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16993310 No.16993310 [Reply] [Original]

How can other Touhou soundtracks even compete?

>> No.16993328


>> No.16993470

What? MoF had boring as fuck music.

>> No.16993482
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Go suck a dick faggot

>> No.16993568

the just can't, anon.

>> No.16993611


>> No.16993621

i think we can all agree on this:

1. MoF
2. IN
3. SA
4. PCB
5. LoLK
6. EoSD
7. TD
8. UFO
9. DDC

>> No.16993765

As far as the soundtracks as a whole go, they can't. But individual tracks in the other games sure can, like PCB's stage 4.

>> No.16993769

Switch IN with MOF and we're good.

>> No.16993785

Dude your list is upside-down

>> No.16993806

I always felt Subterranean Animism's was the best despite a weak first stage, but it's mostly down to personal preference. SA has a darker, more mysterious sound reflective of its descent undergound which I prefer to MoF's theme of the wonder of nature, but both are extremely good.

>> No.16993824

>weak first stage
Them be fighting words my dude.

>> No.16993868

It's not bad but compared to Deep Mountain or Romantic Fall it doesn't do a great job of setting the tone for the rest of the game. Stage 2 feels like the real beginning to me.

>> No.16993874

Move IN down two places and UFO up one and that's my list.

>> No.16993933

Wrong negro

>> No.16993939

This, HRtP is underrated, some really good melodies there.

>> No.16993972

Four Seasons doesn't have a single good track on it so far. Less offensive than DDC's outright awful tracks, but still boring as hell and a poor followup to LoLK.

>> No.16994014

The title theme and stage 2 are the best ones so far, but you're right that nothing really stands out yet for better or worse. Curiously the stage 1 theme is really fast-paced again for some reason (not that there's anything wrong with that).

>> No.16994020

Aunns theme is good tho

>> No.16994032

Why do you need to star flamewars? Can't you just post your opinion without having to taunt the other's? Are you so insecure of yourself you can't have a normal discussion? We're not on /v/

>> No.16994036

Play stage 1 paying attention to how enemies in lunatic appear following the music, it's very nice. Kinda like stage 5 in UFO

>> No.16994080

I'm thoroughly convinced that hating DDC is some sort of meme.


>> No.16994134

Nobody cares about PC-98.

>> No.16994142

I care!
hrtp is underrated btw kongarra's theme is gorgeous

>> No.16994156


>> No.16994207

>people don't like stage 1 of Four Seasons

None of you are alright so please come to /jp/ tomorrow.

>> No.16994213

Fuck you. TD music is lit. It has its own special atmosphere that goes well with game itself and has that awesome trance beat

>> No.16994215

stage 2 is better

>> No.16994225


>> No.16994228

I started to adore it when I noticed that difficult to hear 8bit synth
Though I have to agree with this gentleman right here >>16994215

>> No.16994242

Is "Gensokyo That Gods Loved" really the anthem of Gensokyo or is it just a meme?

>> No.16994259

>just a meme?
Real anthem of Gensokyo is Kid's festival

>> No.16994267

I like it. Reminds me of UFO stage 1. 1>1b>3b>3>2>2b

I still like it but it sounds nothing like Touhou music to me or what I really like about ZUN's style. I know he was experimenting though.

>> No.16994806

>Four Seasons doesn't have a single good track on it so far.
Literally incorrect.

Title theme, stage 1 theme, stage 1 boss, stage 2 boss. The same amount as the LoLK demo.

>> No.16994988

It helps that Hartmann's Youkai Girl is ZUN's mangum opera.

>> No.16995375

Was this thread moved from /v/?

>> No.16995607

I always get shat on when I say I consider TD to have the best soundtrack. Its uniqueness and atmosphere is what sets it apart to me, much like the earlier PC-98 soundtracks. People always point to the intense boss songs of EoSD and PCB when they say Touhou has good music, and while I like those too, I find ZUN's laxed and experimental compositions to be more enticing and demonstrative of Gensokyo's motifs of dreams and fantasy.

>> No.16999682

DDC demo had 3 good tracks
LoLK demo had 4 good tracks
HSIFS demo has 5 good tracks

>> No.17001072

Bring back this quality.
Actually, bring back Seihou era godlike quality.
Make Touhou music great again.

serious question: what really happened with TD and the later works? I mean, ZUN, how does he makes these osts? different hardware or some shit like that?

>> No.17001174

That's not UFO.

>> No.17001361

I liked the melodies in MoF but the instrumentation just felt off. The piano melody in Faith is For The Transient People is good, but the melody is marred by the rock in the background.

>> No.17001414

Bad bait

>> No.17001444

Am I like the only person who loved the TD soundtrack?
When you unify the regular and trance mode versions of the songs they sound better.

>> No.17001563

PCB is better

>> No.17001575

As a whole I agree that TD is kind of meh but it had my favorite first stage theme and True Administrator is my favorite overall theme in the entire series

>> No.17001629

it must have been. way too much shitty stock phrases used like this >>16993621 Not to mention soundtrack arguments are just filled with dumb posts.

personally i think MOF is mid tier. it's ok but not the best. I prefer IN SA PCB HRTP and EoSD

>> No.17001631


They're all good though, even EOSD has a couple tracks I really like.

>> No.17002558

My list is relative similar, at least of the games you included. Personally, I don't get why people say EoSD has such stellar music outside of the title screen, Chinese Tea, and Septette (Stage 5 is also amazing but nobody ever talks about it). I thought everything else was either generic, okay but paled in comparison to his earlier works, or even flat out bad at times.

Nah, I loved it too. Dual mixing the songs really bring out how beautiful it is, but I still love the songs on their own. I've seen people in other threads say they love the soundtrack too, but I've yet to see people that enjoy the gameplay.

I've seen quite a few soundtrack threads in which people actually explain why they like the songs they do instead of shitflinging, and those are pretty nice. Threads like these that have OPs with a loaded premise tend to get more replies though

>> No.17007732

Aside from Byakuren's boss theme, was there anything really noteworthy about UFO?

>> No.17007867

Everything, but most notably stage 5 theme.

>> No.17008009


>> No.17008049
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- Welcome to the Youkai Temple
- Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery
- Rigid Paradise
- Desire Drive
- Futatsuiwa from Sado

All these tracks are excellent. Futo's theme is reminiscent of Titanic Played Badly on a Flute and True Administrator is dreary midi guitar garbage not fitting of a final boss but otherwise TD has some of the best tracks in the series.

>> No.17008055

Provincial Makai City Esoteria


>> No.17008225

Nazrin's, Nue's, Minamitsu's stage, Credits rolls >>>>>> Byakuren, godlike final stage. There is first stage and Shou's theme too.
UFO tracks entertained me so much. It's really something

>> No.17008227

HRtP is underrated as fuck desu

>> No.17008233

Fuck you, PoDD a best

>> No.17008316


>> No.17009581
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Why are all the new TH16 demo OST so shit?

>> No.17010347

Why do you have such bad taste?

>> No.17011005

Zun ran out of music ideas after TD

>> No.17011184

The stage music are quite great, the bosses aren't anything extraordinary but still in the usual Touhou quality. No idea why everyone is so mad about the new demo.

>> No.17011251

>No idea why everyone is so mad about the new demo.
It's the same old "latest anything SUCKS" that happens every time a new 2hu game is released.

>> No.17011289

Title: DDC
Stage 1: UFO/HSiFS
Boss 1: LoLK
Stage 2: PCB
Boss 2: SA
Stage 3: DDC
Boss 3: MoF
Stage 4: UFO
Boss 4: IN (Reimu)
Stage 5: LoLK
Boss 5: TD
Stage 6: PCB
Boss 6: IN (Eirin)
Stage Ex: SA
Boss Ex: MoF
Ending: LoLK
Staff Roll: EoSD

Didn't count PC98 for this, but Swordsman from a Distant Star is hidden god tier

>> No.17011345

IN and PCB will always be my top 2, even though there are some amazing themes from other games like Nuclear Fusion that I really like.

>> No.17011498

There isn't a single track in the series that I don't like except for DDC stage 1 and boss 1, and those would probably be good with better instrumentation and volume control.

>> No.17011523

Is the "pretending IN isn't at least top 3" some meme I have missed? There is no way there are this many tone-deaf people on /jp/.

>> No.17011531

I listed top 3s because I had a hard time deciding for a lot of these.
Title: MS, HSiFS, EoSD
B3: MS, MoF, TD
S4: LLS, TD, MoF
B4: TD, SA, LLS Marisa
B6: DDC, MS, IN Eirin
Ex: MS, SA, LoLK
Ex Boss: IN, PCB, TD

I feel the same way but also for EoSD's. The MIDI versions (when played through the proper synth) do a decent job at illustrating your point, though.

>> No.17011573

>"lol i like each one of the 500+ songs of the franchise xd look at me"

>> No.17011587

It's pretty hard to make music sound unenjoyable if you're not intentionally doing it, you know.

>> No.17011606

Title: EoSD
S1: SA or IN
B1: TD
S2: LoLK
B2: HSiFS or DDC
S3: IN
S4: TD
B4: TD
S5: LoLK
B5: UFO, DDC or MoF
S6: TD or PCB
S7: SA
B7: LoLK

>> No.17011609

Title: IN
Stage 1: SoEW
Boss 1: SA
Stage 2: TD
Boss 2: EoSD
Stage 3: MS
Boss 3: PCB
Stage 4: LLS/MoF
Boss 4: PCB
Stage 5: DDC
Boss 5: TD
Stage 6: PCB/LoLK
Boss 6: MS/UFO/DDC
Stage Ex: MS
Boss Ex: MS/SA
Stage Ph: PCB
Boss Ph: PCB
Ending: SSG
Staff Roll: SoEW/EoSD

>> No.17011737

>Stage Ph: PCB
>Boss Ph: PCB
You havin a giggle?

>> No.17011766
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>> No.17011768


>> No.17013223

First is favorite, second is runner-up.
Won't list PC98 because I haven't listened to some of its tracks (LLS in particular), but HRtP, SoEW and PoDD are all great.
Title: IN/SA
Stage 1: SA/EoSD
Boss 1: LoLK/DDC
Stage 2: SA/PCB
Boss 2: SA/LoLK
Stage 3: EoSD/SA
Boss 3: EoSD/LoLK
Stage 4: TD/EoSD
Boss 4: SA/TD
Stage 5: EoSD/LoLK
Boss 5: EoSD/DDC
Stage 6: UFO/MoF (LoLK would be here, but it loses points for not being an original track)
Boss 6: MoF or UFO (can't decide)
Ending: PoFV/MoF
Staff Roll: EoSD/PCB
EX Stage: SA/PCB Phantasm (if it doesn't count, LoLK then)
EX Boss: SA/IN
