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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1698867 No.1698867 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all the random weeaboo rpg threads that have been popping up on /jp/ lately? Like the Riviera and Yggra Union thread.

>> No.1698875


>> No.1698876
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Well Vanila soft does have one of the best 2d sprites on the market.

>> No.1698886

RPGs are basically VNs with 1 path and lots of grindan

>> No.1698889
File: 35.00 MB, 1378x1070, 1228177437835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone plays that shit but people who would be on /jp/

>> No.1698893

Stop trolling and get on with playing them.

I've put it off for a while. Schoolwork and all.

>> No.1698905

Persona 4 in 8 days fuck year

>> No.1698903

They don't belong here, period.

If it's a mainstream game, it goes in /v/.

>> No.1698906

It's because some characters are sugoi sugoi enough to post in /jp/ without actually being completely /jp/ related; re: Gwendolyn, girl from Valkyrie Chronicles, etc.

>> No.1698912


>> No.1698914



>> No.1698921

You mean Vanillaware?

>> No.1698922

No, only 14 year old anime fans play those games.

None of us here even have the ability to play those games.

>> No.1698925

I'm sure they will be gladly recieved.

>> No.1698933



>> No.1698939

You want your games back, /v/? Come here and GET 'EM BACK FROM US THEN!

>> No.1698972

Well, I used to make weeaboo RPG threads in /v/ back in the day, but I don't really like /v/ anymore.

So now I make threads like the Riviera one here.

>> No.1698974

/v/ doesn't have taste, so only FPS games and similar garbage goes on /v/. They only care about sales charts and straw man paint comics and what game gets what score anyway.

>> No.1698985

We don't want them.

/jp/ is dojin agmes and VNs only.

>> No.1698987

I'm a proud 14 year old honor student(A++ grades all around). I don't understand why you peeps can't admit to liking good Japanese games? I hope when I get older I won't become as dumb as you guys. Laters.
