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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1726181 No.1726181 [Reply] [Original]

Why people say she is dumb or bird-brained?

Utsuho: I finally found you!
You're the weird person from above everyone's been talking about, right?
I heard you were coming to find me
but I couldn't find you anywhere.

Reimu: Hm, speak of the devil, eh?
I guess my intuition is as good as ever.

Utsuho: You're trying to stop the geyser, right?

Reimu: Uh ... right.
Though, I wouldn't mind it if the geyser stayed
and only those spirits went away ...

Utsuho: You came all the way down here from above ground,
So I hate to tell you this, but ...
The geyser won't stop.
It's too late for that.

... If this ending is canon, I can't find any evidence.

>> No.1726199
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>> No.1726204

She's bird-rained because she's a fucking crow

Plus, there's nothing in there that proves she's smart either.

>> No.1726206

>> No.1726208

Don't bother yourself so much. You won't get any intelligent debate in here, just look the Touhous thread around and you will notice.

They just repeat the same overused stupid memes, resposts, every new image is posted without any text, etc.

>> No.1726223

She's bird-brained because she's a fucking crow

Plus, there's nothing in there that proves she's smart either.

>> No.1726217

Because there is little information so people make up whatever they want. Someone has to be dumb, right?

>> No.1726219

Like all the other Touhous.

>> No.1726231


But we already have Cirno. And Sakuya. And China.

>> No.1726237

There are no fact that tell she is dumb. The Japanese fanbase did that statement. And we, the western fanbase with our originality just followed them.

>> No.1726245

This is Utsuho Reiuji's theme.

I tried to make it as modern, light, and simply boss-like as I could.
In fact, she's not that great a youkai, for a last boss. She was originally just a bird.
She's just really, really powerful. I understand very well that even a fool that possesses
great power can't cause too much harm. Ah, even if it's the power of dreams.

That's all we have.

>> No.1726246

Now you hold right there, mister. What's the meaning behind her being ⑥ aside from retarded fans' one-line excuse of "LOL STUPID RAVEN STUPID CIRNO ⑨ IS ALREADY TAKEN SO SHE'S A ⑥"?

>> No.1726252

I'm not following you there.

>> No.1726255

Because her plan of world conquest is half-baked and she is basically just a pawn in a larger power struggle.

>> No.1726269


Opening a window in space. In canon.

>> No.1726268

fool =/= stupid

In the context you can see ZUN was refering to the fact that Utsuho was over-confident of her powers.

>> No.1726270

She opened a window in space

>> No.1726272

Applying made up character traits doesn't make that trait unique!

Anyway Utsuho seems CHAOTIC QUIET not dumb.

>> No.1726287

Maybe all that power ride her to madness, what we misunderstood as stupidity.

>> No.1726297

>made up character traits

Cirno is baka in the manual. China led Reimu to the gate of the SDM. Sakuya opened a window in space. All of these were created by zun. You are also stupid.

>> No.1726303

It is not like they have classes about the outerspace in Gensokyo.

>> No.1726310

I remember when SA first came out, someone mentioned that you could sit right in front of her during one of her spell cards and not have to worry about dodging anything(Just like Icicle Fall)... Or was that Orin? Oh well.

>> No.1726317

Oh yeah, I remembered it now.

>> No.1726326

Also, when Kanako gave her Utsuho her powers, she told Utsuho to 'seek out power', meaning nuclear energy. But Utsuho just took this as "Take over Gensokyo"

>> No.1726332

Her third spell card, there is a gap that makes the spell very easy. Yu only have to starfe left and right to avoid some bullets that come from the sides.

I think this is a glitch, it wasn't intended to be that way. But who knows whats going on in ZUN mind.

>> No.1726358
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suns would need bigger hitboxes. (or areas).

Maybe because she wanted it warm? and bring glory to hell.

>> No.1726352

ZUN probably intended that.

He could have easily made the gap between the sun bullets 0 pixels, but he made it just large enough for a hitbox to fit.

>> No.1726382

I wonder how good ZUN even is at these games.

>> No.1726413

Either he has to be very good or has testers that are very good. How would he fine-tune lunatic or get demo replays for the attract mode?

>> No.1726409

He had dedicated testers until Touhou 10 and 11. I think he started to beat test his own games afeter that.

>> No.1726487

>Her third spell card, there is a gap that makes the spell very easy. Yu only have to starfe left and right to avoid some bullets that come from the sides.

I seriously feel like I'm cheating when I do this. I wish Zun hadn't of made it that way.

>> No.1726526

What does /jp/ thought when it first saw those big balls of danmaku?

>> No.1726537

"This isn't as bad as everyone made it out to be"

It took a while to get over the fact that they're giant bullets that I can't hide halfway inside of though.

>> No.1726541


Balls are touching.

>> No.1726565
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I wasn't thinking at all.
