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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17452487 No.17452487 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of this?

>> No.17452582

If Touhou manages to become a major thing among elementary school aged kids, it will never die. It's funny in a way. Most often it's the otakus that invade the audiences of products meant for little kids, not the other way around.

>> No.17452621


>> No.17452628

I made it up to
>His store deals in fan-made/official merch, and the main customers are in elementary/middle school with a considerable number of them girls.
and then started fantasizing about visiting a store like that just after school let out. I wonder if they cosplay Touhou too.

It is kinda weird. I hope they draw some gnarly porn when they grow up.

>> No.17452676

They're all secondaries and probably none of them have any talent
t. LNN pro

>> No.17452706

same as us then

>> No.17452774

I would like to introduce these children to eratohoK.

>> No.17452786


>> No.17452865

probably a fad for them

>> No.17452892

It's really interesting from a marketing perspective how the store owner mentions many of these children get into touhou from youtube and nicovideo vids.

As a marketer myself, I am quite impressed. ZUN has mastered the word of mouth market demographic and his huge presence on youtube/nico will make Touhou very popular with the younger generations.
It's amazing really. This man has achieved a social media and internet presence most business executives could only dream of. And he did this all via the ``doujin spirit'' and without marketing on his own.

>> No.17453089

Fucking secondaries

>> No.17453708

can we keep the survival/scoring strawman larping in the gameplay threads please, other threads shouldn't have to experience this cancer

>> No.17453772
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>Like he'll have young girls drag their mothers into the store and go crazy over how much Touhou stuff is in stock.

>> No.17454376

Even ZUN are welcome to secondaries

>> No.17454894
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How adorable. Makes me glad.

>> No.17454913

Not like secondaries even care about ZUN's games

>> No.17454940

At this point, Touhou is clearly larger than the games, or even ZUN himself.

It's now possible, someone will know Reimu without knowing what a "ZUN" is, or even that Touhou was originally an STG.

>> No.17454951

You know how a lot of ZUN's songs seem like something you know already? Everyone already knows who Reimu is.

>> No.17454990
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The sounds of Gensokyo are alive in the Celtic tones of times gone by.

>> No.17454996


Only a few secondaries are assholes towards the games or people who play them. We should welcome secondaries with open hands.

>> No.17455006

ZUN has achieved what men like us can only imagine: a lifestyle centered around cute fictional girls which allows him to mostly do whatever he likes, but still provides a reasonable standard of living. ZUN is the /jp/ dream.

>> No.17455202

frig off secondary
only good secondary is a dead secondary

>> No.17455212

be nice to newfriends

>> No.17455242

you too bud
secondaries don't deserve niceness
i often wonder if they're even the same species as me
i bet they don't even have five fingers

>> No.17455249

you were a secondary once my friend

>> No.17455256

Anybody who uses twitter for meaningful discussions needs to be hanged. They have a character limit for a reason. It's not the correct platform for that type of stuff. He should use Medium instead or any of the other hipster twitter clones.

>> No.17455261

this is not true

I was born a no bomb run god

>> No.17455264

no i wasn't
the first touhou media i consumed was touhou 8 because it looked like a fun game

>> No.17455275

No, anon. I am ZUN.

>> No.17455283

hi zun is mima in touhou 16

>> No.17455288

Yeah dude, she's the final boss, for sure (laughs).

>> No.17455289

people just waiting in line to buy the new game and ZUN just casually proving his powerlevel on /jp/ saying fuck that noise

>> No.17455293

zun i fucking hate you why would you put mima back

>> No.17455333

There's going to be a new influx of secondaries and you guys will love it.

>> No.17455355

How will it be like when there are literally senior /jp/sies?

How many /jp/sies will succumb to fapping 20 years from now?

>> No.17455370

All with Zun still looking young as ever

>> No.17455497

Every time a /jp/ user dies his soul assimilates itself with ZUN, extending his lifespan by five years and keeping him youthful and healthy.

>> No.17455558

But coupled with ZUN's alcoholism, the souls og /jp/sies only serve to prolong ZUN's life just enough to his next, and last, Touhou game.

>> No.17455667

When will ZUN teach these little kids about alcoholism?

>> No.17455877
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Everything is cute fumos and bobbleheads and happy yukkuris until they find the thousands of porn works!

So, very good, very good indeed.

>> No.17455969

ZUN is a secondary.

>> No.17456704
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>> No.17456715

Considering how shit the new game is, yes.

>> No.17456723

that's what they said about LoLK and DDC

>> No.17456792

Remember the cycle. You're not allowed to like a Touhou game until the next one comes out. Everyone and their brother said Clownpiece and Hecatia were definite proof that ZUN jumped the shark and that was the death of Touhou... and now they're being held as examples of how great and memorable the LoLK cast was while hating on this game.

>> No.17456807

but clownpiece is shit

>> No.17456817

No, I don't love DDC but I really liked it when it came out. I really liked LoLK from day one and now I love it. This is pretty much going to be just a filler 2hu to be played for nothing but watching pretty landscapes.

>> No.17456826

>one person is most of /jp/

>> No.17456828

I warmed up to LoLK after playing Legacy

Still hate Pointdevice with a passion

>> No.17456850

Then don't fucking quote what the rest of /jp/'s opinion is when I'm giving mine, turbo retard.

>> No.17456883 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?

>> No.17457025

who said that

>> No.17458091

fuck off

>> No.17458249

...are we there yet?

>> No.17458530

But... But... But I thought Touhou is dying and Kancolle will overshadow it hard?!

On the side note, Kancolle seems to be on the decline, or so it seems to me...

>> No.17459282

>to go beyond a mere consumer and use their interests to become a creator as well, whether derivative works or otherwise
Today's kids lack creativity, true individuality and agency. They barely have the will to get off their asses (or, get on them) to actually play the games they watch their favorite YouTubers advertise, and he expects them to actually make fanworks?

>> No.17459294

>The state of Touhou?
with the new game, dead.

>> No.17459411

Isn't that the case of Undertale and FNAF, though? Pretty sure both also have a massive (albeit cancerous) fanbase.

>> No.17459967
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>> No.17460150

This looks like a lovely image

>> No.17460749

Are you just completely unfamiliar with Japan's doujin culture?

>> No.17461554

visionaries fairy manga have some words for you

>> No.17462280

I miss those times when these were THE big 3

>> No.17462309

Isn't idolm@ster still bigger on Japan? I barely see any Love Live MADs or fan art, while Im@s still gets a ton. I know Love Live is more popular in the west but who gives a shit about that. Also Vocaloid is a weird case because there really isn't a franchise you can point at as the Vocaloid killer, seems like the interest just waned by itself

>> No.17468609

Quote function is protected /jp/ culture, newfag.

>> No.17469605

What is the core of vocaloid anyway? What is its presence measured by? Fan art and doujinshi? The music made to be voiced by it? Its weird because MMD is like some sort of meme glue that connects franchises in fanworks and even some actual broadcast anime, but is MMD considered vocaloid anymore? It seems like vocaloid has just melded into otaku/internet culture in general.

>> No.17470082

I don't know, just doesn't seem to have as big of a presence as it once did. Kagepro was the last big thing

>> No.17470095

DDC is really good. I don't understand the hate.

>> No.17470146

People entering the fandom at certain periods affects which new game they think ZUN jumped the shark with. It's like how people's childhood pokemon gen affects how they view the future ones.

>> No.17470552

No it's more like "you don't know what you've got until it's gone". The new stinkier turd makes you think the last turd wasn't as bad. There is no "touhou cycle", but keep thinking criticism is just irrational hatred if that's what helps you sleep at night

>> No.17470749

See you tomorrow!!

>> No.17470773

It's been like that for a long time. I didn't know it was an STG at first way back when.

>> No.17470813

Touhou was originally a breakout game.

>> No.17470899

If there was a point being made then I don't quite see it. Like what does that have to do with my post.

>> No.17471512
File: 18 KB, 180x256, a9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the state of Vocaloid and shipslut ?

>> No.17472609

And here I thought it was WEIRD seeing little girls browse Touhou stuff when I last went to buy doujinshi.

>> No.17473196

Are there even Producers nowadays? Haven't been to niconico in years...

>> No.17473399

t.Baby boomer

>> No.17474005

It is kind of true though. Although it's a multifaceted problem. e.g. not only would they rather watch someone play a game and make exaggerated expressions than play the game themselves, but the games that are played usually aren't really worth playing anyway since they have no worthwhile reason to play beyond story or novelty.
