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17107286 No.17107286 [Reply] [Original]

So a lot of fan material gets translated (porn, joke comics, etc.) while a lot of official material (interviews, videos, website articles, etc.) remains untranslated.

Why do you think this is? Does it ever bother you?

>> No.17107374

A lot of porn and joke comics also remain untranslated, what's your point? It's like every other fantranslation. People translate things when they have the time and feel like sharing something interesting. If one of those conditions doesn't apply, it remains untranslated.

>> No.17107425

official material is boring to be fully honest, at least the fan content has girls with big butts

>> No.17107926

Because translating fanworks doesn't need much effort.
Yes, unlike secondaries here on the jay, I'd rather have stuff like SCoOW.

>> No.17108204

Go learn Japanese you pretentious fuck.

>> No.17108777

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>> No.17108788

There is a disturbing amount of people who honestly don't care about official content

>> No.17108895 [DELETED] 

The touhou manzai is great. I'dlearn nihongo if it wasn't for the weaboo gestalt. Time is dying

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>> No.17109538

Where can I ask someone to translate a shortish 2hu doujin for me? I know enough japanese that I can understand what's going on, but it's just about the hottest thing I've ever seen and I'd like a more complete translation.

>> No.17110323 [DELETED] 

What are it's "tags"?

>> No.17110327

What are its "tags"?

>> No.17110330

Fanworks are easy and the cost of fucking them up is basically minimal. Mistranslate something official and people will be reiterating it for generations.

>> No.17110350
File: 170 KB, 900x711, 1432576068515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a primary without having read the interviews or ZUN's blog posts.

But say you've never read YASSY or the Black Tewi doujin and people lose their shit.

>> No.17110354

>But say you've never read YASSY or the Black Tewi doujin and people lose their shit.
Black Tewi is considered worthless secondary trash now. Welcome to the new world.

>> No.17110426

Considering as secondary trash some fap material is retarded to be quite honest.

>> No.17110514

black tewi doesn't even come from porn

>> No.17110546

but Black Tewi says being a secondary and having your own headcanon is fine.

>> No.17110628

Yea Black Tewi is the original "SECONDARY AND PROUD" argument

>> No.17110634

There is literally nothing wrong with being secondary and proud.

The average "primary" in /jp/ cares about secondary faggots intruding on his sacred primary realm more than ZUN does.

>> No.17110818

It's occurred to me that >>17110350 might mean "Black Tewi" the whore, wearing the PoFV P2 outfit and not "Black Tewi" the literally dark skinned one with the lewd body.

>> No.17111240

I might be one of the biggest """primaries""" ever and it's plainly obvious that the black Tewi thing is entirely about emphasizing creative freedom in derivative works, which is perfectly fine. If you think it suggests anything about the original works you are frankly a moron.

>> No.17113108


Like what? I might give it a try.

>> No.17113999

Translating obscure interviews on the wiki does not get you translator e-fame.

>> No.17114302

Daiprimary here.
What the fuck is black Tewi?

>> No.17114424

I don't even read H-Touhou doujins

>> No.17114528
File: 260 KB, 900x1200, zun_burg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clarste won't translate Forbidden Scrolery anymore
Now what

>> No.17114585

Don't be silly anon, I'm sure Cla-FUCK IT'S TRUE.
And worst of all, the localization is starting from Volume 1, so it's going to take forever to reach the current point, unless someone else fills his shoes.

>> No.17114629
File: 251 KB, 688x297, cae08173-8386-4095-9ee9-f3e7de522da3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see his point on why he stopped.
Maybe Yen Press will do a great job translating
But why oh why after the chapter 51 cliffhanger with the conclusion next month?

>> No.17114666
File: 72 KB, 1191x371, chrome_2017-06-01_10-55-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it really is true
any chance we organize a squad of /jp/ers to take up acquiring raws/translating and typesetting to take up the mantle or is that a pipe dream these days

hope you like waiting anon

>> No.17114684
File: 82 KB, 254x321, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait that long.
I never browse /jp/ because I don't know where else to be butthurt right now. Do you think someone will take over
Will japanese scans atleast be available so I can atleast see chapter 52 visually next month?

>> No.17114730

This is the true problem: time and the fact that we're on a cliffhanger. The reason per se is completely justified, but "less than 2 years" isn't promising at all.

Didn't know that Clarste liked Junko though. Great taste.

>> No.17114834
File: 645 KB, 621x1480, 2z3pevq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Tewi is Tewi's P2 color palette in PoFV. A lot of people liked how she looked, sort of like "Lily Black".
"Black Tewi" usually refers to this image in my post. >>17110350 might be referring to this erodoujinshi though https://nhentai.net/g/177592/ since images from that have been pretty popular.

>> No.17115117
File: 124 KB, 327x327, 1493576755045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years
Fucking amazing.

>> No.17115852

Man, what a dick.

>> No.17116056
File: 3.23 MB, 445x247, 1483570795878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe Yen Press will do a great job translating

>> No.17116097

According to him, it seems like some people contacted him about wanting to continue translating it themselves from where he left off, which is nice. He seems uncomfortable about it kind of, but what did he expect?

Let's just hope whoever they are, they actually do it and they're actually good.

Still is frustrating with how he's going about it, though. "They'll be past this point in two years", yeah that's encouraging.

>> No.17116350

Is it possible to just get the raws?

>> No.17116809
File: 25 KB, 181x399, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more FS translations right at the fucking climax cliffhanger


>> No.17116983
File: 414 KB, 771x624, 1461463528905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears your post number is accurate. Clarste is the Beast From the Sea.

>> No.17117052

>I see his point on why he stopped.
And what point would that be?

>> No.17117060

>Maybe Yen Press will do a great job translating
Yeah, that's real fucking funny. Official translations will never, ever, EVER be as good as fan translations. One's made for money and the others made for love.

>> No.17117179

It honestly does bother me that the resources are available to translate everything official but are spent on hentai, not that there's anything wrong with it, edgy doujins, and Danbooru junk.

As for FS, if Clarste feels he has to drop it, fine. I can respect that. But coming to a dead stop in the middle of the arc is totally baffling to me.

Hopefully so, but the state of translations before he took over doesn't give me much hope that they'll have their shit together.

He was getting his raws from the digital magazine release on Bookwalker. It requires a Japanese proxy. You could also wait for the Chinese scan.

>> No.17117247

>You could also wait for the Chinese scan.
can't read chink. Do they upload it in Japanese?

>> No.17117262

Bothers me too, just a bit.

It's not a huge pain in the ass or anything I mean, but god damn I'd like to see the character profiles for SCoOW translated someday soon instead of people arguing over changing Chang'e's name to Jouga on the Touhou wiki.

>> No.17117587
File: 85 KB, 850x412, 1493587171499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than 2 years

>> No.17117726

Yeah, I can see why he feels he wants to stop it, so it's a pain in the ass but I'm not going to be mad at the guy for doing what hethinks is right.

Just hope someone else does come out of the woodwork to pick it up as we're right at the fun part.

>> No.17117738

Well, see, a lot of those are commissions and stuff. People do them because their being paid too; they don't really care about the book. This generally produces a lower quality translation than a labor of love. Not the sort of thing you want for an official work that people will be talking about and citing for years.

>> No.17117785

Man, it's fun to see EOPs talk about things they don't understand.

Legitimate official translations of respected media handled by actual companies are so insanely superior to any fan translation ever that you'd have to be braindead to even put them on the same level. The issue comes when localisation companies step in, and they're basically just bottom feeders trying to give the best offer to the Japs, who don't really care about the western market, while cutting back on costs by getting interns to do most of the work.

And even then, at the end of the day, the majority of localisation work is still better than fan shit. You can have as much love for the work as you want, but if your understanding of Japanese is at a third grade level, or you're unable to write interesting English prose, you're going to be a bad translator.

>> No.17117987

Same. The thing is that people see bad translation along with unwanted changes that they can see, and conflate them. They don't see the good translation in good translation, they see unwanted changes. If people start seeing stuff like "Akyu Hieda" and changes to terminology people won't be happy even if it's good.

Fan translators like me are spergy about accuracy and trying to convey as much of the original information and nuance as possible, but making it a good translation that doesn't sound awkward as shit at the same time is a lot harder.

>> No.17118001

People seem to vastly overestimate the importance of being interested in the source material. If anything, it can sometimes be a detriment, I've seen fan translators who took home a completely different message from a work and then unconsciously re-wrote it to emphasise that angle.

Working for hours on end with no compensation other than E-peen is generally tough going, too. People who get paid by the character often have better motivation during the boring infodump slogs, or routes they didn't personally enjoy, and deadlines tend to get met when you aren't free to take a week off whenever you feel like it.

>> No.17118027

time to learn Japanese ya?

>> No.17118028

>Legitimate official translations of respected media handled by actual companies are so insanely superior to any fan translation ever that you'd have to be braindead to even put them on the same level.
Most VN translators literally just hired the same people who were doing the fan translations. Unless you get one of the tard projects they're more or less the same.

>> No.17118054

When I'm talking about legitimate translations of RESPECTED media, I'm talking books, not anime shit, dude.

VN localisation budgets are even worse than game localisation budgets, because the market is much smaller and the amount of text is much larger. It's a silly point of reference.

>> No.17119915

I see your point and completely disagree.
It's the localization and unwanted changes that kill it. If you can't get a character's fucking name right and refer to rice balls as donuts, what's even the point?

>When I'm talking about legitimate translations of RESPECTED media, I'm talking books, not anime shit, dude.
And what do you think we're talking about here?

>> No.17119943

>>It's the localization and unwanted changes that kill it.
What you actually mean here is "the stuff I don't want" by "unwanted".

You're not representative of the entire English speaking market. Your world where "nakama" needs to be translated but "tsundere" is absolutely critical to the work and should never be touched is an absurd position to take.

Translation is localization. I'm sorry that you want some crappy, lazy mismatch of Japanese and Engrish so you can feel more immersed in the work, but you don't speak for the entire audience. And if you feel so strongly about getting the "full picture" of a work, learning Japanese is just a few mouse clicks away.

The idea that every work should cater to your personal level of Japanese comprehension is inherently flawed. I'm sorry that you got used to TL notes, but the next generation of viewers shouldn't have to suffer because you want a free lesson.

>> No.17120124
File: 388 KB, 704x396, Kohei-oniisama no baka!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not completely incorrect, but you have to remember that outside of actual respectable literature most of the Japanese media consumed outside Japan is consumed by a fairly small demographic who understands that there are concepts that can be translated to English fairly accurately, and some that need some extra explanation to get the intended meaning across. The point should not be to masturbate about how intimately you know Japanese and make what you're "translating" look like it was produced by Hollywood, but to convey the message intended by the original creator as well as possible, taking into account cultural differences where they may exist. The trouble comes when you have companies like Yen Press, who not only translate, but also localize for a general audience rather than the demographic actually interested in the product. Then the core audience is alienated and whether the relatively niche work can appeal to a general audience is a gamble.

Trust me, I translate things from a far less vague and far more obscure non-Indo-European language than Japanese, and even then there are a lot of things that simply cannot be conveyed without either losing the original meaning or explaining what the fuck is going on, despite the fact that the majority of my small audience is likely unaware of them. Comparing "nakama," which has several fairly accurate parallel words in English, to "tsundere" which is both very specific and does not cleanly translate, is asinine. I'm not going to forgive shit like pic related (though I did generally prefer [mahou] over the R1 subs) but it's not 1990 anymore. People are willing to sacrifice a tiny bit of American-ness to better understand the material.

>> No.17120482

>What you actually mean here is "the stuff I don't want" by "unwanted".
I'm just using the words >>17117987 used but sure whatever.

Everything else...what the hell are you going on about? No, I don't want literal, word-for-word translations and TL notes everywhere and teacher translated as sensei and all that stupid shit, and never said that I did. Quit assuming so much.

>You're not representative of the entire English speaking market.
And there's the problem. Fan translations are for the fans, by the fans. They know what the fans want and expect and try to meet those expectations. Official translations want to hit as much of that English speaking market as possible, and will try to appeal to as many people as possible, and it goes without saying that mainstream audience and niche anime/Touhou fandoms have pretty difference preferences. Therefore, in the context we're talking about here, fan translations are better, a lot better.

>> No.17120603

I'd prefer if we just kept getting a fan's translation as opposed to an actual one, but does anyone even know if Yen Press translations are usually good, at least?

So long as they aren't Nisa quality, it shouldn't be so bad, hopefully.

Either way, it'll be interesting to compare it to Clarste's work.

>> No.17120612

Seven Seas Entertainment and Yen Press are not likely to be breaking the bank on translators.

>> No.17121560

>2 years
Fuck that. I'll track down the raws and a translator long before then.

>> No.17121657

>I see your point and completely disagree.
>It's the localization and unwanted changes that kill it. If you can't get a character's fucking name right and refer to rice balls as donuts, what's even the point?
I refer you to http://www.personaproblems.com

As far as Touhou goes, the arguments for specific term translations are not very strong ones, especially when aimed at a general market. Arguing over character name conventions and stuff like Ghost/Phantom is utterly unimportant here. Some things like having "youkai" left untranslated is more important (alternate spelling is unimportant). Coming from someone who argues this shit all day long.

>Fan translations are for the fans, by the fans. They know what the fans want and expect and try to meet those expectations. Official translations want to hit as much of that English speaking market as possible, and will try to appeal to as many people as possible, and it goes without saying that mainstream audience and niche anime/Touhou fandoms have pretty difference preferences. Therefore, in the context we're talking about here, fan translations are better, a lot better.
The assumption you're making is that fan translations are better precisely because of bells and whistles, and ignoring the actual quality of translation, which is the actual important factor. You also seem to think that a tradeoff exists where there largely is none. There is an argument to be made for certain fans more clearly understanding context of certain lines that changes the translation, but that isn't this.

>> No.17122028

Real books, buddy, not LNs.

>> No.17122133

Most of this conversation has been about translation in the context of official localization of otaku media, not scholarly translations of Mishima novels or the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

>> No.17122963

Which is why I tried to make the distinction way back in >>17117785 between real publishing companies and anyone who calls themselves a localiser. I get that "official" might have misled you, but there's hardly any difference between say, Sekai Project and Yen Press.

Reiterating my point, these guys go as cheap as they can, which obviously includes buying up fan translations, no point doing the same work twice. If anything, that should make it obvious that "fan translation tier" is "bottom of the barrel" in the vast majority of cases. There are of course, exceptions, people who actually are autistic enough to do perfectly good work for free, and the only reason they don't have real jobs as translators is because they're too socially stunted to converse with others.

But by and large, even the cheap Japanese native interns most localisation companies find on the street surpass the quality of your average fan translating weeb, because these translators actually have qualifications that land them these underpaid monkey jobs. With fan translations, it's a complete pot luck of quality, with localisation companies you get a base level without a lot of variance. The number of fan translated works that surpass that base level is actually very low, so you tend to have better luck with localisation companies.

In an ideal world, of course, every translator would be perfectly competent and maybe the idea of "love" for the product in question would become a useful addition. In reality, fans are generally incompetent and looking for E-peen growth.

>> No.17122983

So expect it to be google translate tier shit.

They're gonna change it to Demon, Tengu to Crow and Oni to goblin (which is also what Kappa will be called)

>> No.17126681

>They're gonna change it to Demon, Tengu to Crow and Oni to goblin (which is also what Kappa will be called)
I would literally get you money that won't happen.

>> No.17126684

