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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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168272 No.168272 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.168275

artist source is shinozaki rei(of camp heaven fame), doujin is "sis and me" i believe, dg content

>> No.168277
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>> No.168281

Oh no you don't
Story, details, right nao

>> No.168278

I fucked my sister.


>> No.168284

Was she any good?

>> No.168289


I regret doing it.

>> No.168301

How did it happen? How old were you?

>> No.168312

I fucked your sister too.


>> No.168318

I am your sister


>> No.168359

I fucked your brother too.


>> No.168372

This is fucked up.


>> No.168378


I am your sister


>> No.168389

This isn't /jp/ related.


>> No.168394

it is.

(reporting? reported.)

>> No.168395

reported to who?

>> No.168399

It is jp related since sisters are such a big thing in Japan.

ITT sisters in japan and how they relate to you and your sister

>> No.168414

ITT lies and the niggers who tell them.

>> No.168427

Only NONBLOODRELATED sisters are big in Japan.

>> No.168431

That's just what the translators want you to think.

>> No.168462

Well up to you guys to believe or not but i actually fucked my sister when I was 12 and she was like 10 something. My dad had this secret stash where he put all his porn and I used to sneak and watch some of them. Well before I went to this one orientation camp, I still slept with my sister. So one night i remember this one porn (I still remember the name, Honky pocky) and just got very horny. Our beds were connected back then and my sister never wakes up unless someone wake her up really good. So I just slide her panties and tried to insert my penis but back then I always get the impression that you always fuck with the lights out so I dunno which hole i actually insert it in but I'm pretty sure it was her butthole since it was fucking tight that I had to pee and use the pee as a lubricant. I did it like 2 months until finally I decided to sleep on my own (lol I went to Sunday school in during fucking my sister and I just got scared). Well until now I still can't get the feeling out. Believe it or not. Your choice. NOt copypasta.

>> No.168466

Oh and I'm asian. My sister has become an attention slut right now. She's 17 and always pose for her fucking friendster page.

>> No.168470

>Honky pocky

stopped reading here.

>> No.168477

What? I barely remember the name but it was something along those lines. White women pron.

>> No.168481


What part of Asia? Superior part (Korea, China, Nipland?) or shitty part (Pakiland?)

>> No.168499
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>>168462Honky pocky

>> No.168497

Singapore. And no I'm only half chink

>> No.168505

>half chink

half-chink girls are usually the hottest.

show me a pic of your slutty sister. (black out the face if you want).

>> No.168515


Legend. Thanks dude.

Also, you're from the decent part of Asia, you're not a paki, dont worry.

>> No.168510

Lemme look for it on her friendster page.

>> No.168519

What did she say?

>> No.168516

I once sorta admitted to my sis that I like her. Twas indirect but she was cool with it lol.

>> No.168524
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Sorry can't show more than that.

>> No.168529


>> No.168533

You lucky fucker.

Any indication that she knows what you did?

>> No.168540

I dunno but I always came inside her and I always noticed when she woke up in the morning she'd touch her pussy and looked kinda confused. Well I always did her pooper anyway. I was under the impression that if you fuck a girl in the pussy back then it'd bleed but it didn't.

>> No.168541



>> No.168543

Do you still have incestuous thoughts about her?

>> No.168548

Lemme look for more pics. I can't guarantee anything since every pics of her always show her fucking face. And even if you censor her eyes you can still tell.

>> No.168547


Wait, so you fucked her in the ass and she never woke up?

>> No.168553

Thanks a lot.

We /jp/sies appreciate incest.

>> No.168556
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You are the best brother ever.

>> No.168558

Right now? Nope. But I still fantasize about it sometimes but raping her now? Nope.

NO. She was one of those 10 years old who suck on their fingers, droll when they sleep and always wear only panties to bed. Yes I'm not kidding you. Once our parents took us to a grocery store, she only wore a panty.

>> No.168563





>> No.168564

>>168558NO. She was one of those 10 years old who suck on their fingers, droll when they sleep and always wear only panties to bed. Yes I'm not kidding you. Once our parents took us to a grocery store, she only wore a panty.

I can't believe how fucking lucky you are.

>> No.168571

Oh and from her friendster page.

>tHe reD JUMPsuit aPPAratus, MCR, tHE AcADEMy Is, TOKIO HOTEL N other COOL stuffs..

>> No.168574

now you ruined it.

>> No.168580
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No face. I can't risk it.

>> No.168588


Well, I'd certainly like to fuck her.

>> No.168591

>Right now? Nope. But I still fantasize about it sometimes but raping her now? Nope.

Ok, if she offered then....

>> No.168593

I lol though. Even though I used to like younger girls and even fucked my sister now I like mature women though. Like one of those OL with megane on.

>> No.168594


>> No.168600

No don't please ;_;

>> No.168601

Hahahah you are pretty funny.

>> No.168603

NO. She's a camwhore, like faggots bands and doesn't care about anything except her cellphone, makeup and clothes.

>> No.168608

Give me her e-mail address.

>> No.168614

Then if she said 'Take all your anger out by fucking my pussy raw, do whatever you want to me, cum on my face, in my mouth...'


>> No.168615

NO U. You can find her easily on friendster with that

>> No.168618


>> No.168620

Yeah sure whatever. She's 17 and that's a catch

>> No.168621

You over-estimate our abilities.

We aren't /b/, truth be told we dont really care about raiding and stuff. So you can post more pics.

>> No.168625


if anyone had trouble finding it, the way most rars on rapidsearch seem to be named is "boku to neesan", so try that

>> No.168626

I'd say no.
Partly because I'd rather get to know someone first, and by the sounds of it, would hate her company.

>> No.168627


salah mu sendiri memulai semua ini lah...

>> No.168629

yes, we only show our powers when installers come into play.

>> No.168640
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Last pic k. Really I can't risk it really. I live in a Catholic family and the family is hueeg so god knows what'll happen to me

>> No.168645

Lol wut

>> No.168648

is that malay?

>> No.168652

since your family is catholic, what are the odds they lurk /jp/ ?

>> No.168654

God seriously gais you're sounding like a bunch of moralfags here.

>> No.168661

0%. But yeah I'm like that. Who knows maybe her friends are lurking right now. Singapore has a looot of fucking weeaboos who lurk 4chan

>> No.168662

Roughly said that i had to "work for it"

>> No.168667

So tell us, how good did it feel to cum inside your sister's ass/pussy?

>> No.168674

means you're too poor.

>> No.168685

Well, then she's clearly got some interest in you.

How old are you and how is your sister?

>> No.168692

She wants to want you.

>> No.168695

I was fucking 12. What did you expect? But the most thrilling part would be the moment when my penis is completely insider her. No other extacy can top that.

>> No.168703

I wouldn't know ;_;

>> No.168726

Well gais maybe tommorow i'll post some more pics of her hugging a teddy bear.....

>> No.168728

Im 21 and my sis is 19.

>> No.168733

You cant tell me she wasn't initially shocked when you told her you liked her though? She must have been quite taken aback.

>> No.168745


>> No.168746

You pussy just fuck her

>> No.168759

Well, she was kinda shocked. Stood there dumbstruck for a min or two while i sweated bullets.
But i dunno maybe she was expecting it since i kinda treated her better since i realized that I ahd the hots for her.

>> No.168756

Can't. Need to finish mah assignment.

>> No.168762

Post her pic. I did

>> No.168770

Do as this man says.

>> No.168771

Give us details of how you fell for her.

>> No.168790

Nao finding a pic. She doenst like getting her pictures taken lol.

I dunno Im all for DFC and shit but seriously IRL it dont do jack for me. Started when she came back from a 6 month stay in Taiwan and when I fetched her at the airport I was liek. "OMG HAWT". I dunno what she ate there but damn she grew boobs and her face was more defined.
That and her 6 month abscence from our home prolly killed the westermarck effect lol.

>> No.168804

This anonymous supports your quest.

>> No.168810
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1204989135733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, found one.

Managed to get her to pose for me for one rare pic. She'd kill me if she found out about this lol.

>> No.168817

The eyes frighten me. Does it really matter if we can't see them?

>> No.168820

Gotta say, I love these threads, even though I don't have a sister. If I did, I just know I'd want her bad, so the fantasy is still hot even though my parents fucked up the reality for me.

>> No.168822

It does

>> No.168829

Meh, I'm 20 and my sister is 18

Even when we were kids and we bathed together, or when she was scared and wanted to sleep in my bed (last time she did that she was 12 i think) I've never felt even remotely attracted to her. I guess it's a hard-wired thing, because she's not ugly or fat or anything. But it has never even crossed my mine.

Though I like the idea of incest if other people are doing it.

>> No.168834

Sorry anon. My sis is hotter

>> No.168841

Srsly its not the matter if you are attracted with each other or not. It's all about the horny side inside of you. At least that how it went for me

>> No.168854


where did the pic go????

>> No.168856

To each his own dear anon.

>> No.168858


Agreed, post the pic again, I didn't get to see it.

>> No.168872

Guessing Anon chickened out and deleted it.

>> No.168873
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Since anon wants it so bad.

Sorry for teh deletion, I just wanna protect the one I love so much. Stupid emotions and all driving me nuts.

>> No.168877


What is it with you azns and incest?

I'd fuck her regardless.

>> No.168879

So uhh any tips on how I could "work for it"?

Anon here has 0 experience with girls.

>> No.168886

She's cute, engage in intercourse with her in a tidy and neat fashion.

>> No.168887

Get a nice job, keep treating her nice, buy her things, compliment her, take her someplace fun, etc.

>> No.168891

Incest is inborn in AZNS cause

>> No.168893

Well, assuming you aren't fat or anything.

Just ask her out to dinner some time.

>> No.168894

>>Roughly said that i had to "work for it"

Just went back and read this. Waitaminnit, did she really? Because that's basically a tease, and fuckhot coming from your cute sis.

>> No.168898

None of you incest fags even have sisters. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH /jp/! GTFO

>> No.168906

Yeah I chickened out. Repost?

>> No.168910

Cry moar. Japan has anything to do with incest. They produce the most of this thing in the world so gtfo

>> No.168911


>> No.168916

Yeah, she said that.

She could be mincing her words though. Basically anon here is stuck in a hard place of not wanting to lose the one he loves the most but at the same time pondering whether to further the relationship with her.

If only I could be anon IRL

>> No.168924

I'm sorry for your emotional turmoil, but I have to fap to the whole "work for it" thing now.

>> No.168925

If she didn't like you she would have said "ew, gross!" or something like that, not "you have to work for it."

>> No.168933

As I said, subtly ask her to go out to dinner some time, just the two of you, and make sure the place is really nice. Romantic and so on, you've already breached the topic with her and she's fine, now is the time to ask her on a date basically. Get her a gift too, not anything too extravagant.

>> No.168956

Will do, she is free tomorrow so I could prolly take her out somewhere.

Fuck you .
Now I just snuck into her room and took one of her panties. BRB fapping also

>> No.168959

>Now I just snuck into her room and took one of her panties. BRB fapping also


>> No.168962

one of us !

>> No.169001

Deed done. Had to thoroughly wash her panties with soap to get rid of the cum.

So, im making plans now. Im gonna ask her out to lunch tomorrow. But shit how do I bring up the topic of my love for her.

>> No.169002

>the official /jp/ tripfriend

You're not anonymous. gtfo

>> No.169015
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>> No.169031

Whatever you do, don't mention that you fapped in her panties today.

What exactly did you say to her earlier?

>> No.169032
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>> No.169039

You don't. You wait for the right moment and just suddenly hug her and kiss her. If she is not resisting, her pussy is yours

>> No.169083

I said nothing (apart from normal conversation et al), I told her about the liking thing a week ago.

>> No.169106
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>> No.169113
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>> No.169116
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>> No.169120
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>> No.169127
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>> No.169129
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>> No.169153

Did you literally say "I like you"?

>> No.169163
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>> No.169167
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>> No.169175
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>> No.169184
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>> No.169227
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>> No.169233
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>> No.169243
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>> No.169244
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>> No.169239

What was her reaction?

>> No.169263
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>> No.169269
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>> No.169283
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>> No.169284


She wants you bad.

Ask her out tomorrow, where are you planning to go?

>> No.169265

Twas more like a long winded discussion on my preferences on girls. Which ended up me blurting out "the perfecting woman would be just like you" to which she answered "work for it".

>> No.169285
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>> No.169293
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>> No.169311
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>> No.169317
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>> No.169327
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>> No.169331
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>> No.169339

ITB Bot convention?

>> No.169340
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>> No.169341
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>> No.169343
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>> No.169347
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>> No.169350
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>> No.169363
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>> No.169367

This bot fails.

>> No.169373

Well apart from waht she said, I didnt notice any other reactions since I was staring down at the ground.

A decent Italian restaurant, she loves the pasta there.

>> No.169374
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>> No.169393
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>> No.169394
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>> No.169399
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>> No.169414
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>> No.169432
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>> No.169436
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>> No.169442
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>> No.169464
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>> No.169465
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>> No.169478
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>> No.169490
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>> No.169499
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>> No.169502
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>> No.169506
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>> No.169509
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>> No.169530


Get her to order something that has an aphrodisiac in it. Seriously.

>> No.169732

So any updates?

>> No.169847

Or sleeping pills
So when she wakes up beside you in bed in the morning and wonders WTF happaned, she will have no choice but to accept her fate as her brothers love object.
