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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1700037 No.1700037 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else here get picked for Megami Tensei Online closed beta?

>> No.1700085


>> No.1700133

Are you supposed to get an email if you got accepted? I didn't get anything and it doesn't say on my profile anywhere if I did or not. I probably didn't get accepted anyway since I forgot to do that profile cleaning up bullshit.

>> No.1700153

Yup. Downloading now.

>> No.1700147

yea i made my friend sign up with me and got nothin

>> No.1700156

I'm playing the Japanese one.

>> No.1700163
File: 161 KB, 1680x1017, 1228191771835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700182

>>>/v/23577720 is saying people without beta keys are able to play the closed beta

>> No.1700189



Oh well, I should be concentrating on schoolwork anyway.

>> No.1700212
File: 167 KB, 640x480, 1228192122748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone post the biggest sword you can obtain.

>> No.1700213


I see. Downloading in the hope that they didn't fix this yet.

>> No.1700249
File: 46 KB, 372x248, 1228192480921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the email.
Guess I'll join you guys in a couple.

>> No.1700251

I can download it without even having an account. Fantastic!

>> No.1700252


>> No.1700258

You have to be selected by Spencer the faggot.
If you /v/tards didn't post ''LUL REAL LIFE SPIDER'' and shit like that, my other Thread would be alive, and you would understand everything I sacrificed just to understand what's going on.

>> No.1700375

How do you rename your demons? Or can you not?

>> No.1700681

I didn't get an email or anything but it'll let me play.

>> No.1700697

Koof expresses thank.

>> No.1700741

Downloading, but I'm sure that I'll regret this.

>> No.1700753

yeah, this is pretty shitty. ever play DOMO? pretty much the same bullshit.

>> No.1700764

Well, it is the same people.

If you ask me, DOMO and SMT:I, while nothing innovative, are a cut above the usual shit we get from MMOs.

>> No.1700792

The installer just asked me if I was 18 or older.
Now why would that be, I wonder?

>> No.1700805

I'll probably end up playing this next month when I get an ISP that doesn't enforce a 5gb/month rule.

>> No.1700806

That's still like saying this shit smells better than the other piles of shit.

>> No.1700812

Penis chariot demon.

>> No.1700819

So is this fighting, or?

>> No.1700825


Welcome to MMOs.

>> No.1700833

I bet you're with Telstra or something even worse.

>> No.1700837


If you're ever given the choice never use iPrimus for anything, horrible company.

>> No.1700843

Which ISP are you thinking of going with? If it sounds good I might make a switch with you.

>> No.1700849


>> No.1700855

iinet seems pretty solid from what I have heard. I like first-hand experience from friends about service, etc. and a few friends of mine use them.

>> No.1700867

I did.

>> No.1700875

So how long until BR?

>> No.1700894

Of course it sucks. It has Primus in it.

>> No.1700895

I had thought about iiNet too, but it didn't offer enough usage so I went with TPG. Good for the price, and the only thing I have to complain about is that all the high usage plans don't have a dynamic IP option.

Whatever you go with I hope it goes well.

>> No.1700901


>> No.1701558

How do you capture demons?

>> No.1701645

That is what I am wondering about as well. No matter what I do, Leader Pixies dun wanna join me.

>> No.1701660

Try using Talk on the Leader pixie three times. If it denies you on the third, kill it and move on.

>> No.1701693

u lv? jajaja

>> No.1703285
File: 275 KB, 1008x329, 1228247732962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got selected.

Give me your IDs again.

>> No.1703365



>> No.1703603
File: 243 KB, 1680x1050, 1228251342844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't received any email saying that I got accepted but I can login and play.

>> No.1704160

Duh, I got accepted but the mail was in the spam folder.
