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1738378 No.1738378 [Reply] [Original]

The world is doomed.

>> No.1738390

Cut the last two panels and it would still be a shitty comic, but not quite as horribly shitty. Reported.

>> No.1738383

>WildArmsHeero !SHjzCSZsqE

>> No.1738399

I smirked while I raged.

>> No.1738409

While I'm here, can anyone tell me a bit about Toe Hoe (nee Touhou)? I'm having a bit of trouble with EASY MODO, but I'd like to broaden my horizons in the middle of Kannagi. Too much shit to watch.

>> No.1738411


Hold shift for focused fire/movement, practice more, play on hard if you want to 1cc normal, watch replays, etc.

>> No.1738415

Butt-ugly art is fucking butt-ugly.

>> No.1738420

What is this I don't even

>> No.1738423

kill yourself

>> No.1738425

his artwork isn't so bad, he just need more time to study a bit about his quality

>> No.1738427


Stop playing Easy modo; you will never get better.
Play Normal modo until you can pass Stage 3 without a Continue, and then go back to Easy modo and get your first GOOD END!
... Except on PCB what with those fucking Prismrivers being Stage 4.

Play on Hard if you want to pass Normal, and Lunatic for Hard. If you want to pass Lunatic... That's what we call "you're fucking crazy". When you DO pass Lunatic... That's what we call "you're fucking crazy".

>> No.1738429


don't post in shitty threads

>> No.1738436


>> No.1738439

But who cares about the artwork when the humor is complete shit as well?

>> No.1738462

yeah, that's the bad thing about it, some otakus out there try it so badly to attempt this but fail miserably, if only they'd stop pretending and try to be real at least

>> No.1738478

What is PCB? Imperishable Night is the only one I've played. Reisen U Inaba is pretty cute!

>> No.1738486

fucking cancerfag, go annoy poolshmer

>> No.1738508

Pooshlmer? Never heard of it. Doesn't sound like my kind of place, I'd rather talk about Touhou!

>> No.1738536
File: 293 KB, 563x640, 1228815172533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1738541

Somebody's pretending to be WildArmsHeero again? Everyone knows he browses 2chan.

>> No.1738545

No, I'm the real deal! Gotta say, I really like you 4ch guys. Fuckin' hilarious.

>> No.1738552

Trolls don't know Wildarmsheero already played Touhou. Durr.

>> No.1738647

>WildArmsHeero !SHjzCSZsqE
