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17336638 No.17336638 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to /rs/? That's where I got the majority of my touhou shit back in 2010. Is touhoumon dead?

>> No.17339627
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/rs/ died a long time back. I doubt you'd get any useful link out of it now even if it were alive.
Search the web or check the thpp site.

Speaking of Touhoumon, I started playing Gensou Ningyou Enbu recently. I checked their official database, and there's a term (指数) that puzzles me.
Anyone care to explain?

>> No.17340019

The bottom looks like average performance of those moves based on puppet's stats and typing. Not sure what that B/D table is about.

>> No.17344789

Nips usually denote stats as letters HABCDS in discussions.
So H = HP, S = Speed, and ABCD are Fo.Atk, Fo.Def, Sp.Atk, Sp.Def respectively.

So after dicking around in wikis (official and unofficial) I think I get it.
The term 指数 literally stands for index, in this case a pre-calculated number that helps in quick damage calculations.
There are actually 2 types of index: 火力指数 (firepower index) and 耐久指数 (endurance index).
First the 耐久指数:
Endurance index is calculated by:
EI = (HP-2) * Defense
where: Defense = Fo.Def or Sp.Def depending on move used.
The table lists various EI values for different cases: whether the stats in question are boosted by mark or PP bonuses or not.
(All values apply at Lv50 with S Rank in the defense stat under consideration)
Now the 火力指数:
Firepower index is calculated by:
FI = Attack * Move Power * Match Bonus * Random Number * 11 / 25
where: Attack = Fo.Atk or Sp.Atk depending on move used.
Match Bonus = 1.5 if puppet's and move's types match, 1 otherwise.
Random Number = random element out of the set {0.86, 0.87, 0.88, ... 0.98, 0.99, 1.00}
So e.g. if the firepower index for a move is displayed as 2632~3097 (1748~2057)
that means FI lies in the range [1748, 2057] if the attack stat is untouched,
and in the range [2632, 3097] if attack stat is boosted with maxed out mark and PP bonuses.
(Again, all values apply at Lv50 with S Rank in the attack stat under consideration)
Now one can calculate damage (as a fraction of HP) by:
Damage = FI / EI * Additional Bonuses
where: Additional bonuses = any external bonuses by hitting weaknesses, weather type, ability bonuses etc.
e.g. Suppose Lv50 PMarisa uses Spark Javelin (a Focus move) on Lv50 D Reimu.
Also, suppose that PMarisa has maxed Fo.Atk with S rank and DReimu has maxed HP and Fo.Def with S rank and a blue mark too.
then damage = (5610~6600)/(33540) = 16.73%~19.68%
So, in such a battle PMarisa would need to fire around 6 Spark Javelins to defeat DReimu.

>> No.17345523

nobody really follows it any more after the dumpster fire train wreck of the tpdp translation

the game really sucked before the expansion too, being just cave explorer, then they made an expansion and asked you to pay for it again for the game to be playable

>> No.17347946
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I kinda wanted to make a post since a full main story version of gensokyo scenario was released last december but i saw no one talking about it, here it goes though

Touhoumon was born as a hack rom of Pokemon Fire Red, which originally was simply overhauled the first 386 Pokemon we know to replace them with characters from Touhou. Touhoumon Gensokyo Scenario is a patch of the original Touhoumon - initially developed by a niconico user called "Uda"- that wrote a new story to the game (which before that used to be basically fire red), set in Gensokyo, where all the original Touhou games also take place. The patch was looking very promising, however the project was given up by the user at the progress of merely one of the eight medals into the game, leaving the game for dead for several years. Years later, an Indonesian by the nickname of Aichiya Sanae planned to make an English translated patch of the game while also "continuing" its development with a patch named Another World, but it quickly turned out to be overall mediocre, making most of the game take place in Kanto and adding very poor new sections to Gensokyo. Another project was started, though, by Ealgrete, a rom hacker known for one of the first and arguably the best and most true to the original gba remaster of Pokemon Gold, named Pokemon Golden Sun. This new patch of Gensokyo Scenario aimed to take the project to an end, setting the story entirely in Gensokyo and a small Makai section. And after several years of development, an open version was finally made available to play last December. The current version goes up until the end of the main game and includes, for post-game, bosses rematches and a battle tower style facility.
Videos about the game https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtuZHTpurrqWV8HZMbGhj1qDT33pMnla
>Developer's twitter account + IPS DOWNLOAD LINK, SEE PINNED TWEET https://twitter.com/KecleonTencho?s=09

>> No.17347953

Data such as stats on the mons can be found on https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki by searching touhoudex 2 and the name of the character - add a c before the name if it's the chibi form, character's surname if it's the PC-98 variant. (location data isn't implemented for this game so don't rely on what you read about that there)
Nothing is known regarding an English patch as of now, but anyone who wants to help with translation is gladly welcome

>> No.17349613

Oh well, i did my attempt at bringing the thread back.

>> No.17349679

You shut your whore mouth, TPDP was great and I had a lot of fun participating in the threads on /vp/ and /jp/ about a year ago.
I'd still be doing it, if the translation project hadn't turned to shit and killed the English fan community. I still pick up and play the game occasionally but it's a very lonely experience.

>> No.17350217

Does PDP have online play? I was thinking of buying it but it does kinda let me down that it has no English patch

>> No.17351194

/rs/ died forever ago man. You can get most Touhou things on MoriyaShrine or by asking on /jp/

Play TPDP, it's good and there's a translation for the base game. Expansion translation never though, which is a shame because the Expansion adds a lot

>> No.17351231

Don't feel bad, I appreciate you giving me the heads up on that. Gonna give it whirl.

>> No.17351308

What happened with the translation?

>> No.17351515

Repostan from a pretty old thread

From my understanding the only reason it doesn't have a translation is because the translation team were a bunch of autists from Tumblr who were too busy inciting pointless melodrama or eating each other alive to do anything.

It's a shame, because from the sounds of things 99% of the work has already been done and they're squatting on the small amount remaining.

>> No.17354020

Yes it does. The expansion also has dedicated servers and match codes.

>> No.17354173

OP here, thanks for this info m8. I've been playing the OG Gensokyo Scenario on/off for a few years, and I've actually never heard of the newest continuation of it. I'll definitely check it out.

>> No.17354661

Cool i hope you enjoy.
Just another warning since it apparently didn't end up in the post's input, the ips file must be patched to a pokemon fire red (J)(Independent) ROM

>> No.17355259

The interface patch is honestly enough. The scenario script doesn't matter because TPDP doesn't even have much a story anyway. Only thing that really matters is knowing where to go. Alas, the team apparently isn't really at 99%. There's a lot more to the script that needs to be done, and they only have one fluent translator, so they can only get things done so quickly. If you know someone that can offer a hand I'm sure they'd be happy with it.

>> No.17356555

so sad that this kind of thread gets noticed so little. gonna give it a bump before going to sleep but i don't expect much.

>> No.17358109

i mean i bought it to support the guy but in retrospect i didn't really enjoy the base game that much because of all the caves you went through

they started out saying "we're translating, not localizing" so there was always internal discourse over attack names. ssib reisen basically dragged it to a grinding halt for a combined two weeks as well

>> No.17358562
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Touhoumon games are always great for PC98fags, it's so nice to see oldhus get exposure outside of the fan favorites like Mima, Yumemi, or Shinki. But it definitely seems like Touhoumon games have lost relevance and popularity recently. Hopefully that'll change soon.

>> No.17359999

That is true but sadly it doesn't come as a selling point for people to play. I believe it's in a very thin area where you would have to like both of the original game sagas to wanna play any touhoumon game - that or like one of the sagas so much without knowing the other you are tempted to play it out of curiosity. There's also the language problem where many people only wanna play the game if it's in English, see Another World and that wasn't even that was a pretty trash game. One thing i hope is someone makes an English translation of Gensokyo Scenario, that might bring some flow back in the game.
/vp/ + /jp/ crossover board might help too

>> No.17362329

Please don't die thread

>> No.17362617

Is Yume no Kakera fully translated already? And holy shit, it's been a while since I last saw anyone mention /rs/.
Creating new board is never the best idea for anything. There's nothing wrong with having occasional threads on either /jp/ or /vp/, and the only reason why they've gotten less popular is because people don't have as much interest in 2hu doujin games nowadays as they once did.

>> No.17364015

i don't know what'd get touhoumon threads to be active again though short of translation finally being released

i'd just go make a new hack or something but that's too much effort for not enough reward at this point

>> No.17364156

I know, i was kinda joking there and i don't even think it has any relevant chance to happen. But maybe if we make some threads with the format that the gensokyo scenario anon posted, maybe some attention into the game could be drawn again

>> No.17364438

meh, you can just machine translate this thing, the Japanese isn't complicated

>> No.17364606

It's not about me though, it's about the people who quit the game or don't wanna play at all because there's no English translation. Go tell them all what you told me, not easy right?

>> No.17367553


>> No.17368980
File: 12 KB, 360x254, 18119300_421321004902369_5374074029528117043_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been waiting epochs for the translation for shard of dreams to come out and im downright about to fly to japan to steal the source code and ask the japanese ambassador at gunpoint to translate it line by line until i can finally do my Great Fairy War team nuzlocke randomizer run

>> No.17369610

Looking forward to that. Also have them hire someone to get any new upcoming expansion translated before release

>> No.17370878
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Just check WCVR12 or your local news station tonight for updates as i create an international incident

>> No.17371690

>some of you guys are cool, don't come to your private studio tomorrow

>> No.17374169


>> No.17374265

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17374315

His future self

>> No.17376062

I don't know why im bumping anymore

>> No.17376404
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>> No.17376444
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Please spare me, or there won't be anyone left to quote you

>> No.17378891


>> No.17381055
File: 36 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2017-07-26-19-22-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post gensokyo scenario screenshots

>> No.17385107


>> No.17386938

I'm actually working on a Touhoumon hack. Unfortunately I have a Mac so most of my editing will have to be done when I go back to college and have access to Windows.

My hack is a mix of 1.5 and 1.8. It uses traditional Pokemon types but it will have a lot of the new moves from 1.8 and the Physical/Special split.

Currently I have about 140 sprites uploaded, and I'm trying to work on movesets. Each character has a 16 moves, so the movesets are greatly expanded from 1.5.

>> No.17388162

Nice. Are you also gonna use the "1.8 beta" sprites which are on touhoumon insane too? https://youtu.be/97fyU0i3rrU
Would be kinda cool to see 1.8 heart stones forms alongside some 1.5 Ex's.

>> No.17390581

Currently I'm just using 1.5 sprites because that's what I have available. If I could find 256x64 sheets of other sprites, I would definitely consider making a patch.

The Touhoumon insane sprites look interesting, but I would have to find the Touhoumon Insane patch. I used to be obsessed with downloading all of the Touhoumon Japanese patches but I'm not sure if I can find them anymore. Plus it would have to wait in general because all the sprite ripping programs are for windows only.

Once I have the core game ready, I would love to add a ton of post-game trainers with buffed Puppets. So having the extra sprites would be useful for that.

>> No.17391619

I had been looking for that patch for days (as in actual time of reseatch, enough hours to cover several days) but couldn't find it. It's annoying because there isn't even an actual name to refer to, i just called it 1.8 beta because i saw the 1.8 typing in the video. Anyway will be waiting to see what will come out of your work. Also please keep the few type matchup changes that were made on 1.5, they were kinda needed

>> No.17396674

Cool, good to see someone is interested in a new Touhoumon patch

This is my current type chart. Bug type has been released with Fairy. It's confusing because I originally came up with the idea in early 2013 before Gen VI came out. I got this idea because there were only two Bug types in 1.5, but I thought fairies could be the small, squishy, annoying species instead that would fill a similar role. Wriggle is also a fairy type because I didn't think another type would fit her better, and the STAB makes more sense, but Yamame is Ground/Poison.

>> No.17396678
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Here is the type chart

>> No.17396700

Not the anon you're replying to, but what's up with the symbols in red/blue color?

>> No.17396790

Red means the attacking type got nerfed. Blue means the attacking type got buffed. Does it make sense? I did the color coding to make things easier for me to understand.

For example, Grass-type moves against Ice-type Puppets is in red since Grass used to be neutral against Ice.

Poison against Water is blue because Poison moves got a buff against Water types.

>> No.17396894

I got it. Thanks.

>> No.17399131


>> No.17402906

Sounds good. And how about the story, what are you thinking of doing about that?

>> No.17403427

As of now, nothing. I think script editing is pretty far down on my priority list, especially since I don't have access to A Map or anything at the time. Really, my goal is probably something similar to Touhoumon Purple. So there's going to be no change to the plot, just a jaunt through Kanto with Pokemon replaced by Puppets.

Eventually I would like to change all the overworld sprites to Touhou puppets instead of Pokemon like Merry's Version did. But I'm not sure how to find the assets or if they still exist anymore.

>> No.17403536

Too bad about the script thing but hope you can make it challenging in whatever way. For the overworld sprites you should be able to rip quite a few from any common 1.8 patch, and for a few extra ones you can check the gensokyo scenario post i made almost a week ago in this thread.

>> No.17404800
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I started a run of Touhoumon Merry's version about 8 years ago, and I decided to play the game again. I just beat Erica's gym.

Here's my thoughts on the Touhous I've used

I feel like Marisa is probably the better starter, but I chose Reimu at random during my first playthrough. Jump Kick is helpful.
She is pretty good. After she evolves into her 2nd form at level 30, you can easily get a water stone from Celadon and evolve her into her EX form. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. Water/Ground is always a good type in any Pokemon game.
She hits pretty hard and is bulky. I think Electric + Grass is pretty good coverage.
She seemed promising but has been lackluster. I gave her the Brick Break and Dig TMs, so I hope those are helpful. Overall she's pretty frail.
I got one in Diglett's Cave (Yamame's Cave). I feel like her firepower is insane, and she was worth it alone to decimate Erica's gym. I'm consider evolving her with another water stone to Swimsuit Utsuho and getting her 3rd form now since that's an option.
I just have her as a TM slave. Not sure if I will catch anything that I will fancy to replace it later.

>> No.17405004

Isn't shizuha quite a lot better than minoriko in touhoumon 1.53 at least in terms of power? I reckon she would be a good replacement for her as far as i know.

>> No.17405081

Yeah offensive Pokemon tend to be better than defensive ones in game, but I don't feel like catching one and leveling it up

>> No.17409506


>> No.17409898
File: 30 KB, 600x400, merry's version 2017-08-01 15.19.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my mind and decided on a last member of my team, Toyohime from the dojo in Saffron City. When I first got it, I saw that the only move it knew was Sketch and decided to box her. Then I looked her up in a program and saw that she and her sister can learn every TM in the game. So since I had a bunch of spare TMs laying around, I figured why not.

Psychic was from another guy in Saffron CIty
Morning Sun (basically Energy Ball) was from the Celadon department store
Shock Wave is from Lt Surge

And finally, I went to Pokemon Tower and decided to Sketch Shadow Ball for Sabrina. But I just realized Shadow Ball is a physical move this gen. :/

I probably should have gotten Yorihime but oh well.

Now off to find a way to get Team Rocket out of Saffron City.
