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17146542 No.17146542 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17126343

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.17146644

How good is Dei Gratia?

>> No.17146659

Hadler gave it a 8.7.

>> No.17146712

Doujin version of ever17, quite literally.

>> No.17146741

Haven't read ever17.

>> No.17146745 [DELETED] 

Who is "Hadler"? Is he on "reddit" or "twitter" or "facebook"? Can I subscribe to him on "facebook"?

>> No.17146754

Then you should, it's better anyway.

>> No.17146761

Which dies would you irae?

>> No.17146764


>> No.17146770

He used to be one of the better posters here

>> No.17146772 [DELETED] 

Oh... Are you his friend? Do you have a "facebook" I can subscribe to?

>> No.17146773


Dies irae, iudex, salva me
Dies illa, pie domine

>> No.17146791

Why are you putting quotation marks over facebook?

>> No.17146805

It's supposed to stand for "so-called".

>> No.17146835

I learned Japanese, but I still can't understand Dies irae on anything but a surface level. When will this hell finally end?

>> No.17146839
File: 395 KB, 1028x580, capture_013_05062017_180722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished it in fact, I think?

Overall I liked the game, the twists were satisfying, foreshadowed and some stuff like how you enter the third route were pretty novel in my opinion. If you like twisty scifi, infodumps (lots of it based on actual science) and trapped mystery stuff like other games in this medium you're bound to enjoy Dei Gratia as well. I personally also liked the connecting themes and such. Practically zero romance as well if you're looking for a change of pace. Some initial parts had the stupid kind of "we're trapped but SoL activities yeah" stuff and I was initially afraid they'd fall back to those on a regular basis, but they ditch that kind of filler quite soon and it's mostly constant plot back to back. It does utilize some tried and true plot padding cliches like characters obviously knowing something important (and the protagonist realizing it as well) but not telling due to not trusting others or being plain dicks or interrupted at the critical moment by someone else or "it's probably nothing" excuse, often resulting in some later drama that feels like it could've been avoided.

Presentation wise the game could've used more many more CGs and music tracks (though the music itself is pretty good), and in case of CGs for some reason many trivial moments got them, while many actually plot important / dramatic moments that could've used some didn't. While the game itself was pretty great, I felt blueballed by the finale or the lack of one (?).

tl;dr good game, well foreshadowed twists but a bit weak or "2deep4u" ending

- Bigger spoiler territory, questions and complaining for others who finished it -
The final ending could've used one last push, though I'm not entirely sure if I just missed something. I felt pretty let down by how the simulation stuff doesn't get brought up again at the end of the third route for some reason, and while rereading the first scene of the game after playing through the final extra scenario is really clever, I couldn't wrap my head around how contradicting it was to the rest of the game.

Wasn't the basic premise that only Hitoha and Yukari survived and the two were replaying the accident in a VR simulation (for unknown purposes?) and the latter constantly mentioning how the former can't change the past no matter what and has to live with the choices they made, yet the third route has no simulation stuff at all, very clearly contradicts only two of them surviving, yet it's also the route that best connects to the last unlocked extra scenario and the game's first scene: Hitose (protagonist's sister) finding the Argo float and the wind turbine island exploding, killing Hikari. I was expecting one last explaining scene in real world or something else with Hitoha and Yukari in the white room, but nope apparently that and the extra scenario are the final content in the game, unless there's some actual truer true route or epilogue that no one has found yet. I read some reviews afterwards and some mention it's literal meta 「生存者を決めるのは、あなたです」 message, therefore "lol the players themselves decide which one of the routes actually happened", but if that was the actual intention it feels extremely cheap.

I replayed the ending of the second route since it has the last white room scene and personally think the fictional alternate events were about keeping the memory of the survivors alive (hence comparison to the actual ghost ship), and was expecting it to get brought up again plus Hitoha coming to accept his guilt over not being able to save the others in some last theoretical final epilogue scene that never actually came. Personally I would've also preferred the game to flesh out the mysteries of COOS and Alice more. Stuff like the former's supposed intelligence (f.ex. COOS disappearing of its own volition in past case that Yukari explains to others) and the even more mysterious shit with Hikari contracting Alice by being bitten by something which she thinks was a mermaid or something. Still not as gear grinding as the previous, much more plot important stuff I complained about being left hanging in the air.

>> No.17146846

Reminder that ero is holding back eroge.

>> No.17146847 [DELETED] 

Hahaha! Damn!

>> No.17146854

What a waste of time. Everything good gets translated anyway. Some bad stuff like Dies Irae gets translated even!

>> No.17146883 [DELETED] 

Damn... Is that new "slang"?

>> No.17146899 [DELETED] 

It "is" not very "new", unlike "you"

>> No.17146959

Not having it would be gay(ge)

>> No.17147149
File: 486 KB, 990x591, COMPOSEYOURSELF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well do you know Japanese? Dies really seems like my kind of thing and I'm wanting to pick it up as soon as I could slog through it half decently.

So how long before Muv-Luv changes tempo? I'm enjoying myself now, so I don't mind if it ever does.

>> No.17147293

>How well do you know Japanese?
On about an "epic" level. What about you?
Wanna discuss learning methods by the way?

>> No.17147392


You misspelled galge.

>> No.17147545

It is now the year 2010. The reprehensible and secret brotherhood known as the Last Molester Train has been driven underground once again, its three year reign of sexual predation extinguished under the militant ultra-feminist organization known as Raven Guard. However all is not yet lost.

The Last Molester Train continued to search for a savior who could restore their patriarchy to glory, and at long last that man has been found. Revered under the pseudonym of Zin, this legendary molester defied the Raven Guard and defiled many a lovely flower under their watch. A single careless mistake is all it took catch him… but the brotherhood will not let a comrade-in-arms fall so easily.

>> No.17148056

Will you be doing this survey?

>> No.17148387

Can you spoonfeed me the mega link anon?

I just finished Ever17 and I want to read this.
The true route in Ever17 was one hell of a ride, It was amazing how it connects all the other routes mystery and give you a mind blowing answers that won't disappoint. The writer also took advantage of this being a visual novel and used it for the plot.
I still can't believe this was written in 2002. This had almost the same themes in ISLAND that I played last year but did it much better.

>> No.17148391

Anyone know where I can find a patch for act est fabula to circumvent the serial number? The link I found was dead.

>> No.17148461


>> No.17148562

You mean epic levels in dnd?

I'm probably far under you I'm studying now for the N1 in December(I know it's not super important, but it motivates me to study outside of vn's)

What I do study wise is just go through a wide variety of content from Musashi and newspapers to 80's music and vn's copying whole sentences with words I want to know. I feel like the extra context makes my reviews invaluable. I make small talk with natives on Twitter and lang-8 but my production is painful.

>> No.17148590
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>> No.17148625

Thanks anon

>> No.17148637

pretending to be super retarded in the face of people you think are kind of retarded never did anyone any favors

>> No.17148655
File: 84 KB, 637x431, touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17148821

Wow I just assumed the guy trolling me was an autist. Guess I too am the autist

>> No.17148875


I'm planning on it, yes. I was going to post it at the beginning of this thread but other affairs got in the way of making it in time so I thought I'd post it in the beginning of next thread.

>> No.17148937

I wish I was a touhou...

>> No.17148977

Anybody else kinda disappointed that media such as LNs,and games have as good as art as VNs?

I mean one of the main reason to read VNs now is kinda gone.

The main reasons I can still see VNs being a thing is having good writers that don't go for novels/LNs, or if VNs have some interaction from the reader with a win condition but that essentially turns it into a game of sorts like Rance or Danganronpa.
Still once again there's always romancing the girl, even then it's ridiculously overpriced and doesn't offer much content to the reader compared to the price for current games, you could get your romance fills through LNs, novels or even games that give you more.

>> No.17148994

Put simply

>I want to romance an anime girl
Make a video game, where you romance the girl, if you want ero add ero
>I don't wanna interact and just want the story.
Writers could have more freedom and do better writing LNs and novels.
>But I want to see the girls
Present the story as an Anime, or as a video game.

>> No.17149010

>you could get your romance fills through LNs, novels or even games that give you more.
LNs novels and games don't give nearly as much romance as VNs though? LNs blueball for like 13 volumes, games basically just give scraps, etc. Nothing like VNs with their 5,000 lines of moege lovey dovey.

>> No.17149026

They could do so easily if they tried, the could move focus to games, anime, manga, LNs, novels etc.
Plus take a look at love plus, I haven't played it but I know it offers a much better value than a VN, in terms of money and play ability. The quality of the story for these works however is debatable.
Like I mentioned it's the writers, who are one of the main driving force to keep buying VNs.

>> No.17149028

They could but they don't. So it doesn't matter.

>> No.17149072

Should've just searched the original name in the archive.

>> No.17149134

Ehh I don't think VNs will ever lose their appeal. There's simply fundamental differences between them and other mediums like LNs and games. I like those mediums too but sometimes a VN is just best.

>> No.17149140

What kind of dumb post is this.
VNs have the package of sound, art, voice, and text.
It's a unique medium, and discounting it is as dumb as saying why play games when you can read a book.

>> No.17149165

Eroge has never had better art than anime or manga or anything else, if that's what you're implying.

>> No.17149167

>Sound, art, voice and text
>unique medium
Yes and video games do all that too and can do it better see >>17148994.

I wouldn't be as bothered to be honest if they were cheaper given what they offer to the reader. But at this point they're better off as games or if people want a story as an anime or LN.

>> No.17149201
File: 118 KB, 640x400, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone played Kakyuusei before? She always shows up after I fucked a girl. Should I feel bad about this? I don't even chasing her route.

>> No.17149207

They are games.

>> No.17149438

bro which version of kakyuusei are you playing?

thought of getting it for saturn but can't find the roms smdh

>> No.17149516
File: 113 KB, 640x400, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, I find one link in warosu provided by some anon years ago. Probably original reprint edition.

I also find Doukyuusei 2 and Kakyuusei 2 mega link alongside it, but Doukyuusei 1 link is already taken down before I could download it, making it the only -kyusei game that I don't have in my harddisk.

>> No.17149520

Is it voiced my man? Cause I know the saturn version is though no nudes.

>> No.17149554
File: 115 KB, 640x400, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partially. No one other than the heroines are voiced, and only notable events and lines are voiced, non-important lines like small talk aren't voiced.

>> No.17149560

I meant video games like rance or even phoenix wright.
Fureraba has a beyter idea of this or even persona when it comes to romancing girls.

>> No.17149584

Which vn has the cutest fuckable ロリ?
I need to know this....for science

>> No.17149608


>> No.17149614

I liked chibi paiya, they loved it

>> No.17149626

I mean the loli girls love it (the sex)

>> No.17149641

can't find it, is it a doujin game?

>> No.17149652

Here's Doukyuusei.

>> No.17149707


>> No.17149710

Sorry I romanised the japanese name when it already had an english name


>> No.17149718

Gochi Chino

>> No.17149720


Last game in Campus' Uso series. Looking nice

>> No.17149721

does the game make lewd noises? I cant fap without those

>> No.17149725

There are tags right there, fag.

>> No.17149759
File: 166 KB, 646x532, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, my collection is finally complete. No heroine voice though, I thought it'll be voiced in newer release like Doukyuusei 2.

>> No.17149762

Yes, my favourite girl is the blue stoic girl but i normally like deredere si she has a soft point for me.
The blonde vampire basically visits him and he cant control his sexual urge and rapes her. He then appologises and she thanks him because she likes semen and as its like blood and then you fuck her blue sister as she comes to pick up the blondr loli.
I like the game as it has heart pupils and cute lolis but they make them a bit too young.

>> No.17149783
File: 409 KB, 700x480, c943980package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delayed to next month. I want my not Kashima already.

>> No.17149873

Eotena Onslaught: Loli Edition has some pretty good art.

>> No.17149905
File: 61 KB, 800x981, 1497007372515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looked cute too...

>> No.17149979
File: 189 KB, 1240x541, ss+(2017-06-09+at+03.05.51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now what the fuck Baseson. Why the hell Shuri's VA is voicing some other character while a new very bad VA is voicing Shuri. I'd understand if they couldnt come to terms with the VA and had to get someone new, but this is pretty absurd. Shuri is one of the main characters in this game like literally for 10 years, why would you sacrifice her for a new character.

>> No.17150076


Maybe her voice doesn't work for a loli anymore?

>> No.17150107
File: 283 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_9292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17150119

She voiced Shuri in Koihime Eiyuutan like one year ago or something. While it was a minor role, I didnt realise any problem with it, and was waay better than this new VA for sure.

Well her voice fitted to the this new character very nicely tho, I'll give that much at least.

>> No.17150123
File: 85 KB, 1280x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I play on this tiny pc, it's roughly the size of your hand.

>> No.17150136

railsoft games are pretty small and not very demanding. let you change size of text too

>> No.17150143

What is the most beautiful font you've seen in vn?

Monobeno and Maitetsu had a nice one. Also I've noticed otome games use elaborate\cute fonts more often.

>> No.17150182
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, easy_font.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17150202

I feel like I've seen this before.
Is it planetaria or SnU?

>> No.17150209
File: 880 KB, 1282x747, 1488645338121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17150227

Okay I'm trying to download Kagerou, but nyaa pantsu and subeki have it but there's like 2 seeders and it doesn't download it just stays idle animesharing doesn't have torrents and even then there are broken links.
What else can I use?

>> No.17150239


>> No.17150263

How many times has this been delayed?

>> No.17150333


Neither, but several games uses this when they want to look all fancy.

>> No.17150346

Didn't know how hard it would be to find working links without subeki.
I found link for Arbeit but it's so slow, and it's a fileshare link.
I can also download nekopara so there's that.

>> No.17150357
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>> No.17150358

I never thought this font looked good, it's way too long.

>> No.17150365

I already said I tried it

>> No.17150389
File: 157 KB, 960x544, 88706[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17150395


Depends on what you want. It's a font used to look all fancy and special, like the other ones so far shown here as well. (to varying degrees, mine is pretty extreme)
Those are obviously not fonts to read long texts in. There are a couple tried and true ones, usually rather simple as well as comfortable to read. That's important for books. (and VNs)

>> No.17150403

Can someone explain the context behind this?

>> No.17150417

It's Shizuku, the denpa game. The point is people and things are crazy. That's her being crazy.

>> No.17150420

Normal Japanese girl opening up, I'm assuming

>> No.17150448
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, 妹が痔になったので座薬を入れてやった件_2017-06-09_07-14-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17150703

I rarely play VNs (and the Asenheim only at that) but fuck if I don't want to play Hitozuma Gui - Manbiki G-man Chijoku Nikki. Anywhere to get it?

>> No.17150738

And I can't seem to find a translated version or a translation of some sort, so I thought this is the best place to ask

>> No.17150763

There's a specific thread for translations on /jp/

>> No.17150776
File: 188 KB, 576x540, 1424651040629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I can't seem to find a translated version or a translation of some sort
Are you for real lad

>> No.17150777

Alright, thanks. Pardon my ignorance

>> No.17151478
File: 49 KB, 821x815, mashimaro_enki_bg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marmalade delays their new title about marshmallow. Egh, again... Can anyone help to read the reasons of delay? Something with script, as I can see... And that's all? Usually I don't understand why game delays... From May to June, then from June to July... Hope that not from July to August... Why can't they just set a date "not for next month"?

>> No.17151512

God, I want to continue Higurashi, but the Meakashi is such a pain. Shion is a bitch.

>> No.17151564

>Can anyone help to read the reasons of delay?
i think you want the translations thread or /djt/

>> No.17151565

Unforeseen problems with the script. That's all it says.

>> No.17151584

Yeah, the drama with her and Satoshi is retarded. At least later on she redeems herself somewhat.

>> No.17151599

How do you fuck up the scripting on what's essentially a slideshow so hard that you need to extend production time by a month? Was the last delay due to the same thing too?

>> No.17151659
File: 56 KB, 622x160, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the game is trying to guilt trip players whose trying to fuck multiple heroines in one playthrough.

>> No.17151676
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>another maker I liked died

is there any hope for Japan to come back from the ashes?

>> No.17151685

What is your guys favorite VNs with a mother incest route? Ever since I found out how to translate VNs I've been playing a bunch and was wondering if you guys have any recommendations.

>> No.17151757

>Ever since I found out how to translate VNs

>> No.17151958

Who died?

>> No.17151969

Made me think

>> No.17152679

I thinking Iam kinda looking forward to More's ゴールデンアワー that will release this month. The writer is good at writing love triangle and youth stories which are not moege.
Usually most his games are nukige, but Iam not sure about this one. Iam fine with it being a nukige though, I checked the H CGs and most of them have only the whole girl's back drawn in great detail, starting from the head to the ass and sometimes the legs which I find really sexy and hot.
Heres the op.

>> No.17152687

Forgot the link.

>> No.17153123

They postponed it as usual tho.

>> No.17153291

Waiting for the demo currently but it looks like its going to have a more serious tone with a low key atmosphere that I personally like.

>> No.17153623

Is the lack of decently written ロリゲーs the main proof of the low IQ the people who enjoy making/playing these games have?

>> No.17153631

Damn dude, chill

>> No.17153634

>Is the lack of decently written plotge and charage the main proof of the low IQ the people who enjoy making/playing these games have?

>> No.17153649

Anybody try Harmonia by key?
I haven't heard much about it.

>> No.17153654

What about Himawari?

>> No.17153660

He's saying there's not a lot, not that there aren't any decent ones. But his argument falls apart as there aren't as much decent plotge or charage compared to the influx of moege.

>> No.17153665

On the old subeki nyaa is it too hard to get the magnet links on ti another site?

>> No.17153675

VNs need more harem routes.

>> No.17153683

A harem routr is whwre evry girl is with the guy they love other than ntr routes.

>> No.17153684 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 1200x675, 1497073519538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Chaos;Head Love Chu Chu even?

>> No.17153695

>the plot twist in baldr sky's true route where they explain the agent
this is pretty fucking retarded desu

>> No.17153697

the true route in general was pretty retarded outside of a couple good scenes.

>> No.17153703

Wheb do you guys consider that you've finished a vn?
When you've done all the routes?
When you get 100% including cgs and bad ends?
Becayse i occasionally come across girls whose routes I can't be bothered doing and so I just leave the vn. Or I don't wanna see jokes routes like hanachirasu.

>> No.17153744

All routes and CGs generally.

>> No.17153789

I've finished very few then.
There are some cgs where the difference between two of them are the cumshots.

>> No.17153844

What's the appeal of Dr.Pepper?
I've seen it in dracu riot and steins gate.
I cannot fathom how this beverage that tastes like a poor man's coke would be so highly acclaimed.
Is this some joke I'm missing here, is it popular in japan or some marketing tactic I don't know about?

>> No.17153851

I'm assuming it's something along the lines of spiderman or ariana grande that for some reason became popular to the Japanese.

>> No.17153872

Depends a lot
Usually when I understand the overall plot (everything including true end), or if I understand what I want from a character or part of the plot I'm interested in (usually true ending only).

E.G. Chaos;Child I considered finished when I read all routes including true ending, but I'm missing a couple CGs of bad endings in one route

S;G 0 I considered finished after finishing just the true ending, ignoring I think 2 other routes.

S;G 0 was a bit of an odd case because I didn't like the game that much and I wasn't interested in the characters of the other routes since I felt they were irrelevant/not interesting.

>> No.17153880

To add to this, I'd probably have considered C;C "finished" if I could skip to true ending without seeing some of the routes e.g: The little girl's (forgot her name) and the blue haired girl (also forgot her name), since I wasn't that interested in them and their stories didn't have all that much impact in the overall plot.

Would not have missed Nono's though, and maybe the blondie who could tell if a person is lying or not, but that's a maybe.

>> No.17153908

Ive never played chaos child or head but after seeing it in these threads have been thinking about giving it a go.
Do I have to play head to get child?
Also is steins gate inportant to it?

>> No.17153918

no and no
you'll miss some references from head on c;c but it's not required
just go for it nigga

>> No.17153960

Okay thanks.

>> No.17154002

It varies a bit actually. Generally that's what I go by but for some VNs I'll consider myself finished even without all of the CGs. Like if I get the true ending and all I'm missing are a few bad ends I generally won't bother with those even if they add CGs

>> No.17154007
File: 146 KB, 800x450, gallery01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are they planning on making four extras?

>> No.17154037


Can someone identify the short hair blonde on the right? Uploaded it on this because too lazy to censor tits

>> No.17154051

One of the characters from Imouto no Okage de Motesugite Yabai.

>> No.17154063


>> No.17154065

Thanks. What a cutie.

>> No.17154086 [DELETED] 

fucking HELL dudes, after I found out about vndb's Only rori heroines my dick is f*cking LIMP

>> No.17154162
File: 24 KB, 821x732, mashimaro_enki_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first delay was that.

>> No.17154223


And you totally wouldn't mind a girl you love having 5 other boyfriends next to you, as long as you can also be her boyfriend?

Harems don't work like that. Nobody is happy, unless you do some weird idealization or literally everybody loves everybody equally which is also a rather weird idealization in itself. (and wouldn't really be a typical harem anymore)

>> No.17154246

Yeah basically.
Harem ends are often a sign of a bad VN because it means the girls are either shallow and brainless enough to be okay with harems. They're only really for nukige where everyone expects brainless sluts.

>> No.17154263

In the harem VNs that do exist, for example Evenicle or Tsuushinbo, the girls are clearly happy and fine with the situation. So saying no one is happy is clearly false. Whether or not it's realistic is another matter, but it's not like normal moege is realistic either, so I don't see the problem with harems specifically.

>> No.17154267


1. It's different for guys and girls, as well as humans and other animals.

2. I'm not in love with a girl so I don't know how I would feel if she would go for somebody else as well. Even then see point 1.

3. How do you know harems are not like that? Williningly going to marry somebody out of love is different from forced wedlocks let me remind you.
People also love another differently.

4. All girls are with the guy they love, nobody is heartbroken.
Compared to stories that force you to make the others sad. Not that it's wrong to choose a single girl and tell the others to fuck off or tough luck, however some people want to make others all happy.

5. People have done this for ages and only stopped to prevent rich people taking up all the women. You think it's weird now because of the true love mentality which media has been injecting into your brains and that it's not the norm anymore due to it become illegal. Otherwise chances are you would thinknof it as normal like evrybody else would.

6. It's fiction, people now might not be fine while with it, but ages ago might of been. It is fiction so the girls are fine with it and some people might be fine with it today. People are different eroge abd games are different.

7. You can make up intersting stories with loving multiple girls, such as political marriages in war or cheating that turns into marrying multiple girls. It depends in the sill of the author.

>> No.17154272

Also sorry for the punctuation I forgot to spell check and I'm on the phone.

>> No.17154276

>And you totally wouldn't mind a girl you love having 5 other boyfriends next to you, as long as you can also be her boyfriend?
I think an eroge like this would be pretty great actually. Childhood friend circle of 3, you the protagonist, male friend and girl. Relationship develops into you two going out with her, threesome fucking etc. Even more interesting if one of the males, either the protag or the friend, is a girly trap.

>> No.17154282

>5. People have done this for ages and only stopped to prevent rich people taking up all the women.
And in most of these accounts, the women run into conflict all the time because it turns out that 1/5th of a husband is a lot less than 1. The most women I've read about contentedly sharing a man is around two. I agree that it doesn't mean that they're "brainless sluts" especially in the historical context where this was the norm for certain royalty, but at some point you do have to realize that someone who has five girlfriends is really just a manslut who will fuck every pretty thing he meets.

>> No.17154287

Does anyone have a 100% save for Eien no Aselia Special Edition? Sagaoz only has the original, fandisc and digest.

>> No.17154313

>It's different for guys and girls,
No, it's not.
Girls are people too. They don't like the person they love sleeping and loving other women.

>> No.17154314

>Girls are people too

>> No.17154324

Having a girlfriend and having casual sex are different, as well as marriage.

Normally adultery was considered illegal and punishable by law. It would help procure faithfulness of the the husband to a spouse and well as keep families in check.
Like the husband wouldn't consider cheating as he could lose out on settlement, lose custody of the children etc.
Without it marriage would pretty much only have a stronger meaning than bf/gf.

Being a bf/gf pretty means marriage without these laws acting in place. You can do anything even cheat and if you have children they suffer a lot.
While with polygamy each spouse is known, while laws being in place.
I personally think adultery should be considered illegal again.

If they're married or in a relationship and approve of the others, that point kinda falls out the window. Being in a relationship with multiple people is different from fucking random people. My argument was built on the basis that they knew of another and they weren't cheating.

>> No.17154330

>If they're married or in a relationship and approve of the others, that point kinda falls out the window.
And the vast majority don't, when it comes to love. I actually know a lot of open couples (i.e. several girls to one guy), and they don't feel "love" for each other like these VN characters are written to have. They can manage to have open couples precisely because they don't feel that kind of love which would make them feel possessive. Girls are people too, they don't like the person they love sleeping around and loving other women. But, girls are people too, and they don't mind a casual boyfriend sleeping around.

>> No.17154335

To add a little, usually open couples are those who just like sex, and the main thing tying them together is the sex. Do you want VN harem endings to consist of the girls being like "we're only with you and okay with this because the sex is good"? Who wants that in romantic VNs? Like I said, harem endings are for nukige.

>> No.17154374

While I don't agree they only do it for the sex. VNs are meant to be idealistic realities and fiction. True love polymgamy might not work in society any more but can be done for VNs.
I personally don't like girls being sad so I like harem ends where I don't say tough luck to the girl I don't pick or don't see the girl being sad.
It's a happy end.
If you don't like it, it's your choice but I like seeing girls happy and don't like it being sad. I also absolutely love seeing girls ebd up a guy they like and vice versa so I like this ending.

>> No.17154412

It's kind of like seeing them drugged up on meth/heroine and happy. Yeah they're happy but it's a pretty fucked up situation I don't consider to be a positive. It's not about not working "in society", it's about it just not being a human thing. 5 girls genuinely loving 1 guy and being fine with him sleeping around between them is just not human. I personally don't enjoy VNs with non-human characters like that. Hard to feel an emotional connection with them so to speak when they're so obviously fake.

>> No.17154444

So it's just that you have a personal hatred for them. You're as bad as people who say incest or sex with children is immoral. Accept that other people have different tastes from you and move on.

>> No.17154456


Like I said, weird idealization. In Evenicle they are in a world, where it's considered normal for "heroes" or whatever to have more wives. They are in a world, where women get into a concentration camps or whatever if they have sex before marriage. Are you trying to make parallels to our world there? Evenicle never tries to be realistic. It features a REALLY messed up world, in a lot of ways. That's the point of it. You should realize that at the latest when you get shown that apparently anal sex is fine even for unmarried women. It's a setting solely created of an eroge and the ero.


Humans praise themselves for not being animals. Nature only cares about reproduction. Being human usually means that relationships should be a little more. Thus love, marriage and so on. Female or male does NOT matter there. Harems are historically as they are because men hold the power and influence, and more often than not, having more women equaled having more power. Women were simply a status. Like nowadays a yacht, a villa or 50 super expensive cars would be.

>All girls are with the guy they love, nobody is heartbroken.

Nobody is with the guy they love. They are with the guy they love AND a LOT of other girls. Even if they consider the guy the most important person in the world, he won't be considering them as such. It's not an even relationship. It's simply not how love works.

>People have done this for ages and only stopped to prevent rich people taking up all the women.

That wasn't love though. The women were in for the money, or forced. There's a clear difference here. Moege try to sell LOVE. In a nukige, where it's more about sex, harem makes a lot more sense. That's going back to animals basically.

>interesting stories

Yes, but all of it would likely end in ways you wouldn't like. 1 on 1 relationships aren't the most common without a reason. They are stable. You can idealize. I'm not saying it's impossible. Watanabe did talk a bit about this and the challenges in Harukuru. Konozora offers a nice attempts at a romantic relationship between 3 people, two of whom are VERY close twins and whose relationship was heavily focused on. But it's rare. Most of the time the issues are ignored. I mean, in the end it's just porn games anyway. So I doubt a lot care.

>> No.17154497
File: 239 KB, 634x788, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VNs are meant to be idealistic realities and fiction.

And the market that this kind of VN targets does not idealize harem. They want to focus on one heroine they choose one at a time, just like the heroine focus only on the player when chosen. Deviating from that will have severe repercussion.

>I like seeing girls happy and don't like it being sad

Romance VNs has solved this with many methods without resorting to harem:

-Self-resolving drama even without MC's involvement, or having MCs involvement only roughed things up.

-No drama at all. All heroines has happy life. They life just fine without MC. Tone Works has done this a few times.

-Main heroine railroad. Can't disappoint any other girls if you can only romance one from the start.

-Have the heroine that's not picked taken by another guy and have a happy life with him. Will never happen on this age because of otaku's possessiveness.

I can't think more than these, but there are probably more methods that to make the heroines happy without resorting to harem.

>> No.17154510

I mean, I can't find a translated version of the game.

>> No.17154524 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 576x324, 1497097680008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Chiyomaru doing?

>> No.17154542

>It's kind of like seeing them drugged up on meth/heroine
Dude what? You're going way overboard.
The way it's presented is cleary not like that.
It's fiction and they're in love sure there may be prpblems in real life but it's fiction.

I just like the concept of everybody being happy.
That's it.
You might not see it as love for some reason but the way the game portrays it, it cleary is to them.

If two girls are gaga over the mc. It ends either with one ending up with the guy, or neither ending up with the guy. Both ending up with him is a win win situation.
It can be well written but depends on the author, and I like happy endings.
I can't stand them not ending up with a guy they love.
Even if the author does a personality change with them suddently bring okay with it all and not crying or they get over it, it feels bad.

There's not much too it really, I like seeing girls happy and people ending up with those they love.
Sure it may not work in real life.
Fuck, you might even see it as insane but to me it looks like each got their happy end.

>> No.17154563

Also want to add
>nobody is with the guy they love.
Yes they clearly are, even if they are with other girls. The way it presents it is clearly love.
You ever have a crush on multiple girls?
Or love more than one person like a parent and sibling?
Does it mean it's not genuine?
Love is special and I like it when nobody's heart is broken.

>That's not how love works in real life
It's fiction, sure this relationship might not work in real life but in fiction it can.

>> No.17154609

That's like saying "i see you just hate drinking bleach, you're as bad as people who say incest is immortal" etc. It's just how humans are, no matter what your tastes are, bleach will kill you if you drink it.

>> No.17154651

So I'm playing tantei seven and it's getting to me.
It's like legit protagonist shit where you act like the protagonist to help girls and judge their feelings and know what to say or do.
It's hard.
Like a girl is scared.
So you ask if she's scared of you and she can't give a round about answer so you ask if she's not scared and she doesn't give an answer. So its a mixed answer and you have to think like a proper mc on how to talk to these girls.

>> No.17154660

Look eroge is fiction and in fiction you can fictionised versions of love.
It might not work in real life but in games it's a different story.
I just like making girls happy and like them all to be happy.

>> No.17154688

I'm the guy with the small pc earlier in the thread.
I was thinking of installing games on a sd card and just playing from there, would it work?
Like on my larger pc I'd install a game on the sd card as well as put the installation directory in the sd card and just put thst into the small pc and play it.
Will it work?

>> No.17154690

And if someone said they enjoy stories about drinking bleach I would point out it's unrealistic and how I personally don't like it.
Not sure why you're taking this a personal attack, it's just a discussion of tastes. If you like reading about drinking bleach I won't tell you you're wrong for that. I'm just discussing how it's unrealistic.

>> No.17154695

His argument is dumb anyway because most of the 1on1 romances in eroge are also unrealistic and impossible in real life.

>> No.17154702

You see it as drinking bleach I see it as a different type of love.
Same with love with a sibling or parent which you nornally arent attracted to. Or even finding the company of a robot for the rest of your life.
It's fiction.

>> No.17154720

You misunderstand. Yes the romance in eroge an impossible. But at least they chase an ideal founded in humanity. Whereas, harem romance contradicts that humane ideal and instead goes off into fantasy wank territory.
Fake inhuman love, just like drinking bleach which is fake and inhuman (i.e. would kill a normal human).

>> No.17154726

You're delusional.

>> No.17154736

Quit with the personal attacks. I'm saying drinking bleach is wrong, not that he's wrong for liking drinking bleach.

>> No.17154804

I'm telling you it's fiction, people can like incest or loli, but suddenly harem ends are wrong?
I get not liking it but your comparison of drinking bleach is going way overboard.

Still that's my opinion i prefer making all girls happy and if you think that's not realistic, I'm saying it's fictional girls can be happy. It may not work and you find it disgusting but that's based off your view of the real world that it may not work.
I can treat a relationship with a sibling as true love the same way I can treat loving multiple girls as.

>> No.17154817

He's baiting you stop falling for it, he's going for obvious weak points, notice him emphasiszing the killing you >>17154720. I mean who the fuck talks like that and then puts it in brakets?
Also he tries to make himself the victim here.
Just stop.

>> No.17154849

>I mean who the fuck talks like that
I don't know if you've noticed but this is an image board forum not a tea party

>> No.17154858

Usually all the MC that have voice acting in eroge are good.

>> No.17154866

Okay, let's turn this around. In bizzaro eroge world, let's say a heroine has 3 different guys in love with her, including MC. They are all good likable characters that have been developed. She decides to get into a relationship with all 3 of them so she doesn't have to turn down any of them and hurt them. You see how fucked up that sounds outside of a nukige?

>> No.17154871

Sounds hot, I want to play that.

>> No.17154876

That's why I don't like harem endings, I wouldn't like being in one so I can't imagine a heroine liking it either, there's just no way a person can evenly split his love.

>> No.17154881

Turbo slut.

>> No.17154882

Fuck you incest haters

>> No.17154885

He doesn't really have voice acting other than a few bits.

>> No.17154897

I personally think girls would love this and can see it in an otomege.
I remember a manga where a demon king, a warrior and a bunch of other guys were fighting for the marriage or this girl.

If they're okay with it I don't see much wrong.
Also if it's love I like it.

If it's done poorly not as much.

>> No.17154911

Also so there's so much slang and jargon it's like i know what they're saying but I don't at the same time.

>> No.17154969

Harem routes are really fucking rare in Otome games.

>> No.17154993

I gotta say, I agree with anti-harem guy.
I only like harems in nukiges when the protag has some sort of super cock that gives girls penis addiction.
Just doesn't feel good in moege and charage because it doesn't feel like they've developed deep and personal one-to-one connections.

>> No.17154999
File: 136 KB, 640x480, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this? Except the rival bailed out when he realize she's being going out with MC and wished her happy and well before breaking up with her.

>> No.17155012
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>> No.17155017
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1497007772003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a fucking idiot i was looking for a game, downloaded it and tried to mount it to no avail before realising i could open the 'disc' on its own. It was a movie.

>> No.17155042
File: 54 KB, 250x350, Ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I side with this motherfucker, how he loves all the girls as he developed a bond and fell for all of them, and can't choose so he wants to reach his harem end.
Not so he's happy but the girls are happy.

I got more into eroge cause of him desu.
He even won anime male of the year or came close from this.

>> No.17155055

And then you remember the girls are just cheering him up because of what happened with the girl he actually loved.

>> No.17155065

Harem is nice if all heroines are bisexual derederes, but not every girl in eroge loves MC in every route so whole "everyone is happy" argument can't be applied to such heroines.

>> No.17155069

Any bestiality games where the girl gets pregnant by the animals?

Because screw reality.

>> No.17155070 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1227x501, CaptureH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technical support post:
I can't seem to get ITHVNR to attach to the process of either VN I have. It looks like it attaches in the sub-window but absolutely nothing changes in the main window and I can't see or connect to any threads. Nothing happens and I can repeat this uselessly. It worked fine literally yesterday; I have no idea what happened. The VNs themselves work fine.
If this is the wrong place for it, I'm happy to gtfo.

>> No.17155080

They actually do start falling for him.
Mafuya outright confesses.

>> No.17155092
File: 27 KB, 250x300, 45570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imoutos are always best

>> No.17155163

You'll just have to learn Japanese.

>> No.17155183

That's what he's trying to do
Yeah, go to DJT.

>> No.17155214
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, What an absolute slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah the more I've been playing this I've been becoming more uninterested, from being interested.
The characters seem cliche.
The males seem more interesting than the girls, yes I'm serious.
One is a guy who suffers from a disease who doesn't know what what to do, he doesn't feel happy, sad or things like that anymore. From his doctor's advice he seeks his friend's help. So he asks the mc for advice as he's his best friend.
Another is a foreign guy who everybody seems to hate and call him a 嫌な奴 but he justs seems comedic and foreign. Picture Tamaki from Ouran.

Shy girl is shy and child like.
Your osanajimi is just weird and outgoing.
Background characters have no voices except a few and look pretty ugly, other than the men.

Overall the mc and the best guy friend are the most interesting characters really. I'd prefer if the game was about them as the mc's ability is seeing emotions and hidden things like objects and the best friend can't feel emotions. They would work together to solve their problems.

The system they had was different but nothing too great especially since you can fail by random
Yes, there are choices that you don't know the outcome to as they are random and you can fail so you have to do it again.

I don't know how to feel I'll probably just skim through it and see how it goes.

Also pic related is the osanjimi flirting with a teacher.

>> No.17155217

One step at a time.
Have a nice thread.

>> No.17155260

That argument about harems and "everyone being happy" and such makes me wonder: Are there any good non-nukige VNs where it approaches that issue in a serious / slightly more serious manner? Almost like a love triangle, but with more than 2 girls and they're in a relationship, and problems/drama arises from the situation and the VN overall is more about that character drama rather than being fap fodder nukige or "happy end for everyone at the same time"?

>> No.17155272

White Album 2

>> No.17155280

>slightly more serious
slightly more realistic* oops

>> No.17155281

literally this >>17155272

>> No.17155357
File: 272 KB, 1290x752, docchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unmei yohou and suisou ginka both have 'there can be only one' heroine-highlander as a main theme.

real good character drama too, the writer's heroines always seem to nail the right mix of 2.5D that I like. it's not quite "established girlfriend vs. others" but it's definitely a look at what is involved in something like making everyone happy.

Though I think the writer's honestly starting to get off a little on making you turn down girls.

>> No.17155793
File: 86 KB, 631x263, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, she doesn't even try to be subtle about it anymore. Seriously, is she a forgotten childhood friend or someone like that, being out of character everytime after the player gets a H scene, and sometimes calls the MC of his pimping ways? MC's dream scene music and the greeting after H scene music are also identical. Spoil me please.

>> No.17155865

Isn't she a literal alien?

>> No.17155905

Wouldn't surprise me if that's the case, she's literally floating from the first time she was introduced and everyone's buying her excuse that the condition is because of a sickness. But even if she's an alien, the dream sequence implies that she knows MC from a long time ago before the game starts, if the mysterious girl that the MC talks with in his dream is indeed her.

>> No.17155939

Any good eroge about modern warfare?

>> No.17155944

gunjou no sora wo koete

>> No.17155952


Kamimaho also has that as a theme of sorts. Although that kinda falls apart in the end. Don't know if the other ones hold up better.

So yeah, the writer seems to like that stuff.


While not necessarily downright stating or focusing completely on this kind of stuff, most of the better works do deal with rejections and whatnot. Even moege can do so. Daitoshokan is an example there. Dokodona another. There should be plenty more. Oh right, the one route written by Watanabe in Natsumegu is actually about a love-triangle as well. That one should work then as well.

>> No.17156244

A bit off topic, but what's the oldest version of windows and least amount of ram I can set aside for a VM to play modern visual novels?

>> No.17156302

I'm playing games like tonakoi and kokorolog on 1gb.

>> No.17156305

maximum ram

It's win8.1 though but most vns are designed to be run at xp at least. As japs seems to love it.

>> No.17156320

win7 and 1gb ram should cover almost everything

most modern companies are finally moving away from xp at least officially even if they might still work on it. you can still find modern doujin makers that require directx 6.1 though

>> No.17156356

I'm playing a vn on a tablet but for some reason I have to double click to advance and click on stuff like menus.
Is there a way around this?

>> No.17157081

From your impression, this game sounds a downgrade version of Shinsou Noise.
Give it a try it you didnt and if you really liked the idea of the MC having super natural powers which he solve cases with.

>> No.17157180

can someone upload 100% save for chaos child?

>> No.17157255

What are some decent games with an all loli cast that isnt just nukige?

>> No.17157364

I heard Istoria has a ridiculous amount of typos even after the patch. Is it really that bad or are people exaggerating?

>> No.17157505

There are a lot.


Still, I didn't feel it affected the experience negatively that much for me, you can still give it a try. Most are just kanji conversion mistakes.

>> No.17157541

I like Coke more but I would not say Dr. Pepper tastes similar to it at all. Dr. Pepper has a distinctly different taste.

>> No.17157671

I finished Baldr Sky. The entire true route was alright, desu, but it felt pretty weird compared to the rest of the game. It had some decent moments, like at the beginning where you couldn't tell what the fuck was going on, but once they started to explain what was actually happening I ended up not really getting into the story.

All I could think of during certain parts of the true route was, "damn Muv luv alternative pretty much did this exact same thing, but better" I think Baldr actually made me appreciate MLA more. That aside, I did like how they explained the final boss and the final fight was pretty cool

>> No.17157755


don't forget about how いろとりどりのセカイ did it (which also did some of the methods you stated)

>> No.17157773
File: 625 KB, 1920x1080, VJED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play Vampirdzhija Vjedogonia fullscreen, is there any way to scale the aspect ratio or stretch it instead of it staying centered and just adding black bars?
With other games I've played I'm usually able to change a setting in my GPU scaling options but nothing I try seems to work here.

Sorry if I'm just being retarded or something.

>> No.17157794

Who coded the fullscreen mode is the retarded one. Not even window resizers work on that.

>> No.17157890

You could play that game that was mentioned here before where the loli got shot and killed with the water gun

>> No.17157912
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>> No.17157919

Yeah that's the one, they look pretty fuckable too.

>> No.17157922

Bullying is not okay.

>> No.17158046
File: 335 KB, 1280x720, dat smug face though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teasing is not bullying.

>> No.17158226

I kinda want to add to the conversation previously mentioned.

I don't see what's so different from harems and eroge, anime, manga where the girls all try to get into the MC's pants.

Like take Baka to test, the MC has several girls fighting over him and he goes out with them, even at the same time, even if done through humor he sees them each as beautiful in their own way.
Or even like Demon king daimou and other harem anime where several girls are into the mc. They all fight over their mcs and sure they might have open endings but harems could continue in that same way, with hi-jinks, ecchi happenings, dates and so-on with some improvements.
Harem eroge seems similar to that to me.

You just don't decide on a particular girl and you have feelings for each girl differently and they have feelings for you.
Plus there are already several eroge where the girls are into the mc, it doesn't make it much of a difference if they start going on dates with the mc or start having sex while they all act the same way they did normally. But if you want, they could develop as a person as they get more intimate.

So yeah that's what I wanted to say. Just because you have feelings for multiple girls doesn't mean the love, sex and feelings are fake.It might not be the best example and I'm sure there are better ones but Rance clearly loves Sill despite having a crazed sex drive and fucking other girls.

>> No.17158229

There's a reason those are all dumb comedy and not serious romance stories lad

>> No.17158247

They're meant to be romcoms not the next romio and juliet.

>> No.17158253


>> No.17158293

"Baka to test is smart" - no one

>> No.17158315
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, Tantei7_2017-06-11_18-35-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah this happened
I thought it was some weird power or something happening as the camera zoomed in on her but her body appeared afterwards.

Any funny glitches happen to you?

>> No.17158461
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-But they are taking tests and are like winning and stuff. They can't be stupid?!?

But yeah, harems in the harem genre work because they are silly stuff and/or have the MC technically still be solo, so the girls strive to "win".

>> No.17158468

What's up chief

>> No.17158609
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, Tantei7_2017-06-11_20-34-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I take things back, I started skipping the sub missions as they seemed to be SOL stuff like eating out and touring the school.
I started looking at the game as a ero game rather than a plotge which is kinda what they planned for instead of it being 100% serious.

In the main missions shit hit the fan and hard.

The mc is called Bangou and his best friend is Reiji who has an illness he developed that he finds it hard to feel and have emotions. The way the game presents them has a strong sense of bromance. They seem so close and well their friendship is pretty strong I feel like shipping them if this was an otomege.
That aside he tells Bangou that he plans to go to Germany and study to become a doctor by the end of the year to help his sister, Mariya who's really shy and childlike.
He mentions things happned and he doesn't know and that she recognised him as his brother but doesn't properly acknowledge it. She act childish and has development issues, he thinks it may be inherited from their grandmother who had similar issues with memory.
He begs you to take care of her so he doesn't change his mind to come back and care for her and he plans to travel far so he doesn't give up quick and come back early.
You agree and well when the girls are sleeping over at your house.
Your osanajimi asks her why she's scared of Bangou and she replies that she has memories of him acting weird, and that her mouth was kissed and she felt weird down there.
The osanajimi says it was probably a dog and he wouldn't do that.
Bangou overhears this and wonders if she was raped.
He says it wasn't him as he has no memory of it and then he has a flashback to when he was a kid and was forced to lose his virginity by his drunk dad at a brothel.

So yeah there's a bunch of mysteries showing up like was she raped or not, how did they get their abilities.

>> No.17158625
File: 418 KB, 1280x1440, CG_EV_ALL_010_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and so-on

it's really getting interesting.

I'm planning on actually finishing it now.

>> No.17158808

I want a water gun that penetrates it's targets too

>> No.17158822


You probably have something rather similar attached to your body.

>> No.17158832

Thay's her being shot from both sides (the MC is on the right shooting), but he's offscreen because gotta allow for self insertion

>> No.17158942

Does anybody feel weird after reading eroge for a while? Especially since its not in English
I mean right now I've read for about 7+ hours and feel weird, I notice it happens when reading japanese compared to gaming.
Is it because I'm used to english?
Anybody else experience this?

I mean this isn't a japanese question as it is a question for bilingual readers.

>> No.17158989

No. You probably feel weird because you sat for 7 hours without any movement. Take a break every half an hour and walk around.

>> No.17159107
File: 242 KB, 632x1144, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, this confirms it, Tina's only the one that's giving a shit about MC's pendant. Shit, now I feel bad rejecting her christmas date and having her watch her beloved romancing and having sex with other girl.

>> No.17159184

Where is this from? This art looks really familiar, but the artist's name doesn't come up.

>> No.17159238

Agreed. I also thought the true route was one of the weaker parts of the two games, after you get past the initial "what the fuck is going on" phase.

>and the final fight was pretty cool
I'm peeved that it didn't get unique BGM. Dive 1's final boss had Paradigm Shift insert song and was pretty much the hypest moment in the games, while Dive 2 just had its opening track play in the final battle.

>> No.17159277
File: 340 KB, 1280x720, amayui_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just love getting a lvl1 character later on in an RPG that you need to grind up if you want to use them and only do so because you expect something out of it? So far I'm not seeing anything. But I'm sure she'll grow up to be a big fine dragon. Just like Noelia in Kami no Rhapsody. Though character-wise she won't be beating Noelia, that's pretty impossible. Actually, probably not even gameplay-wise.

>> No.17159288

Katrit gets great stuff, later on.
She's also a cutie.

>> No.17159602


I hope I hold out long enough. This game is way too long on hard.

>> No.17159605

Talking about grind, are there any gameplay VNs that are <50h long?

>> No.17159648
File: 114 KB, 1279x719, IMG_20170612_022903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah what are you doing there?

>> No.17159675


>> No.17159683

Also interested in this.

>> No.17159757


Alice Soft's Blade Briders is a maybe 30hour long fire emblem esque game and quite fun. Rance 01 and especially 02 aren't too long either. (01 <30h, 02 <10h)
Izumo4 should also be below 50 hours for one playthrough, though in theory it has more routes than that.
Material Brave is also more around 30 hours, though it has a pretty bad story. Although, to be honest, most hybrids have a kinda bad story, this one's is REALLY bad. The best part is the little free standalone extra episodes you can download and are like a parody on some of the game's events. Though if you are also playing Eushully games, Material Brave should probably still not be much of an issue in that regard.

Actually, >50hours is more of an exception than the rule I suppose. It always depends on how you play the games though. Even Amayui can probably be below 50 hours. Hard-mode is just extreme, as enemies have higher stats including at least double HP meaning each battle takes at least twice as long. Add to that the higher importance of keeping gear and whatnot up to date and upgraded...

>> No.17159854

>PlayDRM on the new Eushully game

The end is near, now all major brands are going to use it

>> No.17159873

It got cracked at the same day?

>> No.17159879

The crack is using an exe from some other game or the demo, if the devs get smart it won't happen again

>> No.17159885

but it was cracked pretty fast, and for that matter the fabled denuvo has been having a hard time recently too. if anything this is a pretty bad time for DRM

>> No.17159965

>if anything this is a pretty bad time for DRM
Bad time for DRM was until the year 2014 when AAA games got cracked day one and ripping DVD discs was simple, in my opinion DRM improving because it's going to be baked in hardware soon

Still PlayDRM is kinda weak but the eroge scene doesn't have many dedicated crackers with access to legit copies while AAA games sell in millions so it's easy to purchase them for cracking

>> No.17160015

Okay so apparently there's a bugs in this game after checking out bbs pink.
It's a buggy mess.

first off i can't go back and do a mission i finished, i dont what's going to happen once i finsihed all the missions will i have to start a new game as i won't be able to click on anything?

There's also no save or load, except by manually going to the menu also if there is choice on the screen you cannot save if the save file covers that.

The extras on the main screen is blank, despite unlocking cgs

There are things that lock you out of missions and sub missions.

ive done all the main missions but one I'm assuming it's the last if not the last and i keep failing despite no choices, so I'm assuming i have to finish the sub missions, for choices to show up.
However there are blank spaces. I don't know if the game is bugged and there are meant to be missions there, as the blanks spaces appear between completed missions, meaning something should show up if i cleared what was before it.

People on bbs pink are pissed af.
Not all the main characters appear which is a big let down.
Also this game is also pretty dark with every girl getting sexually assaulted somehow.
People seem to like guys, the same as me, and the girls have mixed opinion.

>> No.17160040

DigitalCute games always start being stable after a few patches. And Musumaker had child prostitution and molestation so assault in this one is nothing. I personally find it disgusting and kills the cute art for me but otaku dig it I guess.

>> No.17160076
File: 71 KB, 640x400, mizuho credits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with my first playthrough of Kakyuusei, got Mizuho ending as expected, I already manage to fuck her halfway through the school year, but even after focusing on her, I still missed some scenes, so I take a peek to a walkthrough, and find out that some events are only available when her affection points are not maxed/lower, but not too low either. How the hell should I supposed to know that without any walkthrough whatsoever? It's hard enough to figure out where and on which time she has special scenes in from some cryptic scrolls that serves as in-game hints, and the game guilt trips the player by having girls other girls have a chance of finding you dating another girl, now the game punishes me for raising affection rating with a girl too fast by locking me out of some of her special scenes? Screw that.

Game's still fun though, and the music are pretty good. Maybe I'll start another playthrough later, I still feel bad for Tina after her past relationship with the MC is revealed.

>> No.17160107

I heard that the mc does it and the girl ends up linking it, and that kinda makes it not as bad but still it's kinda out there.

>> No.17160116

>How the hell should I supposed to know that without any walkthrough whatsoever?
This is why games are so less interactive now.
Interactivity leads to missing events and nobody likes that.
The only way to avoid missing events is to handhold the player so much the interactivity doesn't matter.

>> No.17160126

playdrm lasted a bit under a year for 2 previous games, now it isn't even lasting a day for many new titles. denuvo lasted well over a year for many previous titles, now it's lasting as little as 4 days. as far as DRM is concerned things are looking bad and getting worse. i don't doubt the situation can always improve especially for denuvo but it's very unlikely for playdrm, japs are mostly incompetent when it comes to implementing DRM and haven't been learning from their mistakes

>> No.17160146

That's why I said it's weak, but in case of eroge you're relying on mercy of some chinese crackers who can quit anytime

If AAA games were protected with something on the level of PlayDRM, I guarantee they would get cracked within hours

>> No.17160170

yes playdrm is weak, yes we're currently at the mercy of afaik 2 chink crackers, and yes if eroge were more popular games would likely be cracked faster, but they're already being "cracked" within hours now so i don't know what point you're trying to make

>> No.17160171
File: 37 KB, 256x182, 29841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay i looked it up, it looks so cute, I wouldn't think this had child prostitution and molestation in it
Also by assault I pretty much meant rape, they put it as 陵辱 and sometimes as レープ.

>> No.17160388

>DRM baked in hardware soon
I can only see this happening with consoles, which are forever cucked anyway.

>> No.17160415

Read up on Intel SGX and AMD SME

SGX is already used with 4K Netflix if I'm not mistaken

>> No.17160416

>devs get smart

>> No.17160478

>On 27 March 2017 researches at Austria's Graz University of Technology developed a proof-of-concept that can grab RSA keys from SGX enclaves running on the same system within five minutes by using certain CPU instructions in lieu of a fine-grained timer to exploit cache DRAM side-channels.
sounds great

>> No.17160492


As long as enough people care about actually having access to their computer, there's not much to fear.
Dedicated video gaming systems are the key here. And I personally think that if piracy is ever going to be considered sooo bad that you HAVE to prevent it, console only is an easy solution. If nobody supports PC gaming anymore and consoles aren't as restricted either, you can save a lot of money for your "home pc" and put that into a dedicated gaming piece of hardware. Maybe you can even chain these two together. Still, the main-machine should be secure and completely under the user's control.

The thing is, once they want to make the PC into a console, people will no longer be interested in it. The PC is liked precisely because it's a PC. Because you have power over it. If you take all control away, may as well play on a playstation. No hassle with hardware issues or whatever, you'll know it has been playtested for your hardware and so on.

>> No.17160500

I don't see it happening because DRMd releases would have to lock out everyone without the needed hardware. Which I guess would be perfectly in line with the trend of pirated releases providing a superior service to official ones, but surely they're not that retarded.

I wonder what the manufacturers will do when worms start making use of that epic "feature".

>> No.17160519


>> No.17160526

Why would you need it? Just play the game.

>> No.17160538

This is an edge case exploit that can be fixed in the future CPUs

Hardware exploits like this one are harder to discover (arguably they are impossible to patch)

>As long as enough people care about actually having access to their computer, there's not much to fear.
Normies don't care as long as they can watch Netflix, listen to Spotify and download Steam games, this is a lost cause because they are the majority of the consumer market

>I don't see it happening because DRMd releases would have to lock out everyone without the needed hardware. Which I guess would be perfectly in line with the trend of pirated releases providing a superior service to official ones, but surely they're not that retarded.

This won't happen overnight but in a decade I'm sure the majority will have SGX-compliant hardware already and this is going to be the time to make a switch

We had this discussion here but I like spreading FUD

>> No.17160554


It's on the typical site where you go for complete saves. So you should find it quite easily.

>> No.17160563 [DELETED] 

i don't see it on sagaoz or seya
i want to reread true route

>> No.17160602

I've been living under the rock, was the latest Eushully any good? or trainwreck like their recent games

>> No.17160614

Better, but it's just a worse version of Kamidori.

>> No.17160645

How much shit are changed in Phantom remake compared to original version?

>> No.17160648

Why don't you play it and find otu?

>> No.17160725

I would be okay with it if it's easy to traverse back to a specific date without much hassle, or if the game outright tells me how to get the missing scenes for a specific girl after getting that girl's ending, so 100%-ing her scenes would be less of a chore on subsequent playthroughs, but the game only support 6 saves max, which means I have to replay the game right from the start to get those missing scenes. That's unbearable.

>> No.17160752

Just look at the tags on VNDB.

>> No.17160816
File: 281 KB, 790x348, musumaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or just read the synopsis on the site.

>> No.17160853

You mean better and less broken, even not having routes was good considering how shit they were.

>> No.17160884


Amayui has "routes" though? Sort of. Probably not in the traditional heroine based way though.

>> No.17160892

Oh it doesnt have routes? I'm not >>17160602
but now I can start it, seems way better.

>> No.17161783
File: 451 KB, 1280x720, rly makes u think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if that's based on actual physics or if it's just one of Watanabe's ass pulls.

>> No.17161958


>> No.17162629

Does Baseson have a blog for Kakumei? Like the one they have for Senkoi.

>> No.17162846


I want to play a physics or science game even if they involve theories like the string theory that haven't been proven but hold more basis than this.

>> No.17162860

I guess you already played the kuru series? There isn't really much more.

>> No.17162872

No, I'm not them
Are there othe Kuru games pseudo science like this one?

>> No.17162885

Pseudo science is a harsh word. Let's say "Discovery channel science".

>> No.17163202

tfw you will never be a a regular tarou owner of candy shop in japanese countryside and fuck lolis every day as you teach them about your new yogurt

>> No.17163282
File: 341 KB, 1024x1229, 1495176386046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah this isn't meant to be making fun of anybody, I'd even agree with some of these at the bottom. More of a expectations vs reality sort of deal.

>> No.17163295

Haru and Natsu are actually good. Watanabe just shit the bed in Aki.

>> No.17163338

What I experienced: Bbspink
What I expected: Talking about vns with almost shitposting-free discussion thanks to everyone knowing Japanese
What I got: This place but even less on topic discussion somehow

>> No.17163351



>> No.17163353

That reminds me, are the other ウソ games any good?

>> No.17163375

Finally a kamige contender for this year showed up!


>> No.17163381


>> No.17163512


>> No.17164613
File: 106 KB, 271x394, Is this good character design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17164683

It would be good if it were not for the pegging.

>> No.17164850

It's Yuri pegging if I remember correctly.

>> No.17164864

>On hard
I'm on like chapter 2 but I'm really glad I went with hard. Now it does feel like a challenge to defeat some story based characters(Optional) for them to drop their gear like Kisnir at the end of c1.

>> No.17164876

That's the best part, you homo.

>> No.17164923


You may start to think about this a bit differently soon. That gear is first of all completely whatever. And just wait till the chapter end maps. I'm still in ch4, so I only know ch2+3, but god damn.

The problem isn't even that hard mode is really too challenging most of the time. Things just like to take forever. For example you get swarmed by 20 giants. Not like they are too dangerous, but you'll be sitting there an hour whacking them down. It's not exactly fun. And then there's the need to have the resources. Because everything takes longer already, you'll need more potions and if you don't have good enough gear, you'll need even more potions. So no matter what, you'll need to take care of that shit sooner or later. Early on the game still bombards you with healing items, but I feel that's getting less.
Normal is probably just boring to be honest, but hard is unfortunately having some really annoying maps that make you realize even more that the game wasn't made for hard mode. Other signs are the defense battles as well as evasion/hit. I suppose the latter was a conscious decision in some way, but it was still a silly one. They basically rendered evasion useless for the player. That's a pretty cheap way of balancing to be honest. I know you can't increase the damage of a miss, but it still renders evasion units pretty pointless.

>> No.17164954
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 月に寄りそう乙女の作法2_2017-06-12_20-01-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus the confession scene and conversation during the first hscene on ルミネ route in 月に寄りそう乙女の作法2 is amazing.

Recommended to incest enthusiasts who want to see how to properly break a 姉さん.

>> No.17165000

I love good incest but can't stand trap faggotry. It hurts.

>> No.17165005

Think of traps as girls with strap ons.

>> No.17165009

Think of men as masculine girls with strap-ons.

>> No.17165014

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.17165017

i love men and girls equally because im not gay

>> No.17165022

Traps technically are girls they just have a penis. If the artist took it away it's the same as a girl.
Don't confuse real life with fiction.

>> No.17165065


If that'd be the case, the whole trap thing would neither be necessary nor be done. Though I suppose they are indeed usually drawn like that. Still, traps are dudes. That's part of their appeal. Doesn't matter if people are in denial or open about it.
Of course there are some starved yuri fans (like me) or simply people who like voiced protags (like me as well) and who don't care about self-insertion that sometimes read trap stuff, but I'd assume that's more of a rarity.

>> No.17165066

Huh interesting, didn't have anything too dragged out yet but yeah evasion feels completely useless for your characters so far. Might as well just remove the stat itself and leave it only for Ai units. About the healing items though I got 30+ of them 2-3 times from random Goddess Cards also can't you plant tons of those trees or do they become useless later on?

>> No.17165074

The dick / unusualness is the appeal actually, not what gender they are. Giving the girl an "offensive" tool in the form of a cock is also arousing for M people. Strap on works too but flesh is hotter than plastic
>Of course there are some starved yuri fans (like me) or simply people who like voiced protags (like me as well)
Have you read Katahane?

>> No.17165078

No, girls that have a penis are futanari.
Never liked traps outside of doujins or nukige. The whole idea of a character pretending to be the opposite gender and everyone just accepting it instead of sending them to the nearest mental hospital is weird and off-putting to me.

>> No.17165080

I'm looking for a nukige.
Nothing too complex a story maybe just just sweet simple love.
I'd like sex around the house preferably by siblings and the mc is a shouta also if a loli is involved that'd be great.

Any suggestions?

>> No.17165083

Futanara means both penis and vagina, hence futa

>Never liked traps outside of doujins or nukige.
Same here, I also include moege in there too as most of the traps are dirty sluts.

>> No.17165099

>means both penis and vagina
Exactly, a girl with a dick.
Also I haven't seen a trap heroine in a moege except Jun.

>> No.17165105
File: 662 KB, 1771x1254, tmp_16340bf7b823e5e00051981510f8806e9b696696765400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic

However some people do consider futanari and 男の娘 the same so there's that.

>> No.17165108

Also just to add, I'm glad you get countered by opposite elements and weaknesses now. Like ACTUALLY getting countered in the sense that you get one shot if for example you have like -5 vulnerability to fire and they use a fire attack or you have like 4 magic resist while the enemy has 20 magic attack. I've been caught off guard like that numerous times and had to reload.

>> No.17165114
File: 23 KB, 512x288, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No futanari means both, a hermaphrodite.

Also see otome domain, they still have threads on this on bbs pink

>> No.17165128

Show me an instance in 2D porn where a futanari looks like a guy, but has both a penis and vagina. Futanari is always depicted as feminine girl/woman with penis and vagina, so it's pretty safe to say it's a girl with a dick.

Also isn't the trap the MC in a game? And he fucks all the girls? You can't be a slut if you're fucking bitches. Sluts get fucked.

>> No.17165173

Futanari means hermaphrodite.

A simple google search of 二次元のふたなり shows them with both.
Sure some don't have both like I mentioned here
some have the penis and vagina joined and the penis comes out of the vagina.

Here's a list.

I haven't seen it for guys though. Haven't seen it and don't want to.

>> No.17165470


Yeah, the 30 pieces thing is what I meant with "it's getting less". I don't even remember when I got it last and I'm starting to economize because of that.

As for the trees and whatnot, that's not really helping. You can plant at most 3 or 4, but that's only every 3 days. I mean if you wanna grind "days" anyway, you might as well grind money and buy potions, that should still be faster.

The "dragged out" is going to come. I suppose it's fair that the enemy has more units when I have more as well. But maps getting big with constant reinforcements by enemies resulting in plenty of maps with 20+ enemies that aren't exactly going down very fast (i.e. 150hp, 50% evasion..).. it drags. Provided you play right, they can't do much to you, but neither can you deal much damage either. It's awkward.

>> No.17166011

Normally I'd be hard-pressed to care much about an all ages yuri game, but the whole fictional language thing seems interesting.

>> No.17166241

barely counts

>> No.17166537

Man, I don't know what to play next. I played a little bit of Daitoshokan and Miagete Goran a while ago and from what I read I enjoyed it quite a bit. If you had to pick one out of the two, though, which one is better?

>> No.17166626

Daito for comedy, Goran for romance

>> No.17167501

>Romance with bandage girl
(ChronoBox spoilers)
Man Iam playing this for sure now.

>> No.17167725

Is there a torrent/mega that has everything Tsuriotsu, including the voice appends and the new 2.1? Downloading everything one by one seems very 面倒

>> No.17167764
File: 98 KB, 652x416, you have to see tina sad face 96 times to get all the sex scenes in the game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17167770

Where do I download VNs? Specifically Saya no Uta and Yume Miru Kusuri. I've checked nyaa and catbox/fuwa and neither have either of them. I've found links on anime-sharing but they're all dead.

>> No.17167783

Did you try erogedownload? That's the go to place for translated VNs.

>> No.17167789

Does she pop onto the screen every time you have a sex scene or something?

>> No.17167811
File: 57 KB, 640x400, pendant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, after the sex scene, the moment MC heads back to his own room at night, she will be waiting at the hallway while this music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoemOMLelUc starts. Thanks to the pendant, she always knows MC's feelings even when he has forgotten her, and know when he's having sex with other girls. She leaves it along with the sweater that she makes for you at the end of the game. The game really wants to make you feel bad after you fucking other girls.

>> No.17168096

>bad reviews, especially for the second one
>very cute heroines
>great reviews, especially for the second one
>ugly heroines
Kind of funny. I'll probably do Doukyu2 to experience one of these kind of games but man. I wish elf was still alive

>> No.17168103

Kakyuusei 2 is good, just ignore Tamaki and you're set.

>> No.17168130


Wouldn't you nowadays play it for Tamaki if at all? I mean if you're gonna read such a... historical piece, you should probably read her route at the very least.

>> No.17168134

What happened with Tamaki again? Was it that she was a main heroine that had a boyfriend before MC, or was she still fucking him when she got involved with MC?

>> No.17168136

Didn't Tamaki redeem herself and come really high a recent poll.
I remember a bunch of japs talking about her.
They were asking did they really redeem herself and another said who cares she's cute look at her ass.
Or perhaps the previous audience moved on.

>> No.17168137
File: 475 KB, 640x400, 1466282039268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really mind the NTR meme if that's what you mean. I like the pixel art ones more though, especially since 1 has this cutie and the brown blonde. I wish more eroge nowadays had heroines that looked like them. But all the reviews go ひたすら長い and 面倒 so eh. Maybe I'll check out both of the 2's of Dou/Ka.

>> No.17168141

The route isn't good, too much boring, pointless drama and Tamaki is kinda crap.
Nanase is amazing and I liked Yuuri a lot for some reason.

>> No.17168172
File: 171 KB, 1080x1502, popularity poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad reviews
Wot? Which reviews?

>great reviews, especially for the second one
Because the game's a pioneer of its genre for their time, if I have to guess. I also like how plain Tomomi looks, giving a smart vibe without having overly nerdy look like Minori. The fact that she's MC's childhood friend makes me like her more. Her plot drama is fucking stupid though.

You mean this? It's arguable if DMM's Tamaki is the same Tamaki that people have several years ago, retcons and all.

>> No.17168197
File: 179 KB, 792x597, tsuyokiss4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are playing this as a joke but the writer is secretly serious. I bet it totally shows in the H-scenes like with Majikoi.

>> No.17168392
File: 127 KB, 640x480, what the fuck are you doing in a love hotel tamaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's part of the series that sets up the dating sim genre after all. And also has improvements to the previous game mechanically, especially no more 6 saves max bullshit. I miss that Jizo statue that can raises affection points by paying money to it though.

>Was it that she was a main heroine that had a boyfriend before MC
>was she still fucking him when she got involved with MC
Yes. But MC can't fuck her before she breaks up with her boyfriend. This is why I think she's weird for a cover heroine: Compared to Mizuho, she's also easy to get (just re-enter your own classroom for 100% chance to meet her), gives every single of her details right off the bat without because she's his childhood friend (Mizuho also do this except she has been friends with MC from since two years ago), but Tamaki has 'gate' event which must be seen in order to be able to have sex with her (game mechanic-wise, Tamaki reminds me of Nana which also has depressed event which needs to be talked several times before she turns back to normal again), unlike Mizuho which is as straightforward as "date until affection point is high enough->get H scene->ending guaranteed as long as her affection point stays high" without any mandatory events whatsoever. And then there is the whole 'already has a boyfriend' thing.

>too much boring
I would like to say this is okay because she's the cover girl in her game, which should provide the most normal/down-to-earth/typical/generic/have some kind of relationship to the MC before the game starts/insert-other-common-cover-heroine-trait-here appeal of all other heroines in pure love game, which some people may find them boring, but then the whole 'already has a boyfriend' thing defeats its purpose in the first place. Who the fuck writes her route?

Also from what I see at >>17168172 Tamaki has 2000 more votes than Nanase. Ha. Not that I hate Nanase, I just don't like heroines types that hates MC's guts like Reiko or Miyuki even if they drop the attitude eventually.

>> No.17169412

Tamaki is cute. Her design is just the kind of generic plain girl that just happens to work. If it weren't for the cuck thing she would have been amazing.

>> No.17169579

I don't actually remember it being that bad in Tsuyokiss (at least the 1st one) but maybe my memory is just foggy. Tsuyokiss is one of my favorite romcom VNs so I played Majikoi but I absolutely hated that in the h-scenes. I don't think I ever actually finished all of it. Another reason I played it was because I love VNs with a large supporting cast, especially if it includes both male and female characters, but in Majikoi it felt like they were purposely "fandisc baiting", if that's a term. Apparently they were, seeing as they released like 10 FDs so you can capture every female character.

>> No.17169587

One day Majikois artist will work on a new game. One day...

>> No.17169663

Personally I am tired of the heroines suddenly losing their personality in the H-scenes. As soon as MC puts his dick in they all revert to the same template boring girl who gets dicked. Majikoi you think some of the heroines will be different but nope, switch and bait, they all follow the same template without any consideration put into the heroine's personality or temperament. I hope Tsuyokiss is nearly not as bad as Majikoi, since I am liking all the heroines a lot more, even crab.

>> No.17170010

where can I find FC point requirements for Baldr Heart? Can't find it anywhere on baldr wiki

>> No.17170047
File: 53 KB, 256x361, 26451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, was Hikaru just coincidentally hanging out in the exact location where MC kills the couple who framed the wife's former husband for torching their place?

Just, like, out of the entire city and at that exact time. I fucking hate shit like this.

>> No.17170557

They're on the flowchart.

>> No.17171019

What's that eroge that was mentioned here before where the girl literally fucked her way up the ranks in the military after she was raped as a kid and taken in by the military only to fuck her way to the top.
Also it sometjing to do with her adoptive father teaching her.

>> No.17171352

