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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16934679 No.16934679 [Reply] [Original]

▶ [MP3] Blue Reflection OST

▶ Ar Tonelico for Lazy People Pack

▶ EXA_PICO Visual Collection
info: pastebin.com/UzwjkAUY

▶ Miscellaneous Translations
Flash Cosmospheres, Ciel\Ar novel, etc: ar-ciel.unit03.net/
Ciel Nosurge Story Summary: unit03.net/view/Ciel_nosurge/Story

▶ Mega.nz Folder of Ar tonelico / Atelier goodies
Flash Cosmospheres, AT3 Yokkora fan disc and original /jp/ stuff.

▶ [FLAC] EXA_PICO Autistic Music Collection
Info: pastebin.com/Pc88NuEC

▶ [MP3] EXA_PICO Musical Collection
info: pastebin.com/aPxrK3zh

▶ Prepatched AT2

▶ [FLAC] Kaleido Sphere
pass: gustt51

▶ [MP3] Firis Music
OST: nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=866700
Vocal Album: nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=866702

▶ Updated OP:

▶ Outdated links:

▶ Previous thread

>> No.16935448

Why mystery games were so boring and uninspired?
Why Firis sold worse than Sophie despite being a better game?

>> No.16935812

Probably the same reason (GUS\K)T won't let Tsuchiya work on a full game.

>> No.16935895

It wasn't better though. Also it apparently had a lot of bugs at launch.

>> No.16936574

For the same reason Lightning Returns sold less than FFXIII.

>> No.16937777
File: 174 KB, 720x405, bluereflection_006_cs1w1_720x405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, but I'm not buying them. I already 100%ed the game, so all I could do is walk around the school with the costumes.

>> No.16937784

Wow, those are very cute. You're right though, there's no replayability so I don't know what Gust is thinking. They could at least add a new difficulty mode to replay it on.

>> No.16938079

And with that I finished AT 2 at last
Pretty surprising to find out Jakuri was mir but even before the reveal in her cosmosphere there were pretty subtle hints

The ending was much more satisfying than AT 3 thats for sure. They really went all out with this one huh

On another note, people really are softies in the EXA_PICO universe huh. From Ion not punishing Nero to this not punishing Mir.

Welp now that its over theres a hollow feeling again in me time to finish okami i guess

>> No.16938130

Mir and Nero are love and did nothing wrong. Please be nice to them.

>> No.16938175

Constantly forgiving Zill and giving her more chances was pretty dumb, though. She betrayed them more times than a Tales character could hope to, and twice (three times?) it resulted in humanity almost being wiped out.

>> No.16938185

>people really are softies
>multiple characters have been imprisoned/tortured for years/decades/centuries
I wouldn't call that being soft. Neither Nero nor Mir did anything unjustified.

>> No.16938196

I wouldn't call the hints subtle...

>> No.16938253

Reminder that Totori is a slut

>> No.16938310
File: 64 KB, 479x639, chiharu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard Trinary got censored on the Apple Store, something about making Gabriella wear pants

>> No.16938672 [DELETED] 

Totori is a good girl in a mediocre game.

>> No.16941580
File: 717 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170419-193700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly Apple took down Trinary because they still haven't released a best girl route yet.

>> No.16942133
File: 1.18 MB, 3234x1914, execcord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a cutie, but I miss the mask a bit

>> No.16942463
File: 1.28 MB, 636x899, C-ombFkVYAAzsLN.png:orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody tell Gust to make that Yoru No Nai Kuni artbook please. I need a large version of this image.

>> No.16943412
File: 94 KB, 800x600, gab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elevens who are playing Trinary are surprisingly unlikely to drop the game. I've had a full friends list of 28 friends for like a week, and I keep telling myself I'm gonna boot anyone from the list who goes over 2 days without logging in so I can free up space, but so far I've yet to see anyone on my list with even >1 day since last login. Haven't booted a single person so far.

Gab a cute weeaboo

>> No.16946791

I haven't registered any friends. Is there any sort of benefit I might have missed?

>> No.16947466

Alright anons my thirst for more information is raging

Before I play okami again, I want to delve deeper into AT Lore cause there are a lot of holes in the continuity of the story in my mind

Sure, the chronology at the wiki helps but I want to read/hear what actually happened outside the timelines of the 3 (5) games

Where do I start? Whats the series of things that I should absolutely read/play/listen to get a better understanding of things

A chronology of some sorts would be wonderful ( AT 1 -> Drama cds -> AT 2 something like that

Now on a different note. What was the closest canon ending of the 3 games considering that the girls drama cds are obviously skewed towards the respective girl. Theres got to be some hint right

Im sure being an EOP will be a large hinderance but the taste of leaving it half finished in my mind leaves a bad taste considering the entire ride was wonderful except AT 3 to some lesser extent

>> No.16947480

And I thought that NoA couldn't become even worse...

>> No.16947575

How does the curan boost work anyway?

>> No.16947587

If you have one, you get the bonus. That's it.

>> No.16947594

How do you get the bonus? I assumed that you had to own the matching curan, but there are a lot of boosts for the same curan but only some of them unlock.

>> No.16947779

What's the problem?

>> No.16948082
File: 1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-01-11-32-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get 100 curan points instead of 50 when a friend uses your assistant curan. Not much of a big deal. Also, when you're picking a curan assistant, your friends' ones will get priority over randoms for a few of the slots.

If anyone wants to add me, post your ID and I'll boot someone from my current friends list and send an invite. My assist curan is this qt >>16942133

>> No.16948512

The more-or-less complete list for the main series is as follows:
>Ar Tonelico Melody of Elemia
>Hymmnos musical (Claire and Spica)
>AT1 Drama CDs
>Ar Tonelico Melody of Metafalica
>Hymmnos musical Cocona
>AT2 Drama CDs
>Ar Tonelico Qoga
>AT3 LN (2 Volumes)
>AT3 Drama CDs

Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor gives insight on the myths of the land, but it's not directly related to the main series. The Forest of Shelanoir is first mentionned in this album and it's booklet (sadly untranslated) contains an overview of Pre-Grathnode Inferia History. The Toukosphere also contains a large amount of tidbits of the lore that didn't make it into the games.

For Surge Concerto, it's the following:
Ciel Nosurge (flashbacks) > Class-Arnosurge-Proto > Ar Nosurge (Pre-Timeskip) > Ciel Nosurge (Main gameplay) > Ar Nosurge (Post-Timeskip)

On that note, has anyone figured out what "kieghi" means? (In EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. - ee wassa sos yehar)

>> No.16948517

Note that the LNs are retellings of the games, so they can be skipped.
Most material can be found translated in the EXA_PICO wiki.

>> No.16948578

Ahh yes forgot about Claire and spica cd.

Currently reading AT1 LN but it doesnt really feel like its entirely a retelling though.

Class-Arnosurge-Proto huh never really touched this one. Guess I'll do that after finishing up the stuff that I missed from the main storyline
Im just gonna follow your list and bridge the gaps via the wiki

>> No.16948701

For anyone interested in AT'ish music, Ether releasing new album this M3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMIvnMLwf6I

>> No.16948724

For the ones where you know the first name but not the second, I believe you need to evolve a higher rarity version of that curan for the boost. They get different specific names when they evolve.

638512500, but I'm still fruitlessly trying to raise SRs up so I might not be so helpful.

>> No.16948760
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-01-20-19-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent you an invite now. I'll use your curan whenever I can to give you the bonus points - not like you need a 'strong curan' for the weekday farming dailies so it doesn't really matter for those.

Also, your 'top' curan is the SR one, might want to move Alice to 1st spot so people want to borrow from you more. Can you confirm that my 1st slot one is exec cord, by the way? You can view other peoples' profiles, but not your own...

Later chapters (4-5 onward) have dialogue options with insane big crystal requirements, so I'm backing off the story past Chap.3 for everyone except Gabriella for a bit, gonna farm Friday especially for those big crystals. Seriously, each big crystal is worth 3 gems, that's the best day to farm by far.

>> No.16948853

I can confirm that yours is. I seem to to hit a bug that rearranges the order of my curan for me randomly when accepting, but I'll get it fixed (again).

I kind of hate "it's Alice but with huge tits" too, but it's hard to get rid of that +180% attack boost.

>> No.16948942

Used yours now in a daily, you should get 100 curan points instead of the usual 50 from it. Should keep Alice up front and check your invites from other people periodically, and accept until friends list is full. Them using your curan gets you loadsa pulls from the curan gacha, which has some nice SRs and the possibility to hit a gem gacha ticket.

I don't care too much for Alice either, but she's too good not to use like you said (and max compatibility with all characters). Doesn't matter if her static heal skill is trash, not like you have enough energy to use 2 skills a turn on average anyway. She's my next evolution target, really should have done her first but cord is too cute.

>> No.16949147

You obviously didn't read the LNs, as they are obviously new stories, no retellings.

You should recheck the translated material on the Wikia: both the Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor and the Salavec rhaplanca booklets have translations on it.

>> No.16949384

You left out the following:

-Ar tonelico -Arpeggio- manga.
-Ar tonelico 1 Setting Encyclopedia
-Ar tonelico 2 Setting Encyclopedia
-Ar tonelico 3 Setting Encyclopedia
-Surge Concerto World Setting Documents Wiki
-Ion's Voice Disc
-Filament Star
-Surge Concerto Character Profile Disc: Ion

And the Ar Portal isn't just the Toukousphere: there were several other columns in it, of which the one that dealt the most with the lore was the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room.

>> No.16949463
File: 403 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170501-100427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean no Kagura again? I've been saving presents.

>> No.16951535

Most (all?) of the presents are only usable for certain characters. Go check them in the items menu.

On a side note, I'm at affection 23 with Gab and our relationship is still just 'bot'

>> No.16952160

Jakuri drama cd translations never

>> No.16952571

You can remove the nyaa links from the OP now.

>> No.16952671

Fuck you ;_;

>> No.16952735
File: 55 KB, 640x360, l_5908001321b8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was this game about again?

>> No.16952749

No wonder this tasteless garbage bombed despite all marketing

>> No.16952874


>> No.16953993

For Golden Week, Trinary is making all dailies available on any day.

To me, it seems like the most obvious and best use of your time is to do the two Friday missions that grant evolution materials and (more importantly) crystals. In Chapter 5 onward, there are dialogue choices that cost up to 6 of the BIG crystals to choose (that's 18 gems if you were to buy them) - stocking up on crystals is paramount, the evolution materials are just a side benefit.

At least, that's where I'll be spending my time in Trinary this week.

>> No.16954771

Not him but the more characters there is, the less developped they will be.
"Too many characters" was also a common complaint about Blue Reflection.

>> No.16956354

Firis had this problem too.

>> No.16957501

it didn't sell that bad, also fuck off if you're triggered by cute girls

>> No.16957722

You trying to fit in way too hard.

>> No.16959406

I'm facing this bug in Ayesha Plus (JP) where the effects of Shadow Cloak and Silent Boots have been mixed up; the characters are taking damage every turn with Silent Boots equipped.

>> No.16959481
File: 774 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170416-170813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are dialogue choices that cost up to 6 of the BIG crystals to choose
As long as those aren't Chiharu choices, I'm fine.

I literally only care about Chiharu route.

>> No.16960166
File: 346 KB, 720x540, 1424035667620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to download firis ost
>NT is ded

>> No.16960233
File: 53 KB, 700x370, trinary3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>switching your formation in Trinary seemingly randomly shuffles the curan order in it on completion
>the formation saved to the server for your friends to use is not necessarily the one you see in your own formation
>there is no way to even view your own profile to check, if you want to confirm you need to set up a second account or ask someone else to look at your account for you

Glad to see Gust is consistently buggy on release for both mobile and console titles

>> No.16963733

Apparently according to infomation from Zhuge Ex about Koei's financial performance:

>Ni-Oh shipped 1 million in its first two weeks and was a notable highlight of this fiscal year.
>Musou All-Stars (Koei character Dynasty Warriors like game, 130K) and Blue Reflection (Gust New IP, 80K) were below expectations.
>There will be anniversary content for Atelier, Tecmo, and Omega Force, the last of which is Dynasty Warriors 9.
>Finally, Koei Tecmo is working to avoid game delays in the future. (Looking at you YnK2)

Seems like GUST isn't doing too well with all their non-atelier ventures.

>> No.16964053

Well, a delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game will be bad forever.

>> No.16964133

Nobody wants Musou Stars. Taking a bunch of very different series and mashing them up together like this is just shitty fan-service and fan-fiction. It shouldn't have even sold as much as it did. It still annoys me that KT whored out Atelier and put it in this garbage.

Other than though, I bought Nioh, Firis, and Toukiden 2 all at launch in the last few months and the only disappointing one was Firis. Gust needs to get their shit together.

>> No.16964176

Does anyone really think NoA is going to be good, though? I'm gonna buy it on release, but I'm not expecting much.

When they first rolled it out with what looked like 3 main characters I was thinking it might be okay, but as they keep rolling out new 'Lilies' with every delay as if each delay allows them to seamlessly weave a new character into the game from the start, my expectations are underwater right now.

>> No.16964186

It's going to be shit. I hope it doesn't sell well enough for a third one at least.

>> No.16964460

How much influence does KT have on GUST? Is GUST becoming shitty due to KT or is it just time?

>> No.16964713

So Trinary loading time is definitely a lot faster on a Pixel (of course, recent updates have also made the loading time faster.

I swear I didn't buy a Pixel solely to play Trinary.

>> No.16964887

First one was solid and I'm expecting 2 to be at least as good.

>> No.16965362

First NoA was IMO mediocre but in a good way.
Not really excited for NoA2 but will still get it on release when it will release here.

>> No.16965535
File: 181 KB, 635x967, agi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGI raises crit rate in Trinary for anyone wondering. It's not explained anywhere, and a bit confusing since some special abilities raise crit rate directly while others raise agi.

>> No.16966878

Well, YnK was produced by Keisuke Kikuchi from Deception so we can be sure that staff is being diverted towards other non-traditional GUST projects and last I heard, they were completely absorbed into the company. They will probably go the way every other small companies go, they will exist as long as Atelier remains profitable, if not their staff will be shuffled around to other projects and that will be the end of GUST.

>> No.16967518

Music got worse 100% because KT. They fired Nakagawa, killed Tsuchiya and brought a bunch of literaly whos. Sophie had only 1 or 2 tracks with Hiramatsu on guitar and Firis had 0 because he is too busy with NoA. Achiwa also only made 2 battle themes for Firis. I hope NoA2 flops harder than Rororna DS so I can see my metal battle themes in atelier again.

>> No.16968700

>Keisuke Kikuchi

This dude is a faggot and I wish Gust never let him direct one of their games.

Sophie, Ayesha, and Shallie had good soundtracks though. Firis's was bad except for like one or two tracks.

>> No.16969365

I agree with Ayesha and Shallie but Sophie was uninspired as fuck. Liela Xea, Saturmus and Doll making song were the only memorable ones.

>> No.16969770

I thought Sophie's music was good all around. Actually didn't like Liela Xea at all though.

>> No.16970100

There's no more atelier games isn't it? There should be an announcement by now. Gust is dead. PC port ruined everything

>> No.16970192

they have a whole 20th anniversary event including a live
they are probably waiting to announce it there

>> No.16970268

>PC port ruined everything
It was a last attempt at getting some sales seeing how little ressource they spent on the PC port.
Gust was dead before that, all of their recent game bombed with the exception of Sophie and NoA and the sequel of Sophie bombed and I'll predict NoA2 will sell under expectation because the first game was literally a mediocre game that sold on chara design alone.

>> No.16970528 [DELETED] 

ATMC is aware of the situation with Nyaa and is currently doing back ups of AT materials. Meanwhile, you can download torrent and magnet links from the following sources below.


>> No.16970538

ATMC is aware of the situation with Nyaa and is currently doing back ups of AT materials. Meanwhile, you can download torrent and magnet links from the following sources below.


>> No.16972450

Idiot, they already announced that they have a 20th annivesary game. It'll likely be announced at the concert in July. And the PC port has nothing to do with Gust or Koei Tecmo in Japan.

>> No.16973526

The OP need to be updated with those for the next thread (if there's one).

>> No.16974522

yorukuni 2 release date announcement when?
next atelier announcement when?
blue reflection 2 announcement when?
surge concerto 3 announcement when?

>> No.16974878

>blue reflection 2 announcement when?
More like next $60 swimsuit DLC when.

>> No.16975029

It seems like Trinary's FPS is directly tied to game speed (as in 30 FPS animations are 33% faster than 20 FPS).

If your phone can handle it, I'd turn up the FPS unless you enjoy the extra time with the repetitive gameplay.

>> No.16976885

You'd expect they'd think about explaining how the game works to players.

>> No.16977433
File: 616 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170506-125003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of expalining how the game works, apparently you get a huge boost from fusing duplicates

>> No.16977855

Ugh, so many duplicates sold for 200 coins...

On a related, but perhaps more obvious note, it seems to be best to wait until you have more fairies with which to strengthen at once. The cost is based on the curan's current level, so you get more bang for your buck by making bigger jumps at once.

>> No.16979014

So that's what those grayed-out stars under the level on the stats screen mean. I assume one gets filled each time you fuse a dupe, up to 4 max.

The most impressive stat boost there is Energy - 5 to 8 is huge, and even most SSR/UR only seem to have 5-7.

Unless you're whale enough to farm dupes of base SSRs (ishygddt), seems like the most efficient team may actually be just one or two SSR/URs with good activated skills, and the other slots with fused base SRs/(evolved)SSRs from the free gacha for those sky-high energy stats to fuel the other curan.

>> No.16979165

>Unless you're whale enough to farm dupes of base SSRs
You can fuse upgraded curan with the base to get the boost if that's what you're talking about.

The kakutora wiki has some more cool tips.

>> No.16979187

>seems like the most efficient team may actually be just one or two SSR/URs with good activated skills, and the other slots with fused base SRs/(evolved)SSRs
Considering how many levels you need for the deck cost to even equip more than one UR/SSR with SRs in the remaining slots, yeah, that seems like a reasonable setup.

>> No.16982109
File: 90 KB, 720x1280, C-oxLw6XYAAgsZG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want the GW events to end so that I can go back to progressing the story. Feels like a waste not to take advantage of the GW farming stuff while it's here.

I'm sure Chiharu is getting lonely without me pestering her

>> No.16984795

Is it okay to play the original version of Rorona? I already have a copy of it sitting around from before I found out there was a Plus version of it. Or should I just sell it and take the time to grab the Plus version?

I played Sophie after its PC release and loved it, so I was wanting to try the rest of the Atelier series, so I figured going back and starting with Rorona would be a good idea, especially since I already had a copy lying around. Or should I go further back?

>> No.16984856

You have to play Marie or else you're a fake fan, it's easy to get through it. But there are guides if you're so non-autistic that you can't even read basic nip.

>> No.16984900

Well nobody is going to judge your for playing it but do yourself a favor and get the remake. While other plus versions are just originals packed with DLC, New Rorona is basicaly a different game.
It doesn't really matter where to start as long as it's a first game in the series. Iris is on par with modern ateliers and Mana Khemia is the best game Gust ever made in my opinion.

>> No.16984990

Mana Khemia 1 and 2 are some of my least favorite Atelier games honestly

>> No.16985054

The original Rorona is still a good game. It's very rough around the edges but I still had a lot more fun with it than I did Totori. Rorona Plus is definitely a major upgrade but the original version is worth playing if you already have it.

>> No.16985093

All right, thanks! I'll try playing my copy of Rorona for now and go back for Plus at a later date. I'll also just go ahead and take the time to go back and play Mana Khemia at the very least.

>> No.16985953
File: 764 KB, 2880x2560, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison of stats before/after evolve.

You should probably keep 12 high/arch fairies for feeding after the evolve if you care about the stat drop.

>> No.16986667

B-but the songs.

>> No.16987330
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-08-18-39-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice gets an Energy upgrade after evolve? She's only 7 Energy at SSR. Damn, I need to make her my next evolve target.

She has high affinity with every character which is HUGELY important. I didn't realize just how big a difference it made until I checked.

Here's exec cord for example, on a 'regular' affinity these are her stats. 2271 HP, 1637 ATK at this level. On Tsubame (who she has good affinity with), she shoots up to 2912 HP, 2099 ATK. On Miyabi (who she has bad affinity with), she falls to 1589 HP, 1145 ATK. High affinity = 30% boost to all stats, low affinity = 30% penalty to all stats, compared to 'normal'. She's almost un-usable on Miyabi.

I pulled another SSR with the +250%(+300% evolved) all-attack bonus the e-sports folks are going nuts over (with one of my free gacha tickets no less), but she has low affinity with Gab so fuck that. Seems like unless you're sticking to Tsubame exclusively, Alice is the clear first priority to evolve. Hundred Eyes (another anger SSR I have gathering dust) is also trash compared to her. Funny how the starter character is basically the best all around.

The only thing I don't like about Alice is she keeps fucking stealing my 1st slot position no matter what I do. Seriously, I put cord in slot 1, save, and then when I enter battle Alice is back in first slot. I've removed her from the deck entirely, switched characters around, blah blah, if Alice is in she becomes front of the party (so presumably, the one other people can borrow from me). I want to have other people use cord instead...praying for a fix during this week's maintenance.

>> No.16988634

The main issue I see all around is that there's a turn speed bonus on every fight out there. You always get something for winning faster every time, making ATK by far the most important stat. exec・cord there has an amazing skill in the first slot there for instance, but why use a defense skill when it will only cost you a bonus anyway?

Of course, unbalanced stats is something GUST and mobile games both have in common, so I'm not sure why I would have expected anything different.

>> No.16988655

>Hundred Eyes (another anger SSR I have gathering dust) is also trash compared to her.
I managed to get Fire Lily, who's also anger and high affinity with Gab. Unfortunately her ability is +300% ATK to herself only. Not sure if it's worth it to invest.

>> No.16988697

I wish I had a decent phone. I've never given a shit about mobile games so I got the absolute cheapest phone, and Trinary obviously runs unplayably slow.

>> No.16989220
File: 1.05 MB, 3363x2170, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iris and Mk are actually worst parts about it

>> No.16989383

The main issue is that Alice's attack is so good, and +180%/200% damage means 2.8x/3x damage, which is just crazy. That's worth two turns of zero damage skills (white shield).

>> No.16989649

Atelier vocal tracks are mediocre in general except for Dusk.

>> No.16989684

Your taste is mediocre.

>> No.16989845

Yes, it's generic and mediocre just like other hundred of doujin songs that come out every comiket.

>> No.16991165

I want to eat Ion!

>> No.16991830

Do we also have a consolidated atelier music collection like the ar tonelico one? Kinda itchin for indecipherable music again

Maria will never be understood

>> No.16992006

Dunno about "us" but I've seen torrent with all atelier music up to Shallie on NT

>> No.16992684

My ears bleeding
Why sophie ost such garbage

>> No.16992918

Firis's second DLC set is out

Another girl and a set of costumes

>> No.16993078
File: 162 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-09-15-29-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your data usage, fellow Bots

I never needed data for anything heavy so I have my carrier's cheapest 2GB/Month plan, and I tripped my 1G warning from playing Trinary since I have good 4G and it's usually faster than my Wifi. I'm not dumb enough to watch the anime episodes over mobile, this is just from golden week quests. Guess I'm back to Wifi even if it's a bit slower.

>> No.16993404

Tomorrow's maintenance:
「エピソード07: 愛、ロボット」を追加

end of 6% SSR gacha
end of Start campaign battle
end of new curan gacha
end of golden week campaign

oh you

>> No.16994760
File: 1017 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170420-225419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's lots of references.

>> No.16997078
File: 73 KB, 647x485, Screenshot_20170509-195057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Daily Trinary art posted anywhere online? It seems like the twitter only has the recent ones

>> No.16997101
File: 264 KB, 584x2000, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16997191
File: 60 KB, 406x406, Blue-Reflection-Sword-of-the-Girl-Who-Dances-in-Illusions_2016_08-28-16_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


almost good taste.

>> No.16997268
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, C_bgzI9UAAAyXFU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Blue Reflection i feel empty and felt sad of the ending T_T

>> No.16998795
File: 169 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-10-18-30-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trinary server is back up from maintenance.

The Android bug I've been having with Alice always showing as being in the front slot still isn't fixed...so I may as well ask for help in checking if it's just a display error or if the data saves that way as my helper curan on the server too (since you can't view your own profile for some reason).

Someone please kindly look my profile up from the menu (Menu -> Friends -> Second Tab -> Lookup field at bottom) 697209580 and post what my formation looks like, if you have the time.

If you wanna be friends you can leave your ID too.

>> No.16998834
File: 235 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170510-054903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll spare you from adding me since I just started

>> No.16998856

Thanks buddy. The display thing is a bit infuriating since I can never tell my own party order looking at my own lineup in battles, but at least it seems like the proper data gets sent to the server.

If you don't wanna friend up that's fine, but I don't mind if your curan are weak or whatever if that's what you're worried about - I'm gonna start kicking inactive randoms on my friends list to clear up some space, and I'd rather have jaypee as friends regardless of power.

>> No.17002950
File: 1.04 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170510-204019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes 5 SSRs including Alice. How rare are these supposed to be anyway?

>> No.17003077

Did they start blocking VPNs? Videos aren't loading anymore.

>> No.17003240


>> No.17003595

Hm, so the probability of rolling at least two SSRs is 0.0345

The probability of rolling at least one SSR is 0.263 On average you need to do 3.8 rolls to get an SSR (so 950 gems)

I'm not sure how the guaranteed SR is rolled though, that might change the numbers.

Most likely it's better to just use SRs which you can fuse for the star boost more easily.

>> No.17003852
File: 885 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-11-18-43-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Chapters 6 and 7 of Trinary, Gab route,

Gab seems to have a crush on a guy in her class, blushing and getting nervous whenever he's around. You can ask Chiharu about this - 'What's she doing having a love interest besides me in a dating game?' and she'll just reply that Gab is a normal teenage girl and it's not a surprise. Popularity freefall incoming for her?

Chiharu also takes the time to obey commands from the official Trinary twitter account that were posted a week or so ago @kakutora_staff (and if you've been following the account, you can surprise her by knowing one of the other tweets).

Also, Chiharu is aware of her popularity and is going to do her best to make everyone hate her from now on. Do your best!

>> No.17004115

Is it just me or is the artist of nanairo score's illustrations is that person who illustrates masamune revenge

The style is very easy on the eyes

>> No.17004951
File: 1.09 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170510-141131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17008352
File: 356 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the world happened

>> No.17009313
File: 591 KB, 2154x1918, candy from chiharu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, Chiharu will give you 5 of the big yellow candy as a reward for your idiotic steadiness if you pester her about being more interested in her than all 4 other girls in the first level of their kokorospheres.

That isn't even on the first page of results when I do a google search for method implanta, and when I finally found it on youtube, it only had 70 views. Maybe you have been determined to be a ponyfag by the search engine algorithm somehow?

>> No.17010104

That's five of the small ones, in exchange for four of the large ones. Still a neat little thing though.

>> No.17010155

Are there people seriously not doing Chiharu route? For shame.

>> No.17012251

Marzanna bots waiting to find out if we're getting NTR'd

>> No.17015573
File: 156 KB, 1920x1080, cal05pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will gust ever make another good atelier game as ayesha?

>> No.17015718
File: 2.98 MB, 2440x3482, 1467462085028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean totori?

>> No.17016025

He said good, not bad.

>> No.17017601

This image is heresy. Makes no sense and is tasteless.

I think you meant Meruru. Ayesha was good though. Same with Totori despite what our resident hater says.

>> No.17018086
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-13-23-53-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17018208
File: 1.02 MB, 3238x1918, bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsubame is made for bullying

>> No.17018485

As much as I like to poke fun at Totori, I don't actually think it's a bad game. Overrated, definitely, but it's still solid. Then again I don't think any of the Atelier games are bad.

>> No.17019856

2012 - Really fell in love with the Atelier series after my first, Rorona. Played through Totori and Meruru in a matter of weeks.

Bought every other on NA release, but fell behind after Escha.

Not liking Shallie so far. Just don't like the Dusk setting. Makes me depressed.

I just wanna make bread and build relationships.

Escha a CUTE though.

>> No.17019885
File: 631 KB, 2158x1922, chichanlovelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is 5 big ones, and 10 big ones latere from doing the Chi-chan Love Love Game properly. It's easy to get confused because the game doesn't update your crystal count to the left side menu after she gives them to you until you go back to the home screen for some reason.

>> No.17022484
File: 908 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-14-18-49-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17026549


>> No.17029660 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170514-212303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Informal best girl poll


>> No.17030105
File: 1.42 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-12-21-33-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kuso strawpoll

Multiple options allowed, no dupe checking, and yet captcha is enabled. Everything you could do wrong, you did.

Chiharu >>>>>>>> Miyabi =~ Gabriella =~ Tsubame >> Ayami

Kagura currently not ranked because haven't seen enough of her.

Gab highly volatile in ranking at the moment depending on how this arc with her being in love with a classmate goes in the next few chapters, I'm not being Marzanna to listen to her talk about being soiled by other men.

Ayami just boring, muh sister.

>> No.17032006

>Kagura currently not ranked because haven't seen enough of her.
I have seen enough to know she's a bitch. I really doubt that we will get her channel; she's probably a villain or something.

>> No.17032050
File: 1.60 MB, 1148x2041, Screenshot_20170516-103657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there is this from the site for a few weeks now. Also Chiharu said we're definitely getting the channel after something big happens in the story, so I'm assuming they're related. Maybe not a villain but perhaps currently being controlled or something.

>> No.17034453

More guessing

tsubame is do, her shadow curan is raku
aya is ai, her shadow curan is ki
gab is raku, her shadow curan is do

miyabi is raku?, her shadow curan is do

kagura is clearly going to be ki (yellow)

I'm not sure what's up with miyabi though since she's purple. Is she somehow related to gab or kagura?

>> No.17034463
File: 9 KB, 216x216, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart for reference. raku is opposite do because raku is strong against do's weakness and weak against do's strength.

>> No.17035643
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-17-19-06-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care how many men in the world there are Chiharu, I don't want Gabriella to be in love with one of them when she's supposed to be a romance option for the player.

>> No.17035678
File: 1.26 MB, 1892x1018, 2017-05-17-124641_1892x1018_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misha is cute

>> No.17035790
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-17-20-27-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First I have to put up with being NTR'd, now this.

You too Gabby

>> No.17036215

>I don't know you
>go away
kek. marzana route bad end.

>> No.17036237

I don't think this is at all unexpected having come from the Ar tonelico and Surge Concerto games. They pretty much all start similar to girl-get games of the time, then throw you for a loop in the form of non-cardboard girls.

>> No.17038414
File: 1007 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-18-00-38-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At affection rank 36, finally went from 'bot' to friend. Maybe now she'll feel comfortable texting me later about how Hikaru-kun was too rough on her first time and didn't wear a condom like he promised.

>> No.17038925

is there a guide for how to get Trinary to actually run on a non-jpn phone for complete fucking idiots?

everytime i've tried to get a jpn app to work with my shit, it's just hopeless.

>> No.17039023

Download with Qooapp
Run game

>> No.17040191
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-18-18-36-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event time, fellow bots. Rack up event points in the new event battles for rewards (candy, gems, fairies, etc.)

Most important rewards are four new Bromides, one for each girl. This time it's the opposite of the earlier Bromides: Tsubame and Aya get +2 slot points, Gab and Miyabi get +2 ACT each.

That means at Lv.23 with all bromides you can hit that magical 60/60 ACT cap to do 3 quests in one go.

Also, they added a 'Full Download' button on the start screen - says it'll download a bunch of stuff and store it locally for faster loading (and hopefully less intense data usage when off Wifi).

>> No.17044276

>This time it's the opposite of the earlier Bromides
Wait, there was an earlier event? Fuck, should've monitored the release date more closely.

>> No.17044315

No, this is the first event. You can get the earlier bromides at any time, they unlock at certain affection levels (I think around 10, they're not hard to get)

>> No.17044604
File: 1.23 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170518-222409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, got it. I didn't realize that those came with ACT bonuses too.

On a side note, are there any non-NEETs here? It's hard to not waste ACT when you need to work.

>> No.17044939
File: 66 KB, 800x600, DAJLOLIXUAY7Twc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can defeat NEET efficiency with money.

>> No.17045661
File: 511 KB, 1920x500, title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like an Atelier special anniversary live. It'll be in Toyosu pit. I think I might go.


>> No.17046037
File: 328 KB, 1080x1920, current.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a full time job and managing it fine. This is my current status (no money spent).

I use my ACT on the way to work, during my hour lunch break, and as soon as I get off of work. Yeah, some still gets wasted (just like when you sleep unless you're crazy enough to wake up in the middle of the night every night to spend it), but the amount that gets wasted becomes less and less as your ACT gauge gets larger. Once I collect the bromides from this event and go up one more level, I'll have 60 ACT which takes a full 5 hours to refill and can be spent all at once on 3 missions, making work bump into it even less.

I have so many gems piled up because I don't bother ever using them to spin (except my very first 250) - I just buy gacha tickets with curan points from sold SR fairies (I only bother merging SSR fairies once a character gets past Lv.40 or so) or get them from daily rewards. I don't have the slot capacity to use all the curan I currently have anyway, no need to waste it spinning on stuff I won't have space to equip anyhow.

I do use gems to replenish my stamina on Fridays sometimes - do the math, if you average ~1.67 big candy per full stamina bar on that day (which is what I feel is typical), and 1 big candy costs 3 gems, then spending 5 gems to replenish your ACT pays for itself in gems you would have had to buy later for dialogue options anyway. And, you get personal and character experience, small candy and evolution ingredients on top of all that.

>> No.17046501

I have a full time job and am only about one level ahead of you. Not entirely sure how people are in the mid-20s without spending gems to heal a lot, since I already feel like I'm grinding all the time just spending my ACT.

>> No.17049363

Can you do 10x draws with gacha tickets?

>> No.17049465

No, even with 10 tickets that option will still show gems. You can only do 1-pulls. Also, I'm not sure if it's intended or if it's a bug, but you can only use the tickets on the uppermost gacha at any given time if there are multiple going at the same time.

I don't see much benefit to the 10x bonus - you can get so many free SRs (Shadow Tsubame/Aya/Gab/Miyabi, SRs from the curan point gacha, and now an SR from this event, etc.). SRs can then be evolved to SSRs - and now you're probably out of slot points to equip them.

12 - UR Alice (everyone has her and can evolve her)
10 - SSR Shadow -character name- (everyone gets these as they progress, and you even get dupes to fuse together as you gain more affection with the given character)
10 - SSR evolved this event character (who, if you do the event to the end, will be fully fused with 4 stars)
10 - SSR evolved whatever your first free SR was

Do you have 42 slot points? I sure don't. People won't be able to equip x4 URs until they have 48(!) slot points. I can beat the highest level current event fight easily, too, so I don't feel any urgency.

Spinning the gacha with gems is for people with poor impulse control or who don't mind paying, imo. At the very least, they should wait for another 6% SSR event.

>> No.17049741

>and now you're probably out of slot points to equip them.
That doesn't matter since you need to match the affinity as well. On average you'd need 8 SSRs to equip 2 SSRs on each character. With bad affinity you're better off with a (starred) SR.

>> No.17049844
File: 1006 KB, 1080x1920, tsubame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's definitely a bad idea to ever equip a low affinity curan on anyone, but I think it's overboard to say they need 'good' affinity. Average is fine, just making sure you have enough to equip someone out with no 'low' affinity for each character should be enough.

On that note, has anyone else noticed Shadow Tsubame? I'm thinking of making her my next evolution target - she's the only shadow that doesn't have 'poor' affinity with anyone. Main girl privilege, or incoming low affinity with Kagura?

>> No.17049901

>Main girl privilege, or incoming low affinity with Kagura?
Probably the latter if we're actually getting Kagura channel.

I really like shadow tsubame art though. I wish miyabi's was better.

>> No.17050195

I just realized that that one song spells out Trinary, just like the Ar Tonelico songs.

>> No.17050214

Yep. It took me a little while to realize it too, because these girls can't pronounce the letter Y if their lives depended on it, and there are the battle sounds getting in the way and all too.


>> No.17050298
File: 1.91 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170519-234346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17050356
File: 664 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170519-234448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is how Alice gets outclassed later on. Alice's affinity is nice, but the stat boost from the stars is just too good, and it doesn't look like there will be a way to get more copies of Alice.

>> No.17051776
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-18-18-28-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't kept an exact count, but my lead curan (evolved Lv.74 UR exec・cord) has been borrowed an absolutely insane number of times in just the few days since this event started - over 300 times at least. Lucky that the boss everyone is grinding is anger element which she counters.

This event ends on the 31st and Kagura is still worried about becoming too unpopular and never getting her own channel in the event intro, so I think we can safely assume she's not getting a channel until after this event at earliest. This Gab drama is getting old, but feels like they're finally ready to move on and do some big plot reveals soon.

>> No.17052976

What happened to the atelier event?

>> No.17053061
File: 235 KB, 960x751, DALbp9uUAAIDNkB.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they include annie?

>> No.17053118

The rows would be uneven

>> No.17053355

Looks like we're going to have to wait a little longer until they announce the next game.

>> No.17057817

Gust should make a Pokemon-like rpg for handelds. It could have a set, voiced cute little girl MC and her cute little girl friends. It could be all-ages though and avoid obnoxious otaku tropes. Of course there would be male characters too but this kind of game would be perfect for loli yuri subtext. Thinking something like the type of loli in Fortune Summoners.

>> No.17057933

>Fortune Summoners
That game was brutal. Especially when Arche gets charmed in the tower, you're basically fucked.

Anyway, I think a game about capturing and raising lolis might raise some red flags. Playing it will put you on all the lists if you aren't on them already.

>> No.17057969

>capturing and raising lolis

I didn't say that at all though. The main cast would be little girls but you're not capturing them.

>> No.17058465
File: 2.07 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170521-155807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17059622
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-22-12-18-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17061884

Atelier is officially 20

>> No.17062505

Also officially dead. A19 announcement when?

>> No.17064523
File: 1.68 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170522-200411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyabi's Miyabis

>> No.17064799
File: 903 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170522-191543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Aya's other highlight has been forgotten outside of her character model

>> No.17066104

I'm playing Trinary in Japan, but will be visiting my home country for a couple weeks soon. For people playing outside JP, do you need to use a proxy for the stuff besides viewing the anime episodes? As long as I can do my quests I'll be fine, can put off progressing the story until I get back.

>> No.17066525

>Fortune Summoners
Damn, that was so cute and fun.

>> No.17066655

So let me confirm, no one bothered to do a siterip of Ar portal before it died, and everything not on the translated wiki is basically lost forever.

>> No.17067007

I have no issues and only turn on VPN for the anime.

>> No.17067519

Wrong. People over at ARM has a full backup of the Ar Portal, the only exceptions to them being the original JP versions of the AT2 Flash Cosmopheres, the Toukoumatters and the Valentine's Day Flash Cosmophere. For the rest, the entirety of the content has been preserved and will be uploaded as their corresponding translations go up.

>> No.17068093

I don't know about the backup ARM has according to the other Anon but I have this. I don't know if it's missing any important material but it should have all the Toukousphere articles.

>> No.17068378

Thank you! Looks like that dump has everything I wanted. I think it should be in the OP somewhere.

One more thing, is there a recording of that final Ar tonelico stream on niconico? I missed most of it, but remember them making BBQ soda and Miku singing Hymns.

>> No.17068389

Good thing my autism compelled me to make that backup in case the site went down, which it did after a short time. However,
>I missed most of it, but remember them making BBQ soda and Miku singing Hymns.
This is the first time I hear of this. I want it too.

>> No.17069388

Actually, there were multiple broadcasts, but unless someone managed to record them at the time, we can consider them as good as lost.

>> No.17069930

Oh, right, they kept disconnecting because of niconico time limit or something and even had to reschedule the stream. I think I was at work then, but should have at least tried to set up some screen recording software.

>> No.17071122

Well, new episode still leaves people waiting for Gab in a state of perpetual NTR (she even helps Hikaru-kun get a job at their base along with his friends, in the skits), and the anime didn't feature her at all.

What's the deal with Kagura? She's mighty triggered by something this episode in the anime - the common theme tends to be any talk of happiness setting her off? Maybe doing Tsubame's story quests will shed some light on it.

>> No.17071903
File: 67 KB, 800x548, DAF2WkcVoAAu0lP.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just spent a hundred bucks for cute keychains

>> No.17072701
File: 2.66 MB, 3303x2042, 1495641666468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From vitagen

>> No.17072718
File: 2.98 MB, 3303x2042, 1495641857771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072725
File: 2.88 MB, 3303x2042, 1495641990296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072732
File: 2.28 MB, 3303x2042, 1495643273211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072738
File: 2.25 MB, 3303x2042, 1495645172034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072757
File: 2.49 MB, 3303x2042, 1495645558698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072765
File: 1.58 MB, 3303x2042, 1495646193422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072774
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>> No.17072779
File: 2.39 MB, 3303x2042, 1495646595479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072787
File: 2.38 MB, 3303x2042, 1495647060327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072883

Now announce the next one already.

>> No.17074166

It's neat to see how changed drawing style of old char designers.

>> No.17074515

I get tempted by these until I realize I have too many already and nothing to put them on.

>> No.17075121


>> No.17077814

Makes me wonder whether the next game will be the last Mysterious game or if they'll break the 3-game trend and start a new series.

>> No.17078355

It wouldn't be the first time if they did. Gramnad and Mana Khemia were two games each.

>> No.17079946
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170525-204159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you can get SRs from curan point gacha. Got this on my daily free draw.

>> No.17081574

Do we know how many episodes of the Trinary anime there will be? Maybe that could clue us in as to when things will finally start happening.

>> No.17082646

yorukuni 2 comes out august 31

>> No.17084852

I expected the Switch version to come out at the same time (since I thought that's why they delayed it again in the first place), but only PS4/Vita in August, huh.

This game was supposed to be out last year, I hope it releases looking like it had a year of improvements.

>> No.17085097

They need to just release this trash already so they can stop wasting time and money on it. It better not sell enough for a third one.

>> No.17085105


>> No.17085373

Why the hate? The first one was decent and this looks like an improvement.

>> No.17089484
File: 34 KB, 362x417, 1486264377475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently pastebin is down and I can't access any of the links. I need healthy torrents for AT1 and 2. Where to look?

>> No.17089493
File: 18 KB, 285x337, 1466255668756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the megaz links in the OP.

>> No.17089516

AT2 Pre-patched is on a MEGA link, but I'd like AT1 too. Also, you guys have nyaa.se links in the OP still, gotta replace those with Pantsu Nyaa links.

The "patch" for AT2 is the fix for that boss fight that freezes the game and nothing else, right?

>> No.17089955

It should be the full retranslation-patched ISO.

>> No.17090508


>Скачать раздачу по magnet-ссылке · 140.7 GB

Make sure to set Internal Resolution in PCSX2 to 4x Native and fiddle with HW hacks section (Sprite/Round Sprite?) to fix thin black lines across the pic for the best pic quality.

I also remember it's been having glitched graphics after r1415 for quite a while, not sure if they fixed it. Get PCSX2 v1.5.0-dev-1415-gc66004b from orphis buildbot which works for sure.

>> No.17090620

I am going to play on an actual PS2 because I am not a pleb, but thanks for the advice.

Interesting. I didn't know there was a full retranslation for for AT2. Has AT1 not received the same treatment?

>> No.17090660

>I am going to play on an actual PS2 because I am not a pleb, but thanks for the advice.
Make sure you have a CRT for that authentic 480i experience then.

Also I had no idea PCSX2 team reuses revision numbers, so by "r1415" I actually meant (GSdx plugin from) v1.3.1-1415-g9bb990e, not 1.5.0 (GSdx of which still has glitched graphics when upscaling AT1).

Basically, use GSdx plugin from v1.3.1 r1415 for upscaling AT1, version of the emulator itself does not matter (both v1.3.1 and v1.5.0 are fine)

>> No.17093732

It hasn't. No one else has bothered with these games, and the people who worked in AT2 are busy with other things at the moment.

>> No.17095792

>busy with other things at the moment

escaping from Venezuela?

>> No.17096023

New Yoru Nai Kuni Trailer along with swimsuit DLC:


>> No.17097945

Blue Reflection 2 when?

>> No.17099193


AT1 wasn't butchered terribly enough to warrant the effort.

>> No.17099197

It's actually pretty bad too, but there are other things higher in the priorities list before getting to it too.

>> No.17099271

yorukuni 2 looks good, but i'll pass if it's short like the first game and like pretty much every ARPG besides Tales of.

>> No.17100565
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>> No.17103377
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They're likely going to announce the next Atelier game on June 7th. Hopefully they can redeem themselves but I'll keep my expectations low. I don't want 30 year old Sophie, Gust. Have like 2 or 3 years pass at most. Of course the new game might be the start of another series altogether though.

>> No.17103392

It'll be better than Firis. Middle games are always the worst.

>> No.17103431

Totori wasn't the worst in my opinion but EschaLogy definitely was. As long as they don't try to push an open world again it should likely be better than Firis.

>> No.17103503

Open world just is a bad fit for Atelier. I can understand making the areas somewhat large (if they had the budget for it) but open world is just a terrible idea for this series.

>> No.17103937

It's going to be a Marie remake.

>> No.17104094

I hope not. We don't need any remakes or ports.

>> No.17104555
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>▶ Prepatched AT2

>Download quota exceeded, please wait 6 hours.

>> No.17104993

I loved Totori and E&L.
But Sophie wasn't that good and Firis was as bad, if not worse. I'm having my expectations extremely low.

>> No.17105043

Use a downloader

Anyone has a mega for the visual collection?
The torrent is dead

>> No.17105102

This. Both totori and eschatology had more character development than other games in their series and personaly I don't have any hope in Gust since Shallie so nothing can possibly dissapoint me except entire change of their music team.

>> No.17105113

Sophie was good but Firis wasn't.

>> No.17105115

I just went on Pantsu Nyaa and downloaded the vanilla game + patch.

>> No.17105297

only played mana khemia. what game to play next?

>> No.17105355

Baten Kaitos Origins

>> No.17105378
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Courtesy of /vitagen/

>> No.17117771

New girl should be DFC, mystery girls are nothing but walking chest tumors

>> No.17117775

Literally only good for it's battle theme.

>> No.17119193

It's the first game but on steroid.

>> No.17119202

Atelier Sarly when

>> No.17120787

Third one should have fi- or phie- or fy

>> No.17121554

I was thinking more along the line of it starting with "su". Each name starts with what the last one ends with. Or maybe it would just start with "s". I don't know what a good name starting with Su could be.

We are long overdue for some flat protagonists so I can agree with this. I think the Yorufag director or someone from KT in general probably killed all the lolicons there. Though Sophie is good, hers are medium and fine. But yeah, we need little girls from Gust. And holy fuck was Drossel terrible. Horrible personality and design.

>> No.17122016
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Anyone else actually reading the Trinary journal updates? Some of them are pretty entertaining, Kagura's a few days back was nice.

I don't think Fuuga (from today's journal entry) is in the game yet, is he? Don't see him on the wiki either.

>> No.17122324

Hoping for a titty monster reveal just for you guys.

>> No.17122850
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Report in on your status, fellow bots. I want to know other people are still playing.

Following the main story with Tsubame primarily at the moment, at 46 hearts and all chapters so far (1-10) fully cleared with her. I'm so sorry Karen

Up to Chapter 8 with Ayami, 13 hearts.

Chapter 10 with Gab (but not all side missions), 36 hearts.

Chapter 8 with Miyabi, 17 hearts.

This latest event is handing out big candy like crazy, so I think I'll have enough to clear Miyabi's content next.

>> No.17123691


>> No.17124400


I'm at 45 hearts with Miyabi, but I'm frightned I won't finish the event in time so I haven't started chapter 10 yet. I want to use all my act on the event to hopefully get the new bromide's.

In other news the shear amount of (happy?) SSR faeries means I have manged to level both shadow Aya and Ruby White really high.

>> No.17124542

Starting with last 2 kanas isn't the pattern, you can't just ignore the [ー] after the [フィ].

>> No.17125526

>I don't think Fuuga (from today's journal entry) is in the game yet, is he? Don't see him on the wiki either.
I had the exact same question, so I'm going to guess not. There's at least one or two more that have appeared in the anime section and don't seem to be in the game yet either.

>> No.17125554

42 hearts with Gab, no one else is past chapter 2. I'm struggling somewhat to figure out how to keep up with events and story at the same time - not necessarily because of the ACT but because I want to finish getting all the kokoro candy rewards from the event before spending any jewels on them.

Game seems to be eating up a lot of time with grinding, and I'm not loving the new shit-curan-with-bonus-event-points deal a whole lot either. It's tough sticking with the mobage BS even though the game is still pretty interesting.

>> No.17125734

It's close enough. Just another idea but it's no huge deal either way. As long as the name is good.

>> No.17125921
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If you're not using your gems to

A) Spin the gacha (don't do it - use tickets)
B) Buy large kokoro-candy (don't do it - see below)

Then you should have gems slowly piling up, from login and from story advancement. These events are the time to use the gems to refill your ACT. Especially this event.

Let's say you have around 60 ACT - this event's top battle is very generous with drops, I'd say about an 80% chance of getting a big candy and 33% chance of getting an SR and 33% chance of SSR happiness fairy each time (and this is not even counting the event milestone rewards).

60 stamina per ACT refill (5 gems) = on average, 2.4 big candy, 1 SR fairy, 1 SSR fairy per bar.

2.4 big candy = 7.2 gems to buy normally
The fairies can be used to boost your happiness curan, OR 1 SSR fairy + 1 SR fairy sold = 14 points = 1.4 gacha ticket = 35 (!) gems

All for only 5 gems. Stamina refill is the only thing I ever use my saved up gems on, and I advance the main story of the girls once I have enough big candy. It's working out wonderfully so far for free play. I guess the only thing I'm missing are the free costumes from doing 10-spins, but I don't care too much about those.

This event's drop rate is so good that I'm going to keep doing it instead of the other dailies even once I pass the final event milestone.

>I'm not loving the new shit-curan-with-bonus-event-points deal a whole lot either.

Yeah it's dumb, but the curan's event+ boost goes away and turns into a different ability after the event, so there's really no reason to feel a need to spin for them. Just put Suspend Heart in your party and borrow someone else's event curan and you've got +70%, which just about offsets the difference in bromide point requirements from last time.

>> No.17126153

These are from the recent Dengeki Playstation magazine, right?

>> No.17126345
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>> No.17126351
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>> No.17126698

Why Kishida? Was he even involved with any of the mystery games?

>> No.17126710

He's bff with Gust now since they let him draw all the girls he wants in Blue Reflection.
He sat in the Gust/KT booth and wanked about Blue Reflection for a whole hour too, in the last Tokyo Game Show.

>> No.17127176

Since BR sold under expectation, isn't he in an awkward situation now?

>> No.17127454

>Since BR sold under expectation

>> No.17129946

That's what everyone is saying since it was heavily marketed in Japan and only sold 35k (less than Musou Stars).

>> No.17131012

That's 48,5k, anon.

>> No.17131455

where does a brother get Shallie Recollection Archives.

Literally the only dusk album I'm missing.

>> No.17132034

A new IP sells worse than an IP that has Koei Tecmo's most popular characters slathered across it, gee I wonder why.

>> No.17133101

Missed the Vita sales but still, it isn't a lot.

Nights of Azure was a new IP and it sold 80k in Japan.

>> No.17135115

Musou Stars should not have sold a single copy or existed in the first place.

>> No.17135898

Looks like blue reflection.

>> No.17135972

Mystery series died only after 2 games
What a blunder
Online atelier confirmed
Can't wait for the NoA2 to bomb too

>> No.17136016

>hating fun

About damn time. Definitely picking it up

I doubt Online will be a mainline game. It'll either be some free to play spinoff or just a mode in the next Atelier game. Maybe "Bureseiru no Renkinjutsushi" will end up being the next Mystery game. I'd prefer they let that sub-series go and start a new one, but I'm not getting my hopes up

>> No.17136073

It could be a mobile game but they already have one. I think it's a game by one of the other koei devs.

>> No.17136491

>atelier online


>liking shitty musou fanfiction cash grabs

>> No.17136624

>doubling down on hating fun

>> No.17136818

an atelier mmo would be kind of cool, but it is really hard for me to point to a good crafting system in a mmo

it might just be a gacha mobage though

>> No.17137219

There is no way Gust has the budget or manpower to make an MMO. And I don't see KT dumping those kinds of resources into a project in a niche franchise.

>> No.17137553

Well, Blue Reflection finally got announced for the west. They're leaving the Vita port behind though.

Also a question for more cultured people, is it really a yuri game, or is that just yurifags activating when seeing more than one girl near each other?

>> No.17137889



>It’s worth pointing out the game’s PS Vita version was dropped in favor of PC.

Yeah, I can see how they're treating us, especially after we supported them with the Atelier plus ports.

>> No.17137997
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>Ar nosurge sold like a shit
>Tsuchiya got dumped into making cashgrab mobage
>Atelier sold like a shit
>The rest of Gust got dumped into making cashgrab mobage
I don't even care anymore, they deserved this. NoA and mystery series were a fucking insult.

>> No.17138142

Steamfags apparently keep sweeping up everything anime shaped, so they are guaranteed a bunch of sales if they make the game support 8k and 240fps. But they probably won't.

>> No.17138682

localizationfags get out

>> No.17138717

friendly reminder http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/atelier20th/live.html

>> No.17138771

So how was Blue Reflection? I remember hearing some mixed reviews when it first came out but whats the consensus of it now that it's been out for a while?

>> No.17138977

NoA and Sophie were good.

>> No.17138983

Yeah, a good insult.

>> No.17139011
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Atelier Sophie and Nights of Azure both supported unlocked framerate and had arbitrary resolution support (meaning 8k is possible), so I don't see why they wouldn't.

Day one buy for me.

>> No.17139027

Are Firis' shadows awkward as fuck on PC as well?

They utterly make no sense on PS4.

>> No.17139050

Haven't touched Firis myself yet, but from what screenshots I've seen others post the shadows are definitely fucked on PC too for Firis.

I'm not sure how that happened though when Sophie turned out so well.

>> No.17139058

Yes. PC had all the shit PS4 had and also his own big pile.

>> No.17139060

Open world was a mistake

>oh so you want to synthetize this
>do you have x ingredient, available only in this area?
>want to stock up on materials?
>better have you atelier literally be containers

>> No.17139289

Firis looks like shit on every platform due to open world. It was hilarious seeing the difference between it and Sohpie. After beating Firis I played the prequel DLC for Sophie on ps4 and it looks waaayyy better. The faces, the lightning, the areas, and everything. Firis was a joke and a goddamn insult. The camera is more zoomed out in Firis and the facial expressions don't look near as good. I don't care what you say, Sophie was great and has been their only good next-gen game so far. I pray that the next one isn't forced open world again and they actually focus on making a good, proper game.

>> No.17139583

Does Ciel/Ar Nosurge spoil things from AT2-3?

>> No.17139632

In a roundabout way, yes, it spoils them. Plus, both of these games make use of concepts that were established and explained more in-depth in these two games.

>> No.17140026


>> No.17140533


>> No.17140537

2 minute warning

>> No.17140551

Hoping for something good

>> No.17140583

it doesn't have fi in it what is this

>> No.17140584

​Lidy and Thul. Looks like mystery again.

>> No.17140585

3rd Mysterious game
2 protags

>> No.17140605

fuck mobage

>> No.17140607

Looks more like a mmo.

>> No.17140609

some dumb mobage

why waste time on this shit

>> No.17140615
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Illustrator for Online is tanu

>> No.17140622

KT is most likely behind this

show us more of the main game already

>> No.17140628
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>> No.17140630

Yuugen character on the left, NOCO on the right.

>> No.17140638

Hidari a cute.

>> No.17140649

i like how they completely pretend like the ds ones don't exist

>> No.17140672

>those silhouettes
Flat-kun may get his wish.

>> No.17140676

I'm praying dude. I might finally get my loli yuri wish but I doubt it.

>> No.17140727
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>> No.17140729



>> No.17140743

Famitsu said it's iOS/android

>> No.17140766
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>> No.17140769

new thread

>> No.17147722

It was okay if you play it for the character interactions/school life stuff, and I liked the ending, but it's really bad as an RPG.
