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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 282x129, c25676b92be14c8ac428a07152d39dd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17349779 No.17349779 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a moment to reflect on the now retired ero-game company known as Elf(Also known as Elf corporation)

These guys were originally my fellow ero-game company and it was thanks to these guys that I even got into something I thought was bascially just Hentai games with the all-ages version of Doukyuusei 2.

Despite the company losing it's way at one point and releasing mostly NTR style games I was still quite loyal and played their games and even found myself enjoying their latest game but even still I constantly found myself hoping that maybe they'd go back to their roots but....

It utterly broke my heart in 2015 when they closed down that my lame ass actually shed a tear for them.

To this day I still wonder where Elf went wrong that lead to them going out of business....I personally still make it a point to occasionally play their classics like Doukyuusei 1 & 2, Kakyuusei, Dragon knight,words worth and De-ja so as to never forget.

Of course let's not be gloomy, let's also share any pleasant memories we had with their games as well.

>> No.17349807

They have so many sub companies it's hard to tell which brand do what anymore.

>> No.17349824

Do explain. What other sub companies did they have? All I know is Silky.

>> No.17349845
File: 9 KB, 464x152, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you go up the hierarchy there're even more defunct brands

>> No.17349879

Interesting. I didn't know Elf spawned other companies besides Silky.

But anyway I'm referring to Elf corporation the games where you ALWAYS see the Elf Logo when you start up a game of theirs.

>> No.17349966
File: 162 KB, 640x400, 20170822-0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be better if you start the thread on October when they were announced that they gone out-of-business.

I first got my hands on one of their games a long time ago when I was a kid, in pirated minigame collection cd, in a folder titled 'Nanpa', 'Nanpa 2', and 'Knights of Xentar', 'Isaku', along with some obscure Japanese dos games, some translated, some not. Have absolutely no fucking idea how to play Nanpa series, but I like the art since I never see anything like it before in games that I played, and I enjoyed playing Knights of Xentar despite never finishing it. Years later I find out Nanpa's true title is Doukyuusei, existence of Kakyuusei, and how the company's recent titles are NTR games. Honestly, I'm not really interested in their other titles, but the one that caught my interest in my younger days really leave good impression on me, even more so when I come back with the knowledge how to play the games themselves. And a walkthrough, because I don't have the patience that I have when I was a kid.

>> No.17350409

I started with Doukyuusei 2 on the playstation and I was impressed at the quality it had for originally being what I thought was just a "hentai" game that I got curious to play the pc version and I was still able to enjoy it. Since then I became a fan and enjoyed nearly everything the company released with the minor exceptions being the NTR games....

>> No.17351518

It would seem that this isn't a place to talk about ero-games

>> No.17351543

The only place where you can actively discuss visual novel is the エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General.

>> No.17353422

May I kindly have the names of the girls with green hair, back left and black hair, right, as well as the name of that game?

>> No.17353508

Ryu Umemoto is one of my favorite fm synth composers and his work for games published by elf is some of the most incredible music in any games imo. Rest In Peace.

>> No.17353611

The name of the game is Kakyuusei..

>> No.17353650

Thank you.

>> No.17354404
File: 3.93 MB, 8500x4341, doukyuusei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green hair, back left
Miyuki, proto tsundere. Mostly only tsun when MC being an ass, which is a lot.
>black hair, right
Miko, pure shrine maiden from different class. Also has overprotective father that urges her go home earlier compared to any other girls.

>> No.17354754

Has Kadoi Aya worked on anything since Elf died?

>> No.17354859
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Made 1 heroine for DMM's gatcha game, but that's it I think.

>> No.17356202

As there been another ero-game company that would at least make a decent enough rebound to fill the hole after Elf closed down? Or is everything nowadays really just NTR or graphic orgies?

>> No.17356245

Oh, I remember those redesigns. 2016? It seems longer.

>> No.17356398

Wow out of all those new designs only Nanase rocked it while the rest was just cringy.

>> No.17363412
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>> No.17363457
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August 2016 for original characters, newer character are mostly from 2017.

>> No.17363502
File: 2.27 MB, 3500x6000, doukyuusei aw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17363509

It's so weird how alot of these look yet some of them can be pretty nice to look at.

>> No.17363521
File: 2.37 MB, 3500x6000, doukyuusei aw4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for now.

>> No.17363558
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x851, __yu_no_kono_yo_no_hate_de_koi_wo_utau_shoujo_yu_no__8a13c47fa6cf1eb394fdac930c588790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17369103

Yu no...Next to Dragon Knight 3(Known as Knights of Xentar in the us) isn't that one of the only games by Elf to be translated in English?

>> No.17369680

I miss them and a lot of pre-2000 eroge developers that have since went bankrupt. I hate what companies that have bought their IPs did to past series and wished that they hadn't sold them and let it all retire gracefully. But I suppose changes were inevitable.

Ironically, my first experience with Elf corporation wasn't an eroge.

He's amazing, his works are so atmospheric and adds so much to the whole experience.

>> No.17369710

Do explain. Which IPs of Elfs were sold to other companies?

>> No.17369793

I should clarify that whilst I'm not entirely sure if it was "sold" at the very least other developers were given the rights to develop them. 5pb remade Yu-no and there is an anime in development nased on it, there were also new entries for Dragon Knight and Dokyuusei as posted in this thread.

>> No.17369818

Dragon Knight 1 - 4 were pretty awesome. They did a strategy game element with Dragon knight 4 but it still had the vibe and the game was enjoyable. What remake are you talking about?

Doukyuusei 1 & 2 were also both great. and kept the feel with Doukyuusei 2 being the game that got me introduced to ELF in the first place so that'll always hold a special place in my heart.....Now you're saying Doukyuusei another world is actualy a remake and not just random redesigns of the characters?

Kakyuusei 1 was awesome, Kakyuusei 2.....had some serious backlash for a certain character backstory but the game was still decent but it DEFINITELY didn't have the Kakyuusei vibe.

Now Yu-no so far is the only game game that's CLEARLY being remade by someone uninvolved with Elf at all.

>> No.17369831

Okay upon further investigations it would appear that the Dragon knight 5 and Doukyuusei "Remakes" are just Gatcha cellphone games.....Can we really call those remakes or even a homage?

>> No.17369875

I didn't say it was a remake, regardless it is created without involvement from Elf and at the very least for DKV, no longer in any way bears any resemblance to its predecessors. Personally, I'm against it being made even as an "homage" in the form of cellphone games. It feels like they are only borrowing it's name to milk money out of it. Dragon Knight was my first experience with ELF and as with you, holds a significant meaning to me so it was personally a little disappointing. Then again, this is all only my own personal opinion.

And yes, I'm very angry with whatever they have done to Yu-no.

>> No.17369942
File: 452 KB, 960x1200, 20172407002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm very angry with whatever they have done to Yu-no
YU-NO got a full remake on the top of other stuff and you're angry with it? Really? Dragon Knight, Doukyuusei, and Kakyuusei only got a mobage cash grab, with no actual game remake/sequel in sight. I'd kill for those games to get current YU-NO treatment. Asking for the old staff to come back and work on it is too much to ask, and at least they respect the original game.

>> No.17371703

Personally my only issue with the Yu no remake are the meh re-designs and that's it.

>> No.17372265
File: 87 KB, 407x402, !!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, look at that Parsee style trim!

>> No.17373574

Which one was the best?

>> No.17374653

Isaku was good for the I suppose "survival" element? You don't play as the Isaku for starters you play as a high schooler working alongside his classmates and teacher to ensure they escape the school and prevent(Or allow if you wanna see the bad endings) his comrades from being taken and raped while solving puzzles. It's not bad.

Shusaku - Is where you play as the younger brother of Isaku, and oddly enough the gameplay of it with the balancing of time slots and when to stalk, and blackmail is quite enjoyable.

Kisaku - The same as Shusaku except the length is longer, It has more charm and humor, and there's even a happy ending(if you choose to follow it.) Above off I'd have to say Kisaku is the best in my opinion but your opinion may vary.

>> No.17376017
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>> No.17376794

Ha Doushuusei was an amusing little bonus game.

>> No.17378169

So much same face, and such a waste of great character designs. I would have much rathered an original artstyle with more consistency between same character sprites. Off to play doukyuusei..

>> No.17378400

Off to play Doukyuusei 2.

>> No.17378599

I've been playing Shuusaku recently, is that an unlockable or some other download?

>> No.17378693

Yeah it's another download. Originally it was a bonus mini game you got from the Elf fan club services back in the day.

Nowadays if you were to get the DMM version of Doukyuusei 2 it would be included with that.

>> No.17382122
File: 59 KB, 592x246, gang up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it seemed weird to me how the other two games had some silly side games but this one didn't.

>> No.17382149

How come the Doukyuusei 2 heroines look so much worse than the ones in the original? They suddenly got really huge with wide shoulders and have pretty unattractive faces in general...

>> No.17383291

That's all just a matter of opinion. Me personally I see both designs having their own charm with me being more accepting to Doukyuusei 2's character design due to that being the first game I played from Elf.

But refresh my memory wasn't the character designer for both games the same? I mean Misa from Doukyuusei 1 was in Doukyuusei 2 and she didn't look that different compared to her design in Doukyuusei 1.

>> No.17383851

>wasn't the character designer for both games the same
Yes and that's the baffling thing. The eyes got bigger and the characters look like they're 100 pounds thicker. I guess they wanted the characters to look older since the ones from the original look closer to Kakyuusei characters, but still... Hard to get into a dating sim where the characters just don't click with me.

>> No.17383892

I was thinking of buying the Yu-no remake for Vita. 2ch nerds seem very upset about it. It feels like there's some unspoken consensus of people who played the old version and newfags chiming in.
Didn't play the original and don't care about "authentic" design or "broken promises" (was there an extra route that people were expecting)? What's exactly wrong about the remake from a newcomer's point of view?

>> No.17383920

who is the basketball girl

>> No.17383944

It also got new music and voice actors. The latter is a really big deal since the originals voice cast is extremely good and game defining. The guy who does the protags voice in the new YU-NO is an amateur who has only done two games before it and completely butchers the role imo.

>> No.17384248

What games

>> No.17385162

Nanase from Kakyuusei 2.

>> No.17385166

Those are all from the cell phone game Doukyuusei another word.....

>> No.17385381

>(was there an extra route that people were expecting)?
5pb was hyping on twitter that they were going to add a "new route" with an update. What they actually added ended up being just a 10 minutes long commercial for Mystereet F.

>> No.17385536

Holy shit. Did Elf actually shut down? Sure, they've been nose diving but I didn't honestly think they're gone now. I feel empty now.

>> No.17385550

Wonder what Doten Meikai / Hiruta Masato are doing nowadays

>> No.17385788

I actually like the redesigns. Call me a moe buta or whatever, but a lot of the original designs suffer from football shoulders and misshapen faces.

>> No.17385900

Moe-buta. The redesigns just overall look like the typical uninspired moe style. But as what was said earlier it's all just a matter of personal preferences.

>> No.17385903

What are they known for being involved in at elf?

>> No.17385915

I'm not swimming in nostalgia enough that I'm just going to ignore bad anatomy and saucer eyes. The modern art is visually more pleasing to me for these reasons among others.

>> No.17385942

I'm also not nitpicky enough to care about something that I personally find minor. It's still a matter of personal preference no matter how you slice it.

>> No.17385978

It is so quit being autistic about my opinions that you think my criticisms can be reduced to "minor nitpicking."

>> No.17386110

Is it porn?

>> No.17386130
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They deserved their slow and painful death.

>> No.17386157

Sounds like one of those kissless virgins that got mad at kannagi because SHE WASN'T PURE.;_;

>> No.17386167

Nah. I honestly wish there were more characters like her. You know, actual character, past and depth rather than pure idealistic moebait for smelly otaku.

>> No.17386172

Money is the magic that turns wishes into reality and people who want "actual characters" don't put up, so they don't get what they want.

>> No.17386178


Or maybe you can just go outside and experience the real deal sluts instead of having them hijack escapist media.

>> No.17386184
File: 164 KB, 641x551, 1500762983920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the issue.

>Make products for a community known to like certain stuff
>Purposely mislead them
>They get angry because of that
>Oh now what happened I did nothing wrong!

Since when yelling her ex name during sex character and depth? People will upset when that happens IRL. Of course otaku would get super upset if going through their wish-fulfillment escapism and find that stuff.

>> No.17386185

Smelly upset otaku detected.

>> No.17386194 [DELETED] 

Why would he be upset? His tribe won. All the people who were genuinely mad about Kakyuusei 2 back in the day are not priceless historical relics on display in museums.

>> No.17386201

Why would he be upset? His tribe won. All the people who were genuinely mad about Kakyuusei 2 back in the day are now priceless historical relics on display in museums.

>> No.17386371

they have nobody to blame but themselves for their decline

>> No.17386613

Of course not...

>> No.17386614

As stupid as I thought Elf's decision to include that kind of gimmick with Tamaki in Kakyuusei 2 I don't think it deserved that big of a backlash. But then again I wasn't a hardcore otaku so I guess I wouldn't be effected.

>> No.17386615

What even was her Ex's name? I recall in Kakyuusei 2 we never even found out his name...A part of me think this is just an exaggeration from people.

>> No.17386640

You act like all this information is common knowledge. Let be be the first to tell you, it isn't.

>> No.17386679

It's a free cellphone game...There are porns with the added feature of playing them on your phone but those cost actual money. How often do you see FREE porn video games on your phone?

>> No.17387017

>my fellow ero-game company
Fellow? Are you an eroge dev?

>> No.17387049
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She was a true ビッチ though. Unrepentant and remorseless. Previous games had actual prostitutes and not even they got this kind of feedback.

>> No.17387176

Not really, if anything the main character is part of the problem. Due to him constantly asking her out and she accepted since "hey we're childhood friends so it's okay." but eventually her feelings started to waver and her boyfriend picked up on it and broke up with her quite peacefully and without a fuss despite her trying to apologize.

From what I noticed The only issue otakus had with the arrangement was she was a childhood friend and she wasn't a virgin....Which is frankly stupid.

>> No.17387188

Think about this. Why would you settle for sloppy seconds? That's pathetic and disgusting at the same time?

>> No.17387220

Again not really. As long as someone isn't a virgin you're always going to have the chance of having someones sloppy seconds.

Plus there's quite a few girls in Kakyuusei 2 and even Doukyuusei 1 & 2 that aren't already virgins yet they never got that kind of backlash.

No, it was the fact that a main heroine isn't a "pure virgin" that set people off.

If anything I think it's more pathetic to be so insistent that a girl has no sexual experience other than you. Being someones first time is definitely nice but it shouldn't be that big of a deal. But again I don't have the same typical otaku mindset.

>> No.17387228

executable and linkable format????????

>> No.17387240

Tamaki is a popular character of course she'll be held up to an exaggerated ideal. The fact that Elf literally smashed that to bits means that they did the same to its fans as well thus ruining whatever expectations and trust they have for the brand. In other words, she is a product that was advertised this and that, but ended up screwing over its userbase. Classic bait and switch. You don't really have to think like an "otaku" to see how this plays out.

>> No.17387246

Pffft Nanase was a far superior character over Tamaki anyway, so it still baffles me how the majority of otakus focused primarily on Tamaki and the fallout from her just because she was the childhood friend type.

>> No.17387421

Expectations. Childhood friend was always innocent and reserved only for you. This was the early aughts when everyone had a set role and no one was eager to rock the boat, except for Elf.

>> No.17387710

Elf just rocked the boat in the worse way by having her already have a boyfriend and apparently becoming a sex fiend during the relationship. A part of me thinks that if she was single but wasn't a virgin the reaction wouldn't have been that bad

>> No.17387775
File: 181 KB, 556x799, 109767429489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she was being compared to Mizuho. *MAYBE* if Tamaki was the Mayumi of Kakyuusei 2, but making her the main heroine was a grave mistake.

>> No.17387839
File: 19 KB, 480x288, Kakyusei_and_SP_Disk_1489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a reminder, Mayumi was a non-virgin heroine that sold her underwear in that one shady store. Confronting this little fact of her was rather important.

>> No.17387955

Wait, you'd better not tell me that Mink is going under. Don't fucking tell me that Mink is going under or I shoot your face.

>> No.17387988

Well, even CocktailSoft closed doors a couple months ago, so yeah. Lots of old eroge companies dropping dead lately.

>> No.17388023

You didn't say it was a free phone game, and you acted like I should have known the game.

>> No.17388024


Their site is still up so there's still hope...right?

>> No.17388048

Yes because it showed that unlike the other guys she's used to the main character actually cares enough to get angry with her when she does something stupid instead of kiss ass and the fact that not once but TWICE the main character did this(Showing anger for her actions) even though he could have just shrugged his shoulders was enough to see him as someone special.

>> No.17388190

because Tamaki was marketed as number 1 and put in the designated "safe" role.

>> No.17388240

Why is this even an argument?

>Advertise something as X
>X is the main feature
>X turns out to actually be Y

Anyone with half a brain would get upset at being deceived.

>> No.17388290

Kakyuusei commercial


Man, I was so hyped when they announced Kakyuusei 2. Had the damn song on the background for hours.


>> No.17388928
File: 746 KB, 1936x1152, outdoor gatcha featuring mai mahoko and yuuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is. Good luck grinding for it though.
>Since when yelling her ex name during sex character
She never did it in game. Her ex's name never revealed in the main game, and only revealed on the -Lovers- fandisc that comes with Elf fan club newletter issue 58 that the boyfriend's name was coming up.(正臣)
Doukyuusei 2:
Kakyuusei 2:
There should be other links posted on /jp/ but I can't find it, I would appreciate if a kind anon would post them here.

>> No.17388940

Man, I played DQS1 ages ago, but for the life of me I cannot remember anything about Mai beyond her being a wallflower and being rich.

>> No.17388977
File: 278 KB, 1080x1519, doukyuusei characters popularity poll unsurprisingly mai win by a landslide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being the main heroine of the first game in the series helps.

>> No.17389181

I know she was the main girl, but I cannot remember anything about her route. I remember Misa's route perfectly, but not Mai's.

>> No.17389185

Also, what the fuck is with that popularity poll? Back in my day, Misa was the popular one.

>> No.17389299

>>Since when yelling her ex name during sex character
>She never did it in game. Her ex's name never revealed in the main game, and only revealed on the -Lovers- fandisc that comes with Elf fan club newletter issue 58 that the boyfriend's name was coming up.(正臣)
Ah I never played any of the fan discs.

>> No.17389440
File: 171 KB, 1080x1502, popularity poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the poll created for the mobile gacha game. There's another one for all the characters in general. As you can see, the 4 top heroines are all main heroines of each of their series, with Yui on the top, being the poster girl for the mobile game itself. Funny thing is Tamaki leads in front of Mizuho by small margin.
There is also another poll for Doukyuusei 2 following after Doukyuusei poll, but I can't find the result on futaba.

>> No.17389917

>but that's it I think
That's a real shame.

>> No.17390589

Should we really acknowledge the polls to a cellphone version of a game that has TOTALLY different artstyles?

>> No.17391911

I think the real question is if we should even acknowledge a game written by someone who had nothing to do with the original games.

>> No.17392196

I think the even bigger question is if we should acknowledge a cheap CELL phone game that isn't even worthy of the game it's trying to cash off of.

At least the Yu no remake is keeping it somewhat real.

>> No.17393566
File: 119 KB, 733x1230, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate DMM treatment to the franchise, the poll shows that there are new players to the series. Hell, a fraction of those younger players might've hooked with the series and move on to the original series, since DMM also sold them on their store. It's not like the series could get newer fans beyond people memeing Tamaki to the point where people can't distinguish which one is truth and which one was just rumor, or people digging up history of dating sims.

>> No.17393885

are you like 40

>> No.17393895

This "Original" version of Doukyuusei isn't voiced, I think. At least that's what vndb says. You want the DMM or Windows version

>> No.17393910
File: 239 KB, 515x576, shikishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet. You would be surprised how old some people are here in /jp/. I know for a fact two or three other anons here are my senior by far.

>> No.17393919
File: 89 KB, 593x900, CnvH6DvUMAAVL1K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC98? It wasn't. And neither were any other games before the Sega Saturn age.

>> No.17393932

Eroge companies are doomed when they lose their most talented writer. In this case, it was the guy who wrote YU-NO.
Otaku sensibilities also change a lot, so they need to be very flexible, I guess that's why they chose the NTR direction.

Is Nitroplus next?

>> No.17393939
File: 612 KB, 640x480, 1470672995250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nono, "Original". That's what they named it, it's actually remaked with new art but no voices from 2008. The Windows version from 99 is voiced and the DMM version from 2008 is also voiced. But the megalink says オリジナル版 which hints at it being unvoiced?

>> No.17393949
File: 28 KB, 640x400, Kakyusei_and_SP_Disk_1351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is a windows version then it is voiced. Mind you, only certain parts were. Couldn't afford to fully voice the game, nor all the characters.

>> No.17393954

He's far from their most talented writer and is mostly considered an one hit wonder. Just look at his track record after YU-NO, not a single even half decent game. Elfs best writer was Masato / Meikai, followed by Inoue Keiji.

>> No.17393956

Look at the file size and the ボイス field below.

>> No.17393974

Well, then it is unvoiced. I imagine these DMM people went for the PC98 experience.

>> No.17394004

I only played some of their older popular titles so I wouldn't know.
But seems like they lost their way somewhere in the transition to the 00s. Their audience changed and new companies started producing different kind of products that appealed to them more.

>> No.17394528 [DELETED] 

>one hit wonder
Three hit wonder? It's pretty disappointing how his career turned out in the end, considering he wrote Yuno, Desire and Eve while still in his 20s.

>> No.17395294

All I know is after Kakyuusei 2 and Elf all stars Datsuijan 3 is when Elf started to switch gears and lose their way....

>> No.17397358

What did Inoue Keiji do for Elf?

>> No.17397417

>To this day I still wonder where Elf went wrong
They didn't keep minority spirit.

>> No.17397445

Ashita no Yukinojou. Then he went to work for Akabei Soft, never to be heard from again.

>> No.17397481

Ah Ashita no Yukinojo was a nice game...

>> No.17401837

Frankly I'm surprised words worth wasn't mentioned at all...

>> No.17402810

Does anyone have the Kakyuusei Screensaver collection? Some anon posted it over a year ago, and I can't for the life of me find it.

It was popular, but not one of my favorites.

>> No.17403285

The only game I've played from them and care about is YU-NO and that's pretty much just a high budget C's Ware game

>> No.17403292

Eve Burst Error is great, though, and Mystereet seems decent enough going by EGS scores

>> No.17403313

Honestly, the only real issues with the remake is the fact the archaic gameplay is kept in tact and a part of the game which many consider to have been rushed was left untouched. There's minor shit that bothers me personally too though. Like the new art, which seems to be a rollecoaster in terms of quality, and the rearranges, which also vary in quality. (Why does Keishi Yonao have such a hard on for choirs?)

>> No.17404710

Is there an English patch for Doukyuusei anywhere?

>> No.17404806

Heh nope. There was a time when I actually would have been willing to help someone make a patch....

>> No.17404830

Damn, there I was reading this thread getting really hyped to play these games. Oh well I guess I can come back if I ever learn Japanese.

>> No.17404866

About the only games from Elf that has English patchs are Words Worth and Yu-no.

And about the only game from Elf to actually be officially localized was Dragon Knight 3 (A.k.a. Knights of Xentar)

>> No.17404931

Ah well thanks I'll check them out.

>> No.17406585

>Does anyone have the Kakyuusei Screensaver collection?
I had it in my old Mediafire folder, but it seems that part of it has been taken down.
I can try and see if I still have it around on one of my other computers later in the week.

>> No.17407338

The first Windows Doukyuusei port made a ton of really terribly changes to characters' stories and reduced the quality of the game to about 75% of any other version.
The second Windows port, the non-voiced one, is basically the apology for that, but I guess they didn't think it would pay off to re-record voices all over again with the original dialog.

>> No.17407347

>archaic gameplay
I hope this is just talking about the look/talk/etc commands and not anything else.
The whole deal with carrying items across timelines to solve puzzles is what made YU-NO so great

>> No.17407578

I'll NEVER forget the one change where the "sex" scene for Miho ended up being where she just ended up falling asleep in bed before the MC was even able to take her clothes off....

About the only changes that I thought were reasonable were Misa, Kaori, Reiko, Hiromi, and Mai. Everyone else's was just plain weird especially Miho,Mako,Chiharu, and Natsuko.

I also personally didn't like how they took away the monologue the MC does when you look back on the scenes you got for the girls on the computer in his room. Instead they just replay the scenes of the girl you have so far...

>> No.17407601

Misa's didn't mess with her personality but it was a bit silly that they did a fade-to-black with that timing, because it made it look like you actually go all the way instead of stopping because her leg hurts. Usually you fade out in the middle to de-lewd a scene but it effectively had the opposite effect.

>> No.17407610

That was do damn weird that they did with her.
And it lost the entire point of the foreshadowing on the roof about her building up desire until it explodes.

>> No.17407622

I didn't like them flipping the right answer to Ako's final question. Instead of it being a test of whether you were just telling her what you thought she wanted to hear, it ended up sounding like she's kinda obsessed/crazy.

>> No.17407697

Oh yeah I totally forgot about that. I believe the final test question was if you would marry her and the correct answer was no since the MC was still in high school yet in the windows version she's like "Oh yay you care about me that much?"

I may have to go back to play it but I could have sworn it was clear that they still stopped...

>> No.17410023

Another product of Elf that doesn't commonly get recognition is De-ja 1 & 2. I played the multi-pacl of this and it was pretty cool.

It made me feel a little surprised that this game wasn't included in the Elf all star Datsuijan games.

>> No.17410511

Now that you menntion it,, not many talk about the cyberpunk-esque Elle either. Rather gory and detailed for a PC98 game.

>> No.17411686

Elle was pretty fun too. It's a shame that never got the DMM treatment because the original version is ANNOYING having to only be able to play full screen.

>> No.17412635

I played the Windows version of Elle but don't remember the contents very well

>> No.17412647

I remember bits and pieces as well. But I DEFINITELY remember the twist at the end and I definitely remember how awful the hentai anime was.

>> No.17412831

That and the scenes that require pixel hunting to advance through

>> No.17412836

Like that damn scene where you need to rescue some girl by killing some creep with a chainsaw by finding the right pixel to pour acid on his head.

Somehow the acid doesn't spill on her too.

>> No.17412844

Ha yeah I remember that from Elle too.

>> No.17421417

Kisaku's OVA was so different from the game, being more cartoony and humourous, I now realize it was the Galaxy Angel of hentai.

>> No.17422082

All the hentai animes of Elf's games with the exception of Doukyuusei 1 were all VERY different from the games.

>> No.17422373

What is this version? Is it a remake?

>> No.17422509

The music you posted is actually composed by Ryu Takami, who's still alive.

>> No.17422520

Fan rearrange
Here's the official rearrange from the PS4 remake: https://my.mixtape.moe/aqjbkb.mp3

>> No.17426882

thx. That a fan version. It is amazing.

>> No.17428192

Huh? The first one is the unvoiced one, the second one is the voiced one. Which is the one that sucks now?

>> No.17428289

The first Windows port of Doukyuusei 1 came out in 1999 for Windows 95/98. That one is voiced, and has a lot of crappy changes compared to the original PC-98 DOS game that came out in 1992.

The second Windows port of Doukyuusei 1 (called オリジナル版) came out in May of 2008 as a download-only game exclusive to DMM.co.jp. That version uses the original PC-98 story/text/dialog and is not voiced.
Half a year later, in October 2008, DMM also put up the 1999 voiced Windows port on their site as well.

Maybe you got confused by the DMM sale dates? Those say 2008-05 for オリジナル版 and 2008-10 for the voiced one, but if you go to the "Doukyuusei Windows version" info page, it has the info there that explains that the voiced Windows port originally came out in 1999:

>> No.17428365

I see... so the unvoiced original version is the one to play? It's a bit of a muffer that the voiced version is the one that seemingly changed so much for the worse.

>> No.17428383

Do you have to play Dragon Knight 1-3 to play 4?

>> No.17428448

The unvoiced オリジナル版 Windows port is probably the best version, though I haven't actually ever played it to confirm nothing's weird about it. But assuming it is what they say it is, it sounds like the best choice.

The other options to consider are the original 1992 16-color PC versions (PC-98, DOS/V, X68K, FM TOWNS) if you like that look more than the high-color Windows graphics, or the Sega Saturn version if you want the best voiced version.

>> No.17428489

Hm alright. The DMM versions of Kakyuusei and Doukyuusei 2 are perfectly fine, right? I might just skip over Douk1 if the voiced versions aren't that great.

>> No.17428605

As far as I know the Windows version of Doukyuusei 2 is perfectly fine. I played some of the Saturn version and then all of the Windows version.
I'm a bigger fan of Doukyuusei 1 but that seems to be an outlier opinion; 2 is the more popular one.

The situation with Kakyuusei is weirder.
There's actually two voiced Windows versions of Kakyuusei. (I could've sworn DMM used to have both versions but looking now they just have the one called オリジナル復刻版 which is a DMM exclusive.)

The first Windows version of Kakyuusei (1998) is more directly based on the Saturn port. It has extra CGs from the Saturn version not present in the PC-98 original, but it also has some text/dialog (? not sure exactly) in the sex scenes toned down a bit like the Saturn version. It has full sex scene CGs that the Saturn lacked though, so it's still adult-rated and not just a direct port of the Saturn version.

The second Windows version of Kakyuusei (the only one DMM has up now) supposedly restored some of the original PC-98 sex scene text that was altered for Saturn, but lacks some new CGs the Saturn version added.

I played the Saturn version and then the 1998 Windows version, but haven't gotten around to playing the DMM オリジナル復刻版.
From what other people are saying, though, it sounds like it's a good version, sort of a side-grade from the 1998 version.
On the DMM product page if you scroll down to the review titled "Win版所有の人には微妙…" it lists differences from the 1998 Windows version.

The voice cast for Saturn Kakyuusei, 1998 Windows Kakyuusei, and DMM Kakyuusei are the same. (Unlike Doukyuusei and Doukyuusei 2, which had different voice casts on game consoles.)

My understanding is that, even in the DMM 復刻版, there may still be some text outside of sex scenes that is Saturn text rather than the original PC-98 text, though it seems to be minor stuff. I'm a little unclear on that point.

>> No.17428632

Despite the sex scenes being toned down for the Saturn, the actual amount of sex in it is the same as the original game (unlike the voiced Windows port).
The Saturn version's story is faithful to the original; all the important events and dialog are there.
Great voice cast too: Inoue Kikuko, Tange Sakura, Koorogi Satomi, Kouda Mariko, Mizutani Yuuko (R.I.P.), etc.
Also has the 3 new characters that were added in the PC Engine version, but with more content added. (Kyouko was barely in the PC Engine version but she gets a date event in Saturn version, and the Saturn version also has an alternate route for Midori.) Saturn version also has an alternate event for Satomi.

I played the Saturn version, the 1999 voiced Windows port, and the original DOS/V version, in that order. (Excitedly bought the Windows version in 1999 looking forward to voiced-and-uncensored Doukyuusei and then ran to play the DOS version to get the that taste out of my mouth.)

For Doukyuusei 2, though, I would say to not bother with the Saturn version and just play the Windows version. Unlike Saturn Dou1, Saturn Dou2 removed sex scenes from some characters. Basically the opposite situation from Saturn Dou1 vs. Dou1's first Windows port. (Though Saturn Dou2 isn't nearly as bad as that.)

>> No.17428663

>I'm a bigger fan of Doukyuusei 1 but that seems to be an outlier opinion; 2 is the more popular one.
I do find the heroines in 1 a lot cuter so I probably would have liked it more too... but I don't think I can get into a game like this without at least partial voicing. Thanks for the writeup.

>> No.17432571

I remember there being some voice patch for YUNOs PC version. Can't someone theoretically import the Sega voices into the new unvoiced version of Doukyuusei? I don't know computers though so disregard me.

>> No.17435316
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kakyuusei anime was fairly based on the game, but the director decided to do things his own way.

I would have loved a full series of Beyond though.

>> No.17441511
File: 93 KB, 641x396, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or the music from the Saturn version got remade again on the Windows/DMM version? I looked up Kakyuusei on internet since I can't find all the music rips of it in all version, and I find it fascinating how the music evolved from the original PC-98 game, but when I hear the Saturn version, I feel the music on two tracks sounds blander than the windows/dmm version, which is the theme and the ending song Place in the sun. The rest sounds same.

>> No.17444952

No but it's recommended that you do.

>> No.17444976

I'm so happy to see a tryhard company like them dead.

>> No.17444982

>Is Nitroplus next?

I hope so

>> No.17445395

Uh Ok from your point of view who's NOT a tryhard company then? Cause from my point of view up until when Kakyuusei 2 came out Elf was pretty solid.

Never heard of them whats wrong with them?

>> No.17445464
File: 82 KB, 773x580, 1029372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seriously have never heard of Nitroplus?

>> No.17445492

Quick google search showed me Super Sonico.

>> No.17447677

It is more likely the difference in synthesizers, anon. PC98 was all midi type of music. I suspect that the Saturn had their own propietary synth , instead of using a recorded music, in order to save space.

>> No.17452573

Time to feel really fucking old.


>> No.17452684

Sonico is trash and the worst mascott imaginable, ignore that fat whore.


>> No.17453076

Hey I like Sonico....Nitroplus makes some pretty character designs I'll give them that

>> No.17453081

Good god the picture quality feels so retro and look at those computers...Wow.

>> No.17461219

I wonder where they are now aside from the devs that joined Silky's Plus. Nice vid.

>> No.17464992

Man replaying older versions and getting the ending credits of classics like Doukyuusei 2 and Dragon Knight 4 feels even more bitter sweet due to their habit of putting "To be continued" at the end....It's as if Elf planned to be sequels to both of them yet sadly they never happened...

>> No.17465751

Doukyuusei 3 actually was in development, wonder why it got scrapped.


>> No.17467239

Didn't they lose their writers around that time? I remember seeing a cover for Doukyuusei 3 with art by Aya Kadoi. Apparently the CG artist changed companies as well, since he did work for Sougyusei series and some other non-porn games.

>> No.17474951

It'd be nice if there was a webpage somewhere that has information about this stuff about Elf.

>> No.17476987


>> No.17478273


>> No.17480799

Has there been any Ero-games or an ero game companys that have the same flair as Elf's work lately?

>> No.17482582

Silky's Plus, I guess?

>> No.17482645

PC-98's sound cards use FM and PSG, while the Saturn's does sample-based synthesis (It's actually capable of FM too but few games used that.), so it is indeed the difference in synth. Also, you shouldn't really use "MIDI"as a catch-all term for sound synthesis, since it's not really the same thing..

>> No.17484244

While I'll admit the art for their games are pretty the games themselves don't have the same appeal as Elf's games.

>> No.17486147

>implying their NTR stuff wasn't some of their best work

Also, I think they only published it, but AV King was the fucking bomb.


>> No.17486232

who ya quotin

>> No.17486250

The various cats that said they didn't like/play the NTR offerings.


>> No.17486398

AV King was pretty awesome.

And granted I will admit SOME of elfs NTR work was decent they were far from their best work. Maro no Kanja was closest until it was cut short due to elf closing...

>> No.17486480

Eh, the Maro games were all over the place by the third one. Like they couldn't figure out what kind of story they wanted to tell.

It's been over five years and ボクの彼女はガテン系 is still the gold standard which all other potentially good NTR games are measured against. The care and detail that went into it just makes me sad and depressed other companies aren't providing similar offerings.

>> No.17486586

Okay explain Boku no Kanojo ha gaten kei to me. I played that game back when my Japanese wasn't as up to snuff and when I got the "final ending" I had absolutely NO CLUE what was going on.

As for Maro my god the random ghost girl and then Maro just disappearing, Maro getting no happy ending at all, and the end and new title screen and a extra option thanking you the fans for your patronage? I was like eh....man what could have been if Elf had the means to complete the game as they wanted.

>> No.17486642

Personally I enjoyed Biniku no Kaori more than Boku no Kanojo ga Gaten kei. Maybe because there TECHNICALLY wasn't any NTR elements in it.

>> No.17486722

We could talk about that game for hours, and I'm unwilling to spend that time typing, especially when the people here will just nickpick details or any mistakes I make and be a shit about it.

The happiest end is just really satisfying because both the husband and the wife realize the various mistakes they made throughout the story, open up, reaffirm their love for one another, and the relationship ends up stronger as a result.

Many NTR games lack really good confrontation and resolution scenes between the husband and wife, so it makes for a very satisfying conclusion. Usually they're just glorified nukige trying to push parts of the fetish so the wife either turns into a cockslut that feels nothing for the husband or the entire thing is predicated on misunderstandings that could have been avoided had they both been open and honest with one another but lol Japanese people and the happy end just ends up with everything like it was before and everyone pretends it never happened if they even bother to give that much detail.

>Biniku no Kaori
Another very good, interesting game with some surprising twists.

>> No.17486753

Try me, don't worry about what others might say I'm personally interested to hear because again when I played it I had no clue what the hell was going on especially with the "true ending" when her hair was cut short and she was banging some old guy and at the end she appeared to be serving a guy alcohol and the MC appeared to be anticipating her cheating...

>> No.17486758

Ningen Debris was pretty cool, the true ending was very satisfying and the harem ending actually felt right and not forced.

>> No.17486857

If memory serves the former is because she is staying with the old man while she's separated from her husband so she does it with him as a repayment for his help and kindness and to see how her husband will react. The latter has to do with the husband having admitted his own fetishes and that he enjoys seeing his wife act flirty with other men. It turns him on to see her as a women and desired by other men and not just as a wife and mother as that, coupled with her affair with Aida, had cooled the passion of their relationship.

Hope that answers some of your questions. I broke one of my fingers last weekend so typing is a chore. Not interested in really getting further into it right now, but I love the game and the team that did it, so I wanted to help a bit if I could. Sorry, anon.

If no one here steps up, you might try the NTR thread on Anime-sharing or the even older one of Hongfire. It's been discussed a lot before.

>> No.17487716

Wait, why did D.O. die again? I know they had some really garbage titles, but they also had solid games.

>> No.17492727

Solid games like?

>> No.17500403

He gave you the wrong subbrand, it's either Silky's Plus A5 Wagyuu or just Silky's. The elf artists last 3~ games there are pretty elf-like.
Also take a look at Black Cyc, pretty different from elf but also have a nice dark atmosphere.

>> No.17501149
File: 31 KB, 640x480, kana_juggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kana - Imouto aka Kana Little Sister. A nakige.

>> No.17501156

Speaking of Silky's, did Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito even have good endings? I played it long ago when I was a kid, but I always got bad endings to the point that I just gave up.

>> No.17501236

Yeah you solve the mystery to get the main ending

>> No.17501593

Hey I remember that game, didn't they also make Crescendo? In that case yeah those are like the only two solid games that I have experience with but then again that's due to those two being the only two games that was officially released in English back before I knew Japanese.

>> No.17501601

Of course it had good endings, I take it your lack of understanding Japanese language made it difficult for you to understand what you were doing? Ah the trials of being a kid and just winging random Japanese ero-games. :P

I remember seeing a pretty good walkthrough on gamefaqs that tells you how to get all the endings

>> No.17501624

Yep, those are the guys. They made also several nukiges that were a huge contrast of those two previously. Seemed like a huge shift in direction.

>> No.17501626
File: 64 KB, 564x846, e67f457f12b74fb88b8e02672b4fbd6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17503612
File: 3 KB, 160x120, s_【下級生】結城瑞穂.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks too young

>> No.17509977
File: 61 KB, 1181x598, 36793464_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other doll pictures I found were heinous abominations from over a decade ago. It's either this or nothing.

>> No.17510023
File: 62 KB, 480x732, ts_mizuho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I did find this one.

>> No.17511303

no reason it shouldnt be possible. but no way the japs themselves would ever bother with it.

>> No.17511314

>too young
Is that a problem?

>> No.17512209
File: 897 KB, 3200x1136, extra lesson gatcha featuring tomomi yoshiko mizuho nanase and yui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a problem when the source character looks older than that.
Much better.

>> No.17512234

I really don't see Yui wearing such a short skirt. At least Mizuho is closer to what she behaves like.

>> No.17512966

DMM will probably axe that gatcha game sometime this year. It's been pretty low at the rankings lately.

Meanwhile, Dragon Knight 5 is in the top 10, shame that it just borrowed the Dragon Knight name. It literally have nothing to do with the Dragon Knight series. Fuck you DMM.

>> No.17517007

So, is there a way to play through these at all without knowing JPN? Like a guide or something.

I want to fap; but the language barrier is making it difficult.

>> No.17518054
File: 487 KB, 1282x1140, outdoor gatcha 2 featuring mayumi and tamaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DMM will probably axe that gatcha game sometime this year
Wouldn't be surprised if that's the case, I rarely find people posting it on futaba's DMM thread.
>It literally have nothing to do with the Dragon Knight series
Also bugged up the ass on release. I dreamed the day when someone buy elf's old IPs from DMM, but until then I'll take the freebies that I could get.
What game? There are lots of ELF games, be specific. If you refer to Doukyuusei/Kakyuusei series though
>I want to fap
You will get a blueball before you reach the first H scene. These games requires you to work your way to get your lewd, and the focus content is interaction with the girls, not he H scenes.
Still, if you insist:
That's walkthrough for Kakyuusei.

>> No.17518266

Yeah, neither Doukyuusei or Kakyuusei are made for quick faps. That anon would better go for Silky's titles like Aishimai and the like.

>> No.17518288

Yeah; I was speaking more about Kakyuusei/Doukyuusei.

I'll do my research, I enjoyed the last ELF game I played which was YU-NO. Hope one day a nice amount of the get translated for gaijin to enjoy

thanks for the link btw!

>> No.17518315

I can't really blame anyone for not spending much money on it compared to the other shit on DMM, especially if it's still mostly unvoiced.

>> No.17519063

I did that with DK1-4, Run Run Kyousoukyoku and the Doki Doki Shutter Chance series but I advise against doing it.
If you want to fap just get the CG.

>> No.17523459
File: 48 KB, 284x200, dengeki_hime_200208_kou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this on uzuki.ac, can't find the original image/pdf though. Tamaki apparently undergone a design change since the game's advertisement in 2002(no ribbon, sports twintail hair instead of ponytail), but I can't be sure unless I can get my hands on the magazine rip of this page. Fishy.

>> No.17523525
File: 82 KB, 316x200, con_200410_kou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Kakyuusei 2 commercial which mirrors its predecessor. God, I wish there is an archive like saturn magazines for these stuff.

>> No.17523939

You can try asking Aya Kadoi on her twitter. I recall she added some prototypes for character designs for Kakyuusei in her doujins.

>> No.17530836
File: 664 KB, 1920x1136, pool gatcha featuring yui kazuki and tamaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17534315

Is that Hitler on the left ... ?

>> No.17534327

No, your uncle, the owner of a cafe named Dogeza. He underpays you, so that makes him worse than Hitler.

>> No.17535350
File: 82 KB, 640x400, dogeza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17535598

He also helps ensures you're able to date two of your underclassmen.

>> No.17536994
File: 119 KB, 640x400, 悪魔.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He underpays you
That's an understatement

>> No.17537400

Because he wants to bang Miyuki, not because of any altruistic feelings.

>> No.17538829

Doesn't matter his creepy intentions made it easier for you to get close to them.

>> No.17545191
File: 232 KB, 800x1136, 411255-shangrlia-2-pc-98-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one liked these?

>> No.17545198

I've been considering to play Foxy and Shangrlia since they seem like spiritual predecessors to Dragon Knight 4 but haven't gotten around to them.

>> No.17545825

I never got around to playing that. What is your opinion on it, anon? Not too grindy, I hope?

>> No.17551509

I enjoyed it as I do all horrible hentai anime. It isn't a waste of time for a super sleazy fap, but doesn't compare to the game of course.

>> No.17551747

There is no such thing as a good Eroge to Ero anime adaptation. Except maybe the Doukyuusei OVAs, even though it made me hate the MC a bit

>> No.17553180

Actually yeah it's surprisingly simple and very easy at least compared to the original version of Dragon Knight 4.

>> No.17553197

The ero anime adaptation of Kisaku at least was amusing.

>> No.17553346
File: 55 KB, 640x400, map 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the hardest part about that?
I remember I couldn't possibly beat the first map in the second half until I remembered that I had tons of seeds to spent on Kakeru.

>> No.17553388

The beginning of the game was simple it was as you get closer to the end that Dragon knight 4 started to get hard especially if you're going for a no one dies playthrough.

>> No.17553473
File: 7 KB, 640x400, rozarindo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly tanked with Eto and Kakeru so if one of them died it was game over anyway. Natasha and Nereid were my main killers so they had insane stats that made them practically invincible. Similar for the elves. Rosalind outranged everything and was too slow to get rushed by an enemy.
Most of the other folks were left in the town where nothing could harm them.

The hardest map is I think the third to last where you have to break through a ring of mages but that was hard in any of the versions I played.

>> No.17555155
File: 57 KB, 600x688, C4wUMDuWcAA-Jeq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17555165

Made 20 years ago, According to Aya.

>> No.17555167
File: 188 KB, 900x1200, C4ME0BuVYAAgcY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my damn image.

>> No.17563316

It's really nostalgic.

>> No.17567980

They made an upgrade not too long ago.

>> No.17574088
File: 254 KB, 1024x768, a0014348_2082981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of old ELF games, has there ever been another game like AV King ever made?

>> No.17585132
File: 452 KB, 1280x1136, pool gatcha 2 featuring minori and karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17591000

Nice to see Karen in a swimsuit and not freezing to death.

>> No.17592007

Not that I'm aware of. AV king was certainty unique. The true ending path was awesome.

>> No.17600085
File: 676 KB, 1920x1136, doukyuusei aw first anniversary gatcha featuring misa mai yui and misako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17601330

Mmmmk even with the rather generic "upgraded" artstyle Mai in the dominatrix outfit actually looks pretty nice.

>> No.17608235

Well. she was the ojousama type in Doukyuusei 1. Kinda wish she was this assertive in her route back then.

>> No.17608313

She was assertive at the end
That was also one of the many things they changed for the worse in the first Windows port

>> No.17613238

I barely remembered her route in the windows port, what was changed other than the additional scenes they added during her date(Which I thought was nice)

>> No.17613241

I really liked it though I only played Shangrila 2

>> No.17613368

It was a little thing but it bugged me: In the letter you find the next morning after sleeping with her, originally she signed it "your girlfriend, Mai" but in the first Windows port they changed it to "your girlfriend candidate, Mai"

>> No.17619878
File: 113 KB, 640x400, she knows youre fucking around with multiple girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17619891

Have to go though the entire game without lying a single hand on a girl in order to get her ending was just frustrating.

>> No.17619914
File: 119 KB, 640x400, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use the time to get non-lewd CGs of the girls that you missed on previous playthrough while searching Tina on the town, as long as you're not fucking them.

>> No.17619931
File: 69 KB, 692x426, pendant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 16 years ago I had a jeweler make me the pendant

>> No.17619933
File: 224 KB, 606x516, made_in_tetra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17620011

Really? I got her on my first play through.


>> No.17621551 [DELETED] 

Does it come with heartbreak from watching your amnesiac lover happily having an intercourse with another person after they promised to never love another person in the past?

>> No.17621572
File: 106 KB, 640x400, I actually rejected her christmas eve date offer on first playthrough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it come with heartbreak from watching your amnesiac lover happily having an intercourse with another person, even after they promised to never love anyone else to you before?

>> No.17624501

Sheesh I remember in the original PC version simply fooling around in front of a girls door was enough for you to fail Tina's route. At least in the windows version the requirement was simply don't have sex with any girls the entire game.

>> No.17625880

It was completely possible to get a girl's ending AND have Tina as a choice in the PC98 version. All you had to do was never do anything to them, sex them or whatever. Apparently, getting a girl's happy ending only required a minimum number of unlocked flags, and that her affection number to be over 90. Ai was the easiest, since her affection for you is ALWAYS 100.

>> No.17626753

Wait, so you can get Ai's ending without fucking her even once?

>> No.17626995
File: 7 KB, 512x448, shioriisnotamused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get EVERYONE's ending without having sex, groping, or even kissing, your girlfriend. This is some Tokimemo/traditional christian values level stuff here.

>> No.17627456

Even Mayumi?

>> No.17627897

I am pretty sure it wasn't necessary for her either. The first time I played Kakyuusei was on a defective DOS version that didn't allow for escorting the girls back home or take them to a hotel without crashing.

>> No.17627939
File: 52 KB, 256x379, fairytale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to play the original Fairy Tale on Neko ProjectII , but all I get is a black screen. I have the BIOS rom and other necessary components.


Can anyone get it to run?

>> No.17627996

What does this have to do with Elf products?

>> No.17628005

See: >>17349845
Elf originated from Fairytale

And also I cannot think of a time in the last few years where there would be a more relevant topic.

>> No.17628107
File: 45 KB, 640x400, 1322435497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a PC88 disk image so you need M88Kai or whatever PC88 emulator you want.
I see it listed as a PC98 game but can only find Fairy Tale Kaizokuban which seems to be something different.

>> No.17628384

Thank you very much. I was under the impression that Neko Project was also an 88 emulator, but I was mistaken.

>> No.17629518
File: 15 KB, 640x400, Dragon Knight 3 (Knights of Xentar) 0042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^Does anybody know if there was a CD version with voice acting for Dragon Knight 3 aside from the PCE-CD port and Knights of Xentar?
The FM Towns CD doesn't have speech.

>> No.17629560
File: 14 KB, 731x279, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't seem to be

>> No.17635046
File: 224 KB, 640x1136, DJsXkAOVoAAqj-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, that signature

>> No.17638976

Can't say it rings any bells.

>> No.17639410
File: 244 KB, 595x425, s0z_9-img595x425-14978837451497883745.562254317qn8kw5431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17639484

His style sure has changed
I wouldn't recognize it at all

>> No.17639502
File: 306 KB, 640x906, 9784063815245_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17639789

God she is fucking hot

>> No.17639909

You have to be kidding me. No way.

>> No.17639989
File: 144 KB, 640x1136, DJsXj9WUIAAdVq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wish that DMM hire the old artists to work on a full game, and not just for mobage.

>> No.17640005
File: 460 KB, 1280x1136, doukyuusei aw first anniversary gatcha 2 featuring yui tamaki and mizuho doing ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17640022

They announced he would be drawing that character before the game even started.

>> No.17640039

He's also working for the Dragon Knight 5 too https://www.famitsu.com/news/201707/13137637.html

>> No.17644275
File: 323 KB, 1280x720, sotsugyou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest to god, his style is unrecognizable now. I know some people were not a fan of the way he drew eyes, but it was kind of his charm point, you know?

Maybe it is just my nostalgia goggles.

>> No.17649850

That's not Aya Kadoi, is it?

>> No.17649864
File: 51 KB, 500x1000, CrZcBj1W8AUd3Mb.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck Reiko's design this bad anyway? She doesn't even have the confident as fuck smile old Reiko had.

>> No.17650142
File: 213 KB, 640x960, Elf_All_Stars_Datsui_Jan_064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the animation clips from (Elf) Elf All Stars Datsui-Jan (the first one) . A mahjong you play with the girls . I found 2 ~ 3 but the first is so rare and the animations are quite cute .

>> No.17650325
File: 2.07 MB, 1118x480, mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get the cg's out elf games?

>> No.17650605

Unless someone hijack her twitter, yes, that's her creation.

>> No.17651332

There was this Alice program, years ago.*Maybe* it still online, but each company uses different compression and encryption methods, so you will need the appropriate files.

>> No.17651367

There wasn't any animations from the first Datsuijan at all.

>> No.17651766

I just want extraction tools for just elf's Doukyuusei 1 & 2.

>> No.17651807

I think SUSIE has support for that. Lets hope the site still works. You are asking for really old stuff.


>> No.17652845

Uh couldn't you just go to a ero game gallery and search for that way?

>> No.17653052
File: 987 KB, 320x240, 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then where did this come from ?
had characters from 7 different games but the quality could be better , feels compressed .

I have the animations from Datsuijan 2&3 this was not among them .

>> No.17653630

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I think Kakyuusei used to have a portable console game

>> No.17653666
File: 135 KB, 635x800, DSC_3049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Jankyuusei for Gameboy Color but it doesn't have animation, just stills (even putting aside the resolution)

>> No.17653671

That is from Datsuijan 2 actually.

>> No.17653679

In case you don't believe me I'll give you details,
In Datsuijan 1 Mizuho(The character in your webm animation)is wearing her School uniform, In datsuijan 2 she's wearing her tennis outfit(What shes stripping from during your webm). But in Datsuijan 3 she wears her school uniform which is she NOT stripping from at all in this animation.

Since there was no animations in Datsuijan 1 at all, and she's not stripping from her School uniform in the animation you presented that concludes that animation is from Elf all Stars Datsuijan 2.

>> No.17653693
File: 1.97 MB, 320x240, fcda2ded24e33908f6505ed7b674587f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Datsuijan 3. Notice the differences in her skirt and difference in art style?

>> No.17653769
File: 98 KB, 652x416, you have to see tina sad face 96 times to get all the sex scenes in the game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17653822

I always did 同時攻略
I was a total player
Good thing Tina never told them

>> No.17654109
File: 868 KB, 320x240, 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded animations of 2 and 3 from the internet , if you guys are correct then I am missing a lot of animations from Datsuijan 2 that explains why my set seem missing a lot of girls .

Can anyone help and post the original animations from Datsuijan part 2 please ? I'd be grateful for webm or avi's in a zip .

Again thanks for the update been looking to solve this for a long time .

>> No.17654808
File: 41 KB, 640x400, 267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever considered the effect of your manwhoring to the women that you've fucked?

>> No.17654918
File: 43 KB, 719x539, uyop00-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a man of many loves

>> No.17655009

Remember the endless debates about the moral implications of romancing a dozen women at the same time? Those flamewars lasted for over a decade.

>> No.17655968

Why do all these redesigns look so much younger, Yu-no had the same problem.

I actually liked that they look a bit more mature compared to all the babyfaces we get now.

>> No.17657669

So how come nobody has attempted to translate any of the *kyuusei games yet?

>> No.17658216

Probably because nobody cares that much about them.

>> No.17658224


>> No.17658398

Is anything in elf's catalog translated besides DK3 and YU-NO?

>> No.17658406

There was a payware guesslation for WWXP.
