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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17381658 No.17381658 [Reply] [Original]

▶ [MP3] Blue Reflection OST

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ Prepatched AT2

▶ [FLAC] Kaleido Sphere
pass: gustt51

▶ [MP3] Firis Music
OST: https://nyaa.si/view/866700
Vocal Album: nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=866702

▶ Updated OP:

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.17381674
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▶ リディー&スールのアトリエ ~不思議な絵画の錬金術士~ is the next Atelier and we're currently awaiting more details.

▶ Yoru2 releases in Japan at the end of August.

▶ English Blue Reflection release this September

>> No.17382057 [DELETED] 

>posting localization news

>> No.17382069

>posting localization news

>> No.17382171

Not everyone knows Japanese.

>> No.17382212

You can import games without knowing Japanese.

>> No.17382350

Yes and?

>> No.17383562

I wish I could ask Akira Tsuchiya how to get so autistically detailed a setting to congeal

>> No.17383643

I finished both Sophie and Firis in the time it took for last thread to reach post limit.
Still no A19 news.

>> No.17384149 [DELETED] 

A19 was canceled.

>> No.17384156

A19 was canceled so all resources can be funneled into Yoru3.

>> No.17386037

>Still no A19 news.

The last game of their "beautiful girls project" or whatever still hasn't been released yet so they likely want to get yoru2 out the door first. I don't know why it took them so long but it's probably because of the Switch version and also them sucking at programming and action games.

>> No.17388154
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Looking at a bunch of AT stuff for a project

Do we NEVER see what Metafalica looks like in AT2 aside from a few pictures of Infel Phira mid-creation at the end?

Please rape my face, but I only ever played AT1, 3, and Ar Nosurge. Sorry. I was putting it off for the fan patch but now that it's here I still haven't and now I don't have an excuse anymore

>> No.17388643

>skipping 2
Made the same mistake

>> No.17392781

Any rips of 20th anniversary albums yet?

>> No.17392797

I know it's a mistake. It was unanimously considered to be the best in spite of the shitty localization.

I mean I slogged through AT3 what's stopping me here?

On the note of AT3, why did they fuck up the combat so hard? Would it have killed them to keep it like the other games?

>> No.17393040
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Why couldn't I have picked a more popular series to be obsessed with to this extent? Why is the world so goddamn interesting and well realized? I don't even like JRPGs or waifuisms normally.

Every year or so I go into AT/Ar overdrive and revisit all the old stuff except for the music which I NEVER stop listening to. Fuck, AT is why I listen to music period

>> No.17393072

In my opinion, there is other jrpg series with obsessed and autistic fans that i know, which i won't mention here.
The important thing is, "casual" jrpgs refuses to build a good world building. Unfortunately, those games usually way more popular.

>> No.17393109

Take it from someone who's doing it right now, worldbuilding is actually pretty hard, or at least very time consuming. I'm doing it right now and stealing a few things from AT, as well as a bunch of other settings. AT wasn't what got me to start doing it though.

That doesn't mean it's an excuse. I fucking hate lazy worldbuilding which is why I mostly read books these days because games and movies refuse to do it well enough

>> No.17393325 [SPOILER] 
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She did nothing wrong.

>> No.17393336

But you lied to her.

>> No.17393418

I was surprised at how Ar Nosurge handled that.

Yeah there was that rampant waifuism but it also decided to show that "Hey, this relationship is all kinds of fucked up"

>> No.17394238

Infel did nothing wrong and shes the cutest

Or should I say nobody in the games were ever wrong. Except zill of course. Should have killed her the first 3 times

>> No.17394464 [DELETED] 

Got a younger catsister, can I rewire her AI to have her prioritize using her bow before South Tyris, or do I have to wait until then? She's so frail in melee.

>> No.17395170

Is there a atelier dusk artbook ? Also will there be a Nights of Azure artbook now that the second game is almost out ?

Is it me or the true ending is basically "hey thanks for helping me, keep safe and good luck" ?

I'm currently at the end of Xenoblade Chronicle X and I'd really like a game in this style, where you explore a world similare to Ar Tonelico, with a character creation system, a big hub and a gigantic open world full of dangerous monsters and gigantic world

>> No.17395604

There are artbooks for each dusk game but not a big compiled one like Arland has.

>> No.17396159

>a gigantic open world
That would have to be post AT3 then. The total walkable size of pre AT3 planet would be smaller than one of the areas in Xenoblade Chronicles 1.

>> No.17396687

Are there any plans to rip and upload Stellatram's Kaleidosphere arrange album?
I only just discovered that this exists and it's been out for 3 months already, I think.

>> No.17399129

Ok, nice to know. How big are they ? A hundred page ? More ?

Well, the tower in AT1 is huge, I was mostly thinking about that. I wonder how hard it would be to make a vertical open world.

>> No.17401193

Though there'd be no merit in that because the AT1 tower was already fully explored in the first game.

>> No.17402364

Zill is really wrong about everything and distressingly competent at putting her retarded plans to fruition, but she kinda has a tendency to help out the other side unwittingly too, and her skillset is so rare, that often nobody but her could do it in the first place.
Like the time she basically resurrected the whole Genom race from extinction, when it was explicitly told to not be possible. Or that time her dystopian future helped Ion realise her Oversight in a shorter span than normal and also saved Nay (granted, it saved her from Zill, but still). Or that time when making Delta a Interdimend user and making him open a wall basically made her snatch defeat from the claws of sure victory. Or that time her retarded Maternal Overseer plan actually kinda working out forced Cosal to stop being genocidal. Or that time she saved Nay from certain death. Or that time killing off most of former Ra Cielans made it possible for the remainder to move to Soreil, granted, that one was really evil on the surface, but I honestly have no idea what could even be done about the situation otherwise.
Fuck, I'm sure it's not even all of it. I probably forgot about something.
Trusting her is a stupid venture, and she makes as much problems as she solves. but I'm honestly not even sure whether the happy ending would be possible without her at times.

And in any case, Revelt was just as retarded and wrong as her, and massively less helpful.

>> No.17404845
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I got everything now

>> No.17406260


>> No.17406944
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True end is more like: Thank you so much for your help, you mean so much to me, but we finished what we came here to do, and now both of need to go home.

The voicemails from a Ciel game afterwards are what complete that (incomplete with just Arno) picture.

>> No.17407304

Actually, didn't someone here do some rough math and work out that what remains of the Wings of Horus is roughly about the size of Wales?

>> No.17408163

>The voicemails from a Ciel game afterwards are what complete that (incomplete with just Arno) picture.
What do those say? Couldn't find anything about them in the OP.

>> No.17408273

>need to go home
But I don't want to go home; I need more Ion.

>> No.17408441

There's also an extra story showing Ion's life after everything ends. However, the link to access it is printed on the second light novel's obi and it is also gated behind the hellishly hard Genomirai Quiz.

>> No.17408449

Not like there is much more to see in them: the rest of the areas are a peninsula and a desert that are blocked off by mountains and that have no settlements or anything to them that makes it worth exploring them.

>> No.17409050

There's no settlements that we know of, you mean. Just because we never go to them in the game doesn't mean they aren't there. I mean shit, Karulu isn't even actually visible on the world map in game, we only know where it is because the map directs us to it.

To put it another way: the Second Tower is by far and away the smallest of the three towers, with the Rim being only about 14km in diameter. Sure there's a lot of empty space in the middle, but if you put take Skyrim and Oblivion and put their maps together (7kmx5.5km and 8kmx7.5km), they still don't add up to that much space before you include the verticality of the Grand Bell

>> No.17409375


Were there any settlements or places of importance, they would have made a mention of them in the glossary for AT1 or its setting book. Instead, the glossary outright says that all areas beyond Nemo, Skuwat and Karulu are no more than undeveloped lands. In other words, they haven't even been visited by the humans presumably ever since the continent stopped being a bioweapons development and test terrain.

>> No.17410348

I find it hard to believe, unless there were very little people left, which raises the question of the population of the tower and surroundings, is there a number somewhere? Before and after the right wing fell. Also I don't remember if they had any land based transport?

>> No.17411013


You have to take this in account: the right wing had a flatter terrain which allowed many cities and settlements to thrive on it, while the left wing was so filled with mountains and hills that barely any people moved there due to moving around and building settlements being quite difficult because of the terrain, making it pretty much the backwater region of Sol Ciel.

No population figures were ever given for the Second Era, but it was stated millions perished when Mir destroyed the right wing. On the other hand, according to the AT1 Perfect Guide book, the population of Sol Ciel by the time AT1 takes place is as follows:

Nemo: about 532000 people
Platina: about 19000 people
Firefly Alley: about 2000 people
Karulu: about 3900 people

So in total, approximately 556900 people live in Sol Ciel.

As for transportation, the only vehicles in Sol Ciel are airships, gliders, some specialized airborne devices, and horse-drawn carriages. They never actually developed land-based transportation after the Grathnode Inferia.

And for a fun exercise, compare these population numbers to the ones from Metafalss, which has less than half of the land Sol Ciel has with about the double the population squeezed in it, and not all of that space is habitable or even actual solid ground.

>> No.17411382

no tl that i know of exists.
i was going to do them...
but 2 years of cnsie and real life stuff
has made it hard to go back.
someday... maybe...

still can't find the obis from my books. grr.

>> No.17412923

What do you guys think about Ateliers on DS? I pretty much enjoyed Annie even more than Sophie and Firis.

>> No.17415752
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I'm at 95 affection with Tsubame now and we're still at Friends level. I think moving from bot -> Friend was 34 or something? 95 and still nothing...

At least Karen is getting un-fired at Tsubame's secretary next week, since her brainwashing is 'complete' (but it seems like she was just pretending and is still her old self)

>> No.17416658

Looks like chi is still best girl.

>> No.17418002

Holy shit please give the reyvateils some work already, Gust, all they've been doing nowadays is sing for countless homo games and the occasional good song in a rhythm game.

>> No.17420224

Ar nosurge flopped. It's all over.

>> No.17420438

Though its albums got into the first Oricon positions at the time of release.

It's possible we might still get something for that universe in the future, even if it's not a game (and if Tsuchiya can spare some time away from Trinary for it).

>> No.17420863

It sold better than most Atelier games, which are Gust's bread and butter.

>> No.17421260

I saw someone on twitter with Miyabi at lovers. You must be close.

>> No.17421416

No way, it's sold less than every Atelier title this decade. Even Firis.

>> No.17421803

Sorry if I didn't look through OP links well enough, but are there links for the Arland and Dusk series OSTs?

>> No.17423651


Looks like we're finally getting news on Atelier. Earlier than I expected too.

>> No.17425900

It hurts

>> No.17434222 [DELETED] 

Luca bump

>> No.17434954

>Gust games averaging 20-30k on PC
Yikes. I'm not sure how much longer they can justify those ports with numbers like that.

>> No.17435106

That's plenty of sales. These ports cost pretty much nothing.

>> No.17435118

Maybe if the NoA and Atelier Sophie ports hadn't been so half-assed they would have sold better.

I mean seriously, I don't know if they fixed with a patch later it but a separate controller setup program and no XInput support in this day and age is fucking inexcusable

>> No.17435139

>these ports cost pretty much nothing
Why do people say this? Porting a game isn't cheap, even for a bad port like Firis.

>> No.17435720
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>Why do people say this? Porting a game isn't cheap, even for a bad port like Firis.

for unity projects, that were originally PC-based game engines and 'ported' to the ps3/4, it really isn't difficult or costly.

Testing and verifying that no bugs (new or previously existing) is the expensive part -- though it can be skipped almost entirely, as is the case with KT's recent products.

>> No.17435800

Wait they're using Unity? Rip the switch release for NoA2. The trailer wasn't looking good.

>> No.17435856

>they're using unity
Not that I'm aware of. Never saw it mentioned anywhere nor so I remember seeing any mention of Unity in the credits or start screens of their games.

>> No.17436074

No. They're using KT's Dynasty Warriors engine.

>> No.17436780

>though it can be skipped almost entirely, as is the case with KT's recent products.
I'm laughing and crying. The tears are because it's true.

>> No.17436808
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No one on Steam does anything with the stuff they buy so bug testing is completely unnecessary

>> No.17437800

IF is actually good at making port.
NIS range from mediocre to decent.
KT is worse than S-E (except for their flagship game where they actually try to put some efforts) which says a lot about them.

>> No.17439220

Yes, but can you play them without knowing Japanese? You can

>> No.17441208


>The game features two protagonists. Players will not choose between them, however:

>Liddy Marlen (voiced by Maria Naganawa) – Souer’s older sister. The quiet type.

>Souer Marlen (voiced by Hikari Akao) – The energetic type, opposite of her older sister.

>Liddy and Souer are twin sisters who run a small atelier in Melveille, the capital city of the Adalett Kingdom. One of the paintings they discover has a mysterious world within it.

>The latest Atelier game is an adventure inside a painting. The synthesis system has seen a dramatic evolution with the introduction of “activation items.” Battles are “combination battles” where characters fight in pairs, and during which synthesis is also possible. 3D models have also significantly evolved.

>First-print copies will include costume downloadable content that change the characters into Marie from Atelier Marie: The Alchemist of Salburg and Elie from Atelier Elie: The Alchemist of Salburg 2.

>> No.17442487

>Battles are “combination battles” where characters fight in pairs, and during which synthesis is also possible

That actually sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.17443044

How long did it take to do just the main story and to do everything in yorukuni1?

>> No.17443348

Sounds cute.

Around 20 hours, bit more if you're trying to 100% everything.

>> No.17443401

I don't believe them anymore. Firis sounded cool too with the open world and focus on journey rather than slice of life. But we got what we got.

>> No.17443504
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>> No.17443509
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>> No.17443517

Finally flat.

>> No.17443594

Yes, this is good

>> No.17443695

Full scans and info when?

>> No.17443709

18 hours.

>> No.17443724

I need it now.

>> No.17443897

Which twin would you fuck

>> No.17443902

Twins come as a set.

>> No.17443911

Neither but I'd adopt both.

>> No.17443916

Lydie a slut, Soeur is pure.

>> No.17443922

They are for each other.

>> No.17444028

First thing I thought of when I saw it was "that one anon sure is going to be happy".

>> No.17444035

Same here.
I hope they finally shut up now.

>> No.17444036

Glad to see Switch continuing to get love. I wish the Vita would finally fuck off though. Also no mention of PC? Or is that a western thing only?

>> No.17444044

That's a western thing.

>> No.17444440

Atelier Smug Twin Lolis

>> No.17444617


once the initial release dies down and the price drops, and NISA has their way with it, then perhaps it will come out on steam.
I'd be surprised if the sales were too low to bother, as the previous games got a lot of love from the modding community.

>> No.17444666

It doesn't impact me much as I'm not a PC gamer; I was just asking because I know some anons can only play Atelier if they're on PC. Although I don't know about sales. Based on steamspy they sold pretty damn poorly.

>> No.17444671

Did anyone bother making a japanese patch?

>> No.17444734

NISA hasn't touched a Gust game since Totori, just the premium boxes.

NISA probably offers to handle the premium boxes for KT as well, since the releases aren't consistent.

>> No.17444846

When are they going to hire Minase Inori to voice an Atelier character?

>> No.17444960

>NISA didn't even bother with a premium box for Firis
Not that I buy the localized versions anyways, but it's still a bummer because it's a sign of where the series is heading. Meanwhile YnnK2 is getting one.

>> No.17444962

Blue Reflection is also not getting one.

>> No.17444978

I'm amazed that's getting localized at all to be honest. It just seemed like something that would have been passed over. Atelier at least has a following and some semblance of brand recognition, and YnnK has tits and gratuitous fanservice.

>> No.17445244

>Battles are “combination battles” where characters fight in pairs
So, who's the vanguard and who's the singer?

>> No.17445343

This actually sounds pretty good but I'm with

>> No.17445367

No, no. It's AT2 style; pair of vanguards, pair of singers.


>> No.17445396

Slice of life is part of Atelier.

>> No.17445436

Yeah I like the slice of life stuff. I meant more that I'm sharing his lack of trust in Gust at the moment.

>> No.17445704
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found another leak

>> No.17445767

Had no interest for Firis and her sister but those twins looks good.

>> No.17445827

I'm liking how they look in this one.

>> No.17445984

>Slice of life is part of modern Atelier.

>> No.17445988

>Atelier started with Iris

>> No.17445994

I was expecting this post. Just because Salburg weren't a battle shounen doesn't mean it was sol. The whole "nothing happens" genre wasn't even a thing until mid 00's.

>> No.17446004

You understand that SoL != "nothing happens", right?

>> No.17446027

Gust-chan is too strong for me

>> No.17446033

Yes it is. One can argue because it's a loose term but as a matter of fact the term was born with Lucky Star and Aria which defined it. If you interpreted my post differently I'm glad we resolved misunderstanding. Now you can stop replying and moving goalposts.

>> No.17446052

Actuaaally you could say it was YKK

>> No.17446075
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Same. They finally added a fight I can't win. Will try to level up and evolve my other happiness SSR/URs and challenge her again after that, but I suspect I'll have to pay gems for revives to get through (fitting for Gust-chan)

Energy Drain on Turn 1 is brutal

>> No.17446089

>I wish the Vita would finally fuck off though
The Vita is a funny thing. Sony gave up on it early in order to focus on the PS4 after they make all kinds of effort to attract third party devs to it. After the PS4 had a successful launch reception, they found out (Japanese) third party devs were already too comfortable with Vita. So they actively tried to steer those devs away from the Vita, making Vita users disgruntled in the process. Nintendo then announced the Switch, and Sony suddenly wants Vita (and its fans) back again, but they're only willing to make half-assed efforts for that.

>> No.17446097

I was expecting this post too, and unfortunately for you, newshit, while technically it is s indeed the first representative of the genre, it wasn't the one that spawned this cancer, just like Shadow Tower and Blade of Darkness weren't the ones that spawned a bunch of "just liek dark souls" indies.

>> No.17446111
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Also just realized they replaced Hanged Doll's energy passive for this event, fuck me

>> No.17446987
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>> No.17447006


For the scans. On mobile so I can't upload the files.

>> No.17447029
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>> No.17447031
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>> No.17447033
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>> No.17447037
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>> No.17447041

>gun suicide
What is this edgy shit

>> No.17447198
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>> No.17447200
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>> No.17447205
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>> No.17447211
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>> No.17447470

pettan pettan double pettan

>> No.17447474

Incoming kamige.

>> No.17447682

These two are looking great. Also those environments. Double pettanko yuri twincest.

>> No.17447719 [DELETED] 

>Jew Gust-chan on full power 2 turns kill everything.
Welp. No T-shirt for you Miyabi.

>> No.17448379

I think both Yuugen and NOCO did a really good job here. Can't read the moonrunes though. Can anybody tell me if it mentions whether it's going to be open world or not?

>> No.17448398

>Can anybody tell me if it mentions whether it's going to be open world or not?

There doesn't seem to be any mention of this.

>> No.17448467

I get the feeling that it won't be. It sounds like you explore different paintings so it makes sense that they wouldn't be connected.

It also looks like they have an actual Atelier now instead of that dinky little portable one so I'm happy about that.

>> No.17448620

How is Soeur spelled スール in katakana? It's pronounced like "clear", so shouldn't it be スリア or something?

>> No.17448684

I don't know. I just looked it up and it sounds like suuru is how they'd say it in Japanese.


>> No.17448776

Can't wait for granny sophie and milf titty firis

>> No.17448891

Do we know how much time has passed yet? I'm guessing Sophie will be like 24 at most but I hope less. There's no real reason they need to have a lot of time pass in between games.

>> No.17449027

Who wants a Sophie and Firis and in their 30s? Not me, that's for sure.

>> No.17449121

>town by the beach

I'm really liking this. So much better than that gloomy cave village in Firis.

>> No.17449124

Coming this Winter = January/February? They already released Blue Reflection and have YoruKuni 2 and Atelier Online this year.

>> No.17449128

Hags are gross

>> No.17449135

Someone said the game's 58% done when they announced the silhouette weeks ago, so probably early next year if they don't screw up.

>> No.17449161

Go away Astrid

>> No.17449178

Blue Reflection was 30% done in I think August and came out in March. June-November/December is probably enough time to finish. Which is unfortunate because I thought they would stop forcing themselves to release an Atelier game every year and take their time now that they have more IPs.

>> No.17449274

>Blue Reflection was 30% done in I think August and came out in March
BR felt like a rushed product to me. I wish they'd take more time to polish it. Even the DLCs came out too late. Hoping they don't repeat the same mistake with the new Atelier.

>> No.17449325

>I'm amazed that's getting localized at all to be honest.
People whined and complained until it was announced. It's KT so it was almost confirmed from the start though.

>> No.17449476

They should be putting up the teaser site today.

>> No.17449672

>Since it is the 20th anniversary of the Atelier series, this is being made as a culmination of everything the Gust Brand has cultivated so far.

It might be good.

>> No.17449726

You know, this actually sounds inspired.
Paintings as locations while staying in one town. Twin sisters alchemists. And if combination battles are anything like AT2 and AnS combat systems, well, those were extremely fun.
By the way, is there anything said about the combat system in the scans? I can't read Japanese yet.

>> No.17449781

It sounds more like Shallie's battle system. Which was good.

>> No.17449907

I'm still mad. *I* wanted to see Rorona in her 30s, not some stupid loli version. Rorona was great in Atelier Totori, I wanted to see how she changed after even more time.

>> No.17449931

I think you also go out of town to gathering areas too. It'll probably be a mix of both painted worlds and normal gathering areas out of town.

>> No.17449966

Now the question is whether to preorder, given GUST's track record.

>> No.17449998


Site opens on the 21st.

>> No.17450016
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>> No.17450018
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>> No.17450047

I hate how their artwork clashes with each other.

>> No.17450052

I bet you're a dubfag.

>> No.17450061

Eh, not really.

>> No.17450067

It's a shame. She was really cute in the new ending.

>> No.17450096

It's even worse than Firis and Liane.
Sophie and Plachta worked surprisingly well in hindsight. Probably because Plachta looking out of place fits.

>> No.17450354

>Now the question is whether to preorder, given GUST's track record.
>Two flat 14 year old protagonists.
At least they fixed something there.

>> No.17450423


30 minutes of yoru 2

>> No.17450474

Exa pico died for this.

>> No.17450498

Not a fan of homos and fatties myself.

>> No.17450518

it hurts

>> No.17452196

Is NOCO a girl?

>> No.17452481

Fuck you, yorukuni 2 looks good.

>> No.17453067


>> No.17453071
File: 175 KB, 738x1024, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totori is cute!

>> No.17453164

No it died because the games tanked.

>> No.17453525

Totori is totori cute.

>> No.17454029

How do you guys feel about the seiyuu choice for Lydie and Soeur? I just went and downloaded some anime that they were in to get an idea of their range. Of course, we don't what their performance will be like and how they'll actually voice Lydie/Soeur but I thought they seemed fine enough from what I could gather. Maria Naganawa seems like she has a little more experience but they're both pretty new.

Here's their official pages with a brief voice clip. But like I said before, we don't know what voice they'll actually use in game.

Naganawa Maria (Lydie)

Akao Hikaru (Soeur)

>> No.17454074

What the fuck Gust that looks fun.

>> No.17454096

I've only heard Naganawa in Maidragon and when it comes to newer seiyuu I like being surprised, so I'll wait until we hear them in L&S.

>> No.17454798
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Pico was on life support, since AT3.

Gust made a poor choice of a console for the game afterwards, and then put more emphasis on meeting a release date for the final nail in the coffin than on getting the game to a good state.

Also the music took a nosedive.


Better than the shitty AT3 models, a slight upgrade from the Nosurge models, sure.
It is still less enjoyable than the ps2 sprite graphics.

>> No.17454829

How stupid.

How did AT3 surpass its predecessors in sales then? AT1 did get more sales in the end, but AT3 was the one that got the best first sale weeks.

And saying the music took a nosedive is idiocy at its finest. Between Arphage, ViiBaCii MjiiRa, chmod b11100000/n, Fusionsphere, Z, Harmonics TILIA, Weathervane, Sands of Time, Song of Starcircling, Rebirthia Protocol, Cosmoflips, Into the Light, Hymmeli, XaaaCi, QoGa, Au GuMu, Ec Tisia -Tarifa- and Ec Tisia, the vocal songs were on par with the previous two games.

You know nothing about what you're talking about.

>> No.17454857
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>Also the music took a nosedive.

>> No.17455030

Aside from gay denpa/jpop like EP_NOVA and Z I honest can't tell the difference between 3's music and the first 2.

>> No.17455227

In what way?

>> No.17455246

Hey, I like Z. And no, I don't like or listen to Jpop

EP=NOVA feels like a betrayal from Shikata since I love her solo stuff just as much but that song was just... inexcusable

>> No.17455260

The gameplay.

>> No.17455292


EP Nova had a direct predecessor in Pepen's Song already. Plus, the reason the song is the way it is, both in and out-universe, makes it pretty hilarious.

Feeling betrayed despite Shikata having already that sort of songs in her repertoire before AT3 is stupid.

>> No.17455302


If they hadn't expanded the musical styles, they would have betrayed the part of the lore that says that all Reyvateils have different styles and preferences for their song magic.

>> No.17455306

Shikata's fun songs are good and your opinion is bad.

>> No.17455317

Why is Atelier Sophie hated here? It was my first and only Atelier game so far and I thought it was good.

>> No.17455477

It's not. I liked it too.

>> No.17455556
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Like most fanbases that discuss the same material ad nauseam, language regarding the topic tends to become more extremist over time. Don't worry too much about what other people say, especially on an incredibly niche otaku discussion board.

That being said, you should totally try some of the other Atelier games. If you enjoyed Sophie, you'll probably enjoy the rest.

>> No.17455679

Because you're a PC cancer

>> No.17455942
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Not really.

>> No.17456027

>That being said, you should totally try some of the other Atelier games. If you enjoyed Sophie, you'll probably enjoy the rest.
I've already bought Rorona Plus, I just haven't played it yet. I'm planning on playing the entire Arland trilogy eventually. Thanks for the suggestion anyway, anon.

>> No.17456381

>buying a game and not playing it right away
For what purpose?

>> No.17456608
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I only want Surge Concerto 3 so that I can see my cute wife, Cas , again.

>> No.17456815

I liked Sophie and Firis, both just feel a bit rushed. I don't think anyone truly hates them.

>> No.17457154

I like both of them for the contrast, both with what you would think they should sound like and with the usual music style of the series.
Z spends most of its time singing about endless despair. You would think it would go for something dark like METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. or EXEC_DESPEDIA/., but nope, it's J-Pop. With a really upbeat tempo too. This one isn't anything new, but the series could actually make a dark or sad song and back it up, so the fact that it didn't is interesting.
EP_NOVA is the same for a battle theme. Also, I first heard it during Act 1 of AT2 by accident, so I fully agreed with the lyrics. Overall it's worth it just for the reaction everybody gives in AT3 to it. Here we are during this huge conflict between two forces, and Saki sings about quarreling cats.
I guess I'm just a sucker for irony in my songs.

>> No.17457255

>This one isn't anything new, but the series could actually make a dark or sad song and back it up, so the fact that it didn't is interesting.

Actually, Tsuchiya himself said in the liner notes for it that they purposedly made it that way to represent it isn't a song like those normally by the Reyvateils. It isn't grandiose, splendid, magnificent or anything like that, and instead it only serves to represent the fact it is something horrible that was forced upon the singer.

>> No.17457277

I meant more the "using upbeat music as background for horrible events" thing isn't new.
Though it does kinda make sense. And here I figured Richaryosha just likes J-Pop.

>> No.17458574


>> No.17459301

It's hip to hate on Sophie because it's the first game that Koei Tecmo has full control over.
The game is fine if a little bland, there's nothing to get militant over. I like it, but I like the Dusk series more.

>> No.17464079
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I meant from AT3 to Ciel...

There was only one song from Ciel that I enjoyed, and one from Ar.
The other games had most of the music quite good.

>> No.17464689

Akiko Shikata composed over 90% of Ciel's soundtrack, and Ar nosurge's music was pretty good in itself too.

So it changes nothing about your opinion being trash.

>> No.17467358

>Both twins are flags chested
But why

>> No.17467576

I want to respect your taste, but I can't since I love Ciel's soundtrack.

>> No.17468137

Because the stars and planets have aligned. Both Liane and Firis were large chested. All of the yoru girls are large chested. No reason why we can't finally get something like this.

>> No.17468438

Moderate is best but we were due for a flat protag. Meruru, Ayesha, and Sophie were moderate sized and Escha, green Shallie, and Firis were larger. Black Shallie I think was moderate but it's been a while since I played it.

>> No.17470029

Really excited for Lydie & Soeur but I'm a little worried about character bloat. I wonder how many party members we'll get? If Sophie, Plachta, Firis, and Liane come back then that's already 6 including the twins. Of course, maybe they'll all come back but not be playable. If they try to keep male and female party members somewhat balanced then there might not be many new female party members other than Lydie/Souer obviously.

>> No.17470531

>Sophie, Plachta, Firis, and Liane come back
I'd rather they not. If they want to being back someone, bring Corneria.

>> No.17470610

Well Sophie and Firis were main characters so they're likely. If Sophie comes back then that means Plachta too. Same thing with Firis/Liane.

If they bring Corneria back I hope shes still a loli. You know, her alchemy basically keeps her as an eternal loli so even in her 20s she should still be like she was in Sophie. Maybe a new outfit though.

>> No.17470893

They don't have to be playable characters central to the storyline, like how returning characters are in Dusk series.

>> No.17470947

Yeah, I said that in my first post.

>> No.17471124
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Well given the premise they could really easily do short callbacks to previous games without making all the characters playable. The paintings could be self-contained worlds.

I'd be pretty interested in seeing Platcha's past, or even epilogues for past games.

>> No.17471324

Watch they retcon all previous Ateliers to take place inside paintings and the world of Lydia & Soeur is the real one.

>> No.17471390

They could turn the story into one giant mindfuck this way.

>> No.17471427 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm going to have to pass this idea. I think if characters do return they'll probably just do so normally.

>> No.17471435

Yeah I'm going to have to pass on this idea. I think if characters do return they'll probably just do so normally. I don't know if I want to see pre-book Plachta either. If Sophie does turn her body human then I don't want her appearance to change or anything.

>> No.17472123
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Gust please

I have 120 affection now, still at Friends with Tsubame.

With the way the story's going right now with her though, it wouldn't seem right to hit 'Lovers' any time soon, at least not until the Kagura arc is over.

>> No.17472229

I am really liking this idea

>> No.17474437

what's this game?

>> No.17474628
File: 295 KB, 1820x1024, AtelierLydie-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1080p screenshots. Not going to post them all but it's just everything from the scans.


>> No.17474637
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>> No.17474656
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>> No.17474662
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>> No.17476424

Hey guys, how difficult is the Japanese typically in Gust games? I'm considering making Lydia and Soeur my first Japanese game, but I'm a little nervous if I'll be ready by Winter.

>> No.17476621

Find some japanese guides for previous Atelier games.

If you can find and read the guides, you'll be able to play the game.

If not, you might still be able to play the game, but you'll be fumbling through.

>> No.17476640

No idea but godspeed anon. I wish I had the motivation and dedication to learn it.

>> No.17477500
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>> No.17477510
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Imajin webshop

>> No.17477517
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>> No.17477525
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>> No.17477528
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That's all the 描き下ろし.

>> No.17477543
File: 2.01 MB, 4306x3826, gustteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it boys. 超ド級 Gust-chan beaten without using continues/gems.

Used this team + a borrowed sadness Hinako (only for her 40% energy passive skill, there's a different one that would have been better I think)

Still required a lot of lucky timed healing combos.

>> No.17479369

Cute but I hope they give us a tapestry with both of them on it. I want nice cute illustrations of the twins together.

>> No.17479427
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>Two recent tapestries with Sophie/Corneria but still no Sophie/Plachta.

Maybe Corneria is coming back.

>> No.17480272

So this game is going to feature a bunch of past characters again? I was hoping it'd keep to itself.

>> No.17480619

Not enough details for now.

>> No.17480647


>> No.17480743

I play a bunch of Japanese games just fine and I know less than a Japanese preschooler.

>> No.17483005

I actually prefer if past characters show up more often within a trilogy. What is even the point of introducing so many characters? Atelier is a comparatively small franchise that has to depend on memorability, not "use once and discard" characters.

>> No.17483024

I want to make fun of Soeur's flat chest!

>> No.17483825
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Fucking gorgeous

>> No.17483850

So is Mysterious saved? Did twin lolis save the atelier series?

>> No.17484470

I don't think it needed saving but this certainly looks like it could be the best of the trilogy.

>> No.17485123

What the anon above said. I don't know if it needed "saving" but I love what I see so far. It's still early though so we'll see how it turns out. The teaser site opens on the 21st so hopefully we'll get new information then.

I think the paintings are going to allow for some more nice areas like this.

>> No.17485130

I find characters more memorable when they aren't being recycled again and again.

>> No.17486118

Looks like BR render. I hope that means character models won't look as bad as in Firis.

>> No.17487180

No special edition for the Switch version? I see PS4 and Vita are up on AmiAmi but no Switch.

>> No.17489008

Anazon jp exclusive

>> No.17490414

Shimotsukin's C92 album is fire as fuck. MANYO really knows how to compose for her signature style. Nowadays with anything else (eroge, even modern Gust) all she does is generic pop.

>> No.17490503

Shimotsuki has always shined in her original works, excepting arguably for the first Canoue.

There's a reason why her Sacred Doors, Laq-Quara, Tindharia and Remlerose works are so highly regarded.

>> No.17490840

got a link?

>> No.17493142

Most of her fantasy songs are already on their official channel
The full album is up on doujinstyle

>> No.17500131

Don't die

>> No.17500682
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I want to eat Ion.

>> No.17500706

Ion smells like flowers

>> No.17502085
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>> No.17502137
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>> No.17507836
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>> No.17510221

>imagines what it'd be like if Blue Reflection 2 was as big of an improvement over Blue Reflection 1 as YoruKuni 2 is over YoruKuni 1

>> No.17511483

With JCs instead of JKs.

>> No.17511646

I hope they get Nagi back to do the art if they make new AT stuff.

>> No.17511692


I'd be happy with more of the old stuff.
Additional loli Misha artwork would be very nice.

>> No.17511729
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Me too but I'm​ fine with ntny.

>> No.17511756

Wish we had purification talks with Renall. Wanted to know more about her.

>> No.17511860

Yeah. Hearing her input on Nay's situation would have been a good way to expand on her character, even though she did show some of it in a very subtle way.

>> No.17517791


Models look pretty good now.

>> No.17518040

I really wanted more on her relationship with Nay too, considering they're half(?) sisters.

>> No.17518116

nice eye textures but where are her fucking cheeks gust

>> No.17519274
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>> No.17519689

Apparently she's 24 now. I wanted younger but I guess it could've been worse.

>> No.17519765


Sophie, a new guy called Mathias, and Liane confirmed.

>> No.17519767

She looks wonderful as a grown woman.

>> No.17519795
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Plachta figure.

She better be returning with Sophie as well.

>> No.17520132

Not old enough

>> No.17520143

I know if it were up to you fags you'd have the whole cast be 50+.

>> No.17520153
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And if it were up to you you'd have the whole cast be 5.

>> No.17520291

I'm surprised they're not drugging her so she'd turn into a loli this time around.

>> No.17520721

How consistent is the vocabulary from one Atelier game to another? I'm learning Japanese over at /djt/ and am thinking about playing Marie to practice and am wondering if it would adequately prepare me for Lydia and Soeur. Anyone know?

>> No.17521004


Not a good idea. While Marie is a pretty simple game that can be cleared in full just following a walkthrough without knowing Japanese, all the other Ateliers are much more complex and feature terms that aren't found in Marie.

>> No.17522744

So what happened to Plachta? I can't imagine cake Sophie without the forever young Plachta hanging around.

>> No.17522751

And eventually Blue Reflection 3 would be about OL's who are also magical cakes.

>> No.17522765


Mm, Mimi's finish move sounds really familiar eh.

>> No.17522780

Both Sophie and Liane's intros for L&S tease something about Plachta and Firis respectively. Nothing guaranteeing them showing up yet, but at least they're mentioned.

>> No.17522874
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>> No.17522885
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>> No.17523383

bought it a few days ago, so about a month and I should be able to rip it.

>> No.17523463

Sophie's 3d model looks much better and back to the quality of the first game again. Her face and hair looked off in Firis but I guess so did everyone. I'm glad she didn't get taller or bustier from Firis ethier.

What does it say about Plachta in that box though? I really can't see them not bringing her and Firis back. My guess is that the next scans will reveal Plachta, Firis, and another new character. I mean, it was one of Sophie's life goals to make her human and be together forever with her. Also making people happy and all that.

>> No.17523906

So what would be a good one? I really liked Totori when I played in English, would that be a good one for JP practice?

>> No.17523966


Yeah. If you already know Totori well enough, playing it in JP should be a good way to practice.

>> No.17523976

Okay cool, I'd really like to make the new Atelier my "first' JP exclusive. I wouldn't count Marie or Totori because they have guides and Totori is in English as well.

>> No.17524037

If you're looking for something Atelier-related that you'd need to know Japanese to enjoy, consider Hermina and Culus.

>> No.17524754

Anyone have a VPK or Maidump for JP Totori Plus?

>> No.17524800

I would love a game about figurative christmas cakes that turn into literal christmas cakes.

>> No.17525272
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>Sterk's theme

It's so ridiculous but I love it.

>> No.17528664

and pre-ordered

>> No.17529972

>platforms: psvita, ps4
Dengeki PS scans?

>> No.17530061

>I can't read filenames

>> No.17530610

Was browsing it on phone.

>> No.17533559

Anyone know when Switch preorders are going up on Amazon?

>> No.17534335

they're already up

>> No.17539352
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Those goddamn guitar solos.

>> No.17542257
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We Lydie and Suelle now? http://www.4gamer.net/games/383/G038341/20170823114/

>> No.17542290
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Definitely sounds more swell than Soeur
What a qt smile, I might buy her game

>> No.17542850

Official site still says Soeur though so which is it?

>> No.17542863
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>> No.17542995

Is there a torrent or mega folder with FLAC rips of all of the Atelier soundtracks?

>> No.17543062

up to shallie then outdated links in op for sophie, not sure about firis in lossless.

>> No.17543141
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>Adult Sophie

>> No.17543152

Ayesha OST is just outright the best ever

Though I really like the entirety of Dusk OST, Shallie had some really good songs

>> No.17543164

That doesn't make any sense, soeur means sister in French.

>> No.17543174

>showcase Liane
>Firis nowhere in sight
Is Atelier Potato RIP?

>> No.17543205


>> No.17543224
File: 335 KB, 1602x903, no confidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully she matured into a confident young lady

>> No.17543330

I want to boost Sophie's confidence!

>> No.17544497

It's good to see that she's still smug

>> No.17546110

>Immovable Hourglass
>I composed this at the beginning of development. The ending was different back then, and this was made to match. The title is still a remnant of that. The image is the unstoppable flow of time, gradually reducing all to nothing.
So was the original ending of AnS supposed to be more tragic, I wonder? Then again, it seems like a really early version, and those rarely have anything to do with the end game.
I just can't help but think the ending to the game was kinda underwhelming, and if it was due to the change in scenario, or just due to low budget.
Also, I really like this track, and I think the theme of passing of time being equivalent to increase in entropy is pretty cool, and also fits our current physics pretty well.

>> No.17546466

>Official site still says Soeur though
Not anymore.

>> No.17547678
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I wonder why they changed it.

>> No.17548650

To make localization easier perhaps.

>> No.17548828

Yeah both Ayesha and Shallie had solid OSTs.


Of course I could list tons of favorites from Arland and Sophie too. Gust pretty much always does a good job on the soundtrack.

Still easily one of my favorites. It's so goddamn tranquil. I loved going to the gathering area just for this song.

>> No.17549008

> if it was due to the change in scenario, or just due to low budget.

changing the story mid-way in an already low budget development is quite the disaster, yes.

And the true ending without knowledge of the CnS bonus content is quite sad.

Also sad that Origa won't be able to grace GUST games with her beautiful voice ever again.

>> No.17549696

>That combat system

We Dusk now

>> No.17550281
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I don't like the minimalistic look of this interface at all.

>> No.17553016
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New thread

>> No.17555512

Damn, adult Sophie is a fine lady.
