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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1745923 No.1745923 [Reply] [Original]

Someone host please?

>> No.1746103 EC NY

>> No.1746164


>> No.1746165

Sorry Chen, gotta leave. ggs

I think I might sneak in an IaMP game here later on.

>> No.1746167

rehostan EC preferebly

>> No.1746171

im not normally an iamper as I im horribe with it, but we'll see.

>> No.1746208

hi gusy i just got dis game lolz im pretty bad but willign to play a fwe anywayz EU or EC

>> No.1746215


Oh good fucking lord.

>> No.1746229

Ugh. Don't pull a Shy on us.

>> No.1746245

I can beat normal computers sometimes now, I think I'm ready to play some real people now. ^_^

>> No.1746249

any1? *^_^*

>> No.1746251

Then post an IP...

>> No.1746255


Try Gaia.

>> No.1746256

Hosting is too hard, like lunatic computers. You will have to. ;_;

>> No.1746258


I'd consider playing if you weren't being a fucking retard. Drop the troll you'll get a match.

>> No.1746307

I would play but my japanese is noot good enough to read all the kanji and be able to connect. can anyone help?

>> No.1746320

You have the WORST FUCKIN CONNECTION I have ever seen. 2 second delay mirror match Patchy has to be the most incredibly retarded thing I've ever played.

>> No.1746330
File: 628 KB, 1147x1130, 1228943257139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new here?

>> No.1746331

can someone tell me where I put in my opponents IP address and how do I know I did it right?

>> No.1746344

Well, guess it won't hurt to try a few. Preferably US players only.

>> No.1746337

no, I just took the time recently to get a computer capable of playing online. thank you.

>> No.1746362

It says something was shimashita. I am guessing I lost connection. when there are only 2 digits I put a zero in the place of the missing digits right?

>> No.1746404


>> No.1746419

Download the english wheather patch from mizuumi

>> No.1746464

Easiest way to connect to someone is to copy (ctrl+c) their ip and port (the whole xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx), then select the 5th option.
first question asks you if the shown ip is correct. Second assk you if you wish to fight this person. If you select no, you will start spectating that person's ongoing match against someone else.
If you select yes, you will connect to this ip. If the person is already fighting someone, it'll ask you a third question, which is if you wish to spectate his match instead, since he already has an opponent.

>> No.1746474

GGs anon, I was C. Breaker.

>> No.1746475

Thank you, really, I never realized that Suika had TWO complete bullshit overpowered spell cards. GGs, though, don't wanna sound bitter.

>> No.1746476

GGs "what" thats one nasty suika you got.

>> No.1746477

ggs, chen.

Not sure if you're aware, but your connection has these really annoying lag spikes about once per minute that pretty much disable any input for a few seconds. Does that happen when you join a game?

>> No.1746482

Yeah, that loliball looking grab and giant form is really quite something.

>> No.1746489


She has three. Massacre, Atlas, MPP.

>> No.1746497
File: 124 KB, 640x706, 1228945475317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno. the l,g spikes werent that bad really and Ive played with a helluva alot worse laggy matches. to be perfectly honest it played pretty damn close to an offline match. (lag spikes aside)

>> No.1746501

The unblockable grab takes some effort to get off, though. There's no defense against uber loliball or Missing Purple Power. She probably has the best spell cards in the game..

>> No.1746509

Massacre: press the up arrow when suika uses it. Bam, avoided.
MPP: This can be complete bullshit during typhoon, but MPP can have one hell of a backfire if your opponent has spellcards of his own ready to beat it. Remember that suika cannot dodge or block anything during MPP and that massive amounts of projectiles will stop her in her tracks.
Atlas: This one hurts, mostly because you can chain it off a few attacks for guaranteed massive damage, but there are just as strong, if not stronger spellcards out there. Not that bullshitty.

Now, MPP during typhoon. THAT is bullshit.

>> No.1746541
I guess I'll play a few before going to bed.

>> No.1746570
File: 18 KB, 65x102, 1228946477288.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Coast
Mediocre tier?

>> No.1746590

I would say you're higher than mediocre, I'm watching. ( 'v' )

>> No.1746600

I assume you're referring to >>1746570
You must have me confused with another player. I still don't have an opponent.

>> No.1746605

That's MY ip. I think you got something wrong here.

>> No.1746619

Oh. Dear. God. I am a retard. Hahahaha, I'm terribly sorry about that. Copied it looking to play a match with you, saw you were in one, then forgot to copy my own IP when I made my post, so sorry.

Okay, let's try this again:
East Coast
Mediocre tier?

>> No.1746623

I lold

>> No.1746734

I think I love you. Watching you play Marisa made me at least twice as good at her. I never knew her 214B/C had any good properties other than leading into a wallslam combo with the right spacing.

>> No.1746752

It works wonders against people who graze your bullets after 5aaa. Or those who think you're helpless because they blocked your 214.

Also, whoever I played, thanks for the games, but you seriously have no idea how much I hate waiting out typhoon. If you truely detest it THAT much, run with weather cards. They're actually useful for other things too thanks to their long invincibility period.
There are many weathers I completely suck in, but I just deal with it.

>> No.1746763

Still hosting if anyone feels like a few games.

>> No.1746787

I would like to fight you. my aim is mamushi72sai please help me get this thing to work

>> No.1746820

Everything you need to know has already ben posted in the thread. I honestly can't think of anything else someone could help you with.

>> No.1746863
File: 371 KB, 257x257, 1228952201079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sure is attracting a lot of newfags.
just save this picture as 226.bat and you'll see.

>> No.1746867



>> No.1746868

Okay, it's saved as 226.bat. I don't "see" anything. It's just sitting there.

>> No.1746977

nonstop typhoons near the end there.
ggs, saje. Need to go eat.

>> No.1746985

ggs. Sorry there are only three characters I can use semi-competently. Yeah, those Typhoons were kinda wrecking my shit. Not that your Youmu/Suika wasn't doing a good enough job of it already.

>> No.1747002
File: 371 KB, 257x257, 1228954291856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just save this picture as 165.bat and you'll see.

>> No.1747073
File: 86 KB, 512x640, 1228955884702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone host please?

>> No.1747089
File: 369 KB, 257x257, 1228956087162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just save this picture as 520.bat and you'll see.

>> No.1747122


>> No.1747137
File: 361 KB, 257x257, 1228956890375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /r/,

I am in need of a porn video where a young teen shows her friend her mum's dildo and they joke with it. After a few minutes the girl's mother walks in and punishes the teens for joking around and makes them perform sexual acts on each other.

Please find me this video /r/, I beg you.
just save this picture as 274.bat and you'll see.

>> No.1747304
File: 86 KB, 512x640, 1228959818975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone host please? IaMP is fine too.

>> No.1747320 hostan

>> No.1747326

Think I'm done for now. ggs.

>> No.1747328

GGs, was fun

>> No.1747358

Gah, these damn weathers

>> No.1747363

Let us SWR!
US West

>> No.1747426


ggs tori

>> No.1747464

Any non-combo fags here?

>> No.1747470

if by "non-combo fags" you mean, people who don't specialize in any characters and practice combos for them and just play for the hell of it. Then wait a bit, I'll host.

>> No.1747475


>> No.1747474
File: 346 KB, 257x257, 1228962053372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your stumbling
just save this picture as 108.bat and you'll see.

>> No.1747483

GGs, rehosting.
