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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 71 KB, 400x391, tsundere20061216-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1709818 No.1709818 [Reply] [Original]

I-I don't get it!

W-why do tsunderes st-stutter?

>> No.1709822

I-it's a way of sh-showing us thier i-i-insecurity.

I don't like it either.

>> No.1709824

Your post reminded me of femanon of /jp/... God, I love her so much.

>> No.1709839

>I am so gay. Enough posting, gimme some cocks!

disturbing story bro

>> No.1709843

Would you like to explain why you like her so much, Anonymous-kun?

>> No.1709847
File: 9 KB, 236x300, 1228354401580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1709851

Why do you tripfags hate my waifu so much?!

>> No.1709868
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1228354813422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, that anime so fucking terrible.

I wouldn't even bother with it if it weren't for the delicious Yuki-clone it has.

>> No.1709879

Tripfag thread? ^_^

>> No.1709904
File: 63 KB, 708x700, 1228355400246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1709911

Same person.

>> No.1709920

I want to see a picture of femanon of /jp/ only to laugh and compare it to all the pictures of moe girls she posts.

>> No.1709934

I want to see a picture of /jp/ anon only to laugh and compare it to all the pictures of moe girls he posts and will never have.

>> No.1709945

nice burn

>> No.1709943

I want to see a picture of femanon of /jp/ so I can masturbate to it then print it out and tape it to my pillow and hug my pillow while I sleep.

>> No.1709949

He's a guy.

>> No.1709968
File: 141 KB, 480x640, 1228356036495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful what you wish for

>> No.1709965

This will make it all the better.

>> No.1709969

thx bro

>> No.1709975

lol melonpan

>> No.1709989

A freak, yes, but an unexpected kind of freak.

Still a loser though. Like me ;..;

>> No.1709991

lol no
But she lives in Fairhope, Alabama.

>> No.1709999

If this is true I got some stalking to do.

>> No.1710000
File: 209 KB, 640x480, 1228356560439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1710009

I like how you say "lol no" but all you have to go by is someone in /jp/ saying "hey i'm a girl"

>> No.1710022

Teh Reis are worse. At least tsunderes have emotions.

>> No.1710076

I'm not the said person in that pic, but I think you should stop reposting it. No one us interested anymore and it can be kind of hurtful for person to see the pic flamed around. Don't be such a child.

>> No.1710090

It's not a problem, since there are no girls on /jp/.

>> No.1710107

You forgot to leave your email so the girl can thank you.

>> No.1710108
File: 23 KB, 124x190, 1228357956882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1710110

This. Reposting it every other day is something a /b/tard would do

>> No.1710141
File: 632 B, 1x1, 1228358192176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking athens.

>> No.1710146 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 269x338, 1228358255204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The biggest tsundere of them all.

>> No.1710152
File: 69 KB, 400x386, 1228358320313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one us interested anymore and it can be kind of hurtful for person to see the pic flamed around. Don't be such a child.
Hahahaha, do you even know what website you are on?

>> No.1710153
File: 229 KB, 400x666, 1228358324208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess stuttering is a way of showing denial of liking another character, when clearly she is.

I actually find it charming.

>> No.1710161

samefag and also the stupid bitch in the picture

>> No.1710209

Don't be an idiot. Not all of 4chan is /b/.
Maybe you should get back in it with the rest of the children and leave this board alone.
