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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 704x396, Toradora! - 01 - Large 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1686556 No.1686556 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm apparently a creepy motherfucker /jp/.

I was standing in a long line yesterday and I couldn't help but notice that a woman in front of me was barely five feet tall. She was with her boyfriend, who was also just over five feet tall.

Highly amused by the thought that apparently, as an Asian guy, I am potentially BIG IN AMERICA, I was fantasizing about the prospect of patting them on the head and feeding them cookies, perhaps later breeding them and selling the offspring to the highest bidder.

But apparently I was looking at them too much. The girl looks at me, looks at the guy, points behind her shoulder (presumably towards me) and they start fondling each other, at which I would have laughed at if only it didn't feel so awkward.

Does this ever happen to you?

>> No.1686566
File: 10 KB, 260x361, 1227990748243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1686569


>> No.1686573

No, I don't have Ass-burgers. Enjoy your mental problems.

>> No.1686581

>as an Asian guy, I am potentially BIG IN AMERICA
You've got that backwards, you slanty eyed elf.

>> No.1686587
File: 79 KB, 500x375, 1227990897413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused by how being tall compared to two short asians makes you 'BIG IN AMERICA'. Wouldn't you be only big compared to all these asians?

Unless you're like 6'5, then cool story tall bro.

>> No.1686588


It's not easy being yellow-green.

>> No.1686593

This post is awesome.
Never happened to me, but I know a girl who's so short it's funny. I wish I could pat her.
Sadly, she's not cute at all.

>> No.1686601

Also sage for toradora on my /jp/, not that I mind the show.

>> No.1686604


The crowd was mostly white, probably early to mid twenties. I am 5'9" which is not really tall at all. For some reason I was taller than most of them.

>> No.1686608

I have a habit of patting people on the head.
There's one female who gets pissed off by that because she thinks I'm considering them like dogs.
She's right, thank god the others don't now.

>> No.1686675
File: 470 KB, 1024x680, 1227991675957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love you /jp/, you make me feel right at home.

Hey hey /jp/, the other day I met this really cute Asian girl. She's pretty much everything I would ever want in a woman -- feisty, playful, cute, talented, and intelligent. Her voice is a little deep but I would give almost anything to have her as my lifelong partner.

There's only one problem /jp/.

She's 15.

>> No.1686686

>She's 15.
Gross, she's too old.

>> No.1686701

Agreed, get em in their prime, get em when they're 9

>> No.1686705

>Does this ever happen to you?

No, I don't go outside. I'm not tall anyway, just a little over 6 feet. Probably am creepy though.

>> No.1686714

>and they start fondling each other

I think it's rather rude that people do this on trains and in public in general to be fair.

>> No.1686720

as a huge native, people often think I'm part of the indian gangs around here. it doesn't really help that I look completely serious all the time.

>> No.1686743



>> No.1686769

>>rude that people do this on trains and in public in general
But that's what makes it so damn arousing.

>> No.1686788

Regardless, they should do it in other places.

>> No.1686797

Sadly, only ugly people do it in public.

>> No.1686834

I'm 5'8".

>> No.1686857

I'm 1'2''. Wanna get together and hide some gold?

>> No.1686864


Same here.

I don't wish I were creepy looking to people, but rather, intimidating. Just to be able to make eye contact with someone and make them backdown or shut up.

>> No.1686862

I am a petite 6'4"

>> No.1686869

>I'm 5.8"

if you know what i mean

>> No.1686872

The same thing happens with me. More likely it's just body odor.

>> No.1686873

You could do that at 5'6'' if you knew how to handle yourself. The problem is in your head.

>> No.1686878


Then look crazy. People don't like to fuck with crazy people, even if they're small and weak. I have wild eyes, an unkempt overgrown beard and hair, and I only wear a tattered bathrobe. If I stare at someone they either balk and get away from me as quick as possible or they mace me.

>> No.1686880

As a European i am appalled that her being 15 would be a problem. I'm glad i live in a country with sane laws about age of consent.

>> No.1686890


I think it is too... but I look VERY unintimidating. It's horrible.

>> No.1686892

Well, if you get caught plowing her and are charged with statutory rape, just look at the Judge and say " Really, Judge? I mean most Asians look younger than they are. I thought she was at least 18."

>> No.1686905

In order to bypass PEDOPHILEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL judges these days, you basically have to card check every woman you intend to sleep with.

And even if you do that, and she turns out to have been using a fake ID, by the opinion of most prosecutors and judges, you've still broken the law and deserve to be put into a sack for burning.

America's court system: setting violent criminals free and punishing non-crimes for 200 years.

>> No.1686964


>> No.1686977


>> No.1686988

Just find Phoenix Wright.
You can always bet on Wright.

>> No.1687005

lol Iceland

>> No.1687012

Iceland? This is norwegian. We don't take kindly to them icelanders around here.

>> No.1687014

Dont you mean Cool tall-tale, bro?

>> No.1687029

>America's court system: setting violent criminals free and punishing non-crimes for 200 years.
Actually, its more like punishing anyone for anything for 200 years. It doesnt happen too often, mass media makes it look like it does though.

>> No.1689841

tall tale bro

>> No.1689847

tall tale bro

>> No.1689846

That's why you are supposed to marry people before you have sex with them.

>> No.1689878

5'6 with heels in Asia. Needless to say, I don't get much dates because my friends who barely reach my bust snag all the guys because they prefer women shorter than them.

>> No.1689880


Asian penises are so small you need a microscope to [insert funny joke].

I'm sleepy.

Yeah, I'm leaving now....

>> No.1689881


>> No.1689883


>> No.1689902

I could go for you, except I eclipse you at my height.

>> No.1689914

Reference to Thai transvestites, but yeah.

>> No.1689915

I would bounce you up and down on my mediocre asian cock

>> No.1689928
File: 75 KB, 302x350, 1228037429089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to come up with a clever response to this, but then I found this image and now all I can think about is how bad getting your cock branded must hurt.
