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1687009 No.1687009 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, convince me to play Fate/Stay Night.

I'm only in the Prologue and I know that's not far enough to hook me at all but god damn I can barely force myself to go through a few pages before quitting.

God damn how long does it take to pick up?

>> No.1687010

If you hate the prologue, then give up.

>> No.1687011

Hold ctrl until you see a woman's back.

>> No.1687015

>convince me to play Fate/Stay Night.
It's shit, why would you want to?

>> No.1687020

Just read the whole prologue. If you dont like that, theres not that much more to come for.

>> No.1687026

The prologue is the best thing about the Fate route.
If you don't like it already, just give it up.

>> No.1687030

Get to the first battle, then decide.

>> No.1687034


Because I wanna see Gilgamesh.


Well I'm still at the "Two Days Ago" part, so even the PROLOGUE might not have picked up yet.

The one line I've been interested in was some magician mentioning "Five Miracle-working Sorcerers". Sounded pretty cool.

>> No.1687037

If you need the internet to convince you then you shouldn't be doing it.

>> No.1687044

Im appalled at you, /jp/. Im the first;

>> No.1687046

Prologue is awesome and you're a faggot.

If I could convince people of things I'd be convincing you fucks to kill yourself.

>> No.1687056


Go back to /a/ where you belong and ask them.

>> No.1687059


Eh. I'm apathetic and not tenacious enough to read a story before the hook.
There's a hook in any good story.


Well what's supposed to be good thus far? There's been a few character introductions. That's... all.

>> No.1687069

>Im appalled at myself, /jp/. I really need to


>> No.1687071

Why not ask /a/, faggot.

>> No.1687082

Oh hey look it's Shirou.
With that same angry look he has.
But he's in a school uniform.
Good for you, Shirou, get that education.

>> No.1687083

>Why not ask /a/, faggot.
because it was posted on /jp/

and now I'd also like some sauce..

>> No.1687088

You're asking the wrong place, all you're going to get here are dogmatic faggots that believe that F/sn is the greatest thing since having sex with little sisters, and that's something of an understatement.

Anyway, I know the writing can be shit (and it is; Nasu is a horrible writer with good ideas--anyone who disagrees has never read real books), but stick with it. Seriously. If Fate isn't as rewarding as you think it is or spoiled to hell as a result of the anime, then UBW will tickle your fancy, I promise. And if that doesn't do it for you, well... there's HF to look forward to.

Alternately, treat F/sn like a ren'ai game with lots of shounen action, Murakami-esque navel gazing conveyed through shitty writing, amazing world creation paired with some of the most horrible infodumps ever, and one or two H scenes per route. You might just get something out of it if you look at it that way.

I came for the story, stayed for the concepts. Nasu's narrative really sucks dinosaur balls, but his meta-narrative kicks ass. If you're a litfag of any sort that enjoys seeing intricate themes and motifs in your fiction, you're going to love F/sn. I know I do.

>> No.1687091

Blue Drop ~Tenshi no Bokura~

>> No.1687093

Kotomine's voice makes infodumps enjoyable

>> No.1687094

can you faggots even tell the difference between /jp/ and /a/, because this place is for visual novels IIRC, and /a/ is for anime/manga

>> No.1687096

>If you're a litfag of any sort that enjoys seeing intricate themes and motifs in your fiction, you're going to love F/sn.

Actually sounds like my tastes.
I don't necessarily LIKE drudging through badly written text walls, but I always enjoy underlying stories.

Alright, I suppose I'll try harder.

>> No.1687098

You can just read about all the concepts and world in some site or even here and not lose much.
Going through all that boring and badly written shit for that really isn't worth it, especially since FSN is so fucking long.

>> No.1687100

then why post a manga page on /jp/?

>> No.1687106

Because he doesn't "get" what's supposed to be so enjoyable, and so does the picture posted. I see what OP did there.

>> No.1687108


>and /a/ is for anime/manga

Exactly, faggot.


Thanks for contributing to the ruination of /jp/. While unnecessary, every little bit helps.


>You're asking the wrong place, all you're going to get here are dogmatic faggots that believe that F/sn is the greatest thing since having sex with little sisters, and that's something of an understatement.


>> No.1687109


Eh, if I've learned anything from stories; summaries and abridgments are nowhere near as fun as the original story, no matter what quality.

>> No.1687110

Don't expect that much, the world is interesting but the over-exposition kill some of its mysteries and the themes are good but Nasu hammers them again and again and again.
That guy doesn't know subtility, seriously.

>> No.1687115

If you installed voices but would like to get through the walls of text faster, just disable it. It doesn't hurt, you get to read at your own pace, and... yeah, you get the idea.

>> No.1687121

Eh, no, I don't agree. The effect of reading F/sn, voiced or unvoiced, is sensory, and something you can't experience merely by reading a summary. If it doesn't work for books what makes you think it will for visual novels?

>> No.1687123

you faggots fail to realize that if someone is asking for sauce in the first place, he probably doesn't know if it's manga page that belongs in /a/, or if it's a doujinshi based on something /jp/ related

>> No.1687124


Never got voices.


That's alright, I've enjoyed stories that basically screamed their message every 4 lines.


>> No.1687127

Considering most people wanted the game to be more like the prologue...
Just give it up.

>> No.1687130

...What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.1687131

By the time you finish Fate, if you get that far, you are going to hate the words "ten", "years ago", and "fire" should they appear in the same sentence. I'm currently working my way through HF and (THE FUCKING THING IS REPEATED SO MUCH NASU SHOULD HAVE JUST WROTE HIM AS HAVING PTSD AND NOT BRING IT UP 1000000000x TIMES) and it never stops.

>> No.1687134

What do you have, autism, quasi-illiteracy, dyslexia, ADHD, or all of the above?

>> No.1687136

Nah, he's just pissed that you're pissing on his MOST FAVOURITE VN EVAR, or something.

>> No.1687142

Hey, look, it's a hook.

Time to summon a Servant.

>> No.1687143

No, it's the fact that the VOCAL people here pretty much go 'F/SN is shit'.

People who liked it, without even claiming it was their favorite one, are branded as T'M faggots with no taste.
I have not seen ONE post in months of people claiming F/SN is their faborite of them all, much less the best VN, even in the action genre.

50% of the threads are derailed by trolls, who just want to say 'It's shit'.

Thus, you claiming what you did made me thing your observational and deducting abilities were...lacking.

>> No.1687145

"That time"

>> No.1687149


Pretty sure most everyone posting in this thread is on /jp/ for the first time ever today. Either that or they live in their own little private reality.

>> No.1687154


If someone were to torture me they could do well to tape my eyelids open and force me to stare at loops of all the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFIRE flashbacks. I'd crack in about... a day.

>> No.1687156

I haven't been able to bring myself to play through HF. I think I need to distract myself from anime + manga + eroge/VN before I can concentrate at all.

I guess I could go play some "traditional" video games...

>> No.1687158

Don't we all here live in the little world that begins and ends with us?

>> No.1687160

What consoles do you have?
With Winter starting, some good shit comes out.

>> No.1687161


I can still distinguish between my daydreams and objective reality. Unfortunately.

>> No.1687167

Are you blind or just plain stupid? Look at the sages at the beginning of this thread and general unhelpful attitude, then tell me that those aren't dogmatic pants-on-head retards who immediately disregard all attempts at intelligent discussion of something they probably like enough to justify their inability to discuss it coherently.

Unless you happen to be one of them, of course! Which I'm sure you aren't since you're actually doing something other than the above.

Did I pass off F/sn as 'shit'? Jesus, sonny Jim, you need to re-read what I wrote. The writing is indeed shite when compared to books, which could possibly be OP's confusion that I tried to clear--I know I hated the writing during the infodumps, still do. Then I actually played the damn thing, finished Fate, thought it was great. Finished UBW, loved that, too.

In case my words are not making sense to you, here's a simplification that maybe even cavemen could understand; it's even in the form of an analogy!


And what I think of it?


>> No.1687176

...Just a little sarcasm, concerning the fact that normally here gives shit about other opinions and enforces his own.
Relax dude.

>> No.1687183


Everyone should totally trust the literary analysis of a man who manages to misconstrue every post on an imageboard.

>> No.1687181


Stop being a dumbass, ever since HF translation come out its impossible to find a tread about F/S N that does not up with several posts F/S N is shit.

People that like it no longer bother because they know the troll brigade will be coming.

>> No.1687188

sup dogmatic retard

>> No.1687189

I like F/SN.
That being said, nobody cares about what we like.
Discussing F/SN content is something great to do in /jp/
Discussing F/SN as a game is a horrible thing to do.
Because it turns into a shitstorm.
Stop talking about the game's quality, if you don't like it, don't mention it, if you do, good for you.

>> No.1687197

I've got everything if you count the PSP in the mail. Still playing Valkyria Chronicles because I am still on break from that one.

Maybe I should avoid RPG games (especially since all I want/have are JRPG) since they would reek with the stench of anime.

>> No.1687207

not to mention that most VNs outside of Narcissu aren't any better written.

>> No.1687211

Most of the good ones I read were better written as FSN.
Though it's not saying much.

>> No.1687214

Did you think Tsukihime was better written? Then you have just discovered the difference between Ryuusoul and TakaJun.

>> No.1687215

...Your post is ambiguous, try again.

>> No.1687216

haha oh wow this is so hilariously wrong

>> No.1687225

The only version we have access are the english ones, why the fuck should I care about the original?
It's not like I can read Japanese.

>> No.1687240


TakaJun just needs better editors.

>> No.1687244

What I am saying is that Nasu can't write well, but TakaJun's bland translating style certainly didn't help.

>> No.1687248

TakaJun just needs less cockshitsuckers for editors, I thought we established this already. His translations are fine; getting them to read as good English, however...

>> No.1687254

even so, no amount of editing can lessen the suckitude of things when Nasu chooses to bring out Exposition Dump #95 or make his characters repeat themselves like they're schizo

>> No.1687255

Jesus Christ stop repeating that ad nauseam you fags. I respect TakaJun as much as anyone for slogging though that tl;dr game, but it's not an excuse, and more importantly it's not Nasu's fault. It's like saying that Kanon "just" needs better art.

>> No.1687262

God damn I wasn't even asking for the damn quality.
I was just wanting a shove to let me play a VN that's held as a must-play-whether-it's-good-or-bad and I got that.
I'll judge its quality on my own terms.

Archer just got summoned and face-shot with a Command Spell, by the way.

>> No.1687271

so whose fault is it if it's not TakaJun's or Nasu's? or are we not allowed to criticise translation efforts all because they're free? what >>1687088 said about dogmatic faggots really applies to your post tbqh

>> No.1687279

It's mirror moon's, basically. Also, if you haven't been paying attention, I AM criticising TakaJun's translation because it brings out the worst in Nasu's writing, which isn't stellar to begin with.

>> No.1687288

basically, as a litfag here's my .02 on F/SN:

the writing is shit. it is not good at all, and some of it will make you laugh at the stupidity of it.

the ideas are great though. The characters are good, and generally it's entertaining as a story. Just crippled by bad writing, but ameliorated by the fact you have voice/visuals

>> No.1687298

Insani is superior

>> No.1687305

With the greatest problems being overexposition and pacing.

At least, he can write a good despair.

>> No.1687311

Too late, you're not steering the thread anymore! It's too far derailed. Love is over.

>> No.1687317

And oh boy do they know it.

>> No.1687326

>It's mirror moon's, basically.
...let me refresh your memory.
>TakaJun just needs better editors.
>TakaJun just needs less cockshitsuckers for editors

Unless you're taking this to mean that Message somehow caused F/sn to suck, I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Editors = mirror moon ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.1687337
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>> No.1687362

Let me explain the concept of a "translation group" to you. It means "various people with differing sets of skills work to gether on a project they wouldn't be able to do alone." It's mirror moon's fault if they don't have the editors abord to make the prose of their readan gaems not suck.

>> No.1687363

"Waresama-tachi > anata-tachi."

>> No.1688020
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>> No.1688032

Your mom served me quite well last night

>> No.1688040

Stop posting on 4Chan dad

>> No.1688038
File: 116 KB, 600x827, jesus_was_a_ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite.

>> No.1688043

Avenger class, obviously.

>> No.1688243

So I listened to >>1687030 above all.

That was an /AWESOME\ battle.

>> No.1688294

>>1688202 here

Homing... reminds me of ThunderForce. I should've gotten TFVI, but I'm stuck buying presents for other people.

>> No.1688304

Watch this before buying it.

>> No.1688329

i love this fucking guy

>> No.1688354

>Nasu is a horrible writer with good ideas--anyone who disagrees has never read real books
I always love when people say shit like this. If you happen to enjoy Nasu's writing style then it must be because you're an illiterate, uncultured moron. I love books and between school and my own free time I've read my fair share of literature. No, Nasu's writing doesn't compare to classic literature, but it isn't supposed to- it's entertainment. And as far as entertainment goes I think Nasu's writing is very good. It's certainly better than the majority of visual novels or pop literature I've read. But if you want to continue looking down on people because they have a different opinion than you then go ahead, I'm sure it'll make you feel so superior and intellectual.

To the OP, I thought the Prologue was one of the more boring parts in the game but it was never so bad that I had to force myself to play through it, so F/SN might just not be the game for you. Don't force yourself to play it if you don't like it.

>> No.1688378


Those are some nice videos.

I think I shall e-mail this man and ask him to PRO REVIEW Touhou on behalf of /jp/.

>> No.1688385

Maybe reading is not for you OP. Keep to the stuff you're good at, like maybe doolding with crayons.

>> No.1688405

People have asked him before and he's said no.

>> No.1688406

It's not the ideas he's conveying, you imbecile, it's the way he writes, which utterly fails. If I printed and bound any of the routes and sent them as manuscripts to any Western publishing house, they'd be laughed out in a minute. He doesn't have the basic skills needed to be a decent writer of publishable standard, and your wilful ignorance of this fact is astounding.

No one mentioned classic literature, so thanks for putting words in my mouth--I was thinking of contemporary fiction, and he doesn't even measure up to that. His writing is shoddy on technical, not qualitative grounds, but if you're blind to that aspect of his writing, you're going to continue to be blind regardless of what's being said. Congratulations for failing at comprehension!

Just a fyi, but I believe that Dickens was meant to be read as "entertainment" in his hey day, not "literature". Nice strawman + false dichotomy combo. Idiot.

>> No.1688412

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Nasu's writing ― if you're reading in Japanese.

It simply doesn't translate well to English. Blame mirror-moon.

>> No.1688423

All of you: kill yourselves.

>> No.1688424

the problem is that its fucking animu, not Shakespeare.
You think he'd want to do animu if he had a major?

>> No.1688433


But wait, I'm bad at that too!

I'm a fine enough reader.
Do you not understand the concept of a story hook?

Anyway, finished with the Prologue.

That was a damn fine prologue.
Hard to put my reaction to words.
The battle between Archer and Lancer was excellent, but the pacing kind of shattered with that run-down of Servant types right in the damn middle of it.
The battle between Rin and Saber was interesting with the magicks, but a bit overwound. I get it, Saber is overwhelming and PERRRRRRRRFEEEEEECTTTTTTTTT.

(WOW, I have spend 15 hours of "play time" with it running in the background occasionally and me being too bored to read on till today.)

>> No.1688435

Jun Maeda has a Psychology major AFAIK and he writes pretty good emotional stuff that translates well to anime (circa Kanon 2006, not AIR).

>> No.1688440

I would like more of whatever OP's pic is from please.


>> No.1688447

>The battle between Archer and Lancer was excellent, but the pacing kind of shattered with that run-down of Servant types right in the damn middle of it.
Yeah, the infodumps are boner killers. Brace yourself for another one in the church, and later with Rin. And 10 YEARS AGO repeated 80174x throughout.

>The battle between Rin and Saber was interesting with the magicks, but a bit overwound. I get it, Saber is overwhelming and PERRRRRRRRFEEEEEECTTTTTTTTT.
Fortunately, this is rectified later. Have fun reading!

I officially proclaim this thread a success for getting a bro to stick to F/sn.

>> No.1688451

Oh wow this hilarious thread with the crazy guy who misunderstands every post is still around.

>> No.1688456

Another literaturefag here:

I see Nasu's writing as being a lot like H.P. Lovecraft's-- his writing is overly complex, long winded, archaic, and occasionally badly-paced, but for some reason the style manages to fit the concept. I mean, he's writing practically stream-of-consciousness from Shirou's perspective.

Granted, Lovecraft isn't great literature either, but on the other hand neither were intended to be.

>> No.1688461

see >>1687091

>> No.1688464


And just like Lovecraft he's created his own mythos that has taken on a life of its own.

>> No.1688496

You've gotta admit though, H.P. Lovecraft's purple prose has a certain hypnotic rhythm to it. Nasu's is made more for the VN, peculiar line-by-line syntax and all, but I'll never see why he chose to present his work the way he does when he could've made it tighter and cleaner.

P.S.: Lovecraft is great horror literature, I guess Nasu does have a bit of that gothic tinge in common.

>> No.1688506

Lovecraft is hit and miss.
I guess it's the same for Nasu, really.

>> No.1688541

Exactly. And in the same way, Nasu's writing has an odd way of getting you in the head of the person who's perspective he's writing from. No one thinks tightly and cleanly, after all.

>> No.1688590

Protip: Realistic portrayals of people in fiction are never "realistic" per se, trying to use that argument to back up Nasu is quite lame considering the rate in which he expositiondumps like he has information diarrhoea or something.

>> No.1688634

It could be worse. He could have gone with the 'highly realistic' method which requires for certain plot points to be explained in all three routes, or just go with the current, slightly plot-holey method where they just gloss over the details. Like Rule Breaker.

>> No.1688712
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I wasn't saying it was perfect-- I hate his stupid exposition-dumps as much as the next guy. I'm just saying that just because it doesn't work all the time doesn't mean that it never works. I find that there are plenty of engaging moments in his writing.

Still, I have to agree that his strong suite are his ideas, not his writing. As >>1687088 was saying, Nasu's meta-narrative is twice as good as his actual narrative-- he's a bit heavy-handed at times, but I found that I was more interested in it than the actual story, especially in Fate. Tsukihime is harder, since there's such a huge difference between the Near and Far side paths, but it still holds true there.

Also, god I am such an englishfag: I'm currently trading off between this thread and writing a 10 page research paper on His Dark Materials-- both of which involve awesome protagonists that can cut through anything with knives.

>> No.1689028

>TakaJun just needs better editors.
So does Nasu

>> No.1689980

If you're not interested by the end of the prologue, the game is not for you.

>> No.1690360

Nasu needed a continuity guy making sure he didn't keep making the shitty mistakes he did.

As did Terry Goodkind.

Alas, they won't be writing anymore now.
