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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17240501 No.17240501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Doesnt it bother you that the vast majority of the /jp/sphere is cancer? People who have sex, money, friends, online circlejerking and so on. The most annoying part is people actually think they're otaku. They call themselves truNEETs, they feel entitled to call others blogposters, shitposters and so on. They are casual social butterflies who don't take Japanese medias seriously, who do not truly love Japan, who are not otaku, and yet, firmly believe they are, call other otaku not otaku, and stay to their circlejerks. The entire /jp/sphere is become this. There is absolutely no place where to discuss anime, manga, vns, th, and so on, outside the reach of norms. All true otaku can do is keep it to themselves, consuming media without even anonymous boards to talk about it every now and then. Most people posting in this thread are the same cancer by the way.

>> No.17240505

anime and manga are shit. go back to /a/.

this board is for idols!

>> No.17240522

It bothers anyone sensible. Calling yourself an otaku is fucking retarded, so stop that. Nice ebin shitpost tho.

>> No.17240547

the depth of your otaku character is determined by how deeply involved you are in your hobby of choice; your exciting social life or lack of one has nothing to do with it

if you're using the latter as a point of identification rather than the former you're doing it wrong

>> No.17240548

3D shitters go die

>> No.17240548,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing wrong with neither idols or JAV.

>> No.17240613
File: 247 KB, 1440x640, naomi-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since we had that cosplay prostitution thread, my bubble that I set up to shield me from reality was burst.

The self-deprivation of ``otaku culture'' is fucking stupid and for many people there is no point in denying yourself these pleasures just to prop up an identity that is unsustainable in the long-run and corrosive to one's mental health

>> No.17240620

Do not consider those who buy kusoge off steam or watch flavour of the month anime and post their shitty memes about them on social media part of the "/jp/sphere" or otaku.

>> No.17240636,1 [INTERNAL] 

There is another norm thread on the catalog. I am starting to believe we are being raided by an outside entity

>> No.17240636

What are you exactly reffering to with "/jp/-sphere"?
Do you mean hima and so on or all the /mu/ and /hr/ generals we have for some reason

>> No.17240636,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you mean hima and so on
Every other spin-off is just an afterthought now I guess

>> No.17240686

Wonderful. Another meta thread. We definitely needed another one.

>> No.17240690
File: 12 KB, 345x398, tru_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reality, the true /jp/ otaku is a tanned and musclebound Ricardo trapped in the body of a depressed, pale and flabby NEET

>> No.17240702

well thankfully there are 139 other threads to post in

>> No.17240709

what norm thread exactly?

>> No.17240714
File: 174 KB, 962x1063, 1480720377284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KILL the fucking norms

>> No.17240747
File: 41 KB, 600x655, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard
thanks, now I know that you're pure cancer
ebin shitpost btw, reported

>> No.17240750


>> No.17240751

Nice post, snowflake.

>> No.17240755

He's right you know

>> No.17240783

OP is laboring under the delusion being a "non-normal" person automatically make you any more otaku than someone who isn't

if you have to invoke something other than expertise in or engagement in a particular subject to try and claim victory it means you can't win on your own merits

>> No.17240785

What the fuck is hima? Yet another shit spin off?

>> No.17240792

It's basically where all the blogposting went when Warosu was shutdown until 4 days ago.

>> No.17240792,1 [INTERNAL] 

hello w friends it seems there is a lot of debate on what makes a norm and what makes not, so i will help you.
-single mother/father
those are all charateristics of someone who is not a norm. you are not a norm only if all of those apply to you. however, keep in mind that if you
-attended college
-have expensive material goods (fumos, dakis, figures, computers etc)
-have good relationship with parent
-post "blogshitter" or ">/r9k/" or similar
-among other similar things
then you are a norm and thus unwelcome on jp
another thing is, anyone who still actually plays videogames, watches anime, reads VN and manga and doujin etc, is also a norm, because it means they're not depressed enough to lose motivation and energy to perform their own hobbies.

>> No.17240792,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know where you are from but you should go back

>> No.17240792,3 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone who hasn't killed himself yet is a norm for he is still attached to his mortal coil. Don't try to debate this

>> No.17240792,4 [INTERNAL] 

You're all retards

>> No.17240792,5 [INTERNAL] 

I've got almost everything you listed in that post done though

>> No.17240792,6 [INTERNAL] 

i want to die

>> No.17240792,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17240792,8 [INTERNAL] 

what if i have sex and travel a lot but feel depression?

>> No.17240792,9 [INTERNAL] 

what else is new

>> No.17240792,10 [INTERNAL] 

I was laughing at the "kill me in the next 15 seconds post"

>> No.17240792,11 [INTERNAL] 

You aren't actually depressed you have normalfag pretend playset depression

>> No.17240792,12 [INTERNAL] 

Try /r9k/. You'll fit right in with the rest of the underage/mentally deficient insecure idiots.

>> No.17240792,13 [INTERNAL] 

hello fellow norm lets meet at the club and fuck bitches and then get drunk

>> No.17240792,14 [INTERNAL] 

if you think that it is mandatory to be depressed to not be a norm you should follow his advice

>> No.17240792,15 [INTERNAL] 

yeah fuck losers

>> No.17240792,16 [INTERNAL] 

exactly this. i get laid and am rich but i post on warosu that means im not a norm, im different. only shitposters have depression, they belong on r9k.

>> No.17240792,17 [INTERNAL] 

What reason would I even have to be depressed when I don't even think about norm things like having a lot of money and fucking all the bitches in the world?

>> No.17240792,18 [INTERNAL] 

Think about how all the failures with depression are shitting up your ghost.

>> No.17240792,19 [INTERNAL] 

You guys realize when basic income rolls out alongside the VR boom hikikomori and floor shitting will be the coolest norm thing to do right?

>> No.17240792,20 [INTERNAL] 

Well, what wouldn't be norm by then?

>> No.17240792,21 [INTERNAL] 

Not having depression means you're a norm. To not have depression, you must have friends, you must not be lonely, you must have a healthy diet, you must exercise regularly, you must be able to take medicine for whatever disabilities you have, you must have supporting parents and so on. Whatever you say keep in mind you have it easy. And for that, you are a sucker. You don't belong on /jp/. Your vermin destroyed this place. Next go ahead and tell me of your experience in college, of your great job, of your many trips to Japan, of all the merch you own - dakis, figures, dollfies -, tell me of your great experiences with virtual reality, and how great it is to be alive. And please tell me to fuck off to /r9k/, because that's where losers like me belong. Do me this favor you neurotypical norm piece of shit.

>> No.17240792,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17240792,23 [INTERNAL] 

I don't have any of that and still don't have depression.
What exactly should I mourn in life?

>> No.17240792,24 [INTERNAL] 

You should fuck off.

>> No.17240792,25 [INTERNAL] 

Not him but that is not the point.
Tell me how is depression bullying any different than NEET bullying, virgin bullying and so on. In all cases it is always people who got lucky in the lottery of life coming to whatever places of the internet where people are trying to discuss hobby stuff, then making fun of the losers, autists, underage, insecure, idiots, whatever you call them, bragging about how they are so much better than the scum of society. That is why you are a norm, and why you should fuck off.

>> No.17240792,26 [INTERNAL] 

I never made fun of any depressed person. He says I am a norm for not being depressed and is basically insulting me

>> No.17240792,27 [INTERNAL] 

Nobody in this stuff is discussing hobby stuff or even pretending to, unless being depressed is your hobby.

>> No.17240792,28 [INTERNAL] 

Did you read my post?
>I never made fun of any virgin person. He says I am a norm for not being a virgin and is basically insulting me.
is what you just implied.
Good point because all of warosu right now is "you're a norm" "no you" threads and posts. And the SHIET thread.
All true otaku can do is keep it to themselves, consuming media without even anonymous boards to talk about it every now and then.

>> No.17240792,29 [INTERNAL] 

I am a virgin through

>> No.17240792,30 [INTERNAL] 

Do you remember that guy who used to say anyone who is not a genuine autist is a norm, and fight everyone who disagreed with him. Shit was hilarious.

>> No.17240792,31 [INTERNAL] 

Well he's right. If he was too weird to /jp/ standards, nobody wanted to post with him so on.
It's like he's woke from the Matrix. We are the norms.

>> No.17240792,32 [INTERNAL] 

norms don't realize they're in a dream
we realize we're in a dream
autists are woke
you can call autists idiots, annoying and pathetic, but keep in mind, that is the same kind of thing a norm would call you...

>> No.17240792,33 [INTERNAL] 

I am an autist but still not depressed, rather apathetic

>> No.17240792,34 [INTERNAL] 

Are you the same person as >>17240792,29?
Why do you feel like you need to say "I this" "I that"? Do you think anyone cares?

>> No.17240792,35 [INTERNAL] 

This thread makes me want to become a hypernorm and use the big W as my blog for my sexual escapades in the club and my trite posts I've plagiarized from self-help books

>> No.17240792,36 [INTERNAL] 

I mean that regardless of these facts you are not automatically a norm just because you are not depressed

>> No.17240792,37 [INTERNAL] 

To care so much about your social status is to be a normalfag.

>> No.17240792,38 [INTERNAL] 

then a loser who asks himself if he is too much of a loser to be in the losers club is a normalfag, but elon musk who doesn't care about what others think is not a normalfag.

>> No.17240792,39 [INTERNAL] 

he has to care about what other people think to do business

anyone who truly doesn't care what anyone else thinks of them is truly free

>> No.17240792,40 [INTERNAL] 

He would be a normalfag at heart if he truly cared. There is a difference between acknowledging that you're a loser by society's standard and being concerned about it. A loser who cares is just as much of a norm as a non-loser in my book. And why wouldn't elon musk care? Just because he's rich? Of course he cares.

>> No.17240792,41 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly. And to be truly free of social standards is to not be a norm. Being a norm is contingent on there being some norm standard to which he must adhere. A loser who cares about being a loser is still seeing this norm standard. Once you stop seeing the norm standard, you stop being a norm. This is the only condition, not some bullshit about being depressed or not.

A sociopath can fuck 10 chicks a week, but you wouldn't call him a norm, would you.

>> No.17240792,42 [INTERNAL] 

By this definition only the severely mentally disturbed and/or retarded are the only ones that are not norm, because they behave so outrageously in public without concern. Truly free, but severely mentally disturbed and/or retarded. No value judgement.

>> No.17240792,43 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17240792,44 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone cares a little bit, but even there there's a big difference someone who has it cross their mind from time to time, and someone who spends every day complaining about it.

>> No.17240792,45 [INTERNAL] 

All the loser cliques and rebellion factions still operate by the same principles as the people they are fighting against. It's what follows every time humans form a group. As it stands now the closest thing to not being normal is running away by yourself. You are being affected by these words and they are poison to your autonomy, bringing you closer to normalcy and /jp/'s brand of conformity.

>> No.17240792,46 [INTERNAL] 

Are you proposing a non-binary criterion?

>> No.17240792,47 [INTERNAL] 

You can conform to social standards without believing in them. I will not walk around naked, not because I care about what those around me would think if I did, but because it would be disadvantageous to me. It isn't norm to conform to social standards in public, only the mental aspect counts. This does mean that it is possible for someone to lead a successful social life whilst not being a norm, and this is true. As long as they don't care about it. Although that is very unlikely, since they would at some point start caring and become a norm, or wouldn't be bothered to begin with. This is why there is a correlation between norms and socially successful people.

>> No.17240792,48 [INTERNAL] 

I've always thought that if you pretend conform, you're still conforming by betraying yourself and allowing them to make you act the way that they expect you to act for credit. It's like being a social prostitute. That's why I can't stand to go in public.

>> No.17240792,49 [INTERNAL] 

That wasn't the me.

I agree with this 100%. But then all of my thoughts are not really mine, since they were at some point influenced by someone or something else. And I find it very scary how easy emotions can affect my mental state, how susceptible I and everyone else is to the herd mentality inherent in all of humanity.

But here I am making several epistemological and metaphysical assumptions that I accept without any clear justification, or justification made through reason, which can be trusted why? . Then I ask what my "self" is. Then I realise how pointless it all is, but who is it that came to this realisation? Was this realisation influenced by someone else? Now I'm back at war for my autonomy...

>> No.17240792,50 [INTERNAL] 

>You are being affected by these words and they are poison to your autonomy, bringing you closer to normalcy and /jp/'s brand of conformity.
So true freedom is like being a feral child who can't communicate with humanity?

>> No.17240792,51 [INTERNAL] 

You conform because it's necessary if you want to achieve your end. If you really hate someone and truly want to kill them, not killing them doesn't mean that you don't want them dead. It just means that you don't want to go to prison, and not going to prison would be an end that you want to achieve moreso than having that person dead.

I suppose. Does a feral child have reason?

>> No.17240792,52 [INTERNAL] 

This whole thread reeks of normalcy. Do you know when you're a norm? When you have to argue others what your definition is, pointing fingers and telling others they are norms, while claiming you aren't one yourself. It's as simple as that. It's like how you can tell someone is a nigger just by hearing his voice. And yet norms don't understand that.

>> No.17240792,53 [INTERNAL] 

Are you being intentionally ironic?

>> No.17240792,54 [INTERNAL] 

What? No.

>> No.17240792,55 [INTERNAL] 

hate women

>> No.17240792,56 [INTERNAL] 

the one who says norm is a norm

>> No.17240792,57 [INTERNAL] 

>Does a feral child have reason?
I don't know.

>> No.17240792,58 [INTERNAL] 

Ok then you just have no self-awareness I guess.

>> No.17240792,59 [INTERNAL] 





>> No.17240792,60 [INTERNAL] 

now that i checked, it seems that thingsjpsays tumblr page was last updated 3 months ago. I can't take it a bit easier now.

>> No.17240792,61 [INTERNAL] 

