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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16980077 No.16980077 [Reply] [Original]

So the HFiFS demo is out, which is great, but where's 15.5?

>> No.16980392

Buried with Marisa

>> No.16980609

Is it possible that 16 will come out before 15.5?

>> No.16980749

Tasofro only had 500 copies of the demo to distribute, ZUN had a few thousand. So it's less likely one of them fell into the hands of someone interested in uploading it quickly.

>> No.16981088


>> No.16981101


>> No.16981172

Yes. Apparently Tasofro isn't anywhere near done, so they might not make it for Comiket.

>> No.16981187

Thank you based anons.

>> No.16981209

Is the 15.5 trial even going to showcase any of the new characters? I really don't care much for 13.5/14.5 but it will be nice to know who tasofro is going to butcher next with their memes.

>> No.16981304

If you haven't played PS4 version of ULiL then Reisen is sort of new character. Otherwise, it's nothing new. Reimu, Marisa, Mokou, Reisen for characters, village at dusk and bamboo forest at night for stages, two tracks for music.
Anyone knows if I can force bot guarding off in practice?

>> No.16982827

>but it will be nice to know who tasofro is going to butcher next with their memes.
Nice meme.

>> No.16984103

I hope it won't have trash doujin artist music this time.

>> No.16984150

I guess the full version is coming out at comiket

>> No.16984244

Does anyone know how to change player 2's controls? If I just press Z on them nothing else I press does anything

>> No.16984648

Has the demo been datamined? I know Tasofro fucked up the last few times and we were able to figure out some of the roster that way.

>> No.16984741

Yes and there's no info.

>> No.16984776

Good on them. They actually learned their lesson this time around.

>> No.16984829

Really hoping the lessons learned also extend to the netcode.

>> No.16984851

When are they going to realize that this midair combat gameplay is never going to be good so they can return to the traditional fg style?

>> No.16985062 [DELETED] 

When are you going to realize nobody gives a shit about your opinions besides you fellow Chileans?

>> No.16985163

They want to milk their engine as long as possible. IaMP's engine got three games, now the HM engine has three games, hopefully we'll get a new one next time and it will be better.

>> No.16985451

Speaking of, I can't get th155.exe or th155_log.exe to even run, anyone else have this issue?

>> No.16985458

Many people have, all for different reasons. No solution yet.

>> No.16985466

Maybe there'll be a patch then, iirc there were issues with the last few tasofro games at first

>> No.16985615

I can't believe it's for financial reasons or something like that, HM didn't even have a tenth of the players Soku had in Japan, and ULiL didn't even have half of what HM had, even though the game was much better (Although that's not saying much). I doubt more than a handful of people will even give this game a chance.

>> No.16985624

Tasofro let HM get released in its current state. I'm sure they want to reuse this engine so much out of laziness, because they seem pretty lazy.

>> No.16986100

I guess sales numbers don't matter when the budget is so low in the first place.

>> No.16986136 [DELETED] 

How the fuck do I activate supers?

>> No.16986194

Is Fraps enabled? I had this problem, but silly me forgot to turn off my recording software.
