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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 132 KB, 800x577, twilight1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1686268 No.1686268 [Reply] [Original]

I went with my aunt, cousin, and mother to this movie. God I wish I were dead just to kill the memory. Please tell me it's not popular in Japan, please tell me those girls aren't reading it, I don't want to think beautiful Japanese girls I may one day want to meet know anything about this at all.

>> No.1686271

I don't even know what you're talking about.
what's this movie?

>> No.1686282

I envy you

>> No.1686287

what's this movie?

>> No.1686294

They have plenty of superior but still shit shoujo there, there's absolutely no reason to like this unless them sluts like looking at KAKKOII GAIJIN men.

>> No.1686296

Seriously, what's this movie?

>> No.1686299
File: 9 KB, 100x132, 1227987799569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically just Tsukihime for girls

>> No.1686300

Wow serious? It just made 70 million dollars it's opening weekend.

Think sparkly vampires


>> No.1686301


>> No.1686302

Movie is Tsukihime: the Live Action.

>> No.1686304

They have Vampire Knight to fangirl over instead.

>> No.1686306

aha i'm happy I said "no"

>> No.1686308

The movie is about a vampire boy who protects some random girl. Then other vampires come and start fucking shit up.

>> No.1686313

Eurofag here. What the fuck is this shit ?

>> No.1686321

If it's unheard of in Europe than I've got nothing to worry about. I feel better.

>> No.1686327
File: 78 KB, 800x800, 1227988172548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edward in the sunlight was shocking. I couldn't get used to it, though I'd been staring at him all afternoon. His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. He lay perfectly still in the grass, his shirt open over his sculpted, incandescent chest, his scintillating arms bare. His glistening, pale lavender lids were shut, though of course he didn't sleep. A perfect statue, carved in some unknown stone, smooth like marble, glittering like crystal.

>> No.1686343

My girlfriend just left me after reading Twilight, we got into a fight and she screamed "Why can't you be more like edward!".

>> No.1686349

Ask her why she can't be more like Alice.

>> No.1686351

>My girlfriend just left me

You type really well for someone with only one hand.

>> No.1686353



>> No.1686360


please god tell me this is fanfiction and not from the book.

>> No.1686367

Book basically IS fanfiction

>> No.1686361
File: 142 KB, 548x599, 1227988630235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must end her. With generous amounts of this

>> No.1686363

So it's basicaly softcore porn ?

>> No.1686369

I have bad news for you, my good anon...
Please sit down...
(And that's when she's not spending five pages describing a room)

>> No.1686372

And that's why women love it.

>> No.1686382


>> No.1686387
File: 122 KB, 326x500, 1227988978218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the Twilight manga!

>> No.1686395

goddamnit NO JAPAN NO!

>> No.1686391

Do women really like this kind of thing?

>> No.1686394
File: 222 KB, 800x586, 1227989076936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First book, chapter 13, first paragraph.

"Bella." His fingers lightly traced the shape of my lips. "I will stay
with you ・isn't that enough?"

I smiled under his fingertips. "Enough for now."

He frowned at my tenacity. No one was going to surrender tonight. He
exhaled, and the sound was practically a growl.

I touched his face. "Look," I said. "I love you more than everything else
in the world combined. Isn't that enough?"

>> No.1686398

that's horrible, please tell me it's not /jp/ related, please tell me it's an americunt who wrote this "book"

>> No.1686400

The first time I heard of this abomination was from a passing conversation with a friend who I know browses /a/, and recommended the book to me.
Of course, I'm more in tune with classical English literature, so I just brushed it off once I heard that it was about vampires or something inane like that.
Several months later, I hear about this shit, and find out that it's just glorified fangirl nonsense.
The friend was a guy too. Goddamn, I knew he was gay.

>> No.1686401

Yeah they do, athens-san. Does that make you angry? Please share your thoughts.

>> No.1686410


>> No.1686403


TCM has better writing than this.

>> No.1686413

I'm sick of painting all women with the same brush. It's never done me any good and it only serves to ostracize me from women I may get along with.

It really isn't worth it, but as for those kinds of women who like this kind of thing. They need to realize that you have to settle, you will never meet a prince charming unless you have the good fortune of meeting me.

>> No.1686419



>> No.1686423

Yes and yes.

>> No.1686432

I just died a little

>> No.1686425

You're kidding.
SOMEBODY tell me he's kidding!

>> No.1686430

Athens womanhate flood incoming

>> No.1686437


>> No.1686442

I'm a woman and I like Twilight. Do you hate me, athens?

>> No.1686446

>9 Volumes (Ongoing)

>> No.1686450

Oh come on Athens-kun, you know youd love to spill some beans.

>> No.1686456

I think I am gay for Edward now.....

>> No.1686458

88% (7 votes)
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>> No.1686467


I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.1686464

not athens but...

no, i don't hate you. i hate everything about the thing you like though.

goddamn i hate those books. then again, I'm an English major, so i have a license to hate.

yea, one of my best friends likes 'em. I don't hate her... but goddamn i refuse to listen to her talk about them in depth.


>> No.1686472


>> No.1686482

I read them too.
I didn't think they were anything special.

>> No.1686483

who the fuck uses 'incandescent' as an adjective for someone's chest

>> No.1686486

I honestly fail to see the difference between Twilight and a generic visual novel with forced drama, other than the Tl:dr writing.

>> No.1686493


>> No.1686489

No, I just want to know why you like it.

And I'd also hope you wouldn't hold men to such high standards as the Edward character in the book.

No, I'm pretty relaxed at the moment, as I said. I just fired back an email to someone I get on really well with from 4chan. I really enjoy chatting with them and thus I'm not in the mood for rageing.

>> No.1686492

>I'm an English major

Have fun bagging groceries when you graduate.

>> No.1686495

Both are tl:dr, so if Twilight was a VN, we would be all over it

>> No.1686496

Are you a grrl too?

>> No.1686497

Threads like these are why I love my basement. I will spend the rest of my life dicking around with my five computers (all running Unix-based OS's), beating off all over myself to futa porn at 2:00 AM and thumbing trough Perl, Assembly and C compsci books, only to leave my house during the week for 7.5 painless daily hours of writing hideous vbscripts and staring off into space. You don't know peace and inner perfection until you've collapsed on the unwashed, mildewed rug in front of your computer with the bowl of cereal you were eating after fapping impulsively for the fifth time today to the same JAV rape/vomit porn avi and knowing that whatever misfortune may visit you in the distant future, you can die happilly knowing nothing need surpass this moment, even though tomorrow will be better but otherwise no different, just like yesterday. I am complete.

I am /g/.

>> No.1686498

Edward is by far the sexiest character ever created.

>> No.1686499

I like cheesy romance stories, that's why.

>> No.1686500


>> No.1686501

Because in a VN, everyone seems to have a fault, even if it's an adorable fault, like being clumsy or tsundere.

Edward has NO faults.

>> No.1686502

I'm sure he would be overqualified for that.

Have fun being unemployed when you graduate.

>> No.1686503


I loved Twilight. A lot.


I am smart enough to realize it is FICTION. I still adore my husband and think he's perfect.

>> No.1686506


fix your pasta before posting it...

>> No.1686508


>> No.1686511

If you like cheesy romance, then why not read about Dante and Beatrice?

This Edward character is an asshole.

Fair enough.

>> No.1686517

By the way, how old are you if you have a husband?

>> No.1686518


>> No.1686519


Gay marriage is legal?

>> No.1686520


Actually Edward does have faults... he would probably seriously bug me at times.

>> No.1686522



>> No.1686525

In some places, yes.

>> No.1686528

Isn't Twilight some BL thing?

>> No.1686530

But girls want to be killed.

>> No.1686538

Mostly in Eurofag countries because all the men in Europe are fags who couldn't handle a handful of Nazis.

>> No.1686539


I am 26 and female.

>> No.1686541

If youre a girl and like yaoi yes.

>> No.1686533
File: 28 KB, 250x310, 1227990514229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie was so crappy it gave scat fetish lovers orgasms.

>> No.1686534

Where were you from, Ciel?

>> No.1686537

Yes, I am.
I read them primarily so I would understand what the hell my peers were talking about.
When I was done, I felt I had wasted my time, and went back to reading 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Good stuff.

>> No.1686546

You said something I can agree with. Holy shit.

Although I think it's the wrong reason. They shouldn't "settle" for a guy. They should just realize that they're not "princesses." They don't deserve any man. They're not somehow high-quality just because they exist.

They keep looking for Prince Charming while they act like toads in real life. How grand~.

>> No.1686548

There were girls in the thread.

I didn't know it but had expected it now for years.

So, to the women in this thread: What do you make of the theory women cant be ronery?

>> No.1686543

How's your penis doing today?

>> No.1686550

At first I thought that as well.

>> No.1686552

Is this seriously the sort of thing women find romantic, or is the all the ado merely a product of youths who don't know any better?

>> No.1686553
File: 30 KB, 250x310, 1227990648691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you , bastard

>> No.1686555

are you a virgin?

>> No.1686558

Is anybody scanlating the Twilight manga?

>> No.1686565

But Nazis are European too!

>> No.1686574

Never read it. Personallly I just started Crime and Punishment because it's one of Dostoevsky's novels I haven't read (loved Brothers Karamazov). Also, if you are ronery, you should read white nights by Dostoevsky, it's very short.

>> No.1686577


> Edward is, as he explains to Bella patiently, the vampire equivalent of a vegetarian. Like ordinary people living on tofu, he and his family restrict their diet to animal blood, though they still consider the human variety a treat to die for

I heard the author was also a Mormon, OP...

>> No.1686582

Twilight won't be coming to Japan for a long time


They are years behind in movies playing shit that came out last year in America.

>> No.1686583


I personally just found it entertaining. Just a book. The stupid squealing 14 year olds make us all look crazy.

>> No.1686585

I hope it isn't particularly romantic.

Elegiac Couplets are romantic.

Dinner by moonlight is also romantic.

Open hearth fireplaces = romantic too.

Some faggot 'lone wolf' vampire != Romantic!

>> No.1686591

how come there is no sage option this time?

>> No.1686600

so they were fags too, whats your point.

>> No.1686605

Do you think /jp/ will ever get married?

>> No.1686606

Who checks movie listings, anyway?

>> No.1686612

I wish it was true. We just seem to hide it better than guys, for the most part.

( ゚ 3゚) ~♪
I hate lying. The answer is a resounding yes. And it will probably remain so.

>> No.1686615


According to the website, Japan gets Twilight in April.

>> No.1686616

25, male, married here

>> No.1686617

Wait, I thought this was some kind of bad fanfiction. Didn't expect it to be a real movie...

>> No.1686625

Hope you're happy in your marriage. I don't agree with the theory that marriage means nothing, it just waters down the core of it too, which is an agreement between two people to stay exclusive to one another till they die.

Actuallly, that's one thing I don't blame women on - nothing wrong with wanting to spend a lot of money on a wedding.

>> No.1686628

Missed this earlier.
Yeah, I've read Trotsky. (Rodya's the best protagonist ever.)
I'm partial to Tolstoy, though. Ivan Ivanovich was awesome.

>> No.1686632

>102 posts and 7 image replies omitted.


>> No.1686633


Sure, why not?

>> No.1686638

I think you are misreading the charts.. the site only shows movies that have already premiered.

>> No.1686643

/jp/ is tsundere for Edward

>> No.1686646

Yeah she's mormon, which is a travesty, mormons can't write vampire novels

>> No.1686651


I meant April 2009....under worldwide release dates.

>> No.1686653
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1227991447171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't be?

>> No.1686656


>> No.1686655

Yep, only up to the 50th page. I'm also reading it in coordinatiion with Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Murakami, which is also pretty good. Recently finished his Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. I was dissapointed by the decision he made in the end to be honest.

>> No.1686657


I'm sorry, I was referring to the official site, not the one you posted =)

>> No.1686659
File: 773 KB, 852x1275, 1227991522098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with being a virgin.

>> No.1686662

Wanna go out with me, S. Ruro !hEpdoZ.tHU?

>> No.1686663

>Why not?

Well, errr, haven't you stayed here long? I can understand the pedophiles not getting married, and I think it's for the best as if they had daughters they would engage in molestation and so on.

What is married life like?

>> No.1686670

The S is for Steven, enjoy your cock, anon.

>> No.1686673

Where can I download these scanlations?

>> No.1686678

Couldn't you tell from watching the way your parents acted when you were a kid? More than evidence for enough to never get married.

>> No.1686681

>Vampire novels

Anything that isn't the original Bram Stoker is likely shit.
