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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1716593 No.1716593 [Reply] [Original]

Choose Your Own Adventure books are the the paper equivalent of visual novels.

And they're awesome for it.


>> No.1716601

Take this shit back to /jp/.

>> No.1716602

I liked the Lone Wolf series.

>> No.1716599

pretty much. it wouldn't be hard to make a CYOA manga.

>> No.1716605
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>40 possible endings

>> No.1716606


>> No.1716611


No, no, that's 40 possible *bad* endings. 45 total.

>> No.1716614

I read a bunch of those in my old elementary school library. They all had the same hard gray cover, and they were all pretty bad. Between them and that fucking Goosebumps and Animorphs shit everyone around me was going gay for I almost gave up on reading.

>> No.1716615

brb. attempting to divide by zero.

>> No.1716618


Eh, Animorphs and Goosebumps were just awful. Some of the CYOA books were pretty fun.

If only for the bad ends.


>> No.1716620

the the

>> No.1716624

Whoops, thought I was on /a/ for a moment. It's hard to tell since /a/ and /jp/ are so similar. In fact, I see a thread of that one Gundam girl on /jp/.

>> No.1716625

My memory fails as it's been a long time, but anyone remember that CYOA books were generally pretty freaking harsh too? Generally horror stories, and chuck full of horribly difficult choices leading to traumatizing bad ends? That's how I remember the buggers to be.

>> No.1716626

I had Goosebumps ones. And a bunch of those ENDLESS QUEST books that were based on D&D.

I remember one CYOA book I had that took place in space on a distant planet or something; it was cool because you had a fucking LASER GUN instead of a sword. But it was my first CYOA and I read it normally, and found the "good" ending on page 13 ;_;

>> No.1716636


Yup. Sort of like a lot of visual novels, actually.

LOTS of bad ends.

>> No.1716649


I don't remember those. I wish I had yours. I just remember mine being lame ass shit where you go back in a time machine and have to decide on whether you take a lighter or a handkerchief or some bullshit and then you get eaten by a dinosaur.

I don't know if I ever actually bothered to finish any of them. I started most of them but got fed up with how dumb they were pretty quickly. There was one with a guillotine that I kinda liked, though. Well, I liked the guillotine part anyway.

>> No.1716651

The old, old CYOA were best with that. Some of the endings could be pretty damned horrific.

>> No.1716653

Aren't those accepted in /tg/?

>> No.1716658

Well, there were also CYOA versions of at least some of The Famous Five books.

>> No.1716732


Yeah, unsurprisingly as they became more commercialized and "lets make 50 more of these" the books stopped being as dark.

On this topic, I've had the crazy idea to write a Touhou CYOA book. Maybe just because I want the reader to die to Cirno in one of the BAD ENDs.

>> No.1716734


I'd read it.

>> No.1716752


(*text* denotes italics)

Suddenly, a gigantic glowing circle appears around Cirno and hundreds of flying shards of ice fill the air. You...

... jump to dodge (go to page 24)
... do nothing (go to page 25)

Page 24:

Instinctively, you jump out of the way to avoid Cirno's attack. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the bolts of ice begin to fly towards you and Ran.

A chill runs down your spine.

>> No.1716756
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these are exactly the type of choices that make me rage. Trying to make a choice interesting by just swapping the results of what the reader would obviously choose is not my idea of fun

>> No.1716760

>Trying to make a choice interesting by just swapping the results

Someone hasn't played Icicle Fall ~Easy~

>> No.1716770


I'd definitely this book.

>> No.1716777

Such fucking awesome books. I'd buy box sets but the new ones have shitty art.

>> No.1716778

Is that even something to be ashamed about? I played them for the gameplay, not all the lol so randum xD stuff shitclustering it.

>> No.1716789



>> No.1716794


If you only play Touhou for the games, and not for doujin/fan content, why the fuck would you care about a CYOA Touhou book?
