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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1722373 No.1722373 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of mmorpgs?

>> No.1722380

I don't really play video games anymore.

>> No.1722378

They're all pretty much shit, yeah? Too based on trying to keep a user occupied on repetitive shit for a long time instead of actually making it entertaining for them to play.

>> No.1722385

The question is, how would you make a mmorpg that is based on leveling your character not repetitive.

>> No.1722390

Grindan and simulation simulators? No thanks.

If I want to grind I can do it in a N1 game with superior gameplay. If I want to socialize I can practice the real thing. All MMOs are utter shit, no exceptions.

>> No.1722391

A huge waste of time, heck I just removed Warhammer Online from my PC.

>> No.1722395


Socialization simulators, rather. A simulator simulator sounds interesting, actually.

>> No.1722398

what are they doing in cheydinhal

>> No.1722402

I'm a little curious about the SMT MMO on its way, since I'm a fan of the other games in that series, but I don't have much hope.

>> No.1722404

Eh, Guild Wars had something going for it, but it turned into shit. That's the closest I've got.

>> No.1722405

Korean grindan with korean faces ?
Feels like /kr/ Korea/General here.

>> No.1722421

Have it involve user-skill? Less based on pointlessly leveling your character but actually using the attributes of your character.

>> No.1722426

Guild Wars, motherfucker.

>> No.1722428

How do you even know what a Korean face looks like?

>> No.1722441
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>> No.1722444

But I've been playing them with the same set of friends, picking up more as we go, for about to 12 years now.
They're fun with friends. Shit solo. Good way to meet people too.

>> No.1722471
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Typical guy in a mmorpg game.

>> No.1722484

guild wars has fucking great PvP but getting people together to do it before hand is difficult

WoW would be good but it does take a great deal of time before you can get to the point where everybody is on a similar level

>> No.1722490
File: 85 KB, 425x567, 1228556331219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the MMO's japan plays?

>> No.1722497

>If I want to socialize I can practice the real thing.

>> No.1722506

PSO and Monster Hunter are/were good.

>> No.1722508

I personally play Anarchy Online. AO is particularly awesome for the way they do character building. Unfortunately, in the last couple years players have been getting overpowered in relation to the world - it basically takes player stupidity to wipe a raid. I still like it though.

>> No.1722510

S4 and GunZ were decent.

Rakion and Exteel rocked my socks.

>> No.1722512

>player stupidity

So, these raids are wiped fairly often, I assume?

>> No.1722515

Yeah, pretty much. Had one ALMOST fail about 5 hours ago, but it barely pulled through because there were just so many of us damaging the boss.

>> No.1722517

I agree with PSO being good, but it wasn't a MMORPG.

Hell, it was barely a MORPG; I think of it as a modern day MUD.

>> No.1722526

Rakion sucked hard, and Gunz sucked hard once people realized that dual shotguns + 3 kstyle moves = instant win against anyone not using the same strategy.

>> No.1722527

How do you pronounce "MMORPG"?

1. em-em-oh-ar-pee-gee (faggot)
2. mor-pig
3. mo-ra-peg
4. mudder

>> No.1722530

My friends prefer "muh-mor-puh-guh" - or some approximation of it - I prefer "em-em-oh".

>> No.1722534
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this is the only MRAUGH I play

>> No.1722536

What about the others brosef?

>> No.1722537


>em-em-oh-ar-pee-gee (faggot)

You say Snes, don't you? Faggot.

>> No.1722539

I spell out MMORPG and NES, and I was about to post that I say SNES like it's a word, but I just realized that I usually say Super Nintendo.

>> No.1722542

I like how you say the only one that doesn't sound fucking retarded is for faggots. It's a fucking acronym, not a word.

>> No.1722543


>> No.1722552


I remember playing PSO with a group of three friends, fucking good times.

>> No.1722553

Some acronyms can be pronounced as words. But the ones that can't be pronounced as words SHOULD NOT BE.

>> No.1722591

I say Em Em Pork.

And for you newfags: The option marked by (faggot) is the correct one.

>> No.1722593

My favorite mmorpgs. The Fat Man 3: Holocaust

>> No.1722618


I've been trying it out. It's pretty much grindan and slowly walkan so far.

>> No.1722619

Enough MMORPG bullshit. I just want more simple co-op games like L4D.

>> No.1722631

I think MMORPG is a pretty cool guy. eh is onilne and dosent afraid of anything.

>> No.1722643
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If you have friends that don't suck.

>> No.1722646

Whats this?

>> No.1722656
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I suck at vidya myself so yeah

>> No.1722659

Man who makes these? whoever does it is awesome. haha.

>> No.1722665


Oh man, I missed that.

I should see if the one friend I'm still in contact with wants to play SoM with me.

>> No.1722687
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I wish the DS had a tunneling software. Soma Bringer is hella fun but playing with my faggot brother sucks.

I want to play it with /jp/ (* ‘ω‘ *)

>> No.1725072

I thought the process behind tunneling psp and ds were the same? I play monster hunter p2g with random people all the time.

>> No.1725086

Looks like people haven't found out about


>> No.1725106

they all suck and look like lineage 2

>> No.1725129

MH is easy and repetitive, like every other mmo

>> No.1725138

Guild Wars, motherfuckers.

>> No.1725151


>> No.1725154
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I think you are wrong

>> No.1725203


>> No.1725214
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, mabinogi_2008_11_17_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this talk without Mabinogi?

>> No.1725217

i really liked fishing and gardening in ff11

>> No.1725220

Someone host a SOM game!

>> No.1725221

So lifelike, it's like you're working!
Except, you know, you have nothing to show for it outside the game.

>> No.1725224

So what "good" weeaboo MMOs are out there?

I know about Mabi, RO, Trickster anything else worth at least trying?

>> No.1725236



Try to avoid the community.

>> No.1725244
File: 32 KB, 480x273, 1228600238898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster hunter Frontier provides Constant Challenges and as you rank up. It never seems to get easier
Thats the Guide to get passed all the JPONRY crap
(yes you need to make an account in this Forum before you can touch it)

>> No.1725245

/jp/ - Video Games

>> No.1725248

Guild Wars, motherfucker.

>> No.1725271

What? i just had fun with guild chat while fishing and gardening en masse. Stop being a butt

>> No.1725285

wow ur all on my buddy list!!

>> No.1725288

Apparently Rappelz is excellent.

>> No.1725292

How is that Weeaboo?
I'm looking for 2d MMORPGS. Where i can kill 10+ mobs like in RO or Trickster. Mabi was shit, only good thing about it was customization and jobs.

>> No.1725298


>> No.1725327

I would play MMOs but they're shit solo. This would not be a problem but I have social anxiety regarding trying to talk to people in certain online environments. I don't know why.

>> No.1725338

I hate the mabinogi community and the way they make it, it costs around $20 a month to play regularly.

>> No.1725347

Haha some guy in my guild was trying to talk to me about his times in Vegas, and all I could really say was filler shit like "Wow really? Cool. Nice man. Aww that sucks. You should have, should have." I think it's simple enough to find other people that want to do simple MMO content like dungeons. But if you want to do something weird that's not explicitly part of the game, like play hide n seek or something, then no one's gonna agree.

>> No.1725387


>> No.1725397

Why did I laugh so hard at the end.

>> No.1725401


i no rite?

It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1725409

Dude, you just reminded me of when me and some bros would play hide n seek in Deus Ex multiplayer. Good times.

>> No.1725430

Funny. Just yesterday I was lamenting the idiocy in my org (clan, guild, etc) in AO. A guy signs on, and out of the blue "DB DROPPED NARUTO! WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!" I'd always kept my powerlevel down because I didn't suspect anyone in the org watched anime, so I chime in "You mean for the 10th time?"
"Yeah but they said they're dropping it for good this time, for real"
"You mean just like every other time they dropped it?"
"But they said it was for real!"

I decided to leave him to his idiocy. Then the org president's ex-girlfriend chimes in "Fuck, I hope they don't drop Bleach too"

So, would you prefer hearing about trips to Vegas, or how DB's dropping Naruto and Bleach?

>> No.1725503

I reinstalled Atlantica Online because I wanted the soundtrack, as it's quite nice.

I almost want to play it again to get to the Dracula's Castle dungeon, but I don't want to level to level 40 or whatever it requires. Leveling is always the worst thing about MMORPGs.

>> No.1725511
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I play Final Fantasy XI. It's a good place to practice chatting in Japanese, and it actually has a good setting and story unlike most MMOs.

>> No.1725896

Goddamn, I hope they don't drop Naruto and Bleach.

>> No.1727199

You say potato, I say ghoughpteighbteau

>> No.1727291

I've been thinking about trying FFXI.

I've read that it takes a long time to get a party together, are there any other cons/pros I should know about?

>> No.1727334


That's basically the only con, but it's a really big one. I think NEETs are the only ones who have the required time to play FF11.

I'd play it if I didn't lose my game CDs, or my account didn't expire due to it being 6 years old.

>> No.1727335

FFXI was godlike when I played it. The stories/quests were actually pretty engrossing. Parties are very difficult to get at certain levels for certain classes. I was THF/NIN (70) and it was pretty tough getting parties the whole time, so I ended up making a lot of them. Party seeking ranged from 10 mins - 6+ hours, and unless you're BST or maybe NIN, by far the most effective means of leveling is a party of 6. Most good equip is Rare/EX now, but gilsellers will still jump on any non EX equipment, and its hard to beat them at their own game. You also will run out of storage space kinda fast, so you might need a mule ($1 for each additional chara).

Otherwise, shit is pretty fun. After you quit once it's not really fun the second time around, for some reason. The magic just kinda goes away...

>> No.1727342

...but when you see the dark pink: >>Anonymous (Excuse me)(Party)(Do you need it?)
it feels good man.

>> No.1727345

have some mmorpg HNNNNGG

>> No.1727407

Its old, over 6 years old now. Its deeply submerged in the 'norm'. Basically you will be expected to play a certain way for every job you play and acting outside of these expectations, be it play style or subjob/gear changes outside of the norm will hinder your chances at parties greatly.

Getting parties for some jobs at certain levels can be very very difficult. Even with the advent of Level sync, a system that lets you party with other players regardless of your level difference, certain jobs are just in absoutly zero demand for parties. Blackmage, Dragoon, and Puppetmaster being the worst.

This is largely due to SE making new areas very very easy to exp with a 'burn' style setup. A group consisting of fast attacking melle damage dealers (Usally Warriors, Samurai and nothing else) and 1-2 support mages (Bards and Red Mages). This creates a big job bottleneck that is very noticleable.

Endgame is a colossal time sink, even by MMO standards. If your doing Dynamis and Limus, that's already 4 days of your week taken up. Not to mention notorious monsters and numerous other things that will be expected of you if you enter an endgame group.

On the plus side, the story is excellent, though you will need dedicated friends to progress through the best parts of it. Recently SE has made the game much more solo friendly as well as achieved a more equal playing field in terms of job balance by reworking many jobs.

>> No.1727480

Despite having fallen quite a bit from its former glory, it still sounds intriguing - this coming from a burned-out gamefag who has dabbled in quite a few MMOs (most of them mediocre).

Is the language barrier still a problem in finding teams, communicating, etc?

>> No.1727498


>> No.1727535

It's more of a problem that JP players will want JP parties. JP PT ONRY. Communicating in terms of getting shit done (leveling) is pretty easy with the auto-translate system. I mean it's just "(fishing) OK?" "Fishing > Beach Pugil <call14" ... "TP: 105 (Ready for Skillchain!)"...yeah you get the point.

>> No.1727625

Ah I see. My Japanese is so-so, but I guess it shouldn't be too big of a deal if the in-game translator is adequate for typical training runs.

Thanks for filling me in. I might start FFXI when winter break starts.

>> No.1727677

Hahaha iirc she's the daughter of Claude or some shit? I actually wanted to get her when I first saw her character design. Fucking twintails. Too bad I really couldn't take the grinding and stopped at around level 90. Tried to get back into it but just couldn't do it anymore. It's a nice thought that the only goal in the game is to grind to Veteran and then grind some more to Expert. But then it's just like the Koreans to reward grinding with more grinding.

>> No.1727691

5. waste of time

>> No.1727715

Kugimiya Rie – Clare
Noto Mamiko – Catherine
Fukuyama Jun – Vincent Rio
Inoue Marina - Calyce
Kato Emiri - FengLing
Hoshino Takanori - Kurt
Kokubun Yukari - Viki
Junji Majima - Baihu/Gavin
Tanaka Rie - Elementalist

i reinstalled the game just to grab the jGE voicepack. i don't really "play" the game now.

here's some more i found on nico: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm4048186

>> No.1727746

>Noto Mamiko – Catherine
>Fukuyama Jun – Vincent Rio
>Kato Emiri - FengLing

Yea. I installed the game a few weeks ago just to play around with jGE pack as well but shit I didn't know THESE. Well, considering I didn't get a Catherine just cuz she was fuck expensive and I always thought Vicente Rio was some admin's character.

>> No.1727744

Thanks for the extra information on FFXI everyone.

I think I still may give it a try just for the story, even though I don't have my abundance of NEET time like before.

>> No.1727960

>Except, you know, you have nothing to show for it outside the game.
You can show off effort to more people in an mmo than you could in real life, and chances are, they would care more.

You kill 100 wolves in real life, you just get spat on by peta at best. You do it in a game, and you'll get a title to show off to people who will know by seeing it that you are a real awesome bro.

>> No.1727989

>Except, you know, you have nothing to show for it outside the game.
You can show off effort to more people in an mmo than you could in real life, and chances are, they would care more.

You kill 100 wolves in real life, you just get spat on by peta at best. You do it in a game, and you'll get a title to show off to thousands of people who will know by seeing it that you are a real awesome bro.
