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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 54 KB, 600x429, 41686279_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16893509 No.16893509 [Reply] [Original]

Mahjong thread. Lesbian edition

>> No.16896019
File: 450 KB, 728x621, lucky chanta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this beginner's luck? It seems like it was either shimocha giving me chanta or toimen giving me a lower-scoring hand, provided that I do not decline the ron.

>> No.16896067

No, that's normal. Open chanta is a terribly overrated yaku and is best used when you either get a set of dora or combine it with something you already have like here. The mistake most beginners make is thinking chanta is roughly on the same level of difficulty as tanyao and end up chasing it in ridiculous situations.

>> No.16896147

3:8, /a/ must be here or something

>> No.16896332

>so much tanoshii~~~~

>> No.16896357

Hi, do you guys know of any online/pirateable beginner resources in Japanese?

>> No.16896440

http://beginners.biz/ is all you will need if you need Japanese articles

>> No.16896456


>> No.16899232

What would happen if /v/ joins the fray?

>> No.16899399

7447 chat would be spammed and there would be 新人 players everywhere

>> No.16899424

they are
nothing, nobody else it's on /v/ that isn't on /a/ or /jp/ (at least when MJ is concerned)

>> No.16899474

/jp/ vs. /v/ vs. /a/ vs. /tg/ mahjong tournament when?

>> No.16899483

never because most of the people are crossborder to begin with and I don't think we can get a saki style match with 20 different people

>> No.16899523

Invite /u/ and perhaps we can get Saki-style matches

>> No.16899654
File: 416 KB, 480x270, 1488645902528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is Tokujou. These are a 7th and 8th dan, both over 2k R, playing in Tokujou.

I'll say it again. This is no an ippan game, this is in Tokujou.

>> No.16899669

3:8 by the way.

>> No.16899807

At least you punished the 7 dan.

>> No.16900111


>> No.16900253

>in top 10 now
damn, I don't deserve this

>> No.16900278
File: 32 KB, 640x480, I came here to laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South 4
>Barely holding on
>Already showing nan dora 4
>Fuck it, RIICHI

>> No.16901430


Oh lord, that last round was stupid.

>> No.16901480

20 game losing streak: 0+4+10+6 = 20戦

Why yes, my rating has fallen enormously this month.

I'm relatively new, but I was doing much better than this the last couple months. Haven't changed rooms or anything, still at the bottom, but this really feels like I must be playing significantly worse.

Have you ever started playing much worse, not on a given night but over a several-week period? Did any of you figure out what you started doing wrong?

>> No.16902449

twitch tv / sc2reva

Mahjong Tournament live casting.

>> No.16902545

I'm right there with you friend. My play style which was reliable for months has backfired and now I'm on the edge of deranking. What's bad luck and what's bad play? What could I have done differently? How did they know to play their hands the way they did?

All questions with no clear answer, but reviewing replays is still the best way to learn imo

>> No.16903120


>> No.16903142

To the people going through slumps: Bad luck is a thing. You don't need to rethink your entire world just because you got unlucky too many times in a row. A lot of times there just wasn't anything you could have knowingly done to improve those games.

>> No.16903201

Isn't that just giving yourself an excuse however? I've dealt into ridiculous dama hands on the third turn but it's naive to think it was the only reason.

>> No.16903331

To the people going through slumps: Tenhou recognizes non-Japanese IPs and gives you worse luck when the % of foreign players ranking up gets too high in order to preserve yamato damashii.

>> No.16903356


Think they'd give me a pass if I bought an account?

>> No.16903504
File: 574 B, 100x47, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I now have the pussy magnet next to my name when I join a lobby?

>> No.16903605
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>> No.16903628

You need 1800 for that.

At 2000 you get a nice little fade in, so people know you're hot shit.

>> No.16904204

yes, in a private lobby over 1600 will show, in L0 only with 1800

>> No.16904376


>> No.16904423


>> No.16904567
File: 890 KB, 300x218, 1442472323992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The badge is there for a reason

>> No.16904618
File: 107 KB, 740x628, Oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me on East 3. I had 2 of your 4 outs and was sitting on mangan, but deal in anyway. Shimocha was pretty close to kokushi though.

>> No.16904640


Source? Because fuck Tenhou if it's true.

>> No.16904645

I wasn't seriousing you baka.

>> No.16904726


It honestly wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.16904907
File: 93 KB, 625x772, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Therefore, when we draw a tile next to the head, creating a side-wait protorun, we should keep it and break the double closed shape instead
I don't understand why. Keeping the double closed shape will let you accept more tiles in 1-shanten.

>> No.16904949

The first one is obvious, you get to tenpai with calling a chun.

The second one is much more debatable.

>> No.16905116

You get to tenpai by calling chun no matter if you discard 2s, 6s, 2m or 5m first, though. The uke-ire are higher because you can get into tenpai by drawing 3m or 6m and keep chun as your pair. That still leaves you with a kanchan wait, though. I would break up the 2-4-6 shape in the above example as well, but not because of the kanchan wait, but because of improved uke-ire. If we're going by the chance to end up with ryanmen wait I don't see how discarding 2m or 5m isn't ideal.

>> No.16905217


>> No.16905368

Because prioritizing ryanmen isn't the goal here. It's a garbage hand, so speed is way more important than wait quality. You figure there is a very good chance you will betaori anyway.

>> No.16905392


>> No.16905564

The Japanese mahjong community is friendly to baka gaijins, you baka.

>> No.16905845

If you discard 2s or 6s the only uke-ire you get are 3m and 6m and both of them will get you into tenpai with a complete gabage hand: no yaku (except riichi) and a kanchan wait. Yes, the hand is technically faster, but what it is faster at is getting you into a shape that is so bad you don't even want to get into tenpai with.

>> No.16906320


>> No.16907169

Such is life

>> No.16907203

Not most jansou in Japan.

>> No.16907304

They're fine with anyone as long as you know what you're doing and can communicate clearly

>> No.16907620

Give source saying how most jansou are unfriendly to foreigners who can speak Japanese and know how to play the game.

>> No.16907819

Foreigners are usually not permitted to enter such buildings, so we can only guess how they might treat a foreigner.

>> No.16907863

I played in Shibuton just fine. Those folks in osamuko plays regularly in rate jansou.

>> No.16908670

>Get into tenpai for mangan
>Play into a pointless dama hand for 5200

>Play into a 5200 points hand by discarding a chun on the 7th discard that has gone through 3 turns before

>be in tenpai
>shimocha declares riichi
>plan to defend because my wait is bad
>draw the tile I need to update my wait to ryanmen and decent hand value
>Go for it because it's S3 and I'm in last place and need the points
>Deal into double ron, one of them with ippatsu and bust out under 0 points

This was some next level bullshit.

>> No.16908834

When will we see Teru actually doing something

>> No.16908980
File: 122 KB, 734x693, 1490272362426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got done with this match and decided to check the replay because something seemed odd about this round.


Just look at it. "Conflicted" doesn't begin to describe how I'm feeling about it.

I broke the first tenpai to keep the dora. A risky move, but it paid off. Then I hit tenpai with an oya haneman but I didn't call riichi. I was very split on this. On one hand, I was last and with a riichi I could put some pressure, maybe even make it a baiman with some ura, but I also felt I could get a better wait by waiting.

Then I deal in but the guy decides not to ron me. I don't get this. If I had called riichi, I feel he would have definitely ronned me. At any rate, he saved my ass.

And then he proceeds to ron the kamicha into last place, effectively saving my ass again.

I was feeling glad I had managed to squirm my way into second place even though I dealt in like a retard before, but now I feel like it was all on this guy.

>> No.16909051

Maybe he opted for bigger win because it's early round part and 4k lead at S4 wasn't safe? He was East at S4 so tsumo could drag him down to 2nd or even 3rd. But yeah, I can't see why he passed that ron at S tile.
Your kamicha's 9p discard is also weird. Overconfident, I guess?

>> No.16909432

You were saved by Majin, clearly.

>> No.16909616


>> No.16909663

pretty cool

>> No.16909971

>not defending so you can get a yakuman in S4
your fault man

>> No.16910390

>you know what you're doing and can communicate clearly
By which, most do not.

>> No.16910564

all you need to know is how to say numbers

>> No.16911088

Does tenhou not let you keep playing a game after a set number of disconnects?

>> No.16911093

Three strikes and you're out. Having someone that disconnects a lot is pretty fucking annoying, so I'm not against that rule, no matters how many times it has fucked me over. Just make sure your connection is steady before playing.

>> No.16912020
File: 11 KB, 257x302, Holy fucking shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, now I'm royally fucking pissed

>> No.16912083
File: 11 KB, 168x198, Mahjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are you crashing and burning that hard? You need to step the fuck back. Even your 7447 stats are shit. If you can't keep even average placement against the people there, you won't have a chance to push back into Tokujou.

The last time I had problems I just completely stopped for a month, reread the Daina Chiba book and played a ton against AIs.

>> No.16912084

We (/a/ and /jp/) had a tournament last year in February.

>> No.16912101

I'm also experiencing a similar burn. I switched over to my secondary account while I ride it out. Ironically I'm doing very well now, so I'm hesitant to return to my main.

>> No.16912110


>> No.16912140

Wanna see how bad tokujou kicked me out?

>> No.16912235


>> No.16912934

He just sucks but got into a lucky streak to 5d.

>> No.16913206

>lucky streak
Funny thing is. That's one of my indicators, as to whether a player sucks or not. If he/she attributes winning and losing to luck first. You're a fucking dipshit, if you think that.

>> No.16913299

What if you automatically attribute winning to luck and losing to lack of skill?

>> No.16913326


>> No.16913361


>> No.16914088

>he doesn't believe in the heart of the cards

>> No.16915172


>rejecting luck as a real factor
>more importantly, NOT understanding what people mean when they say they were lucky/unlucky

I wish I could gamble with people like you all the time because you're probably an easy target to take money from. :)

Attributing wins to good luck is a way of being modest and gracious about your wins.

Attributing losses to bad luck is a way of keeping yourself confident and focused for the next games. It helps avoid slumping and deviating from your personal playstyle, which is built upon a strong foundation.

>> No.16915369

You're deal-in rate is high, you might want to defend more.

>> No.16915411

Then you have a dysfunctional explanatory style.

>> No.16916042

What's a good deal-in rate?

>> No.16916235

≤ 0.100

>> No.16916310


what >>16916235 said if you're a great mahjong player. otherwise, -0.08 off of your hand win rate.

>> No.16916359


Brains have a nasty way of choosing a habit and maintaining them -- when they work. But when things don't work. Then it's a mix of panic and desperation mode. Throw in some irritability, and you have a downward spiral in your hands,

>> No.16916455

≤ 0.100 is most likely to low, at that point you either play against opponents below your level or you should play more aggressively.
Between .13 and .14 is ok for a tokujou player, below .13 is good.

>> No.16916994

Depends on your win rate and how much your average hand value is.

The rule of thumb is that your win rate should be .10 more than your deal in rate, but if you are winning big and often, you can get away with a differential of around .075.

>> No.16921011
File: 439 KB, 737x627, Fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even live?

>> No.16921115

I was going to tell you to take it in stride since everyone else also took the hit, but then I saw that you were north and the tiebreaker rule put you in 4th.

...You'll bounce back!

>> No.16922004

get over 1800R and hopefully you won't have players that feed into that any more

>> No.16922216

you also got 4th because seat order

I feel you bro

>> No.16922255
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>> No.16922646

You'd be surprised.

>> No.16923676
File: 328 KB, 643x391, Mahjong Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This month. Show me your suffering:

7+15+14+8 = 44戦 (joukyuu)

12+11+11+22 = 56戦 (tokujou)

>> No.16923789
File: 425 KB, 739x625, Observe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibilities have no limits.

>> No.16924220

>There's 3 nan visible
>It's kamicha's genbutsu pair
>There's already a xia on the table
>The Tenhou is dead last
>What are the odds?

Literally reviving from the ashes.
Poor 9 dan getting knocked into second.

>> No.16925368

15+12+10+6 = 43

I'm doing great with my dipshit secondary account I use to fuck around in ippan. I've been doing awful with my main so I go addicted to winning against shit players.

>> No.16926595

8+4+4+5 = 21 in joukyuu
Also reached 1800+ this month but am still 2nd dan. Leveling dan ranks takes so fucking long if you don't have much time to play.

>> No.16926832

Has anyone else noticed a lot of idiots disconnecting after dealing into a big hand recently?

It's happened in my last 4 games.

>> No.16926838

I see them disconnecting even in 1st

>> No.16926859

Yeah but I figure when you disconnect in first you probably actually had connection troubles.

But it seems like there has been an uptick (for me anyway) of people dealing into a big hand, falling to 4th, and then disconnecting, even when it's early in the game. Which I assume is reasonably often a rage quit.

>> No.16926901

If you're playing in ippan, it happens often enough.

>> No.16927073


>> No.16927456

Just had a game where I went down to 2600 to a dealer haneman. By the end I was able to finish second.

You never know how the game will go, so there's zero point in just disconnecting when you have chances to turn it around.

>> No.16930613

I'll disconnect in south 4 if I'm last and have an absolutely shit starting hand.

>> No.16931534

I was in this situation the other day and 3rd place dealt into a dealer yakuman.

>> No.16931645
File: 410 KB, 770x656, ss739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you discard here?

>> No.16931758

I just broke my losing streak. But here are my games for the month:
1+8+15+7 = 31戦

It still doesn't feel that good.

>> No.16931794

That or 6p or 9s. No safe options. I go with 9m though, based on I don't know what.

I'm also bad at mahjong, so I'm hoping someone will come yell at me that the answer is obviously whatever for reasons.

>> No.16931972

9 sou

>> No.16931982

No good options, 9s because it's at least half suji to all 3 players and a terminal.

>> No.16932028

8s, maybe 9s.

>> No.16932111
File: 363 KB, 781x658, ss740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16932132

Basically you just got screwed by the ura dora. Nothing to see here.

>> No.16932254

>Riichi with 3-sided wait
>Shimocha decides to declare 2 kans
>Toimen then declares a kan
>Get an ankan
>Don't want to call it because still have a good chance of winning
>Deal it and end up ronning into kamicha's yakuhai nomi hand
>Check the wall for the rinshan tile
>It was toimen's wait for yakuhai dora 3
Just can't win in this kusoge. Even when you sort of dodge a bullet it's still infuriating
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.16932314


Somehow nobody noticed that 4p passed, making 7p suji. Since you already cut 4s I assume you're 100% bailing, so go with that.

>> No.16932329

>Very close to ranking up
>4th on last 2 games


>> No.16932485
File: 134 KB, 279x301, 1433388998157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when that happens

>> No.16932545 [DELETED] 

Somehow nobody noticed that 3p passed, making 6p suji. Since you already cut 4s I assume you're 100% bailing, so go with that.

>> No.16932560

Somehow nobody noticed that 3s passed, making 6s suji.

>> No.16932812

Except no 9s passed did they?

>> No.16932816

If a 3 passed but neither a 6 or 9 passed that's not suji, it's just half suji which was already noted >>16931982

>> No.16932926

you have shit options anyway, keep attacking with 9m

>> No.16933780

7p was suji like >>16932314 stated and the obviously the best choice. While playing defensively you should always pay attention to other players discards and immediately search for suji or kabe created for tiles in your hands, not just when it's your turn or you won't have enough time.

If he wouldn't have the 7p I'd agree with this. The hand is 2-shanten but has many uke-ire and potential for pinfu, tanayao sanshoku as dealer. Since he has a suji tile however, defending is better.

>> No.16935867

>Foreigners are usually not permitted to enter such buildings
You're making things up. There are no buildings in Japan that are off-limits to foreigners (aside from the shops that declare "Japanese only"; but not only are those almost impossible to encounter, I also haven't seen a single jansou with that written on it).
Like >>16907863 said, Shibuton is basically a classic place now for the tiny community of foreigners that go to Japan and play mahjong there. Osamuko documented many other jansou that contributors went to. Even some guy here on /jp/ was making a tour of random places last year.

>> No.16937119

does anyone want to play tonight? I'm up for the next hour or two.

>> No.16937403
File: 434 KB, 735x980, 20170429_084005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thought it was over?

>> No.16937412 [DELETED] 

>>16937403 but it is

That game was way more tense than it should have been. Thanks for playing. Nice to play again with you, Trundle! Sorry for pulling a Saki on you.

>> No.16937423

but it is

That game was way more tense than it should have been. Thanks for playing. Nice to play again with you, Trundle! It has been years. Sorry for pulling a Saki on you.

>> No.16937772
File: 381 KB, 772x664, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking hand

wew lad

>> No.16938116

Chinitsu-nomi makes me feel dirty

>> No.16938571

He's waiting for 1, 4, 3 and 6 right? My mind gets full of fuck when looking at one suit hands.

>> No.16938655

Truly a beautiful hand.

You forgot 5 and 9,
he's waiting on 1,3,4,5,6 and 9. Only 2,7 and 8 wouldn't complete the hand.

>> No.16938671

new in mahjong pls don't judge T_T i only know mahjong by watching saki and read a lot of wiki.

>> No.16938682

What are you posting the replay for? Want advice?

>> No.16938688

more or less yes

>> No.16938690

also this was my first match after those cruel AI from gamedesign mahjong game and feeling that i am ready to take on tenhou.

>> No.16938703

Okay, I'll look over it.

>> No.16938907

You should've discarded the W instead of 3m and 2p. middle tiles are useful early in the hand, because they can easily form sequences. W is pretty much useless.
You also could've called that red dragon. Your hand looks kinda fast with that 2 side waits and the pair of 5p and would have at least 2 han.
Why did you ignore the red dragon but then called the 5p? There's no point in doing so.
On step 6 you should again discard W over 4s. And IF (which is not a good idea) you'd want to discard a number tile it should be 4m, not 4s. 4s can form a sequence with 6s if you draw 5s. 4m is useless, because 67m can already form a sequence by drawing 5m.
Same again after that, all the middle tiles you discarded were far more usefull than the W, which lead to you having a very good sequence (34567s) in your discard pile that could've been on your hand.

You could've kept the 4m and dicard the red dragon on step 5. If you drew a 5m you'd have a very useful sequence with 45678m.

I would've defened when the guy across you called riichi. Your hand was still 2 tiles awaya from tenpai, so attacking was very dangerous.
Again you could've kept 3s instead of N for the chance of getting a 34567 sequence. Plus N was the safer discard.

Discard N over 7m, 1s, 8m.
That riichi was pretty risky, you only had 2 tiles left to win and your hand likely only had 2 han (including riichi). Since you were in the lead, you should've rather defended.

Again you should've defended against the riichi. Your hand didn't look that good and since you had a very comfortable lead there was no point taking any risks.
Why did you start calling here, you didn't havy a yaku?

Discard W over 9s,7p,4p and especially 3s (by drawing 4s you'd have a sequence). I get that you were playing for honitsu, which by itself wasn't a bad idea with that hand, but considering your lead you should try to win as quickly as possible.
At least on the last turn you should've defended. There were only 2 tiles left in the wall, so it was very unlikely that you could even get to tenpai with your hand.

Discard 2m instead of 6s. A shape like 5667 is useful, because you can interpret it as two side waits: 56 and 67.
Discard 2m over 1p. By keeping 1p you'd have the chance to get into tenpai drawing 3p. 2m on the other hand doesn't help at all.

>> No.16939323

You can think of it as:

1234 555 678 999 waiting on 14

or 123 456 55 789 99 waiting on 59

or 123 45 55 678 999 waiting on 36

In short, it's a monstrous wait and I'd have called riichi in an instant. Because let's be honest, you're not gonna fold with that hand anyway, not on east 1.

>> No.16939352

So, who are the highest rated /jp/ players? By R or Dan. I know I've seen a couple of 7th dan >1900R in 7447 but no idea if they actually post here.

>> No.16939981

Pretty sure starman is Houou but doesn't post here. He's the highest 7447 player by far.

We have a few 5 dan 1850-1900 players here but no one that's actually good. Doragan, bk202, and Corak are some of the highest that are regulars here. KyuuAA used to be in that group but he's been tanking hard.

>> No.16940160

>We have a few 5 dan 1850-1900 players here but no one that's actually good.
Are you saying that at 1850-1900 R you're not yet good, or that those players in particular aren't good for some reason?

>> No.16940195

>We have a few 5 dan 1850-1900 players here but no one that's actually good. Doragan, bk202, and Corak are some of the highest that are regulars here. KyuuAA used to be in that group but he's been tanking hard.

you are making me blush you know

no, he is saying that those player are the regular here, not commenting on ability. I would also count Muller, 6dan and over 2000R, and Waza, even if they aren't posting for a while.
Keep in mind that there like 4/5 western players Houho, 7dan over 2000R, in total right now, so it's not that bad

>> No.16940220

>no, he is saying that those player are the regular here, not commenting on ability.
How is
>but no one that's actually good.
not commenting on ability?

>> No.16940230

I missed that one line, you are right. I guess for good players then he means over 2000, so only Muller should be considered as such in his eyes

oh well, whatever

>> No.16940318

If we figure that a normal jansou is largely Tokujou level then we have a handful of people that could hold their own, but none of the regulars would be considered good at one.

>> No.16940346

I'm a regular here but every time I swing by 7447 it's a ghost town. PST is awful for there.

The upside is that I have access to a jansou

>> No.16940573

I've never experienced the jansou. But I'd imagine, jansou style play is significantly different than Tenhou style.

>> No.16940600

Depends on who you play. Some folks are pretty chill while others play at breakneck speeds.

The big difference vs tenhou is you can take as much time as needed when deciding what to toss. However, you need to know ahead of time if you want to call since no one will stop. You might also feel pressured to play faster than normal if the other players are going faster than you.

Another thing to consider is that unlike tenhou, your waits and points won't be conveniently calculated for you

>> No.16940611

If you don't know how to calculate scores the jansou staff will make a note and keep an eye out for you.

>> No.16940687
File: 954 KB, 1141x1141, 1490461760403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deal in
>It's just a riichi
>3 Ura dora

>> No.16940699
File: 25 KB, 640x480, [Triad]_Akagi_-_02.avi_snapshot_18.43_[2014.10.13_23.56.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally over.

>> No.16941466

I wonder what's left to show in the next couple of chapters.

>> No.16941547

tomorrow I'm playing IRLjong for the first time and I don't have the faintest clue of how to count fu and calculate score for things below mangan no matter how much I stare at the table


>> No.16941564
File: 426 KB, 1280x720, 1421351791558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South 4
>Misread my hand
>Riichi into 2 other riichi
>The fuck?
>Only option is discarding dora
Ok, that's all for today then.

>> No.16941576

20 for pin fu tsumo only
30 in most hands
40 for closed ron without pin fu, open hand with a non terminal kan, and most non-tanyao toitoi.

Anything else is messier.

>> No.16941707

use an app on your phone

>> No.16941812

What app? When I search mahjong all I get are solitaire games

>> No.16941820


>> No.16941855

thank you

>> No.16942656

What's so scary about fast mode?

>> No.16942661

Wanna find out?


>> No.16942667

No I am talking about the 4 people who decided to play hanchan on normal mode. Who needs 15 seconds to think?

>> No.16942943


>> No.16942973
File: 47 KB, 198x200, 1476185365006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the answer to just make sure every hand is mangan and above?
I fail to see the issue here.

>> No.16943208

The most real difference is that you have to do so many things on top of the table, even with some helps from autotable. It's quite shocking the first time you play there, makes you appreciate Tenhou or Sega MJ a bit.

>> No.16944746

Most people who are not Houou level. I see so many beginners mistakes even in tokujou everyday.

>> No.16945342

By Jansou style vs Tenhou style. I'm referring to game play strategy and tactics. Tenhou emphasizes avoided 4th and even avoiding 3rd at the higher levels.

I've heard in Jansou. People are gunning for 1st.

>> No.16946624

Maybe, yeah. It depends on the house rule, but when money is involved, usually the best strategy is to aim big. Some parlors even have rewards for luck-based stuffs (ippatsu, kan, rinshan, etc).

>> No.16947044
File: 410 KB, 763x648, ss742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least the potential was there

>> No.16947214

Menzen fanpai Dora 7 ura dora rinshan sanbaiman
and an ippatsu to yakuman

It's nice to think about what sort of hand you could have had sadly, talk about "potential" is all hot air.

>> No.16947332
File: 143 KB, 387x513, 1367518675833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So an ippan player, a joukyuu player and a tokujou player save a guy's life. That guy turns out to be Tsunoda, the owner of Tenhou. He tells the three guys to ask for one favor each, and he'll comply.

The tokujou player tells Tsunoda "Make me a Houou player!".
Tsunoda says "Sure, I just need to edit these database files here, and there you go. 7d R2000".

The joukyuu player says "I want to be a Houou player too!"
Tsunoda complies and makes him 7d R2000. Finally,

Tsunoda asks the ippan player "So, what do you want? Wanna be in houou?"

"No. Demote these two guys back to 9 kyu."

>> No.16947646
File: 332 KB, 650x919, 60dbb19e888fad6735785d83373e7e45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a stark realization: my luck always goes to shit if I've been with a woman recently.
Could this be some kind of curse? If so, how does that explain lesbians? Is there something I can do to ward off the bad vibes?

>> No.16947701

Had a hearty laugh. Good job anon.

>> No.16948189
File: 15 KB, 280x327, 1338431948560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been with a woman recently.
Do you really expect anyone to believe your story?

>> No.16948207

What's the name of this fat bitch from your pic?

>> No.16948310

>if I've been with a woman recently.

Post replays or I won't believe you.

>> No.16948892

Why didn't you call riichi?
So far your hand is only fanpai + dora 4 = mangan, which is not enough to climb to 3rd place on a ron from anyone but kamicha.
With riichi it would be guaranteed haneman when winning with fanpai and even with 6p it could be enough with ippatsu or ura dora.

>> No.16949029

Probably because he can't afford a riichi stick.

>> No.16949049

Oh true, didn't realize that.

>> No.16951385

So why does tenhou sometimes refuse to respond to clicking on a tile and just count down the timer until eventually (but before the timer runs out) playing the furthest tile to the right?

My guess is that it's a connection hiccup and then processing my clicking on the tile as a double click on nothing for some reason when it catches up, but does anyone know for sure?

And has anyone else lost a game to this?

>> No.16951537

I've been playing for many years and I never encountered that problem.

>> No.16951549

It's happened to me like twice in the last month. So not like all the time, but sometimes.

I have a shitty internet connection, so that's often the source of "well it works fine for me" issues, but it's been good enough not to actually disconnect me in a way where I have to reload the page either of the times this happened. Like in the course of the game, not just at that moment.

>> No.16951906 [DELETED] 

does anyone want to play? I'll be up for the next 30 or 60 minutes.

>> No.16952493

Once more a new months starts. Once more I find myself the only one not getting absolute bullshit hands.

It must be some kind of curse.

>> No.16952873
File: 782 KB, 1400x1050, 0d41b02c8fd4ba3981e1afdfb24236cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16957620
File: 475 KB, 742x644, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks shimocha

>> No.16957879

Nagashit isn't real anyways

>> No.16957925

He had dropped a 7m. I imagine he's thanking him for putting him in first place.

>> No.16958065
File: 433 KB, 765x645, nagashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually got that earlier in the same game


yeah, i wasn't sure how i was going to take first with those draws but it ended up working out

>> No.16963825

I was playing sega mahjon on single player and I don't know what it means when I get a yellow tile

>> No.16963880


>> No.16964023

ahh shit okay thanks

>> No.16964315


>> No.16964793


>> No.16964949

Still 3:0 ;_;

>> No.16968384
File: 37 KB, 480x360, 1449409960688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>declare riichi early, decent ryanmen wait
>Simocha declares riichi 3turns later
>Toimen and kamicha start calling like crazy
>Defense is completely ignored
>Despite this, no one deals in
>Final turn, I toss 8pin
>Double ron'd into 6k range

You know, if this sort of bullshit didn't happen EVERY FUCKING GAME I'd laugh it off. There's some fucking curse that's following me that makes these very unlikely events constantly happen. This is beyond "I'm just going to try my luck with this risky tile" it's dama haneman on the 4th turn once per game. No amount of defense theory or riichi judgement can account for this RIDICULOUS tilt.

>> No.16968718 [DELETED] 

You have never made an unlucky discard unless you managed to cause suuchahou.

>> No.16968728

You have never made an unlucky discard unless you have managed to cause sanchahou

>> No.16968931

I have. I'll take an arbortive draw over dealing into a dealer baiman in E1, which just happened.

I'm quitting tenhou, I can't take this shit anymore


>> No.16968963

Get good.

>> No.16969220

See you tomorrow.

>> No.16969323

Fuck... You're right...

There's got to be a way out of this

>> No.16969331
File: 1.15 MB, 418x290, 1473648107917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spill your blood. Make a deal with the devil.

>> No.16973646
File: 150 KB, 600x600, 1387224791143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mahjong school

>> No.16974204
File: 31 KB, 640x480, [Triad]_Akagi_-_11.avi_snapshot_03.18_[2015.10.13_11.06.01].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not know many of the details of riichi mahjong

>> No.16974288
File: 70 KB, 800x450, Not_this_shit_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost 50R the last couple months
Demotion seems inevitable at this point

>> No.16974400

How much does R tend to change in the higher ranks?

>> No.16974412

Once you hit the soft cap it's pretty standard assuming you aren't ridiculously overranked for the room.

Win: Gain 5-7
2nd: Gain 1-3
3rd: Lose 1-3
4th: Lose 5-7

Since everyone in Tokujou is already 1800+, the differences aren't as drastic as they are in Joukyuu where you can have a 1200 facing a 2000.

>> No.16975567
File: 31 KB, 861x103, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where was this mentioned? I never heard of this.

>> No.16975585

Someone mentioned that was just a translation gone horribly wrong. I don't remember anything about lamenting a lost ability, either.
From what I've heard, what Toki really said is that she was a third-rate player until she got her ability.
Kansai-ben can be a bitch.

>> No.16975623

5sou. It's half suji and he discarded 2 lower souzu that form a kanchan wait before riichi so he most probably doesn't need the souzu around these tiles.
Every other tile is at least slightly more dangerous than this one.

>> No.16976103

Wouldn't the devil be a sanshoku doukou of 6s? That sounds like a fun but mostly useless lesbian power.

>> No.16976112

Plural 6 not just 6 sou.

>> No.16976195


>> No.16976285
File: 528 KB, 839x1200, (一般コミック・雑誌) [ガンガン] [小林立×五十嵐あぐり] 咲 -saki- 阿知賀編 第08話 [2012-04].zip-咲_阿知賀08_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's probably this scene.

T 「Sorry... I may not be able to live up to your expectations.」
R 「Why? You're on a whole different level of strength compared to before your hospital stay.」
T 「My actual skill is still the same as the time when I was on the third team.」
S 「What do you mean?」
T 「You might not believe me. I collapsed and wandered on the border between live and death. Ever since I came back, I am able to see [one turn ahead].」

>> No.16976289
File: 339 KB, 839x1200, (一般コミック・雑誌) [ガンガン] [小林立×五十嵐あぐり] 咲 -saki- 阿知賀編 第08話 [2012-04].zip-咲_阿知賀08_44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


「Sorry Everyone...」
「In the end I'm still the same as when I was on the third team and looked up to you two.」

三軍 (which I rendered as "third team") is literally the kanji for 3 and army and apparently confused some poor translator.

>> No.16976935
File: 277 KB, 325x594, 1491676081278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KyuuAA/Corak matchup in round 1

>> No.16976968

Never mind. Looks like they got around to randomizing it.

>> No.16976978

Is there a tournament I'm not aware of?

>> No.16976981



Looks full now.

>> No.16977157

Well that was an absolute disaster.

>> No.16977696



>> No.16978043
File: 8 KB, 364x84, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extreme mahjong gave me the may sickness. I'd rather have 2nd and 3rd place than this.

>> No.16978063
File: 31 KB, 300x82, 1467935112011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna switch?

>> No.16978066

Since some guys are posting, come play

>> No.16978069

But you get into 4th place too. 2nd and 3rd place is not as harsh when it comes to points as 1st and 4th place.

>> No.16978199
File: 561 KB, 767x658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is lame.

>> No.16978225

I wouldn't disconnect if I could

>> No.16978233

Welp shit happens I guess.

>> No.16978288

My worst disconnects have been having the tsumo button appear right in front of me then disconnecting and another time where I reconnected to see I had drawn the tile I needed to avoid last and then disconnecting again

>> No.16978423

>Others hit ippatsumos when I'm dealer both times
>My only tsumo is after 8 draws with a 3 sided wait
Some of those games you just have to hold on to third.

My R is going to shit.

>> No.16978748

>having to continue after dealing into a yakuman in E1
That's brutal.
My god what a ride. Tourney looks fun, surprised it wasn't shilled here like last time. Unless I just missed it. Wish I could plan my schedule better so I could actually participate one day.

>> No.16978897

Anyone who dealt the chun on that E1 deserved to get destroyed.

>> No.16979095
File: 143 KB, 342x423, 1437238985948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting worse

>> No.16980045
File: 447 KB, 746x702, 2205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent game.

>> No.16980181

Waste of time. Just quit and Tenhou nullifies it.

>> No.16980189

Tournament is every 2 weeks. So, there's always next time.

>> No.16980233

Next one is set more for European time. Will be early morning for even east coast burgers.

>> No.16980503

I need more magical sand

>> No.16981620


Interview with the chief editor for Akagi.

>> No.16981772

Holy shit, Akagi is actually ending.
And he has really been fighting Washizu for the last 20 years?

>> No.16982545



>> No.16984152

What was the final score anyways?

>> No.16984412
File: 798 KB, 513x770, WASHITROLL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16984807
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20170507-182943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how I did this.

>> No.16985209

Washizu: 104,800
Akagi: 65,800

Washizu dies right before he can pon to end South 4.

>> No.16985487
File: 58 KB, 318x470, DESPAIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16985551
File: 707 KB, 810x551, 565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not dead

>> No.16986435
File: 174 KB, 737x626, tanyao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw almost 500 games but still a yakuman virgin

>> No.16986452

I got a shousuushii on my very first tenhou game

>> No.16986456

I've still only got the one which was a Daisangen. I got tenpai with Ryuuiisou twice though but dealt in on both.

>> No.16986460

You just need to go for kokushi sometimes. Eventually you will hit one. I actually didn't get my first Daisangen until my 9th yakuman.

>> No.16986533

Daisuushi, tsuiisou and kazoe yakuman here.

What I really want is a live one

>> No.16987111
File: 398 KB, 726x619, BYE☆MAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad not to be on the receiving end for a change

>> No.16987128

If only you tsumo'd that. But sucks for kamicha. He deserved it.

>> No.16988427

Does the lobby care about rank?
I used to play a ton on /a/ and /jp/ more than a year ago ans had a decent rank too but I lost my account and would have to be a newbie again.

>> No.16988738

Nobody cares as long as you're not NoName.

>> No.16988740

7447? No, all kinds of ranks go through there. From NoNames to a Tenhoui.

>> No.16988751

Yeah, I figured. I just kind of hope that people won't play differently if they assume I'm new.

>> No.16988774

Plenty of people play differently in 7447, but not because of the rank you're going up against. At least for me, it's the lobby to have fun and not worry about how well you place.

>> No.16988778

It would be a serious mistake to assume a player is bad/inexperienced based only on tenhou rank.

>> No.16988848

Was that a figure of speech or do we actually have a resident Tenhoui?

>> No.16988854

I think it was last year, a tenhoui showed up. I don't think he stayed for more than a day or two, I don't remember very well.

>> No.16988860

Is the guy that got the double yakuman from a while ago still here?

>> No.16989112
File: 112 KB, 800x600, 91bec0aa8aaaae59a643c02159af49e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in nerds

>> No.16989177

Guys it's tile.

>> No.16990235
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1472144615405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What double yakuman?

>> No.16990685

Oh wait , it was triple yakuman.

>> No.16990711

Nevermind, it was only double.
I'm being stupid.
It was mrZen.

>> No.16992242

Just had a game with a 1Kyuu that had R881. I've only played for a few months but that's the lowest I've ever seen. How did he manage to get that low?

>> No.16992263

Talent obviously

>> No.16992276

probably a yakuman/nagashi hunter

>> No.16992306
File: 392 KB, 738x632, MrZen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this?

>> No.16992524
File: 387 KB, 738x634, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maintain tenpai or increase ure-kire?

>> No.16992544

I see nothing there that would make me want to change the hand. You still have an 8s for a 3 sided wait, or a 5s/6s which get you to a ryanmen. Why on earth would you break tenpai there?

>> No.16992555

And that's before some of the more interesting waits such as if you hit 2/4/7s for shanpon with a terminal 9p that is pretty likely to come out, especially this early.

>> No.16992589

Hmm you're right. Being able to upgrade the 24567s with 5s or 8s didn't occur to me.

>> No.16992728
File: 1.91 MB, 4093x5940, Uxso1Oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lesbian edition
How good would these two be at the lesbian mahjong?

>> No.16994852


>> No.16996683
File: 16 KB, 186x42, 1487745485639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this month.

>> No.16996875

increase ukeire

you're in the lead, it's s4, and your current tenpai doesn't mean shit. you can chi any of your tiles and get to a ryanmen shape which is more important when nobody will fold. all of your souzu tenpai upgrades will result in you cutting the 2s anyway.

>> No.16996941

Seriously. It's fucking ridiculous how many weird/early haneman hands I've dealt into this week. Complete garbage luck on my draws too. I haven't sniffed an ura Dora in forever....

>> No.16997047

Reduce the number of times you deal in. Of course, y'still have to score a few hands.

>> No.16997056

Hope that someone keeps calling kan. That might also create a bigger upset when you still have 0 ura-dora.

>> No.16997841


>> No.17000941
File: 2 KB, 96x13, specs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, could be worse I guess.

>> No.17003446
File: 159 KB, 1010x1010, 874356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys own a set of Mahjong tiles?
Where did you buy them from?

>> No.17004224

Bought mine in a swap meet in Kyoto.

I imagine most folks here got theirs online

>> No.17004285

I own 2, 1 bought on Amazon the other from Aliexpress

Now Amazonjp sells them oversea too, you can buy one there

>> No.17005395

Bought one when traveling Osaka.
Only used about 5 times, counting fu without sheet is suffering.

>> No.17006627
File: 141 KB, 744x632, yakuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay I'm not a yakuman virgin anymore.

>> No.17006634

That's a harder yakuman than it seems. Suuankou, Kokushi, and Daisangen are the relatively easy ones.

>> No.17006722

>no safe tiles
>just flail around my mouse to pick at random
>deal in and lose
every time

>> No.17007792

I want Houou to leave. Sure was nice of him to hand me first once he gave up in S4.


>> No.17008170

There are always more or less safe tiles.

>> No.17008174

*more and less

>> No.17008602

>Suuankou, Kokushi, and Daisangen
Yea, these three are easy as fuck.

>> No.17011924

Maintain tenpai and stay dama.
They're most probably trying to make a fast hand to escape last place anyway and even if they have a big hand you'll still be 2nd unless you deal into it.
Obviously the best outcome is if you win and keep the 1st place so you should make a fast hand. Since you're already tenpai there's no point to drop it even if the wait is bad.
Well that's what I think.

>> No.17012621
File: 37 KB, 450x700, L3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah it's been so long, I lost my account and stopped playing. Let's have a game /jp/?


>> No.17013261

This. No 3s has been played, meaning you have 4 outs to win the game. Having 4 outs with a hand that isn't complete garbage in terms of value is already pretty ok, even if it's not oorasu. And here you can win with those 4 outs plus it's early in the round plus there are multiple options to improve the wait anyway. There is absolutely no reason to change this hand here, it's a fantatsic position to be in.

>> No.17014274
File: 215 KB, 2048x1152, C_o4DxYWAAALE8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of yakuman, got my first one yesterday against AI between lessons

>> No.17015245
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, Knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riichi on S4
>2 others riichi right behind you the same round

>> No.17015364

How good is the tenhou AI? Is there any data on that?

>> No.17015700

Average placement is garbage but it's all about cutting as many of those 4ths as possible. 4 of those 5 I was last at South 2 or later.

>> No.17015961 [DELETED] 

The computer opponents on Tenhou just draw and discard.

>> No.17015966

The computer opponents on Tenhou just draw and discard.

>> No.17016179

Oh that's a letwdown. Guess it's just meant for training tile efficiency then?

>> No.17017536

If I make a discord for mahjong would it be ok to post here or would the mods/posters sperg out?

>> No.17017588

There's already a mahjong discord.

>> No.17017624

Link plz?

>> No.17017632


>> No.17018705

Now do it against humans.

>> No.17018784

I have 2 of the one where you collect one of every end tile against people, feels good desu

>> No.17019081

What do people do in the mahjong discord?
I don't want people to see me join the room then just leave forever.

>> No.17019122

There are alot of people but its pretty relaxed, just chattting about mahjing and sharing some screencaps of games from what ive seen so far

>> No.17019168

Discord, unlike IRC, doesn't show who's been joining and leaving. Not like anyone ever cares when it happens on IRC though.

>> No.17019490

>riiching a hand that is guaranteed to be worth at least 24k points.
>when it's not even a suji trap
Don't do this against real players.

>> No.17020200

When did this happen? I thought most of us used #t/a/noshii.

>> No.17020299
File: 24 KB, 200x45, 1476263170364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this, I quit.

>> No.17020314
File: 124 KB, 392x330, Kaiji_v3_160_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember I left when some SJW mod was complaining for a whole day about young anime girls or something ridiculous.

>> No.17020379

That seems 100% logical anon.

I was worried about the same thing but I slipped in with no worries. Long as you don't have a name that moves you ti the top nobody can notice, there's that many people.

>> No.17020652
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 1455945905565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've all had months like that. I think March was particularly bad for a ton of people here.

As long as you are watching your replays and learning, you can get ahead. It might be a good idea to take a week off to calm down and refocus.

>> No.17020693

That Trollofnova person is an idiot

>> No.17020794

Anyone who uses a frog avatar shouldn't be a mod under any circumstances.

>> No.17020891

4chan loves pepe though

>> No.17020899

Frogposting is bannable on /a/ and /jp/ and has been for a while.

>> No.17021542
File: 87 KB, 689x106, 1468767318280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I actually got a break for once.


I was feeling like I was folding too much in the early game but then I looked at the replay and saw shit like this on every other hand. Good thing I folded. And thanks to the shimocha for letting me win.

>> No.17024613


send help

>> No.17026956

I don't get the weird probability when it comes to dealing into unlikely hands. I get that once in a while you're going to deal into a dama dealer mangan on the fourth discard, but why does these events tend to cluster around a few sets of games? It almost makes you believe in magic and shit

>> No.17029222
File: 213 KB, 608x600, 1425085510743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely holding on to third, again. How the fuck make up R and rank when these idiots deal into obvious dealer mangan?

First game a 2050 7 dan and a 2080 5 dan, second game a 2105 5 dan. 4th place avoidance is such an annoying way to play.
