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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1737472 No.1737472 [Reply] [Original]

How come Fujoshi in Japan have a better image than their male counterparts?

>> No.1737484

Women are easier on the eyes than male otaku.

>> No.1737483

When did that happen?

>> No.1737490

Didn't I see this thread like 4 days ago?

>> No.1737492
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No reason.

>> No.1737498


Fuck I think this is me when I'm drunk....Actually worse.

I think I did something amazingly bad at McMenamins Kennedy School beer resort once, and it had something to do with the pictures they have in the halls.

I don't even want to remember.

>> No.1737503
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>> No.1737509

Actually, females are more easily eyesores than males. Seeing a fat man is never a problem, as long as he keeps his clothes on, but seeing a fat woman makes me sick.

>> No.1737520
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Fujoshi are like this.

>> No.1737534

Cause they have Va-Jinnays.

>> No.1737540

Male otakus are more obnoxious.

>> No.1737556


I think you misspelled vagOOOO

>> No.1737570

and disgusting.

>> No.1737605
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>> No.1737603

male otaku smell nasty too

>> No.1737610

can someone please get me a pink ps2 controller


>> No.1737629

paypal me $100 and i can get you one

>> No.1737640

No, it's mine (i'm the girl in the picture)

>> No.1737644

No furry?

And OH WOW when did this get updated?

>> No.1737645 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1228800401041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western female otaku are cute, too.

>> No.1737655
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>> No.1737658

Anyone have pics of Japanese female otakus?

I want to marry one.

>> No.1737666

there are two, you know

>> No.1737682


I actually talked to one when I did homestay in Japan. She was pretty normal. Even though we were both socially awkward animu loving geeks we managed to have a conversation about the war in Iraq(I did the homestay in 2005) and ended up just bitching about it like good ole normal kids.

>> No.1737693
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>> No.1737707
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>> No.1737709

The sole reason is because females can be moefied through anime.

>> No.1737742

How would a socially awkward anime geek such as I meet and eventually marry a female socially awkward Japanese anime geek? Because that's pretty much all I want in life besides an ok job as a computer programmer and living the rest of my life in GLORIOUS 日本.

>> No.1737754
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The anon that's hosting the fujoshi here. Most of our conversations are actually stemming from observations about each others cultures rather than weeaboo shit. I don't know about my sister though. I think they read yaoi or something together.

>> No.1737759


Do they finger each other as they read?

>> No.1737779
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She even has the mole in the right place.

>> No.1737803

thats a girl? ew

>> No.1737807
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>> No.1737822
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>ok job
>computer programmer

>> No.1737827


Become an accountant. There are 10 overseas Japanese students in that class with me.

>> No.1737853
File: 14 KB, 94x99, 1228803497317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, computer programming is not an easy path, man.

>> No.1737860

I know, but I'm not much good at anything else. Not to mention I'm on my computer most of the day, so it seemed like a good idea.

>> No.1737861


The one anime con I went to, I saw the one thing on here I never even possibly conceived could exist. The black girl anime fan. It confused the fuck out of me.

>> No.1737917


well actually I do computer programming too

>> No.1737926

I saw a fat one, once. I had no idea what to do.

>> No.1737946
File: 249 KB, 620x600, 1228804776505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this one?

>> No.1737988

I'm graduating with an accounting degree. More than half the women in my classes are middle aged. I think there was a chinese girl in one of them, but she wasn't hot. No japanese.

There were some attractive girls in my classes, but I don't talk to them for obvious reasons.

>> No.1737995

Why did I think this was a good idea to post...

>> No.1738011

So, is accounting any useful?

>> No.1738068

make... me.... unsee.

>> No.1738077

Not for me, because no one will hire me.

I decided on this degree because I figured it would be a good job for an antisocial person. I would just sit in my office alone all day screwing around with excel. But, unfortunately, every job posting/interview emphasizes communication skills and team work.

I'm fucked, basically.

If you are more on the normalfag end of the spectrum, it could probably be a good major.

>> No.1738085

I've always assumed that was a man, but is there any proof? It could be a really ugly woman.

>> No.1738108

>If you are more on the normalfag end of the spectrum, it could probably be a good major.
I'm not. Goddamnit. I always thought Accounting might be my ticket towards getting out of NEETdom, but I guess not.

>> No.1738112

Look into actuarial work. Pretty sure they're more NEET.

>> No.1738115

Consider becoming a scientist and living in an underwater bubble.

>> No.1738116

I know a Vietnamese girl who could be considered a fujoshi....major yaoi fan too. funny thing is shes hella small, and not fat.

>> No.1738121


No good! No good!

>> No.1738135


I miss that guy.

>> No.1738140

It sounded way too good to be true.

>> No.1738144

Ya. That is what I thought too. Wish I had realized the error of my ways before I was so close to graduation. My goal is to open my own firm eventually, then the only people I will have to talk to will be clients, and I can sit alone in my office(home) most of the time.

I've thought of this, but I'd have to go back and take higher math classes. The highest I took was Calculus for business majors.

>> No.1738148


In the end, does true or false really matter? This is the internet. A good story is a good story. I like him and the maid guy because I can let go and try to believe and imagine myself in their place.

I want to be in the underwater bubble with maids and sisters and science.

>> No.1738150

sorry man im from northern california, and thats what we say here.

>> No.1738176


Can't accounting lead to auditing?

How bad could that be?

>> No.1738218

Auditing? You mean interviewing almost every person at a company to find out how everything works? Never being in the office, always having to travel to the client's office. Most auditors don't even get offices, because they are never there.

That doesn't sound fun at all. I am hoping to get into tax. Also, you can't open your own firm just doing auditing, but you can just do taxes.

My goal, besides opening my own place, is to only work during tax season and make enough to last me the whole year. Not sure if it's possible or not though.

TLDR: Auditing sucks.

>> No.1738248

Well, the main contradiction is that while nerdyish females do exist as do any people, this "nerd culture" thingy is predominantly about male virgin angst. Average female nerd is probably basic bookworm that does not relate with majority of the guy nerd stuff.

Then again, this whole popularisation of anime within western audiences has brought up whole new type of female nerds since the japanese popular culture that is in the west interpreted as nerdy is far more thematically diverse.

>> No.1738262

are you me? aside from that, i'm not even good at accounting and hate that shit more as every year goes by. i just hope to do tax shit one day too.

>> No.1738269

accounting is where you meet all the quiet nerdy girls. i love nerd girls. they have such low expectations & have the ability to entertain themselves. too bad that most of them turn out to be yandere and end up scratching "CHEATER" into your car.

>> No.1738302

If you have a governmental accounting final in 4 hours, you are me. I've skipped most of my classes for the last 2 months, so I have no idea what I'm doing.

You know what happens when you put a quiet nerdy guy and a quiet nerdy girl in a room together? Some other guy talks to her while I sit alone in the back of the room.

>> No.1738310

>governmental accounting

I don't think any of the accountants in the government know what they're doing, either.

>> No.1738325

hella stoked to *not* be from norcal

>> No.1738329

I should get a gov job then. I wonder if they would let me sit in an office all day.

>> No.1738336


As an intern in my city's tax franchise board...yes. Most of the accountants sit there for about 5 hours before doing any work.

>> No.1738341


Sounds just like me when I sit down to do homework anyway.

>> No.1738346

Shit son I say hella like every 5 seconds. Hella.

>> No.1738358

I've been "studying" for 5 hours, and I've looked at one page. And I didn't even understand that.

Also, what is a tax franchise board? I can't seem to find anything about it.

>> No.1738377

i took that final already. luckily the teacher made it the easiest accounting test i have ever taken.

i kinda want a government accounting job just so i wouldn't be fired unless i fucked up really badly. and it just sounds easier in general.

>> No.1738386



>> No.1738388


I would advise going for it when you are young. You only get promoted when the fucker above you dies or retires. Most of the people working there are old people trying to stretch out their fringe benefits by getting more working credit.

>> No.1738395

*advise not going for it when you are young.

>> No.1738410

The major benefit I saw with working for the government was the earlier retirement, but you only really get that benefit if you start young. Sounds like a lose-lose situation to me.

>> No.1738424


Yeah where I'm interning at there is one jock who graduated and barely got a degree in accounting working there. He is bored out of his mind and smokes like a chimney to pass the time. Seriously, if you have any ounce of ambition avoid a governmental job like the plague. Wait until you've settled down then go for it for the kickass benefits. Otherwise you'll end up killing yourself.

>> No.1738435

>Seriously, if you have any ounce of ambition avoid a governmental job like the plague.

Sounds like the perfect job for me. If some faggot jock can get in, I should be able to. What is the job title and what do you do?

>> No.1738463


He's a Tax Auditor. He's supposed to audit CA state taxes collected from local businesses from the city but he mainly just youtubes shit and smokes every 5 min. Oh and he calls his skanky girlfriend every hour. She actually came to the office to yell at him about a paternity test. Noone gave a shit. Seriously noone cares what you do if you get your shit done.

I'm just the lowly intern making coffee and copies.

>> No.1738507

Hmm, does he spend all the time in the office? I was under the assumption that any kind of auditor would be out of the office all the time.

Getting paid to youtube sounds great. I'd rather be bored than stressed. I wonder if I could play VNs instead.
