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17109439 No.17109439 [Reply] [Original]

Why'd she kill herself?

>> No.17111131

because she was suicidal

>> No.17111186

I've been there before. There will never be a way to convey it through language.

RIP Yuki-chan, beautiful girl
You won't be forgotten.

>> No.17111187


>> No.17111399
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>> No.17111567
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would sink with her ship

>> No.17111790

would you have filled her with your NEET seed jp?

>> No.17111799


>> No.17111813

Man, she landed face down. Never thought about it til I saw somebody I used to know's face after but damn, jumping can just really fuck your face up insanely badly.
Best to just look at her cute pictures, rip.

>> No.17112244


Drank too much old man spit.

>> No.17112306

its weird because i had really gotten into her music for like a year and for some reason i decided to look up information about her and after founding out that she killed herself, it was pretty sad. listening to her music give off a great vibe but cant help to feel a bit sad when listening to it.

>> No.17113037

she had been seeing a guy and her agency found out. they told her to break up but she didn't so they bribed her boyfriend to breakup (which he did). thats when she jumped off the building. agnecy excuse for trying to break them up was she wasn't popular like the other girls and having a boyfriend would make that worst. agencies at the time were scums when it came to making money.

>> No.17114287

the pain in her eyes and voice ;_;

>> No.17115950


That fucking sucks.

>> No.17116041

Moral of the story: don't be a fucking selfish slut

>> No.17116198

More idols that killed themselves?

>> No.17116405

I'm really interested in her songs, where can I get some of her music? Are those sketchy jpop blogspots safe?

>> No.17116415

>killed herself 4 days later

oh boy

>> No.17116421


Want a jpopsuki invite, i can give you one.

>> No.17116433 [DELETED] 

Thank you very much anon, I'd gladly accept one.

>> No.17116454


Just sent it.

>> No.17116469
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You're a very nice person anon!

>> No.17118999


>> No.17120346

Recordando a Yukiko Okada.

Hace 2 días (27 dic 2015), la TBS publicó un especial sobre Yukiko Okada, la top idol de los 80s que se suicidó lanzándose desde las oficinas de su agencia, Sun Music en 1986. Se sabía que padecía trastorno bipolar, una enfermedad aún no plenamente identificable en los años 80s.

Su productor confirma entonces que Yukko -su apodo de idol- sufría ataques de pánico, un rasgo característico de este trastorno y que ya podía identificar el público por las fascies y gestos faciales que presentaba.

El diario personal de Yukko reflejaba "sentimientos a un hombre en particular", por lo que las últimas palabras que escribió en su diario fueron: "tu eres un adulto, yo soy un niña, te amo demasiado". Los reflectores se fueron sobre Toru Minegishi, un actor de 42 años que coestelarizaba en el dorama "Kinjirareta Mariko "(Mariko prohibida). Al ser cuestionado el actor, él expresó que "había compartido con ella los días de filmación, tratándola siempre en carácter de aniki (hermano mayor), sin mayor intención".

Posiblemente hubo una llamada telefónica, el cual el actor negó, o algún momento en el cual expresó las diferencias de edad y que tal relación era imposible. Yukko, de 18 años de edad, se encerró en su apartamento e intentó suicidarse abriendo las llaves del gas. El intento de suicidio llegó rápidamente a los medios matutinos y se creó un escándalo, tras lo cual Yukiko tuvo un segundo ataque de pánico y se lanzó desde las oficinas del edificio.

La sobre-reacción a un amor platónico, junto con un trastorno bipolar que no había sido diagnosticado, fueron las causas de la muerte de Yukko, lo que el productor de Sun Music define como "multifactorial". Tras su muerte, ocurrieron numerosos suicidios de algunos de sus fans, un tema que llegó hasta la dieta (congreso japonés) donde se analizó como "problema juvenil". El trastorno bipolar, aunque se identificó desde principios del siglo XX, no fué sino hasta los años 90s cuando se le dió la importancia clínica debida y hasta el año 2001 es plenamente definido y caracterizado.

>> No.17120362


: (

>> No.17120417
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>> No.17120418

The question you should be asking is why doesn't everyone commit suicide?

>> No.17120458

>agencies at the time were scums

Anon, idol agencies and idol culture have never stopped being scum. Just because you don't see any news of idols commiting suicide these days doesn't mean they have stopped screwing over people.

>> No.17120470
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>Oh no my contract says that I shouldn't get a boyfriend so I'll get a boyfriend and get butthurt when told to break-up with him!
Why do idols do this?
If you are getting into the fucking idol industry you should know how this shit works and the rules you will be following.

I have zero pity for idols who get shamed for getting a boyfriend or stuff of the such because ultimately it is their fault. It's a fucked up industry? Yes. But guess what? You entered it willingly. It's all on you now.

>> No.17120530

I doubt her contract said anything about not being allowed to get a boyfriend.

>> No.17120559


Oh wow.

>> No.17120689

Jokes on you, i know spanish..

>> No.17124909

She should have never had a boyfriend in the first place, no one is going to cheer for a slut.

>> No.17124983


>> No.17125008

yeah, only retards wouldn't

>> No.17125282

Citation needed.

>> No.17129432

She was smarter than the rest of us.

>> No.17129456 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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A fine epitaph, but did they bury her or burn the body or set her at sea? In this day and age, scientifically curiosity about cloning ever present (nanomachines) these are the only questions left to answer. Wow maybe that was creepy. Oh well, aloha.

>> No.17130414

do you have autism?

>> No.17130425
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I want one too, please?

>> No.17130499

give me your e-mail then.

>> No.17130539 [DELETED] 


>> No.17130546

just sent it.

>> No.17130554

I wonder if it's the same anon that gave me a jpopsuki invitation 3-4 years ago. I just feel grateful to him all this time.

>> No.17130564
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Thanks a lot kind Anon!

She was gorgeous, better remember her at her best.

>> No.17130876

Your post made me wonder too. Has he noticed that I've became a Power User...?

>> No.17135219
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>> No.17142510


>> No.17143269

No sympathy for this slut

>> No.17147747

link to Cinderella album pls? Can't find it on rutracker

>> No.17148574

I really like that japanese 80s aesthetic and hairdos.

>> No.17156892
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>scared to shit of portrait tattoos
>wanted to get a Yukko tattoo for almost a decade

What pics of her would make for a solid upper arm tattoo?
and I already have a bunch of stuff. Arms, hands, neck, throat, chest and whatnot

I'm just scared of portraits because they're easy to mess up and she comes out looking like a tard.

>> No.17156914

don't do it. it wont look good.

>> No.17156925

jpopsuki and Soulseek are things to look into. Uploading it now but it's the Okurimono version with bonus tracks. Delete them if you want.


That's what I've been thinking. But I've been going over this for so long it feels like I just need the right photo of her and the right artist. You're most likely right though.

>> No.17156927

you are going to end up looking like those mexican guys with photos of their ex wives on their arm

>> No.17156969

But what if it turns out really awesome?

>> No.17158313
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>Literally tainted by a smelly penis

>> No.17168247

Still doesn't seem right

>> No.17168600

I really respect her resolve in her decision to kill herself. Wish I could too.

>> No.17168885

Wait. Throws herself off a balcony and everyone rules it a suicide? I smell Yakuza.

>> No.17171022

Good that she killed herself. Fucking whore

>> No.17172109

C-can I have one too?
