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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 457x650, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17513162 No.17513162 [Reply] [Original]

When can we get something that ISN'T a copy/paste of generic tropes? Do people who write these shits actually enjoy writing them?

>> No.17513163 [DELETED] 

>Please tell me more about your superior western stories that don't have any tropes or inspiration, all original.

>> No.17513164

So what kinda LNs/WNs and or adaptations are you guys reading?

>> No.17513165

There already is something, it just isn't translated.

>> No.17513166
File: 405 KB, 950x1330, Wild Last Boss Appears 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that Lufasu done nothing wrong

>> No.17513167

Still WMW

still on DnD namek

>> No.17513168

>Unprecedented Pill Refiner
>expect OP martial arts female MC
>get /ss/

pleasantly surprised

>> No.17513169

This masterpiece

>> No.17513170

>Do people who write these shits actually enjoy writing them?
As you already said, they aren't writing. They are copy/pasting

>> No.17513171

Inb4 404

>> No.17513172

is that what happened to the last thread? what happened there anyway?

>> No.17513173

Read the sticky. Google doesn't like mining the same info all over again because it's unprofitable for sale, so they asked 4chan to ban generals and threads similar to that. It all makes sense when you look at it from the whole perspective.

>> No.17513174

>Why isn't my original western garbage selling?
>I know, it's wasn't because it's garbage, it's the nips that been selling all my intended readers.

>> No.17513175


because contrary to what many believe, self-insert male protagonists are the best trope you can possibly write. Especially if its in a story with a harem of girls with good action sequences, a training arc, and maybe a tournament thrown in.

>> No.17513176
File: 542 KB, 580x773, Dickspear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allright then, since the thread is made, how about we discuss a bit about the spear hero gaiden manga? it's up at comic walker for everyone to read. I'd post the pages here if i knew how to extract from CW so here's the link


>> No.17513177


When did I ever say anything about Western literature?

>> No.17513178
File: 224 KB, 1275x719, nee-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some really smutty visual novel about a guy fucking two of his sisters, his teacher, two classmates, two girls next door, and one American foreign exchange student.

>> No.17513179
File: 431 KB, 1304x1854, Genjitsushugisha no Oukokukaizouki - Ch.2_ Fundraising - 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes if our farmers grow cash crops instead of food there is nothing to eat, how would we have ever known that without you isekai-kun?

>> No.17513180

didnt they also have to pay a lot of tribute to some other foreign country or something?

>> No.17513181

that doesn't make sense, logically speaking if farmers stopped growing crops, then food prices would shoot up making it more profitable to grow crops, thereby encouraging farmers to grow crops.

>> No.17513182

Food takes time to grow, and shortages of food thanks to cash crops is a real thing that happened in places like the American South and India.

>> No.17513183

the only recent one that i can think of that doesnt have a badly explained harem or a MC with OP powers is "simply good taste for a duke's daughter".

Talking about manga only, i dont know why people keep talking about WNs on /a/.

Literally only one manga series. Sad.

>> No.17513184
File: 63 KB, 353x500, Gundam_Build_Fighters_DVD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best isekai then, best isekai now

>> No.17513185
File: 549 KB, 723x1023, Maou_Yusa05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is reverse isekai.

Also, posting best reverse isekai.

>> No.17513186

Even the Demon King agree.

>> No.17513187

Them growing cash crops would mean their level of global trade is at least at early modern period, right?

>> No.17513188


At some point they will realize it's garbage. Like seriously, except for Re Zero and Konosuba what isekai sold good? They all flop and get forgotten a season later.

>> No.17513189
File: 61 KB, 385x670, Boo_Boo_Calm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people that still hasn't read Boo Boo

>> No.17513190
File: 231 KB, 870x1248, 5 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC uses katana.
>Shit rival character uses a rapier.

Motherfucking clockwork.

>> No.17513191

Kamachi is shit.

He can make interesting settings but his MC's are garbage.

>> No.17513192

That's the thing so far about narou isekai they don't flop and are incredibly profitable. Even something like smartphone is getting a decent LN boost right now.

>> No.17513193

>Not Escaflowne
>Not MAR
>Not Dr. Stone
>Not Digimon
>Not Samurai Jack

>> No.17513194

No, his works are fine.

>> No.17513195
File: 791 KB, 1434x2048, BooBoo_v03_100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skull wave best boy.

>> No.17513196

It's shit.

>> No.17513197

its true faraway paladin goes to shit in volume 2?

>> No.17513198
File: 560 KB, 1928x1400, FU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17513199


Is that why they are all crazy unpopular except Index that only got popular because muh Misaka?

>> No.17513200
File: 177 KB, 512x682, Vol4_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Wild Last Boss Appeared

>> No.17513201

>Gary Stu isekai shit struggles to reach 10k sales
>yuri sports LN has 2.5 million sales
>yuri detective LN has 1.5 million sales
>they still keep spamming shitty Gary Stu isekai anyways


>> No.17513202

How is Isekai more generic than the usual high school anime with exchange student drivel?

>> No.17513203

fuck off /u/ scum, didn't you read the goddamn sticky?

>> No.17513204
File: 83 KB, 1200x983, C4Jf2cOUYAAWkBi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rufas is a nerd, a nerd!
Nah, stuff's a alright read, just nowhere near close to the quality you'd expect from the massive shilling campaign the thing had.

>> No.17513205


Facts are that hard to swallow eh?

>> No.17513206


How many of those are there this season? Because I don't know a single one.

>> No.17513207
File: 44 KB, 600x355, Isekai-Shokudou-Volume-2-Header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This season?
But yeah I generally agree with you isekai is shit and they should stop using the setting so often.

>> No.17513208

eh my fucking ass you canuck fuck, i have the goddamn law of this site on my side
get fucking bent and enjoy your ban

>> No.17513209


It's the easiest to make. I don't understand why it gets made since they sell like shit 99% of the time but whatever. They probably think that if you throw enough shit at the wall something will stick eventually. This crappy fad will go away eventually.

>> No.17513210


You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.17513211

i see the /v/ crossboarders woke up eh?

>> No.17513212

says the newfag that can't follow the rules

>> No.17513213

They're popular enough to have multiple publications, crossovers, etc... White Queen and Kyousuke even got into the Girl/boy rankings and they don't have an anime.

>> No.17513214


Where does it mention /u/ you retarded subhuman?

>> No.17513215

>when you look at a image and can tell the personality of every single character in the show
avoid this kind of show like the plague.

>> No.17513216

But its exactly because they sell 99% of the time. For example nobody excepted anything out of Overlord and each Bluray vol sold 10K+ and the LN got a gigantic boost. The latest vol for example sold for almost 150k.
Tanya also did pretty good.

LNwise Death March has been selling 20k+ for a long time now and with an adaption its probably going to double that if not much more.

Slime doesn't even have an adaption but without literally anything its selling 50k a volume. Generally even having your LN sell for 10k is already considered profitable and tons of WN adaptions reach that with ease because they have the backing of an already established fanbase from syosetsuka.

>> No.17513217

Actually slime has a manga scratch that.

>> No.17513218

Honestly, I liked TFP because quality-wise, it was much better than any other isekai out there. I know that compared to regular literature it isn't perfect, but I would take it over "generic LN where MC gains cheat powers and creates a slave harem" any day.

Isekai Restaurant
Knights and Magic

Those are the major ones this season.

>> No.17513219


Overlord is the biggest isekai success and it's still not even near real successes like Love Live, GuP or Fate.

And one of the main reasons why it succeeded was because it's not a generic as shit isekai with nice boy Gary Stu who gets a harem of cute autistic girls while saving the world with his OP skills.

Average isekai anime sells like absolute trash. They are lucky to reach 3k.

>> No.17513220
File: 350 KB, 1728x438, 23472372346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they don't tell you is Cotton takes a lot of resources to be grown outside the biome and over time existing fields may or may not have been barren or dust bowled by extended use before MC arrived. It is a crop that has to be rotated or it will cause damage to the soil if not meet with its needs. Naturally the crop lives more than a year so many people tend not to till the soil and destroy the crop if it is still growing.

>> No.17513228

If judged by the standards of Love Live, GuP, and Fate, pretty much every anime ever made was a failure.

>> No.17513247

Rest in pepperoni, thread.

>> No.17513254

Welcome to /jp/, where unpopular genres go to die.

>> No.17513260

We come in peace

>> No.17513262

Isekai is popular tough.
Too many haters to simply die .

>> No.17513263

I'm already here for the kawakami general, death is the norm for me.

>> No.17513274

I only watched anime. Should i start from vol 1?
Or is it fine to directly go to vol 3?

>> No.17513282

Lots of stuff got condensed but honestly as long as season two is fresh in your memory go ahead, but if you watched the show ages ago just start from the beginning.

>> No.17513287

Remember to sage your every post so as not to be rude to other threads with constant bumping.

>> No.17513291

I just rewatched it during summer so details(japanese names excluded) are still fresh.

>> No.17513311
File: 523 KB, 691x747, 8657325433234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17513326

kuso thread

>> No.17513354

When you think about it what's the point? Someone will just mask it under a isekai manga adaption thread in the beginning which will in turn into an all out isekai thread after like 100 posts. Happened many times before they just won't be as apparent as this one because of the /a/utist OP.

>> No.17513465

Well shiiit. Cant believe this actually happened

>> No.17514019

I wonder if the Japanese even got sick of it as well?
Or maybe some Japanese Youtuber then starts ranting about how shit it is like how western youtuber ranting about how their western show or western gaming trend is killing the industry or something. Do Japanese go that far?

>> No.17514169

They do just search 2ch for these このスレは異世界転生・転移モノでイライラした設定・展開を語り合って発散する場所です
very much like how /a/ complains about them but mostly with people who actually read these things, mostly. That said they're still the minority.

>> No.17515083

mods moved this thread here from /a/

>> No.17515697
File: 56 KB, 427x431, 1490488956985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, true.

>> No.17515751

/a/ learned a new word and now spews it whenever they can

>> No.17516145

at this point though >>17513228. Way after what you're quoting.

>> No.17516469

I wish sage would tun the namefield blue like in the days of Japan/General.

>> No.17516535

It's like you just realized that the industry operates on cash ins of booming fads. Before this, it was HS Battle Tournaments (haven't had any high profile hit of this in awhile) and then even further back everything was mecha or spess opera.

>> No.17516577
File: 46 KB, 800x473, happy tanuki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone from /jp/ looking forward to shieldbro anime?

>> No.17516857

Battle Tournaments has something to gain and archive, even if most of them are shit.
Mecha and Space Opera are benefitted from it being an SF and they mostly has good story and characters to back it up.
Isekai is just self insert fantasy. The worst form of fiction.

>> No.17516871

Good isekai has the MC actually improve the lives of the people around him because of his outsider knowledge. It's pretty much a call for Japan to accept foreigners under the guise of power fantasies.

I know it's the kewl thing to shit on the hot new fad, but to say it's the "worst fiction" is reaching. You actually have to have a creative brain and imagination to make even a halfway decent isekai, what with keeping in mind not to break established lores and all.

>> No.17516881

Forgot to mention, really fun yet meaningful interactions because of the premise of culture shock and genuine curiosity. Remember that FFX and Dunbine were Isekai before it was cool.

>> No.17516884

well, i would say calling FFX an isekai is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.17516905

Dunbine is a weird kind of Isekai. Maybe one of the better ones. First of, you don't have just the MC, but other people as well went to Isekai. So, the conflict is not only between MC and the people there, but also MC and the people from his world who decided to do bad things. Then shit's really get real when everyone who's fighting in the Isekai world get flung to our world and continue their fight there, while the current world (80's cold war tension era) reacts to it. It at least has an epic feel to it.

Most Isekai nowadays are some bloke flung to another world either as himself or he becomes someone else and then having cute girls all around him. It's basically an evolution of the Harem genre. It's all self fantasizing fluff.

>> No.17516920

Well, GATE is the modern interpretation of Dunbine's premise and the craziness before it that was Those who Hunt Elves.

I know it's hard for you who has an apparent dislike for the genre to actually look for examples that don't entirely fit your biased opinions, but get out of the mentality for awhile and you'll see that Isekai is far from being the "worst fiction" Is it prime self-masturbatory material? No denying that, but so is "higher literature" from your average depressed Russian author.

>> No.17516936

Having majority of the recent ones currently being trash really colors the impression of the whole thing, isn't it? I can't blame him for thinking like that.

If anything, Isekai needs to highlight more dignified works. But the trashier ones makes the most money thus they made more of the same. So the whole generalisation continues.

>> No.17516947

You're going to have to put the blame on the consumers on that one. "Dignified" works don't sell, and authors got to eat. Not everyone has the energy to work multiple jobs so they go for what's tried and true and add in their own twist.

Regardless, my point is that this isn't unique to isekai. It's going through its 15 minutes of fame and then eventually will lose the popularity and go back to what it was like a decade ago in place of the new fad. Putting it down because of its current status is just plain pettiness.

>> No.17517049
File: 229 KB, 869x1250, f4f866fe161d50835508be6ef6b92003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I for one am incredibly hyped and eagerly await it's official release. The one thing I'm really hoping for is the scene from where pic related is from. I hope that's it's as heartwarming as it is in the manga.

>> No.17517388

Knight's and Magic because mecha faggotry.

Tensei Shittara Ken Deshita for based loli catgirl

Goblin Kingdom for (goblin) nationalism

>> No.17517684
File: 787 KB, 1600x2299, eNUHuk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skeleton Knight
Last Boss
The Guild’s Cheat Receptionist

>> No.17517709

>When can we get something that ISN'T a copy/paste of generic tropes?
There have already been many, you just won't watch them. That's the thing with all you people complaining about anime; you never, ever, ever, ever watch any of the stuff you claim you want to watch. You even pretend it doesn't exist. Because that lets you whine and bitch and moan and play the victim.

>waah why isn't there more X
>here's a list of 20 recent X!
>waah those are all shit they don't count waah you dont know these feels
Fuck off.

>> No.17519711
File: 230 KB, 831x666, 1501381864402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And hopefully there wont be a sudden influx of people coming to shit up the threads and ruin the fun for everyone. And who am i kiddying, it's gonna happen ;-;

>> No.17520036

Rereading The girl who ate a deathgod, reminding myself of how much I love Schera.

>> No.17521606

what others do you read

>> No.17521654
File: 1.85 MB, 782x1147, CeUNta3VIAADMmU (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently finished Riku, it was fun enough.

>> No.17522049

I'm reading I’ll Live My Second Life!

It's been a while since I last root for an MC, he's such a cute boy (girl).

The post-ending side stories haven't been fully translated yet right? Or is that two chapters all there is?

>> No.17522121
File: 470 KB, 2560x1393, Schera and the Black Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The post-ending side stories haven't been fully translated yet right? Or is that two chapters all there is?
Hope you don't mind dealing with chinks.

>> No.17522327

>whining about people whining instead of giving argumented examples
People like you are about the bitching and moaning just as much as the other person.
You even pretend bad stuff in the genre doesn't exist. Or how all the good ones are so overshadowed by the cheesy shit it's hard to come by them unless you dig through the countless piles of that shit (which may imply reading your way through it to start hating it's guts and make the generalised opinion).

>> No.17522633
File: 381 KB, 500x642, 462f6469731da9849fd0412b6f555568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so too, but even if the threads go down the drain at least we'll have best girl animated.

>> No.17522847

I've read those, but is that really it? That's a shame, but at least Schera and her underlings got a good ending at least.

>> No.17522854

Yeah, they got to outlive everyone, got their revenge and got to forever eat potatos with the commander.

>> No.17523645
File: 546 KB, 1740x1239, Wait a sec this isn't a flat chest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and even if that fails, we still have each other

>> No.17523756

Would be nice if the author shows Schere in his other series. The Hero in Yuusha, Aruiwa shows up in a side story after all. Maybe we'll see Schere and Noel interacting in the future.

>> No.17523846
File: 684 KB, 1511x2221, 91lhRB9E+4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? Randomly stumbled on it.

>> No.17524424

I'm actually quite curious as to how much if the LN/Manga they're going to adapt in the anime, I'm betting it'll end on the Spirit Turtle Arc. Your thoughts?

>> No.17524442

Up to pope fight. If they did spirit turtle they would also have to do glass's world too.

>> No.17525911

second serve WAS translated (the one that >>17522854 refered) but the only site that had it (TL blog) is death

>> No.17526590

My Death Flags Show no etc etc
By the way, does anyone know if the WN of Death March is any different from the LN? I need something long to read

>> No.17526598
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>> No.17526736
File: 209 KB, 1200x944, C-0Yk-uUAAEWeQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The armor otaku has good taste, the Lord Blazer look is pretty cool.

>> No.17528138
File: 586 KB, 600x850, nanaki and nazgul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning Empress is pretty fun if you can deal with a OP MC who tries really hard to be cute.

>> No.17529707

To the person that recommended Miracle Throne I think you.

fucking industrial revolution martial arts

>> No.17533431

I imagine they would end at Spirit Turtle with the portal to Glass' world then ending the first season right there. It would give the books a huge sale from the "What happens next?" moment, and be a good starting point IF they make a season two.

>> No.17533948

If they cram like, 4 volumes worth of stuff in the 1st cour? sure. but i don't think that's a good idea.

>> No.17535820

I just finished the Light Novels yesterday after getting into the WN last year. Kind of disappointed, the first book was pretty much the same, and the second book just skips a shitton of content to rush the ending.

>> No.17536786

>thread moves to /jp/
>speed of the thread drops to 1 post per day

>> No.17536819

Since then, another thread titled "Isekai" was made in /a/, hit the post limit and already dropped off the board.

>> No.17540281

I don't mind. It's comfy here. It's my first post (I think), I just lurk this thread.

>> No.17540345
File: 461 KB, 1643x980, literal bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anyone's gonna go and post that often.
Well since we're here, what do you think of the story in the shieldbro LNs/Manga so far? what are some changes done in the story that you like or dislike? what do you think of this fishing lady?

>> No.17540350

Fuck, that question is meant for everyone. Not specifically (You) anon.>>17540281

>> No.17541440

4 volumes in 1 cour has been done plenty of times before. It's never a good idea as that's the point where it starts feeling rushed.

>> No.17542553

i feel that 4 vols in 1 cour would not only would feel rushed but would also have to cout a lot of significant stuff

>> No.17542768

ok that's fucking redundant, but you get what i mean.

>> No.17543163

Today's /a/ thread got nuked.

>> No.17543356

Doesn't it got archived? At least it got auto-saged instead imminently nuked.

>It's okay to talk about manga/anime adaptation (live action) but you can't talk about the original version of an anime/manga (WN/LN).

Dumb rule.

>> No.17543396

Huh, i thought it was ok as long as there was an ongoing adaptation.

>> No.17543743

Wait, seriously?

>> No.17543765

I really like the fact that Glass's world gets explored in the ln. I'm also really excited to see how they adapted Tact from the WN to the LN, too bad I'll have to wait a couple years since I can't read moon

>> No.17543798 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 691x960, 1503874463283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The artist and the author must a been playing a lot of GG because Tact looks like Axl Low

>> No.17543805

Well I presume so, WN/LN threads keep getting nuked or auto-saged. While multiple threads about a newly released live action adaptation of an old manga dominate the board.

>> No.17543807

I also guess it must be because one active mod doesn't like those kinda threads.

>> No.17544712
File: 47 KB, 750x380, 1491003348302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so anyone reading this masterpiece?

3rd volume just got released a month ago but still waiting for epub

>> No.17544954

What is this? It looks familiar

>> No.17544984

Faraway paladin.

>> No.17546473

Can't you read it by subscribing to the english publisher?

Also that series really has some quite uncomfortable religious themes.

>> No.17546624
File: 148 KB, 623x414, skelly emprah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

define uncomfortable

>> No.17555640


>> No.17559854
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x1365, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP

>> No.17559918

I'm curious. Uncomfortable religious themes can be fun.

>> No.17560313

Misunderstanding isn't generic trope?

>> No.17560318

that's what im asking, maybe chinks cant read it because hurr skellys

>> No.17560394

Geez I dunno dude, it's just the way the MC carry himself and like worship his death goddess that's pretty damn uncomfortable. I thought Japs supposed to be chill about it.

>> No.17562037

The Translation for sure is taking a long time.

>> No.17562083
File: 20 KB, 200x195, shaylaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why these isekai nerds never talk about El Hazard? Shayla Shayla is cute, CUTE!

>> No.17562303

The translator is focused on catching up Kenkyo I think.

>> No.17562459 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 500x713, 9784865540758_sub01_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am never going to forgot the fucking Canadian elves in this. It was quite a shame author didn't do anything with dwarves aside from the fact that they got almost wipe out. Evangeline's story when?

Also I like that Author keeps Arc somewhat 'normal' despite his OP powers with his lack of combat skills, experiences and warrior mentality.

>> No.17562488
File: 107 KB, 500x713, 9784865540758_sub01_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am never going to forget the fucking Canadian elves in this. It was quite a shame author didn't do anything with dwarves aside from the fact that they got almost wipe out. Evangeline's story when?
Also I like that Author keeps Arc somewhat 'normal' despite his OP powers with his lack of combat skills, experiences and warrior mentality.

Anyone knows the differences between LN and WN for this?

>> No.17568086

strangely it doesn't happen as much in Isekai

>> No.17568101

NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System

Chinese NEET is reincarnated to a Not-Japanese Neckbeard in a dating sim world and decides to be OP

>> No.17568481

Only have seen the manga so far. What makes the elves Canadian?

>> No.17569764

Thanks. This LN is pretty great.

I read the first two books because they were pirateable.

The protagonist seems religious, I guess, but I never thought he was pure zealot. I personally view the death goddess more of a goddess of reincarnation rather than death, especially since William spends so much time guiding souls to their next life rather than killing them.

>> No.17570593

She is supposed to be the guiding light after all.

>> No.17570625

800 years ago there was another other-worlder name Evangeline, an elf. Her tales involved befriending a Dragon King, saving dwarves and creating the great Canada forest from a waste land. So Elves now lives in a country named "Canada" with a city named "Maple". There is also the Great Slave Lake in there.

>> No.17574967

>great slave lake
Is it a lake with slavea living nearby or is it a slave lake to another lake?

>> No.17575232

It's just named after the Lake in IRL canada anon.

>> No.17579924

What are some modern isekai that don't contain stats/drops or any type of retarded game mechanic, a generic RPG setting and a japanese everyman protagonist with some dumb gimmick that makes him extremely powerful? Anime, manga and LN are fine, japanese is fine.

>> No.17580253

Do you mean modern as in made today or modern as in in a modern setting?

>> No.17580470

Made in the last year or two. I haven't found anything new that's decent lately.

>> No.17580551

Faraway Paladin almost fits, but it has a tabletop RPG setting (Narnia/Lord of the Rings type of setting). No game mechanics or dumb gimmicks to make him overpowered though, but he's OP due to being raised by a trio of OP undead adventurers.

>> No.17580594

Release that Witch pre-Zero's defeat (ch630). After that it becomes shite. But if you like "kingdom building" it does it great for the first ~500-600 chapters.

>> No.17580887
File: 357 KB, 2085x1075, 81wxyDdvn2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really Isekai but how about this?

>> No.17580903

Mushoku Tensei has most of what you're describing but the Laplace factor does make him a powerful (squishy) wizard so I guess that doesn't count.

>> No.17580914
File: 114 KB, 462x675, image14-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17584070

>tilea's worries
I remember dropped this after volume one, is good/decent after or became shite?
