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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1695242 No.1695242 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for all of the COOL KIDS who don't have to go to education, employment, or training tomorrow!


>> No.1695252

Why ;_;? Living the NEET dream is the best thing humanity has to offer.

>> No.1695254

It's 6:20 am and i haven't slept yet. Unemployed, yo.

>> No.1695256

I'll show you. I'll go to the Job Center again next week! And still be unemployed anyway.

>> No.1695269

This is true.

Fuck those losers who have to go to school or work, you get to stay home and do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.1695263

Women can't be unemployed.

>> No.1695279

Because they are all whores and that's a career? Cue two drums and a symbol falling down a cliff.

>> No.1695289

This is a pathetic thread and you should feel pathetic.

I miss my days as a NEET ; ;

>> No.1695284

I got my first job about a month ago at 19. I miss being NEET. Before when I thought about the future, I was always hopeful because it felt like I could do anything if I ever wanted to. I was always extremely happy an upbeat. Now I just get depressed thinking about the future because it feels like I'm being held down by this part time job, and I'm always tired and grumpy.

>> No.1695295

You made this thread three sours too early.

The kids are still up.

>> No.1695299

I mean, it's not like I'm being forced to work there or anything, right? If I quit, I'd be right back where I started, even a little better because I got some money from it.

>> No.1695305

I can't do anything with my life.

>> No.1695326

I have exams tomorrow, so I guess I don't count. But by christmas time, I won't have to go to any kind of education, employment or training before taking the rest of the exams spring next year.

>> No.1695327

I wish I could be a NEET like you guys.
But wouldn't it get really old really fast?

>> No.1695329


Have you gotten so tired of your own shtick that you've degenerated into self-parody? Because I think we would all agree that a change of pace would be nice.

And I'm with the wife killer, this is living the dream. No tears from me.

>> No.1695348

You learn to enjoy taking it easy after a few weeks.

>> No.1695354

Why would we be sad? NEET is the dream of all mankind

>> No.1695356

It's kinda like drugs, the novelty wears off pretty fast (within 1-3 months, I guess), but by then you're so deep in it that you'll likely stay that way for a long time. Even if you do somehow find a job or something, once a NEET, always a NEET.

>> No.1695361

So, what's your secret? Rich parents? Inheritance? Work-from-home fraud?

Teach me how to earn money by doing nothing.

>> No.1695362

Why the fuck do you people think we choose/like to be NEETs; we hate this lifestyle.

Although, I can't do anything if I needed to...

>> No.1695363


>> No.1695370

I'd be a NEET by choice; unfortunately, I like money. If there were a way to make money from my apartment, I wouldn't leave my apartment.

>> No.1695392


>> No.1695400

FFFFFFFFFFFFF I forgot about it.

>> No.1695399

My parents are lower-middle class and can easily pay for my living expenses. I have to live with, them, obviously, but it's worth the loss of freedom.

>> No.1695408


>But wouldn't it get really old really fast?

I will never understand why people keep saying things like this.

Does fun ever get old? Can it? I don't think so. Perhaps it varies from person to person. But being a NEET means your time is your own. If you don't enjoy doing something, you don't do it. You are responsible only to yourself. Every waking moment can be freely spent in the pursuit of happiness. It's like a dream that you never have to wake up from, so long as it can be supported.

I can honestly say my biggest problem is that I have too much fun. Even as a NEET, time is finite. There's so many games, books, anime, whatever that I don't get around to because I'm spending so much time on something else I enjoy.

But hey, if you LIKE working, then go for it. The whole point of living like this is doing whatever makes you happy. I'd be delighted if someone would pay me for being me. But no, it definitely doesn't "get old."

>> No.1695410

NEET Thread - Starcraft raaaeg xD.

>> No.1695413

I don't hate my lifestyle, I keep myself entertained juggling video games and watching TV.

>> No.1695426

Fuck you.

I've been a NEET/"hikikomori" for quite a while and I can't even force myself to do anything other than refresh 4chan.

>> No.1695433

Your brain degenerated. Somebody call a mortician.

>> No.1695435

I miss my hikki days, in a weird sort of way (if 13 months is long enough to "qualify", anyway).
But yes, I dream of being a NEET. Fuck university, fuck working, fuck everything, I just want to do nothing.

>> No.1695437

Hello NEETs,
Today I leave you without me. Today's my first day at work.

Goodbye, NEETs.

>> No.1695446

Absolutely agree, I have about 15 galge downloaded I need to play, about 8 complete anime series to watch, Shuffle! to translate, iRO Valkyrie to finish my pure forge blacksmith on, about 4 Trickster quests to finish, Ai Sp@ce to play, and I'm working on getting my Laharl, Etna, and Flonne to lvl 9999. I have no time for anything but being NEET

>> No.1695455

It's normal for people to grow desensitized to stuff if they get too much of it. Just try eating your favorite food every day for a month and see if it's still a great experience by the end of the month. It's the same way with freedom, the feeling of being completely free is really good, but you forget to appreciate it pretty fast if you experience it often. Though I can't quit argue that you should torture yourself with lack of freedom so that you can enjoy freedom later. Just keep in mind that humans are dynamic beings, not static, so when the novelty of complete freedom wears off, be sure to have enough sources of happiness for that to not wear off.

Also, another concern is that humans usually have a need to achieve something, but achieving something can mean many things, so it doesn't need to go against having a NEET lifestyle.

>> No.1695454

I don't have any desire to be a NEET, but I wish that I could go back to my simple summer lifestyle instead of doing college shit. Working a mindless job as a gas station clerk and spending all of my free time watching anime and playing vn is so much better than having all of my time out of school taken up by studying, papers, reading, and other general worries. It's times like this when I wonder why I'm even going to school when I could be perfectly happy working a dead end job just to get by.

>> No.1695461

i'd gladly be a NEET if i could make money and not starve

>> No.1695462

I miss being unemployed, but it's not so bad I guess. I sit in front of a computer selling laptops to americunts, play mah DS when there's nothing going on. If only they'd allow me to do this within the confines of my own room.

I mostly miss being able to fap and sleep anytime I want.

>> No.1695470


F5ing is addictive. Force yourself off cold turkey and watch what happens. I've taken multiple month+ breaks from /jp/, I get a lot more shit done.

Or you're just fucked up like the real Japanese hikikomori and you have a lot of misery and staring off into space in your future, in which case I pity you but don't know what I can do to help.


There but for the grace of god go I. Godspeed, Anonymous.

>> No.1695478

I just wonder what all you morons are going to do when your parents kick you out. If I were them, I'd have done it the moment I saw you weren't going to college, working or joining the military by age 18.

They babysat your fatasses for 18 years and this is how you reward them. Pathetic and selfish. I don't see how anyone can enjoy living life as if they were an eight-year-old with no purpose, no SO, no earnings, no identity. You're just another nameless loser who has no potential and will probably commit suicide before age 25 or become homeless in a few years and suck cock to use the Internet at the local cafe.

Enjoy going nowhere and being unloved when your parents cut you off. As your chubby hands brush aside the myriad fast food wrappers and anime toys cluttering your desk to type a response, you will shed tears knowing that your response is fruitless, as everything I've said just struck the biggest nerve you have.

It's funny how I have largely the same hobbies as people like you, but I can somehow still find time to work and go to college. You just have no self-discipline and can't control your addictive behavior.

I spit on you NEETs. To the rest of you: I'm glad you actually count for something in the real world, the world which these people are not living in.

>> No.1695480

I hate being a NEET. I feel like I'm wasting my life, and I no longer enjoy doing the things I used to enjoy so I just sit here F5ing so I can talk about the things I enjoy.

>> No.1695481

Do NEETs have NEET pride?

>> No.1695491
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>> No.1695492

They have a strong sense of "tribal unity" in my experience.

It's never too late to get employed ;_;

>> No.1695495


Then just go get a job. Tell your parents you want to go to school and ask for any help they can give you. Hope you qualify for financial aid. It isn't hard at all, you just need to want to do it.

Of course, we're all likely from free, first world countries. We have the choice to be NEETs if we want, but the reality is it will get you nowhere and we both know the NEETs need to shape the fuck up by age 22 or they are going to be fucked pretty badly in real adulthood.


They do. It's the only shield they have against the truth.

>> No.1695501

I'm working on it, but I get the feeling once I'm out there I'll miss the NEET lifestyle.

>> No.1695502


My list is far longer than that. So many books, so many VNs, so many series, so many games... It's overwhelming when I think about it. Thank god I want nothing to do with MMO timesinks... too bad I'm still a slave to FATLUS.


>It's normal for people to grow desensitized to stuff if they get too much of it. Just try eating your favorite food every day for a month and see if it's still a great experience by the end of the month.

But, I pretty much only eat my favorite food. For the last, I dunno, 4 or so years? I've eaten basically nothing but pizza everyday. It works for me. I have a very narrow range of things I can eat, so thank god I don't get tired of them.

Similarly, I don't get tired of freedom. I have periods where I feel like I want to do one specific thing but I can't figure out what that thing is, but it usually passes when I suddenly get an urge that I can place and then follow that. I think I can safely say after 6 or so years that I'm not going to get tired of this. Some people may need structure, but I am not one of them.

>> No.1695504

You're mean.

>> No.1695506

Hahahaha I got un-NEET'd by 24 so yeah!

>> No.1695510

I would love nothing more than to be a NEET forever. Getting a job is basically committing suicide in my mind. You don't have time to do the things you want to do. It is almost like being dead.

>> No.1695511

For the first few months of /jp/, there were a few nightly threads with some NEETs that had mild NEET pride and some decent reasons behind it. A little bit about self-improvement and not being a "do nothing" NEET but one that just doesn't see a place for normal employment in their lives.

A lot of the NEETs in that thread were intelligent and we had discussions such as "what are you currently reading?" Completely non-/jp/-related but the kind of social discussions that are often the most intriguing.

It actually inspired me to try being NEET, which lasted not even a month this past summer, wherein I became so utterly disgusted with myself... and I'm not sure how to finish that sentence. I was sinking into my own depravity in less than a month and I feared I had lost the willpower to come out of it. It wasn't until I saw that Okkusenman flash animation with the kid that I resolved to fix my shit and snap out of whatever made me want to try that crap.

>> No.1695516

Almost two years of being a NEET. The freedom is great and all, but when I start thinking about the future, it's depressing.

Waiting for a call this week to start this seasonal job at UPS. Gotta make some money to pay off my student loans. Oh, and before anyone asks, I have a degree in IT but I hate it.

>> No.1695519

i know being NEET is bad, and i was starting to feel bad as a NEET, but now that i'm working some shitty job all i can think of is how great being NEET was.

>> No.1695523

Durr, I think I'll go to school just so I can say I'm doing something and end up thousands in debt.

>> No.1695530

>To the rest of you: I'm glad you actually count for something in the real world
I'm not even a NEET but I don't hold any delusions about contributing to the world or the greater good of humanity or any of that other bullshit. I only work to buy food and pay the bills. Working is not some noble activity and you are not helping progress the human race by working.

>> No.1695537


I wouldn't call it "pride", at least not in my case. But there is a sense of fellowship, that knowing nod you give in passing to another who sees the world for what it is and rejects it. I try to avoid hubris, but it's hard not to have a wry smile on your face when you read the envy-driven screeds from those who are unwilling or unable to live the life. If they didn't want it for themselves they wouldn't have such vitriol for us. After all, you don't see me ranting about "wage-slaves" and other such nonsense. To each his own.

>> No.1695538

Depending on the job or scoolwork it can actually be enjoyable. Granted selling people craptops isn't exactly the best job in the world and having school too only allows for 6 hours of sleep makes for a very hectic lifestyle.

It's fulfilling, being a sempai during the day and working the shaft by night.

>> No.1695552

So /jp/, what have you been reading recently?
For me, it'll be Locke's civil society treaty and a book about financial crises from the 1600s to today.

>> No.1695560

Lyonese by Jack Vance, and then another Pratchett novel when I have the time.

>> No.1695570

You will miss it.

>> No.1695566


I might be the self-improvement guy you're thinking of. I'm definitely one of them.

I haven't given up on it, by the way. Just... procrastinating. Playing Nobunaga's Ambition at the moment, and trying to figure out what order I want to read things in. I think I might go Adler's way but I'm not sure I can slog through the Bible. Maybe I'll pick and choose a bit. Also have to psych myself up to really dive into learning Japanese, and decide whether I want to learn Latin before or after.

But for now, hedonism. Culture can wait.

>> No.1695579

The United States called, reading is for faggots.

>> No.1695582

Being a NEET sounds fun for a little while, but it seems like it would crush my soul after a month or two. You can never escape the real world, no matter how hard you try.

This is why I'll probably kill myself over the next few months. Maybe, it's not like that's an escape either.

>> No.1695585

I've never really been one to read actual books. The last thing I read was some Detective Conan. I wanted to go to the bookstore (one of my favorite stores) and actually buy something, so I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up volumes one and two. I finished them within a few hours and felt completely ripped off. Downloaded the torrent and just can't get back into it. Sure, it's the same shit, but it was so nice being able to read in the warm sunlight of the frontroom.

>> No.1695587

>working the shaft by night.

You're a fluffer, I take it?

>> No.1695588


You gonna miss it definitely. After I my graduation, I was a NEET for 4months. Those were the good day.

>> No.1695600

Good thing that I'm french then, I'll fit the stereotype better.

>> No.1695602

Me not that kind of ork.

>> No.1695603


>You can never escape the real world, no matter how hard you try.

Depends on how you define escape. It's not like I can get into Gensokyo or anything, but the only time I'm confronted by reality is when I choose to think about the dreaded "what ifs" of the future.

>> No.1695604

I miss my NEET lifestyle, but going back to college seems worthwhile. I'm willing to trade having a free schedule, but living at home, for having a job and living on my own. And having a college degree will hopefully allow me to get a better job and make this possible.

>> No.1695606

The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
On War by Carl von Clausewitz

They're both pretty good, but it's somewhat depressing since it makes me want to go to school and be an international relations major.

>> No.1695626
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Actually, being a salesman by night fuels my incentive to finish my course. Probably going to be a life coach when I graduate, handling one of you NEETs. Turning you into productive members of society...

Or maybe not.

>> No.1695625

On the topic of NEET, and with it being December, do you guys ever get anyone in your family anything for Christmas?

>> No.1695627

I would get a job. I would have gone to college were it not for the fact I cannot endure being around people.

>> No.1695629

What >>1695530 said. You can work and still be an utterly worthless sack of flesh whose existence has no significance to their local community, much less "society."

I know white trash families who work 80 hour weeks at various, low skill jobs all so they can get drunk and create more demon spawn when they have free time. How is a shit existence like that any different from a NEET's, who may at least has the sensibility not to procreate and overpopulate this shitty world with more useless people?

>> No.1695630

You NEETs are good people. As are women.

>> No.1695643

Some NEETs are pretty respectable in some lights.

>> No.1695650

I'm not a NEET so most of my reading is mandatory college stuff, but it can still be good. Right now I'm reading Absurdistan by Gary Shteyngart. It's pretty good for contemporary literature but it can't compare to older Russian satire.

>> No.1695669


My family is pretty much all dead. All that's left is my mom and one uncle. And my uncle has a couple of kids now that I've never met. So no. I'm a horrible son and I have little to no conscience, I don't get my mom anything. Even if I did it would be her money, right?

I think my mom still puts my name on gifts she gives to my uncle and his kids and such, though. Does that count?

>> No.1695671

It is the sign of an affluent culture that a portion of that culture is free to do nothing, such has happened since the beginning of time. I'm sure there's people who bitched and complained that samurai did nothing, as they did for 300 years, or that landed gentry of the 15th to 19th centuries have done, or that the sons of oil billionaires do now.

My parents aren't exactly wealthy but they still set up a trust fund for their kids. I use some of that to buy food, I'm spending my inheritance as people have done for millennia and will for centuries to come. Still, I'm looking for work and will start school soon, so I guess it's all catching up to me now but that's got more to do with my roommate than anything.

>> No.1695672

Don't diss the working class. They're more of a contribution to society than any of you white collared layabouts.

>> No.1695696

>Even if I did it would be her money, right?

Yeah that's what I was thinking.

>> No.1695697


>Still, I'm looking for work and will start school soon

Noooo! Don't go over to the dark side! There's so much fun to be had in this world, there's no time to be wasted on such trivial pursuits!

I suppose I'll have to cut back on sleep so I can pick up the slack from my fallen brethren.

>> No.1695702

I usually just say that Christmas is silly I would rather not celebrate it.

>> No.1695709
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checking in!

>> No.1695712

Around here, if you're not in education, employment, or training - you go to the army.

>> No.1695714

Fuck you bastards I have finals from the week before last till this sunday. I want to play my Wanko, Valkyria Chronicles and Chrono Trigger DS ;_;

>> No.1695727

Getting rid of undesirables by having them killed in war?

>> No.1695724


I'm playing them for you, bro. Take it easy.

>> No.1695750

Sadly, I must continue my job hunt so I can afford a new computer.

Goddamn Newegg.ca and their no financing.

>> No.1695754

I love being a NEET.

>> No.1695785

Fuck all of you who want to be a NEET.

>> No.1695794

Nobody wants to be a NEET. It's just all the other alternatives are worse or impossible to accomplish.

>> No.1695799

I'm going to set up an Adopt-A-NEET program where all you normal fags donate money so I can continue my NEET lifestyle. How does that sound?

>> No.1695800


Everyone wants to be a NEET.

It's called Retirement.

>> No.1695813

>It's called Retirement.

Not really. For instance, forced early retirement is basically the same as being fired.

>> No.1695815


I have no regrets.

>> No.1695877

This was the only path.

>> No.1695901

Hikikomori reporting in.

>> No.1695911

I'd love to be forced to retire early and have an excuse.

>> No.1695906

I'd love being NEET if I could do it somewhere THAT WASN'T SHIT.

>> No.1695907

I'm afraid to leave my room, let alone go outside or talk to people.

>> No.1695912

Well, you have to go to the bathroom and the kitchen occasionally, right?

>> No.1695915


Welcome to the club.

>> No.1695930


I find location to be unimportant, but then again I do live somewhere that isn't shit.

>> No.1695981

My NEET time is almost over; I go back to college in February. These past 3-4 years have been awesome. I don't think much will change though, as I'll be taking classes in subjects that I have been self-studying for the past year (Calculus and Physics). I'll even be using the same textbooks, so I'm sure that I will have plenty of time to dick around. At least for a few semesters anyways.

>>It's kinda like drugs, the novelty wears off pretty fast (within 1-3 months, I guess), but by then you're so deep in it that you'll likely stay that way for a long time. Even if you do somehow find a job or something, once a NEET, always a NEET.

This. Being a NEET has affected my interests and damaged my social skills in incredible ways. But really, I regret nothing. I feel that it was worth it.

I am going to try to work on my social skills though. I want to join clubs. Also, earlier some Anons suggested that volunteering at the local hospital is good, and it will help me to come in contact with moe sick lolis (my fetish). I will be looking into that as well.

Damn, thinking of everything gets me excited. Afraid too, but mostly excited.

>> No.1695984

All the best for college, hope it turns out well.

I would not mind being a NEET for a small period of time, however eventually I'm sure I'd need some sort of routine.

>> No.1695988

I have had panic attacks just going downstairs to the kitchen.

>> No.1695990

I'm thinking of becoming a Benedictine monk.

>> No.1695994

Does that pay well?

>> No.1695995

No, they take vows of poverty.

>> No.1696005

At this rate the money I have will last 'til end of January. Once I run out of food I'm going to jump off the TCBY tower in Little Rock, Arkansas.

I just hope Kazoku Keikaku comes out by then...

>> No.1696019


I will call it bullshit till I read a news report of this case happening next year.

>> No.1696077

Lies, there is no TCBY anymore. Or buildings in Arkansas.

>> No.1696077,1 [INTERNAL] 

what a BLAST from the PAST
