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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 90 KB, 359x240, nevada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1683655 No.1683655 [Reply] [Original]

What's the 411 on her now? I'm really, really hoping you guys will know. /b/ has failed me. And my google fu is not strong enough to find out information on where she might be/what she's doing now that she's out of jail land.

I wonder if she found her way back to the interbutz.

>> No.1683661

Razor blade kids ect......

>> No.1683666
File: 60 KB, 615x332, Remi-Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1683664

I am Nevada-tan.

>> No.1683669

>/b/ has failed me.
And /jp/ will fail you for that reason.

>> No.1683670

Let me suck your dick, please.

>> No.1683672

I would also like to know.

>> No.1683679

Then don't sage? Support the thread. D:<

>> No.1683686


>> No.1683692


Welcome to /jp/ - Sage/General.

>> No.1683700

>I don't know the purpose of sage lol xD

>> No.1683701
File: 16 KB, 267x200, 1135380383138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't saying that I haven't tried. I dug and dug, But I couldn't find anything. I could barely find anything on Tsuiji's release other than Wikipedia and some other source. On top of that I also ran into a few articles saying that her sentence was extended to 2013 or something along those lines, But the information wasn't dated [Or rather I didn't see it.] So I don't know if that's recent, or from back when it first happened; And they decided recently to shorten her sentence.

I tried /b/ seeing as that's one of the places she blew up on, but there's so much cancer on the /b/rain that the thread mostly consisted of "Who is this gurl lol sauce plox? i love pedo bear lol!"

I was hoping /jp/ had some fun edumacation on her. :/

Here: A picture of her house. Yay 2ch stalkers.

>> No.1683702

I heard she was released sometime last year.
I'd tell you whether or not it was a joke, but I can't remember the source.

>> No.1683703

All I know is what's on the wiki page.

>> No.1683713


>> No.1683718

Go back to /b/.

Even if you weren't such a worthless faggot, Nevada-tan is mine anyway.

>> No.1683723

Her parents put her in a boarding school in New Zealand so she wouldn't have to deal with any shit in Japan. Until she is 18 she is only allowed to have internet access while monitored by an adult.

>> No.1683728
File: 34 KB, 400x262, 1137103284743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The little I did see on her release, along with the very few anon's who knew about her that replied in my /b/thread a while back, said it was around the beginning of this year.

Wiki: On May 29, 2008, local authorities announced they will lift the restrictions of freedom on her.[17]

But it's source is 404'd.

>> No.1683730

                \ │ /
                 / ̄\  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
               ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< NEW ZEALAND!
                 \_/  \_________
                / │ \
                    ∩ ∧ ∧∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ∩∧ ∧∩\( ゚∀゚)< NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND!
NEW ZEALAND~~~!  >( ゚∀゚ )/ |    / \__________
________/ |    〈 |   |
              / /\_」 / /\」
               ̄     / /

>> No.1683731

>>1683723 New Zealand
Fuck, I knew I should have studied abroad in New Zealand! (They have a pretty good Geology program over there...)

>> No.1683740
File: 21 KB, 394x398, image007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I'm packin' up for New Zealand.

Fuck your shit, nigger. I have first dibs.

>> No.1683739


>> No.1683767

As Japanese news reporter I can verefy this story.

>> No.1683772


Wait, What part, and where the fuck did this information come from?

Also; She wouldn't happen to have her own website again.. Would she?

>> No.1683784

Do you have links to sources or an article I can read? Non-English is OK.

>> No.1683793

That's great, but can you verify it?

>> No.1683797

I am sorry English not good.

>> No.1683802
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>> No.1683810
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>> No.1683812
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>> No.1683813

I am sorry it was note widely reported here in Japan because of concern of safety. Were told not to publish location.

>> No.1683822
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>> No.1683833
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>> No.1683834

  ∧M∧     ┌─────────
  ( ´ー`)    < Hello, I am VIPsaurus ask me anything.
   \ <      └──────────
    \.\                       /|
      \.\                     //
        \.\                    //
            \               /
             ∪∪ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∪∪

>> No.1683843
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>> No.1683853
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>> No.1683859
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>> No.1683864



>> No.1683862

Why is a Japanese reporter posting on /jp/?

>> No.1683866


>> No.1683868
File: 25 KB, 283x340, nevada-i.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1683870
File: 14 KB, 331x333, image026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1683873
File: 50 KB, 421x605, nevada-fuji02..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1683875

I come because of attempt to learn English. Discussing here can help.

>> No.1683876

But you said you can verify the story. How can you do so without any supporting information?

>> No.1683879

What does that say?

>> No.1683885

>Welcome to /jp/ - Sage/General.

>> No.1683887

I meant verify as by support of my saying. If you do not beleeve me I am sorry. Were told not to report because of safety.

>> No.1683888

I'm not sure how much English you'll learn on /jp/. It will at least be a bastardized version of it, and your vocabulary will focus on incest and pedophilia.

But we'll take you anyway.

>> No.1683897

Fair enough.

>> No.1683898

If i remember correctly, the legend says its her real name.

>> No.1683901


>> No.1683930

As I said I meant to support by my saying.

>> No.1683935

I hired her as my meido.

>> No.1683937

I am skeptical of your claim.

>> No.1683960
File: 64 KB, 467x637, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. The situation she endured cause her to turn to drugs and she is actually Yakui.

Hum, not that I think about it, there is a sort of resemblance.

>> No.1683967


>> No.1683978


>> No.1684000
File: 116 KB, 625x625, 1202876630461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes mai waifu double-awesome.

>> No.1684006

She's mine, sorry.

>> No.1684014
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1087143513785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wed, Apr. 6th, 2005, 06:01 am
Nevada diary project: forward

The case of the "Sasebo slasher" of 2004 made the news in Japan as one of the most shocking murders in recent times. An 11 year old girl, now known as Nevada (for the sweatshirt she frequently worn, or Nevadatan, as she's known online), slashed the throat and wrists of her classmate Mitarai Haruka with a box-cutter. She then returned to her homeroom, telling her teachers of what she did. All of this over squabbles of hearsay and teasing over the internet. Nevada is now in a girl's home in Nagasaki - because of her age at the time of the murder, she cannot be officially charged with her crime as she was under 14. She will be in the home until she is of legal age, 20. She has been enfolded and adopted throughout the internet as a goddess of guro, enshrined in image messageboards like 2chan.net.

These are her original diaries, found and saved off of the internet before deleted by officials and police. In some of them, you can see Haruka commenting on them.

Why have I decided to undertake this project? Nevada is a strange case. After extensive medical and psychological testing, no one can really answer what else could have possibly made her do it. She had no psychological problems, she seemed perfectly healthy and normal. Some have argued the hormone changes due to puberty combined with social peer pressure might have triggered her. We really can't know. No one knows her real name, and she's been locked away. No one can ask her for eight more years - until she is released in 2013.

I can't say anything else about this. Just read for yourself, and let the story of Nevada unfold on its own.

I'm pretty sure it says "Natsumi" But the "i" looks like it's in katakana...? My Japanese is poor.

Her name is: Tsuiji Natsumi, anyway. :O

>> No.1684021

Wed, Apr. 6th, 2005, 06:12 am
Nevada diary entry #1: HORRIBLE CLASS
prenote: to be faithful to the text, I'm following Nevada's truncated style.

Entry #1: 2011/12/26 **
Title: Horrible Class
Here I am, hanging out in class...
Thinking of dirty things, nose bleeds at lunch,
how vulgar and arrogant
those mannerless bastards*1,
coming to sell their brawls, and if you buy in they apologize...god, I'm so sick of it!
they, so haughty and
teasing the self-complacent sweet-pretending fat girls
the majority of them all so horrible and dirty, only the smallest fraction are good.
It's like, "what the hell are you talking about?", right?
Go wash your face. *2
It may be unpleasant to read, but don't complain, please.

translation notes:
**:Seems like there was a faulty glitch in the dating system when she uploaded this entry.
1: bastard is a literal translation, but she later uses it to refer it to the boys at school. Thus, I omit the later noun for boys. (thanks to [info]akisis for the clarification.)
2: in regards to the previous line about "what the hell..." - was literally sleeptalking/nonsense. So she makes a pun on nonsense/sleeping. It took me a few reads and some pointing out from [info]akisis to finally get it.

>> No.1684045

Wed, Apr. 6th, 2005, 06:24 pm
Nevada diary entry #2: "LIKE A GAG CARTOON"
Prenotes: This was the last entry made to this diary before the murder. I recieved
these diaries going in descending order; that is, from most recent to least.

Entry 2: 2005/5/30
Title: Like a gag cartoon...
Today was the school athletic meet.
I slipped on a banana peel while moving around (sorry, that's a lie!).
It's just like a gag cartoon!
According to R-san, I should be stretching out and bending down more. *1
Both my knees and elbows are all scraped up.
My pelvis is all swollen,
and I'm all crusted with dirt. *2
So I guess that's a crusty connection! (lol)
Where there's clouds, there's rain. *3

Translation notes:
1: This is in reference to the school athletic meet. She wasn't warming up enough
before competing, the result of which we see later in this entry.
2: this line and the next are another one of her puns. Because she was all dirty (lit. "chi" - earth) and her pelvis injured from athletic meet, she now sees a relationship between dirt and pain - or rather, athletics and dirt.
3: Sarcasm and/or another pun - meaning that everyone always gets dirty or hurt (if not
careful) at school athletic meets.

>> No.1684056



>> No.1684064

I actually got a picture of the murder scene on my desktop from /b/ way back in the day. I can't find it right now but if I do, I'll upload it.

>> No.1684068

Please do.

>> No.1684072
File: 159 KB, 960x1280, sa1778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9. - 10. Nevada diary entry #4, #5: "HAIRSTYLES", "Currently Watching: Volleyball"

Entry 4: 2004/5/19
Title: "Hairstyles"

So what hairstyle is everyone sporting?

Mine is short, around shoulder length.

I cut my hair when I was straight-perming it.

Before cutting it, if I were to lay it straight, I guess my hair would have been as long as my spine/down my back, lol.*1

Translation notes:
1: Original phrase part: "ストレートにしたら背骨くらいの髪". Kind of awkward to word in English, but I would guess her meaning was that if she were to flatten her hair, it would have been so long it would have reached the length of her spine, down her back, maybe to her waist? I don't know.

Entry 5: 2004/5/14
Title: "Currently Watching: Volleyball"

I'm watching volleyball - the Japan vs. Korea match!

At the moment, Japan has taken two sets and five points.


Congrats, Japan Women's (Volleyball) team! This clinches it: they'll be going to the Athens Olympics! Raw or just half-assed feelings won't get you to the Olympics alone!!*1

...At least, that's what the people at the scene are saying. ☆

Did everyone watch the game?

Translation notes:
1: Another awkward phrasing into English: "ナマ半端な気持ち" - I speculate there's a grammatical deletion of the particle "or" or "and/or" between "nama (raw/pure)" and "hanpa na kimochi(half-assed)" - that's the only option that seems to make sense linguistically here. Also, there seems to be the implied contexts of "ambition" and "action" concerning "pure (or) half-assed feelings" - as in, "ambition alone won't get you anywhere, it also takes hard work and action". Again, that's my personal interpretation of this phrase based on the linguistic clues left in the sentence structure.

>> No.1684087
File: 62 KB, 556x544, 1225065194831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will love you.
Post it.

>> No.1684105

Is there any more? These are interesting.

>> No.1684110


No promises but I'm trying to find it. Reformatted my HD a while back so its somewhere in my backups or maybe on my external. I remember the folder also had her wearing the Nevada sweat jacket and a lot of drawings done on /b/. So if I do find it, I'll dump the folder here.

>> No.1684122

Good luck, Anonymous. I will eagerly await the results of your search.

>> No.1684131
File: 24 KB, 527x352, image033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entry 3: 2004/5/21
Title: "I've transformed into Ultraman!"

I've become a man~~~
I'll do it!
But can I fix it? (sweatdrop)
I pray tomorrow that the girl who opened those pages returns...*1

Translation notes:
1. Original phrase: "明日ページ開いた時に女に戻ってますように・・・". I'm not sure if Nevada herself misspelled or mistook the kanji for "to write" versus the one for "to open" when writing this, because it doesn't make much sense otherwise. Then again, it could be a previously established context only known to her and her readers/friends.

>> No.1684134

>Athens Olympics

I can't wait to tell her all about it. ;_;

>> No.1684144
File: 27 KB, 381x191, image002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, The girl translating these didn't finish and we're missing a hand full.

The very first entry journal I posted is apparently the last entry before the murder.

>> No.1684156

I hope I've returned to being a woman by the time I've opened this page tomorrow.

You know, as in opening a website?

>> No.1684167

This changes things. I always thought Nevada was just an average, homicidal schoolgirl, but now that I know she is Ultraman, I don't think she can be my waifu anymore. I'm sorry, Nevada.

>> No.1684180
File: 127 KB, 499x685, 1227943080123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1684186

>>1684131 I've become a man~~~
And so another fetish is added.

>> No.1684189
File: 22 KB, 500x214, 1227943228371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're aiming that at me; I didn't translate these. :x But thank you for making that sentence make more sense.

>> No.1684200
File: 47 KB, 298x474, 1227943371866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1684208
File: 34 KB, 300x857, 1227943482389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1684212



>> No.1684219



>> No.1684238



A copy of her entries. ;____; I need to kick my studies up so I can readdd.

>> No.1684242
File: 77 KB, 400x580, 1227944203982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting stuff there.
Does anyone happen to know where to find a mirror of her site on the Internet (apart from the one posted on the translator's LiveJournal, which is no longer available, that is)? I noticed that the latest translated entry dates back to over one year ago and I doubt that whoever was overseeing the translation will come back to pick it up again anytime soon.

>> No.1684244


Mostly pictures, but there's a .rar file containing .html files of her website in it. Found on /rs/.

>> No.1684254

i am NEVADA-TAN. i ahev a boxcutter and i write pages on my website. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will hax your anus tonight and make a mess of your throat and arms

>> No.1684257

Well, for anyone interested, this contains more than just her diary entries.

>> No.1684263


>> No.1684266


>> No.1684279
File: 42 KB, 400x580, 1227945055068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1684283
File: 151 KB, 450x336, 1227945092840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1684286

>Here I am, hanging out in class...
>Thinking of dirty things, nose bleeds at lunch,
Fuck yeah, my kinda girl. Violent and perverted.

>> No.1684295
File: 54 KB, 586x415, 1227945389609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is interesting.

>> No.1684314
File: 176 KB, 600x825, 1227945974439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1683723 Her parents put her in a boarding school in New Zealand
If someone gets me the name of that boarding school then I’ll take pics.

>> No.1684317

"I tried to blindfold her with a towel, but she refused, so I covered her eyes with my hand," Kyodo news agency quoted the girl as telling investigators.

>> No.1684319
File: 327 KB, 787x1354, 1227946182000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on /ic/ a few days ago.

>> No.1684321

That post was me. I was also the "Japanese reporter." I made all of that up. I'm sorry for lying to you. I would have kept my true identity a secret, but I was starting to feel bad for misleading the more gullible people here.

>> No.1684341

den : 暇なんて羨ましいです 起きてから寝るまで一日中PCに張り付いて働いてま

Can anyone give a good translation on this?

>> No.1684348

Spare time how it is enviable, is, after occurring, until you sleep, being stuck in one Japan and China, PC working, the [ma].

>> No.1684356

Nevada-tan is probably fat and ugly by now.

Sorry to ruin your fantasies.

>> No.1684365

Does anyone know what Dead Jap's user name was on her journal? I'm looking for her comments now. D:

>> No.1684375

御手洗 怜美

>> No.1684376

>>1684341 暇なんて羨ましいです 起きてから寝るまで一日中PCに張り付いて働いてま

I am jealous of things such as free time. From waking up until sleeping, clinging to the computer, working.

Close enough.

>> No.1684401

You shut your filthy mouth!

>> No.1684405

I thought she always was that way.

>> No.1684407

Dude, Don't call her fat. She'll kill you. D:

Also, Who is this?
ID haruka009
ニックネーム †ハル†
性別 女
地域 長崎県
年齢 12
カフェスタポイント 719
よく聴く音楽のジャンル ジャパニーズポップス
血液型 B型
休日はインドア派? その時によって違う
趣味 コンピューター・インターネット

>> No.1684410


ID haruka009
† † personal PROGRAM nick
Female Sex
Nagasaki Prefecture region
Age 12
Japanese pop music genres, listen well
Type B blood type
Indoor school holidays? By the different time
Internet computer hobby
What is your treasure?

>> No.1684456
File: 83 KB, 500x375, 1227949249966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that supposed to be? An electron micrograph of a chip?

>> No.1684462

This guy claims to have seen her


>> No.1684466

You goddamn stalkers. You know she'll stab you to death if you follow her around, right?

>> No.1684472

Lies. What the fuck was that?

>> No.1684927

cutest killer ever - I guess she is still in a home for naughty girls

>> No.1684932

>a home for naughty girls

This is where I want to work

>> No.1684957

cp repository

>> No.1684961


>> No.1684968

I can't check that out while I'm on a school computer!

>> No.1684966

It would be a ~moe~ death.

>> No.1684971

Now that's a VN idea.

Working at a prison for juvenile criminals.

>> No.1684974

nevada-tan is moe <3

>> No.1684982
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1227962850998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so.. pics

>> No.1684984
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>> No.1684985

The fuck is this SHIT

>> No.1684986
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>> No.1684989
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>> No.1684990 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 740x700, 1227962937747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favorites

>> No.1684991 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 743x766, 1227962961788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1684993
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>> No.1684996
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>> No.1684998
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>> No.1685000
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>> No.1685003 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 640x640, 1227963089537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1685006
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>> No.1685008
File: 13 KB, 288x352, 1227963137045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1685012

A Russian malware and/or child pornography site.

>> No.1685011
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>> No.1685013
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>> No.1685017
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>> No.1685018
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2004 babies

>> No.1685020
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>> No.1685021
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>> No.1685023
File: 232 KB, 640x480, 1227963461040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so good at drawing, just like all japanese are.....

>> No.1685025

I'd buy it at a high price.

>> No.1685027
File: 125 KB, 600x600, 1227963504510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1685029

Holy shit, I'm an oldfag from back then and even I don't remember people talking so coherently on /b/.

>> No.1685031
File: 131 KB, 600x600, 1227963554049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1685034
File: 5 KB, 144x144, 1227963632006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean version of her

>> No.1685036
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>> No.1685038
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>> No.1685040
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>> No.1685042


>> No.1685044
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>> No.1685046
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>> No.1685049
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>> No.1685055
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<3 her drawings

>> No.1685057
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>> No.1685060
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>> No.1685063
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>> No.1685064
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>> No.1685066
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>> No.1685067
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>> No.1685069
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>> No.1685070
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>> No.1685071
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>> No.1685073
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>> No.1685074

What the FUCK is wrong with you.
You don't understand simple japanese and translate it completely wrong. GET THE FUCK OUT OF /jp/.

>> No.1685075
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^__^ /

>> No.1685077
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>> No.1685078
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>> No.1685079
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>> No.1685081
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>> No.1685082
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>> No.1685086
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>> No.1685088
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>> No.1685091
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>> No.1685092

This girl is going to have an interesting life.

>> No.1685093
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>> No.1685096
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>This girl is going to have an interesting life.

>> No.1685099
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>> No.1685101
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>> No.1685102
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>> No.1685104
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>> No.1685108
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im done posting for now

>> No.1685137

.................WAIT......IM IN NEW ZEALAND!!

my plan to have nevada-tan as my bride is slowly coming together.

>> No.1685157

her birthday was a few days ago. 21st november. Happy birthday, nevada chan

>> No.1685179

ok, is /jp/ going for the hackers in steroids gig again or what?

seriously though, if you want Nevada-tan's IRL dox, better ask those non-newfag /b/tards.

>> No.1685192
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>> No.1685203


Top right looks like some kind of magical girl Akiha.

Given that Nevada-tan expressed had no apparent psychological problems, she may be related to demon hunters.

When she was released, the girl she killed was waiting for her, demanding her to take responsibility for the murder. They're really at New Zealand to kill a vampire who became a giant sentient coral reef after dying.

>> No.1685206

I'd buy the DVD box set for this.

>> No.1685264

Pretentious bitch

>> No.1685938
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>> No.1685951

I like soup.

>> No.1685953

>They're really at New Zealand to kill a vampire who became a giant sentient coral reef after dying.
>giant sentient coral reef


>> No.1685959

Nasu can barely write Japanese, what makes you think he can read English?

>> No.1685971

Oh snap!

>> No.1685987

Nevada's out, they let her out in May ~

>> No.1686083

tsuji natsumi

>> No.1686914


>> No.1686920

Hey Nevada, can you face get any rounder?

>> No.1686980

Lol. I didn't translate these. :3

Lurk. It's fun.

>> No.1686998

How does new 4chon know what nevada-tans is?

>> No.1687028


>> No.1687068


>> No.1687067


>> No.1687224

On a related topic; when did that incident occur with the girl who was raped and tortured for days and then encased in concrete (or just buried, I don't recall)? There was a manga about it. Anyone know?

>> No.1687226



>> No.1687295

If there would be an anime with nevada-tan, you know what genre is would be?

>slice of knife

>> No.1687335
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>> No.1688374

....She's in Ann arbor.

>> No.1688452

She's living in Ann Arbor Michigan now.
I wish I was trolling.

>> No.1688826


>> No.1689056
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Fuck, I only posted that twice because my browser wasn't showing the first post. Whatever, sorry about that.

Anyway, I don't have any proof other than I seriously believe I fucking saw her. I was at a Mongolian BBQ place for a friends birthday, And well, kind of long story short, I couldn't help but notice this really cute asian girl at the raw bar gathering some meat for her plate, When she turned to where I could see her face, my heart seriously dropped; It looked exactly like her, to a core.

It turned out she was sitting a table or two behind me, Where I got a better view of what she looked like. Mind you, I'm a hard core Nevada-tan fan, more lately than ever, and I have been playing the "Compare face to gal making claims she is Nevada-tan" game. So I was sdkjfnsdlkjfnsdkljfnskdjfn

It seriously got to the point to where I was about to get up and ask her "Is your name Natsumi?"
Another thing I noticed was she was with an American family [Man, Woman.] And I thought it'd make sense. She just got released from juvenile whatever, and in Japan, anyone who knew who she was would give her hell. So Maybe she was sent to live here for a few years until things got more calm? With a "surrogate family" [Or is it called a host family?] In any case, They were getting up to leave, and I seriously regret not asking her. I seriously believe it was her. She even wore her hair the same way as Natsumi usually did. [See picture] with the clip and all that.

>> No.1689056,1 [INTERNAL] 


need an Engrish version tho
