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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17332477 No.17332477 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>17287770

Game links:
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>all ages games


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Millennium War Aigis:
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Osawari Island:
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Girl's Kingdom:
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>> No.17332552

wow i actually rolled a black in the collab gacha and it was just a dupe ecxks

>> No.17332781
File: 81 KB, 855x487, Capture2017-07-16_22_30_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best girl has no porn
Why am I even playing this game? Seems like only 4* and 5* units have h-scenes.

>> No.17332840

Not even all 4* do.

>> No.17333137

Yeah...the game feels like a beta,even the Super Pershing scene is only one CG from the start to finish of the scene.
And I agree about the Hetzer,when I saw "No stories yet" I was "Seriously? Why make her so cute then?"

>> No.17333591
File: 662 KB, 960x640, 45d48cc162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic stages are so painful. So ungodly painful.

>> No.17333808

are the daily quests the only way to get candy other then the rng wheel?

>> No.17333816
File: 335 KB, 1290x1500, ASU-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because almost all of the lolis in the game are by the same artist. Here's a 5* loli tank by him, one that I'm told is actually absolutely amazingly strong, but an event unit so Nutaku players (and me as well) will have to wait and hope for a revival.

>> No.17333872

I wonder if any of the loli's will get h-scenes. I mean I'm pretty sure it's a western made game so they might be pretty iffy about doing such. Though the fact that they made any loli characters at all is a step up from the usual endless sea of big tit bimbos western games are known for so who knows.

>> No.17333887

Armor Blitz is Western?

They've been commissioning japan for the art then.

>> No.17333911

Don't know about that, the Devs said they do their own art, they did get a company to do their trailer though.

>> No.17333938

That's strange, since even DMM games mostly scout and commission their artists instead of having them in-house.

>> No.17333940

most of these games have a kickstarter of some sort

Its kinda nice nutaku picks up these games and publishes them

>> No.17333979

4 days playing and looks like that's the only way to get them.

>> No.17334128

I find this game pretty fun, maybe they'll add events for them in the future or something

>> No.17334217

>finally a rainbow gate after months
>fuck yes here comes summer sol
Fuck this gay Earth. I hope her H scene is decent at least.

>> No.17334237


>> No.17334264

Well it's surely better than Sol's then at least as far as the pron goes. I take back my complaint.

>> No.17334300

It needs more pron,but I actually like it,plus you get a random 5 stars tank when you log in 30 days.
Plus you can get new tanks by drops and construction...not like some shitty gacha games (Seriously Kamihime? Playing since the first event and after more than 50000 jewels and all the tickets and Collab rewards and only TWO SSR's? Damn you)

>> No.17334312

This union event is really nowhere as fun as I expected it to be, my union already got every reward worth shit, there's still 4 days of event left and now there's more trash in my gift box than there's cum in Mordred's pussy.
I also heard the weapons added in the other union events are shit so there isn't anything to look forward in the next ones.

>> No.17334329

>the weapons added in the other union events are shit
They are, but they're still fairly useful as elite fodder.

>> No.17334339

if you compare games like phantasma to DMM games theyre alot of more generous

usually rate ups without spending paid shill coin

>> No.17334741

>As for your shrine units, Rachel is amazing and should probably be prioritized. Consider using Sabrina with her too, I used Sabrina/Anelia for my early game and never really needed an archer.
Wait, she is actually good? What makes her good?

To be honest I was disappointed when I got her. Lots of comments on the JP wiki are saying she's obsolete and that pirates are a shit class.

>> No.17334879

How the heck do you get the flower knights to do the special sprite animations in the garden? When I click on them, it just cycles through the usual move, joy, attack... I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it's driving me crazy.

>> No.17335137

>armor blitz plays smoother then kamihime


>> No.17335199

She's not majin 10+ good, but she's good dps with high range.

>> No.17335664

Japanese code needs to be interpreted a thousand times.

>> No.17335715 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 118x230, sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then the JP definition of obsolete must be "not Rion", because Rachel still does comparable damage with non-SAW Mirno with similar uptime, at greater range, and while being able to attack out of skill.

I had no problem accessing the special animations by clicking, so maybe you're trying them with a character who doesn't have them yet?


Here's the list of characters with available garden animations, if want to re-check.

>> No.17335724
File: 15 KB, 118x230, sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then the JP definition of obsolete must be "not Rion", because Rachel still does comparable damage with non-SAW Mirno with similar uptime, at greater range, and while being able to attack out of skill.

I had no problem accessing the special animations by clicking, so maybe you're trying them with a character who doesn't have them yet?


Here's the list of characters with available garden animations, if you want to re-check.

>> No.17335725

Which games on DMM have more lolis and less cowtits? I'm still lurking in Nutaku, but I'm sure DMM has more stuff.

>> No.17335748

a preschool

>> No.17335779

Sadly I cannot into moonrune, do you have any hints to what the icon looks like? Or if it is in kana?

>> No.17335789
File: 14 KB, 318x159, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like this

>> No.17335791

What the fuck you sicko?

>> No.17335799

you wanted lolis faggot

>> No.17335804

Yeah, these aren't lolis idiot

>> No.17335902



>> No.17335956

Red Corruption. There's an entire faction made of lolis.

>> No.17335957

Huh, that was it all right. I think I was under the impression that the garden animations were something that all the golds and rainbows had. Thanks for the link!

>> No.17336023
File: 1.94 MB, 1589x2700, fkgcompilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FKG has a lot of high-rarity loli characters, they've been releasing them non-stop ever since that one NND poll had an overwhelming demand for them. There's still a lot of busty girls too, though, and event girls tend to be more mature.

Here's a compilation of some of the more petite girls in FKG, if you'd like to take a look.

>I think I was under the impression that the garden animations were something that all the golds and rainbows had
They'll probably be getting there in a year or so. If there's anything FKG devs like more than adding loli characters, it's making SD ojisan outdo himself time and time again.

Speaking of which, bullying bamboos probably ranks high up on their to-do list, too. First we had a New Year's bamboo in Nandina, but she wasn't a genuine bamboo, and now we have a Tanabata bamboo who even has "bamboo" as a verbal tic but still isn't a true bamboo, and she comes with two more sisters who are also not bamboo. There's no way that is accidental, even the pests were bamboo-themed in these events.

>> No.17336032

Alright not bad, I was looking around and I guess most of them do.

The only problem right now is that I have no idea when most of these are going to get ported to English over to nutaku because I can't handle all these non-copyable text.

If likely to get ported, how long do you think it will take and will these ever get de-censored?

>> No.17336035

FKG has long been ported.

>> No.17336038

Oh nevermind that then, how long do ports take though? Are they actually planning on porting all of them or something?

Also, I wonder if they'd port non 18+ games like http://www.dmm.com/netgame_s/strike/ as well

>> No.17336073

Time to port depends mostly on how popular the game is, they prefer to port the more lucrative titles first (though these have been running dry because Nutaku heavily mismanaged some promising DMM games, leading to their early closure). They did port a few worksafe games, but Strike Witches is probably a no-go because it's a well-established franchise and comes with all the associated baggage. They once tried to get the license for that Taimanin Asagi game and sort of botched it, and I don't think they're very eager to do it again.

As for the porting of in-game content, events on Nutaku trail their DMM counterparts by a period of ten months for FKG. Some other mechanics, like ultimate maps and character quests, are further behind, but they do eventually intend to port everything that is on DMM.

>> No.17336096

Thanks for the info. If only the Strike Witches game was available in my country via DMM. I don't want to VPN, but I guess some day I will.

Also, I guess the best option is to finally learn moon runes. I don't know why I slacked off and put it away for 7 years.

>> No.17336256

It's from this comment thread,

According to them Monster Slayer has higher DPS than pirates.

>> No.17337094

Who is that girl wearing next to nothing thats 4 down and 2nd from the left, and when will she be in Nutaku version.

>> No.17337107


She was introduced with event 43, and Nutaku is currently on event 33, so she's still a ways off.

>> No.17338687

how is the armor blitz game on nutaku? what was the jp version called?

>> No.17338727

its not a japanese game

>> No.17339028

Seconding FKG for lolis. I'm working my way towards making an entirely loli squad, which is four teams of five knights (20 girls), of decent strength and rarity. Best part is they're safe from Nutaku's dumb censorship (mostly) (knock on wood). I think they've learned from the Asagao incident.

>> No.17339048

I played it for a little bit last time, it's pretty decent. Didn't get to any scenes, but it's a 3D birds-eye-view wave-like game.

You deploy your units, they go from right to left, the enemy goes form left to right, and you gotta destroy the enemy boss on the left side and not let the enemy units get to your base on the right side.

Since it's in 3D, some old computers may not run it good.

But I'd say it's a decent game, I would continue playing, but too lazy since it's PC only for now I guess.

Oh damn, did nutaku censor shit? Also, hopefully they have all the units, unless nutaku's version is a little behind, which I guess I can go with it.

Can't wait for my new phone, this will be fun.

Also, I've been playing Xeno Magia, is that any good? Getting the scenes is tedious as fuck though. I love the home UI, but the gameplay graphics are trash.

>> No.17339158

>Oh damn, did nutaku censor shit?
They've tried a few times in the past, despite stating at its launch that they were done censoring games. They've all been fixed by now.

>> No.17339202

>porn company
My sides, at least they should learn from fakku's philosophy and decensor instead.

Though, I'm not saying fakku's entire philosophy is good, like jewing out the entire industry.

>> No.17339546
File: 1.30 MB, 1486x730, Rinne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feng Shui 2AW next maint. I guess this means that the update list isn't in chronological order, since this one was placed last for July.

Right or left?

>> No.17339557

underboob, sideboob, and cleavage all at once, my steemed friend

>> No.17339594

Left is super cute.

Too bad I still don't have a feng shui even capable of AW leveled yet. The only one I have is the gold one anyway.

>> No.17339921

Does FKG only work with flash? Also, I can't find it in the DMM app. Is this a pc only game? Are they ever going to go mobile?

>> No.17339955

Dammit, I'm stuck at 21 stars. All the videos walkthrough uses an awakened prince and/or a demon summoner. Neither of which I have.

>> No.17339971

Buy buffs and get AW Prince.

>> No.17339991

Can't, I'm stuck 2 maps after the Oasis.
I was thinking of buying buffs but since I don't have the required units I don't think it will help me much.

>> No.17340007

You can get AW prince with very very unlevelled team if you have buffs. Look for "full buff" videos.

>> No.17340304
File: 37 KB, 608x107, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with the event. Union event is more boring comared with other events, imo

>> No.17340578

AW prince is at the very end of the Magic City arc, I'm still at the very beginning of the Desert Arc. It would require a lot of charisma to reach there.

I don't really want to use SCs if I can help it.
21* is already CR4 and Slvl9 anyway, and I'm not sure if the current event unit is worth maxing in the first place.

>> No.17340709

I have only Mia and Pippin, both are only CC'd. Guess this is a good excuse as any to get Mia up there so I can get that AW gold passive since I'm constantly broke these days.

>> No.17340907

Just keep leveling

>> No.17340921

>tfw 22 stars
Had to buy buffs.
Best I can do is withdraw everyone in the boars' way in Dogfight and get away with a 2* clear, my other 1* clears can't be unfucked

>> No.17340991

PC only right now. The devs have another game (Girls Symphony) that was supposed to have a mobile version that they still haven't released, but I figure once they get it up and running that they'll probably double back and try to get FKG up on mobile, too.

AW Prince is actually at the end of the jungle maps, which are after magic city.

>> No.17341158
File: 39 KB, 600x109, good work people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's not so bad to have one of these slower paced events from time to time. If nothing else, it will be a nice chance to do some well needed grid work with all the fodder.

I totally understand those who warned us to be in good unions before these came tho. It would be soul-crushing if alone or in low populated casual ones.

>> No.17341206

>Cracking down on everyone, including translators that won´t sell their souls even though Fakku ripped all their shit from them
>Being criminals that struck a deal with the IP owners
>Selling out former allies and having their sites shut down
>Making millions from retards
>CnD letters to every site with hentai
>Less content for everyone in the world no matter where you are
>Monopoly on the licenses
Is the real world equivalent of that group of ex-pirates in One Piece that joined the marines for exlusive raiding rights as long as they fuck over others in their wake.
Take can all go and die.
De-censoring was happening without them anyway.

>> No.17341373

>5000 DMM 10x roll deal with 1 guaranteed out of Belial, Rudra, Kirin or Hresvelgr
They're getting smarter at this "jewing you out" business
>next event is Ixion reissue
What the shit? That'd be the second time it's rerun

>> No.17342098
File: 39 KB, 665x574, 1491224318848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed four consecutive 54% skill-ups in a row
It's not even past lv10 yet. How do you deal with this shit?

>> No.17342114

I failed 4 80%s while leveling up my Phoenix Bow. Feels bad, man.

>> No.17342241

Pray to Goddess Aigis and she will reward your devotion if it's true.

>> No.17342274
File: 811 KB, 900x900, Hetzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, by the way I remembered that this one has been hinted at. Hetzer's alternate costume.
For all the girls so far, these seem to unlock after Affection Level 5 on girls (i.e. after the H-Scene). So I assume they've at least thought about giving her an H-Scene. Judging by how most H-Scenes so far are only of 5*, and then the 3x starter 4*s, along with three exceptions (M5 Stuart, Tiger I, and Tiger P). From my understanding those three exceptions are really popular among the 4*s. Presumably the others are going to be gradually added in.

I'll be damned if they don't add them as an extra reward from Portal of Chaos once it unlocks on Nutaku.

>> No.17342344

Left because of feet.

>> No.17342372

but right has bare shoulders

>> No.17342409
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, b2f7f44146b08ef4b36f19ebd57d5570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard decisions are terrible.

>> No.17342604

I'd give her my hard decision.

>> No.17342731
File: 1.20 MB, 916x717, Millennium War Aigis - Game Nutaku (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Chloe's image is still too big, I can see some naughty pixels.

>> No.17342914

Scientifically speaking, what's the probability of a shop reset?

>> No.17342948

They WERE planning on doing so for future revivals

>> No.17343507

Considering they said they were going to reset exchange rates on advent revivals this month in the last producer letter, I want to say 100%. Also it'll have the new advent exchange rates, plus a new SSR weapon, so it's not that much of a rerun.

>> No.17343561

You almost had me. Were that true I might just have to buy the shit. At least they reduced the guaranteed SSR ones from 5000 to 3000 points.

>> No.17343588

It's still half the price of Nier:Automata (or similar priced games you may fancy) for a single unit that you don't get to choose in a game that tells you you need at least 24.

Don't let the jews get to you.

>> No.17343608

Don't worry, Kamihime isn't about to get any money from me. I'm just sticking around to see if it ever improves at this point.

>> No.17343617
File: 265 KB, 960x640, catchfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took a couple months, but finally got there. Even event girls can have better statlines than Dendrobium with enough support.

>> No.17343838

>better statlines than Dendrobium


>> No.17343858

>5000 DMM 10x roll deal with 1 guaranteed out of Belial, Rudra, Kirin or Hresvelgr
What? Where?

>> No.17343869

It goes live today at 3 PM I believe?

>> No.17343943

Dendrobium has 22144 HP, 7512 attack and 2762 defense as her base stats, full-maxed Catchfly effectively has 17844 HP, 11279 attack and 5055 defense. That's a TP difference of 1760, so Catchfly is about equal to Dendrobium with an average event ring equipped (but falls behind if Dendrobium has her character equipment/multiple slots/ampy investment). Dendrobium's skill and abilities are also so busted that the latest Kodaibana stage was more or less designed to directly counter her (as well as Cymbidium and other turn-1 tactics), so there's that as well.

And then there's poor Calla, who has the lowest bloomed statline in the game and can't pass Dendrobium's base TP even if you max her out and give her top-of-the-line equipment. Hell, plenty of silvers have better stats at level 60 than she does at level 80.

>> No.17344255

>How do you deal with this shit?
By not being a retard and doing 100% chance skill-ups only.

The only shit you should be skilling up below 100% is R cups, 3>4 @ 67%.

>> No.17344265

What he said >>17344255
I won't even do 99% skill ups.

>> No.17344304

Rinne is my favourite Aigis girl.

>> No.17344745

Hay wat do with all these sr exp eidos from union event? All my ssr eidos are max lvl ...

Should I sell for gems or what

>> No.17344749

The ones that are going to expire from my giftbox I mean ill keep any I have room for

>> No.17344760

I limit break Rs and raise them, but I mean just sell them if you don't want to do anything silly like that.

>> No.17344841

Why are you comparing non-amped Dendrobium to amped unit AND adding item stats to her too? Are you baka?

>> No.17345294

Looks like Shino is the next revival unit.
Is she a good unit to get?

>> No.17345591

Current Nutaku Aigis event:

Does Chloe keep her skill levels when cc?

>> No.17345621

Yes, Rorone is the only event unit devs were retards with. Sadly they never patched her to fix it either.

She's not the kind of unit you can bring to almost every map like Liana, Hibari, or Eterna; but she definitely has her uses with her high damage stealth.

>> No.17345767
File: 87 KB, 600x805, DE3mwrfUMAApBqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sister is better in almost every way, temporary stealth isn't too useful and I couldn't really get her "place in front of highly dangerous, stationary enemy to get some free damage in" niche to work out. If she had some initial stealth after placement, you could get away with dropping her on strong ranged enemies like Bifrons' dracolich, but as things stand now, that use is limited because she'll be whittled down in the 5 seconds it takes for her SAW to get ready (you have more leeway with her regular skill, though). If the enemy doesn't have a strong ranged attack, there's not much reason to use her over a ninja, magic fencer or bowrider.

That's not to say that she's useless, she still has solid stats and skill multipliers. The -2 cost to youkai also comes in handy if you have these units, many of which also come with the benefit of being really good.

Er, my bad. I was only bragging about fullmaxing, it's not like anyone is expecting an event gold to match one of the best rainbows in the game right out of the box.

Though Dendrobium's throne is probably taken by Apricot now, her exclusive ability is equivalent to Dendrobium's 100% re-action and applies to the entire party. Speaking of whom, she's the next to be featured in Sasayuki's bloomer series, and it's good to see Mistletoe in there too.

>> No.17345875

Hmm, is she worth the 250 revival crystals at least? Or should I just purchase the emperor instead?

>> No.17345901

Feel free to buy a copy if you find her cute, Emperor is permanently available and she isn't. The revivals after Shino are probably going to be Erika (nigh-useless), Amy (good but not essential), Aoba (good but not essential), Dura (nigh-useless and adds insult to injury because she has a weird single-character class to boot) and Reve (fancy gimmick but doesn't stand out from the 7 or so other bishops), so you can also check these units and decide on a future plan.

They may throw a wrench into things and end up holding another Anya/Karma/Nagi revival, though.

I made another mistake here, sorry. I keep remembering Apricot's ability as "ignore damage on turn 1" but it's only good for a single attack, you need a dodge/provoke rainbow to actually put it on the level of "extra turn for everyone" because otherwise it'll just get broken by small fries.

But guaranteed one-time protection to entire party is still very powerful, given that some bosses can deal 10k damage to full party now.

>> No.17346032

Should I even bother rerolling for a black in aigis?

>> No.17346069

There's not much point. You get a black ticket at level 10 which allows you to pick any black you want.

Also, Black's rate is horrible and you can only roll 2-3 times per account making the process extremely tedious.

>> No.17346091

I'd try for a good plat at least. It's 13% chance to hit the mark, which is pretty high, and you even get an extra 10% or so for a black with your level 5 gold+ ticket.

SCs are relatively scarce and needed for non-shrine things like item collection events, so rolling freely in Aigis is something of a luxury. Might as well do it while you can, you'll probably get something good before you get bored.

>> No.17346119

Unfortunately, they'll stop giving out gold+ tickets after the maintenance a few hours from now though so he just missed the perfect opportunity to reroll.

>> No.17346236

Will they ever give a second black ticket?

>> No.17346540 [DELETED] 

any nice fran images?

>> No.17346900
File: 60 KB, 1200x220, Russians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that guy who wanted to make a full Russian team in Armor Blitz is around Russian 5*s are 100% until Sunday evening it seems.

>> No.17347309

Pretty good, especially for blind runs. If you forget to withdraw her or place her in wrong place at wrong time, you don't lose your 3 stars.
Extra-nice feature: she doesn't take reflected damage when attacks, helps great against stuff like Furfur or that new youkai lightning guy.

Just don't SAW her. Usual skill works long enough to deal with most of nasties or at least deliver significant damage to them.

>> No.17347571

i still have my first black ticket... If it could buy plats i'd go for Celia without thinking twice.

>> No.17347674
File: 427 KB, 963x545, 724554675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""""""""100% boost drop rate on soviet 5* tanks"""""""""
>11 pulls, 5 Churchill I, 2 Type 97 Chi-Ha, 1 SU-5, 1 Semovente da 75/18,1 T-50 and this
As shitty as expected.

>> No.17347693

Maybe it only works with single pulls?

>> No.17347703

People have been speculating that the 100% just means that any 5* you pull will be Soviet and not that actual pull rates are increased.

>> No.17347713

What did you expect from Jewtaku after what they did with the pre-register campaign?

>> No.17347951

She sounded absolutely awful on paper during her event and even after we got her due to her high cost, but it turns out she's actually incredibly useful.

That said, you should always try to get at least one copy of every unit. Minimal effort is required for that, especially now that they have three days per week where you get 1.5x crystals. They're not all worth breaking the bank on cost reductions for, though.

You'd probably be okay with just one Shino, but get one for sure.

Any reason you haven't used it? They're never going to make the pool for it any bigger.

>> No.17348243
File: 435 KB, 724x1241, Katyuusha8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /jp/ could add something to armor blitz, what would you add?

>> No.17348283


>> No.17348289

Emblem gacha (game currency) and premium emblem gacha, also being able to see the stats of the emblems on the recycle screen would be pretty nice too.

>> No.17348313

Sorting options. Mostly for tanks, but they'd be nice for emblems as well.

>> No.17348342

More pr0n...for all tanks,not only the rarest ones.

>> No.17348360

More sources of candy. The daily roulette just isnt going to cut it by itself.

>> No.17348369

Different base gameplay with a different objective.

Waiting for the enemy tanks to spawn and then counter them appropriately got stale quickly.

Unit catalog. Lieutenant screen, being able to consult exp values

More hearts floating around on the map

>> No.17348370
File: 396 KB, 622x536, 4527457468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate skins need to have their own model, my Sarah doesn't have the fucking hat in battle!

>> No.17348379

they mentioned these are in the works

I would love these

>> No.17348467

passive oil regeneration.

>> No.17348534
File: 267 KB, 934x430, 78346745946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to scout with Heavy tanks anons!

>> No.17348590
File: 91 KB, 530x482, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you're a man of culture aswell

>> No.17348666

- The ability to swap your lieutenants.
- A Tank library,to see detailed information about the tanks (Nationality and facts) also for an easier way to see what tanks you own (or owned)
- More effort in the sex scenes,did you guys unlock Sarah's? Is just one static CG...the lieutenants have at least two CG in one scene (Rachel and Erie at least) one for sex,one for climax.

>> No.17348806
File: 1.17 MB, 1269x2876, Lina4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have things to look forward to in the near future.

You may have to wait a while longer.

But we already have that anon.

>> No.17348814

Scouting with other types give you more resources though

You'll start getting plenty of emblems after you start to unlock all your scout slots

>> No.17348817

More scenes will include the loli tanks, right? Please?

>> No.17348824

Unfortunately, the devs say that US laws make it problematic

>> No.17348837

Oh good, then I can forget the game exists.

>> No.17348907

Pretty sure loli won't get you into trouble, or else Nutaku would have had problems when they included the loli's in FKG.

>> No.17348920

Nutaku is based in Canada while these guys are in the US

>> No.17348970
File: 425 KB, 964x554, Hetzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we in "Team Hetzer" will go blue balled?
That's soul crushing level of sad man.

>> No.17349016

Canada is even harsher on loli though.

>> No.17349020

An option to lock the first copy of any girl you get. Either by default or a popup asking if you want to lock that shows up when you get a copy of a girl for the first time.

>> No.17349029

I know, it hurts me too.

>> No.17349061
File: 64 KB, 444x244, 846457689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the 5* emblem that you got for pre-registering, mine is pretty fucking shitty.

>> No.17349079
File: 59 KB, 441x210, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than yours at least.

>> No.17349090
File: 60 KB, 446x244, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no damage 5 star emblem
>awareness shitter

>> No.17349120

Is the next event in Aigis a gold rush?
Reward is a gold phyllis for some reason. When was the last time they gave out a gold unit as an event reward?

>> No.17349128

Seems likely. The last gold event unit I can remember is Yukata Leeanne, which came from GR13.

>> No.17349166
File: 67 KB, 453x251, Emblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow did I luck out?

>> No.17349387
File: 676 KB, 959x646, 魔王の始め方 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the traditional "over day long maintenance short after game launch" DMM thing.

>> No.17349402
File: 74 KB, 439x529, 92474763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water got an OP event weapon with assault large and defense small skills, while fire and thunder get weapons with these shitty multi rate up skills?

>> No.17349427

What new himes came out with the event?

>> No.17349429
File: 360 KB, 560x447, 2198489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saving SC for a while because shit arslan
>Blow it all on new gacha

I hope I don't die tomorrow.

>> No.17349430

Bit short on time, so might have an error or 2.


Fengshui Sage/Hermit
+20 range, +1 targets, +hp/def

8-Gates Fengshui Instructor?
Stealth during skill use, +atk

>> No.17349431

Turns out it's not a gold rush but a unit collection event.

Her normal skill is pretty useful too, its auto reinforcement. No need to SAW her.

>> No.17349432

Worse I hear the large rush works same as small. At any rate that's a disappointing new weapon but a lightning bow is nice to have.

>> No.17349451

Stealth, as in with saw she would have perma stealth? seems the way to go, along with atk increase

>> No.17349458
File: 100 KB, 528x424, DFKC_uFVYAE8weZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neptune and Venus.
At least they restocked the shop so we can farm for another assault sword.

>> No.17349484

Another water again. Fucking bullshit

>> No.17349500

Feng shui are already really tanky, and they don't attack so stealth isn't as great on them, I'd rather have the range and +1 targets even without the +hp/def.
Stealth would be much better on healers than feng shui I think.

>> No.17349512

dmm Aegis: "Here have 7 free SC and a Black Armor because why not?"
Nutaku Aigis: "..."

>> No.17349515

Idk the +1 i don't find useful usually 3 is more than enough to heal at once for me (though i have saria if i need more.) Stealth protects from being targeted from range right? (if wrong then this doesn't matter) which means you could place her in more dangerous places for better positions to heal in. Also like the 100 atk for bigger heals.

It was for the retweet thing they did.

>> No.17349523
File: 371 KB, 979x667, eligos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish me luck please. I want pic related ... hahaha.

Seriously anything is good, I have horrible luck.

>> No.17349525

Damn, wish I picked Rinne on my black ticket. I picked Elyse on mine. ;_;

>> No.17349534

Stealth doesn't protect from splash which is the main stuff that hits them unless you place them last, though you could easily put her in more dangerous places though with Rinnes just under 400 range thats not really neccessary, its 432 with the range path.

>> No.17349536
File: 1.22 MB, 979x659, eligos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I just used 10 years worth of luck!

>> No.17349538

I wish for you to raise your ATK

>> No.17349547

Yeah i know about splash, both have merits and can do different things. I'll just debate on it a little more and decide later. Tired atm.

>> No.17349550
File: 337 KB, 979x665, dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you wish.

>> No.17349554

That's kinda gross

>> No.17349578

Not everyone have Rinne

>> No.17349583

My only choice is to roll regular gacha 120 times for a slim chance at garbage that may give me a handful of levels on the R cards I'm likely to get or already have filling my inventory.

Since almost all of it came from the last two events I didn't even have THAT choice 2 weeks ago. I have to play what I've got.

>> No.17349606

>>But we already have that anon.
We don't. What we have is a timer that will give you 300 oil after 8 hours, you don't even get 1 of that unless you collect it early, nor will it ever give above 300 no matter how much time has passed.

>> No.17349612

Then they won't need to choose with 2AW path to put Rinne on.

>> No.17349628
File: 767 KB, 888x939, 5d8bed9c3ded1d58ba29ffe409efafe6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love feet but stealth seems kind of useless. What do I do?

>> No.17349632

Do it for the 15% attack if you love feet that much which should be more useful than the stealth.

>> No.17349794

>boring event
>kamihime drops to third place

>> No.17349820

AW84 eight gates Rinne has 1892 hp 446 attack 219 defense 220 range.
Sage has 2334 hp 408 attack 304 defense 240 range.

it's not exactly insignificant considering how low fengshui attack is. But I'm not really sure which is better.

>> No.17349825

Better toe work.

>> No.17349839

Attack is the safe route, but the benefits for each are situational.
Let your dick decide, or get both.

>> No.17350081

I downloaded DMM's Aigis app but it has no audio. Why is that? Sometimes it tries to play at the beginning of a round but glitches out. Reinstall?

>> No.17350092

Try clearing the cache first.

>> No.17350134
File: 321 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170720-041756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird. I only get sound when I do a split screen and I get this warning.

I'll try reinstalling tomorrow I guess.

>> No.17350416

Is anyone still translating aigis events?

>> No.17350477

Yeah. Petite still does them on his Patreon, where you don't even have to donate to read them.


He hasn't done the current event yet though.

>> No.17350576

>Fengshui Sage/Hermit
>+20 range, +1 targets, +hp/def

Fucking Christ, how much harder can you possibly break Rinne?

Also I'm surprised to hear people even thinking about the attack boost for her. Most of you are the same people that lost your shit over +10 range for B.Iris but apparently +36 range for Rinne's 30% dodge and an extra heal target in her insane range is nothing to you. I don't get it.

>> No.17350734

Her range is already fuckhuge 396 and 30% dodge isn't reliable. Feng Shui can already heal up to 3 targets and the necessity of healing an additional 4th isn't all too common. A similar argument can be made for attack where 40 extra heals isn't all that significant.
I think the stealth is more interesting for 8 Gates as it allows you to deploy Rinne in a more unconventional ranged slot to utilize her already existing range, freeing up other contested ranged slots that other units could make use of.

>> No.17350832
File: 143 KB, 362x480, Clipboard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would bang

>> No.17350842

I rolled twice and got Dolce and Lapis.

Forget tomorrow, I might die within the hour.

>> No.17350860

Oh cool, she's trapped in the orb now

>> No.17350878

Makes me want to roll myself, but then I remembered I have shit gacha luck. Fuck you guys. I'm jealous.

>> No.17350974

150 SC, should I roll now or not. I want rate up for Lapis or that Vampire black though since they're so good.

>> No.17350991

Yeah, way I see it is that sage won't change how you play with her, it just makes her better. You won't change how you place her and when she is out she will just do what she already did better, the range may help a little here and there, which is nice. This is even reflected in that her art is still basically the same.

While then we have 8 paths which the art style choice was really different. You will still use her basically the same and she will do what she already does slightly better (not as good as sage though). But then you also get a new option of how to use her and that is to place her in spots that normally you can't use, giving you more of a tactical advantage.

>> No.17351026

Lapis is rated up right now, so your call. But she's in the pool with a bunch of other rated up blacks, so it'd be harder to get her if you rolled a black. But Towa is also one of them, which is a plus if you don't have her. You could also opt to wait and see if she gets a rate up in the normal pool by herself.

Personally, I just roll whenever a unit I really want is on the banner and don't think too hard about it beyond that.

>> No.17351105

I think I'll pass, the rate is too low for just her. I already have Towa in that pool too.

>> No.17351217

So..will nutaku give out jewels for the people affected by the souls bug

>> No.17351294

Is a water event coming after the union event on nutaku kamipro?

>> No.17351303

Prides (union) -> Yatagarasu -> Dullahand -> Vritra (water)

>> No.17351310

Sengoku had better art and gameplay then Kamihime

where did it go wrong

>> No.17351320

Day 0

>> No.17351326
File: 589 KB, 652x430, Not Hades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled all my collab tickets and all the jewels i had which was around 27k for hades and i got Sol and Odin. Have been using single draws till event ends and get pic related. Anons, is rate up a lie?

>> No.17351345
File: 137 KB, 889x297, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, and I didn't get shit. I already have all of these.

>> No.17351480

There's nothing wrong with loli in the US. The only people who get busted for having loli are almost definitely initially caught because they had real child porn too.

>> No.17351509

maybe they got confused with Canada where loli porn is child porn

>> No.17351524

Who's that semen demon?

>> No.17351530

Black doggomancer

>> No.17351538

Still mad she's not a kamihime who fucks her doggos

>> No.17351561

Is there any? The closest I know is Undine.

>> No.17351567
File: 723 KB, 859x1332, 45787241_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's make gold versions of silvers
>but pick worst girls for the role
Where is my gold Calliope motherfuckers

>> No.17351588

... and its still in maintenance.

>> No.17351598
File: 261 KB, 226x483, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 〜X指定〜 - DMM GAMES R18 (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's this gyaru and what happened with my Nazuna?

>> No.17351602

I hope she keeps the tan into next week.

>> No.17351605


>> No.17351614

Do you really want one? The gold versions have mostly been awful. Soma was pretty good, at least.

>> No.17351629

If she's gatcha then yes.
Gatcha units are always good

>> No.17351656
File: 317 KB, 727x1028, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full ver.

>> No.17351666

>those toes

artist need to stop giving up on the most important part

>> No.17351671

To be fair, you're not supposed to be able to see them.

>> No.17351752

Which map on english aegis has the best droprate for Chloe?


>> No.17351814

The two I've dropped were on the 7 stamina map.

>> No.17352363

I got hades from 9k jewels. No others though

>> No.17352394

Will future events in Kamihime add some surplus of Hell/Purgatory Points to unlock exclusive souls? Too late I realized that you need to actually also get the 3 million individual PP to get precisely 300.
I don't want to be behind now forever because I couldn't be arsed on an event with arguably shitty rewards.
Will I get a chance at catching up?

>> No.17352396

Tanazuna is a miracle.
Nazuna is a miracle in general though.

>> No.17352430

They'll be available from future Union Events. Next one is 5 events away.

>> No.17352434

yes you will, I believe in between the next 5 union raids you have 300 points to spare anywhere.

>> No.17352442

Banana Ocean corrupts yet another innocent girl.

Forget Kodaibana, slut nation is the real threat in Spring Garden.

>> No.17352483
File: 940 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot_2017-07-20-14-59-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DId I miss something? Just got another Rinne.

>> No.17352486

First time 2nd AW of a black unit gives you a free copy.

>> No.17352491 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 297x400, IMG_0320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6206820996 plez call and talk to me about anime

>> No.17352504

So, Aigis magicians

How do you manage to level units so high without bleeding your ingame wallet dry?

It costs me like 100k to get a unit from Lv 40 to 60. Still haven't dared aim for 70 and higher

>> No.17352522 [DELETED] 

You use platinum armors and 3 fairies of the matching element. Plat armors are available from the Monday/Friday daily.

You can also use high-level fodder once you get to the desert/jungle maps, but otherwise it's very much not recommended to level things beyond 30 or so with other units.

>> No.17352530

You use platinum armors and 3 fairies of the matching rarity. Plat armors are available from the Monday/Friday daily.

You can also use high-level fodder once you get to the desert/jungle maps, but otherwise it's very much not recommended to level things beyond 30 or so with other units.

>> No.17352711

When I use chrome the quality of the games looks way worse than firefox even with hardware acceleration on, anyone know how to fix this or there is no way?

>> No.17352846

I don't.

I'm constantly hovering around 300k with at minimum 10 units waiting for awakening alone, ignoring all those I need to saw and/or aw2. my barracks is full of silvers and fodder.

>> No.17352996

At least next event is advent.

>> No.17353006

>armor blitz higher then kamihime

I love this fucking timelime

>> No.17353013

Is it actually good?
and has a story?

>> No.17353014


Armor Blitz is getting terribly stale already (much worse than Kamihime).

The good art carried it so far.

>> No.17353100

nigger they haven;t even had an event yet, the game is like a week old

its babbys 1st RTS game, more of a cute girl collector like most of these game with less reliance on the shitty ass gatcha like kamihime

its way too early on to see where theyre going with this though

>> No.17353227

Playing both games,I like them but is too early to draw conclusions about Armor Blitz.
One of the best things in AB is that you can get a 5 stars tank in construction.
Imagine that one day Kamihime devs would say: "Ok gamers,from today ALL Kamhimies are available in the gem gacha" wouldn't be nice to draw the damn useless free pull and get a SSR Hime?
Well that's never going to happen because Kamihime is too Jew for that.
But in the cons of Armor Blitz,there is still too little pr0n and looks like the loli characters won't get sex scenes...that's a big negative when one of the cutest characters in the game is a loli.
In the end just wait and see,or try it yourself,is not too grindy so you can play it at your pace.

>> No.17353272

>"Ok gamers,from today ALL Kamhimies are available in the gem gacha"
That's really fucking stupid and there's a reason why basically no gacha games do that.
The only one I play that does it is FFRK but it limits you to 1 (one) daily pull.

If there's no incentive to let a player spend, your game goes under.

>> No.17353305
File: 262 KB, 967x556, BloodfortheBloodgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iam feeling like some sort of Cultist in this game. Sacrificing young innocent Girls to an evil God.

>> No.17353319

super pershing was a mistake

shes op as fuck

>> No.17353432
File: 230 KB, 960x640, sylseth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as I was about to complain how I haven't gotten anything good with my last 100+ SC. Having another Fujishima Sei 1-Gou girl is great too.

I only wish it wasn't so annoying to raise units in Aigis, it'll be months before I bother to AW/SAW her and get her up to par with the rest of the team.

>> No.17353445

What the fuck is undine's H-Scene

how is a robot dolphin thing a merman

>> No.17353453

Aigis has all the gacha units on their base/base sp summon. The rates are horribly low though.

>> No.17353486

Did we come to a consensus which Rinne is better?

>> No.17353494

Will the White Emperor guy on Aigis ever get an AW?

>> No.17353601
File: 427 KB, 515x728, 57830274_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This month's FKG prequel is out, and we get to see the start of Cornflower transition from instructor to active flower knight for the sake of protecting her students. It's nice to see lower rarity girls featured, since 5*+ characters are so common in modern FKG that it's easy to forget that 2*-4* girls exist, and it's doubly nice to see Cornflower because she's already one of the cutest girls in the game (and becomes even cuter with long hair).

Also worth noting that both her and Globe Amaranth (who also features in this chapter) are among Daisy's past victims. Loli characters are great, make no mistake, but Christmas cakes should have their spotlight too once in a while.

>> No.17353602
File: 399 KB, 964x552, 724565486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bison-chan is cute! CUTE!

>> No.17353610

They both have there uses, just pick the one you like the look of more. If you just want a straight up better rinne pick sage, if you rather have the option to place her in harms way so that you can have better position/another ranged in better slots go 8 paths.

>> No.17353651

It's sort of up in the air, since his level cap is 99 by default like an AW unit (or Prince).

I don't think it's too likely, Arslan sounds more plausible because his cap is 70 and they may want to hold another limited-time collaboration campaign in the future.

>> No.17353818

Would he even need one? He's pretty broken as is. I fear what would happen if I raised him to 99 instead of lvl60.

>> No.17353825

Got to magic city and the Golem assrape is too much, the fuck do I do?

>> No.17353834

Token spam.

>> No.17353838

Well that means I'm stuck for the time being

>> No.17353842

>Cornflower chapter
>I yolo'd Mimosa last week

This is the worst timeline.

Give me my Daisy chapter already.

>> No.17353850

You can also just 1* them, look for Prince AW video sets, they have very low-level common units only strats.

>> No.17353882

Nutaku translation quality. Have a nice day.

>> No.17353971
File: 50 KB, 530x750, 1465616546566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I require your IS-2 and T-70 for my Russian team, thank you in advance for your co-operation.

>> No.17354635

>play that lust kingdoms thing
>advanced autism simulator, looks pretty fun
>those "h-scenes"
Jesus, how do you fuck up that badly?
No one is going to play if the fap content is so poor and scarce

>> No.17354673

If it's fun I'm sure they just copied a successful game on the store and plastered some LQ scenes on it to make some bucks out of it with minimum effort.

>> No.17354897

I have yet to get anything but 500 gold or 1 candy from the daily free wishing wheel.
I can't believe they put the core price for this at 100. Who would even try?

>> No.17355177

It went from "emergency maintenance" to "long term maintenance" now, and people who spent DMM points on this game will get refunds. In short, it's pretty much a service termination.
This has to be a new record.

>> No.17355226

I stopped playing a few days after launch. So what was the original reason for this urgent maintenance? Did something get horribly broken?

They should've cloned Aigis instead. The setting pretty much calls for a dungeon building/td game, instead we got this broken FGO clone.

>> No.17355255

Originally they just said they were going to do a long maintenance, then after it was like a day into maintenance they said they'd give out more info on the 21st.

>> No.17355257

Dupe glitch. People abused the fuck out of it and max all their cards. And judge from the sudden service termination, they probably couldn't deal with it properly.
Not to mention the community was pretty displeased with the game being a horrible FGO clone.

>> No.17355323

>fail 90/12
>literally can't try again until 1/4th of a day passes
thanks aigis

>> No.17355332

Yeah I managed with 2 stars, final push wasn't really ready for. Should do ok next time i can try it.

>> No.17355360

Well, at least you do get to re-try My main grievance with Aigis is unit raising, they really ought to make AW possible with non-CC silvers already.

That, or make Onyx be able to substitute for any material during AW/2AW, including the class-specific units.

You may want to try things like Mirno and monster hunters if you have some raised, the pirate gang has high DPS but is also really squishy. If you can hit them beyond their range, you'll have an easy time.

>> No.17355390

Yeah i'm thinking of konaha, I used her but didn't have her on the far right. I have dolce which i will use too. Should be fine.

>> No.17355422

I couldn't even get to the final push. I have no demon summoner so I couldn't kill the dancers.

>> No.17355431

Yeah Riv just destroyed them, making it easier, just redid and another 2, freaking dan being sneaky and didn't see in time. I'll get 3 next time.

>> No.17355473

how do you train up himes fast? I don't understand how people have multiple maxed teams

>> No.17355497

sunday daily
Also rotate the himes in your secondary party

>> No.17355619
File: 202 KB, 516x383, Katyuusha8_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AB patch on Tuesday.
The wishing wheel will be improved.
Super Pershing is being switched for a new tank.
Other fixes.

>> No.17355653

Where did you find that information?

>> No.17355687

We read the thread sometimes.

>> No.17355721
File: 876 KB, 668x892, 魔王の始め方 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they really decided to clone FGO to the very little details, like many-days maintenances.
They announced that game will be in maintenance for quite a while, and they are going to return dmm points to paying players.

>> No.17355727
File: 629 KB, 1095x676, 真・恋姫†夢想~天下統一伝~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news, turns out Shin Koihime Musou was released yesterday... but its in maintenance too.

>> No.17355835

The game is more or less closed at this point, they either have to remake it, or just scrap it altogether.

>> No.17355868

I got a ticket once. A ticket that let's you spin the wheel again once.

I laughed. Then got a candy.

>> No.17355874


>> No.17355906

>I got a ticket once. A ticket that let's you spin the wheel again once.
>I laughed. Then got a candy.

I feel your pain, brother.

>> No.17356065
File: 613 KB, 294x287, yup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell was that last event all about? Aren't you supposed to be able to unlock new souls or some shit? What were those Holy Soul Balls that we were collecting for?

I'm embarrassed to ask my guild. I just kept on fighting Lillims and Demons and hoped for the best.

>> No.17356076

Nigger, how do you not know what soul points are for

>> No.17356080

No, I know what Soul Points are. Is that all we got?

>> No.17356082

I got a 5star emblem from it

that was pretty dope

>> No.17356086

you use the holy soul point on holy souls

otherwise this event gave the same shit as the other events barring himes,weapons, and eidolons

>> No.17356092

Ah, I got hung up on the terminology. The "Holy" in Holy Soul Points was throwing me off because I always just see "Soul Points."
>barring himes, weapons, and eidolons
So nothing new... just lots of fodder. Alright, thanks for clearing that up. It was niggling at me.

>> No.17356101

>harem heroes is #1 on the list

>> No.17356106

You get union event exclusive soul points for exclusive souls like Crowley or Cagliostro.

What kind of union are you in to be afraid of asking man? Some kind of elitist Whale one?

>> No.17356113

>What kind of union are you in to be afraid of asking man?
No, my union's cool - I'm just a spaz. I kinda started late on this event because of other responsibilities and then felt bad asking for the quick rundown because I'm fucking awkward.

>> No.17356132

Well, if nothing else, having someone feeding grails to the union effort should be commended. Or at least I think so.

I hope you got the 3m PP anon.

>> No.17356208

>just started playing osawari again

this game is fun as hell how come no one here plays it

>> No.17356218

Is that still just as censored as it was back then? Or did Nutaku finally learn their lesson.

>> No.17356233

>how come no one here plays it
We aren't THAT insane.
Osawari is soulless whalefest, it tries to fuck you and steal your money at every single thing, and its grindy as fuck.

>> No.17356242

>its grindy as fuck.
I fucking WISH kamihime had a 3x mode on those lame ass events

>> No.17356334

>construct a unit on armor blitz
>almost 24h until completion

what the hi ho diggity fuck

>> No.17356348

> Fuko is usele...

>> No.17356369

She's clearly not useless because 95% of the strategy videos that have come out since her event ended use her.

But I can't fucking be bothered to level her knowing no one will care about her at all in like two months because all she is is a gimmick unit. I've got better units to level.

>> No.17356375

Well if a 3 star tank takes 8 hours...Congratulations Anon! You got a Russian 5 stars tank!
Or a random 4 star tank.

>> No.17356377

Construction time is based on rarity.
1 hour for 1 star
2 hours for 2 star
8 hours for 3 star
24 hours for 4 star
48 hours for 5 star

>> No.17356393
File: 708 KB, 640x640, 1498092749277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 hours for a 3 star
>24 hours for a 4 star
>Yesterday i got a 18 hour construction just for a 1 star Leichttraktor
Really makes you think.

>> No.17356401

i hope its a 3 cost 4 star, i have so many 4 and 5 cost units its getting annoying

>> No.17356403

How long does it take for units to get revivals?
Because I apparently really need that demon summoner

>> No.17356406

Recently they stepped up revival rates significantly, I wouldn't be surprised if we get there by the end of year.

>> No.17356407

That's the only things that wheel gives,It's so obviously rigged.
Man I'm not asking to land on the emblems but if you have 1,10,20 and 50 candies why does it always land in the 1 candy slot?

>> No.17356416

99% chances of getting 500 gold or the fucking candy, rigged as shit.

>> No.17356495

I got 10 Candies yesterday, and some people have apparently gotten 4* / 5* stuff, but you'd think developers would be smart enough to not pull that retarded shit, where they have a gacha wheel thing where a tiny portion of the wheel has a 99% chance. It's not 1999 anymore, no one falls for that retarded shit and all it accomplishes is making the developer look like an asshole.

>> No.17356572
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>> No.17356597

Thankfully not, chubby lolis are the worst.

>> No.17356627

There's no way they aren't looping back around before then. I think they're going to stop when they get to the end of last year and then go back to units that haven't had revivals in a while like Solano and Liana.

>> No.17356650

im not a loli man but shes best girl

>> No.17356652

I want Hetzer to shoot at me!

>> No.17356660

Hetzer is best loli tank.

>> No.17356693
File: 188 KB, 408x577, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hetzer is worst scout.

>> No.17357242

does she have a scene of h?

>> No.17357291

No,and it's rumored that no loli tank will ever have one.
She is there to tease us.

>> No.17357534


>> No.17357585

>waited 12 hours to redo 90/12
>still fail
>have to wait another 6 hours
good game

>> No.17357616

I've given up on that map. It's nigh impossible to clear if you don't have a demon summoner.

>> No.17357654

Not even headpats? fuck that

>> No.17357728

Headpats are going to be in later. The US is weird about lolis, so we don't want to risk the H content there.

>> No.17358009

Do you guys think they'll put yutaka phyllis on the daily revival?
They put every farming event on the daily revival right?

>> No.17358025

They've done so for every other farm event, so it's likely enough. I think there's something like a 3-month period before they add it to the rotation, though. There's still 2 more events in the queue to be added, too.

Perhaps try taking on the right side with long range and untargetables? A well leveled Shino should be able to thin the crowd well enough, I think - and her revival is coming up in a day or 2.

>> No.17358152
File: 197 KB, 845x652, 2017-07-22_120903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me how to complete this mission?

>> No.17358201

Oh, so, turns out they had duplication vulnerability in Maou, and seems like when they started investigating it, they realized their whole game is swiss cheese, so just urgent patch wouldn't work.

Why Japs are so bad at security?

>> No.17358234

That game was probably outsourced to the lowest bidder.

>> No.17358706
File: 53 KB, 600x361, CUtnu4uVAAAX-Ks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like they're literally using the fgo engine, only it's the extremely early version where it had all the problems. The same exact thing happened.

>> No.17359003

It's basically Travian with some smut.
They went with cartoonish aesthetics for the art, it's not that bad considering it's western

I played Travian like a motherfucker when I was teenaged, so the nostalgia actually got me hard
But, since it does have multiplayer invasion elements, you WILL need some guild/clan/whatever they're called for protection, or other stronger players will fucking make your their bitches to farm.

Which brings me to the question... anyone on /jp/ actually interested in playing this?

>> No.17359012
File: 101 KB, 452x541, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your pre-registration reward, by the way!
>Oh, we didn't mention it only lasts for two days?
>and that you can't actually buy anything with it?
>get fucked goy :^)

>> No.17359023
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170722-033624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is this game? I'm personally enjoying it. But have no clue how to unlock the scenes.

>> No.17359057

I would, if the h-scenes weren't composed of 3-4 lines of text and a still image with no variations or anything

>> No.17359134
File: 112 KB, 617x638, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, probably not worth the effort.
This game is almost a direct copy of Travian in everything, including full seasonal server resets.
So you have to start anew.
Also like Travian, it is incredibly P2W, and whales will have incredibly large advantages in both starting anew (can just bumrush building everything with cash shop points) and centralizing all the power later.

Doubtful people will care about this game in the next month once they realize it's neither permanent content, you have to pay a lot to keep up with that fucking whale neighbouring your city, and the H-scenes are pretty weak.

>> No.17359189
File: 30 KB, 274x365, d002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that new dmm demon game
>all those cute succubi
>open panda gallery
>they all look like shy virgins in the scenes
Every fucking time

>> No.17359571

Is there a scan of the Aigis novels anywhere?

>> No.17359600

What game? The one that is in eternal maintenace?

>> No.17359634

Maou no Hajimekata or something
I think its the one in maintenance, yeah

>> No.17359966

What's skill of the bow in current DMM kamihime event?

>> No.17359986

Some of the folks on ULMF Discord gathered a good number of the illustrations.

I don't believe there are full scans anywhere, though.

>> No.17360183

Rush (Big) Defender (Small). It's shit.
Rush is DA up for those who don't know, but as it is right now even at Big it's worthless on its own, even worse than Pride. It needs at least Assault (Small) or preferably (Medium) to be viable.

>> No.17361577

brown nazuna was a mistake

i can only accept tanline nazuna

>> No.17361600
File: 317 KB, 727x1028, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown NZN disapproves of your opinion.

>> No.17361653

yeah. i might drop this until we see loli

>> No.17361978

So, any of this games can be played for fun and actual gameplay?

>> No.17362006


>> No.17362132

Is this how Kami life is
>log in
>do dailys
>do all raids
>get no weapons
>log off

>> No.17362139

yeh. til next event

>> No.17362493
File: 90 KB, 953x635, Dolce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was trying to get an iron soldier from crystal shards gatcha, but this is pretty nice.

>> No.17363681

What's the fucking point of this?

>> No.17363719

>Murican game starting well.jpg

How much time before it closes?

>> No.17363749

>amazing reward
>these diamonds are almost useless
>items are generic and not really useful for anything
>scamming people from the pre-reg


>> No.17363777

Wait, if you can't buy items with those diamonds, what's the point of those then? They're just there to taunt you?

>> No.17363914

new thread
