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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1708440 No.1708440 [Reply] [Original]

I have taken some time to think about trends and art, Anon. And this is what I have found: Artistic merit is downright worthless if it is not backed up by a solid plot. Let me set some examples.

Early games like Kizuato and Shizuku, whose art was somewhat awkward to say the least. The plot was interesting, thus fans saw beyond it. Games with horrid art like Kana - Imouto has a great fandom that still lives. And of course, games like Higurashi, Touhou and Tsukihime, where the art is a crime against humanity, yet the raging fandom couldn't care less.

While art is nice eye candy, the game will be forgettable if it has nothing going for it. This is what I have come to realize.

Of course, games with good art, good plot and music are the jewels in our pixely world, and should be cherished.

Image unrelated to any topic in order to avoid shitstorms.

>> No.1708445

Then explain Final Fantasy games

>> No.1708446

So that's why KEY is so popular.

>> No.1708449

It sounds like you're talking about art in relation to a game specifically though. If a game is terrible but has great artwork, it just makes the game itself bad, not the art. Not every image needs a huge plot attached to it to make it nice.

>> No.1708450

I'm not even sure how I should reply to this.

Oh, that's right.
> solid plot
> Touhou

>> No.1708463



>> No.1708473

Hey, I have some info for you: Using sage only serves in not letting other people see your opinions. You are not "punishing" anybody with it.

And you will need nearly 200 posts in order to truly bring a thread down, and even if you did, he could just make another.

>> No.1708477

FFVI had a nice plot!

Final Fantasy went to hell when you couldn't tell the males from the females.

>> No.1708483

sage for sage elitist

>> No.1708495

Yeah, the touhou plot is really deep. All that stupid dialogue and tea drinking is actually some big metaphor you just don’t understand, and does Yukarin have a counterpart in the human world? It’s a conundrum wrapped in an enigma.

The real reason these have intense fandoms is the Japanese are giant trendwhores and if someone else does something well received everyone else jumps on the bandwagon so fast it buckles under the weight. If a few people draw touhou art it has an exponential effect and suddenly everyone is. That’s it.

>> No.1708496

I don't use sage as an insult. I use it when I don't want to bump the thread.

Like right now.

>> No.1708501


No, really, sage does nothing if even a single person posts otherwise.

>> No.1708510

It's all about the gameplay. No matter how nice the graphics, epic the sound, or intricate the plot, you are playing a game, and it had better be fun.

Sometimes, a plot that attempts to fill in all the details is actually a drag on the overall work. I can prove this with one word, can you guess what that word is?

>> No.1708512

Forgetting of course that there are people who actually like the Touhou games for the challenge and the music. Touhou is just plain silly, nothing beyond what a fantasy world full of cute girls will give. But people enjoy it.

>> No.1708523

And that happened... when?

Sorry. Í'm in this permanent daze of Squall's awesomeness.

>> No.1708524


>> No.1708530

No one expects it to do anything beyond not bumping a thread, idiot.

Sorry for replying to a troll.

>> No.1708538

I did a small experiment. I searched for Squall on google. This is the first image I got. http://www.ffcompendium.com/art/8-squall-c2.jpg

- Overcompensating weaponry? Check
- Androgynous looks? Check
- Effeminate pose? Check

>> No.1708535

I never said anything to the contrary.

>> No.1708539

I've never played games for the storyline. As long as it's fun or it interests me from the beginning, then bollocks to everything else.

The only other thing apart from the gameplay I care about is the music. An awesome soundtrack can make a great game even better.

>> No.1708540 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1708542

I concur. The best example I can over my head is Tsukihime. The art sucked (sucks) but it's extremely popular.

>> No.1708554

On the opposite end, a game can have relatively little gameplay but great art to make up for it, depending on the person I suppose. Shadow of the Colossus is one of my favourite games mainly because of the way it looks, but admittedly there isn't much *to* the game.

>> No.1708559 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1708563

Sageing helps not bump threads while allowing you to reply like this I am not insulting the OP

>> No.1708575

Shadow of the Colossus had awesome fights and an epic soundtrack that really pumped you up.

I say that is more than enough.

>> No.1708580

Dude I'm with you but western video industry is proving you wrong. All what matters is sales and to make it happen marketing and top-notch CGs are needed.
Even if the game flops gameplay wise (heck how many shitty games were released like the dragonflyan game or virtual reality assanan ) faggots will buy the hype.

>> No.1708592

I'm not sure why you used Roll.

Not that there's anything wrong with posting Roll, as Roll is love.

But, why?

>> No.1708600
File: 324 KB, 600x944, 1228337328589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah definiely, I'm just saying I think a game can get by with not having as much content if it has a great look on its side.

>> No.1708607
File: 44 KB, 545x810, 1228337392371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I have been her fan (?) ever since her first appearance in Megaman 1. I always asked myself who the little girl was.

And then I got the chance to use her as a playable character in Marvel vs Capcom. I particularly enjoyed beating the Hulk and Captain America with her.

>> No.1708611
File: 324 KB, 600x944, 1228337459102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah definitely, I'm just saying I think a game can get by with not having as much content if it has a great look on its side.

>> No.1708618
File: 93 KB, 450x750, 1228337536577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean, but I think this is ultimately harmful. Think about it: People will be jaded the next time. And this will harm the sales for that company in the long run because they are known for making shitty games.

Or at least that is what I believe. Yet time will tell all things.

>> No.1708626
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1228337632712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll fans show up in the damnedest places.

>> No.1708663
File: 116 KB, 600x573, 1228338453046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I'm more of a Fairy Leviathan fan.

>> No.1708678

>the art is a crime against humanity

>> No.1708713


>> No.1708836

I do find art extremely enjoyable, even the modern pop-art while i do not usually put too much value to it.

Then again, anime & manga does not have anything to do with art (okay, let's not get into the meta discussion about the nature "real" of art. anything can be interpreted as "art" in terms of post-modernism). Manga is purely mass-produced entertainment, with very little aesthetic value. That's the nature of it.

The people that genuinely find pictures like the OP or any anime pics really worthily aesthetically pleasing are mindlessly childish and retarded. Go to the book store. Buy any conventional artbook and develop a taste. NOW

>> No.1708860

Well, cooking a hamburger is considered art, (culinary arts) so yeah, anything that isn't natural is essentially art.

>> No.1709028
File: 243 KB, 750x587, 1228342951170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a simple man, with a simple mind, anonymous. I see an image and say "oh, look at all the pretty colors!", and I like it. But at the same time I dislike art(?) like the one done by Dali because I think it is a pretentious schlock. Sure. his is far more detailed and with some beauty to it, but I'm not buying it.

>> No.1709095

Well, I like to translate word "simple" as "stupid" when it comes to people.
And that's what you are if such concept as fine art instantly associates with Dali or Picasso in your mind.
Read a book. Learn to intelligence. It's now or never.

>> No.1709124
File: 335 KB, 1392x1000, 1228344802641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn to intelligence

Also: I do not consider Dali or Picasso (Even if I didn't even mention him) art.

I consider *THIS* art.

>> No.1709193

You need to read a book if "fine art" instantly associates academic art in your mind.

>> No.1709230
File: 305 KB, 600x437, 1228345933893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting off-topic here (though thread is essentially dead), but i like Dali's art. even if it is pretentious, it is imaginative.

>> No.1709238

You've got a strange opinion about modern art, but I laud you for your taste in medival art.

>> No.1709242

You mean that fine art can be academic art, but fine art is not nessesarily academic art. Did I especially point out academic art here?

To me it seems that you do not know what both fine art and academic art stand for.

>> No.1709292

A bit too preteenish to my tastes. Dalí seems to have some sort of neurotic sexual frustration fueled puberty thing going on.

I think the point about starting to understand art is that you drop the "oh, look at all the pretty colors" mentality and focus on the actual meanings that the piece is trying interpret. That's what art basically is about; presenting ideas in terms of aesthetics.

>> No.1709509

Fine art = Not for practical use. (In other words, the jug isn't for putting water in, it's just to like nice)
Academic art = Art that would be accepted by the French Academy when it was still around.

>> No.1709525

Fine art = Not for practical use. (In other words, the jug isn't for putting water in, it's just to look nice)
Academic art = Art that would be accepted by the French Academy when it was still around.

>> No.1709609

I am even more confused now.

>> No.1709617
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This thread should now be about Megaman.

>> No.1709620
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>> No.1709626
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>> No.1709633
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>> No.1709637
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>> No.1709671


> You opinion on art is not my opinion on art, thus you are dumb and I am smart

