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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 100 KB, 357x500, pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1700604 No.1700604 [Reply] [Original]

Just what I've been waiting for for years - a game about dancing with lolis!

>> No.1700612


>> No.1700616

Doing that dirty dance under the covers.

>> No.1700733

>a game about dancing with lolis!
problem is there isn't any lolis in it as shown in the screenshots.

>> No.1701426

torrent fucking where?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.1701520

Isn't that what idol master and rhapsody were about?

>> No.1701796

torrent where?

>> No.1701829


>> No.1701834

somebody give me a good reason to care about this other than it means we're that much closer to kazoku keikaku

>> No.1701835

Wheres the fucking torrent, god damn.

>> No.1701860

It's actually a good eroge.
Think FSN with less cooking, less convulted plot and more fun.

>> No.1701869

Doesn't it only have 1 ending?

>> No.1701879

Give us torrent and we'll discuss it with you, OP.

>> No.1701880

torrent plox

>> No.1701899

Yep from what I've heard.

>> No.1701936

torrent now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1701942

I can give you four reasons:

4. TRAP.

>> No.1701955

torrent please

>> No.1701970

We will have to wait for at least another weak for sum iso and then we would need a hacker to counter the DRM

>> No.1702001

since when do they have drm?

>> No.1702011

they have v-mate before

>> No.1702398


>> No.1702723

Please control yourself before you have an aneurism. It will be out on iso soon. So chill.

>> No.1702738


>> No.1702748

No dumbass, Idolmaster is about making lolis dance and rhapsody was about singing lolis. KEEP THESE THINGS STRAIGHT MAN.

>> No.1702770

Yeah, for real man. I was looking forward to Princess Waltz but goddamn KAZUKEI FUCKING WHAR!?!?!

>> No.1702784

Dancing with Lolis?
sounds like the japanese version of all these stupid dance shows

>> No.1702785

This is what happens when you don't buy, there's no one to make a torrent.

>> No.1702799

I will buy it in Jan / Feb, don' have any money left. Will do the same with P4

>> No.1702813

hah, then you won't get the artbook and shit with P4.

>> No.1702825

Well, P4's artbook has been fully scanned .

>> No.1702829


True, but it's not like preordering costs money. And you get a free 100 page artbook in your hands instead of scans. Granted it's only half as big as the full artbook, but it's free.

>> No.1702875


An artbook? Who cares? You can just look at it on the net. Not that it's interesting enough to even warrant that.

>> No.1702897


Or you could GET A JOB

>> No.1703351

I will get my taxes back smartass. I don't care about artbooks, and when I think about it, didn't have P3 an artbook as well. Oh wow it was in the box all the time and HC edition .... never touched it because of spoilers I was warned about on the net

>> No.1704854

found any torrent yet?

>> No.1704903

Cool, been waiting for this game.

>> No.1705734

where is the torr.....nevermind

>> No.1706203


>> No.1706227

TORRENT WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1706257


Go to hell leechfags.

I sure am enjoying playing my legitimate, legal copy right now.

>> No.1706268


I find that the wait is more tolerable if I count the thousands upon thousands of dollars I've saved.

>> No.1706383

try irc, rizon, probably #hentai-games they must have it. I'm not interested in it though since all games released have been more or less shit.

>> No.1706427

So, what are the buyfags' opinions on this one then? How's the plot, battlan, etc.?

This isn't a ploy to lure you out of hiding so we can all shout at you. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.1706474

torrent it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1706484
File: 3 KB, 126x86, message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll start working on the installer for the torrent.

>> No.1706490

silly anonymous, trying to trick us into thinking you're message when the name field clearly indicates otherwise

>> No.1706506

I'm waiting for Family Project as much as anyone else in this thread, but I'm also waiting for Cosplay Fetish Academy - purely because the name makes it sound good to me.

>> No.1706566

read >>1706383

>> No.1706581

Can someone get a torrent in har?

>> No.1706584

yeah we need torrent now

>> No.1706587


>> No.1706603

torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent! torrent!

>> No.1706606

If 1 month goes by without torrents/cracks then it's pretty much guaranteed kazoku keikaku will be drm'd too. Don't fail me internet.

>> No.1706625

Reading y'all flip out is kinda funny. But really, it's sad. Learn some patience you cheap fucks.

>> No.1706628

Its been like two days, has to be a torrent somewhere broskis.

>> No.1706646

So you guys want a torrent for Princess Waltz? No problems.


>> No.1706648

We're looking for the new translated version.

>> No.1706649


>> No.1706650


Lets see how many gullible people go download it to only notice it is japanese.

>> No.1706653


Yeah, I know. I just wanted to get peoples hopes up.

>> No.1706654


When the torrent comes out I hope it is renamed to look like the japanese version.

>> No.1706659

Not "when", but "if".

>> No.1706667


>> No.1706683

it has one ending?

>> No.1706688

if you guys really want it just learn to fucking irc.

>> No.1706693


I object to IRC on principle. I'm just calmly waiting for it to show up on torrents, as it inevitably will.

>> No.1706810

Not really out yet I think. And don't forget that we will need a hacker for the DRM (Software Defender)

>> No.1706927

I may be able to crack it.

>> No.1706942

Never fear, /jp/. I's on it like stink on shit.

>> No.1706998

So.. guys, hows it going?

>> No.1707582

Not going.

>> No.1707824


What's wrong with IRC? Not trolling, just curious.

>> No.1707832
File: 43 KB, 630x401, packlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It not on IRC yet.

>> No.1707843

Which irc channel is this?

>> No.1707855


>> No.1708082


... you mother fucker.

>> No.1708102

The level of selfishness and self-entitlement in this thread disgusts me.

If you want to play the game, buy it.

>> No.1708293

Need torrent please.

>> No.1708295

hurr durr

>> No.1708382



>> No.1709054

OK, I lol'd.

>> No.1709211

So.. its been like almost a week?

>> No.1709260

Seriously though, where is the torrent?

>> No.1709332


>> No.1709869

no torrent yet?!?!?!

>> No.1710449

stop hiding it!!!

>> No.1711663

Daily dose.

>> No.1711698

If you want it that badly, you can always pay for it.

Warning: no replay value.

>> No.1711699

A few /jp/ Anons bought this. They are obviously so busy fapping that they cannot torrent the game.

>> No.1711709

Someone out there who likes it for the story and not the fapping will decide to torrent it.. so it is written in legend.

>> No.1711715

As far as I know, it has DRM that calls home when you run it.

>> No.1711749

Is this a new strand of DRM?

>> No.1711763



>> No.1711994

see http://otakuism.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?p=81267#p81267
>and if it keeps beginning of piracy from starting by oh, let's say a month (perhaps long enough for the heavy advertising we're spending on to do some good), and if it lowers the amount of piracy by some small amount over the first year until we release the activation-free codes, well, that will have been pretty good in my book.

We have 1 month to crack this shit or they'll DRM Kazoku Keikaku too.

>> No.1712001
File: 19 KB, 480x320, Trauma-Center-Second-Opinion-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's... it's mutating?!

>> No.1712018

Infact, they might even consider it success if one month goes by without a torrent...
I'd hate it if Kazoku Keikaku got DRM too.

>> No.1712049

Incoming 200k to prevent torrentz

>> No.1712062

When Mass Effect was released, the publisher was reportedly pleased that it kept pirates from playing the game on release day (or before).

Was playable on release week, though--and it sucked.

>> No.1712383

The first ones should get the gaem end of this week. So there is no torrent yet, And then the DRM.
And KK will have DRM too, otherwise the whole DRM licensing shit would be useless if only applied on few exception

>> No.1712386

But I don't want to. Even if the crack takes 1 year. Even if the crack is never made. I'm not going to buy it = your DRM isn't working. See the point?

>> No.1712405


You mean Mass Effect the PC game in general sucked.
Original games were being buggy and shit. Bioware failed on that part, focused to much on anti-piracy measures that the normal customers took a hit

>> No.1712413

>And KK will have DRM too, otherwise the whole DRM licensing shit would be useless if only applied on few exception
Well, they said:
>and because we are being asked by the Japanese publisher (Will) to make sure the game is protected against software piracy
And KK is by a different publisher. So if KK also gets DRM, the above justification would be bullshit I guess.
Or they could just make up new bullshit about KK's publisher...

>> No.1712419


>focused to much on anti-piracy measures that the normal customers took a hit

That's the way it always goes. Who does DRM deter? I won't ever buy that shit on principle. Everything gets cracked, even if it takes a bit. I can wait. Even if by some miracle their draconian measures did actually triumph for once, I'll go without before I'll pay for malware.

On the other hand, I'll happily buy from Stardock.

>> No.1712455

do your thing /jp/

>> No.1712522


>> No.1712530


DID YOU FIND IT, /jp/???

>> No.1712560

may you be so kind to indulge me of the whereabouts of the torrent?

>> No.1712566

Who the fuck cares about DRM? The government and privately owned hackers are watching your every move ALL THE DAMN TIME and you know it.

>> No.1712578

I'd also like to point out that "try before you buy" is common sense.

Best example, that "stradegy" game they released before. Pretty Soldier Wars or whatever? My god. That game. IS SO BAD. Charging money for it should be a freaking crime punished by death only.

>> No.1712611

While I'm usually opposed to DRM in general, using it for this sort of games is completely justified because 98% of the players pirate it.

That being said, we care because we can't play it until there's a torrent + crack.

>> No.1712657

The only thing they'll achieve by applying DRM is to provide pirats with a better justification. Not that I'm not a pirate hurr durr.
But with the current fin/eco situation, pirats who liked their pirated version of this gaem should really consider to support PP ,as we all want to see KK being released next year, right?

>> No.1712658

I'll support them WHEN they release KK. If they ever do, anyway.

>> No.1712747

I dont think anyone on /jp/ has this yet.
I have yet to see anyone post an in game screenshot.

>> No.1712759


>> No.1712772

The game is fun, if you like having fun you should buy this game. Yeah, buy it.

Don't like having fun? You should ignore this game and replay Heavens Feel one more time.

>> No.1712910

There's a lot of people with the necessary knowledge to crack or undrm a game. But with no torrent, there's not even the chance to crack it.

>> No.1713595

Are they going to use this "drm"?

If so, that protection is a fucking joke. After playing with it a little, I found that when the user runs the activated program, the unprotected files are extracted in the application data folder.

>> No.1713910
File: 44 KB, 536x285, 1224647326456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1713980

Bumping for torrent

>> No.1715668

Bumping because


wants to bump for a torrent.

>> No.1715701

Bumping because


wants to bump for a torrent.

>> No.1715954

bump for torrent

>> No.1716163


How dare you request a torrent.

>> No.1716180

Sups preachprincess.
Enjoy getting your game pirated sooner or later.

>> No.1716208

It'll be cracked eventually. If you can't wait, I guess you want it enough to pay money for it. (If it has nil replability, as some have mentioned, I wouldn't bother.)

>> No.1716210

Torrenting for a bump.

>> No.1716275


Bump. Now torrent it lol

>> No.1716358

Stop asking for a god damn TORRENT.

>> No.1716373

I lied.

>> No.1716375

br? torent plz

>> No.1716451

no torrent yet?!?!

>> No.1716629

Can you guys just wait a little while? Jesus fucking christ

>> No.1716635

torrent plz

>> No.1716639
File: 40 KB, 251x219, FFFFF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1716637

Why is this same thread that was made two days ago still around?

>> No.1716642

You're new to /jp/, aren't you? You can start complaining when the thread's a week old.

>> No.1716645

Due to the greed of /jp/ users, it still lingers and on some nights when all is quiet.. you can hear their cries.

>> No.1716652


That game is gonna be a pain. I played the jap version, its SUPER long, hours of text and tons of choices with a bit of "reward time" at the end... not worth your patience...

>> No.1716654

Well, it WAS inspired by F/SN...

>> No.1716699

What's the deal with Kazoku Keikaku? Why is /jp/ all over it like rapid flies on dung?

>> No.1716722


Because /jp/ has been shit lately?

>> No.1716725

It's one of the best VNs, according to the elevens and other Anons

>> No.1716805

Clannad is one of the best VNs, according to the elevens and other Anons.
Parfait is one of the best VNs, according to the elevens and other Anons.

Clannad, Parfait and Family Project are all actually good games, just because it does not suit your personal taste does not mean they are bad.

>> No.1716859

I see a lot of "torrent where" and it reminds me of the game My classmate is my sex slave. Did anyone ever torrent/crack it, or was that one of the games that just never appeared?

>> No.1716887

Whoa shit, almost got off track there. Wheres a torrent?

>> No.1716898

bump for torrent

>> No.1716922

Game's been cracked. Because I despise laziness almost as much as I despise paying for games, I leave it to you people to find it for yourselves.

>> No.1716940

Thanks for the update at least. Time to begin my search then.

>> No.1716977

What the fuck is Parfait?

>> No.1717009

Aw, because you were polite, I'll tell you: I was just making it up. Game's not cracked yet.

>> No.1717015

One of the top eroges as far as critical opinion goes, and part of Giga's famous top-tier lineup (along with Chocolat, Kono Aozora and Baldr Force). If you can read moon, read Parfait. If you can read moon you've probably already read Parfait, though.

>> No.1717026

Oh well, waiting a few more days can't hurt. Especially since P4 is coming soon, there's a lot to look forward to this month.

>> No.1717079

I'm waiting........

>> No.1717315

If P4 isn't compatible with PCSX2, I will be a sad panda.

>> No.1717361


Me too. But just like with this torrent, I can wait if I have to.

>> No.1717428

As estimated, the first ones got their copy. Now let's wait until Mon / Tues for the iso

>> No.1717452

TORRENT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1717669


See >>1717428. Patience is a virtue.

>> No.1720129


>> No.1720933

found any torrent yet?

>> No.1720941

I found one.

But it was a fake.

>> No.1721207

crap been waiting for this since it was announced to be released on the us, and now that it's only a matter of time for me to have it it makes me feel REALLY impatient >.>

>> No.1721223

Good morning, hows that torrent coming along guys?

>> No.1721257

Breakin my balls here bro, torrent plz.

>> No.1721289

As a Canadian, which online retailer would you guys reccomend I buy this from?

>> No.1721296


>> No.1721308

Yeah, I can spew memes like a braindead idiot if I want to as well.

But seriously, there's peach princess, j-list, etc. Does it matter at all?

>> No.1721312



>> No.1721313

Also: jesus christ a PW figure costs more than twice the freakin' game costs. I can't believe people actually buy the things.

>> No.1721325

At least our government isn't as corrupt and fucked up as the US's. I laughed and cried at the exact same time when Obama swore to hunt down Osama, no matter what it'd take.

>> No.1721326


>Yeah, I can spew memes like a braindead idiot if I want to as well.

If you consider quoting a meme, it might be harder than you think.

>> No.1721343

He's right, it is somewhat of a meme. Just like people "not knowing" how sage is used.

>> No.1721357

Somewhat? It's /v/'s "LOL BUY XD!!!!111!!!" meme.

>> No.1721517

Is this a meme yet?

>> No.1721643


>> No.1721651

What are you waiting for? Me to sage you for using actions?

>> No.1721700

I'm getting impatient

>> No.1721743

I wouldn't hesitate to buy these games, if they were translated quickly and didn't cost a fucking ton.

$15 for a vn
$25 for something that's actually played

I don't mind that sort of thing, but if it's fan translated I'll be waiting years and if it's done by a third party company it'll cost a ton.

The free market dictates a price that people are willing to pay, for this industry it's pretty varied from person to person based on a number of factors.

etc, etc

>> No.1721802

*searches for torrent*
*search failed*

>> No.1722387

bump for torrent

>> No.1722415

Wow, I've been keeping this up for a few hours.

I wonder if these threads could just use image dumps.

>> No.1722519
File: 198 KB, 800x600, 1228556881696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously your not willing to pay the 6k+ yen that the Japanese do for their games either. So much for all the fan translators that encourage you to officially buy the games they translate.

Don't forget it's a niche market. They don't get the same distribution that DVD's get. So it's a bit harder for them to lower prices to what you want and still profit. The mass piracy certainly doesn't help lower the prices any.

As far as things being quick. It probably is not going to happen if you want a decent level of quality. Look at MangaGamer's crap that they initially put out. And their original release schedule was like a couple games per month. At least now they are slowing down quite drastically to 'try' improve their quality standards.

>> No.1722866


>> No.1722911

>So much for all the fan translators that encourage you to officially buy the games they translate.

With the exception of the ultra-short Wind, I've never actually been interested enough in any fan-translated games to play them through. But I prefer lifesims with game-like aspects to straight click'n'read VNs.

>> No.1722928


>With the exception of the ultra-short Wind, I've never actually been interested enough in any fan-translated games to play them through.


You're a keeper.

>> No.1722956

Good job picking the worst of available translated games.

>> No.1722968

I once bought a handful of Hirameki games from peach princess, because I wanted to support what they were doing. Somehow my spam free email address is now FLOODED with porn emails. I feel silly for thinking, oh well maybe I can trust them with a real email address. Now I will never buy anything from PP again.

>> No.1723060


>> No.1723148


Just.. wait.. you fucking..

>> No.1723179


>> No.1723245

It's just fucking wrong- no torrent for this shit?

>> No.1723305

yeah just wait...........

>> No.1723318

I'd buy a Princess Maker translation from them if they ever did one. Seems like somebody in their forums is asking for one every few weeks since the Dawn of Time Itself.

>> No.1723527


>> No.1723573

torrent where?

>> No.1723634


>> No.1723637

goddamn shut the fuck up it's not like it'll spring up quicker if you spam /jp/

>> No.1723649

So youre saying you have the torrent in your pocket?

>> No.1723659

>Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.

It's the first rule. The first. Where are the fucking mods?

>> No.1723663

And what exactly is breking laws in this thread?

>> No.1723692


>> No.1724985

i want that stupid game naw >.>

>> No.1725357

Buy from any that has the download edition and share it with us.

>> No.1725709

any word on the torrent yet?
