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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17026830 No.17026830 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever gone to any of these? Do they even admit foreigners? Lately the thought of losing my purity in one of these places is crossing my mind more often that I'd like.


>> No.17026877
File: 59 KB, 420x525, maroso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these exist

>> No.17026917

I really wouldn't recommend going to a brothel or prostitute to abandon the path to wizardhood. It's what I did and I more or less regret it. Money wasted, for something that wasn't even that enjoyable for either of us.

>> No.17026919

I need to know where's that beautiful Tewi.

>> No.17026946

I honestly don't even care about losing mine anymore, if I find someone I love good, otherwise I couldn't care less.

>> No.17026958

The thought of fullfiling my fantasies with a Japanese girl dressed up as my favorite 2D girl is really exciting to me. I've also watched a lot of cosplay JAV which has probably contributed to this. Anyway, I don't think I have anything to lose by trying it.

>> No.17026980
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Wasn't there some boys that do exactly this at the last Anime North? Seems like a great way to get hiv desu

>> No.17027002

I don't know (nor I want to) what you're referring to, but these are safe. Girls are regularly tested according to the sites.

>> No.17027012

how much do you pay for shiburin

>> No.17027038

That's really the attitude I wish I had.

I'm not saying the idea of fucking a Japanese girl in cosplay saying lines from my favourite anime doesn't excite me either, I'd love to do it and I definitely would right now had I the money. Just not as a first time experience, it's a lot of money and you're not certain how well your tools will perform given the pressure and stuff. There's also the emotional detachment that really warps the experience. You think "Yeah, great, I'm fucking this girl. This is cool." but you never really get into it the way you would with someone you really liked.
If you're dead set on going, I'd highly recommend you try to gradually no-fap leading up to it. One day break, fap, two day break, fap, three day break, fap etc. You don't want to get too sensitive and finish early, but you don't want a desensitized penis spent from all the masturbating and porn that you can't really keep it up.

>> No.17027062

I don't think I'd feel any pressure to do such things, or to emotionally detach myself (why would you do that?)... I'd just enjoy myself in a fun, relaxed way. Money wouldn't be a problem either.

>> No.17027064

if you fap to Touhous enough you should've known where that from ;)

>> No.17027066

I'd rather fuck Tewi.

>> No.17027088

>emotionally detach myself (why would you do that?)
It's just what happens. If you go through with it, you'll see what I mean. Same for pressure.

>> No.17027135

Sauce of this magnificent Tewi?

>> No.17027157

Here the link my friend.


>> No.17027169

Are you stupid?

>> No.17027200

I only see a sad panda

>> No.17027217

Stop posting for a while and instead try to acquire some basic knowledge about this place.

>> No.17027223

I've never been to a Japanese whore house before but prostitutes are fun as heck.
Go for it and report back with the experience, please or post a link to your twitter or something.

>> No.17027253

Well, this thread is specifically about these places, so let's not deviate from that. I don't use any social networks, if I finally decide to go I'll think about posting about it if the topic pops up sometime.

>> No.17027275

Most of these chicks probably come with nasty STDs and a lot are probably chinks. Japan has an STD problem they refuse to address because they think it only effects foreigners and don't use condoms.

I thought blatant prostitution was illegal there anyway.

>> No.17027309

I don't think so. STD rate is incredibly low in Japan and girls are regularly tested according to the sites. Also, officially these aren't brothels, look up hoteheru. You "meet" the girl there and go to a hotel.

>> No.17027348

>STD rate is incredibly low in Japan
Artificially low from under reporting like most negative shit in the country. If you google the issue you'll find there's a combo of people not getting checked even when they know something's wrong out of shame, and clinics not being honest.

>according to the sites
And you believe them?

>> No.17027362

Isn't sex as a prostitution work haram in Japan?

>> No.17027369

There's various loop holes.

>> No.17027378

How are you going to loop around ponos in vagooo?

>> No.17027551

Tewi is a whore!

>> No.17027622 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 1440x640, A 2hufag dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came back from Japan just a couple days ago. I have used this deliheru twice while staying there http://vip.cos-ero.com/cast.php
A few girls state foreigners not speaking Japanese are OK, so I wanted to give it a shot. Got my eyes on Naomi, but the first time she got sick at the last moment so they offered another girl, Alice. Didn't like her very much, she couldn't speak any English and barely smiled all the time. Also was not really attractive. Wouldn't select her ever again.
As I got a membership card and a 3000 yen discount for the next time (60 mins or more) I tried again to book Naomi, and this time got her. Face is not exactly beautiful, but body is nice and plump (not fat) and she speaks English and is quite funny. Overall a nice experience.

You can book her in advance on the website (the sooner, the better chance to get her, she's popular), but the last confirmation on the day before the meeting has to be done through phone. In Japanese. So you need at least a very basic knowledge of the language.

Pic related is from her blog, linked from her page. That's the reason I got so hooked on her. Feel free to ask more if you like.
>inb4 3DPD
>inb4 wch2huwudufuk

>> No.17027631 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>>17026830 (OP)
Came back from Japan just a couple days ago. I have used this deliheru twice while staying there http://vip.cos-ero.com/cast.php
A few girls state foreigners not speaking Japanese are OK, so I wanted to give it a shot. Got my eyes on Naomi, but the first time she got sick at the last moment so they offered another girl, Alice. Didn't like her very much, she couldn't speak any English and barely smiled all the time. Also was not really attractive. Wouldn't select her ever again.
As I got a membership card and a 3000 yen discount for the next time (60 mins or more) I tried again to book Naomi, and this time got her. Face is not exactly beautiful, but body is nice and plump (not fat) and she speaks English and is quite funny. Overall a nice experience.

You can book her in advance on the website (the sooner, the better chance to get her, she's popular), but the last confirmation on the day before the meeting has to be done through phone. In Japanese. So you need at least a very basic knowledge of the language.

Pic related is from her blog, linked from her page. That's the reason I got so hooked on her. Feel free to ask more if you like.
>inb4 3DPD
>inb4 wch2huwudufuk

>> No.17027640 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 1440x640, 1494884662450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came back from Japan just a couple days ago. I have used this deliheru twice while staying there http://vip.cos-ero.com/cast.php
A few girls state foreigners not speaking Japanese are OK, so I wanted to give it a shot. Got my eyes on Naomi, but the first time she got sick at the last moment so they offered another girl, Alice. Didn't like her very much, she couldn't speak any English and barely smiled all the time. Also was not really attractive. Wouldn't select her ever again.
As I got a membership card and a 3000 yen discount for the next time (60 mins or more) I tried again to book Naomi, and this time got her. Face is not exactly beautiful, but body is nice and plump (not fat) and she speaks English and is quite funny. Overall a nice experience.

You can book her in advance on the website (the sooner, the better chance to get her, she's popular), but the last confirmation on the day before the meeting has to be done through phone. In Japanese. So you need at least a very basic knowledge of the language.

Pic related is from her blog, linked from her page. That's the reason I got so hooked on her. Feel free to ask more if you like.
>inb4 3DPD
>inb4 wch2huwudufuk

>> No.17027664

This is purely out of interest as I have no intention of purchasing the services of one of these places. How unusual can you be with your request? I would like to be beaten up by a girl, but obviously not black and blue and needing a hospital. Can you ask them to sit on your face? Or are their services quite tame.

>> No.17027688

Reminds me of the report of that /jp/er who used/uses to go to soaplands.

I want to mating press a petite asian girl.

>> No.17027692

About the one I linked, Pickles, they offer Normal course and Doujinshi course, the latter referring to sick doujins as it includes SM and use on objects on the girl (from toys to the speculum). I prefer vanilla so I choose the normal one, but Naomi herself invited me to give her nice ass a few slaps. I'd say your requests are quite tame and very likely to be easily fulfilled.

>> No.17027843

Just fucking go with some road prostitutes in your country, that's all you deserve.
Janny, put it in the the trash,

>> No.17027930

Shit I never really thought about that. I always assumed it would just be a really good fap but actually I would be terrified having my first time taken by a prostitute and I'd probably just embarrass myself.

>> No.17027950


>> No.17027956

Maybe I'll do this next time I'm there. I'd have to be really drunk to build confidence though.

>> No.17028075
File: 289 KB, 1080x1620, IRLgapheg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do these things work? Could I pay to get tied up and tickled by a girl cosplaying as Yukari Yakumo or is it just strictly sexual intercourse in the missionary position?

>> No.17028190

wait, I didn't post this...

>> No.17028212

Since when were you me? I'm pretty sure I'm not you.

>> No.17028228

I'm very sorry anon, I have a severe problem with sleep-posting and this seemed like something I would've posted so I apologize for the misunderstanding.

>> No.17028259

Ah, ok! No need to apologise, Anon, it's all good.

>> No.17028280

Good taste in 2hu, Anon!
Is it weird if I am not that interested in putting ponos in vagoo? I went to a few reflexology shops back when I was in Tokyo, had cute girls in uniform step on me and the like but wasn't very interested in the actual thing.

>> No.17028407

Goddamn they look perfect. No way those pics are real.

>> No.17028421

is there penetration?

>> No.17028540

>Just not as a first time experience
You're implying he'll have another chance outside of prostitutes

>> No.17028754

This is what made me too scared to try any kind of brothel when I was in Japan.

I can't last that long despite masturbating every day sometimes multiple times a day. The first time I went to Japan while drunk at night someone tricked me into spending 200$ for a bad massage and then a handjob that was over in a minute or two since the massage had already stimulated me quite a bit. It was very embarrassing and when I see the websites where you are paying for 30/60 minutes with a girl I can't help but cringe at the thought of what could go wrong.

>> No.17028900

if you have PE maybe you should come twice during the session

>> No.17028913 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 646x712, 1459129570517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the youngest prostitute you can legally get in Japan or anywhere in the world?

Just curious, I'm too poor to actually get one.

>> No.17028919

what does af stand for

>> No.17029018 [SPOILER] 
File: 811 KB, 1156x1643, 1494901768866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT people still haven't read this
educate yourselves

>> No.17029077

Maybe if you give the source we could read it.

>> No.17029080

I was almost interested until I realized it was lesbian shit

>> No.17029081

>she got rid of all her anxieties and most of her worries just by visiting a prostitute
>I am slowly getting to this point myself
please help /jp/. I wish to remain pure!

>> No.17029114

I don't get why people put all their self-worth into how many people they've slept with.

>> No.17029131
File: 40 KB, 278x169, howdoisauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because they have nothing else going for them

>> No.17029167

If you get to the point where you're seeking prostitutes to fill emotional voids in your life, you're better off spending that money on other forms for professional help.

>> No.17029175

thanks now I have to jerk off to tewi

anyway who cares. even when you lose your v card you're still a fucking loser. I banged some fat chick off anonidate when I was 26 and almost immediately lost interest in sex after that. I jack off to camwhores and doujin and that's it.

Just get yourself in a position where you can have friends and invite people over to do things with you. I'm in a kind of shit situation so I can't do that shit presently, but I don't care because it's not something I'd even do if I could.

>> No.17029196

>she got rid of all her anxieties and most of her worries just by visiting a prostitute
It actually doesn't end up that way, and the author is still screwed up to this day.

>> No.17029280

Reminder that your waifu is watching this degeneracy.

>> No.17029293

Society tells them that sex is the only way to be a man and it taps at their insecurities.

>> No.17029296

I thought people around here put all their self-worth into making sure that number stayed zero.

>> No.17029312

How is that possible when she doesn't, and will never, exist?

>> No.17029317

/jp/ is like any other non-conformist group, most of us have come to terms that we're outcasts but some have a tiny sliver of hope that they can be accepted again.

>> No.17029326

meme magic

>> No.17029385

i wish i could read japanese for some of these sites now

>> No.17029515

I don't wish to be accepted.
Only my dick wants to.
I try to resist, but you need to understand, there are times when I am weak too!
It can't be helped.
I resisted until now, but lately I feel like my system has more male hormones or something.

>> No.17029583

I'm actually in that same boat as well. I've been jacking off more than usual recently and my lust for succubi has been getting out of hand pun intended My dick needs to stop betraying me dammit it!

>> No.17029615

>I want to mating press a petite asian girl.

Don't we all. Someday I'll go to a soapland.

>> No.17029621

Not everyone can be arsed to get past the panda, you basement dwelling neckbeard. Some of us have lives outside of the internet.

>> No.17029684

God helps those that help themselves.

>> No.17029701

kek look at this normie.

>> No.17029743

in the time it took you to make this post you could have appeased the panda

>> No.17029772
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>> No.17029775

You don't belong here.

>> No.17029875

Getto autu.

>> No.17029893

Isn't prostitution illegal in Japan?
Is this one of those things where if they don't actually say it they can pretend it dosen't happen?

>> No.17029911
File: 672 KB, 840x2810, JAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goddamn they look perfect. No way those pics are real.

>> No.17030170

Personally I just want to experience having happy, slow sex with lots of kissing and hugging, with cosplay adding to the fantasy. I think it may be a very enjoyable experience and I want to try it while I'm still young.

>> No.17030175

I have similar feelings, but I don't think you're going to experience that with a prostitute. It seems more like a mechanical transaction.

>> No.17030187
File: 196 KB, 1000x650, 4d8f8b71399e3ff695d660b45b3effc3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it odd.

You guys always go arround yelling shit like "She is so pure" " Virgin!" or "(Girl) is CUTE!"

You have this image of the perfect women in your mind and you pursue it.
But then, sometimes when the loneliness overcomes you, you want to go to the most ugly, the unpurest, STD ridden girls in the world and want to PAY money to stick you donger in it for 30 minutes.

I don't get it. It's so fucking disgusting. You shouldn't support prostitution, especially not in Japan.

>> No.17030196

Well, it's not like I have any other choice. I'm fine with that, and I think I might be able to enjoy it even if her affection is a façade.

>> No.17030208

well it's not like we want to pursue a relationship with the prostitute. Think of it as a physical experience, a more advance version of masturbation where not only are you enjoying greater physical stimulation but also the added bonus of having a real girl pleasure you/enact your fantasies.

>> No.17030225
File: 50 KB, 1000x1000, 857ef039f298d15013b339fcd7d7bbae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're paying a girl, whoose hopes and dreams have been crushed by reality, who sucks cocks on a daily basis for money and is probably ridden by STDs and shit, to wear a chinese made cosplay and "roleplay" a character she probably never even fucking heard off.

You're neither helping yourself, an orgasm is an orgasm and the dopamin rush only lasts for 4-10 seconds anyway, no matter if you have sex or masturbate, nor are you helping the girl if you're one of these "helpfull" customers who want to rescue the girl.

This is not advanced masturbation, this is just fucking sad. For both partners in this mutual exchange of money and goods.
The only one really earning anything in the process is her pimp.

>> No.17030243

Not him, but I want to experience kissing, hugging and sex with a cosplayed Japanese girl. I don't think there is another way, and I don't care that this one is not ideal.

>> No.17030255
File: 160 KB, 750x750, 92dc6bd452fbb696e9d59f017be320f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are ways, they are fairly easy.

I'll tell you my secret how I became friends with a cosplaying girl in Japan.
Ready? Because this one will fucking blow your mind.
I walked up to a girl on a convention and just started to talk to her. At the end of the convention I had her line number.

So, this is my last post in this thread. This topic makes me feel physically sick. Also I probably get banned for avatarfagging.

>> No.17030274

Get a load of this ikemen.

>> No.17030286

>walk to a girl and talk to her
You won't be missed, normalfag

>> No.17030295

Paying for sex is rape.

>> No.17030300

paying for work is slavery

we all have to suffer in this world

>> No.17030302

I think you're just projecting your white knight hero fantasy. I am fully aware that I am potentially exploiting an innocent young girl but hey it's not up to me, if I don't do it others will anyways. In fact, I'm probably might be doing her a service since I'll probably be younger, less creepy and dirty then the old men who frequents these places in the first place.

>> No.17030313

I support you, bro. Have fun living the dream.

>> No.17030314

>younger, less creepy and dirty

Hah, good joke.

>> No.17030318

I want to know the answer to this immediately

>> No.17030326

If you're uglier than the kind of guy who tends to show up as self-insert in a certain kind of doujinshi you really are in trouble.

>> No.17030372

I don't know about Japan, but in general prostitutes don't like young guys, a lot seem to have no younger than 25 or 30 policy.

>> No.17030385

That's something I wouldn't have guessed. Though when I said young it was relative considering I'm closer to 30 than 20 myself.

>> No.17030424

My issue is that I'm uncut so I'm sure I'd cum right away from a 10 second blowjob let alone a 30-full hour session.

>> No.17030431

I liked it better when /jp/ blogged about NEETdom and not traveling around the world and sexcapades.

>> No.17030437


I love how everyone triumphantly rides their high horse made of shit, instead of addressing OP's question.

Went there only once with a Japanese coworker while on a business trip. Don't even know the name cause I spoke no japanese at that time. Was fun but not particularly remarkable, girl I was with had this high pitched JAV voice I really hate.

>> No.17030457

I would be able to answer OP's question if I could
a )travel to Japan
b) speak Japanese
c) be functional enough to actually do it

>> No.17030462

Being interested into "Otaku culture" became mainstream.

The only one that particulary resembles old /jp/ is the Sagume guy, but that mostly because of his moralfag views

>> No.17030469

We can't all be adventurers. Some of us have to keep the thread warm for the few people who have actually gone to report back about it.

/jp/ got old, and then it got desperate. Some people in it, anyway. The dream is dead.

>> No.17030593
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>> No.17030666

I am >>17030208 I first want to state that I was only playing devil's advocate in that I've never personally paid for sex or had any kind of sexual encounters before. Iwon't claim to be an oldfag but being close to wizard age myself I'm simply wondering why paying for sex is so looked down upon. As someone who has already wholly given up on and disregarded females all I wish for is to experience sex once. I don't seek it out of desperation or enjoyment, but simply out of curiosity. Sex, being the last and only thing the female species can offer. Losing my virginity won't change me as a person nor give me some special status but in fact it will break down the last string of attachment between me and the female species, in fact, I'll be even more set in my ways as thoughts of coitus would no longer cross my mind. Tl;dr I don't regard sex very highly and at the rate things are going I'll probably stay just stay virgin.

>> No.17030675

This post is very conducive to off-topic discussion, please let's avoid that.

>> No.17030692

Sumimasen, I thought the thread was already taking a meta turn but in retrospect it probably was not the best post. It's late here so I'm pretty loopy, please just ignore it in that case.

>> No.17030741

Guys, remember that in Japan penor in vagoo in exchange for money is illegal. You can only do it at soaplands (in Tokyo go to Yoshiwara) because yakuza and police protection, whereas all other kind of agencies like the deliheru I mentioned will only offer any other kind of play: tekoki, fella, paizuri, sumata, and eventually anal fuck (>>17028919, that's what af stands for).

Read the above. I'm pretty sure the girls there have seen worse shit. You can probably get it as you like, but I believe you need to bring your own ropes and feathers. As long as it's them using it on you and not the other way around, any girl should easily comply.

Tnx. After shooting on a sumata, my dream of getting a breast feeding handjob by Yuyu-sama has been fulfilled. Above applies to you too.

When you are alone with the girl in the love hotel room, if she agrees to then yes. But it's not really likely and you can't force her into it. Neither the girl nor the agency can brag about offering such service because above.

Other than PiV, everything else is legal. Including buttsex. It's just as retarded as pr0n censorship.

Both girls I tried had no problems with hugging and kissing, tongue deep. In cosplay, ofc. Also DATY and yubiire.

Train yourself on /ona/.

I tried the same without any luck. So kindly fuck off out of /jp/, this place is for losers only.

>> No.17030760

You don't need anything other than paizuri anyway

>> No.17030940
File: 412 KB, 1506x2048, 1487692591921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dream of getting a breast feeding handjob by Yuyu-sama has been fulfilled
Sweet Jesus, I'm booking my plane ticket now.

>> No.17030982

this. I just left a soapland in tokyo and i regret having fapped yesterday cause i couldnt cum in her

also i kissed her, will i get stds ?

>> No.17030985

>this place is for loosers only
The fun thing is, I returned back to my country now and returned back to my introverted habits.

I was another person while in Japan. It was a better time.

Please do not support criminal activities in Japan.

>> No.17031127


Is there any existence more sad than the failed normalfag?

>> No.17031198

Do you know what? I was thinking I am doing the same thing.
Have you been living there for the last 5 years?

>> No.17031202

No, only for 12 months.

Got no working visa because I didn't go to university and the contract I had ran out in April.

>> No.17031273

This thread is like borderline /soc/ and /r9k/

>> No.17032388

I personally think everyone with enough money to go to Japan should either give some to the rest of /jp/ or get banned.

>> No.17032799

Same here, I can't really understand all those guys who are so desperate for just the act of losing virginity itself. If I meet someone I really love, and who loves me back, I'd naturally want to fuck her very much, but until then there's no point to losing my virginity. Who am I trying to impress again anyway? Do they really think some girl who really loves them will care that they've not lost their virginity?

>> No.17032956

>Have you ever gone to any of these?
>Do they even admit foreigners?
Depends on the girl.
>Lately the thought of losing my purity in one of these places is crossing my mind more often that I'd like.

>> No.17033166

I used to think the same when I was younger. By now I've realized I'm going to die alone. I'm not trying to impress anyone or prove anything, I just want to experience how kissing and caresses feel.

>> No.17033700

>, whereas all other kind of agencies like the deliheru I mentioned will only offer any other kind of play: tekoki, fella, paizuri, sumata, and eventually anal fuck (>>17028919, that's what af stands for).

I had always thought AF, when offered, was essentially deliheru upsell for vag penetration while not "actually" selling vag sex. At least that's what it sounded like to me when reading Tokyo Hentai Club's website. Good to know.

Just to throw my experience in. I got curious after booking my trip, and tried an asian massage parlor in my home town. Originally just rubntug, eventually found one that did FS. Most of them were a waste of time, as they short you on the time you pay for and usually call it quits after you cum once (didn't take long for me). The experiences I had were entirely mechanical, and not really pleasurable. Not to mention, you often don't get to see the girl beforehand and most aren't great looking. Most also have fake boobs.

Once I got to Japan, I figured I'd try one more time at a soapland and see if it was any different. Went to a place in Yoshiwara that was in my budget for 90 minutes picked a girl, and went to the room. She showed far more personality than the prostitutes at home, chatted quite a bit before and after and did her best to communicate despite the language barrier. Showing some personality and empathy made the act a lot more pleasurable, and she got me off twice with an attempt at a third, but no dice. I did my best to return the favor by fingers/DATY, and I think she appreciated it even if she didn't orgasm (no idea if she did or not). I'd go back and spend the money on prostitutes like her, but the US kind of sucks for paid sex.

>> No.17033752

I always wonder how screwed up they are in their personal life to choose being a literal whore.

>> No.17033892


This is pretty much where I'm at.

I thought I was lucky because I'm good looking naturally but I'm such a social fuckup that it doesn't matter. I will never be with anyone unless they pursue me, and that will never happen because I don't drink so I don't go out.

I'd like to still experience it at least once.

>> No.17033957

Don't do it. Sacrificing your power for sex is only worth it with true romance, Anon.

>> No.17034468
File: 88 KB, 297x249, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the Japanese for vaginal sex (out of the options in the picture)? Also, if I were to bring a like a sleeping eye mask or something and just told them to wear it and not do anything, would that weird them out? Last question, since prostitution is illegal in Japan, will I be infinitely detained?

>> No.17034566

Man, I'm getting extremely horny after reading this thread.

>> No.17034815

None of those. Read the thread. Those are:

Take away panties
Reverse masturbation show (not sure what it means)
Polaroid photo (2 shots)
Golden shower
Masturbation show (I believe this one means she does it in front of you)

Pink rotor
Pantyhose/stocking ripping
Denma (electric massager)

If you ask a girl who never met you before to let you blindfold her, I'm pretty sure she might be genuinely scared. Asking gently won't hurt though.
If you go with her a second time, she might be more willing to comply.

>> No.17034841

This entire board is like that with a little bit of /v/, /co/, and /pol/.

This board needs to be deleted.

>> No.17034853
File: 46 KB, 460x475, 1486891665204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the thread
Read it twice now, still don't know how to find vaginal sex in Japanese. Thanks for the translation though, I'll daiji ni suru it

>If you ask a girl who never met you before to let you blindfold her, I'm pretty sure she might be genuinely scared

Fuck, as a virgin, I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to a prostitute if we never have to make any eye contact at all during sex.

>> No.17035273

I want to lose my virginity to a Maki or Eli. H-help?

>> No.17035330

nah he's just not being a faggot

>> No.17035753

You better have cuddled her and pat her head!

>> No.17035779

Okay I get the others but where the hell is /co/ here?

>> No.17036778

What does something like this cost?

How likely is it that the girls are doing it willingly?

>> No.17038115

so, my fetish is hairy, sweaty, smelly armpits, would it be possibile to find something like that in japan? are there places where you can make requests like this?

>> No.17038212
File: 79 KB, 300x450, img_5_1489681257_9UowMjuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my

>> No.17038254

I'll take one nursing handjob please.

>> No.17038445
File: 66 KB, 420x247, 1346842881103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how even the most bizarre needs of society are getting comoditized. I can't wait until the day I can buy prepacked love in the kombini.

>> No.17038509
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Where can I fuck a cute cosplay boy?

>> No.17038518
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>> No.17038537

Most japanese girls have armpit hair.
Don't know if whores do though.
Also, I guess you'd have to tell them in advance that you don't want her to shower her armpits.

>> No.17038564
File: 158 KB, 649x908, tenshi_hananai_4_by_nonomy-d579fms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to Japan or Touhoucon.

>> No.17038678

I've personally come to the conclusion that I just wouldn't be all that comfortable in a relationship, and I just want to see and feel what sex is like.

I don't really care if it's a prostitute, since I don't see the point of welding intimacy to sex if I have no intentions of committing myself to anyone. It's also REALLY unlikely I'll find an attractive asian who is willing to do cosplay sex with me in my lifetime.

This sounds really pathetic within the context of this thread (and what I just wrote above) but if I'm going to shell out 20-50k for a bath and a few minutes of fucking a stranger halfway around the world, I would be livid if the cosplay wasn't *at least* as good as what Naomi is dressed up in here.

If I go to Japan for comiket this summer I might try her out.

This was a great read and I still have a copy on my phone. I'm obviously going to buy a copy to support the artist (and support a possible licencing of Solo Exchange Diary) but I dread that Seven Seas is going to completely butcher the translation.

Oh absolutely, problems like depression and other mental illness sometimes take years to resolve.
I've gone/am going through some of the same badness she did. The part where she got her first publication and emotionally coasted on the success before sinking even further into depression is basically me, but with academic research articles instead of manga one-shots.

Remember, a lot of us are well into our 20s or 30s. We have to eat and that means a minimum of interaction to earn a wage (outside of getting NEETbux).
You can outwardly conform and go through the motions while maintaining as much of your old value system or approach to life. A wiser poster on /jp/ likened it to approaching modern-day life as a bullet hell and surviving mentally by finding the gaps that will allow you to graze.

>> No.17038778
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>I'm obviously going to buy a copy to support the artist (and support a possible licencing of Solo Exchange Diary) but I dread that Seven Seas is going to completely butcher the translation.
Same here, I already have it pre-ordered. It'll be hard to live up to the excellent scanlation; I don't think I've ever read a Seven Seas release before but hopefully they do a good job.

>> No.17039093

>I don't think I've ever read a Seven Seas release before
Their translation quality is incredibly spotty. One of their MonMusu volumes translated ゆっくりしていってね! into "Pull up a chair and enjoy the ride, boyo!"

>> No.17039345

The author cheered up because of attention and fame on twitter and now has 30k+ followers.
Good for her she won't be killing herself.

>> No.17039416

I had 3 different 3DPD's with which I wasted around 5 years of my life. I wish I could become a wizard.

>> No.17039605
File: 86 KB, 640x920, tehehe Rena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miracle of the (You)s.

>> No.17039619

I don't want filthy roasties.
I want Tewi's pretty, puffy, bald, bunny cunny.

>> No.17039642


>> No.17039684

coney is another word for bunny

>> No.17039769

The thought of getting my dick sucked by a girl who has also sucked off other /jp/ers is extremely exciting to me, I also might try this girl out.

>> No.17039896


>> No.17040427

And she even does AF... this is way too erotic.

>> No.17040502

>Masturbation show (I believe this one means she does it in front of you)
>Reverse masturbation show (not sure what it means)

You're joking right?

>> No.17040580

No, I just find it strange that masturbating in front of the girl might be called an "option" the girl herself might even decide to refuse.

>> No.17040760
File: 228 KB, 405x360, 1491623492157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, miracle of the (you)s.
No wonder so many anons bait for them, alas I truly see.

>> No.17041057

All the old and busted girls get rotated into foreigner service so I don't think that I would enjoy it

>> No.17041155

Old and busted girls for old and busted men.

>> No.17041256

Everyone wants to be paid attention to. That's why (you)s feel so good even if all you did was post something clearly just to get a rise out of people. However, while posting a cheap post and getting a lot of (you)s is easy, it doesn't compare to writing a proper meaningful comment and it having (you)s because it means your effort was appreciated by many, something you don't get with bait because it's something you whipped up if 5 minutes and most of all anyone could have done as well, while your proper comment is unique and something only you could have written.

Attention is attention all the same, but positive attention > negative attention all times. Not all (you)s are made equal.

>> No.17041416

Even better than a (You) is a poster replying to your post and saying something akin to "this"

>> No.17041427

We should gather together and gangbang a cosplay whore.
The question is, which 2hu would we fuck?

>> No.17041478

Sanae Kochiya.

>> No.17041566

Who is that Sakuya?

>> No.17041573 [SPOILER] 
File: 170 KB, 500x750, 1495123073304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't use any social networks, if I finally decide to go I'll think about posting about it if the topic pops up sometime.
That's fine, but I don't think we should get into the habit of constantly recreating this thread every time one of us fucks a cosplay prostitute. Eventually it would turn into another general and then we would justifiably have our shit smacked down by meido.
If I do this, I personally plan on just writing a log report and posting it in an OC thread, probably as a chapter in a larger report log.

Well, with Naomi's new cosplay we can do all of these things!!

I read her report manga. I think it's more accurate to say that she found a new outlet in producing content her audience loved that gave her life meaning. So where >>17041256 says that
>it doesn't compare to writing a proper meaningful comment and it having (you)s because it means your effort was appreciated by many
that anon is spot on in diagnosing exactly why producing "meaningful" content that you've poured a ton of effort into can be an effective salve for feelings of worthlessness, moreso than just shitposting for hollow attention.
Also, if you read her Twitter you can kind of discern that her issues haven't gone away completely, she's only "cheered up" because her new passion in life has forced those issues into remission. If she fades into obscurity and leaves the root causes of the issues untreated, I could easily see her falling back into deep depression. The person who wrote Welcome to the NHK went through something similar IIRC.
I bury myself in work and writing for the same reason.

>The thought of getting my dick sucked by a girl who has also sucked off other /jp/ers is extremely exciting to me
Same, the lewdness of it all is too much to ignore...

This may sound weird, but I feel more comfortable with a girl around my age (25-29) who has probably had more experience dealing with borderline social retards like me. I suspect that some fresh 18 year-old piece of meat wouldn't know how to take the lead with a shy newbie and would ruin the whole experience for me.

>> No.17041880


>> No.17041931
File: 169 KB, 527x535, 1452799780654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, if you read her Twitter you can kind of discern that her issues haven't gone away completely, she's only "cheered up" because her new passion in life has forced those issues into remission. If she fades into obscurity and leaves the root causes of the issues untreated, I could easily see her falling back into deep depression. The person who wrote Welcome to the NHK went through something similar IIRC.

You could argue that she's now in a better position because she was in the spotlight once, but that's a double-edged sword, because by being in the spotlight once and getting to know what it feels you'll most certainly want to replicate such a feeling once more. You can say she has a base from which to start now unlike before where she had nothing, but what if nothing of what she works on ends up panning out or as popular as her first work? One hit wonder syndrome is a very real thing, and many people spend the rest of their lives searching for a way to replicate their first and only success to no avail just for another chance at the spotlight. Many people also hate being defined or just known for that very one hit wonder as well and end up falling into deep depression for this. This is a very tricky topic and it depends on the person itself as everyone has a different way to feel fulfilled or have their self-worth acknowledged.

>> No.17043290

>This may sound weird, but I feel more comfortable with a girl around my age (25-29) who has probably had more experience dealing with borderline social retards like me. I suspect that some fresh 18 year-old piece of meat wouldn't know how to take the lead with a shy newbie and would ruin the whole experience for me.

I feel the same honestly. I don't care if she's older so long as she still looks nice and knows how to make the experience more comfortable and easy for me.

>> No.17043700
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>> No.17043927

I just want a nursing handjob once in my life.

>> No.17044142

Same, mostly just to feel what it's actually like.

>> No.17044233


Personally, I prefer to not be noticed, most of the time. I get anxious very easily in social situations, of which there are many. I can hide it very well but on the inside I'm still a nervous wreck. It's gotten worse with age.

>> No.17044294

How come none of these sites do HTTPS?

>> No.17044953

So the NSA can know your fetishes

>> No.17044957

If any of these girls do group deals I'm seriously down for this. I live in Japan.

>> No.17045004

I'm in for another month.

>> No.17045006

This thread is taking a strange turn...

>> No.17045705

this thread needs to expire, I HAVE to forget about it

>> No.17045821

How much do you pay for Ranko Kanzaki?

>> No.17046091

Usually the price is the same for every costume.

>> No.17046123

Ranko manko

>> No.17046231

I don't understand the appeal of being in a gang-bang.
I mean, I can fap to them in dojinshi and AVs because I enjoy seeing a woman get degraded and used as a semen receptacle, but I personally would get really self-conscious and nervous about being able to perform alongside six or so other /jp/sies. I would also be afraid of being the guy you see in AV gang-bangs that perpetually stands on the sidelines doing nothing but jerking to stay hard while three other guys get to thoroughly violate some girl.
Maybe it would be easier to perform if we all got to cosplay, because then I would be able to pretend I'm a character that would have no trouble getting his dick sucked by a prostitute while in close quarters with several fellow funposters.

What's interesting is that a couple of days after I found this thread, I started gravitating to the prostitution tag on pixiv and danbooru. So even if I chicken out and don't book a whore, I will have at least contracted a new fetish from you guys.

Thanks a lot /jp/.

>> No.17046266

>I always wonder how screwed up they are in their personal life to choose being a literal whore.
Most of the people on this board have pretty screwed up lives. Glass houses and all that.

>> No.17046606

>>17041566 here
pls respond

>> No.17046704

>This board needs to be deleted.
Wisest words ever uttered!

>> No.17046747
File: 76 KB, 500x475, 1335213430117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came into this thread for Tewi pussi and now I want to gangbang a nip hooker dressed as a 2hu with the /jay/.

I'd seriously do it, too.

>> No.17047238

Impossible, we'd never be able to agree on which 2hu 2 fug

>> No.17047274

Pretty sure you'll fall back once 4 morbid obese neetos show up

>> No.17047297

If I knew I was going to a gang-bang I would make the effort to tone up and lose a few pounds

>> No.17047314

But your partners won't

>> No.17047336

Just give me some time, like in "cosplay hookers this winter comiket, dudes".

>> No.17047344
File: 78 KB, 612x612, e946330f-7ff0-40f9-bae2-b2044e16af38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever floats your boat
Or in this case, lard

>> No.17047388

jpsies seem to skew more malnourished than obese

>> No.17047487

What the fuck, never heard about it
Why? They are afraid they will rape them or make a hole in condom or something?

>> No.17047605

Wait, so I still didn't get what exactly did you do and how much yen you paid. Have you actually put you p0n0s into vag000 or not, since you said it's usually banned unless the girl okay with it. Or just nursing handjob/blowjob etc?

>> No.17047818

I'm not the guy who hired a cosplay prostitute, I think you want to talk to >>17027640
(I too would like to know if p0n0s did indeed get inserted into vag00)

You should actually do it.
Create a virtuous body to better appreciate your vices.
I should too.

I'm guessing that younger men are more likely to be rowdy or abusive, show up drunk, or skip out on paying.

>> No.17048146


>>17027640 here. Sadly penor did not find its way into vagoo, just my fingers. Got sumata, blowjob and nursing handjob for as long as I liked, also deep kisses and hugs and caresses everywhere I wanted.

Cost is what you see on the website, 18k for 60 minutes, plus 1k girl selection fee and 2k one time membership fee. Didn't have to pay the latter 2 ones the first time, probably as an apology on their part for changing the girl at the last minute. Also add 4.8k love hotel fee.

I believe it's because a newbie needs some special attention to help him overcome performance anxiety, and some girls do not like to deal with it.

>> No.17048165
File: 48 KB, 500x469, 1460030443254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>162 dollars to not have sex

Not the guy you were talking to, but I'm impressed. I may be a virgin, but you are a virgin who dropped 200 bucks to not have sex. You have reached comedic levels of being a loser.

>> No.17048187

>18k for 60 minutes
That's pretty expensive for a girl, more than double that the average whore almost "cheap" escort level. Guess either prostitution is more expensive in Japan or cosplay sex is serious business.

>> No.17048440

>cosplay sex is serious business.
Oh it absolutely is. I'd give up $250 US easy so I could fuck a reasonably good-looking 2hu

Not the guy you're responding to but some of the other prostitutes with that agency will do anal.
From what I've read getting vaginal in nippon is hard because businesses and women have to obey the letter of the law, just like pixels on dicks

>> No.17048494

>That's pretty expensive for a girl, more than double that the average whore almost "cheap" escort level. Guess either prostitution is more expensive in Japan or cosplay sex is serious business.

Japan is not thought of as a sex tourism destination partly because of the cost. It is much more expensive in Japan than in a lot of nearby countries. That being said, I paid 32k for 90 minutes at a soap, and would absolutely do it again over paying less in the US. The difference in how they provide the server you're paying for is worth it.

>> No.17048559

Since you're around and since you (indirectly) got me interested in this, I must ask you if you've noticed any itching or any other symptoms since you got back? Any that weren't there previously, anyway.
Because honestly, catching an STI is probably my only real big concern about going to these places.

>> No.17048576

I just can't imagine paying that much for something so transient. Are you rich or is there nothing else you want to buy?

>> No.17048581

No, I didn't catch any STIs. It's been about 50 days since the soapland visit. Oral was uncovered, vaginal was covered. I was under the impression that it was a pretty rare thing in Japan anyways.

>> No.17048619

It was a curiosity thanks to multiple soapland themed doujin/manga that I've read over the years, and I wanted to experience it for myself. I knew it would be expensive and that I would be paying more than the listed prices because I'm a gaijin, but I knew that going in and was prepared to pay for it. It was a great experience, and in my opinion I got what I paid for. Though word of warning, it will not be just like your hentai/JAVs (this should be common sense).

As far as things to buy, I don't tend to buy much in the way of souvenirs when I travel. I spent most of my money on high end food and high end ryokan stays. Souvenirs were pretty much kitkats, coffee mugs, a sake set, and a WonFes exclusive figure.

>> No.17048722


32K is pretty middle of road as far as soaplands go, I think I paid about 80K for 120 min for a high end one last summer. This was including the gaijin tax and I can speak pretty decent Japanese.

>> No.17048757

I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna do it.

But I only have a phone number that gets text messages.

Please tell me I can get around that.

>> No.17048778

How was it? I got pulled in by a lot of places wanting 60-70k gaijin for 90 minutes, which I didn't have and couldn't pay. One place that started with that offer did drop to 36k for 70, but I passed until I ended up at the 32k/90 place. Not sure if I want to put away that much for a higher end one on my next visit.

>> No.17048801

I wonder how many fat NEETs they've jacked off.

>> No.17048970

Not him, but I don't really see the need to draw a line between purchasing property as a souvenir and purchasing a service as an experience.

It's like I'm commissioning a dojinshi where my OC self-insert character realizes he only has one chance to do degenerate weebshit things before he finishes grad school and has a bunch of responsibilities foisted on his back. Therefore, he takes a gap month to go to Japan and do all of said weebshit he has always wanted to do since adolescence. And uses the opportunity of being a half a world away from his family to buy dirty cartoon pornography and hire an asian cosplay prostitute and find out what sex is like.

>> No.17048994

So much indecency in this thread. I love it!

>> No.17049344

It was my first and only soapland experience so I can't really compare. The place I went to was called Last Scene, and the girl I saw was Rin. http://www.l-scene.com/profile.html?id=566

She looked pretty darn close to those photos given how heavily photoshoped they are. She came out and wearing a fancy nightgown dress. Overall pretty awesome girlfriend experience. None of that keigo and goushujin-sama stuff you see in those soapland JAVs. In the end I even found out she likes anime and we talked about how Rem was best girl.

I think what you're paying for in these more expensive places are better looking/younger girls and the service. They also offered free drinks from some expensive scotch to imported french water of all things. Her profile says she's 21 but when I asked she implied she was closer to 25ish. She didn't give me a direct answer saying the tencho would get mad at her.

>> No.17049627

How come they're all so fucking short

>> No.17049653

they're japanese

>> No.17049695

As an aside, I find it both hilarious and disappointing that I balk at getting fit to please a potential girlfriend, but I'm deadly serious about starting an exercise and diet regime in preparation for a prostitute in a foreign country that will dress as a video game character for my pleasure

>> No.17049799

Can you do it on the same day if you call?

Naomi is open. It seems.

I'm bored and have nothing to do tonight.
Do you just meet up at a specified love hotel?

>> No.17049853
File: 136 KB, 912x887, 0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even literal unironic whores don't want to fuck virgins

>> No.17049868

Even considering the service, that's incredibly expensive for what is essentially a trip to the bordello. I would love to know what kind of clientele they get.

>> No.17049961

So you didn't even fuck an asspussy?

>> No.17050191

If I'm going to a foreign country you can bet your ass I'm going to splurge on experiences you can only have over there.

Also, 32K doesn't sound too bad, that's about the price of a hot asian girl in my city.

>> No.17050238

Since we're on the subject, how difficult/expensive would it be to get an extended blowjob with swallowing in Japan?

>> No.17050631

Where did I say I'm a virgin?

I know it's expensive (still cheaper than a soap though) but I really wanted to try it. Because YOLO.

You can.
I booked in advance on their website and explained I don't have a phone number in Japan. Then called them from a public phone the day before for confirmation, as per their request. They agreed on me arriving first at a love hotel one hour earlier than the requested time, booking a room, and calling them from the phone inside the room to confirm and tell them the exact hotel and room number for the girl to reach me.

If she's not already booked yes, you can. Give them a call and ask for her availability for the day.
As she's popular expect little to no chance, good luck!

Not into anal.

>> No.17050641

Too all the Jaypeesies who are scared about early ejaculation, don't worry about it, the girls find it to be somewhat of a compliment and just wait for it to come back up.

>> No.17050818
File: 48 KB, 600x450, 1252395217781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing thread.

>> No.17050833
File: 176 KB, 900x1250, 1439457542559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please everyone, try to make yourselves fit and presentable if you are gonna do this. I'm sure these girls are accustomed to serving unkempt greasy neckbeards so they will most certainly appreciate having to serve someone with a half-decent body who bothers to groom himself and has good hygiene. That makes it more likely for them more effort in their service as a show of appreciation.

If you have no idea where to start then go to /fit/ and read the guide on the sticky. A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. I know you can do it friends.

>> No.17050858
File: 51 KB, 346x332, 1493974604862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want China to help me get fit

>> No.17050861

I would be willing to pay 10x that amount to experience a day like this, with Suwako and a maid dress for me: https://exhentai.org/g/734102/d9d7b70f01/

>> No.17050867

I actually am fit and presentable, but I've actually heard stories (not just here) of women being intimidated by that because apparently fat, hairy old men won't hurt you but fit young men are totally dangerous to prostitutes. Don't really know who to believe and it's messing with my planning.

>> No.17050993

I'm holding on to it.
Unless I find someone I can actually love, which would never happen, I'd rather not give it up to some two-bit whore.

>> No.17051012

I don't really see any point anymore.

Virginity as a man isn't an attractive trait.

>> No.17051014

>Virginity as a man isn't an attractive trait.
But fucking anything that moves because you're so desperate to lose your virginity/ have sex isn't attractive either, anon.

>> No.17051075

Who needs to know

>> No.17051087
File: 40 KB, 551x758, common_sense_-_so_rare_its_a_god_damn_super_power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't worry so much. As long as you behave gently from the start, I don't think a girl might be intimidated just by your looks. Just try to be easygoing, a bit funny and shy.
I know it's common sense, but being clean/well groomed and with a good personal/oral hygiene is the most important part. Who wants to get intimate with a filthy partner?

>> No.17051160


Legally, you're only paying them to hang out with you. They can also say no to you if you're weird. Whatever happens in the hotel is just two adults having sex.

>> No.17051211 [DELETED] 

>None of them do anal
What's the point?
If I want a pussy I don't pay for it.

>> No.17051222

>None of them do anal
What's the point?
If I want to fuck a pussy I don't pay for it.

>> No.17051291

>A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body.
But I'm proud of my mind, which is thoroughly filled with sick and degenerate thoughts.
Can I just get fit but still be the acid rain that is slowly corroding the marble columns of civilization? It's taken a lot of effort to make my mind this perverted.

>> No.17051365

>I wouldn't worry so much. As long as you behave gently from the start, I don't think a girl might be intimidated just by your looks.

This. I'm >>17048778 and can confirm. I was cleaned up, still had facial hair, just trimmed and no neckbeard, and am physically fit. Not gym lunk tier, just in shape from hiking and very occasional running/other exercise. She had no issues with me at all. I did my best to be as gentle as possible, and also tried to reciprocate as much as possible. As I said earlier, I have no idea if she enjoyed it, but she obviously felt comfortable with me because she offered to show me around Tokyo the next day.

>> No.17051605

Wow I didn't know it's so easily search up in Japan.
Have been playing with this idea for awhile now for when I go to Japan.
The only issue seems to be telling my friends who came with me that I'm splitting up to give up becoming a wizard.

That and the price of course.

>> No.17051673

When are you coming?

>> No.17051926

More like four morbidly thin skeletons.

>> No.17052208

I may even be more small and skinny than some of the girls there.

>> No.17052379

Whenever I secure my future/fix my life or give up on it.
Probably will depend on when my friend stops being a Jew over money and agree to burn a rather sizable amount for a trip to Japan.

Hell we have been planning this for three/four years now. Was going to go two years ago but last minute flights were expensive.
So probably never.

Just wondering though for those who have visited escorts. How do they look compared to JAV actresses?

There must be a reason why they aren't into that field instead.
It also doesn't really make much sense for good looking people to end up doing this.

>> No.17052429

So to anyone who fugged a 2hu: what was the quality of their costumes? Were the girls knowledgeable about otaku stuff or were they riajuu?

This *is* /jp/ - otaku culture, after all.

>> No.17052434

As soon as it goes in

>> No.17052630
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1920, 1478061659360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thought is tempting but I'm the type that faps more to drawn porn than porn with real people so unless I'm in a romantic relationship, I don't really see the need for sex with a 3D.

>Were the girls knowledgeable about otaku stuff or were they riajuu?

It's kinda more arousing to me imagining fucking a cosplay riajuu with no knowledge about the stuff I'm into though. I will love it even more if she has a clueless look on her face.
I-is this normal?

>> No.17052682

Mind sharing the URL of the blog?

>> No.17052692

It's on Naomi's profile. http://coseronaomi.blog.fc2.com/

>> No.17052694
File: 27 KB, 330x400, 1382119266834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nevermind, I'm retarded. I noticed it after checking her profile. But thank you, for your kindness and swift response, anon!

>> No.17052743

I read this thread this morning and it made me so horny I had to take a break from attending a wedding to masturbate in the chapel bathroom.

I hope you're happy /jp/.

>It's kinda more arousing to me imagining fucking a cosplay riajuu with no knowledge about the stuff I'm into though.
My cosplay sex fantasy is to vigorously fuck a dead fish Reimu who is bored and waiting for me to finish so she can get her donations. I feel like that would require some knowledge of the character to properly roleplay.

>> No.17052748
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 1409547344436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could be our Tewi for the /jp/ gangbang.

>> No.17052749
File: 91 KB, 202x187, 1382605363577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this thread daily and now I want to cuddle with a 2hu cosplayer.
Guess I know where I'm gonna spend my savings

>> No.17053007
File: 54 KB, 600x400, koishicostume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of 2hu costumes coming for sale at Amiami in June, if anyone is interested. I might pre-order the Koishi one...


>> No.17053028
File: 136 KB, 444x600, 1448078656694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anyone is interested. I might pre-order the Koishi one...
What's the implication of this? Are you inviting a /jp/sie to fuck you or something?

>> No.17053043
File: 78 KB, 324x364, ihiptmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were the girls knowledgeable about otaku stuff or were they riajuu?

This is the REAL question here, my dudes.

>> No.17053054

Are these any better compared chink ones?

>> No.17053078

Stop trying to gangbang each other!

>> No.17053165
File: 580 KB, 900x1239, __gengar_hex_maniac_and_lopunny_pokemon_pokemon_game_pokemon_bw_and_pokemon_xy_drawn_by_tokyo_great_akuta__c4945f42d5ff30a5cea0215befcb5a8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon's cosplay deliheru wishlist:
1. Great Akuta's Hex Maniac
2. Hex Maniac
3. Seiga Kaku
4. Either Sakaki-san or Yomi from Azumanga
5. Yuyuko

Hey, /jp/sies are the obvious budget option in this thread...

>> No.17053179

I'm pretty sure no /jp/sie would be able to pull a Hex Maniac cosplay right.

>> No.17053237

It's all the fault of spring. When spring comes, lewdness awakens.


>> No.17053238
File: 150 KB, 1024x1022, C_T9I5OVoAAUTES.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they refuse to attend you if you are a brown-skinned latino?

>> No.17053285

You're one of the only morally unblinded people here, it's disgusting to hear them talk about this in such a casual fashion. Would rather be a "normalfag" any day than someone that filthy.

>> No.17053315

Wait, she plays KanColle? 2ho whore dropped. Damn, I really need to book her as Zekamashi.

>> No.17053400
File: 174 KB, 988x741, 1493144223323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty sexy costume.
Sumata with Koishi!

>> No.17053486

He's criticizing people who want to resort to prostitutes to experience sex at least once, and when asked what other choice they had he essentially told them to stop being losers. What's "morally unblinded" about that?

>> No.17053682
File: 883 KB, 694x981, koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recreating DAP-041 with Koishi!


>> No.17053744

I was expecting a crossdressing boy in the webm and I was disappointed it was not.

>> No.17053867

Second-hand knowledge says that if you carry yourself well like >>17051365 said and can speak English or Japanese well enough to properly communicate with a prostitute (both orally and textually) you shouldn't have any major problems. As with all foreigners, expect to be squeezed for an extra gain fee and know that some facilities will refuse to serve you.

I don't think that skin colour should matter much. For every girl that is repulsed by your swarthy skin there's probably another excited to add some spice to her typical diet of rice. I remember that the guy who ran the Gaijin Smash blog had girls throwing themselves at him on multiple occasions.

Just be a decent person and groom as well as you can.

>> No.17053900

I was as well.

>> No.17053974

>As with all foreigners, expect to be squeezed for an extra gain fee and know that some facilities will refuse to serve you.
True. Pickles though knew I'm a gaijin but didn't ramp the fee up.
As for soaplands, here's some detailed info. A few don't apply the gaijin tax: https://tokyoadultguide.com/threads/the-yoshiwara-soapland-resource-thread.10381/

>> No.17054338
File: 167 KB, 869x1236, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you and your stupid manga. I crei.

>> No.17054471

Nope only had "luck" with christmas cakes who were approaching me talking passable English.

>> No.17054664

How old are you talking about here? How was the experience? With how many?

>> No.17054717
File: 114 KB, 600x800, 7e70a0f8566958283cfac26362d3e447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be perfectly fine losing my divinity to any of those girls as long as they had 姫カット or ぱっつん.

>> No.17054811

you're welcome

>> No.17055854
File: 430 KB, 898x1300, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17055928


So if I just have an awkward lesbian experience people will care about my work? I'm not female though...

>> No.17055938

If that's all you got from that manga then please read it again, with some actual thought this time.

>> No.17055999

You say that like the key to making a successful indie comic isn't to write about your boring straight guy quarter-life crisis.

>> No.17056110
File: 1.44 MB, 745x2315, jp + 1 year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get off my ass and pre-order this...

For all the shit that Kio put the readers through in Nidaime I always liked how he revisited little sideplots like this.
And everyone knows that Kugayama absolutely got at least a rub n tug from Rino-san. "Twice" my ass

It's very likely that drawing herself as a cute girl probably didn't hurt the popularity of her comic.

Of course, I'm not implying that that's the reason why it was popular in the first place. None of us would probably know that Private Report exists if it didn't have Nagata's psychological hang-ups and the pathos that her struggle with them throughout her 20s evokes

Also this, modern alternative literature is downright maggoty with Kerouac/Bukowski-wannabes

>> No.17056132


I just want to die.

>> No.17056565
File: 1.35 MB, 1156x1643, 024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this page applies to you

>> No.17056635

i kind of want to read that but the font is actually painful for me to read

>> No.17056730

Moral of the story is "at least try a few more times to pick yourself up before you give up"

That's what I'm doing by resolving to get some 2hu cosplay health delivery. My life isn't some normie fantasia. I don't really have friends. It's likely that much of my income will have to go to caregiving expenses for three family members. My own mental problems come and go.

I've had suicidal ideation throughout my 20s as these problems came and went in severity, but I've personally resolved to try and try until I succeed or the stress knocks me dead.

As has been mentioned previously in this thread, my definition of success is to get good enough at the bullet curtain kusoge known as "Real Life." With enough tries I can find all of the best gaps that will give me breathing room and allow me to graze.
In the context of this thread, the gaps are between a cosplay prostitute's oiled-up breasts that are ready for paizuri.

>> No.17056796
File: 447 KB, 1066x1600, Haoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems kind of super lewd. Just imagine hooking up with two or three other jaypees and fucking a pair of crossdressing Japanese 2hu traps and spooning afterwards.

>> No.17056827

just be yourself dude

>> No.17056893
File: 68 KB, 414x414, 1387615095773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The taboo of fucking a male cosplayer that can pass as a girl is pretty hot. Now I want to experience this too, fuck you /jp/ I didn't ask for this at all.

>> No.17056962
File: 264 KB, 825x1073, 1493153953614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"cosplay hookers this winter comiket, dudes".
From now until the end of December would probably be enough time to get reasonably in shape and well groomed, no?
Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'll even mark C93 on my calendar and let you guys know what happened.
Paizuri from yuyuko-sama!!!

>Just imagine hooking up with two or three other jaypees and fucking a pair of crossdressing Japanese 2hu traps
lewd as hell, I like
and spooning afterwards.
ew, gay

>> No.17057018

Spooning is fun.

>> No.17057177
File: 59 KB, 491x433, yuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of us!
Here is your welcome gift, I recommend the Koishi one.

>> No.17057218
File: 347 KB, 781x277, 1345078100002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17057753

There's some newer stuff on Xtube that should probably be added to that.

>> No.17057849
File: 168 KB, 600x936, 5bde13a5e14b4786414691d8926c936a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the shimikaze one that came right after a 20 seconds HJ.

>> No.17058031
File: 109 KB, 666x556, 1362969902674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, I'll add newer stuff later.

By the way if someone want to add videos to the folder, I can send invites. Any help would be appreciated desu.

>> No.17058044

Please stop making innocent /jp/ers gay.

>> No.17058057

Did you add his videos yet? Not necessary crossplay, but still pretty gay.

>> No.17058074

Are traps gay? I mean the ones that legitimately actually look super effeminate and can fool people. Its not gay to like them right?

>> No.17058080
File: 227 KB, 911x645, 1464197749594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cute! I'll add him.

>> No.17058105

What's wrong with being straight?

>> No.17058132
File: 150 KB, 550x600, 1471116215613.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to trick your mind into thinking it's not gay. I don't judge you.

>> No.17058136

This was a good thread, now gays took over...

>> No.17058156

Average /jp/er is at least 64% gay.

>> No.17058158

>Are traps gay?
Some of them are, others aren't. If you are trying to ask "liking traps is gay?", well, it is. The most important question is: why do you care?

>> No.17058225

I don't mind. The thread was about to hit the bump limit anyway, and I got all the info I needed out of it long ago.

This thread probably won't happen again until a bunch of us go to Japan for comiket in July or December. I guess we can share our experiences then.

>> No.17058273

You'll be sharing more then that with /jp/ overseas.

>> No.17058276

Thinking about it I noticed this could be a pretty hilarious scene. The last day of winter komiket, a guy going near other gaijin under the saw and asking them "are you guys here for the whore/gay gangbang too?".

>> No.17058308

I think that's the actual plan.

>> No.17058329

fuck off, pete

>> No.17058362

The massive amount of photoshop in picture is fucking disgusting. It looks like a photo-realistic drawing more than anything else. It's so uncanny valley it hurts. I know everyone and their mom uses photoshop to retouch their pictures but there's a time when they should tell themselves "stop".

>> No.17058372

I hate how I will never be able to be a cute asian boy capable of crossplaying convincingly. Feels bad man.

>> No.17058386


>> No.17058563

There has been one confirmed actual cosplay orgy at a western convention and pictures demonstrated it was about ten dumpy NEETs sitting in a hotel room with two average-looking girls. Five guys weren't even doing anything other than playing a netgame

I just want to feel what sex is like before I leave uni and start job hunting. Paying to make it cosplay sex with a 3D Japanese girl is a welcome bonus that actually makes the experience worthwhile to me. Judging from the responses in this thread it seems like most people who have done/will do this want the same thing.

Having some material for a report blog/manga of my own that I could share would be a big plus as well, although I have no hopes of having it read outside of /jp/.

>> No.17058570

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.17058694


>> No.17058720
File: 41 KB, 249x347, Touhou Orgy Pic [NSFW][lewd] - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm blind, but I don't even see a single blowjob. This orgy sucks. This dude dressed as Big Boss was the best thing of the picture.

>> No.17058761

What dude? I can only see a wall.

>> No.17058951

I wish /jp/ still had threads as good as this one more often.

>> No.17059007

About gay sex orgies with Japanese crossdressing cosplayers?

>> No.17059011 [DELETED] 

This guy looks like that one American dem socialist whose gimmick is that he's a literal brocialist who lifts weights in between shitposting on twitter but also has an autistic obsession with the MGS games and believes himself to be a clone of Big Boss

I think his podcast gets like half a million a year in donations

>> No.17059446

This whole thread.
SASUGA /jp/!

>> No.17059760

The panties are supposed to go over the garters. When will these prostitutes learn?

>> No.17060362
File: 214 KB, 680x671, 0aab4fd4ffc8aa9b495e3060badd4119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those people who try and use you're a virgin as an insult for anything

>> No.17060550


>> No.17060567

Good threads on my /jp/?

>> No.17060800

i think the best part of the picture was the the guy on his vita who decided he really didn't like 3dpd

>> No.17060990

Not sure how legit it is, but you can usually see the girl's interests, along with other info, in her profile. Many of them list games and anime as hobbies, and some of them seem to cosplay outside work too (there are photos of them at conventions).

>> No.17061128

One last question:

What's the etiquette on tips/gratuities?

>> No.17061175

Only America and third world countries practice tipping.

>> No.17061213

>and third world countries practice tipping.
Please don't insult us by comparing us with the shithole that is murrika. Kudasai.

>> No.17061397

And Japan is one of the most Americanized countries on Earth.

>> No.17061477

Not really, and certainly not in this sense. Tipping isn't expected in Japan.

>> No.17061506

Tipping isn't expected in Japan, don't worry.
That said, you're still having a date with a girl. If you bring a small gift (like a box of chocolates - especially from your country) be sure she'll appreciate the thought.

>> No.17061608

I'm actually not sure if you are serious or if this is some next-level trolling. The idea of bringing chocolate to a cosplay whore as part of your "date" is so incredibly bizarre that my I can't decide if it would be a good idea. If she somehow appreciates it, it could be nice. If not, it'd probably be a hilarious situation in hindsight.

>> No.17061819

I'll tip them if you know what I mean.

>> No.17061827

I just have to learn nihongo first.

>> No.17061848

Down in the west Honshu town of Tottori~
I fell in love with a cosplaying whore~

>> No.17061852

Are there males that actually do this? Actually cute ones I mean.

>> No.17062092

Why not? The girl is whoring herself, right, but bringing a small gift means you're somehow treating her as a girl and not as a prostitute. I honestly don't see how that might be awkward.

>> No.17062109

>I honestly don't see how that might be awkward
Yeah, is totally normal to give some presents to a prostitute like if she were your date/girlfriend. Don't forget the flowers and wine.

>> No.17062207
File: 88 KB, 827x1168, 1462730768207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a nice thread.
But all good things have to come to an end eventually.
See you in December.

Not the person you're replying to.
It's not that uncommon. Gifts personalize the experience and are a way of recognizing the efforts and time of the woman beyond the base fee. For others, it's just part of the performance - a garnish to beautify the transaction.
Not that I plan on doing it myself, but I could see why some might.

>> No.17062800
File: 103 KB, 600x720, 1462733216535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a final postscript, I've been reading and posting in this thread for seven days plus. Recently, I've gotten the sudden urge to replay all of the Gomorrah side quests in Fallout New Vegas.


>> No.17063669

I actually wish you would've discussed the brothels more, I kinda wanted to know more.

>> No.17064043


>> No.17064346

Don't most prostitutes take their clients to love hotels?

>> No.17064587

Clearly sex tourism is otaku culture, right mods?

I don't know why I still come to this utter fucking shithole.

>> No.17064892


You would have a point if it weren't cosplay. Which 2hu we would fuck is most definitely /jp/-related.

>> No.17068203

>Clearly sex tourism is otaku culture, right mods?
It's the logical extension of a lifestyle of JAVs and dojinshi.

There's honestly nothing wrong with 3D in principle

>> No.17069218



>> No.17071306


>> No.17071403

JAV is not otaku culture and 3D is inherently flawed by its presence on a z-axis, which is highly correlated with the majority of human flaws, as well as with failure to achieve anything close to any ideal.

It's a disgrace, but this is how /jp/ is now. It can't be helped.

>> No.17071417

Well, time to kill all the idols, burn all the gunpla and demolish the maid cafes. The millennial has spoken.

>> No.17071424

Nay, they all can exist within the pagan otaku pantheon.

>> No.17071462
File: 523 KB, 1024x768, ba2bfdc7dd49b934c7c71963def1b3c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is highly correlated with the majority of human flaws, as well as with failure to achieve anything close to any ideal.
This failure and the struggle to overcome it is the essence of life itself.

Like >>17071417 said, there's lots of otaku culture in the third dimension. And yes, they are all flawed. That first gunpla you made that barely held together. The maid cafe that is cringe-inducing and staffed with western bitchii. Most amateur underground aidoru.

But all of this adversity makes overcoming it and achieving victory by managing to project 2D fantasies, however imperfectly, into 3D, that much more fulfilling.

Cosplay sex, in this vein, is no different from a handshake session or a self-sculpted figure and is definitely otaku culture.

Paid or otherwise - you're simply trading one imperfection (paying for sex instead of forming a real relationship) for another (paying for a decent-looking japanese cosplayer who has experience with cosplay sex instead of going with whatever you can get through dating and probably winding up with some greasy overweight white woman) and, arguably, getting a better representation of the 2D fantasy since otaku culture is distilled consumerism.

>> No.17071915

When did I imply any of that? I just said JAV doesn't belong in /jp/ and 3D is PD, in more words. You both appear to be projecting.
