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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 1520x1000, 1202519478148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1702230 No.1702230 [Reply] [Original]

Japan's lack of measures against child pornography were underscored Friday by the release of a declaration by the World Congress against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.

The statement urged nations to make it illegal to access and obtain child pornography.

In 1996, participants at the congress's first meeting, held in Stockholm, criticized the fact that 80 percent of the world's child porn was made in Japan. Since then, the world has continued pointing to Japan as a major producer of child porn.

In Japan, a law prohibiting child prostitution and child porn was put into effect in 1999. However, the law stipulates no punitive measures for simple possession of child porn.

Child porn photographs and movies are increasingly available as more people use the Internet and file-sharing software.

Cases so far uncovered by police are thought to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Though the ruling bloc has presented a bill to revise the law that would make simple possession of child porn punishable, the Diet is yet to discuss the bill.

European countries prohibit simple possession of child porn, and some have introduced a system that blocks access to child porn sites. The world congress declaration recognized the effectiveness of such measures.

Japan is now required to take effective measures, including an immediate revision of the relevant law.

>Japan is now required to take effective measures, including an immediate revision of the relevant law.

LOL at other countries trying to bully Japan into changing its laws to fit in line with their oppressive global witch-hunt agenda


>> No.1702243

"global witch-hunt agenda" aw lawd here we go.


>> No.1702245

Child pornography:

Take 1 piece of paper and a marker of your choice, ink or graphite based work fine.

Draw a large stick figure with a pen0r j-j-jaming it into the crotch of a much smaller stick figure.

Congratulations, you just produced some high quality child pornography.

>> No.1702250

i love how the world points at japan's old softcore nude photobooks as THE MAJOR SOURCE OF CHILD PORN and ignores the fact that most of the extremely hardcore stuff is made in good ol' america, or by americans visiting places like thailand and cambodia.

>> No.1702253
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>> No.1702254

As long as manga isn't affected I don't really give a shit.

Though it's getting to the point where you can't even have pictures of naked babies without getting called a pedophile.

>> No.1702255

it could be midget porn

>> No.1702263
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this is a sad day for pedophiles/ephebophiles everywhere :(

>> No.1702265

Except midgets aren't really in demand, I think.

At least I'd rather have a loli than a midget.

>> No.1702266

Yeah what the hell. I admit I have hardly seen any cp (only really in /b/ and when I used to stupidly download videos from kazzaa, got my fair share of rude shocks) but whenever I hear about it it's either made by parents or comes from some shithole eastern european country. Never seen any japanese cp or heard of it.

>> No.1702267
File: 318 KB, 1000x742, Australian Customs - Lasers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>All sexualised depictions of children under the age of 16 (or who appear to be under that age) are illegal in Australia, and there is a 'zero-tolerance' policy in place, which covers purely fictional children as well as real children.[42]

>In August 2007, an Australian was sentenced to pay an AUD $9,000 fine for attempting to import eight DVDs of Japanese anime found to contain pornographic depictions of children and 14 found to contain depictions of sexual violence. No images of real children were involved. "Customs National Manager Investigations, Richard Janeczko, said that it was important to understand that even cartoons or drawings such as those depicted in anime were prohibited if they contained offensive sexual content."

Picture somewhat related - they were seized due to 'lasers bringing down planes'.

>> No.1702268

It's ALWAYS little white girls getting fucked. All they really do in Japan is have suggestively skimpy swimsuits on their underaged preteen idols.

>> No.1702270

for some reason, the view stands that nude child photography is equivalent to child rape footage

I guess when that's the consensus it's not hard to convince people that looking at pictures is equivalent to raping a child, and so we have almost equivalent punishments for both in most of the world.

>> No.1702272

Why? It's talking about possession, and unless you live in Japan it's not going to affect you. Also, what is that screenshot of?

>> No.1702278


little white girls

You guys are acting as if it's legal in America.

>> No.1702280

>>All sexualised depictions of children under the age of 16 (or who appear to be under that age) are illegal in Australia

Let me guess, "sexualised depictions" is deliberately obscure so they can just jail anyone with ANY pictures. Fuck this shitty country.

>> No.1702281

RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 30 (UPI) -- An international anti-child pornography congress in Brazil has urged Japan to outlaw the possession of such materials, observers say.

Participants in the third World Congress Against Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, held last week in Rio de Janeiro, called on Japanese lawmakers to join many other countries in banning the possession of child pornography, saying the country's laws lag behind the rest of the world, The Yomiuri Shimbun reported.

Simple possession of child pornography in Japan is not illegal, although its production and distribution is. Representatives of 140 national governments and non-governmental organizations attended the four-day congress. They called for a universal outlawing of child porn possession in an era when the Internet is enabling its distribution to become much easier, the newspaper said.

A non-binding declaration issued by the congress also called for the regulation of Internet providers and mobile phone companies who allow online distribution of child pornography, which would enable police to remove sites containing illegal images.

>> No.1702282

The major problem with this is that it makes way for a dangerous precedent: if you are punishing someone for fictional child pornography, you are punishing this person's desires, not his actions.

>> No.1702283

Cool, it's like I'm really a pedo.

>> No.1702285

These pedo threads always skate the very thin line between "yeah I totally agree just thinking about this shit shouldn't be a crime" and "whoamycrap please stay the fuck away from my hypothetical children"

>> No.1702286

You can have a picture of a 25 year old, but if she LOOKS too young, you deserve to go to jail?

>> No.1702287

What the fuck did you just post, sir?

>> No.1702288

>The major problem with this is that it makes way for a dangerous precedent: if you are punishing someone for viewing child pornography, you are punishing this person's desires, not his actions.

watching CNN != killing people
watching rape footage != raping people
watching a bad movie != being a hollywood superstar

>> No.1702290

>Never seen any japanese cp or heard of it.

That's because Japanese children are hideous.

>> No.1702295
File: 35 KB, 446x640, Loli bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that back.

>> No.1702293

Being a paedophile isn't illegal, which is something a lot of people don't seem to get.

Paedophile != Child molester.

>> No.1702296

It's fucking retarded, fullstop.


Fuck that shit, idiots.

>> No.1702299

That's quite a leap of faith for the majority of the populus

>> No.1702297

It's not, the whole point is everyone says LOL JAPAN THOSE PEDOS...except lol all the serious child porn videos that involve actual child rape come from just about everywhere else.

>> No.1702302

You're right it just makes you a social outcast. Enjoy dreaming of molesting children.

>> No.1702306


But that's quite a leap of faith for the majority of the populous

>> No.1702307

Don't worry, in 20 years children will be extinct and we'll forget all about this nonsense.

>> No.1702309

I can kind of understand the reason for banning possession to stop demand, but with this kind of thing its going to happen even if no one wants to watch it (and there will allways be someone who wants to watch it). The problem is they never just go after tapes of say, a father raping his daughter, they also include anything that might be sexual to someone. They start with this, then junior idols become illegal, and the lolicon, and then almost anything with anyone underaged, real or not becomes fucking illegal and parents are scared to take pictures of their own kids.

>> No.1702312

OK but child nudity in one form or another is more acceptable in Japan than most places and even if most child porn is produced in other places (which you're just assuming it is) if it's already illegal than there's not a whole lot they can do.

>> No.1702315

>It's not, the whole point is everyone says LOL JAPAN THOSE PEDOS
They say that because Japan still hasn't outlawed possession

And obviously they are all pedos, do you know of any other country that has an embedded culture of cartoon child porn sold openly? Or junior idol DVDs with little girls in bikinis sucking bananas?

The "80% of CP is from Japan" line is complete and utter bull shit of course, but they can pretty much say what they like

>> No.1702316



>> No.1702317

>I can kind of understand the reason for banning possession to stop demand
Then please, explain it to me

How on earth could banning something stop the demand?

>> No.1702319

It's a mere scapegoat tactic to remove blame from themselves. If anything Japan is doing things the right way by not taking up law enforcements time by not outlawing posession. Distribution is what should be focused on.

>> No.1702323

So when is >>1702263 gonna come back and give the source of what he posted. With the economic crisis he should be more active.

>> No.1702325

>OK but child nudity in one form or another is more acceptable in Japan than most places and even if most child porn is produced in other places (which you're just assuming it is) if it's already illegal than there's not a whole lot they can do.
When they banned production and sale of CP in Japan it was a BLANKET ban

You can't even get "art" photobooks with child nudity in Japan (jock sturges or sally mann for example) nor can they get away with showing even the naked chest of a 3D child in any outlet of the media since 2003

Possession is another story entirely. Japanese culture doesn't like to extend itself into the home.

They feel that what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.

>> No.1702326

A percentage of people won't want to be involved with something if it's illegal*.

*Yes, it does seem pretty stupid when that something is a child getting fucked, but it might still hold true.

>> No.1702327

to clarify, naked chest of a girl. Boys are still fair game.

>> No.1702328

lol, wat? Do you really think other countries are harsh on Japan when it comes to this stuff because they feel so guilty about their own child porn underground industries and they need a scapegoat? Laff.

Also ffuuccckk these threads and people trying to force the defending of pedophilia as /jp/ related.

>> No.1702329

Investment banker is too low level to know the source. Look at the file name.

I could google around for it, but I don't care enough. I can tell you that it's from a sentai (you know, power rangers and all that shit?) series. Akiba-online etc.

>> No.1702330

Japan seems to be more American in this regard than America. I just hope we get our heads out of our asses and get back on track.

>> No.1702332
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>Or junior idol DVDs with little girls in bikinis sucking bananas?

>> No.1702333


OK, so while he's raping his daughter, he doesn't turn on the camera because it's "illegal"


Well at least we can bury our heads in the sand and pretend that child is fine because IT'S NOT CP

>> No.1702334

>which you're just assuming it is
Do you know anything about child porn besides "omg it's bad"? Just spend 10 minutes on /b/ a day and you'll get a good idea of what most child porn consists of. White girl white girl white girl LITTLE BROWN GIRL white girl.

The point is, by banning safer alternatives for pedophiles to get their jollies, you create a lucrative black market for dangerous people to make money off of raping children. Now instead of just people who can't control their sexual urges, you're getting guys who just do it for money. See: prohibition. What would be a relatively benign vice turns into a fucking monster, purely because making it illegal makes it infinitely more valuable.

This doesn't mean I drink booze and smoke pot and fuck kids. I'm actually completely revolted by just how many legitimate pedophiles there are on 4chan. But I don't agree that them looking at a girl in a skimpy bathing suit is going to fucking demolish society.

>> No.1702335

I said kinda. It won't stop it completely, but it will turn people away from it if it's illegal to have it. I'd explain myself better but I'm tired and my brain isn't working as well as it should. And before you start up with "lol nice excuse faget" I'm not some rabid anti pedo.

>> No.1702337

Hey anti-fags, pick your scenario.

1) Pedo at home, downloading pictures and videos off limewire, fapping and then crying himself to sleep

2) Pedo who has nothing to fap to, planning his move, going to a park or a school and raping someone's kids

>> No.1702341
File: 16 KB, 457x67, 2008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still time...

>> No.1702343

I've no desire to browse /b/ for any minutes a day, let alone if there is legitimate CP there instead of just random young girls taking self pictures in bathing suits - because if that's the kind of thing you're talking about then it's irrelevant to this discussion.

Anyway it's not like people don't try to take measures on pedophilia elsewhere. You hear stories in the news about INTERPOL or whomever doing random busts in a dozen countries all the time.

>> No.1702346

>I'm going to disregard all of your points and disagree for the sake of disagreeing omgpedos


>> No.1702347

Or the people's choice:

3) A re-sexualisation camp (think ~1960's gay). If that doesn't work, castration or bullet.

>> No.1702348

I'm all for 2d lolicon but they already know that people viewing CP are almost always those who are making CP. To prevent the abuse of children they go so far as to prosecute those who so much as view it for good reason. Also if for some reason they made viewing CP legal there would be an increased market for the creation of it.

This is not a perfect world where your scenario works.

>> No.1702349

Child porn is readily available to those who actually want it. They aren't going out and "raping kids" because there isn't any CP available or it's illegal or something, since they're obviously not afraid of the consequences of things. You make it sound like if you could go buy CP magazines at a corner store than all real world child abuse would stop or something.

>> No.1702350

This kind of argument is a bit silly. If there are people who really need to jack off to cp otherwise they will go out and rape a child and they seriously can't control themselves, they should be in an institution or something. People like that shouldn't be mixed in with the general public.

>> No.1702352

Didn't happen sorry, but I guess that's the stance all of the wannabe pedophiles on /jp/ take when this topic gets raised every week.

>> No.1702355


Obviously there's an element of provocative facetiousness in my argument, my point is, prohibition will likely make a bad situation worse.

I'm not proposing we "cure" child rape.

>> No.1702358

Female spotted

seriously, you should hide it better

No male could be so blatantly irrational

>> No.1702359

>If there are people who really need to jack off to porn otherwise they will go out and rape a woman and they seriously can't control themselves, they should be in an institution or something. People like that shouldn't be mixed in with the general public.

>If there are people who really need cocaine otherwise they will go out and kill somebody to get it and they seriously can't control themselves, they should be in an institution or something. People like that shouldn't be mixed in with the general public.

Good luck finding them before they rape/kill someone.

>> No.1702370

Point proven. Quick, break out the "moralfag" insults so the argument and carry on it's destined path.

Also in regards to rape going down with porn being made more available, most adults enjoy things like sex and alcohol which is why demand doesn't really go away if you try to prohibit them. It doesn't really work in your argument unless you feel more people than not have an underlying desire to have sex with children.

>> No.1702372

Note the "will likely make" reference is Japan-specific.

If you didn't already know, Japan has relatively fewer child rapes than most of the world

I'm not saying that's just because all the pedos have fap material, I'm am, however, saying that it has to be a factor.

>> No.1702373

I thought rape was more considered a power thing rather than a sexual thing. Mind you I haven't read the links you posted (I'll read them tomorrow if this thread is still here which it probably won't be ;_;) but I'm a little skeptical that pornography would have a direct impact on rape cases.

Comparing raping children to drug addiction and alcohol is a bit, eh. Man, why can't these threads be made when it's the day time, I can't fucking think straight I'm just gonna go to bed.

>> No.1702374

3D is disgusting, ban it, prosecute it, I don't care. It's when they try to ban loli that I rage. Not because I can't live without it, it's because as an artist any infringement on my personal freedom of expression is an affront to everything I was raised to believe this country stood for. 2D harms no one, if I want to draw a picture of a loli being fucked by a minotaur, I should be able to without fear of reprisal from the government.

>> No.1702377

by your logic, the majority of the population must enjoy heroin

>> No.1702380

Now that the goddamn liberals are back in power, expect for even more pressure.

>> No.1702384
File: 467 KB, 985x1400, 0156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bring omggirls into this. I can guarantee there's a girl arguing against Klein right now.

Sometimes girls want to be the little girl, too. If it becomes illegal for me to read porn with older guys and younger girls I'm going to rage so hard.

>> No.1702385

>what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.
>what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.
>what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.
>what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.
>what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.
>what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.
>what someone does in the privacy of their own home, so long as it's not harming another human being, is nobody's business, and certainly not the business of the state.

>> No.1702386

Godless liberals are better than moralfag republicans when it comes to these things.

>> No.1702387

Shut the fuck up tripfag

>> No.1702389

It's all the same shit

conservatives sell your freedom away for perceived security
liberals sell your freedom away for perceived freedom

>> No.1702395

Lol at the 2Dfags

They've already banned 2D in most of europe and canada

It's just a matter of time

>> No.1702397

don't forget australia

>> No.1702409

We have a constitution though. If it wasn't for that first amendment it would have been banned by now most certainly. If anyone tries to change it there would be a massive stink in the public.

>> No.1702411

This reminds me of the Prohibition Era.
We need an Al Capone for CP.

>> No.1702413
File: 37 KB, 426x421, george-bush-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1702412

LOL at the faggots that really believe that all of the CP issued in Japan boils down to 2D and softcore MoMusu shit. You clearly have no idea of what kind of stuff goes around on P2P networks, you silly weeaboos.

>> No.1702419

The difference is that CP is all around unpopular. In the prohibition, alcohol was extremely popular.

>> No.1702422

I hate this topic because I am 100% for net neutrality and digital privacy and will not stand by anyone invading someone's home, or computer, nor someone's ability to travel the world or the internet being obstructed. But these kind of crimes have victims. Just like piracy.
Society ends up sacrificing those victims for their own ease and convenience, while condemning the actions of the users. The rape victims, the bands whose music is stolen, it is shitty that something like that happens to them. But the loss to social welfare from enforcing the law is so drastic, involved, invasive, and unstable with the law that it becomes a thought crime that is controlled mostly through terror and intimidation, with a few highly publicized victims.
A few members of society commit a crime, a few members of society get punished for the crime as an example, and most people slide under the radar, heads ducked low while Justice and Liberty wage war overhead while they scrape up what benefit they can.
So while I hate the content you pedos are after, I have to stand by the position of getting the fuck out of people's business. Hopefully they cut it at the root.

>> No.1702423

And Bush opened the eyes of the people. Lowest congress approval rate? Lowest presidential approval rate?

>> No.1702427


BAWWWWW Taping little girls getting deflowered by their uncles is the same as brewing wine.

>> No.1702428

I should add. Bush was the Nixon of this generation.

>> No.1702431

Thanks for the laugh /jp/

Some of you come across really quite convicing too

"lol, looking at pictures is a serious crime"

10/10 all around

>> No.1702451

I stand behind this anon's opinion that the government should stay out of people's business. Maybe they should be spending money trying to work out other issues.

>> No.1702510

Most 2D CP is from Japan.
Most 3D CP is from Russia.

>> No.1702537


>Most 3D CP is from Russia.

Holy shit, welcome to 1999. Dee & Desi isn't the only 3D CP you can find on the Internet.

>> No.1702546

Why do I see more discussions about CP here than I do on /b/?

>> No.1702548

/b/ is too busy pursuing real girls their own age and comparing their cocks

/jp/ is introverted and spends all its time obsessing over little girls

>> No.1702558
File: 21 KB, 300x400, loli_buri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about, oniichan?

>> No.1702596


He's half right. Most 3D CP is shared through russian networks.

But if you're talking about the country of origin... That would be Filipins and other third world shitholes these days.

>> No.1702618

>But if you're talking about the country of origin... That would be Filipins and other third world shitholes these days.

I went to Vietnam, and just a typical karaoke bar has a lineup of 12~14 year old girls for you to buy. They asked me if I was interested and I pretty much left because I was so uncomfortable with how casual everyone was about them.

I'm a pedo but I hate seeing real girls being used like that. Worst part is they weren't dressed like adorable little girls, they had makeup and tube tops and miniskirts and shit. Ugh.

>> No.1702634
File: 62 KB, 824x890, jap20schoolgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went to Vietnam, and just a typical karaoke bar has a lineup of 12~14 year old girls for you to buy. They asked me if I was interested and I pretty much left because I was so uncomfortable with how casual everyone was about them.

>I'm a pedo but I hate seeing real girls being used like that. Worst part is they weren't dressed like adorable little girls, they had makeup and tube tops and miniskirts and shit. Ugh.

makes you wonder what all the anti-pedos are doing in their spare time.

maybe they don't think little brown girls are the best?

>> No.1702663

Antipedos are too busy sitting behind their desks hurfderfing about downloading pictures over the interwebs rather than liberating real children who are actually suffering.

>> No.1702673


British men prefer women with smaller breasts: Study

>> No.1702709


It's not that they don't care. They just can't do anything about it. Child prostitution is linked to poverty, and you can't take care of one problem without taking care of the other. The power of GOD alone isn't enough to help these children.

Of course you can create campaigns and regulations against sexual tourism to take care of one end of the problem (the degenerates that buy the service), but in the end it would actually make things WORSE for them.

>> No.1702757
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>> No.1702855

We had a thread like less than a month ago that was published in I think the later 90's in the New York Times before Japan put that law into place and the story said Japan's PER CAPITA sexual assault rate is 30 times lower than that of the US.

>> No.1702859

Interesting, because Japan's rape-porn output is exactly 30 times higher than the US

surely a koinkydink

>> No.1702862

And everybody in that thread jumped on the chance to point out that the statistics cover _reported_ assaults.

>> No.1702866

Because /b/ is like a toilet and now /b/ has become filled with newfags and the swarms of "OMG GUYS, ITS COOL TO JOKE ABOUT IT BUT DATS SICK" drown out any argument you'd even want to bother wasting your time writing out.

Same sort of thing except I was in India and not in a Karaoke bar. They weren't so much lolis as they were just smaller versions of whores.

>> No.1702867

Everyone knows that 90% of rape accusations are just vindictive bitches making shit up to try and get back at some guy

>> No.1702870

Reported* sexual assault rate

>> No.1702878

Pretty sure simple possession of CP is now illegal in Japan. UN is just full of cunts.

>> No.1702888
File: 164 KB, 800x800, b-then_and_now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You must be one hell of a newfag. Guess which one is the /jp/ user.

>> No.1702900

You're wrong

>> No.1702908


And there's the story for those that missed it.

If nearly %70 of high school girls are willing to admit they've been grabbed on a train, do you really think that Japan had nearly the same per capita sexual assault rate but just 30 TIMES LESS people to report it?

>> No.1702912


See >>1702867

>> No.1702913

She is not a child if she menstruates.

>> No.1702917

>101 posts
Come on, /jp/, stop beating the dead horse.

>> No.1702926



>> No.1702988

Institutionalizing someone for thinking something you don't agree with is a VERY dangerous precedent.

>> No.1703148



>> No.1703988

shameless bump.

>> No.1704179


Hmm, there was no need for that as I have a valid question.

I'd like some facts please.

Is it illegal to produce, distribute or view/posses Lolicon (no not CP or 2D-CP, Lolicon.) in Japan.

Is it illegal to view/possess Lolicon in England?

I don't really keep up with the news and a lot of what's posted where I visit is bullshit, even if there is a law I'm not going to stop because I know what I do isn't harming or the result of harming anyone. I'm not interested in CP or children, I would just like someone who I can care about to rape me.

Last bit of porn-banning news I heard about was violent porn (BDSM etc) even if acting was banned in england..and that was a good few months ago but that too doesn't interest me as I'm not a psycho joking, enjoy whatever turns you on.

>> No.1704191

>Is it illegal to produce, distribute or view/posses Lolicon (no not CP or 2D-CP, Lolicon.) in Japan.
You can also possess 3D CP

>Is it illegal to view/possess Lolicon in England?
Lolicon is the Japanese term for pedophile
However loli is not illegal yet, but they're pushing for legislation

>> No.1704200

These people just don't seem to realize that the more illegal they make it the more people will want it.

>> No.1704267

"Child porn" is every government excuse to take away your freedom.

>> No.1704285


The very existence of customs organisations is morally abhorrent for anyone who values free speech.

Seriously look at that shit, look at what they're proudly doing under the veil of protecting the borders from actual threats.

>> No.1704293

*holds up cheap chinese laser pointers for photo*

"These laser pointers could have crashed a aircraft, we are doing the nation good"

*poor chinese retailer that imported it goes broke from paying fine and is forced on the streets*

>> No.1704307

The more Chinese retailers go broke and on the streets, the better.

It's about time they learn to make quality goods instead of quantity goods.

>> No.1704316


Excellent blog on related issues.

>> No.1704318


Would it be not good if I said that they weren't chinese and the goods were infact quality goods?

>> No.1704333

So what would you guys do if loli did get banned?

>> No.1704338

Politically organize, fight to preserve the 1st Amendment.

>> No.1704345

Well, it'd be illegal, just like downloading eroges is illegal.

In other words, nothing at all.

>> No.1704366


Haha there is no way you can possibly alter public opinion on something that is precieved as child pornography.

If they label you as pedophiles your only option is to be like pedophiles, hide and become skilled at covering your tracks.

>> No.1704379

So why the fuck are we bitching then?

>> No.1704382

That's what they said about gays in the 50's, though.

>> No.1704393
File: 56 KB, 639x480, deadhorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop abusing her.

>> No.1704397

Punishment for illegally downloading copyrighted videogame = a small fine.
Punishment for downloading child pornography = 20 years, per picture.

If the government actually, insanely, classified lolicon as real child pornography, it'd be much more serious business than copyright infringement.

>> No.1704439


I do not want to argue that even if I think the comparison isn't a equal one. I'm not gooing to predict the future.

I would argue however that in this current day if you do posess what people would consider child pornography and decided to fight these laws publically you are doing an incredibly risky thing that will likely yield nothing good.

To use your comparison gay people didn't take it to the streets 50 years ago they shut up about their desires and sucked the cocks of strangers through a hole in the wall of a public restroom to preserve anonymity.

>> No.1704457

>gay people didn't take it to the streets 50 years ago they shut up about their desires and sucked the cocks of strangers through a hole in the wall of a public restroom to preserve anonymity
I can see what you're getting at here.

>> No.1704530


Me too because I see paedophiles prancing around squealing about have they love KIDS ALL THE TIME.

>> No.1704534

no they took to the streets 40 years ago riding on the back of the sucess of the earlier civil rights movements

>> No.1704538

Why is this thread still here? Japan is no longer even in the discussion.


>> No.1704545
File: 159 KB, 600x450, justpedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's /jp/ - Just/Pedo. Get it right.

>> No.1704777


If I download CP without paying a cent to anyone, I am HELPING the industry.

If I download video games without paying a cent to anyone, I am DESTROYING the industry.

Something doesn't add up here. It sounds like the video game guys need to hire whoever does marketing and accounting for the CP guys so I can download all their shit for free and cause new video game companies to spring up all over the place.

Surely if piracy of CP should be illegal because someone else might be paying for it, then piracy of everything else certainly should be legal since other people most definitely are paying for it. Otherwise we're just making up irrational, illogical rules for each individual instance, just so we can always enforce whatever the "desired behavior" is. Don't think about children, do pay for everything you use, don't question the government... Why? Because we told you so. You have questions? We will re-educate you.

(PS: I have never downloaded CP in my life other than some gray area shit off KaZaA when I was like 14 myself. I have no interest in 3D no matter the age. Hell, I'm not even big on 2D loli. You don't have to be a slavering pedophile who thinks child rape is A-OK to argue for this side--though the other side would certainly paint you as one if you dared to take a stand in public.)

>> No.1704835

The UN issues high-handed demands like this all the time. They've also demanded that the death penalty be abolished, but look, Japan still has that. Bottom line, nobody cares what UNICEF says, and in fact, when they start demanding stuff it creates backlash.

>> No.1704866

What if I buy an island, will they try to jail me or what.
laws about rekationship with younger girls or whatever are annoying, in some country if you're 18 and the girl is 17 YO you can be jailed. If you are 18 and truly in love with a 15-16 yo girls it won't be possible right now but if the girl reach the age of consent there'll be no problems even if you're 100.

>> No.1704890

I like this board

>> No.1704901


Your island will be LIBERATED by the RIGHTEOUS ARMY OF AMERICA. The girls will be taken home as war trophies.

>> No.1704914

I don't download CP either so I could be mistaken, but I don't think that they usually charge for it. It's just like all the free amateur adult porn out there, people make it because they get off on the exhibitionist aspect of it. I think it's risky enough to distribute CP without setting up a financial exchange system, especially when most people will just download it and you can't take legal action against them for obvious reasons.

Legalizing possession of CP would definitely increase production of it so it should stay illegal. I have nothing against pedos but if you download and masturbate to a child getting raped you ARE endorsing child rape.

>> No.1704921

Hopefully Anonymous would do something good for once instead of XD RAIDS.

>> No.1704936


>I have nothing against pedos but if you download and masturbate to a child getting raped you ARE endorsing child rape.

I downloaded and masturbated to Transformers but I don't endorse the rape of my childhood.

>> No.1704993

I don't agree with all the draconian "omg think of teh children" laws being passed, but I do agree with banning posession of cp. Think about it- a lot of times you can't actually track down who made it. In which case you go straight for whoever has it. Anything and anyone involved in real children being hurt need to burn in hell.

What I don't agree with is what most of these groups feel constitutes cp. If a kid's just standing around looking suggestive, whatever, who cares. When a kid's actually getting it up the ass is where I draw the line.

Banning 2D loli is even stupider. In that situation, not only is a child not even part of the equation, loli often has very little to fucking do with pedophilia itself. (I'm into loli, but I want to be the loli, I don't want to fuck a loli. I just don't like how all hentai has sluts with huge boobs and hairy cunts.)

There's a lot of, and I mean, far fucking more than I'd like to believe, pedophiles who are into loli because it's basically legal cp to them. But I think a significant cross section are like me and don't even like to look at 3D girls in general.

Banning everything involving any children, real or imaginary, IS like banning alcohol just because some go home and beat their wives. Some can just enjoy it and take a taxi home and nobody gets hurt.

I'd much much rather see them track down child prostitution (which is so fucking easy to find it's ridiculous) than go after omg ppl have pictures of childrenz AND THEY LIKE IT ohno

>> No.1705016


>I don't agree with all the draconian "omg think of teh children" laws being passed
>rest of paragraph saying exactly the opposite

What is it about CP that brings out so much hypocrisy in people?

>> No.1705021



>> No.1705028

I know of pedos that don't like 2D for many reasons(not the real deal, afraid of legal trouble anyway, it's ugly, shitsux, etc.).

>> No.1705044


>I want to be the loli

This is somehow WAY fucking worse than you being a pedophile. It's even more distorted that you want to be an 8 year old cartoon female getting viciously raped.

Stay away from me.

>> No.1705055

Those moralist organisation always whine about loli yet it never got banned. Japan don't care they know that loli getting fucked by tentacle hurt nobody

>> No.1705108

Did they say they were 12-14 or did they just look it? If they actually said it I'd be surprised, I thought that shit was hidden somewhat.

I don't go to /b/ much any more but when I do I don't see discussion about anything. Not only is the place filled with retards but it moves so fast a real discussion is hard to maintain.

They could they just don't want to. It's really easy to sit in the comfort of your 1st world nation and shout about shit rather than actually working to change it. They could go over there and work with groups that help children. Shit, they could form their own group and liberate the children themselves guerrilla style if they really wanted to. I have heard of small groups of like, private investigators and stuff like that who would track down people who have been kidnapped and what not and rescue them, and these are people who have very little resources to work with.

>>Is it illegal to view/possess Lolicon in England?

What isn't illegal in England. Never seen a country ban so much stuff, god damn.

>>Advocating for the establishment of a legal, safe, regulated market for child pornography.

Oh lawd....

You would need your own country to be able to make your own laws and if you made your own country with laws allowing pedo stuff it would become known to other countries and someone would invade you.

How do you masturbate to transformers?

>> No.1705121


>How do you masturbate to transformers?

I was being facetious, but I'm originally from /m/ so don't think I couldn't if I hadn't been so busy being angry. The effects WERE pretty sweet.

>> No.1705156

>>I'm originally from /m/

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.1705166


I'm not. It was the promised land. Someday I will return to my homeland, but I am not ready yet.

>> No.1705180

>It was the promised land
I hope you recognize it will never again be so.

>> No.1705197

>Did they say they were 12-14 or did they just look it?
They just looked it, but it was REALLY. OBVIOUS. I was actually 16 at the time, and they looked way younger than my classmates- like they belonged in middle school. I'm Asian, too, so it's not like "lolol Asians just look younger"...no they were definitely younger than 15. 14, MAX.

Fucking weird seeing a normal establishment, that doesn't look like a seedy criminal hangout, just casually selling girls who could have been my classmates in middle school. All the people checking them out were 40 or 50 year old businessmen in suits.

>> No.1705205


Let me have my memories and my hope. I don't have to confront reality until I'm ready.

>> No.1705214

>All the people checking them out were 40 or 50 year old businessmen in suits.
Curious: white or also Vietnamese?

>> No.1705241

They looked SE Asian, but they could've been foreigners as well. I don't recall seeing any white people actually.

I think the karaoke bar was geared towards foreigners, because most actual Vietnamese people don't have money. I mean you can buy a gourmet 5-course meal for $10, and have a maid who specifically massages your feet for $100 a month. (My aunt actually has a maid like that.)

I don't know if the situation's gotten better (this was obviously a long time ago) but yeah...I want to say that they were either not Vietnamese people, or unusually (in the 99th percentile) rich Vietnamese people.

They were all kind of overweight, too. You could tell who the rich people are by how fat they are, too.

>> No.1705272

I like how people who get tired from other boards for some reason or another end up here.

>> No.1705304


I hear in cambodia you can rent girls for like a week and they hang around you the entire time as your personal slave pretty much.

I also watched a documentry on a child sex club in east malaysia once. The two girls they followed were sisters and were kidnapped from a remote village in Indonesian Borneo. All through their time in the club they refused to be seperated from each other so they put them in a room together as a 2 for 1 offer, and they often serviced customers together.

Sex tourism is a really disgusting practice.

>> No.1705325


Were they twin sisters? Because if so that is awesome.

I mean, I'm sorry, I know it's terrible for them. But child prostitution or not, the lives of the dirt poor in shitty third world countries will always be utterly miserable... and a 2 for 1 deal on twin sisters is fucking awesome.

>> No.1705354

>Sex tourism is a really disgusting practice.

I said it. Sexual tourism exists because of two factors: degenerate people and poverty. You can attack the degenerate people with christianity and moralism and what have you, it won't make the problem go away.

Why do you think those countries have such a half-assed approach when it comes to facing their own child prostitution problems?

>> No.1705565

>All through their time in the club they refused to be separated from each other

Okay, I actually have tears in my eyes now. I'm such a faggot. ;_;

>> No.1705773

Reported this thread to FBI.

DEATH TO PEDOPHILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1705815

>they put them in a room together as a 2 for 1 offer, and they often serviced customers together.

Would you happen to have the address of this sex club?

>> No.1706565
File: 284 KB, 919x1280, double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 for 1 lolis special offer bump

>> No.1706571

Good work bringing back a dead thread

>> No.1706664

>>All sexualised depictions of children under the age of 16 (or who appear to be under that age) are illegal in Australia

So what If I lived in Australia and have a video like "Asakura 3 sister household" (Its on /rs/) where the girls look extremely young but are over the age of consent.

I'm gonna go to jail? That's fucking stupid.

>> No.1706672


There are lots of fucking stupid reasons to get thrown in jail in Australia anymore.

>> No.1707541
File: 119 KB, 744x500, 1187489385771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that was a pretty good video, and the actors did a convincing job of imitating little girl sisters, would watch again A+++
