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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 42 KB, 292x450, 196525~Audition-Posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1746373 No.1746373 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Japanese movies

>> No.1746377

I don't wish to be the little girl

>> No.1746380

Audition was so pointless, but the white swimsuit was nice.

>> No.1746382

I was going to watch Kaibei last night but the subtitles were all messed up ┐(´ー`)┌

And audition is boring.

>> No.1746386

Pointless?! You missed the point, my friend.

>> No.1746396

No, it's not boring, idiot.

>> No.1746405

It's just opinion anyway, but everything aside from the 'torture' scene was really boring to me, and not in a 'boring to build up suspense' way.

>> No.1746411

I agree

The whole film rides on the "kiri kiri kiri" and the dude in a bag

So basically 2-3 minutes

>> No.1746414
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is this movie worth watching?

>> No.1746417

Yeah, my thoughts.

Is Cyborg Girl any good?

>> No.1746420


/jp/ - Corea/General

Also, yes.

>> No.1746422

If the point was to fap, I got that part. Anything else was about as boring as watching surgery.

>> No.1746423

Torture scenes were still fucked up

>> No.1746432
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This is one of my favorites.

Anyway, as far as Miike goes, he's all right, but overrated because he's kind of a bigger name. People not used to things like the torture sequence are like, "WHOA HOLY SHIT."

Happiness of the Katakuris is his best film, I think.

>> No.1746441

Asano is really good as typical is that is to say. Last Life in the Universe is good but Thai/General

Speaking of Miike, is Sun Scarred good? I might download that now.

>> No.1746444

Well yes, the movie starts building up slowly and then gives you the shocker ending that puts everything you saw in new light. It's totally brilliant.

I would not care about your opinion, but I cannot just watch my fav flick getting bashed by fools.

>> No.1746448
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>> No.1746453
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and this.

>> No.1746456


I like you.

>> No.1746457
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also this. My first (and favourite) Kitano film.

>> No.1746458

I both love and hate this film

Which means I probably love it twice as hard

>> No.1746460


>> No.1746466

Visitor Q is probably my favourite Japanese film.

Funnily enough I don't like Audition that much DESPITE the fact that my favourite author wrote the screenplay.

>> No.1746471

is the uzumaki movie worth watching? or is it shit?

>> No.1746472

Happiness of the Katakuris
Visitor Q
Fireworks, Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom
Nobody Knows
Battle Royale
All About Lily Chou Chou
Blue Spring

The Ring > Ring

>> No.1746478

Sorry man, but the plot was basically "This chick is crazy." and then proceeds to demonstrate the level of that crazy.

It's got high crazy levels, but really, a good movie has a story, not a long demonstration of a character trait.

>> No.1746480

I didn't mind it, but it wasn't that great.

Was waiting for the lily chou chou post. Good movie because of Debussy.

>> No.1746486

Visitor Q is so much over the top that it's not even funny.

>> No.1746484

>because of Debussy

Chopin > Debussy
Clementi > Debussy
Mozart > Debussy

>> No.1746487
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Bach > *

>> No.1746493

I was just watching that the other day; it's one of the few movies that I bothered to buy on DVD instead of download.

>> No.1746494

You won't find any argument from me

>> No.1746499
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Beethoven up in this bitch

>> No.1746503

Eh, I didn't say Debussy was the greatest composer, I just meant that's the only reason I liked the movie haha.

I need to find more..non violent newish movies. I watched Adrift in Tokyo a couple of months ago and liked it.

>> No.1746505

I'd say there was bit more into it than just that, but hey.

>> No.1746510

Chopin and Tchaikovsky, what.

>> No.1746514
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This movie > anything you´ll ever see

>> No.1746517
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Almost forgot this one. Hurr angsty teenagers.

>> No.1746520


Toccata in D minor byaaaaaaaaaaaach

>> No.1746536

are there any good Japanese films that don't focus on cheap violence horror, slice of life or fighting?

Looking for a movies similar to Identity, memento, fight club, choke, vanilla sky, scanner darkly, donnie darko or requiem for a dream.

>> No.1746544


Try some of the movies already recommended.

>> No.1746546

Someone up there mentioned survive style 5+ which is pretty odd in it's plot.

>> No.1746551

That would require a budget

"Last Life In The Universe" comes pretty fucking close, and I would rate it among the best films ever made.

>> No.1746561

The live-action Casshern was entertaining, though not exactly what I'd call "good"

>> No.1746560

sorry forgot to mention no Yakuza + streetgang bullshit that makes up 50% of all Jap + Korean films.

>> No.1746564

Yeah, it's great. When you see the back tattoo, ffffuuuuuu

>> No.1746568

>That would require a budget

Donnie Darko had a pretty small budget so did Requiem for a dream, all you need is a good script and decent actors to make a good spiritual/psychological movie, what do you need a budget for anyways? theres no stunts and no special effects.

>> No.1746577

>Donnie Darko had a pretty small budget so did Requiem for a dream
by Hollywood standards

By Japanese standards those kind of budgets would be OMFGHUGE

>> No.1746575

"Last Life In The Universe"

Watch that shit

But naw, if you're after proper Japanese movies, hop over to asiandvdclub and browse. There's plenty of stuff there you can't get anywhere else, and people custom subtitling movies

DVDISO only, which is admittedly a fucktarded format, but it's better than a kick in the head

>> No.1746583
File: 24 KB, 200x283, 1228946669001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The setting is a ''new'' Tokyo suburb. The school is clean, well run, and the movie takes place in the five-day period before, during and after a ferocious, seemingly liberating typhoon, which five of the students endure while marooned in the school's gymnasium.
As the English title is apparently intended to emphasize, ''Typhoon Club'' is rather like a much more solemn version of John Hughes's ''Breakfast Club.'' One young man, who's obsessed by being and nothingness, is fond of making deep statements on the order of ''Death existed before life.'' Two of the girls are disturbed by sexual longings they don't yet undertand. Another young man has an alcoholic father with whom he lives in a shack on the edge of the suburb. One young woman runs away -briefly - to see Tokyo for the first time.
The narrative unfolds in a series of short, sometimes enigmatic scenes that have the effect of a series of simple declarative sentences. They describe the action without ever interpreting it. After a while, one realizes that there really isn't an awful lot to interpret.
The students are less distinctively characterized than the settings they inhabit. At best they are mouthpieces for the writer, Yuji Katch, who evokes the memory of Yukio Mishima, and the director, Shinji Somai, whose often strikingly beautiful images are more interesting than the lives of the people being photographed.

>> No.1746597

>those kind of budgets would be OMFGHUGE

only because they can't expect as high a return from their movie, their total population is only about 100 mil compared to that population of America + Canada + EU....

>> No.1746604

nope, the Japanese are too poor to afford movies thats why USA is the only one that makes movies because they can afford it all the other countries just end up watching USA movies anyways.

>> No.1746624


Japanese movie budgets are known to be ridiculously low. That's why you never see any decent CGI or special effects, ever.

>> No.1746625


Does the female lead commit suicide in this movie? What about other people -do they commit suicide in this movie?

Is there an undercurrent of feminist...whatever...in this movie? I

>> No.1746628

Suicide? In a Japanese movie?


>> No.1746659

>Two of the girls are disturbed by sexual longings they don't yet undertand.

>> No.1746669
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>> No.1746699

Do they use actual acting, then, because that would be sweet.

>> No.1746703

Surprisingly, I enjoyed it way more than the originals-- and I really enjoyed the originals.

>> No.1746705
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In the Realm of the Senses
JP: 愛のコリーダ

Real penetration, infamous cumshot. What more can I say.

Oh, and just because I care about you, anon:

>> No.1746710

Or I could just download porn

>> No.1746715

FYI asiandvdclub.org

>> No.1746717

about 20 posts late brah

>> No.1746731


I love how the Japanese and English titles have absolutely no relation whatsoever

>> No.1746737

Woops, just saw. Best site though. The golden chest movie downloads are great. For leachers.

>> No.1746738

You know, it's a disgrace this movie gets advertised as porn, because it couldn' be farther from it.

>> No.1746742
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>> No.1746756

Stupid OS X auto-correcting internet lingo.

Downloading The Wall Man and Heroic Purgatory now.

>> No.1746764
File: 215 KB, 701x728, 1228950129358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1746769

Yeah I know, vista and ubuntu rock!!!!!

>> No.1747083



>> No.1747109
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People that like Planetarian will probably like this.

>> No.1747133


corean movie for coreans.

>> No.1747178

Automatic spelling correction?

Spring Summer Fall Winter and Spring is COREAN and good.

>> No.1747200


Silly Klein, everybody knows corea's only "good" movie is Oldboy, and even then the story was stolen from the Japs.
Also, melodramas can never be good.

>> No.1747223

Sympathy for Mr vengeance

>> No.1747228

better than Japanese movies....

>> No.1747242
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>> No.1747346

That's because the English title is translated from the French title. The movie was produced with French money, if not it wouldn't have made it to the screen for obvious reasons.
But it's not porn.
In fact the Korean new wave with people like Kim Ki-Duk, Bong Joon-ho, Park Chan-wook, Hong Sang-soo,... is very talented.
And the Japanese movie industry has never been as terrible than nowadays.

Then, you're a troll.

>> No.1747379


Actually, I've watched quite a lot of Korean movies. Most of the Vengeance series', all the crap JJH has been in, and most Korean block-busters since 2001. I'd admit that I was a bit hard my assessment earlier, since my experience with Korean cinema has been so far positive, but I naturally avert from praising their industry because I hate gooks.
