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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 69 KB, 646x512, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1692949 No.1692949 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this? Was it really necessary to draw loli vagoo in this game? Christ...

Also, do the other girls have scenes like this one?

>> No.1692969
File: 114 KB, 241x242, 1228084503661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was it really necessary to draw loli vagoo in this game?

>> No.1692974

>Was it really necessary to draw loli vagoo in this game?

when is it not necessary?

>> No.1692975

Link to noncensored?

>> No.1692990

>Was it really necessary to draw loli vagoo in this game?

Do your parents know you're gay?

>> No.1692995

Just read through Tatarigoroshi-hen. You will see it.

>> No.1692998

eww loli vagoo. it's too tight for my huge cock, personal experience speaking here.

>> No.1693001

So the bridge scene goes...

Original : Naked
PS2 : Towel
Animu : Clothed


>> No.1693005

As long as someone translates this in less than five fucking years they can put in as many loli vagoos as they want.

>> No.1693019

I thought this had no h scenes.

>> No.1693014

Don't try to be a god among /jp/. It's not as good as it sounds.

>> No.1693018

I'm sorry, I just didn't expect Higurashi to have something like this. I'm not complaining or anything. I mean, it's not like I'm going to show this game to people I know, so I don't really care.

>> No.1693027


>> No.1693033

Don't apologize to that guy, he's the fucking homo and an idiot to boot. Be secure in your masculinity.

>> No.1693036

ur a faget

>> No.1693031

Mine's a perfect fit.

Stupid small penis ;_;

>> No.1693042

K1's not exactly hitting on her.

>> No.1693052

>Was it really necessary to draw loli vagoo in this game? Christ...
>Also, do the other girls have scenes like this one?

I have to question your sincerity after considering both sentences.

>> No.1693055
File: 277 KB, 600x836, 1228085291295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get enough of Sextoko

>> No.1693056

He might not be hitting on her, but she is dumping him

>> No.1693062


>> No.1693069


>> No.1693072
File: 80 KB, 531x601, 1228085460406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if they drew one of them, they might as well draw all of them like that, EHEHEHE!

>> No.1693078

So I take it that it's been translated up to this point or is someone been just playing it in moon after the translation ended?

>> No.1693075
File: 16 KB, 352x198, 1228085493716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well played.

>> No.1693079
File: 130 KB, 550x550, 1228085519646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion lieks Sextoko

>> No.1693092

You must be new to /jp/. Some of us aren't complete faggots that wait for translation patches on everything and only play shit.

>> No.1693131

if were lucky they MIGHT translate Day 15 by new years, if were lucky

>> No.1693132

Yeah, we have ATLUS!

>> No.1693139


>> No.1693155


Even with my shitty moon skills, I can make more out of the original text than the garbled mess ATLAS spits out, even after feeding it small chunks and loading a bunch of custom dictionaries.

>> No.1693161

Lol bringing up stuff like it's your own gay secret.

>> No.1693180

>custom dictionaries

That might be the problem.

>> No.1693183

Draw it yourself in ms paint, it will probably look even better than the original.

>> No.1693193


The base library is even shittier, though.

>> No.1693211


Source please.

>> No.1693220


Basically, whenever there should logically be a vagina visible (as in, somebody's naked for some reason) you should just bite the bullet and draw that vagina. Concealing or self-censoring shit just makes you a prudish twat.

In that scene, all that happens (mainly Satoko's extreme reactions) makes a bit more sense if Satoko is naked than if she is not.

>> No.1693228
File: 513 KB, 500x625, 1228087168506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my little Sextoko.

>> No.1693237

Still want to see the noncensored image.

>> No.1693256
File: 8 KB, 125x125, 1228087526749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1693258
File: 2 KB, 125x63, 1228087577742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1693264

w0w no porn

>> No.1693262

Sextoko breaker.

>> No.1693267
File: 877 B, 125x27, 1228087671235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1693298
File: 23 KB, 200x300, 1228088046542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Satoko. She's had such a rough life. It makes me want to scoop her up in my arms and hold her tight and tell her noone's ever gonna hurt her again. Then of course she'd live with me and cook for me like she did for K1 and wear that cute maid outfit.

Of course, having grown up so fast on account of the abuse, she'd start having adult feelings fairly early. Of course, she'd have them directed toward her savior, who freed her from her unhappy life. It would start innocently enough, my blushing loli following me around the house, making sure I'm comfortable and happy at whatever I'm doing, but then she'll realize new urges. While previously she wanted to share the bed with her surrogate Nii-nii for the warmth and comfort of her newfound safety, she would soon find herself wanting to share more.

And I would share with her. Oh my heavens yes but would I ever share.

>> No.1693297

Okay guys, I'm FUCKING sick of those FUCKING sisters writing that FUCKING food-blog.

Please, can't any kind anon here with knowledge for japanese/scripting/anything start translating Watanagashi-hen forward? ANYTHING would probably be better than our current slow snail-pace translation, yes.

>> No.1693308
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1228088156163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko runs into Irie's office crying with her clothes torn up

"Irie-sensei, Irie-sensei, help." she moans while crying.

"Aww, Satoko, what happened, tell me what's wrong?" he asks, looking concerned.

"sniff, sniff, my uncle hit me and ripped my shirt because I spilled tea on him, and he looked really angry so I ran here," she says sitting on the floor and hugging her knees to her chest.

Irie sighs, sets his doctor's coat a chair and begins to unbutton his pants, "Wow, today's just not your day, is it Satoko-chan."

>> No.1693321
File: 163 KB, 842x595, 1228088259929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pat her head. Little doggirl Satoko would tilt her head up, tiny tears gathering at the corners of her closed eyes. Her tail would erratically thump into the floor in anticipation as my hand grew closer. She'd stretch her neck as high as it goes, and then I'd run my hand over that scruffy blonde hair. She'd flinch as the gentle touch drained away the tension of the day. She'd wag her tail in rhythm to my gentle petting, her entire body relaxing as she slumped against my legs. Her chin would rest on my knee, a single happy tear sliding down her cheek as I scratched behind her ears. She'd be asleep soon, but I would keep my hand on her head, a warm security blanket for her nap. Maybe I'll just doze off too...

>> No.1693330
File: 30 KB, 704x396, 1228088348460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was yelled for being too stinky.
I was yelled at for the food being too stinky.
He said that it stinks because I'm stinky.
He said that I stink because I don't take a bath.
He said that since I stink so much, I need to take a bath at least three times a day.
I was told that I have to stay in each of those baths for a long long time.

It is possessing this guy too. Because this was the same thing that the dead guy was saying as well. How does this person know what that guy said.

That's easy. It's because the thing that possessed that guy is now possessing this guy too.

I wish that an earthquake occur right now and open a big crack in front of my house. If it did, that guy would definitely look at the crack. And then, all I have to do is just push him into it. I'm not gonna give up until I get that chance.

I'm not gonna give up. I'm not gonna cry.
I'm not gonna give up. I'm not gonna cry.

>> No.1693331

>Higurashi no NAku Koro ni (English)

Wait, it's translated?!

>> No.1693337

        、ィ ==、==у==、ー、
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           ムL\"" ヽ-ー-ァ ゙゙ ゙゙ /从ノリ
             ゙̄-、,._ \_ノ _,. イヽ「
              _/゙"ッ - " / i\_

>> No.1693341
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1228088438689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko, dear Satoko, why can't you be real? I only want to see you happy. To see you smile again. You deserve a happier life. I don't know what I could do for you, if I could ever be GAR enough to replace your Nii-Nii. I'd like to think I could. But mostly, Satoko, I just want you to be happy. I'd go to the ends of the world for you, I'd even die for you.

So why won't you smile, Satoko?

>> No.1693348
File: 39 KB, 393x490, 1228088484084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have consensual intercourse with Satoko. I couldn't ever force her. Rape is out of the question. But if she was alright with it, oh how I would make her scream. I would bring her to new heights of ecstasy, exploring her body with unparalleled lust, turning her body into an electrically-charged dynamo. And as she was in the throes of her first orgasm, I would pull out a hidden pie, smack it in her face and yell "HAW HAW! Your Nii-Nii is dead!"

>> No.1693359
File: 365 KB, 444x250, 1228088564304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko winced as Rika grasped the young girl's half-erect penis. This sitation was not unusual to her, as Rika noticed the difference between Satoko and other girls many years ago. But this time, something was different.

"R-Rika, we can't. Our friends are in the other room."

Satoko's protests were cut short as Rika lunged for her lips. A thin trail of saliva ran down Satoko's chin, as the two girls' tongues swirled togethe- oh fuck I can't do this.

Satoko's protests were cut short as Rika lunged for her lips. A thin trail of saliva ran down Satoko's chin, as the two girls' tongues swirled together. When they finally parted, Satoko was completely erect, just as Rika had planned.

"Don't worry, Satoko. Just close your eyes and relax."

With this, Rika lowered herself and grabbed hold of Satoko's shaft. With a steady rhythm, she began to pump. Satoko's hips began to quiver in response, and her pants filled the air.

>> No.1693368
File: 487 KB, 1300x1500, 1228088634203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The club resumes it's normal activities for the moment. Mion shows no sign of having to pee as she talks with the others. Rika also seems cheerful, giggling as the club leader teases the only male member. Her bladder is of the same size as the blonde's, but she has superior mental strength and willpower in comparison, and easily endures it. Rena, however, isn't doing so good. Despite being a few years older than Rika, she actually has less stamina and needs to make regular trips to the bathroom. She gives a worried sigh and presses her legs together, but doesn't bring it up in their conversation.

This continues for several minutes, when Satoko notices the tip of her pencil is dull. She seems to feel fine now, there is a very faint ache in her abdomen but it honestly doesn't feel like she's holding back very much urine. "I guess... maybe it went away..." Thinks the young girl, unaware that her kegal muscles have merely become numb. She calmly stands up and takes her pencil over to the sharpener next to the door, but just as she reaches up a sudden strong urge comes over her.

>> No.1693371
File: 66 KB, 737x710, 1228088681572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone turns to look in suprise as they hear her cry out. She drops the pencil and thrusts her hands into her crotch, trying frantically to hold back the flood that threatens to come out. As hard as she pushes her bladder seems to push back harder, forcing the warm liquid to a hair's distance of it's escape. She hops from foot to foot as it feels funny to be so close to losing it, and this drains the last of her natural endurance.

The other students watch with intensity as her skirt becomes soaked turns dark towards the bottom. A torrent of urine soon follows, spilling out on to the floor beneath her. A small puddle forms where she is standing, having only a faint scent and a slight yellow color to it. Satoko leans against the door and takes a moment to catch her breath. When she turns around, a blurry figure can be seen standing next to her.

>> No.1693377

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.         /     }   \/ ヽ{ へ、 ヽ.

>> No.1693389

Huh, I didn't know this.

Satoko's seiyuu from the anime also voiced Kaguya in Code Geass and a bunch of Pokemon including Jigglypuff

>> No.1693392
File: 15 KB, 400x300, 1228088820272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Once again, the ancient document returns to Satoko. This time, Satoko teases me while flutters the ancient document telling me 'here, here'. While pinching her nose with the finger, like carrying something with disgust, the whole class burst with laughter. When I rudely go towards Satoko, naturally, she tosses the ancient document to someone. She probably thinks I'll head towards there. But, without minding about the ancient document's destination, I just head straight towards Satoko. I grasp her fist tightly, making sure to tuck in my nail into the joint of her finger. In order to explain a very important thing to Satoko in an extremely short time, make her understand and not allow any rebuttal, I thought this method was the fastest. I punch Satoko's face with my right fist. The tip of my fist was driven deep into below Satoko's left eye and gave her a seal I guess won't disappear for some time. I promptly grabbed her hair and made her tumble to the floor and then, I raised the chair of someone nearby over my head and then, hit her two or three times. Without being able to understand what happened, Satoko was confused by the sudden burst of violence and all she could do was to curl herself like a turtle. ... Even though I had hit her with the chair in such conditions, since I didn't use much strenght, she was not that much injured. I raise the chair and leave it straddled over the upper half of Satoko's body. It's just as if restraining Satoko tumbled on the floor. I raised my foot and placed it over that chair, and treaded on it as though nailing a stake."

>> No.1693393


Loli? I thought that was some strange, large eyed relative of Gumby.

>> No.1693395
File: 80 KB, 804x759, 1228088857903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" ...... Satoko, you're kind of annoying. Since you have the same face as my friend, I've been tolerating you a bit, though. Enough, I've been getting irritated even with that shrilling voice of yours. From now on, If you enter into a 1m radius around me, I'll knock you without any justification immediately, so I hope you remember that. ......... Are you hearing?!"

Then, upon violently treading on the chair once more, I finally could see Satoko putting up a expression of panic. ... Indeed, I was quite right. Nothing better than saying things precisely.

>> No.1693408


>> No.1693413
File: 152 KB, 591x874, 1228089034804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko was very confused about what was going on around her. She couldn't understand why Chie-sensei was letting Takano-san do that to her. It almost seemed like she was hurting Chie-sensei, and yet it also seemed like Chie-sensei wanted her to do it. And then everyone started acting strange. For some reason Satoko's special place was tingling. She couldn't understand it. She looked around while half-covering her face with her hands.

"Satoko-chan?" Satoko jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Rika smiling at her. To her surprise she was naked but for her panties. She had seen Rika-chan naked before, of course, but in this strange atmosphere, it felt weird. It was like she was seeing Rika-chan's body for the first time. She
noticed the small red nipples on Rika's budding chest, and the whiteness of her skin.

Satoko leapt into Rika's arms. "Rika-chan, what's going on!?" she cried. Rika took Satoko's head on her shoulder and patted it. "It's alright. Chie-sensei is a good person. She's trying to teach us how we can show our love for each other." Satoko pulled back and looked at Rika. "But I don't get it! Isn't Takano-san hurting Chie-sensei?" Rika smiled. "Not at all. They're showing their love in an adult way. Sometimes when adults show their love for each other it sounds like pain, but they actually feel really really good. Look, if it hurt, Shion and Mion wouldn't do it, right?" Rika looked behind Satoko. Satoko turned around, and gasped as she saw the twins, intertwining, writhing on the floor.

As she was turned, Rika took the opportunity and reach around to feel Satoko's panties. Satoko gasped, partially because Rika touched her, but also because she just realized how wet she was. "Satoko... does your pussy also feel funny?" Satoko blushed. "I...I don't know..." "Don't worry. I'll make you feel good. Let's feel good together, Satoko."

>> No.1693421
File: 30 KB, 250x250, 1228089097286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closeby, Rika has just finished removing Satoko's clothing. They were both completely naked. Satoko was blushing madly. Rika giggled and held her close. "Satoko is cute when she blushes, isn' she?" That just made Satoko's face redder. "D-don't say that..." Rika pulled her face close. Their lips were centimeters apart. Rika stared into Satoko's eyes lustily. "Let's feel good... mii" and with that she pulled Satoko into a deep kiss. Satoko felt Rika's tongue dancing across her own. She was shocked. Her first kiss, and it was with a girl. But she didn't resist. In fact she somehow was moving her tongue with Rika's. Rika's breath tasted sweet and airy. Just when she was beginning to like it, she felt a pinch on her left nipple. "Ah... Rika-chan... what are you..." Rika didn't say anything, but instead pulled away and moved her head down, and she began to lap at Satoko's
other nipple with her tongue. Satoko yelped loudly. She was sure the whole class had heard, but it felt so good her eyes were watering and she couldn't see. She felt Rika's moist lips close around the nipple and suck. Satoko moaned. Her body felt like it was floating. She didn't think anything could feel better than this, but
suddenly she felt something brush against her pussy, and her whole body twinged. "AHHH!" she moaned as Rika's left hand slid across her pussy.

>> No.1693419


tl;dr after the first two.

>> No.1693431
File: 280 KB, 523x600, 1228089174532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko couldn't believe how good this felt. Rika had now gone down on her, moving from Satoko's chest to her now-dripping pussy. Rika's hands still explored along Satoko's smooth chest, and sides, but her face was planted deep in Satoko's muff. Satoko moaned and squirmed. Rika moved her hands from Satoko's sides, down to the small of her back, running a finger along Satoko's arching spine. As Satoko arched back Rika took
advantage of it and grasped Satoko's plump buttocks with her tiny hands. She squeezed playfully. "Ahh! Rika-chan!" Satoko mocked anger. Rika momentarily lifted her head up and smiled. Satoko's juices ran down the sides of her mouth and dripped off her chin. "Hehe... nii-pah!" "Geez..." grumped Satoko. "One does not just squeeze the rear of a dignified young lady." "But it felt good, didn't It, Satoko-chan?" Satoko blushed. "Y-yes... please continue."

>> No.1693435
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1228089220652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Rika will do her best!" she grinned as she plunged back into Satoko's cute flower. It was bright pink, and small, but Rika thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Rika loved everything about Satoko's body. The cute, small nipples, her slender waist, and her squishable butt. Rika giggled inside as she
squeezed Satoko's buns, enjoying the round softness. And the taste of her pussy... Rika dug her tongue deep inside to get more of it, lapping it up with loud slurping sounds. Encouraged by Satoko's moans, she pushed her face deeper. Wetness splashed along the bottom half of her face. Aroused, Rika set Satoko down and moved her left hand to her own dripping center. She played with her tiny pink clit, as she had often done before whenever she was lonely and thinking of Mamoru. Meanwhile, Satoko's moans grew more intense, and Rika felt tiny hands dig into her scalp and pull her in. Rika complied and began to lick faster. Suddenly warm juice squirted across her face and Satoko's fingers dug deep into her scalp and Satoko yelled out loudly. Rika pulled away and wiped her face. She smiled lovingly at the out-of-breath girl lying naked beneath her, happy to see her with a face full of contentness and pleasure, though Rika was a bit disappointed she hadn't come herself.

>> No.1693438
File: 80 KB, 582x785, 1228089294550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though Rena had surprised Rika and Satoko, they quickly turned the tables. They each grabbed an arm and pushed her onto her back. Rena squealed. "Satoko-chan... and Rika-chan... doing it together, it was so cute I came!" Rika smiled maliciously. "Why don't we make you feel even better, Rena-chan?" She nodded to Satoko, who also grinned. Satoko squeezed herself between Rena's sprawling legs and spread them wide. "Hau... what are you doing? That's embarassing!" Satoko didn't stop, though, spreading Rena's pussy with her fingers. "So pink... and wet. What a perverted pussy!" Rika sat beside Rena and began caressing her left breast. "I hope
mine are like yours someday, Rena-chan." "Hau... I'm so embarassed!" "I guess it can't be helped" laughed Satoko, who then began furiously licking Rena in her sensitive spot. "Hau... I feel so strange!"

>> No.1693447
File: 29 KB, 400x260, 1228089368468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko assaulted Rena's pussy with vigor. She put her arms around Rena's waist to get a better grip, and Rena wrapped her legs around Satoko's bare back. Rika went to work on Rena's tits, aided by her experience with Satoko. Rena's tits were different, though. They were big and plump, and Rika could grab a hold of the nipple and move them around with her hand. Rena moaned when she did this, and Rika took care of her other tit by sucking on it. Rena responded by molesting Rika, running her arm all along Rika's smooth white back, and then digging into her cute ass with her hand.

Satoko's grip tightened on Rena's waist. She moved her tongue all over Rena's cute pussy, licking and sucking. Rena's panting became more and more ragged. Rika climbed on top of Rena and began rubbing her hairless pussy on Rena's hardened left nipple. Her clit rubbed across and became hard as well. "Haa... Rika... that's so
good! Satoko too! I love you both!" She moaned faster and faster. Suddenly Satoko dug in deep with her tongue. Rena's whole body felt like it was being shocked. She gripped Satoko tightly with her thighs as she came. As she relaxed Satoko and Rika laid down on each side of her and kissed her gently on her cheeks. "I hope you enjoyed that present, Rena-chan" grinned Rika.

>> No.1693458
File: 228 KB, 621x700, 1228089475152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion laid the blonde down on the floor. She grabbed her arms and spread them. "Onee-chan? What are you doing?" Shion smiled. "I'm giving you what you deserve, Satoko-chan." And then Shion kissed Satoko's arm. Then the other. Faster and faster she laid quick kisses all over Satoko's arms. Satoko moaned in pleasure. "Do you think..." Shion stopped to listen. "Do you really think Nii-Nii will come back?" Shion stroked the girl's head. "No... I know he will." And with that Shion assaulted Satoko's stomach with kisses. When she stopped, and sat up, Satoko surprised her by leaping onto her, latching onto her chest.

Satoko sucked wantonly on Shion's tits. The older girl moaned and grabbed Satoko by the back, amazed a young girl could be so good at this. Shion fell back, Satoko landing on top of her. "Onee-chan." Satoko looked at Shion lustfully. Then she positioned herself on top and began rapidly rubbing her pussy against Shion's. "Onee-chan! Onee-chan!" "Satoko-chan! Satoko-chAAAAAAANNNN!" The little blonde collapsed in Shion's arms. Shion smiled at the beautiful little girl in her arms. "I kept my promise... Satoshi-kun."

>> No.1693463
File: 178 KB, 1024x768, 1228089545432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I know you're up to no good, Sensei! Don't worry girls, I'll save yo-" Keiichi lost his voice as he stumbled into the classroom, bat in hand. It was muggy and humid inside, and there was a strange mind-numbing feeling to the room. But that was obviously not what shocked Keiichi. As he stood dumbfounded, naked little Satoko walked up to him. Keiichi just stared at her. She was eyeing his bat. At a loss for words, he smiled dumbly and offered it to her. She grabbed it quickly, then walked over to a corner.

"Nii-Nii's bat... Nii-Nii has touched this bat with his own hands." Keiichi gasped as Satoko set the bat down, handle-up, and sat on top of the handle, pushing it into her. "Nii-nii... Nii-nii... I love you, Nii-nii! Ah... ah...
ah..." Keiichi fell on the floor. He looked around. Naked girls everywhere. All staring at him, shell-shocked. Satoko continued to work the bat.

>> No.1693484



>> No.1693492
File: 123 KB, 566x800, 1228089781233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like reading these as if they're all one story.

>> No.1693524

*fap fap*

>> No.1693531

Some of them are.


>> No.1693677

except original higurashi art makes me want to cry tears of blood.

>> No.1693859

>loli vagoo
was it pixelated?

>> No.1693971


>> No.1696188

No, it wasn't.
