality
probably the easiest site to order from, though, as you don't have to use a proxy or special forwarding service.
i wouldn't recommend buying from there, but if your choices were to buy from that site or don't get a daki at all, i'd say go for it.

>> No.17602665

I plan to buy a good one supposed to last long enough

>> No.17602684

You can also get a girlfriend

>> No.17602721

that is the wise choice. you will save money in the long run, and have a better experience.

please provide instructions on how to get girlfriend

>> No.17603639

i started doing that after seeing this thread and it just made me want a pillow more

>> No.17603735

I got a 180cm pillow and honestly smaller sizes don't even come close (unless you are a midget). Being able to hug it and feel your legs and feet against it really beats everything.

>> No.17603837
File: 48 KB, 170x170, 7422480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daki community

>> No.17603903

Pretend snuggling with anime girls is serious business.

>> No.17603949
File: 79 KB, 600x803, 1473055580362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please provide instructions on how to get girlfriend

Search for low hanging fruit, then pluck.
Plenty out there with mental disorders, or single mothers who never finished high school lost in dead-end jobs, or with substance abuse problems, crippling diseases, etc.

Just be nice to them and buy them stuff.

>> No.17603987

What's the point even lemao
>you can lose money AND get huge life problems and needless responsibility afterwards, and on top of that, an ugly girl to make you remember everyday that your life sucks
Sounds fucking awful to me

>> No.17604095

a waifu pillow sounds a lot better than what you are describing desu

>> No.17604250

dakis for cuddle, not for nakadashi

>> No.17604648
File: 36 KB, 540x414, aceslist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, if you're posting in a dakimakura thread, you probably don't have many choices for a girlfriend beyond that.
Your choices are probably here>>17594621
or here >>17604095

>> No.17604711

Do any of these pillows come with an onahole?

>> No.17604739

>I thought about buying one "ironically"
That's gay as fuck and an actual waste of money. Be real about it and put some thought into what you really want. If people aren't cool with something as harmless as a damn pillow then they aren't worth your time.

>> No.17604744

Melonpan is an otacool shitlord and embodies some of the worst aspects of modern otaku culture. I hate his face and tired, obnoxious LOLSOCRAZYWEEBXD gimmick.

>> No.17604775

>And mind you, I have known about Melon Pan since 2007
Then you should know that he's not German.
As obnoxious as one though I'll give you that.

>> No.17606850

daki are for hugging not humping

>> No.17613998

having someone find out you own one of these would be astronomically more socially damaging than someone seeing your lewd loli pillow

>> No.17614090
File: 142 KB, 600x456, 1432849594760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has time to waste on a board full of pussies

>I have known about Melon Pan since 2007
Yeah, as if. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17614179

Insert pillows are the closest thing to what you're looking for. They don't come with onaholes, though.

>> No.17614217

I like hugging shit. Most nights I just hug my daki and don't even rest my head on my normal pillows.

>> No.17614256

I really really need to buy one of this things , they look so calm and comfortable.

Do you think I could write it off to my doctor to try and get this thing for free ? They are called therapeutic pillows afterall right? I can easily build a justification for it and since the one I have in mind has nothing lewd or illegal on it , it could actually work , should I try it Anons?

>> No.17614682

What do you mean "illegal"?
If anything, it's the pillow itself that will be reimbursed, and definitely not the cover, which is the most expensive.

>> No.17614940

just do it but dont try to bullshit it. its going to cost you around $300-$400 to get a cover and a nice pillow for that cover all the way from Japan.

it actually will improve your life because you will practice much better personal hygiene to stop the pillow from getting dirty and feeling gross. 10/10 would recommend

>> No.17616375


Ah I thought stuff like Loli covers would get you in jail , hell in my country it probably would.


You don't know how lenient some PTSD therapists are when they discover there is something that could really help you more than something expensive like a Dog , plus I still get a good NCO salary so he might just give me a good discount on it , maybe even get the whole thing just to test it on me .

>> No.17618888

Does anyone have experience with a coverless daki? Mine just sort of has a printed image on it. It's one of those Taito prize ones, and it's not very soft, but I still like it. I can't really fall asleep holding it, though.

>> No.17619005

I've been wanting to get one of these but my waifu is kind of obscure so I would have to commission an artist to draw one, does anyone know any good artists?

>> No.17619109

No, not really. If anything, that one looks like it could be feasibly bought as a joke, whereas you'd really need to be a silver-tongued motherfucker to convince anyone you didn't just want to hug an anime girl at night if someone saw your daki

I think you've just gotten a skewed perception from being in /jp/

>> No.17619927

If you spent less than 20k yen on pillow+cover it's shit and not worth sleeping with.
Coincidently that's the price of most mid-range escorts services (still very cute) in Japan, so choose well.

>> No.17620470

i think the main would be with how to clean the pillow. without a cover you would have to wash the entire thing.

>> No.17621760

>Coincidently that's the price of most mid-range escorts services
for 20k you're getting a 40 year old korean

>> No.17626231

>hell in my country it probably would
probably not. where you live?

>> No.17627004

So I bought a 180cm cover. Is the biggest inner pillow I can buy for it a 170cm one?

>> No.17628588


Inside the EU.

>> No.17630127

Isn't that basically the same as sniffing your own ass?

>> No.17632335

I did the same hopefully it arrives this week. and some 3d mouse pads. the seller has a lot of good reviews but you never know with the chinese.
can you recommend me any sellers? I bought from alice wong

>> No.17633999

Hello proper sleep, goodbye pride.

>> No.17634188
File: 108 KB, 463x700, shiho daki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about buying one for quite some time, finally the time has come, I've decided to just keep it without the cover when I have people home, still I'm in doubt if I should get a chinese one or a "official one" (I don't even know if there are ones for the character I want), I've found a place that sells the pillow and make custom covers but I'd need to provide the image on decent resolution on my country, I'll probably get this since I can get both the pillow and cover at the same shot.

>> No.17634521

Bootlegs are much lower in quality. Get officials if you intend to actually sleep with them and bootlegs if you just want to have a pillowcase of a certain character. This should go for everyone with any kind of curiosity about dakis.

>> No.17634715

Nope, they're bitchy, expensive, loud, and prone to cheat on you at a moment's notice. Save your money and your sanity and just buy a dakimakura.

>> No.17637950

I have the intention of sleeping with it, maybe sometimes without the cover.

>> No.17638075

>nothing will keep you warm like a daki

I imagine a heater blowing on you will do the trick. If anything it's probably good to wake up and have something to rub your farmer of a cock up against.

>> No.17638092

>Wasting time and money on a real human being
I'm quoting the bad dessions you have made so far

>> No.17643795

holy shit all of /jp/ B T F O

>> No.17646442
File: 51 KB, 607x540, 1439847680107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is cuddlyoctopus legit?

>> No.17646612

I don't have this problem because I don't have friends

>> No.17646708

yes they are one of the only western stores that sell official Japanese dakimakura products. their selection is limited though and be wary that any other website that is in english is going to be knock offs 99% of the time.

>> No.17648729

Where do y'all buy the actual pillow? are there any retail stores in the U.S. that sell the right size? I don't really feel like ordering a giant fucking pillow from japan.

>> No.17649190


>> No.17649239

You assume we are all not hygienic. I shower at least once a day and wash my cover once any strange smells begin. Besides we all have different uses for our dakimakura. I only sleep with mine at night. It actually helps with sleep you know.

>> No.17649353



The cluster fiber pillows are the best, they never lose their shape no matter how much you lay on them and such. Make sure you get the accurate size of the pillow to go with the cover. For example I won both Chara-ani and COSPA brand covers and they both require two different size pillows from Royal pillow.

>> No.17649382

know of any other legit western stores?

>> No.17649386

Wal-mart if you are desperate.

>> No.17649425

no. thats the only western store with any credible reputation, if you aren't browsing backward designed websites in moon runes and you don't need to use a proxy service to order it, you are most likely doing it wrong. japs are asinine about it and this hobby is 100% suffering because of this.

if you can't into buying directly from japan you can get a bootleg. just make sure you aren't paying anything ridiculous as official ones almost always sell for at least $100 so if you can't go big with real dakis, at least try to avoid getting ripped off.

bootlegs can be just as good as an official daki and you can even commission one with a custom image if you want. your waifu will love you regardless how much you spent on the pillowcase but understand that the artist is not being supported and it will most likely be made of lower quality materials.

>> No.17650612
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Try https://www.animedakimakurapillow.com/

based in Hong Kong , will have back print of some of those sold out in japan . Ships world wide .

No problem reaching me since .

prices are reasonable imo , will have buy 2 free 1 offers at times .

Waking up to a daki next to you is the next best thing ~

Good to hug while watching anime / movies .

bought these two for valentine . . . having a daki on each side is awesome !

>> No.17653867


>> No.17654127
File: 1.49 MB, 1134x2016, 20170706_142239_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rly don't care frown upon or not it's not like we're sharing the daki . Daki's is serious business and gets sold out fast , too fast .

it is difficult to get the older ones , but by all means you can buy directly from Japan if you want .

>> No.17654573
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>> No.17655519

It's more symbolic if there's a picture of your waifu. Similar to what >>17591344 said, I don't like the taste of beer, but I'll have one for the sake of it if I'm hanging out with friends. Why go non-alcoholic when you can have the real thing? Your gaining more anyway than drinking non-alcoholic.

Also, before I had my daki, I used to print out a picture of her and rest my head beside it or sometimes on it every few months.

>> No.17655530

This, don't go for knockoffs. I bought my 160 CM pillow from China for $80 Canadian, and It's not as good as other pillows I've heard of.

>> No.17655536

Just buy two. One for decoration, one for practical use

>> No.17655593

When I feel a fart comming, I move to the other side of the bed ASAP, as to do as little damage, also
>not facing your daki

>> No.17656496

>literally just got rejected by my waifu
why am I not allowed to have nice things?
do I kill myself now or later?

>> No.17657346



With all the purchases you have made there so far you would have had 1 legitimate Dakimakura cover by now. Judging by how you shop there and don't bother to read the Dakimakura / Body Pillow guide, i'll assume you're new to this community. It's also an indication that you won't be in it for the long run.

I bet you are also satisfied with $20 oppai mouse pads and bootleg figures.

>> No.17657663

I have a original Himeragi Yukina butt mouse pad that I bought for the lulz only to look at and not to use .

The daki's that I actually wanted are sold out .
the new ones to me are meh .
Besides they cost ten thousand yen per it's roughly the same as that H.K. site .

>bother to read the Dakimakura / Body Pillow guide
can you fill me in wut ? stuff the pillow in the Daki cover how hard is that ? and hug it for comfort .

Of all my stuff I'd have to say 10% is bootleg . . but ONLY because they are sold out .

it's the choices . . you pick what you want .

btw if you're so adamant do show us the different between an original daki and a re print . From you-tube would be fine let us judge and see .

personally I am satisfied with my daki's .

>> No.17657673

The fuck?

>> No.17658132
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>daki community
I dont know why this word makes me laugh so hard

>> No.17658133

You have upset the daki community.

>> No.17658138

I've been buying eroge the past two years and some of them come with daki covers usually as a preorder bonus. I think all of them mention they're two way tricot and made in China. I'm still on the fence on buying a pillow. How do those compare to 10k official (or doujin) daki covers? Surely the price is justified.

>> No.17658249

Hey all, I'm getting a custom made Daki, and I was thinking of using the shop HobbyHeart

Are they trustworthy? is it a good enough idea or should I go with animedakimakurapillow.com, which seems to be more identifiably trustworthy but also much more expensive

I've literally never done this before so i wouldnt know.

>> No.17658255

Too bad those sizes are not good for 160cm dakis and nobody buys 150cm.

Also i've bought one daki from Japan and it was way too expensive. These days i see the 12k yen dakis they sell there and they look like absolute shit aka Cospa. For example AChobby has been mentioned here countless times and the quality is SUBERB. Easily one of the best around. Theres also this "2WAY new material" stuff going around.. even better.

Downside is the usage of chink proxys but they work just fine.

>> No.17658258

i'd say that both hobbyheart and animedakimakurapillow are on the same level in terms of quality and trustworthiness

>> No.17658266

Niceu niceu

>> No.17658359

I hide mine in the corner of my closet, nither parents nor house keeper have noticed. It's my dream to move out and proudly show off the daki. Do it. But only if the guy or girl on the daki is super special to you

>> No.17658370

kill yourself you normie

>> No.17658421

I only spent the equivalent of 9k on the cover (bought mine at a con), still very nice and it's not a bootleg

>> No.17658457

Equivalent 9k translate to peach skin right? Even if it's not a bootleg, I can assure you that once you go 2way tricot you can't ever go back.

>> No.17658852

>peach skin
No idea, I have no reference. It's this one: https://myfigurecollection.net/item/217310

>> No.17660274

>don't bother to read the Dakimakura / Body Pillow guide
What guide?

>> No.17660373

It's actually normalfag you culturally enriched crossboarder.

>> No.17660605

back when daki threads were common here, the top post always had a pastebin that was full of useful information.
i assume that it is the pastebin he is referring to.

>> No.17660643


>daki community
>this word

That's two words, Anon.

>> No.17662161

is there a brand of pillow thats better than others

>> No.17662322

That's a Dakimakura made and sold by a circle.

The guide that tells you NOT TO SHOP AT ANIME DAKIMAKURA and buy "peach skin" Dakimakura, that one.

Either way, kill yourself as that anon mentioned. Stop making Facebook accounts and using anime as profile pictures and buying Dakimakura and labeling it a meme. We dislike your kind around here.

>> No.17662500

A&J was the best, they switched cotton this summer and now they're average/bad (look je Amazon reviews)
CMD is the best choice atm.

>> No.17662539

non-lewd/non-lewd. my favorite daki is of my daughteru.

>> No.17662683


>> No.17662870

Don't mislead newcomers in an already niche market
cospa is utter shit and you should avoid it at all cost.

>> No.17662933

I've been using an orca and shark shaped ones for 15 years now. They've been good to me.

>> No.17663036

every normie has one "ironically"

>> No.17663050



Got this in 2014. Fantastic but might be too "bulky" for some, as in it doesn't flex that much.

>> No.17663087

Thank you.

>> No.17663123

Read my post.

>> No.17663149

o shit my bad

>> No.17663167

Oh yeah reviews for the latest look like shit, didn't expect that.
Definitely skip that then.
https://www.amazon.com/Body-Pillow-CMD9000-High-Class/dp/B01MV3T1ED This the one ?

>> No.17663191

This is the one I bought, definitely softer than the old a&j, so less body like and if you're a big strong guy it might be too soft.
I use a two way tricot daki with it and since I'm small and frail (1m70) it's absolutely perfect for me, I even sleep on it sometimes because it's so relaxing for my back.

>> No.17663214

Nice i might consider this as a replacement. I don't like if the pillow is too hard between my legs so that could be good. I just wish my bed was large enough so i could use 2 pillows without any danger of them falling off.

>> No.17663642

Oh yeah, this is what I bought for my first two months ago and it's great so far.

I actually got it cause it was and currently still IS experiencing an INCREDIBLE sale on amazon.jp: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B01MV3T1ED/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Over half off with prime.

>> No.17663797

It's a false sale lul
Do you guys really fall for easy ass marketings techniques as low as this one? Or are you paid by comodo?

>> No.17665091

>orca shaped pillow

That sounds so fucking cute

>> No.17665723

Hugging a real person for sleeping in not very comfortable, mostly because everyone moves in their sleep and for me a real person is just to hot to sleep with.

>> No.17666136
File: 18 KB, 206x213, 1409719361613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying Dakimakura and body pillows on Amazon

>> No.17666297

I don't know what that means and am indeed quite ignorant. The pillow isn't giving me any problems though.

Then again I don't know how seriously I should take someone who types like this

>> No.17666302

oh do you mean like "it's actually that price, they just say it isn't"? I mean I don't really give a shit, I just picked what seemed the best price and quality from my research

>> No.17666332

What's the issue when they just sell things that you can also get in store for possibly lower price? Though, I wouldn't get a cover from there. Shipping with prime is also nice for where I am in Japan, since they don't leave packages here, so scheduling delivery is nice

>> No.17666371

>buying bootlegs

>> No.17666465

How do you identify a bootleg product from the producer of the product in question?

>> No.17666635
File: 82 KB, 592x800, 125428957259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i bought pic related from ebay and it seems to be good quality and also 2 way tricot unless it is something obscure same like material... (they sell them under animespots.com and they have some good dakis but no idea how legal or bootlegged their stuff is (most likely bootlegs) , just saying that the one that i bought from ebay was good one!)

>> No.17666709 [DELETED] 

and buy them stuff.
You lost me. I have rents to pay and cars to feed, I can't afford that shit. Pillow it is.
So what do I do if my waifu doesn't have a daki?

>> No.17666713

>and buy them stuff.
You lost me. I have rents to pay and cars to feed, I can't afford that shit. Pillow it is.
So what do I do if my waifu doesn't have a daki?

>> No.17666846

First of all Amazon sellers never post pictures of the actual item for sale.

>> No.17666860

But that's the one I got

>> No.17666885

Yeah a bootleg.

>> No.17666940

>cars to feed
You're gonna have to commission an artist to make you a cover.

>> No.17666998

The giant pickle is making me question my sanity

>> No.17667012

But your proof of bootlegs was that what is pictured isn't what's sold. But what is pictured is what I was sold, from the company that sells this product, through Amazon.

So what do you mean? You sound like you know what you're talking about but at the same time you're not making any sense.

>> No.17667117

Let me rephrase that. Amazon sellers don't post pictures of the physical product itself. You do get a Dakimakura but of a bootleg, which is the image posted. Also if you aren't paying at least $100 for one Dakimakura then it's definitely a bootleg.

>> No.17667133

But without prime it's over $100.

>> No.17667134

Also wait what is your proof

>> No.17667153

I've been shopping online for years now I would know better.

>> No.17667165


>> No.17667199

My first daki was from ebay, i knew it was a bootleg. Material is like satin? sweaty as hell.. cant be used much during summer and very cold during winter without some proper hugs. She is still my number one after all these years.

When i got my first 2WT i was like wtf how is this so smooth. Now the number of dakis is around 15+ with all possible 2WT variations.

If you're thinking of getting a daki then save for that 2WT + a proper pillow as its worth it. Also since all the licenced COSPA shit is shit, i just follow and look for artists that draw dakimakuras and you usually get lucky on Pixiv and they have their chink site link there. Then use a proxy like taobaofocus or similar and you're all set. Everything should still be lower than Japan prices + quality very good. Of course if the one you're looking for is not that popular then its off to a printing service or artist commission which is expensive as fuck.

>> No.17667220

What about Cuddly Octopus? They charge well under $100.

>> No.17668728

Fuck, that's not going to happen.

>> No.17668991

Wow way to prove you don't truly love your waifu.

>> No.17669108

Who the hell do I commission when there's zero fanart to pick from? I sure as hell can't contact her original designer.

>> No.17670567

I never heard of Cuddly Octupus. What is that? Is that an official name brand? The only brands i'm familiar with are Movic, Cospa and Chara-Ani.

>> No.17670843

Would you mind saying how much shipping costs?

>> No.17671222

Who's your waifu anon?

>> No.17671255

EMS roughly the same as the pillow. 2.5kg to europe is around 6500yen. Other shipping choices are not worth it. I just ordered mine through Tenso, lets see how it goes.

>> No.17671298

hello esl-kun

>> No.17671376

has anyone ever bought from pixiv booth? There's a daki I really want but it seems I'll have to pay for a forwarding service. Also curious about what the quality might be like. They daki in question is tricot though so I suppose that's a good sign.

>> No.17671433

Yurika Misumaru. I shouldn't say there's zero fanart but the Boorus have less than a full page of content and about 1/3 of that is official art.
I certainly can't just email Keiji Gotou and say "Hey could you do me a solid and design a lewd pillow case of this girl you haven't drawn for 20 years?"

>> No.17671444

i feel for you anon-kun.
surely you could just commision any old artist though? you just pay them money and they draw what you want right?

>> No.17671622

With that amount of money I'd rather it look official or have nothing at all.

>> No.17671640

good point.
well good luck with your search anon!

>> No.17671686


>> No.17672241

Yes, it's printed by A&J so the quality is good. They wouldn't take my gaijin card so I had to use a proxy instead of a forwarder which was more expensive. Although it also might have been rejected because it was a debit card.

>> No.17672733

From my experience, Booth is good. You will have to use a forwarding service (I used Tenso, because it was advertised on Booth). The quality, I will say I only have (and only had) one daki cover, I bought it around May. The company that made my pillowcase is Fules Design. With 2 way aqua lycra tricot, 160 CM. It could vary from store to store though.

>> No.17672737

I used my Visa debit (with both Booth and Tenso) and it worked fine.

>> No.17672981

Cute shoes.

>> No.17673001
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>> No.17673128

Aww so cute.

>> No.17673420

Can I get a quick rundown on Cospa? I thought they were a quite big and reputable company since the 80's. Did they go to shit as of the last few years?

>> No.17673571

That cat has amazing taste.

>> No.17673683
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>> No.17673688
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>> No.17673734

Blessed imagery.

>> No.17674750

I was wondering if tenso was any good. Having to submit all those verification documents seems like a pain though.

>> No.17674848

All I did was take a picture of my drivers license and that worked

>> No.17674917
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1496549274271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not some secret plot to replace us and take over America is it

>> No.17675105

I have a cat just like that, but she's tailless. She always sleeps on my pillow, I bet she would love a dakimakura.

>> No.17677157

I just used http://www.tenso.com/en/static/guide_buyee_index , no need for ID

>> No.17677256

sorry, I live in Japan so I guess listen to >>17671255

shipping was free with prime here

>> No.17678078

That's really cute. I'd be afraid that my cat would get his hair all over my daki, or even scratch it.

>> No.17678180

It's time to leave.

>> No.17678188

>i slept on his sofa and he gave me a waifu pillow and a blanket.
What a fucking bro, that friend is a keeper anon.

>> No.17680336

But she's worst girl

>> No.17680412

>I only sleep with mine at night. It actually helps with sleep you know

its ok, we are not your parents, you dont have to lie to us

>> No.17680421

I can't buy what I want with buyee unfortunately

>> No.17680509

I don't live with my parents you stupid millennial.

>> No.17680634

>Having taste this shitty
I already probably know the answer but who is best girl, then?

>> No.17680690

Kek your "room mates" then

>> No.17681702

Being really honest I don't even know because I watched the show like 15 years ago, I exclusively remember hating Yurika.
Polite sage

>> No.17682003

No, but I for one welcome our Asian overlords

>> No.17683721

Just stop. You don't know my living situation and you should stop assuming all of us are millennials.

>> No.17683862

You were born before 1980 or after 2000?

>> No.17683884

just go back to /v/ already

>> No.17683897

Ha ok Mr (I'm not a millennial or do I live with my parents who judge my as I sleep with a foot long anime pillow)

You do you mate.

>> No.17684022

Why is this bitch eating without proper clothes on? And why the fuck is she taking her panties off? Doesn't she know genitals contain bacteria?

>mesclating western posters with japanese culture related posters

>> No.17684541

Don't worry about it. I'm not a millennial. I don't buy dakimakura because it's a "meme" like you do and I sure as hell don't pay under $100 for one on bootleg websites.

>> No.17687802

how does smooth knit compare to tricot

>> No.17688134

2-way tricot is soft. Smooth knit is rough compared to 2-way tricot. In fact I might be sticking to 2-way tricot from now on because of how great it feels. I recently picked up 2 Chara-Ani 2-way tricot covers. Best $200+ I have spent so far.

>> No.17688168
File: 633 KB, 2448x3264, shannon pillow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like seeing you around. Keep on living the dream, woodwall mikufan.

>> No.17688222

Post pics when it comes, I've been watching their Remilia daki and I'm curious how the 3d options look irl.

>> No.17688227 [DELETED] 

This thread is depressingly embarrassing. Don't fool yourself with the "I sleep better" meme, just buy a regular, well made pillow and be done with it.

>> No.17688283

I saw that faggot. you are in here with us too.

>> No.17689661

Fuck, I should've bought that DHR6000 sooner.

>> No.17691141

The dakimakura reddit has a pretty helpful guide regarding pillows in light of the DHR6000 controversy. Depending on your preferences, the DHR6000 might still be worth it.

>> No.17693248

From what I've heard, nothing compares to 2WT.

>> No.17693889

then how come all the official dakis are smooth knit yet are full price
Seems like the only way to get tricot is to buy a 'bootleg'
can you even call it a bootleg if it's higher quality?

>> No.17693984

What the fuck are you talking about? The materials go by name brands. Smooth knits are mostly manufactured by Cospa. 2WT is available by Chara-Ani and Movic, etc. Please do some damn research first.

>> No.17693990

I really do recommend not ordering shit from animedakimakura.com, Amazon and stop listening to anything reddit says.

>> No.17694297

control your autistic rage anon and try to make sense

>> No.17694323

I am making sense. Unfortunately you buy bootleg stuff so you can't comprehend.

>> No.17694334
File: 694 KB, 1024x1365, 18-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a sex doll instead.

>> No.17694346

my dhr6000 just came in the mail today. do i have to do anything to it before i use it? it came vacuum sealed and its pretty deflated and flat atm. its gradually taking a more poofy shape over the past hour but I'm not sure if im supposed to put it in the dryer or something since the instructions are all in nip.

>> No.17694441

Fuck off.

Wtf is a DHR6000?

>> No.17694563

a fancy japanese pillow. its the current poster child of dakimakura pillows. its pretty damn comfy but I don't think it makes too much of a difference to use over a pillow you can find locally if you don't want to bother with ludicrous shipping fees.

>> No.17694599

I just stick to cluster fiber pillows since they never lose it's shape.

>> No.17694637

thats one step away from 3DPD

>> No.17697196

That's what i've been telling these fools on the /ona/ threads lately. If they want the touch of a woman then go get one. Otherwise stick to holes or you're a fucking tool.

>> No.17697644

It is only a step away from 3DPD but the step is pretty big in my eyes. People want to get a sex doll because an onahole doesn't provide the same experience, as sex dolls don't provide the same experience as getting a real woman.
While you may be right about a lot of sex doll owners using it as substitution for 3DPD (I can't help but to feel a little disdain for people like that), I'm pretty sure there's also a ton of sex doll owners who like dolls in general and the experience they can get only through them (meaning different from 3DPD but exactly that difference being the main motivation)
I don't own a sex doll and most likely will never own one since I don't like the 3DPD aesthetics and also don't feel the need to use tools for masturbation by the way.

>> No.17698087

What experience are they getting from dolls? Dolls don't touch you back.

>> No.17698166

What experience are figurefags getting from figures, dollfags from dolls?
Visuals, it being physically present in your room, you can touch various body parts, stroke the hair etc. This is already satisfying in a non-sexual sense and I'm convinced that that would add to a sexual experience.
True, they don't touch you back, they also don't talk with you or do any shit at all. If you desire that you need to get a real woman.

>> No.17698723

CMD9000 received. First impression is that its like twice as flat as the old DHR6000. I was pretty much expecting this and flatter is better between my legs. Cant wait to try it tonight.

>> No.17698890

you kinda sold me
now i want a life sized doll
any suggestions?

>> No.17699567

I've bought two official dakis though but okay anonymous

>> No.17700209
File: 663 KB, 952x1844, sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fits nicely but goes totally flat. It's the complete opposite from DHR6000. Personally i find this much more huggable than the much "thicker" pillows. Next step would be to get a much bigger bed to handle a foursome.

>> No.17702364

There's no good excuse for the exhorbitant cost. It doesn't cost them that much to make. The high cost doesn't result in better print quality or material. It's just japanese jewery at it's finest.
