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File: 53 KB, 445x766, sacchin-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1680137 No.1680137 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, post the most moe vampire.

>> No.1680142

Jones thread! Waaiiiii~!

>> No.1680143
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>> No.1680144
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>> No.1680145

Who's that?

>> No.1680146
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>> No.1680147
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So, Flandre thread?

>> No.1680150

Let Remilia week begin.

>> No.1680151
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loli imouto

>> No.1680157
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>> No.1680159
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Moe trio.

>> No.1680158

that is an awesome pic, but I thought Ren was a succubus, not a vamp.

>> No.1680161
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>> No.1680163
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>> No.1680164

that's not arc

>> No.1680168
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Arc is not the most moe vampire.
Deductive reasoning, yes?

>> No.1680169

That's a hybrid vampire/familiar.

>> No.1680173
File: 100 KB, 350x804, 1227894057877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a vampire at all, sorry

>> No.1680181

She's made from the remains of Wallachia. Red, vampiric eyes. Takes the blood of others for power.

Vampire hybrid.

>> No.1680182

She's made from the remains of a vampire, go figure.

>> No.1680186

And normal Ren is made from the body of a dead child. So? That doesn't make her a dead child.

White Ren is a clone of Ren with some added magic functionality. The ability to survive off human blood is a carry-over from the original Ren.

>> No.1680190

I guess you forget where White Ren greets every vampire that meets her as ONE OF HER KIND.

Sort of implying she's a vampire.

Red Arcueid calls her a damn hybrid, implying she's vampire/familiar.

>> No.1680195
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Beats your stupid Scarlets.

But maybe not a vampire, oh well. I though I made this post.

>> No.1680199

In Tsukihime, Arc or Ciel route, after killing Nero, Shiki's pretty torn up. Arc patches him up with leftover bits of Nero's body. I forget the exact quote, but it's something along the lines of "these are just seeds of life, so it's okay, right Shiki?" Is Shiki a vampire? No.

Vampirism is a condition of the soul, not the body. Go read Tsukihime again.

>> No.1680202
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Isn't it sad Sion?

>> No.1680203
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she's new to the party, but that's ok

>> No.1680205

Short hair and flat chest...it's a boy!

>> No.1680208
File: 36 KB, 768x432, 1227895094194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most moe right here

>> No.1680212
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Truest moe.

>> No.1680216
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>> No.1680218
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>> No.1680226
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I got your most moe right hurr

>> No.1680229
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"proper to greet those of the same kind."

I'd like to get the Nero one, but my game is crashing everytime I go to fight currybutt at stage 4. Fucking game.

>> No.1680231
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>> No.1680242
File: 244 KB, 1024x1472, 1227895863943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was down at the New Amsterdam starin' at this yellow-haired girl,

Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with a black-haired flamenco dancer.

OT: Are you available to hop onto IRC right now?

>> No.1680244

After I finish my lunch, sure.

>> No.1680249

One may argue that since Vampires by themselves can differ a lot (bitten by True ancestors or Dead apostles or become ones through sorcery), she greets those that are not human (anymore).

But this is just speculation.

Whether Roa's soul affected her through SHIKI or SHIKI shared his gift (I think mentioned somewhere in the journals or descriptions of SHIKI that he could turn others into demon hybrids through his blood, something not done normally), Sacchin has the cravings of a bloodsucker and an inhuman body.

>> No.1680258

Wait, I got to correct my statement - don't hop onto IRC, I'll be gone in a second. :/ Future co-workers called (got the job, btw!) and now we'll plunder some bars, yarr. Expect me around tomorrow at this time, then I'll have time and we can hang out in IRC!

>> No.1680263

The simplest explanation matching the evidence (evidence being how she greets other vampires, her own characteristics, and her origin), it's easier to say that she's generally a vampire of some sort.

A hybrid made from Wallachia's fragment.

>> No.1680265


>> No.1680446

Anon is right. Nasu Vampirism is considered a condition of the mind and soul, making it possible for the ego/mind to survive conventional death and aging at the price of a body extremely succeptible to high metabolic breakdown of the body. The only way to keep the body in shape is to take in nutrients of a like code/concept.

Ren is a familiar who doesn't need BLOOD to live as much as she needs the od/prana/magic energy inside people to feed her constantly-draining magic energy. She's a familiar, not a vampire. W. Ren follows the same designations, as I severely doubt Aoko would intentionally create/recreate an apostle strong enough to take the place of Wallachia.

>> No.1680457
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>> No.1680459

Come to IRCCome to IRCCome to IRCCome to IRCCome to IRC...ect...

>> No.1680482

Thank you.

>> No.1680493

>it's easier to say that she's generally a vampire of some sort.

She has to take in the blood of others to gain power enough to take on Arcueid. She greets vampires as her own kind. She's made from the vampiric fragment of Tatari. Everyone hates her for being a "hybrid."

She's a vampire. Nero is a vampire, too, though he's not one of the same type as the rest, since he made himself through magic. Vampirism in Nasuverse is more than just being born of a True Ancestor's corruption. It encompasses many things.

White Ren fits enough categories.

>> No.1680504
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>> No.1680509
File: 290 KB, 826x1200, 1227900164260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Misaki yet

>> No.1680519

And before you start in on SHE DOESN'T NEED BLOOD TO SURVIVE or something, even though it's not really defined that she doesn't, vampirism defines the tendencies of creatures. Lots of the Dead Apostle Ancestors wouldn't necessarily even be considered of True Ancestor origin, specifically, but display vampiric tendencies. I'm looking at you, Primate Murder and ORT.

>> No.1680521

>power enough to take on Arcueid
Don't take Melty Blood seriously. It's a fighting game; the powerlevels are all out of whack. I mean, Miyako and Mech-Hisui, seriously.

No, she's not a vampire.
Being made from Tatari's flesh does not make her a vampire.
I said this before.

>> No.1680533
File: 178 KB, 500x500, 1227900449663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melty Blood is the only thing she appears in, so you sort of have to go by its specifications, don't you?

>> No.1680539

ORT is not a vampire. It's only catagorized as DAA because it killed the previous #5. That has nothing to do with this discussion.

>> No.1680545

She could be greeting fellow nightwalkers for all we know--it depends on the moon runes.

The base concept behind vampire is that SOMETHING (magic, corruption, or otherwise) has killed the body and retempered the mind and soul. Someone regularly bit by another vampire dies, but then takes years (up to centuries) to come to a basic True Ancestor vampire state (from Dead, to Ghoul, etc). They regain their minds and are able to hunt independently of the one who originally bit them.

All the magically-created (read: most of the ranking 27) did was possess enough magic potential to directly skip the Dead -> Zombie -> Ghoul -> Vampire process. They immediately created their own means of becoming a vampire, but they're still vampires. They still have to take in blood and genetic code in order to replace their body's own degrading code that the World is constantly trying to kill (as the World recognizes them as dead).

Ren/W. Ren doesn't need genetic code. Her body isn't in danger of vanishing do to breakdown, it's due to loss of energy to keep herself in the world. She's a familiar and a succubus by nature, not a vampire. If she WERE a vampire, she'd be the new TATARI in more than just name.

Read up on the TM wiki.

>> No.1680546

someone should translate more of this goddamn

>> No.1680548

Next thing you know, Kohaku with a broom and firecrackers can take on the DAA!

Yeah, how about no.

>> No.1680558

At least that sounds better than a loli powergaming her way through the DAA with kung-fu.

>> No.1680560

That too.

>> No.1680563

And because ORT apparently also consumes blood. Same with Primate Murder, since Altrouge gets it to do the same.

Nero presumably became a vampire through magic. Arcueid mentions that you can become one through more than just being bitten by a Dead Apostle or True Ancestor.

White Ren displays enough qualities, along with being born from a piece of the vampire Tatari (and presumably associating herself as being "the best form of Tatari in its history") to be counted as a vampire.

It's just that easy.

As far as being Tatari, White Ren boasts to Wallachia about being the best Tatari, and that he should just drop dead for being second-rate. To which Wallachia waxes dramatic, but whatever.

>> No.1680564

She needs a master constantly feeding her mana. She doesn't have that (a reason she was after Nanaya Shiki). Just like Ren needs blood to take in magic energy--it's the same system. Ren decided against taking other humans' blood and nearly died before she met Shiki. W. Ren is the malevolent and selfish personality traits of Ren, so of course she'd feed on people indiscriminately to attempt to maintain herself.

That defines her as a blood-sucking creature (like Rider and Akiha), not a vampire.

>> No.1680590

She needs a master constantly feeding her mana. She doesn't have that (a reason she was after Nanaya Shiki). Just like Ren needs blood to take in magic energy--it's the same system. Ren decided against taking other humans' blood and nearly died before she met Shiki. W. Ren is the malevolent and selfish personality traits of Ren, so of course she'd feed on people indiscriminately to attempt to maintain herself.

That defines her as a blood-sucking creature (like Rider and Akiha), not a vampire.
