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1705138 No.1705138 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1705153


>> No.1705157

having a hard time trying to decide between tits or armpits here

>> No.1705162


>> No.1705163

But Suika is perfect just the way she is.

Her horns are superior, too.

>> No.1705173
File: 161 KB, 450x400, 1228270400645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like me! Just like me!

>> No.1705171

What is Suika crying about? Her power is size manipulation. As you can see, she's perfected herself already.
Silly artist.

>> No.1705174

Don't feel bad, Suika. Anyone have that pic where Kanako and Suwako are covered in clam chowder?

>> No.1705187

Density manipulation. Size is a matter of volume.

>> No.1705188
File: 117 KB, 798x711, 1228270569003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite.

>> No.1705190 [SPOILER] 
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Anyway, what do you think the other 2 Devas of the Mountain look like?


>> No.1705208

Density is mass / volume.
Volume is size in three dimensions, dumbshit.

>> No.1705232
File: 110 KB, 566x793, 1228271164349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some artists draw a truly titan Yuugi.

>> No.1705247

Women are just as worried about their breast size as men are about their penis size. Telling a woman you like small breasts is like a woman telling a man that size doesn't matter: even if it's true, they won't believe it.

>> No.1705254
File: 9.00 MB, 1124x800, 1228271442400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1705259

Your attribution was unspecific. I merely corrected.

>> No.1705260

Prove it.

>> No.1705264
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>> No.1705274


Increasing the volume of an object is inherent in decreasing its density.

>> No.1705307
File: 207 KB, 808x1200, 1228272516439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't quite think that's true. Men associate their penis size to how adequately they can satisfy a woman during sex. Whereas breasts have no natural part in sex, and are just nice to look at.

And I've never heard of a man complaining about backaches due to a huge wang.

>> No.1705330

Dammit, my back is killing me.

>> No.1705326

What about black holes?

>> No.1705334

Change the mass without changing the volume.

>> No.1705362


Black holes have 0 volume and (x) mass, and therefore infinite density.


Conservation of mass, idjit. It wouldn't be the same object anymore.

>> No.1705364


My balls hurts

>> No.1705386

Something which could manipulate density would not be the same object.

Besides, we're talking about Suika. She can magically become a living fog which spreads out over an entire land. Or become an enormous being which is 4 times in size, but apparently also 4 times the mass.

Gensokyo is magic land. It wouldn't be odd if she pulled a Hulk and just brought in mass from a pocket dimension.

>> No.1705431

>Something which could manipulate density would not be the same object.
Yes it would, just less dense.

Take a balloon and heat it up. It expands, right? But the air inside is still the same air.

>Gensokyo is magic land.
Unfortunately, it comes to this. Law of Conservation is nothing before the power of handwaving magic.

>> No.1705438

The thing about tits however, is that unlike penises they're almost always on display. I know I've regretted times that I couldn't wear certain clothes on account of having a smaller chest. Not to mention the fact that some dresses are practically built around being supported by a nice rack.

Though as a tradeoff, I'm still able to do jumping jacks, walk down a flight of stairs and sleep on my stomach in ease.

>> No.1705447

>implying one is a female

>> No.1705455


super cool story bro

>> No.1705462

>White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ making a sensible, well-reasoned post
>Pigs in flight

>> No.1705463


Such an argument could've easily been made without pretending to be a woman.

>> No.1705485
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