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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1744072 No.1744072 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I see more Monty Python references in Japanese media than in the media of any other culture?

Not that I'm opposed to it.

>> No.1744076
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>> No.1744081
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>> No.1744084

I laughed a little too loud at the OP pic.

>> No.1744085
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>> No.1744092
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Yeah, Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth referenced it as well.

>> No.1744096

Even more copy and paste than CAD, with twice the text and half the humor. Amazing.

>> No.1744151

anyone know where to get the full set of those Etrian comics?

>> No.1744187

wasn't kojiro sasaki deaf?

>> No.1744311

Nah, that was just something Inoue made up for Vagabond.

He even says it a the end of that volume. He absolutely wanted to make somebody who would only communicate through his body or through concepts (like japanese writing).

The "real" Kojiro Sakaki (if he ever existed as people say he probably was just a myth to find a worthy rival to Musashi), wasn't deaf, just an expert samurai who was said to actually be even better than Musashi and who lost to him due to being short in temper (Musashi made him wait for several hours before coming to fight and then easily beat him).

>> No.1744319

Because the Japanese (like almost everyone else who repeats their jokes over and over again) fail to under why they were funny in the first place.

>> No.1744329


>> No.1744333

I've never actually watched Monty Pythons. Only heard and spanish inquisition about them.

>> No.1744343

Same here.

I think I watched one or two things of them before I hit the internet and saw they were famous but I really didn't know them before.

>> No.1744386
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>> No.1744597

We are the knights who say Nii~san.

>> No.1744606
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Because Monty Python epitomizes the kind of cheesy slapstick and goofy comedy that the Japanese find funny. The same reason Monty Python was a million times funnier when you were 13 than it is now.
I know this sounds like a troll post, but the humor in Japan is so fucking unevolved it's laughable.

>> No.1744612

I can actually appreciate Monty Python more now, you catch on more subtle jokes and references then the obvious ones.

>> No.1744618

High-class comedy isn't really comedy anymore.

It won't make you split your sides with laughter.

>> No.1744622

Same here, I thought it was too silly when I was younger. I still think the animated scenes are mostly just silly.

>> No.1744626

Monty Python sucks.

>> No.1744644

I completely agree. I remember when my teacher showed the holy grail one back in the 8th grade. Shit was so retarded.

>> No.1744659
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>> No.1744660

>the humor in Japan is so fucking unevolved it's laughable
Is this why the wapanese are so shit?

>> No.1744675

>The japanese have a shitty sense of humor.

You realize, of course, that Americans find Larry the Cable Guy and Carlos Mencia funny.

>> No.1744690


>> No.1744688

Whether we are smarter, stupider, more pathetic, or more sophisticated, we (who discuss this) belong in the minority concerning tastes.

>> No.1744701


Don't forget Dane Cook and, perhaps most egregious of all, that atrocious CBS sitcom with Charlie Sheen and that homoqueer.

The unwashed masses fill me with such contempt I could burst.

>> No.1744739

wow ITT allot of people that don't know how to laugh at things that are funny. I mean i love Monty python a chuckle is a chuckle and it makes me happy to watch i mean some of the stuff in the series is a little far out but most of there movies are gold and dane cook is ariot watching him on stage is phenominal yeah hes loud but thats part of the act mencea also has some good jokes now and then like when he ripps on beaners his own race and his sean paul impersonation was gold. larry the cable guy well its just fun to laugh at walking stereotypes and his Michel Vic crack was hilarious. comedy =/= intellectually stimulating all the fucken time if that were true Fraser would be the funniest thing on the fucken planet.

>> No.1744742


If you're not genuine then your impression is too good, so go back to /b/ in either case.

>> No.1744745

You're trying too hard, man.

>> No.1745285

Yeah, Monty Python is pretentious.

>> No.1745289


Because you don't know shit about any other culture's meda

>> No.1745292


Because you don't know shit about any other culture's media

>> No.1745329


Only sitcom that makes me genuinely chuckle in the last few years is Big Bang Theory. And they are this close to jumping the shark too.

It's over, sitcom is dead.

>> No.1745344

It's cool to hate things that are popular, it makes it seem as though being a ronery faggot was a choice and not a failure. You fail.

>> No.1745357

Because both frequently involve yelling, no other reason.

>> No.1745386


Most sitcoms are terrible. That's the way it always has been. Just because there is no Seinfeld or 3rd Rock now doesn't mean there never will be again.

And wow, Big Bang Theory? Really? I just threw up in my mouth a little. I've never heard of anyone under the age of 60 watching CBS of their own free will.
