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16782725 No.16782725 [Reply] [Original]

I really like traditional fighting games,
explain ULiL to me because frankly I don't get the appeal. I want to like it.

>> No.16782765

Bouncy buddhist tiddies

>> No.16782771

Roster isn't an EoSD/PCB fest.

>> No.16782844
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It's a pretty shit fighting game but its touhou and the game "works" atleast.

Also I'm in love with Byakuren.

>> No.16782904

The touhou fighters aren't really what you'd call "traditional fighters"

>> No.16782926

Yea, but considering its apparent shittieness, some people love it while at the same time, I have a hard time just udnerstanding how to play it (throw out moves, spell cards, the different meters, jumping downwards etc), never had this problem with a fighting game before. I just don't wanna push it away with the reasoning it being a shitty game.

It wasn't my intention to say they were. I was trying to say that because i like traditional fighters, I can't seem to get ULiL as it isn't one. Sorry for the confusion

12.3 is pretty much a traditional fighter though, execluding the deck building.

>> No.16782930

Define traditional fighters.

It's close enough to your typical airdasher like Melty or GG to enjoy. But coming with a SF or Tekken mindset will only make you hate it.

>> No.16782942

...by "traditional", I guess i should have said 2D (e.g not smash or any other party fighter)

I'd say I play Melty or GG mroe than any SF or Tekken, and I love the games up until 12.3, it's just the newer ones alienate me.

>> No.16782952

It's the same for just about any touhou game honestly. You can love the mainline touhou games to hell but you cant defend that they are still shit quality as a game.

People just love the series and theres nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16782983

I think you are getting off topic. I WANT to like 14.5, I just don't seem to get it, as if I'm missing something. I never understood the fighting system back when it 13.5 came out and since there was no explanation given I just dropped it. Make me like it by explaning how to fucking play, or give me a link to someone who can, I'm desperate

>> No.16783768

HAte to meme and all, but these.

>> No.16783826

You may like the setting and the waifus but you dont have to force yourself to enjoy every single games.

>> No.16783835
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This is kusoge.

>> No.16783933
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>> No.16783970
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A little unbalanced, but not too bad, it's cool game.

>> No.16784067 [DELETED] 


>> No.16784185

Get Soku out of your brain. Chuck your memories of 13.5. Stop thinking of traditional fighting games and how those work.

I'm not saying it's for everyone, but so many are turned off because it reminds them of 13.5. First mistake is comparing it to that. Just allow ULiL to stand its own and judge it on its on merits.

Stop thinking of it as an extension of HM because, well, HM was rushed and shitty. However ULiL buttons up some of the mistakes and comes closer to what Tasofro wanted HM to be.

Again, not everyone's cup of tea, but I don't think it's so bad that it's worse than any any other mediocre fighting game entry Touhou or otherwise.

>> No.16784199

What is on her sock

>> No.16784842

>the game "works" atleast

It doesn't though.
The netcode is so shitty you can't play it with anyone.
So what's the point of a fighting game if you can't play it with people, even if it technically "works"?

>> No.16784914

It's honestly mostly a generic fighting games with a lot of Touhou memes in it, making the memes official instead of fanon.

>> No.16785103 [DELETED] 

Too bad the core mechanics are rather still problematic.

You still have the problem of the gravity mechanic pulling you back towards 0,0

If it only pulled you back towards centerline on the Y axis it'd be fine but the pull on the X Axis just makes no sense and actually messes with controls and inputs

You still have to judge it in part because of HM as HM's engine powers it.

Also by removing any of the customization further just ripped it's soul out and made it more generic feeling.

Also Janitor really hates anyone criticizing ULiL as this is the third time posting this.

>> No.16785257

>I want to like it.
No you don't, you jusr want to pretend to like it so people won't call you out on only liking the, frankly, somewhat generic anime fighters that are IaMP and its sequels.

If you really want to know why some enjoy it, then I personally like how the flying gimmick adds more ways to approach, the combos feel fantastic and intuitive to perform, the better, IaMP-esque system for supers returns, and the addition of declare cancels adds another layer to that system. The weather isn't fantastic (but better that SWR and Soku's in my opinion), and the game is still really defensive, but the game is fun regardless and looks gorgeous. It's a huge step up from the mess that was HM.

>> No.16785261

>you cant defend that they are still shit quality as a game.
Why are you even here? I mean aside from shitposting.

>> No.16785491

Just saying that the game is good in 2-3 different ways isn't gonna help anyone.
Why does the flying "gimmick" add more ways to approach, why do the combos feel fantastic etc?
Please explain further.

Could you perhaps tell me what they changed (or rather "fixed") going from HM to ULiL and what makes those two games so different, having only played 10 or so hours of HM back when it launched I think they are VERY similiar.

>> No.16785605

Jump/Inverse Jump results in more directions from which you can approach, giving you more options. And combos just tend to flow smoothly, thanks in part to move canceling being fairly consistent (melee can cancel into bullets/special, bullet can cancel into special)

>HM back when it launched I think they are VERY similiar.
You are either shitposting, have a very poor memory, or both.

>> No.16785610

I hope its only my poor memory and ULiL is as good as you say it is.

>> No.16785797

The touhou 'fighting' games have been shit from the very beginning. People just play them for the girls and the musics.

>> No.16786294

The game has plenty of appeal and anybody with taste prefers it to all the other shit, but see that's problem here. You appear to have a high percentage of Chilean blood within you, so anything that's not literally Soku is not something you want to play.

Sadly, there's no known way to fix shit taste right now and the prospects of it being fixable in the future are looking very slim. So really, all you can do is find a nice Chilean IRC and enjoy your Chilean game with your Chilean friends and leave all the decent people of /jp/ in peace.

>> No.16786300


Play it with a friend and it gets better because you don't have to fight the shitty AI

>> No.16786375 [DELETED] 
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>Also Janitor really hates anyone criticizing ULiL
Yeah, I've noticed this too.

Personally, I agree with you mentioning how the invisible tether pulling you toward the center turns me off, though in my case it's both the X axis and Y axis that mess me up. When I "jump" toward the top/bottom of the screen and then get pulled back toward the middle, it feels floaty and wrong. I'm not a fan of the Smash Balls either, it breaks the pace of the game.

I'm not very good as the IaMP games either, I mostly just play the arcade ladder casually and have only had a few games against actual other players in 12.3, and I've never bothered customizing decks for my characters so I've only ever used their default movesets, but those games feel "right" to me by comparison. The weight feels good, I feel like I tell when my opponent gains control of their character again after they get hit (meanwhile in ULiL when I hit the opponent too hard they just become invincible and dazed and I don't really notice any get-up animation), it all feels natural when I play it, even if I pick a character I'm not comfortable with I can figure out how to use them after a couple rounds. When I try to use a character in ULiL it feels like I have to study them since everything is so nontraditional.

It honestly makes me feel a bit worried about AoCF since it's likely going to use the same engine.

>> No.16786463 [DELETED] 

>Also Janitor really hates anyone criticizing ULiL
Good. Sokufags need to go back to their own board.

>> No.16786493
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>You still have the problem of the gravity mechanic pulling you back towards 0,0
>If it only pulled you back towards centerline on the Y axis it'd be fine but the pull on the X Axis just makes no sense and actually messes with controls and inputs

Flight and movement are my biggest problems too, I really want to use Koishi but she's a joke character and practically impossible to use.

>> No.16786521

Why are you being so hateful? I am literally asking for you people to appeal the game to me cause you are clearly seeing something in it that I haven't.

Also, I like Soku, but don't batch me together with some apparently shit-taste fanmob for liking it. It's an alright fighter, this thread is not about that game though.

>> No.16786537

>Flight and movement are my biggest problems too
Basically this. The special moves are rather easy to figure out even without a move-list. But the movement is really something I can't get used to. Its so, floaty and unprecise even. How do I get good movement in this game? Since it seems hard to be consistent throwing out moves without jumping either up or down, I guess the game becomes a rather defensive one, is that right?

>> No.16786559

He's shitposting, anon. If you don't frequent Touhou threads I don't fault you for not noticing, but him mentioning Chile and IRC (there was once an IRC chat for Soku and it had players from Chile with bad ping, from what I understand) is a clear giveaway that he's just trying to stir shit. He's trying to insinuate that everyone who doesn't like ULiL is not only a Soku fanboy but specifically one of the players from the Soku IRC, and he's doing it for (You)s.

>> No.16786561

I very agree on pretty much every point.
Still, with time, do you think the game has become playable to a degree were you feel in control of your character and can whip out desired comboes (or even moves) at a given time?

>> No.16786578

>with time
I don't think I've put enough time into ULiL to say. I don't really have motivation to try gitting gud at ULiL even if I didn't have distaste for the game due to the issues I found from casual play, because the netcode is terrible and there's not even an arcade ladder in ULiL, unless it's tucked away in some submenu that I haven't checked.

>> No.16786579


>> No.16786596 [DELETED] 

>I like Soku
>don't batch me together with some apparently shit-taste fanmob
So which is it?

Also that's pretty gold of you to call me a hateful person when the whole thread is "ULiL is different and weird and the differences are bad, where's muh SOKU"

Not liking your shit Chilean game isn't shitposting. Ask the janny.

>> No.16786610 [DELETED] 

>ULiL is different and weird and the differences are bad, where's muh SOKU
who are you even quoting? Please give me a nice greentext-quoted answer before you get out of /jp/

>> No.16787182

What the fuck?!

>> No.16789681

The problem is that if they got rid of the 'Gravity' effect it'd help out a lot.

But as others mentioned the controls are very floaty and slippery.

A fighting game where you feel out of control the entire time isn't good.

If you put in a lot of effort it might but the problem is there really isn't incentive as netplay is mostly dead and the AI tends to be either braindead or bullshit.

Either that or with just how the mechanics are it might just be mash neutral A as the game will constantly pull the enemy into your attacks making for the game becoming trivialized.

Unlike SWR/Hisou when you can be knocked down and get invulnerability period to move and recover ULiL really doesn't have that so it becomes easy to get pinned.
