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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17224861 No.17224861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any neet in here?

>> No.17224869

Come to the W, Otaku culture is not allowed here.

>> No.17224869,1 [INTERNAL] 

New thread

>> No.17224869,2 [INTERNAL] 

post the link here

>> No.17224891


>> No.17224907
File: 68 KB, 200x229, 200px-Th09Cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a NEET!

>> No.17224907,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is there anything nice here, or is it all about steaming janny and flinging shit at each other?
Were there any changes in your life since 2 years ago?

>> No.17224907,2 [INTERNAL] 

What is this place?

>> No.17224907,3 [INTERNAL] 

Alright. Hello guys. I'm a neet since early 2012. I'm 20. I don't really know what to do with my life. Last time I've spoken to someone was.. Well I can't ever remember. I talk more to bots than I talk to real people.

>> No.17224907,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's not "about" anything. Anyone can steer the conversation pretty easily. We had a nice discussion about PSP games yesterday. If you are looking for an excuse to leave don't bother, you don't need one.

>> No.17224907,5 [INTERNAL] 

Through the looking glass.

>> No.17224907,6 [INTERNAL] 

it doesn't get better

>> No.17224907,7 [INTERNAL] 

more like look at my ass LOL

>> No.17224907,8 [INTERNAL] 

*spits in your mouth*

>> No.17224907,9 [INTERNAL] 

mom is getting PIZZA

>> No.17224907,10 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. Well sometimes I feel like I don't really want it to get better you know? I mean I feel so alienated that I'm not sure I could even handle having a job or social interaction anyway.

>> No.17224907,11 [INTERNAL] 

You are talking to people right now

>> No.17224907,12 [INTERNAL] 

I want athens back! I know a lot of people didn't like him but I did and he stopped responding to my emails ;_;

>> No.17224907,13 [INTERNAL] 

      .\\  /⌒\
         \ ( 冫、)       I cast Dark Ritual
          > ` ⌒ヽ
         /    へ \
        /    /   \\
        レ  ノ     ヽ_つ
        /  /         ・*.・:
       /  /|          :。 *.・
       ( ( 、          .*:☠。:’☠
       |  |、 \        。・.*・; ・*
       | / \ ⌒l       ;* ・。;*☠ ・.
       | |   ) /      ・☠ *_,,..,,,,_ ☠。*・
      ノ  )   し'       。・*./ ,' ☠  `ヽーっ*
     (_/          。・*.;l   ☠ ⌒_☠ ’☠
                    .  `'ー---‐'''''"

>> No.17224907,14 [INTERNAL] 

Yes but it is not the same with you guys. Of course I feel grateful and I think most of you more as.. a sort of family than outsiders. So it is confortable. No challenge here.

>> No.17224907,15 [INTERNAL] 

Ever get to the point where you barely recognize your own voice because you use it maybe once every few months?

>> No.17224907,16 [INTERNAL] 

Never happened to me
Because I talk to myself like a maniac lol

>> No.17224907,17 [INTERNAL] 

What led to your becoming a NEET?

>> No.17224907,18 [INTERNAL] 

Lazyness mixed with apathy

>> No.17224907,19 [INTERNAL] 

I talk to myself very often but only in my head. After a long period of silence from being a home security guard, I had to speak with a cashier. I felt like I was listening to a bored narrator in a kusoge who only wants to get done with it. Odd, but satisfying feeling.

>> No.17224907,20 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe I should try it. It seems interesting lol

What did you guys eat? What are you planning to do?

>> No.17224907,21 [INTERNAL] 

When I realised that I'm worthless to a shitty society and anime was the only thing that brought me happyness.

>> No.17224907,22 [INTERNAL] 

Poor health and enabling parents.

>> No.17224907,23 [INTERNAL] 

Eggs, Rice, Beans, Potatoes, Soup with large ammounts of pasta, onions. Occasionally some meat based dish when I have the willpower to go out and buy it.

>> No.17224907,24 [INTERNAL] 

*shits on floor*

>> No.17224907,25 [INTERNAL] 

*cleans it up and puts it in a plastic grocery bag*

>> No.17224907,26 [INTERNAL] 

I kinda want to hug you all. I want to built a bunker for us all.

>> No.17224907,27 [INTERNAL] 

Thank's j

>> No.17224907,28 [INTERNAL] 

i am a neet with depression and autism
i am the worst "human" on earth and proof of that is that i am blogposting right now

>> No.17224907,29 [INTERNAL] 

im gay

>> No.17224907,30 [INTERNAL] 

society is shit

>> No.17224907,31 [INTERNAL] 

shit is society

regards pajeetblog

>> No.17224907,32 [INTERNAL] 

Dubs upcoming....

>> No.17224907,33 [INTERNAL] 

nuh uh

>> No.17224907,34 [INTERNAL] 

same especially for the autism part

>> No.17224907,35 [INTERNAL] 

Take my shit and smear it across the walls

>> No.17224907,36 [INTERNAL] 

how autistic are you
for example, do you sperg out, do you just start rolling on the floor for no apparent reason, do you sometimes just start swinging back and forth as you imagine highly detailed imagination worlds, do you have control over your own words and actions etc

>> No.17224907,37 [INTERNAL] 

are we cool pajeetblog

>> No.17224907,38 [INTERNAL] 

watch the top video first

>> No.17224907,39 [INTERNAL] 

No way that can be coincidence. That guy has a spider fetish.

>> No.17224907,40 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17224907,41 [INTERNAL] 


That much.

>> No.17224907,42 [INTERNAL] 

When I realized how much time people spend at work I thought it was a waste of time to spend most of your life working if the only thing it gains you is not being dead. I'd rather be homeless, and in fact I have on more than on occasion. It was alright, besides the lack of any good places for solitude.

>> No.17224907,43 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if there is any reinsertion neet program

>> No.17224907,44 [INTERNAL] 

Is there anything to be reinserted into anymore? Outside of the uppermost social striver tiers is there anything left at all? Going to and from a makework job and otherwise being NEETlike and secluded seems like a downgrade.

>> No.17224907,45 [INTERNAL] 

I'd much rather invent the NEETification program. Robots aren't going to take our jobs, their going to work for us while we NEET it up.

>> No.17224907,46 [INTERNAL] 

There used to be monasteries to take people like us, now they are just fag cruising clubs.

>> No.17225206

Yes, for over one year now. It's not great though, since I don't live alone.

>> No.17225206,1 [INTERNAL] 

Only the truly fortunate NEETs live alone... get over that silver spoon pal

>> No.17225206,2 [INTERNAL] 

You, you're browsing Lainchan.
Hm I have to agree on this one tho. I wish for the day humanity will be released from the torture that is work.

>> No.17225206,3 [INTERNAL] 

so thats where cryo has been
its worse than i possibly could have imagined
only jisatsu will preserve the sand grain of honor you have left

>> No.17225206,4 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK what a subhuman

>> No.17225206,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm at the point where people think I'm a foreigner when I speak.

>> No.17225206,6 [INTERNAL] 

so you are not autistic. i see. people tend to throw the term autism a lot without knowing it. using it as an insult. "wow i'm so awkward i feel nervous next to girls" "lol you have autism". thats not what autism is. and dont let the media tell you what autism is either. reading blogposts of journalists who have "high functioning autism", or talk shows like those TED talks by "autists". thats not autism. autism is hell. autism is embarassment. autism is shame. autism is pain. autism is suffering. autism is not having control over what you think, say, do. it has the result of being ultimately being hated by everyone. why? because you're weird. unpredictable. everything is random. on one second you are swinging back and forth, figuring out the deepest secrets of the universe by your self. then on the next one, you're thrashing your body around, rolling on the floor, screeching, for no apparent reason, and all you can think of is "please god let this end", if you can still think at all. it sucks that even the so called NEETs are not welcoming of autists. not even autists are welcoming of each other. thats part of the thing. you just have to take it, you are forced to deal with it, and pray that one day you'll die. i think the most interesting part is that some people say that truNEET is more than just being NEET. it's about living in your mother's attic without her knowing. it's about piss bottles. it's about being miserable. to a truNEET whoever is more pathetic is more respectable. and yet, autists, who are the most pathetic of them all, the most pathetic of truNEETs, are the ones who are not respected, by either truNEETs or norms. nobody wants autists. those foundations you see like autism speaks and books such as letting the retarded know god. they're about the high functioning ones. nobody wants to just think about the real autists. so thats a paradox, leaving the question... are autists the most pathetic because even truNEETs dont like them, or do truNEETs not like autists because they are pathetic?

>> No.17225206,7 [INTERNAL] 

flippin based 黒ん坊ちゃん

>> No.17225206,8 [INTERNAL] 

you wrote that

>> No.17225206,9 [INTERNAL] 

I mumble and don't speak very clearly after a just a few weeks. I went back to my college the other day to speak about retaking my A-Levels after a year and it was quite embarrassing having to repeat myself, or have them awkwardly pretend that they understood so that we move on.

>> No.17225206,10 [INTERNAL] 

I don't browse lainchan actually, I can't stand the userbase. I do browse a lot of different imageboards I won't mention, but I still spend 99% of my time here on 4chan. No matter how shitty it gets, it's my shithole. I don't think that day will ever come, not as long as the "hard work good, free time bad" mentality is perpetuated. Too often to people succumb to the easy act of saying and doing the same things as every other older person. It's much easier to be a typical work praising elder than to retain your perspective through the years. It's like a massive case of stockholm syndrome.

>> No.17225206,11 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,12 [INTERNAL] 

yes? i don't get it, why do you ask?

>> No.17225206,13 [INTERNAL] 

Autists can just be hard to deal with if they don't put in the effort to talk with you.

>> No.17225206,14 [INTERNAL] 

not a question, read it again

>> No.17225206,15 [INTERNAL] 

i had to assume it was a question because there is no reason to believe someone would make a statement as obvious as that one, and then consider just how often it is for internet users to type things without proper punctuation, even just capitalization. which then begs the question, why would you make such an obvious and inane statement. maybe because you are simply bored, have nothing else to do. but did you know, regardless of your answer, your answer would not be your true motive. if you read psychology you'll see humans are constantly justifying their own very actions, even if they are meaningless such as holding a pen, by instantly accessing their memory and logical framework when questioned. for example, if you suddenly found yourself holding a rubik's cube, its much more likely for you to accept that it has always been there and say "i'm holding this rubik's cube because i want to solve it", instead of realizing something fucked up just happened and you don't know why you're holding a rubik's cube. this kind of thing can be particularly noticed in dreams.

>> No.17225206,16 [INTERNAL] 

I partly agree with you but I don't think you can resume autism to one specific term. Many autistic people are not alike. It would be hard to put into words as for me I do not have the interest to describe and debate about my "neurological atypia/disorder"
There is no point in proving it neither.

>> No.17225206,17 [INTERNAL] 

when you are in a dream and don't realize a lot of weird things are happening i mean.

>> No.17225206,18 [INTERNAL] 

living that neet dream

>> No.17225206,19 [INTERNAL] 

people don't like autists because they're annoying and you can't ever relate to them. non-autistic NEETS are fundamentally normal people who are able to function normally, as they are normal by nature. autists are fundamentally abnormal, and they cannot be normal, no matter how hard they try. i'm not saying that non-autists are "normalfags"; they can be abnormal, like most NEETs, but not fundamentally so like the autist. you can imagine a normalfag tolerating a non-normalfag that isn't an autist, but an autist cannot be tolerated. an autist is almost not human in that sense.

>> No.17225206,20 [INTERNAL] 

can't resume*

>> No.17225206,21 [INTERNAL] 

you wrote that

>> No.17225206,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,23 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,24 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. Not just autism but basically most mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, are extremely individualistic. Think of brains like functions. A neurotypical's mind is like a simple function. Different inputs (different individuals and their inherent characteristics, such as social class, place of birth, gender, family background etc) will have slight variations. So for example a linear function. Neurodiverse is more like an exponential function or a more elaborated function. Each different input will be way more a far from each other than in a linear function. Hence the terms neurotypical and neurodiverse.

>> No.17225206,25 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not autistic I'm just mentally ill. You can be a NEET for reasons other than tardbrain.

>> No.17225206,26 [INTERNAL] 

You are using a word and I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.17225206,27 [INTERNAL] 

You're really ignorant. Not every autist is a living cliché, stop with the Sheldon Cooper stereotype.


>> No.17225206,28 [INTERNAL] 

my official diagnosis is asperger's which was lately changed to autism spectrum disorder and depression i also have a psychologist telling me i might be schizoid

>> No.17225206,29 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't it funny how your level of mental illness is exactly equivalent to the level of inconvenience you cause? Very scientific.

>> No.17225206,30 [INTERNAL] 

bored as heck

>> No.17225206,31 [INTERNAL] 

No it's sad. Because people who already suffer have to suffer even more because they end up hating themselves and are hated by others for being retarded. And the people who don't suffer suffer even less for the same reason, the mere sense of inconvenience.

>> No.17225206,32 [INTERNAL] 

ok friend you can make a thread for mental retardation if you want this is the NEET thread

>> No.17225206,33 [INTERNAL] 

shut it down

>> No.17225206,34 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks a lot for your correction. I'm sorry, english isn't my first language so I tend to make mistakes I don't when I talk in my first language.

>> No.17225206,35 [INTERNAL] 

What is your first language.

>> No.17225206,36 [INTERNAL] 

Why is that important?

>> No.17225206,37 [INTERNAL] 

English isn't my first language either I am just curious.

>> No.17225206,38 [INTERNAL] 

uhhh when can we start talking about NEET stuff

>> No.17225206,39 [INTERNAL] 

i am mental retard

>> No.17225206,40 [INTERNAL] 

French. Oh and I'm the Op. And a femanon. Now everyone knows.

.. That sounds like attention-seeking, isn't it?

>> No.17225206,41 [INTERNAL] 

can i lick on your pussy please

>> No.17225206,42 [INTERNAL] 

Most mental "illnesses" are just personality variations.

>> No.17225206,43 [INTERNAL] 

Prove you are femanon with a timestamp saying "autists deserve death"

>> No.17225206,44 [INTERNAL] 

Anyway let's talk about neurodiversity, neet life, vidya and how miserable we are.

>> No.17225206,45 [INTERNAL] 

If you insist.

>> No.17225206,46 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,47 [INTERNAL] 

la milg nouveau arrive

>> No.17225206,48 [INTERNAL] 

based tard

>> No.17225206,49 [INTERNAL] 


I know it is not great but it is all I can share. I'm not here for anything else than talking just like you guys.

>> No.17225206,50 [INTERNAL] 

thank you brother

>> No.17225206,51 [INTERNAL] 

you look like a non-virgin

>> No.17225206,52 [INTERNAL] 

how many degrees do you have

>> No.17225206,53 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,54 [INTERNAL] 

Interesting. Why?

Ahh-It was a mistake.

>> No.17225206,55 [INTERNAL] 

This proves nothing, I'm a guy and my hands look like this.

>> No.17225206,56 [INTERNAL] 

der ewige vnig

>> No.17225206,57 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a sissy?

>> No.17225206,58 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a girl too, I don't get what all the big deal is... Don't mind me just going to disappear into the shadows now!

>> No.17225206,59 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,60 [INTERNAL] 

Well I highly doubt that, not to offend your hands. I'm sure they're great but there is still a difference between men and women hands. What can I do other than showing you my face to prove you I'm a girl anyway? Which I won't, of course, because this is not the point of this thread.

>> No.17225206,61 [INTERNAL] 

i will fuck you mark my words

>> No.17225206,62 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,63 [INTERNAL] 

show your pussy i bet its hairy and gross

>> No.17225206,64 [INTERNAL] 

Please respond

>> No.17225206,65 [INTERNAL] 

Ugh. Anyway. Can we discuss interesting things? I seriously regret saying I was a girl. This only proves mentalities are still.. archaic and it saddens me, really.

There is no big deal, just a bunch a retard. Count me as one of them for saying I'm female.

>> No.17225206,66 [INTERNAL] 

>This only proves mentalities are still.. archaic and it saddens me, really.

lol fuck off

>> No.17225206,67 [INTERNAL] 

sigh im misogynist

>> No.17225206,68 [INTERNAL] 

i fucking hate women why do they all act like that why cant they just be cool like us men

>> No.17225206,69 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,70 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I think I will let you between dicks. Because you obviously are homosexuals in denial anyway.

>> No.17225206,71 [INTERNAL] 

this feels like those peek user testing videos

>> No.17225206,72 [INTERNAL] 

lol yeah

>> No.17225206,73 [INTERNAL] 

post your pissjugs

>> No.17225206,74 [INTERNAL] 

i piss on the carpet

>> No.17225206,75 [INTERNAL] 

so does my cat

>> No.17225206,76 [INTERNAL] 

Stop talking to yourself, samefag

>> No.17225206,77 [INTERNAL] 

i am everyone and no one

>> No.17225206,78 [INTERNAL] 

im gay

>> No.17225206,79 [INTERNAL] 

this place smells of tuna im going back to the H

>> No.17225206,80 [INTERNAL] 

Houmous is a great track.

>> No.17225206,81 [INTERNAL] 

leave the door open

>> No.17225206,82 [INTERNAL] 

i keep all the doors in my room closed

>> No.17225206,83 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

i apologise for how rude some of our spergs can be sigh

>> No.17225206,84 [INTERNAL] 

ayo neetblog wassup brother

>> No.17225206,85 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,86 [INTERNAL] 

we have an alliance with women

>> No.17225206,87 [INTERNAL] 

Whole thing is quite good. I was pleasantly surprised minus some of the more whoukrr tracks but I guess that was inevitable after he cancelled the project.

>> No.17225206,88 [INTERNAL] 

you mean the end?

>> No.17225206,89 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder if there is more than 2 people responding

>> No.17225206,90 [INTERNAL] 

nah it's just me and you here

>> No.17225206,91 [INTERNAL] 

That's what I thought. Call me Shiruba.

>> No.17225206,92 [INTERNAL] 

I got an aquarium.

>> No.17225206,93 [INTERNAL] 

There's at least 4 people here right now if the vnig left, based on my knowledge of personas hima and un-hima.

>> No.17225206,94 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah. Everything before the final track after the long named one.

>> No.17225206,95 [INTERNAL] 

hima rules

>> No.17225206,96 [INTERNAL] 

so when is the group suicide

>> No.17225206,97 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,98 [INTERNAL] 

LOL, didn't read!

>> No.17225206,99 [INTERNAL] 

I hate my life.

>> No.17225206,100 [INTERNAL] 

LEARN. TO. TYPE. YOU. RETARDED. TEENBROS. Is it really that fucking hard? You can push your navel lint out for hours every single day and yet can't push shift?

>> No.17225206,101 [INTERNAL] 

i am depressed end my misery

>> No.17225206,102 [INTERNAL] 

goodnight everyone

>> No.17225206,103 [INTERNAL] 

what kind of depression is it

>> No.17225206,104 [INTERNAL] 

is this trevor

>> No.17225206,105 [INTERNAL] 

based T

>> No.17225206,106 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,107 [INTERNAL] 

please kill me i am a mistake

>> No.17225206,108 [INTERNAL] 

I don't get the sissy/trap fetish

>> No.17225206,109 [INTERNAL] 

PM me pls

>> No.17225206,110 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,111 [INTERNAL] 

Wither, body mine, upon the tree of life

>> No.17225206,112 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a back-alley abortionist ask me anything.

>> No.17225206,113 [INTERNAL] 

Suffer not a dream to grace my eye

>> No.17225206,114 [INTERNAL] 

Let no tender breeze know my skin

>> No.17225206,115 [INTERNAL] 

Nor a gentle soul feel my plight

>> No.17225206,116 [INTERNAL] 

girl here don't hit on me

>> No.17225206,117 [INTERNAL] 

girl here hit on me

>> No.17225206,118 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,119 [INTERNAL] 

LOL, didn't read!

>> No.17225206,120 [INTERNAL] 

Magic is not real.

>> No.17225206,121 [INTERNAL] 

is prayer guy sean

>> No.17225206,122 [INTERNAL] 

Watch the video.

>> No.17225206,123 [INTERNAL] 

been a while since i've posted boys i've since got the keys to the house so i'm moving this month and canceled my chuze membership and got a golds gym one year contract which is crazy because i'll be moving to riverside so i have to commute all the way back over here if i wanna hit the gym the jewed me hard if i wanna cancel i have to pay the remaining of the contract which is something like 200

>> No.17225206,124 [INTERNAL] 

LOL, didn't read!

>> No.17225206,125 [INTERNAL] 

you are butthurt

>> No.17225206,126 [INTERNAL] 

is boron / ButtPirate234 here

>> No.17225206,127 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah bro wassup

>> No.17225206,128 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,129 [INTERNAL] 

LOL, didn't read!

>> No.17225206,130 [INTERNAL] 

late night leg sesh waiting for my boy cam to post

>> No.17225206,131 [INTERNAL] 

die haysuz

>> No.17225206,132 [INTERNAL] 

what's the point in anything anymore hopefully i get hit by a semi so mom can collect my life insurance

>> No.17225206,133 [INTERNAL] 

cam.... you there bud....

>> No.17225206,134 [INTERNAL] 

LOL, didn't read!

>> No.17225206,135 [INTERNAL] 

he's gone never coming back

>> No.17225206,136 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,137 [INTERNAL] 

get a hooker sperg

>> No.17225206,138 [INTERNAL] 

i can get you hooked up

>> No.17225206,139 [INTERNAL] 

that reminds me of a story that happened last saturday/sunday morning i got literally cucked sigh it gives me anxiety just thinking about it i'll share later got to finish this gym sesh

>> No.17225206,140 [INTERNAL] 

Are there any hookers that don't charge money.

>> No.17225206,141 [INTERNAL] 

just find some dumb bitch in da club

>> No.17225206,142 [INTERNAL] 

your mom LOL

>> No.17225206,143 [INTERNAL] 

had a dream pepe was a touhou. literally woke up sweating

>> No.17225206,144 [INTERNAL] 

can someone call cam and ask him for some tips to keep my glasses from getting foggy

>> No.17225206,145 [INTERNAL] 

trevor is going to kill himself within the next 5 years

>> No.17225206,146 [INTERNAL] 

kill me within the next 15 seconds

>> No.17225206,147 [INTERNAL] 

if youre going to kill yourself remember to use prescription painkillers

>> No.17225206,148 [INTERNAL] 

how do i get my docotr to prescribe painkillers if i could figure that out i will do it tomorrow

>> No.17225206,149 [INTERNAL] 

What's a good flavor of mead

>> No.17225206,150 [INTERNAL] 

pussy mead

>> No.17225206,151 [INTERNAL] 

I deserve a gf

>> No.17225206,152 [INTERNAL] 

me greatest regret in life is being born canadian

>> No.17225206,153 [INTERNAL] 

dota chink...

>> No.17225206,154 [INTERNAL] 

i just buy them off these two fat sluts i bought 6 gg249 pills off them yesterday have 4 left

>> No.17225206,155 [INTERNAL] 

Girl here... I'd appreciate if you, you know, didn't hit on me... It would be kind of irrelevant to the discussion, don't you think?

>> No.17225206,156 [INTERNAL] 

sit on my lap shawty

>> No.17225206,157 [INTERNAL] 

When I was overseas I saw what I assume was a hooker walking with some ugly salaryman at night and she smiled real big at me I guess she was looking for more work but I am a righteous fellow

>> No.17225206,158 [INTERNAL] 

i can get those from my doctor. pretty easy when youre a NEET.

>> No.17225206,159 [INTERNAL] 

I'm watching it. I'm at the face changing part and it's already stupid because the trick is extremely obvious. Notice how the chink's always got one hand concealed when his face changes. There's some kind of string inside his costume that pulls the "masks" (which are probably more like tissues) off, which he does very rapidly and while making extravagant gestures with his free hand to mislead the audience.

I don't know how much of this I'm going to watch but you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to think this or other tricks are evidence of supernatural shit.

>> No.17225206,160 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for your retarded fedora opinion. Watch the whole thing or keep your opinion to yourself. If you're already closed to the possibility there's no point in even looking.

>> No.17225206,161 [INTERNAL] 

It can only be seen if love exists.

>> No.17225206,162 [INTERNAL] 

I don't deny the possibility that there are some fundamental things we don't understand about the universe but this is beyond retarded.

>> No.17225206,164 [INTERNAL] 

what's that bar called that's hexagon shaped and you go in the middle im deadlifting with that and 45 and a 25 don't know how much that is

>> No.17225206,165 [INTERNAL] 

die haysuz

>> No.17225206,166 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a slutty girl with no morals who needs attention

>> No.17225206,167 [INTERNAL] 

welcome home

>> No.17225206,168 [INTERNAL] 

Wow fedora AND black science man you must win a lot of internet arguments.

>> No.17225206,170 [INTERNAL] 

Purge superstitious losers with the power of science

>> No.17225206,171 [INTERNAL] 

unironically spanked it to that video

>> No.17225206,172 [INTERNAL] 

wish that neet bitch showed her hairy pussy

>> No.17225206,173 [INTERNAL] 

probably shaves it that nasty little minx

>> No.17225206,174 [INTERNAL] 

It was a mistake to ever say that I was a girl. You're not going to get any more pictures, okay?

>> No.17225206,175 [INTERNAL] 

All the gods of the Gentiles are demons. (Psalms 95:5)

>> No.17225206,176 [INTERNAL] 

wonder if she ever fucked the family pooch

>> No.17225206,177 [INTERNAL] 

unironically gonna whack it to those sexy hand pics

>> No.17225206,178 [INTERNAL] 

Get over the girl meme already. It was just some sissy with his sissy hand.

>> No.17225206,179 [INTERNAL] 

Finger length ratio indicates it's a girl or an extremely effeminate sissy

>> No.17225206,180 [INTERNAL] 

if i was a girl i would let every fat neet man use my body

>> No.17225206,181 [INTERNAL] 

thanks bro

>> No.17225206,182 [INTERNAL] 

health benefits of neet semen

>> No.17225206,183 [INTERNAL] 

If you were a girl you wouldn't think that way because you'd have a girl mindset

>> No.17225206,184 [INTERNAL] 

immortality and riches beyond imagination

>> No.17225206,185 [INTERNAL] 

i would just take super male vitality until i had a male mindset

>> No.17225206,186 [INTERNAL] 

either possibility gets me extremely erect and horny

>> No.17225206,187 [INTERNAL] 

how do girls think

>> No.17225206,188 [INTERNAL] 

They think stuff like "I can't let a bunch of fat guys fuck me because I have self-respect" and "if I let everyone fuck me nobody would like me because I would be a slut"

>> No.17225206,189 [INTERNAL] 

like you did when you were a kodomochild

>> No.17225206,190 [INTERNAL] 

my girl version has no self-respect i would let neets fuck me

>> No.17225206,191 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you staying up just to read this nonsense?

>> No.17225206,192 [INTERNAL] 

Judging by the fact that no girls do that there must be something about the girl mindset that stops them

>> No.17225206,193 [INTERNAL] 

ive had sex

>> No.17225206,194 [INTERNAL] 

It's 10pm here...?

>> No.17225206,195 [INTERNAL] 

girls cant be neet if they cant piss into a jug

>> No.17225206,196 [INTERNAL] 

stinky hairy NEET pussy

>> No.17225206,197 [INTERNAL] 

with what

>> No.17225206,198 [INTERNAL] 

die west coast

>> No.17225206,199 [INTERNAL] 

east side boyz represent

>> No.17225206,200 [INTERNAL] 

when yellowstone blows maybe ill finally get laid

>> No.17225206,201 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,202 [INTERNAL] 

*brofists you*

>> No.17225206,203 [INTERNAL] 

Girls are more neet because when they piss into jugs they almost always make a mess.

>> No.17225206,204 [INTERNAL] 

stock up on nonperishable goods and firearms and you can be a king

>> No.17225206,205 [INTERNAL] 

That makes them less neet because it means they won't do it

>> No.17225206,206 [INTERNAL] 

my semen is nonperishable

>> No.17225206,207 [INTERNAL] 

checkmate vnigs

>> No.17225206,208 [INTERNAL] 

go on tumblr search for babycuck thats me

>> No.17225206,209 [INTERNAL] 

go on tumblr and search gothgirl2003 thats me

>> No.17225206,210 [INTERNAL] 

/ /    ヽ ::: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |
|   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|
\  `ニニ´  .:::/      NO THANK YOU  
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |.|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: :|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

>> No.17225206,211 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,212 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,213 [INTERNAL] 

just woke up
where the f*ck did all these posts come from

>> No.17225206,214 [INTERNAL] 

masturbate with mom

>> No.17225206,215 [INTERNAL] 

Drooling Himasugi retards are raiding.

>> No.17225206,216 [INTERNAL] 

Should I skip then? I always feel guilty skipping...

>> No.17225206,217 [INTERNAL] 

mommy is gross

>> No.17225206,218 [INTERNAL] 


yo neetb get in here

>> No.17225206,219 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,220 [INTERNAL] 

fucking gross

>> No.17225206,221 [INTERNAL] 

somebody post the gnfos (TM) alien

>> No.17225206,222 [INTERNAL] 


this hot fucking jap slut is going to get fucked hard by someone that's not me what the fuck

>> No.17225206,223 [INTERNAL] 

hey frogslut if i post a pic of penis will you promise to look at it

>> No.17225206,224 [INTERNAL] 

How dare she. That's it, I'm destroying everything I have of generic Japanese idol girl #1591.

>> No.17225206,225 [INTERNAL] 

ayo dave you there bro

>> No.17225206,226 [INTERNAL] 

i'm starting to think you're being serious

>> No.17225206,227 [INTERNAL] 

I will ;)

>> No.17225206,228 [INTERNAL] 

The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At thesecamps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would bean efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction incondemning every single woman on earth to starve to death. I would have an enormous tower built justfor myself, where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die. If I can’thave them, no one will, I’d imagine thinking to myself as I oversee this. Women represent everythingthat is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated.

>> No.17225206,230 [INTERNAL] 

dont forget to submerge them in a solution of 100% orange juice

>> No.17225206,231 [INTERNAL] 

What exactly are the anti-spam features warosuko purportedly added?

>> No.17225206,232 [INTERNAL] 

free lolis for everyone who doesn't spam

>> No.17225206,233 [INTERNAL] 

The person who spammed warosu in order to establish their own site already has a comfortably established base, so there's not likely to be any spam.

>> No.17225206,234 [INTERNAL] 

If warosu becomes too active what's to keep him from chimping out and trying to snuff it out a second time?

>> No.17225206,235 [INTERNAL] 

brotha pnig rules this shit

>> No.17225206,236 [INTERNAL] 

ya'll crackas better say your prayers

>> No.17225206,237 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,238 [INTERNAL] 

Nighty night warosu!

>> No.17225206,239 [INTERNAL] 

starting to get neet teeth

>> No.17225206,240 [INTERNAL] 

post pics

>> No.17225206,241 [INTERNAL] 

just cooked up a NEETmeal and ate it

>> No.17225206,242 [INTERNAL] 

was it good

>> No.17225206,243 [INTERNAL] 

Dropped out of high school because I have a NEETbrain.

>> No.17225206,244 [INTERNAL] 

no it gave me indigestion

>> No.17225206,245 [INTERNAL] 

what was your NEETmeal like

>> No.17225206,246 [INTERNAL] 

tube sausage and bread

>> No.17225206,247 [INTERNAL] 

My parents forced me to drop out of college since they're sadistic bullies. I wouldn't mind being NEET if I lived alone though.

>> No.17225206,248 [INTERNAL] 

what were you studying

>> No.17225206,249 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,250 [INTERNAL] 

You're that bisexual guy who came by irc once arent you

>> No.17225206,251 [INTERNAL] 

The DSM is just like the bible or quran: only believed by the gullible.

>> No.17225206,252 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,253 [INTERNAL] 

Linguistics and computer science.
I'm probably that guy. Why use sexuality as your sole descriptor of me, though?

>> No.17225206,254 [INTERNAL] 

lol cryo is gay

>> No.17225206,255 [INTERNAL] 

I suck dick and by the bibles for morons, checkmate christfags

>> No.17225206,256 [INTERNAL] 

I also use an obscure operating system you've probably never heard of, freeBSD, what do you mean computers are for actually getting work done? Having a shitty featureless shell by default is not a bug its a feature. Well yeah, the developers all use macbooks and dont even use their own shite OS, but thats ok ... uh uh ZFS!

>> No.17225206,257 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,258 [INTERNAL] 

Some people have real work to do, like programming and system administration, rather than using closed-source programs.

>> No.17225206,259 [INTERNAL] 

feelio when no interests or hobbies

>> No.17225206,260 [INTERNAL] 

Just be confident bro

>> No.17225206,261 [INTERNAL] 

Real OP here. The one with the "sissy hands"
Honestly it was fun for a moment until you only talked about my gender identity and when some anon started to post "as me" top kek

>> No.17225206,262 [INTERNAL] 


This is where the magic happens

>> No.17225206,263 [INTERNAL] 

top kek sister

>> No.17225206,264 [INTERNAL] 

>░░▄░░░░░░░░░░▄▄██████▄▄░░░░░░░░░░░░▄▄▄▄ GNFOS.COM
>▄▄███▀░░░░░░▄██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░▀███ GNFOS.COM
>░▀███▄░░░░░░▀█████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░████ GNFOS.COM
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>░░░░░░░░▀▀▀▀▀▀░░░░░░░░░░░░██▄▄▄ GNFOS.COM

>> No.17225206,265 [INTERNAL] 

>Open it
>The very first thread is Discord
>It is sticky
Fuck you Gay Neets From Outer Space.

>> No.17225206,266 [INTERNAL] 

did you discover warosu yesterday

>> No.17225206,267 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,268 [INTERNAL] 

Do you support the use of violence against me?

>> No.17225206,269 [INTERNAL] 

NEET thread discussion

>> No.17225206,270 [INTERNAL] 

what site was it?

>> No.17225206,271 [INTERNAL] 

wish i had some painkillers to kill myself with

>> No.17225206,272 [INTERNAL] 

you don't kill yourself with pain killers

>> No.17225206,273 [INTERNAL] 

im ready to kill myself i just need a method

>> No.17225206,274 [INTERNAL] 

what country

>> No.17225206,275 [INTERNAL] 

thats not a method

>> No.17225206,276 [INTERNAL] 

he just wants you to suffer as you die. always use painkillers

>> No.17225206,277 [INTERNAL] 

just make sure you die in a way that leaves your brain intact so you can get that sweet sweet lucid dream as you drift off

>> No.17225206,278 [INTERNAL] 

What if you get a nightmare through and you wake up?

>> No.17225206,279 [INTERNAL] 

nah fuck my brain it has caused me nothing but pain and shall be obliterated

>> No.17225206,280 [INTERNAL] 

if you od on painkillers you'll get really really high, releasing you of all pain, anxiety and fear. you'll feel legitimately happy and as if everything, even the mistakes you made in life, are all okay. you will be at legitimate peace with the world and yourself. you'll feel really warm and snuggly so find a nice place to lie down. you will slip in and out of consciousness with sweet, blissful, orgasmic dreams as you are overwhelmed with what is essentially the most powerful full-body euphoria you can ever experience. you may not even want to die at this point, nows the time to change your mind if you have second thoughts. take more and eventually you will go unconscious as your breathing slows down until you die of respiratory failure. you wont know what happened, it wont hurt, and most importantly you'll find true peace and happiness as you are freed from your mortal coil. you also get the bonus of leaving no mess for anyone to find and it can safely be played off as accidental suicide if you leave evidence of being a drug addict before hand. you can even augment the suicide with other depressants like alcohol and benzodiazepines to ensure you wont come back. dont fuck it up, because like hanging yourself, if you come back after the deed is done, you will basically be a vegetable as most of your brain is going to die from not getting enough oxygen.

>> No.17225206,281 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you want to kill yourself?

>> No.17225206,282 [INTERNAL] 

I voted for donald trump

>> No.17225206,283 [INTERNAL] 

if i kill myself on painkillers will i have to read this post

>> No.17225206,284 [INTERNAL] 

Do you regret your vote yet?

>> No.17225206,285 [INTERNAL] 

where do i get painkillers

>> No.17225206,286 [INTERNAL] 

I voted for him too and don't regret it at all.

>> No.17225206,287 [INTERNAL] 

i voted for trump too
i can't really regret it since there wasn't a better option

>> No.17225206,288 [INTERNAL] 

i didnt vote at all as that would have required to me drive somewhere and be out in public

>> No.17225206,289 [INTERNAL] 

please someone cheer me up ;__;

>> No.17225206,290 [INTERNAL] 

What's up?

>> No.17225206,291 [INTERNAL] 

my penis is so tiny ;________;

>> No.17225206,292 [INTERNAL] 

it gets bigger if you pull on it

>> No.17225206,293 [INTERNAL] 

im a neet and live with one family member and they might die

>> No.17225206,294 [INTERNAL] 

i voted with my mom

>> No.17225206,295 [INTERNAL] 

same we walked to polling station

>> No.17225206,296 [INTERNAL] 

my mom's dead

>> No.17225206,297 [INTERNAL] 

well, then just live with your fellow otabros

>> No.17225206,298 [INTERNAL] 

just saw a big burly tomcat raping a little loli kitten

>> No.17225206,299 [INTERNAL] 

did you masturbate?

>> No.17225206,300 [INTERNAL] 

go the fuck BaCK to qa you teen shitter LOL

>> No.17225206,301 [INTERNAL] 

He probably discovered this thread through the OP

>> No.17225206,302 [INTERNAL] 

why would you vote for anyone

>> No.17225206,303 [INTERNAL] 

probably because he feared normalfags treating him like a criminal if he didnt vote

>> No.17225206,304 [INTERNAL] 

no but it made me think about how many times that must have happened between humans throughout our history and i got a little horny

>> No.17225206,305 [INTERNAL] 

why does that board keep getting brought up here

>> No.17225206,306 [INTERNAL] 

It got turned into 2D/Random for a while, which is apparently that /jp/ dream.

>> No.17225206,307 [INTERNAL] 

because i thought trump was based

>> No.17225206,308 [INTERNAL] 

sigh wish Warosu wasn't filled with teenbros at the moment

>> No.17225206,309 [INTERNAL] 

It's 4AM and I'm going to drink redbull again. God help me

>> No.17225206,310 [INTERNAL] 

energy drinks taste like shit just drink coffee or tea

>> No.17225206,311 [INTERNAL] 

Voting is authoritarian as it means accepting democracy, which is authoritarian.

>> No.17225206,312 [INTERNAL] 

Yesterday my daughter was playing in the garden when I saw her kill a butterfly. So to teach her a lesson I said, "Just for that you don't get any butter for a month."

Today in the kitchen she killed a cockroach. I said, "Nice try."

>> No.17225206,313 [INTERNAL] 

nothing wrong with authoritarianism

>> No.17225206,314 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,315 [INTERNAL] 

coffee is BASTE

>> No.17225206,316 [INTERNAL] 

my turkey is basted

>> No.17225206,317 [INTERNAL] 

Sundays are boring.

>> No.17225206,318 [INTERNAL] 

you are the teenbro

>> No.17225206,319 [INTERNAL] 

nope, I was born in 1996

>> No.17225206,320 [INTERNAL] 

you are not me through

>> No.17225206,321 [INTERNAL] 

these are newfriends who don't know that teenbro doesn't refer to users below the age of 20.

>> No.17225206,322 [INTERNAL] 

so who does it refer to? anyone you don't like? and then people below the age of 20 again when nobody is bringing up their age so you don't have to withdraw to the bailey?

>> No.17225206,323 [INTERNAL] 

you mean withdraw to the motte

>> No.17225206,324 [INTERNAL] 

i can make real chi energy balls

>> No.17225206,325 [INTERNAL] 

i can make real ki energy waves

>> No.17225206,326 [INTERNAL] 

"chi" means "what" and "ki" means "who" in farsi

>> No.17225206,327 [INTERNAL] 

stfu persian b*tch

>> No.17225206,328 [INTERNAL] 

It's true through

>> No.17225206,329 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,330 [INTERNAL] 

I wish Trevor was my dad instead of mu-sic mu-sic fuck

>> No.17225206,331 [INTERNAL] 

cant believe you losers are still talking about him, he's not even here

>> No.17225206,332 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor said Neo-Warosu is pathetic on /qa/

>> No.17225206,333 [INTERNAL] 

I lost my virginity yesterday for real this time bros

>> No.17225206,334 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,335 [INTERNAL] 

I voted for Justin Trudeau in 2015 and don't regret it

yes there is

>> No.17225206,336 [INTERNAL] 

i was really drunk and took a xanax bar and i was desperately looking for pussy (i saw my messages the next morning) anyway some girl answered and told me to go over so i showed up and we drank a little bit then i was commenting on her figure lol and she said follow me then i went to her room then before she had turned around i had taken off my shirt and i just started kissing her to be honest it hurt a bit like really uncomfortable and i saw her today too just got home it was also uncomfortable for a bit but it started to feel good it took me about an hour to cum she came like once or twice i think i may have death grip from the constant masturbating and today before i came i pulled out and jacked off

>> No.17225206,337 [INTERNAL] 

Being drunk is disgusting, have some self-respect.

>> No.17225206,338 [INTERNAL] 

He's by far the most influential celebrity on the board, while all the people from the early days faded into irrelevance he will be talked about even 10 years from now

>> No.17225206,339 [INTERNAL] 

It's the first time I've gotten wasted since I started lifting it also made me miss my CMSP class though now they're gonna charge me an extra 50 buck to take that one fucking class on the plus side I saw the girl again yesterday and she wanted me to fuck her doggy style she said let's try doggy style she has a big fat butt apparently she told her brother about me and her mom she also told me I told her "this is my first time" when I was drunk and she said that to her brother and mom
How do I let her down easy but keep fucking her nd the test gains
Also my dick feels weird it's like hanging out of the skin it doesn't want to shrivel back up

She sent me this text last night after i left her house:Thanks for coming to hang out with me I really enjoyed having you here with me

She wanted me to stay over I also fucked her for an hour or more I only came when i pulled out and started jacking off hehe

She straddled me and ask sorts of crazy things I didn't really enjoy it because the skin being pulled back is painful at first she also sucked my dick and I started laughing cause it tickled then she stopped but started a couple more times
Oh yeah I was sucking on her titties too
Got to tell you bros it's nothing special

>> No.17225206,340 [INTERNAL] 

Wow. Someone is rolling in their grave.

>> No.17225206,341 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,342 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you say that

>> No.17225206,343 [INTERNAL] 

No-you is back

>> No.17225206,344 [INTERNAL] 

Reminder you are all neurotypical norms. None of you is truNEET. Kill yourselves for destroy jp.

>> No.17225206,345 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,346 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting buddy

>> No.17225206,347 [INTERNAL] 

email field

>> No.17225206,348 [INTERNAL] 

typical himasugi poster

>> No.17225206,349 [INTERNAL] 

going out bros
mum says she will kick me out if i don't get a haircut
goodbye long sexy hair

>> No.17225206,350 [INTERNAL] 

Great now people are going to correlate people that lift weights and ride motorcycles as being norms like this misplaced chad

>> No.17225206,351 [INTERNAL] 

woke up at 1 and now it's 7

>> No.17225206,352 [INTERNAL] 

Why do NEETs have the need to constantly blogpost about their lives? Do they want attention? Validation? I don't understand.

>> No.17225206,353 [INTERNAL] 

^This wasn't supposed to be asage.

>> No.17225206,354 [INTERNAL] 

What do you seek in this place then?

>> No.17225206,355 [INTERNAL] 

Right now? An answer to the question in >>17225206,352.

>> No.17225206,356 [INTERNAL] 

It is about dicussing their lives with fellow people with a similar lifestyle

>> No.17225206,357 [INTERNAL] 

Is it? How are posts like >>17225206,351 and >>17225206,333 about discussion of a particular lifestyle? You might as well create a Discord chatroom!

>> No.17225206,358 [INTERNAL] 

don't like it don't read it

>> No.17225206,359 [INTERNAL] 

Your mother shouldn't have read your father's semen.

>> No.17225206,360 [INTERNAL] 

If you aren't getting laid while being muscular and riding a motorcycle you failed at life

>> No.17225206,363 [INTERNAL] 

I imagine the one bad thing about Japan is its food. It's basically rice, fish and algae. Disgusting. I love American food. Burgers, hot dogs, steak, soda, pizza, ice cream. In America food is plentiful and delicious, but Japan has a manga or anime store every corner. Both food and Japanese media are things I enjoy consuming every day, I can't decide where I would be happier, Japan or America. To add to this conflicting mentality between media and food, there is also the people factor. American people are diverse, casual. It's easy to fuck, and there is a lot variety: Caucasians, Asians, Latinas. In Japan, there is not any of that variety, and women are worse at sex. But the Japanese people are extremely polite and respectful. I love both America and Japan but for different reasons. I guess I would be travelling constantly between both of them in an ideal world, but I would never be able to pick one to stay definetely, without regretting the things I'm missing about the other. If I choose America, I will be thinking about all the anime, manga and such things. If I choose Japan, I will be thinking about all the food and sex. Hard to decide. What do you think /jp/.

>> No.17225206,364 [INTERNAL] 

Trevshite literally shilling his third or fourth iteration of his dead site here. It's just like old times.

>> No.17225206,365 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.17225206,366 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,367 [INTERNAL] 

Enjoying your dead site?

>> No.17225206,368 [INTERNAL] 

simply bais

>> No.17225206,369 [INTERNAL] 

LOL... i might try my degree high quality to ward off myself frm smiling..Or giggling actuallyyy... !!!! besides the undeniable fact that my reaction wud be fairly the 2d one... !!!! finally boss is the boss !!! possibly to cheer up the boss i visit would desire to assert something suited instant.. besides the undeniable fact that all it fairly is coming to my recommendations as of now would desire to be " Umm ! in any case Boss.. Congrats on getting the unfastened cake !! "LOL... Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk !!!

>> No.17225206,370 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,371 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.17225206,372 [INTERNAL] 

6 AM.........

>> No.17225206,373 [INTERNAL] 

I'm muscular and ride a motorcycle but I'm cool like this for my waifu who I've been with since 2006 and not for some dumb reason like getting laid and I think my life is pretty successful though I haven't talked to anyone irl since 2013

>> No.17225206,374 [INTERNAL] 

My diet consists of nothing but 2 liters of Pepsi and 300g of Cheetos a day. Once a two I have pizza instead of Cheetos. I have been on this diet since I was 15. Until what age do you guys think I will live? I think I could get a heart attack at any given moment, and do not think I will make it beyond the age of 30.

>> No.17225206,375 [INTERNAL] 

*once every two months or so

>> No.17225206,376 [INTERNAL] 

how old are you now

>> No.17225206,377 [INTERNAL] 

i dont like saying it.
i can say somewhere around 23, give or take 5 years.
do you think i have at least a decade more of life?

>> No.17225206,378 [INTERNAL] 

can you mail me some of your shit for jenkem

>> No.17225206,379 [INTERNAL] 

/d/ is getting /jp/'d

>> No.17225206,380 [INTERNAL] 

what the fuck kind of piece of shit irc client is that in the OP?

>> No.17225206,381 [INTERNAL] 

kind of surprised you've made it this long, especially if you are on the higher end of 23+/-5.
unless you get a lot of exercise you're probably a fat fuck and don't have long but if you do it's possible for you to probably live for a while, though you're definitely very malnourished
even living on that diet exclusively for only three years I'd expect you to have some serious health problems already

>> No.17225206,382 [INTERNAL] 

I'd guess an in-browser one. Color scheme seems to hint towards something like that.

>> No.17225206,383 [INTERNAL] 

>/b/? God don't compare me to those sickos. They get off to decapitated dog threads. It made me cry.

>> No.17225206,384 [INTERNAL] 

Who are you quoting my illiterate friend

>> No.17225206,385 [INTERNAL] 

7507841-san from /d/

>> No.17225206,386 [INTERNAL] 

Oh then i just didn't get your point

>> No.17225206,387 [INTERNAL] 

who are you quoting is my favorite /jp/ meme

>> No.17225206,388 [INTERNAL] 

It's an anti-meme

>> No.17225206,389 [INTERNAL] 

/wayq/ is my favorite general

>> No.17225206,390 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,391 [INTERNAL] 

i hate being alive because this life is shit
everything about it sucks

>> No.17225206,392 [INTERNAL] 

dude that was terrifying

>> No.17225206,393 [INTERNAL] 

i am anti mage
or some call the andy sage

>> No.17225206,394 [INTERNAL] 

Smokers on the top,
flanders down below

>> No.17225206,395 [INTERNAL] 

if you aren't /pol/ you need to leave right now

>> No.17225206,396 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,397 [INTERNAL] 

simply stick a carrot in your neethole

>> No.17225206,398 [INTERNAL] 

Xander Zver arrived on flight 408 from Moscow Russia and walked into the airport through the service tunnel. When he came out of the walkway past the security guard station, he expected to see his parents, or maybe his Aunt Abigail waiting for him, but no one was there. He would have been happy to see his cousin Michael show up, even if it meant having to listen to him talk about some girl that he was trying to mount like a rabid dog. But alas, there was no one there.

It was fine; he had money for a cab. He headed down the escalators to the baggage claim. He saw his blue and white duffel, picked it up and headed out of the exit, spotted a cab and got into the passenger seat in the back. "7010 Fergus Circle," He said to the driver and then leaned back and pulled his CD player out of his backpack.

Xander was 6'4" and weighed about 220. His hair was light blonde, almost white in color, and spiked on his head. He had what his mom called a runners body. Well defined six pack, toned arm and leg muscles and a friendly smile made it so that Xander was a handsome young man of 18. He had just returned from spending a year in Siberia with his mother's side of the family. They lived on the Kuok Plateau, and at first, he had not wanted to go, but since he had gone through the change at 16, he had no choice. The law of the family stated that all new cubs had to go to their family's homeland for year to understand what they were, and what Xander was a were-tiger, a Khan.

>> No.17225206,399 [INTERNAL] 

someone start a neet country club

>> No.17225206,400 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,401 [INTERNAL] 

Are these posts made by a bot or are they all one person?

>> No.17225206,402 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,403 [INTERNAL] 

Caaling the users of himasugi "people" is a bit of a stretch, intellectually they are more related to fungi.

>> No.17225206,404 [INTERNAL] 

I thought this would be that video from back then with the Japanese guy putting needles or toothpicks or something in random grocery store food I can't find it anymore

>> No.17225206,405 [INTERNAL] 

hima is fucking based

>> No.17225206,406 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,407 [INTERNAL] 

hima sucks sucks suck sucks

>> No.17225206,408 [INTERNAL] 

Finally passed my CMSP class bros time to ride 😎 I also crashed today during an exercise I slid off my bike and did a barrel roll or two at least I wasn't the girl who dropped her bike during the last portion of the test (quick stop) she was thick as fuck too bad she was with her brother and dad I caught her looking at me a couple times

>> No.17225206,409 [INTERNAL] 

girls look at stuff all the time though why would it bother that she happens to look at you

>> No.17225206,411 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,412 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,413 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,414 [INTERNAL] 

I guess systemspace.link will end soon...

>> No.17225206,415 [INTERNAL] 

I really hated this taking up time slots in my morning cartoons...

>> No.17225206,416 [INTERNAL] 

that place is teenbro central.

>> No.17225206,417 [INTERNAL] 

Probably, but it has a very good design

>> No.17225206,418 [INTERNAL] 

It's literally a countdown timer...?

>> No.17225206,419 [INTERNAL] 

put boards. before it

>> No.17225206,420 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,421 [INTERNAL] 

sigh why did himago block panera and opera vpn

>> No.17225206,422 [INTERNAL] 

im so confused one day it was there and all of a sudden taken away from me this must be the work of the Universe

>> No.17225206,423 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,424 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa when the hell did that shithole get 4000 users?
I thought it got too big when he raised it to 250 honestly.

>> No.17225206,425 [INTERNAL] 

Wasn't 4000 users the number /jp/ had at its highest?

>> No.17225206,426 [INTERNAL] 

How ironic that God was condemned to worshiping himself within his own creation.

>> No.17225206,427 [INTERNAL] 

god isnt real

>> No.17225206,428 [INTERNAL] 

Don't copy my email field ``kudasai''. You don't even know what it's for.

>> No.17225206,429 [INTERNAL] 

I am God.

>> No.17225206,430 [INTERNAL] 

I know what it is for

>> No.17225206,431 [INTERNAL] 

The rain has stopped.

>> No.17225206,432 [INTERNAL] 

The rain never really stops, even if it feels like it does.

>> No.17225206,433 [INTERNAL] 

calm down denis

>> No.17225206,434 [INTERNAL] 

I fucking hate my life.

>> No.17225206,435 [INTERNAL] 

based teenbro

>> No.17225206,436 [INTERNAL] 

baaaste cryoteen lainchan8gag schizo talking to hinself again

>> No.17225206,437 [INTERNAL] 

shut up

>> No.17225206,438 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone know some good .onion sites?

>> No.17225206,439 [INTERNAL] 

no, tor is shit

>> No.17225206,440 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.17225206,441 [INTERNAL] 

I guess Warosu is dead....

>> No.17225206,442 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is dead.

>> No.17225206,443 [INTERNAL] 

no shit its been dead for well over half a decade teenbro
