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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1719250 No.1719250 [Reply] [Original]

Why are some on /jp/ so quick to try to report posts for the most insignificant things? Feeling jealousy at lack of attention from mods?

Whatever happened to RAW RAW FIGHT THE POWAH?

>> No.1719259

in b4 reported

>> No.1719263

It's just an excuse to post Sikieiki. I don't actually report anything.

>> No.1719266


I'd rather have a Shikieiki thread than a OMGINTERNETHARDCRE thread.

>> No.1719269
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Posting Judge.

>> No.1719288

I'm sure that if people reported as often as they claimed to, especially ZUN, there would be a lot of bans going around for abusing the report system. Seriously, if you were a mod, would you be more annoyed by a thread that might not be completely on topic, or some faggot who keeps on telling you to ban everyone?

>> No.1719297
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>> No.1719302

reported for trolling HURRRRR

>> No.1719330

reported for reporting

>> No.1719350

Reported for metathread.

>> No.1719371

Trolling is against the rules, so reporting it is reasonable. It gives the mods/janitors a chance to decide for themselves if the trolling is out of hand and needs deleted without having to lurk constantly.

>> No.1719426
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>> No.1719485
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We had a tripfag troll on /tg/ who was reported quite literally every time he turned up.

Guess why he was eventually banned?

He spammed moot's email address.

Then moot put up a thread in /tg/ saying "why the fuck didn't you report such a collossal faggot?" and we all replied "we did".

It was mildly amusing, but it also showed effectively NOTHING is done from reporting except perhaps a sense of satisfaction.

>> No.1719515

On the topic of mods does anyone know why they are so cold and serious?

>> No.1719551

The best way to deal with an offtopic thread is to report it, since sage doesn't do anything. I doubt people actually report every little thing though, even if they say they do.

>> No.1719557

That was glorious. And then moot sat down and had tea with /tg/.

>> No.1719568

I pretty much only write that I report things to troll. If I actually do report something, I don't bother with a reply.

Granted, I did troll and report this thread.
